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Critical microwave-conductivity fluctuations across the phase diagram of superconducting La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ thin films PDF

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Preview Critical microwave-conductivity fluctuations across the phase diagram of superconducting La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ thin films

Critical microwave-conductivity fluctuations across the phase diagram of superconducting La Sr CuO thin films 2−x x 4 Haruhisa Kitano1, Takeyoshi Ohashi1, Atsutaka Maeda1, Ichiro Tsukada2 1Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo, 3-8-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan 6 2Central Research Institute of Electrical Power Industry, 0 2-11-1, Iwadokita, Komae, Tokyo 201-8511, Japan 0 2 (Dated: May 30, 2005) n Wereport asystematic studyofthedynamicmicrowaveconductivitynear Tc forLa2−xSrxCuO4 a (LSCO) thin films with x=0.07 to 0.16. The strong frequency dependence of the phase stiffness J togetherwithscalinganalysisoftheacfluctuatingconductivityofsuperconductivityprovidedirect 2 evidence for the 2D-XY behavior of nearly decoupled CuO2 planes in underdoped LSCO (x=0.07 1 and 0.12). On the other hand, the critical exponents for slightly overdoped LSCO (x=0.16) were foundtoagreewiththosefortherelaxational3D-XY model,indicatingthattheuniversalityclassin ] LSCOischangedbyholedoping. Theimplication oftheseresultsforthephasediagram ofhigh-Tc n cupratesis discussed. o c PACSnumbers: 74.25.Nf,74.40.+k,74.72.Dn,74.78.Bz - r p u One of the hallmarks of the high-Tc cuprates is the In this paper, we report a systematic study of σ(ω) as s large thermal fluctuation of the superconducting or- a function of the swept-frequency (0.1 GHz to 12 GHz) . at der enhanced by the short coherence length and the for high-quality La2−xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) thin films with m quasi two-dimensionality, which enables the exploration a wide range of hole concentrations (x=0.07 to 0.16). ofthefluctuation-dominatedcriticalregimeverycloseto For underdoped (UD) LSCO, we show clear evidence - d Tc1. Although numerous measurements, such as the ac for the 2D-XY critical fluctuation of nearly decoupled n conductivity2, the dc magnetization3, the specific heat4, CuO planes. Withincreasingholedoping,adimensional 2 o and the I-V curves5, have been performed to investi- crossoverfrom2D-XY behaviorto3D-XY behaviorwas c gatethe criticalfluctuation,therehasbeennoconsensus observed near x=0.16, implying that there are at least [ amongthe results. This issurprisingbecausethe critical two universality classes in the phase diagram of LSCO. 1 phenomenawereconsideredtobeuniversal,independent Epitaxial LSCO thin films with x=0.07, 0.12 (under- v of the microscopic details6. However, if many assump- doped), 0.14 (nearly optimally doped), and 0.16 (over- 3 tions were made implicitly to determine the universality doped) were grown on LaSrAlO (001) substrates by a 4 4 2 class of the phase transition from the data, the obtained pulsed laser deposition technique using pure ozone8. All 1 results are not convincing unless the validity of such as- thefilmsarehighlyc-axisorientedwithasufficientlynar- 0 sumptionsisconfirmed. Thus,oneshoulddevelopamore row rocking curve of the 002 reflection (typically 0.2◦). 6 reliablemethodwhichdoesnotrequireanyextraassump- AsshowninTableI,thevalueofthein-planedcresistiv- 0 tions. To our knowledge, the most successful method is ity, ρ , was found to agree with the reported best value dc / t dynamic scaling analysisof the ac complex conductivity, forLSCOthinfilms9withinafactorof2,confirmingthat a m σ(ω)=σ1(ω)−iσ2(ω), as will be discussed later. thefilmsusedinthisstudyareofsufficientlyhighquality - Another fascinating hallmark of the high-Tc cuprates to investigate the critical dynamics near Tc. d is that the physical properties change with hole doping. There are three reasons for using LSCO films on n In particular, an understanding of the phase diagram as LaSrAlO4 (LSAO) substrates in this study: (1) LSCO o is anidealsystemwith asimple layeredstructure,where a plot of Tc versus the hole concentration has been a c the hole concentrationcanbe widely controlled. (2) The : centralissue in the physics ofhigh-Tc cuprates. Interest- v ingly,somerecentmodels,whichstartfromthequantum compressive epitaxial strain gives rise to a moderate in- Xi criticality for competing orders underlying the phase di- crease of Tc9. (3) The tetragonal symmetry of LSAO r agram of high-Tc cuprates, provide another possible ex- a planationforthecriticalfluctuationsinhigh-Tccuprates. That is, the critical fluctuations change with hole dop- TABLEI:Valuesoft,ρdc,andTc forthemeasuredfilms. ρdc ing, because of the existence of a quantum critical point isthevalueat T=50K.AsforthreekindsofTc,seethetext (QCP)7. These models suggest that the critical dynam- for definition. ics should be investigated as a function of hole doping. Thus, it can be expected that such a systematic study x t (nm) ρdc (mΩcm) Tcscale (K) Tc0 (K) TMF (K) 0.07 460 0.77 19.0 20.83 32 across the phase diagram will not only resolve the dis- ∼ 0.12 230 0.28 33.65 36.08 38 agreements among earlier studies but will also provide ∼ 0.14 270 0.14 38.92 39.29 40 important information to understand the phase diagram ∼ 0.16 140 0.12 35.5 35.82 — of high-Tc cuprates. 2 substrate supports the fabrication of CuO planes with at this temperature, and that both were T-independent 2 ideal flat square lattices, free from disorders due to cor- in the vicinity of Tc. The validity of this procedure was rugations and twin boundaries8. also confirmed by the same measurements for NbN thin Both the real and imaginary parts of σ(ω) were ob- films as a reference12. tained from the complex reflection coefficient, S (ω), Figure 1 shows the frequency dependence of σ(ω), ob- 11 using a non-resonant broadband technique10. When the tained by the above procedures, for underdoped LSCO film thickness, t, is sufficiently less than the skin depth, (x=0.07and0.12)atseveraltemperaturesaboveTc. Itis δ, one can write σ(ω), as follows, evident that both σ (ω) and σ (ω) diverge rapidly with 1 2 decreasing temperature in the low frequency limit, sug- 1 1 S (ω) σ(ω)= − 11 , (1) gesting that the excess conductivity is due to the su- tZ01+S11(ω) perconductingfluctuations. Asimilardivergenceinσ(ω) wasalsoobservedinthevicinityofTcfortheotherLSCO whereZ =377Ωisthe impedanceoffreespace. Inprac- 0 films. tice, before applying Eq. (1), systematic errors involved It has been argued13 that strong phase fluctuations inS (ω)werecarefullyremovedbycalibrationmeasure- men1t1s using known standards10. are important for the determination of Tc in the UD region, because the phase-stiffness energy, kBTθ dieIlnecotrrdicersutobsotbratateinnreeeldiasblteoσb(eω)codnastiad,etrhede.effNecotteofththaet (~/e2)~ωσ2ds, is suppressed largely by the small supe≡r- fluid density, where ds is the effective thickness of a su- the choice of t according to values of ρ is important, dc perfluid. Figure 2 shows the phase-stiffness tempera- because a resonancepeak attributed to the effect of sub- stratecanbeinducedforaverysmallvalueoft11. Infact, ture Tθ(T) estimated from σ2(ω,T) at several frequen- cies. Surprisingly, we found that Tθ(T) for the UD sam- asharpresonancepeakhasbeenobservednear8GHzfor ples (x=0.07and0.12)startedto showfrequency depen- the LSCO film (x=0.07)above100K10. However,inthe dence above a certain temperature, Tk, while Tθ(T) was data presented in Fig. 1, no peak was observed over the almost ω-independent below Tk. In addition, the resis- whole frequency range measured at lower temperatures snteraarteTwc.asTnheugsl,igwibelecanneacroTncc.lude that the effect of sub- TtikveraTtche(rTctRh)a,nwahneorteheRr cbreictaicmaletzeemrop,erwaatusrea,lsToc0c,lowsheetroe the bare phase stiffness in the XY model would go Moreover,inthevicinityofTc,wefoundthatσ(ω)was to zero. When we assumed ds to be approximately seriously affected by a small unexpected difference (typ- ◦ ◦ t/2, we saw that a dashed straight line with a slope ically, 0.2 -0.3 at 1 GHz) between the phase of S for a load standard, ∠Sload, and that for a short stan1d1ard, of 8/π crossed Tθ(T) at Tk, indicating that Tk agrees ∠Sshort. This difficu1l1ty was resolved by using the mea- with the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transi- 11 tion temperature, T , in the 2D-XY model14,15. sured S (ω) of the sample at a temperature far above BKT Tc asth1e1loadstandard,assumingthat∠S1sh1ort =∠S1lo1ad obAsesrvsehdowevneninfoFrigxs=. 02.(1c4),awnhdile2(idt),ditshaipspbeeahreadvioarlmwoasst 20 20 3-1-1() (10cm)(cid:86)(cid:90)(cid:58)110 (a) xR ()(cid:58) = 001230.07 40 80 (b) x = 0.07 111222231999001229.........468050002 KKKKKKKKK 103-1-1) (10cm)((cid:86)(cid:90)(cid:58)2 T (K)1(cid:84)00 7530.. .G247 6HGG GzHHHzzxz = 0.07 1R ()(cid:58).5 T (K)1(cid:84)20 0961... G6265 HGG GzHHHzzzx = 0.12 1.R ()(cid:58)5 T (K) (a) (b) 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 18 20 22 34 36 0 4 8 0 4 8 T (K) T (K) 20 20 3-1-1() (10cm)(cid:86)(cid:90)(cid:58)110 (c) Rx ()(cid:58) =012 00.12 40T (K)80 (d) x = 0.12 3333334367834554 ....8264KKKK KKKK 10 3-1-1) (10cm)((cid:86)(cid:90)(cid:58)2 T (K)2(cid:84)00 (c) 600...282 GGGHHHzzzx = 0.14 0R ()(cid:58).5 T (K)25(cid:84)0 (d) 1631...1464 G GGGHHHHzzzz x = 0.16 1.R ()(cid:58)5 0 0.0 0 0.0 39 40 34 36 38 0 0 T (K) T (K) 0 4 8 0 4 8 (cid:90) / 2(cid:83) (GHz) (cid:90) / 2(cid:83) (GHz) FIG.2: Thephase-stiffnesstemperatureforthefilmwith(a) FIG. 1: The frequency dependence of (a) σ1(ω) for x=0.07, x=0.07,(b)x=0.12,(c)x=0.14,and(d)x=0.16. Thedashed (b) σ2(ω) for x=0.07, (c) σ1(ω) for x=0.12, (d) σ2(ω) for straight line represents (8/π)T. The solid straight line gives x=0.12, respectively. Insets: the temperature dependence of the bare phase stiffness in the XY model, while it gives the the dc resistance, R, of the same sample. Open circles near mean-fieldsuperfluiddensityintheGLtheory. Ineachpanel, Tc show R at thetemperatures presented in themain panel. thedcresistance was given byred solid curves. 3 completely for x=0.16. TR for x=0.16 was close to T0 weroughlyestimatedT ,basedonanexpectationthat c c MF rather than T , suggesting that the mean field criti- σ ω 0 at T , we found that T was too small to BKT 0 0 MF MF ≈ cal temperature T is close to T0. Thus, our results cover the pseudogap region, as was previously reported MF c werequalitativelysimilartothepredictionofEmeryand by Corson et al.2. These results strongly suggested that Kivelson13 inthe sensethatTc is boundedbyTBKT (UD mostoftheanomalousNernstsignalshouldbeattributed region)or T (overdopedregion),althoughthe estima- toother originsthanthe superconductingfluctuation, as MF tion of T in the UD region was considerably different, was suggested by some recent theoretical works18. MF as will be discussed later. Moreover, the observed reduction of Tc due to the Inthedynamicscalinganalysisofthefluctuatingcom- phasefluctuation(T /T 0.7,0.9forx=0.07,0.12, BKT MF ∼ plex conductivity, σfl(ω), which was pioneered by Booth respectively) corresponded to the superconducting film teφitσti(ea≡sl..t2a,nT−bho1e[tσha2fld/tvσhae1fln]t)ma,gaoegfnoσiftflut(dhωei)s, am|rσeeflt|uh/soσed0d,isaasntdhscaatthletedhepqhudaaasntea-, waeairctehhlaaotifvoentrhyRehsCqig=uhρOdshc/epDeltasrn,eewssiestsfaeoenumcneeddRtshtqoa(∼tb3De-5sd∼ke1Ωc0o)u1˚A9p..leTUdh1s,iu2n0sg., 2 collapse to a single curve as a function of a reduced fre- Note that the screening length for each superconduct- quency, ω/ω0, can be achievedwithout assuming any re- ing sheet, λ⊥(= λ2/Ds), where λ is a bulk penetration lationship between two scaling parameters, σ0 and ω0, depth,waslargerthan10mminthiscase,whichsatisfied in contrast to other scaling analyses3,4,5. Note that σ0 the BKT criterion that λ⊥ L, where L is the sample andω0areobtainedindependentlyinouranalysis. Thus, size. In addition, ds is given≫by a sum of the decoupled we canbegin by checking the followinghypothesis of the superconducting layers with the thickness of Ds. Thus, dynamic scaling theory1, ds willbesmallerthant,asweassumedintheestimation σ (ω) ξz+2−dS(ωξz), (2) of Tθ(T) shown in Fig. 2. fl ≈ We found that the critical behavior for x=0.16 was very different from that for x=0.07-0.14, as shown in where S(x) is a complex universal scaling function, ξ is Figs. 4(d) to 4(f). In particular, the dimensionality of a correlationlength which diverges atTc, z is a dynamic x= 0.16 was found to be three, in contrast to the 2D- criticalexponent,anddisaneffectivespatialdimension. XY behavior of x= 0.07-0.14, as shown by the plots of Figure 3 shows that both |σfl|/σ0 and φσ were scaled σ ω ( ǫν(d−2)) in Fig. 4(f), where ν is a static criti- successfully over a wide range of frequencies for all the 0 0 ∝ cal exponent. We also confirmed that the critical expo- films, confirmingthatthe criticaldynamicssuggestedby nents for x=0.16 agreed very well with those for the re- Eq. (2) were indeed observed. The comparison of the laxational 3D-XY model with ν 0.67, z 2, and d=321. experimentallyobtainedscalingfunctionswiththeGaus- ≈ ≈ sianformscalculatedbySchmidt16suggestedthatthe2D These results clearly suggest that the universality class in the pahse diagram of LSCO changes from 2D-XY to Gaussian-likebehaviorintheUDregionchangedintothe 3D-XY with hole doping. 3D Gaussian-like behavior near x=0.16. Equation (2) suggests that both σ and ω behave as 0 0 functions of ξ in a critical region, where σ ξz+2−d 0 and ω ξ−z. According to the BKT theory∝14,15, ξ 0 KT ∝ diverges with exp[b/√ǫ] in the critical region, Tc <T T0,whereǫ T/Tscale 1andbisanumericalconstan≪t. c c Notethatσ≡=1/ω −ξ2 fortherelaxational2Dsystem 0 0 with z=21. In fact, ∝we confirmed that both σ and ω 0 0 for x=0.07 showed the same exponential singularity as ξ2 with b=0.215 in the range of ǫ from 0.01 to 0.1, KT as shown in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b). With increasing x up to 0.14, we found that the range of ǫ where σ (or ω ) 0 0 agreed with ξ2 became narrower and shifted to lower KT temperatures. Such behaviors were also consistent with the BKT theory15, since σ (or ω ) is rather dominated 0 0 by free vortices than ξ2 at higher temperatures, due to KT a screening effect by thermally activated free vortices. IntheBKTtheory,σ0ω0givesTθ inthehigh-frequency FIG. 3: Scaled curves of φσ (upper panels) and |σfl| (lower limit, T0, which is sensitive to the survivingbound pairs panels) for the measured LSCO film. σfl(ω) was obtained by θ subtracting the normal-state conductivity at 32 K (x=0.07), ofvorticesaboveT 15. AsshowninFig.4(c),wefound BKT 38 K (x=0.12) and 40 K (x=0.14, 0.16), respectively. Data that σ ω decreased with increasing T more quickly at 0 0 for x=0.07 span the frequency range 0.2 7 GHz at re- largerx. Thissuggeststhatthetemperatureregionofthe ∼ ducedtemperaturesǫ=0.01 0.5, whilethoseforx=0.16span prominent phase fluctuation became narrower with hole 0.2 2 GHz at reduced tem∼peratures, ǫ=0.002 0.08. The doping,incontrasttoarecentNernstexperiment17which soli∼d (dashed) lines are the 3D (2D) Gaussian ∼scaling func- showedasteeperincreaseoftheonsettemperatureofthe tions. NernsteffectthanTc withincreasingholedoping. When 4 (arb. units)(cid:90)0111000012(a) xxx === 000...011724 (d) x = 0.16 111000012 (arb. units) (cid:90)0 ittptnhhheeeeaFrqd2iguDimffsa.-eon3rr3tDeeunamtgcnrrdbcaoreds4ihstu(oaiafcvv)lae.lilyorrflAcwubancinetotthutwhbaeheeterioonrlnceeagxnnda=edroa0dipdr.ei1andQ4tgeC,aasPniisnd.tthIhc0neoe.1tnch6etlaffrissasehssccitotacwsatoelno-f, 10-1 10-1 0 51/(cid:72)1/2 10 10-3 10-2(cid:72) 10-1 to-quantum crossover near QCP7. A detailed study for further overdoped LSCO is needed to settle this issue. (arb. units)(cid:86)0111100002345 (b) xxx === 000...011724 (e) x = 0.16 111100002345 (arb. units) (cid:86)0 idonuerFttshitnihenaeslltapyhm,oeswpssliaeebm,ielσmpit2lype.whoaIfilfsltithzbheeeedrtgehirsaietstraitaballyubltrsitoouhanpedpoardfbeiTsosstvceredidb,urueeltesiutaoodlntisdnoigrsfuoTtrloec- 0 5 1/(cid:72)1/210 10-3 10-(cid:72)2 10-1 faaislmbaellloewr Taθ,caerntdaitnhetedmypnearmaticursec,alsiungggoesft|iσn|gatnhdatφσTswcaillel (0)(cid:90)01.0 (c) xx == 00..0172 (f) x = 0.16 nits) is higher than TcR. In fact, these features have beencob- / (0)(cid:90)(cid:86)000.5 x = 0.14 105 (arb.u(cid:90)0 sTdeicdr1v2ne,dowtfhosirhleoNwablNltohfifelmtmh,esawfsoiusthhroLawSnnCoiOnn-nfiFelimgglsis.gui2bsleteodd4fio.srtrtihbiustsiotundoyf (cid:86)0 (cid:86)0 0.0 104 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.610-3 10-2 10-1 Inconclusion,asystematicstudyofthecriticaldynam- (cid:72) (cid:72) icsofσ (ω)forLSCOthinfilms withx=0.07to 0.16has fl been performed for the first time. All the results clearly FIG. 4: (a) ω0 and (b) σ0 as a function of 1/√ǫ for x=0.07 taond0.(1b4), wξK2hTer.e(ǫc)=σT0ω/0Tcsvcsaleǫ−fo1r.xT=h0e.0d7atsohe0d.1l4in.e(ids)(ωa)0,ξ(K−eT2) pcoruovpildedeeCvuidOe2nclaeyfeorrstohfeuBndKeTrdtorpaendsiLtiSoCnOin.tWheitnheianrclyredaes-- σ0 and (f) σ0ω0 as a function of ǫ for x=0.07 to 0.16. The ing hole doping, the 2D-XY behavior in the UD region solid line is (d) ǫ1.33, (e) ǫ−0.67 and (f) ǫ0.67. The dashed changes into the 3D-XY behavior near x=0.16, indicat- lineis(d)ξK−T2,(e)ξK2T and(f)thebehaviorexpectedind=2. ing that the universality class in the phase diagram of Note that the absolute values of the plots in all the panels LSCO is changed by hole doping. except for (c) are unimportant, since they include arbitrary We thank Y. Kato, H. Fukuyama and W. N. Hardy proportional coefficients. for fruitful discussions and comments, S. Anlage and A. 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