Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/criticortragedyrOOinsher ( in three ^lc TS3 Theatre Royal in Drury Lane jo / 7 London. Printed for T. B ecket ,Ad elphi , Strand , MD C C L XXX I. 12* TO Mrs. GREFILLE. M A D A M, 'N requeuing your permijjlon to addrefs the following pages to you, which as they aim themfehes to be critical, require every pro* teBion and allowance that approving tafie or friendly prejudice can give them, I yet ven- tured to mention no other motive than the gra- tification ofprivatefriendjhip and efeem. Had Ifuggefted a hope thatyour implied approba- tion would give a fanclion to their defecls, your particular referve, and difike to the re- putation of critical tafe, as well as ofpoetical talent, would have ?nade you refufe the pro- tection ofyour name tofuch a purpofe. How- ever, I am notfo ungrateful as now to attempt to combat this difpofition in you. I fall not here prefume to argue that the prefent fate of poetry claims and expects every ajfjlance that tafe and example can afford it : nor en- deavour to prove that afafidious concealment of the mofi elegant productions ofjudg?nent and faiicy is an ill return for the poffefion of thofe A endow* 11 endowments.—Continue to deceive yourfelf in the idea that you are known only to be emi- nently admired and regarded Jor the valuable qualities that attach private friend/hips, and the graceful talents that adorn converfation. Enough of what you have written, has fiolen into full public notice to anfwer my purpo/e; and you will, perhaps, be the only perfon, converfant in elegant literature, who jhall read this addrefs and not perceive that by fiublijhing your particular approbation of the following drama, 1 have a more interefed object than to boaf the true refpefl and regard with which I have the honour to be, MAD AM, Tour veryfincere, And obedient humblefervant, R. B. SHERIDAN.