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Preview Criticality of Vacancy-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in Graphene

Criticality of Vacancy-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in Graphene Shangduan Wu1 and Feng Liu2,∗ 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA (Dated: January 13, 2010) Thecriticalityofvacancy-inducedmetal-insulatortransition(MIT)ingrapheneisinvestigatedby Kubo-Greenwoodformula with tight-bindingrecursion method. Thecritical vacancyconcentration 0 for the MIT is determined to be x ≈ 0.053%. The scaling laws for transport properties near c 1 the critical point are examined showing several unconventional 2D localization behaviors. Our 0 theoreticalresultshaveshedsomenewlightstotheunderstandingofrecentexperimentsinH-dosed 2 graphene[Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 056404 (2009)] and of 2D disordered systems in general. n a PACSnumbers: 73.63.-b,72.15.Rn,71.55.-i,81.05.ue J 3 1 Graphene,asingleatomiclayerofgraphite,hasdrawn features of the H-dosing-induced MIT in graphene ob- much interest in the last few years [1]. Because of the servedrecently [13],suggestingthatbothvacancyandH ] lineardispersionrelationnearthe Diracpoint,manyun- belong to short-range disorder in graphene. i c conventionaltransportbehaviorshavebeenshowninthe The graphene is described by the π-band, nearest- s - pristine 2D graphene [2–4]. On the other hand, defects neighbor tight-binding Hamiltonian as l and impurities are often present in graphene, so their r t effects on graphene transport properties are of signifi- m cant scientific interests and practical implications. Va- Hˆ =Xεi|iαihiα|− X γij|iαihjα|, (1) . t cancy, one of the natural defects present in graphene, i,α hi,ji,α a m as observed in experiment [5], has been a subject of where i and j are the neighboring sites on the lattice, intense theoretical study [6–12]. Vacancy is predicted d- to induce quasi-localized states in the vicinity of Fermi α = (↑,↓) is spin index. εi is the on-site energy set n energy [6, 8, 10], leading to a metal-insulator transi- to zero, and γij = γ = 2.7 eV is the hopping energy. o tion (MIT). However, some fundamental properties, es- To calculate the conductivity, the real-space recursion c method [16] in Kubo-Greenwood formula is adopted, pecially the criticality of the vacancy-induced MIT in [ graphene remains unclear. One important question is which has been proved to be a powerful tool in treat- 1 ing various disordered graphene systems [17, 18]. The what is the critical vacancy concentration for MIT. Fur- v DC conductivity σ at zero temperature can be calcu- thermore, what are the scaling laws characterizing the xx 7 lated as σ (E) = (e2/S)ρ(E)lim D(E,t). Here 5 transport properties close to the critical point? The an- xx t→+∞ S is area per atom. ρ(E) = Tr[δ(E − Hˆ)] is average 0 swers to these questions will help us not only to explain 2 recent experiment results in graphene [13] but also to densityofstates (ADOS). D(E,t) isdiffusioncoefficient, 1. better understand, in general,localizationandtransport whichisdefinedasD(E,t)= 1tTr{[xˆ,Uˆ(Tt)r]+[δδ((EE−−HˆHˆ))][xˆ,Uˆ(t)]}, 0 behaviors in 2D disordered systems. where xˆ is the x-component of the position operator, 0 In this Letter, we report a theoretical study of crit- Uˆ(t) = exp(−iHˆt) is time evolution operator, and t is 1 ~ : icality of the vacancy-induced MIT in graphene. Most diffusion time. Periodic boundary conditions are used v importantly, we determine the critical vacancy concen- with a supercell sizes L ≈ 738 nm and L ≈ 213 nm. i x y X tration for MIT to be x ∼ 0.053%, which may be com- Vacancies are introduced simply by removing the atoms c r paredto the experimentally observedcriticalH coverage from the lattice [6, 8]. a of ∼ 0.08% for the H-dosing-induced MIT in graphene Figure 1 shows the time dependence of diffusion coef- [13]. We found that electrical conductivity σ scales ficient D at Fermi energy (E = 0.0 eV) for different xx F with the diffusion length L in a power-law, in contrast vacancy concentration (x) in the range of x ≥ 0.1%. to the logarithmic scaling predicted for a conventional The inset shows the behavior of D at large time scale. 2D localization behavior [14, 15]. Above x , there exists Three main features are observed: (1) D first increases c a mobility edge E defining a transition point of energy linearly with time and reaches its maximum D at a c max from the localized states to the extended states, and the very short time, less than 5 fs. D is much smaller max transitionisdiscontinuousascharacterizedbyanon-zero thanD=v2t forperfectgraphene,whereFermivelocity F minimumconductivityσ atE . σ isfoundtovary v = 3ta/2~ ≈ c/300. This means that the transport min c min F from 1 to 1.3e2/h, different from the universal value of leaves the ballistic regime (dD/dt > 0) quickly and en- 0.628e2/hexpectedinaconventional2Dlocalizationsys- ters the diffusive regime (dD/dt = 0) due to vacancies. tem[14]. Ourresultsareconsistentwiththemostsalient However, the diffusive regime is very short, without a 2 The relationship between conductivity and diffusion length is very useful to better understand the transport behavior. By definition, L(E,t) = pD(E,t)t, then we caneasilyfindthatL∝t1−2λ =tα,whichisverifiedforall the concentrationssimulated,asshowninFig. 2(a)with a Log-Log plot of diffusion length (L) versus time (t). 2α−1 Substituting twithL,σxx scaleswithLasσxx ∝L α . By dimensional analysis, σ can be expressed as xx σxx(L)=σ0(e2/h)(L/l)2αα−1, (2) Figure1: (Coloronline)Diffusioncoefficient(D)asafunction where σ0 is the conductivity in the diffusive regime in of time (t) for different vacancy concentration (x) at E . unitofe2/~andlistheelectronmeanfreepath. Itisim- F portant to note that such power-law dependence of con- ductivity on diffusion length is different from the usual logarithmicdependence,σ(L)=σ −(e2/~π2)ln(L/l),as 0 predictedby2Dscalingtheoryoflocalization[14]. Weat- tributethisdifferencetothe distinctnatureofthequasi- localization induced by vacancies. The wave-function amplitudeofthelocalizedstateinducedbyvacanciesde- cayswiththe distance as1/r [6,8],whichis not normal- izable in 2D. Therefore, such quasi-localized state [6, 8] is different from the usual localized state, whose wave function decays exponentially with the distance [14]. It has been predicted that the vacancy-induced quasi- localizationwillleadtoMITingraphene[6,8]. However, the criticalvacancyconcentrationwhere the MIT occurs remains unknown. Here, we will determine the critical vacancy concentration for the MIT. From Fig. 2(a), we derive the scaling exponent, α, from the linear fitting of L versus t, and the resulting α are plotted as a function of x in Fig. 2(b). The curve of α(x) can be fit nicely by L∝t1−2λ =tα, in the whole range of concentration. No- tice that when α = 0.5, λ = 0, then dD/dt = 0 because Figure2: (Coloronline)(a)Diffusionlength(L)asafunction D∝t−λ,whichmeansα=0.5definesthepositionofdif- oftime(t)fordifferentvacancyconcentration(x)at E . (b) fusiveregime. α>0.5(λ<0)meanstheballisticregime F Scalingexponentαasafunctionofvacancyconcentration(x) andα<0.5(λ>0)meansthelocalizationregime. Thus, at EF. the power-law scaling holds true for all three transport regimes. α initially decreases rapidly with the increas- ing x, indicating the system quickly leaves the ballistic plateau often seen in other systems. (2) Beyond D , regime entering the localization regime. The transition max the system enters the localization regime, where D de- point at α = 0.5 defines the critical vacancy concentra- cays in a power law D ∝ t−λ, similar to the behavior tion for MIT, which is found to be x ≈ 0.053% in Fig. c of disordered carbon nanotude [19]. This indicates that 2(b). This value seems to agree quite well with the re- the system stays in the localization regime (dD/dt < 0) centexperimentalresult ofcriticalconcentrationof MIT when x ≥ 0.1% at large time scale, in agreement with (0.08%)inH-dosedgraphene[13]. Itimplies thatsimilar the previous analyticalresults [6, 8, 10]. (3) D decreases transportbehaviorexistsinthesetwodisorderedsystems with the increasing x (inset of Fig. 1). This is because that both vacancy defect and H impurity create similar higher vacancy concentration leads to stronger scatter- localizationphenomenaingraphene. Inaddition,theex- ing, reducing the diffusion coefficient. We note that at a perimentsuggestedotherunknowndefectsratherthanH givenvacancyconcentration,ρisaconstantindependent mayinduceMITatevenlowerdefectconcentrations[13], of time. Therefore, the conductivity σ ∼Dρ will have which might be attributed, at least partly, to vacancies xx the same power-law scaling with time, σ ∝ t−λ, as D. according to our calculation. xx Moreover, higher concentration will cause faster decay Next, we examine another criticality of the vacancy- (larger λ) in both diffusion coefficient and conductivity. induced MIT in graphene,the mobility edge (E ), which c 3 Figure 3: (Color online) (a), (b) and (c) Conductivity (σ ) xx as a function of energy (E) for vacancy concentration x = 0.5%, x=1.0% and x=5.0% at thetime t1 when D reaches its maximum (blue solid line) and t2 ≈ 36.7 fs (orange dash line). “E” indicates the extended state and “L” indicates Figure4: (Coloronline)(a)Meanfreepath(l)asafunctionof the localized state. (d) The mobility edge (E ) as a function energy(E)fordifferentvacancyconcentration(x). (b)Mean c of x−x . (e) The minimal conductivity (σ ) at E as a freepath(l)asafunctionofvacancyconcentration(x)atE . c min c F function of x. The bluesolid line is a fit to thedata by l∝x−1/2. definesthecriticalenergywherethesystemchangesfrom x,butthereasonforsuchtrendisunclear. Theexistence the localized state to the extended state above the criti- of σ is possibly due to the quasi-localized nature of min cal vacancy concentration xc. We only need to consider electronic states induced by vacancy in graphene. It in- x>xc,becausewhenx<xctheelectronicstatesbecome dicates that the transition from the localized states to extended over the whole energy range. Figures 3(a), (b) the extended states at the mobility edge is discontinu- and (c) show the energy dependence of conductivity at ous as Mott argued [14], suggesting the break-down of two different times for three vacancy concentrations of one-parameter scaling theory. Also, our simulated σ min 0.5%, 1.0%, and 5.0%, respectively. One time is chosen varies from 1 to 1.3e2/h, different from the universal atwhereDreachesitsmaximum,t1(D =Dmax),andthe value of 0.628e2/h as expected in conventional 2D lo- otherischosenatamuchlatertime(t ≈36.7fs>>t ). calization system [14]. 2 1 At the low energies closed to EF, σxx(t1)>σxx(t2), but Last, we examine the electron mean free path l, an at the high energies away from EF, σxx(t1) < σxx(t2). important length scale characterizing the degree of elec- This is because the low-energy electronic states are lo- tron scattering by disorder. In Fig. 4(a), the en- calizedwhoseconductivitydecreaseswithtime;whilethe ergy dependence of l is shown, which is obtained by high-energyelectronicstatesareextendedwhoseconduc- l(E) = D (E)/v(E) [19, 20]. v(E) is the average max tivity increases with time. This is in qualitative agree- wave-packetvelocityatenergyE,extractedfromthedif- ment with the previous analysis of the inverse participa- fusion coefficientin the ballistic regime at shorttimes as tion ratio (IPR) of electron wavefunction [6, 8]. Then, D(E,t) ≈ v(E)2t. It is interesting to observe a minimal the mobility edge Ec can be obtained as the energy for meanfree pathatEF. This distinguishesvacanciesfrom σxx(t1) = σxx(t2). In Figs. 3(a), (b) and (c), we see other disorders in graphene that give rise to a maximal that the mobility edge Ec increases with the increasing mean free path at EF [17, 18]. The minimal mean free vacancyconcentration,astheincreasingvacancyconcen- path means that the lifetime of electrons is the shortest tration expands the energy range of localization when near E in the localization regime, violating graphene’s F x>xc. ordinaryFermiliquidbehavior[21]. Suchanunusualbe- In Fig. 3(d), we plot E as a function of x, in a Log- haviorhasalsobeenexperimentallyobservedingraphene c Log scale, which clearly shows a power-law dependence dosed with a high concentration of H atoms [13]. of E on x. Fitting the simulation data, we obtain the Near E , the mean free path l is much less than the c F scalingrelationofE ∝(x−x )β,with the scalingexpo- average distance between vacancies (d). This is because c c nent β ≈ 0.81. Importantly, a non-zero minimum con- the quasi-localized states substantially reduce l in the ductivity σ appearsatthe mobilityedge. Figure3(e) low-energy region. For example, when x = 0.1%, l is min shows that σ first decreases and then increases with found to be 1.6 nm, while d is in the order of 5 nm. In min 4 Fig. 4(b), we plot l as a function of x, which shows that tion systems. Our results for vacancies are consistent l scaleswithxina powerlawl =Axδ (δ =−0.5)atE . with the most salient features of the H-dosing-induced F Fitting the simulation data, we obtained the parameter MIT in graphene as observedin recent experiments [13], A =0.508 nm. This power-law scaling has been derived suggesting that both vacancy and H belong to the same before from the full self-consistent Born approximation class of short-range disorders in graphene with H dos- (FSBA) [7], but the FSBA is limited to extremely low ing involving stronger multiple scattering. Our studies concentration and can not describe the localization be- also shed some new lights to the general understanding havior near E and give the quantitative values of l. of critical behaviors of 2D disordered systems. F Our quantitative results indicate that vacancies are short-range disorders similar to H atoms in graphene as suggested by a recent experiment [13]. 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