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Critical evaluation of the neoclassical model for the equilibrium electrostatic field in a tokamak PDF

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Preview Critical evaluation of the neoclassical model for the equilibrium electrostatic field in a tokamak

9 0 0 Critical evaluation of the neoclassical model for 2 v the equilibrium electrostatic field in a tokamak o N 4 Robert W. Johnson 2 Alphawave Research ] Atlanta, GA, USA h p [email protected] - m s November 24, 2009 a l PACS: 28.52.-s, 52.30.Ex, 52.55.Fa p . s c i Abstract s y h The neoclassical prescription to use an equation of motion to de- p terminetheelectrostatic fieldwithinatokamak plasmaisfraughtwith [ difficulties. Herein, we examine two popular expressions for the equi- 3 librium electrostatic field so determined and show that one fails to v withstand a formal scrutiny thereof and the other makes a prediction 0 8 for the electron temperature profile which does not compare well to 7 that commonly seen in a tokamak discharge. Reconsideration of the 0 justification for the presence of the equilibrium electrostatic field in- . 6 dicates that no field is needed for a neutral plasma when considering 0 8 the net bound current defined as the curl of the magnetization. With 0 any shift in the toroidal magnetic flux distribution, a dynamic electric : v field is generated with both radial and poloidal components. i X r a 1 Introduction The neoclassical prescription to use an equation of motion to determine the equilibrium electrostatic field within a tokamak plasma, rather than Gauss’s law or Poisson’s equation [1, 2, 3], is fraught with difficulties alleviated by insisting on the neutral fluid limit rather than the quasineutral approxima- tion [4, 5]. Herein, we examine two popular expressions for the electrostatic 1 field so determined, the first established from electron momentum conserva- tion and the second from the Pfirsch-Schlu¨ter current, and show that one fails to withstand a formal scrutiny thereof and the other makes a predic- tion for the electron temperature profile which does not compare well to that commonly seen in a tokamak discharge. Reconsideration of the justification for the presence of the equilibrium electrostatic field indicates that no field is needed when all bound currents are considered and that the field must either vanish or result from sources for a model based upon the physics of a neutral, conducting fluid. Shifting of the toroidal magnetic flux density results in a circulating electric field with both radial and poloidal components. Atissueisthevalidityofthequasineutralapproximation, whichallowsfor a divergenceful electric field in the absence of a non-vanishing space charge density ρ n e , formally expressed as ∇ E = 0 for ρ = 0, and e ≡ s s s · 6 e requires the determination of the electrostatic potential from an equation P of motion. However, the quasineutral approximation does not respect the mathematics of electrodynamic field theory, ∇ E = ρ /ǫ . (1) e 0 · Fromaparticlephysicist’s field-theoreticperspective [6,7,8,9,10], thegauge invariant Maxwell field tensor Fµν ∂µAν ∂νAµ is known to carry only 3 ≡ − scalar degrees of freedom in media, not 3 for each of the electric and mag- netic fields, embodied by the four-potential Aµ (Φ/c,A) subject to the ≡ gauge condition and coupled to sources given by the conserved four-current Jµ (cρ ,J) through the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations ∂ Fµν = µ Jµ, e ν 0 ≡ and the homogeneous equations are recognized as the Bianchi identity for electromagnetism given by the field equation for the dual tensor ∂ Fµν = 0 ν and are satisfied identically when written in terms of the electromagnetic po- tential hence do not determine any degrees of freedom, thus the electerostatic field is determined by the space charge density ρ and not by an equation e of motion. The equations by Maxwell may be expressed succinctly using intrinsic, geometric notation as d∗dA = J in terms of the exterior derivative d, the Hodge dual ∗, the connection 1-form A, and the current 3-form J, as given in many standard quantum field theory texts, such as Ryder [6], or more esoteric monographs, such as Davis [7]. What this shows is that Gauss’s law may not be isolated from the remainder of the source bearing Maxwell field equations, ∇ B µ ǫ ∂E/∂t = µ J, as they are but one 0 0 0 × − unit of truth. 2 Note that we are not criticising the kinetic approach to plasma calcula- tions, which in its original inception as the Vlasov-Maxwell system [11] fully respects the microscopic electrodynamic field theory, but rather the neoclas- sical (non-classical) fluid model based on the quasineutral approximation, which does not respect the macroscopic electrodynamic field theory. While various approximations are made in the drift kinetic equations [12, 13], most practicalnumericalevaluationsaddressPoisson’sequationdirectly[14]. With this manuscript, we examine in detail the mathematical difficulties one en- counters when following the neoclassical prescription. Similar discussions on the existence of the whistler oscilliton in geophysical plasmas [15, 16, 17, 18] and of the helicon wave in propulsion devices [19, 20] are noted. Criticism of the quasineutral approach in a cosmological context [21, 22] has also recently appeared, and it is time for the fusion community to address these difficulties head on. 2 Electrostatic field from the species equa- tions of motion Some geometric nomenclature and vector identities are given in the Ap- pendix. Thefirstequilibrium∂/∂t 0electrostaticfieldunderconsideration → is one commonly used in the analysis of tokamak experiments [23, 24, 25, 26], determined by integration of the electron poloidal and ion radial equations of motion in the large aspect ratio, concentric circular flux surface approx- imation. The use of concentric circular flux surfaces with a toroidal inte- grating measure is pursued herein to remain consistent with the model as presented in the literature, as are the expansions of the electron density n = n0(r)[1+nc(r)cosθ +ns(r)sinθ] and electrostatic potential. Refer- e e e e ence [23] states that “the electron momentum balance can be solved for Φc,s Φc,s/ε = nc,s/ε(eΦ0/T ), which represents the poloidal asymmetry in ≡ e e the electrostatic potential.” Let us examine that statement in detail. e This model [23, 24, 25] writes the equilibrium poloidal equation of motion for arbitrary species s as [n m (V ∇)V +∇ Π ] θˆ+∂p /r∂θ F +n e (V B E ) = 0 , s s s s s s sθ s s sr φ θ · · · − − (2) where p = n T for T k T and F is the friction term, and takes the s s s s B s s ← poloidalcomponent oftheelectrostatic field ona fluxsurface atr inCoulomb 3 gauge as ∂Φ(r,θ) ∂ E = Φ0(r)[1+Φc(r)cosθ+Φs(r)sinθ] (3) θ ≡ − r∂θ −r∂θ Φ0(r) = [Φs(r)cosθ Φc(r)sinθ] , (4) − r − whereΦistheelectrostaticpotential,indicatinganexpansionaroundΦ0(r) rdrE0 = 0 for a last closed flux surface at r = a, where the radi≡al − a r 6 electrostatic field is calculated from an ion equation of motion [26]. The R resulting evaluation of the flux surface unity, cosine, and sine moments of the electron poloidal equation of motion with ∂T /∂θ = 0 (where other terms are e assumed negligible at equilibrium), T ∂n /∂θ = en rE , (5) e e e θ − defined by the expressions A dθ 1,cosθ,sinθ (1+εcosθ)A/2π, {U,C,S} h i ≡ { } yields three equations which have only trivial solution. Specifically, we have H the system of equations U : εnsT = eΦ0(εΦs +ncΦs nsΦc) , (6) e e e − e C : nsT = eΦ0(4Φs +3εncΦs εnsΦc)/4 , (7) e e e − e S : ncT = eΦ0(4Φc +εncΦc εnsΦs)/4 , (8) e e e − e valid ε,nc,ns,andT . Thetermswithfactorsofε r/R abovearestrictly ∀ e e e ≡ 0 due to the toroidal geometry and would disappear for a cylindrical plasma column R ; one cannot address the extension to toroidal geometry 0 → ∞ of other aspects of the model [27] without addressing the extension here. Solution in pairs given finite (fixed) Φ0 yields inconsistent values of Φc,s and an overdetermined system, which therefor has no solution, thus the poloidal electrostatic field in this neoclassical model, which fails to consider the O(ε) terms within the cosine and sine moment equations, is unphysical. Failing to include the O(ε) terms indicates expressions applicable only on the magnetic axis r = 0, where ε = 0 for R = , yet this neoclassical model is commonly 0 6 ∞ used to address the physics near the edge of the confinement region [23]. This system may be put into linear, homogeneous form Ax = 0 by dividing through by Φ0, εnsT /e ns ε+nc 1/Φ0 0 − e e − e e 4nsT /e εns 4+3εnc Φc = 0 , (9)  − e e − e e     4ncT /e 4+εnc εns Φs 0 − e e e − e      4 thus its only exact solution for ε = 0 is trivial (1/Φ0,Φc,Φs) (0,0,0), 6 ≡ which we interpret to mean exactly what it says, that it is solved when Φ0(r) = , displaying its unphysical definition when determined from ±∞ the electron poloidal equation of motion. The matrix has rank 3, thus the solution has 0 free parameters [28]. For a cylindrical column ε 0, one → recovers a matrix of rank 2 and the solution Φc,s = nc,s(T /eΦ0) with Φ0 a e e free parameter. If one assumes that the smallness of the coefficients may be represented by ε, eg nc,s εnc,s, then the offending terms near the edge e ≡ e where ε approaches 1/2 represent up to a 19% correction to the leading order equations. As non-vanishing Φc,s are an integral part of the development of e this neoclassical model and appear in its remaining equations without a pref- actor of Φ0 through substitution, the validity of its conclusions is in jeopardy. Note that a putative non-vanishing radial electrostatic field without poloidal variation demands the existence of no poloidal electrostatic field, else the poloidal variation to the potential ruins the poloidal symmetry of the radial field; if that radial field is determined from a radial equation of motion then the associated poloidal field is determined by the poloidal dependence of that equation. One might think to alleviate the difficulty by invoking the logarithmic derivative, writing the electron poloidal equation of motion as ∂(lnn e − eΦ/T )/∂θ = 0, with solution C(r) = n (r,θ)exp[ eΦ(r,θ)/T (r)]. Expand- e e e − ing the exponential gives, for < eΦ/T < , e −∞ ∞ ∞ ( eΦ/T )k eΦ 1 eΦ 2 1 eΦ 3 e C(r) = n − n 1 + +... , e e k! ≈ − T 2 T − 6 T k=0 " e (cid:18) e(cid:19) (cid:18) e(cid:19) # X (10) and to each order in eΦ/T , taking the flux surface moments yields three e equations to solve. Using the expansions for n and Φ above, the zeroth or- e der equations give C(r) = n0 and nc,s = 0, and the first order equations yield e e ε-dependent solutions which, upon restriction to the magnetic axis ε = 0, are C(r) n0[1 (nc)2/2 (ns)2/2](1 eΦ0/T ) and Φc,s nc,s(T /eΦ0 1). → e − e − e − e → e e − Agreement is found with the previous Φc,s = nc,s(T /eΦ0) provided eΦ0/T e e e ≪ 1. Considering now a ratio eΦ0/T 10 1, such as may be found in the e ∼ ≫ plasma core [24, 29, 30], the expansion in Equation (10) requires 10 orders before the absolute magnitude of the terms starts decreasing, indicating that a low-order approximation is not an exact solution. Considering the second order equations leads to solutions for C(r) and Φc,s only when ε = 0 which diverge when nc,s = 0, and no solution has yet been found to the nonlin- e 5 ear equations for general ε. The difficulty with Φ0 encountered above has simply been shifted to the “undetermined” function C(r), which is perfectly determinable in principle from the system of equations. We remark that, assuming the model’s system to be well-determined (ie equal numbers of in- dependent equations and degrees of freedom) before invoking the logarithmic derivative, the introduction of C(r) without an additional equation for its de- termination leaves the system under-determined—if C(r) is identified as an independent degree of freedom, then it needs its own independent equation, else if not, then one of those degrees of freedom must be determined by the unity moment equation here. Pursuing the argument, as the electron density n0 divides out of Equation (5), its poloidal variations nc,s are determined by e e continuity ∂n /∂t + ∇ n V n˙ = 0 for particle source rate n˙, and e e e C,S h · − i the thermal energy T is determined by the heat equation and given as in- e put from experimental measurement for the analysis, the remaining degree of freedom Φ0 must be determined by C(r) as given by the poloidal force balance system, Equation (9). Notwithstanding the above, let us now consider an alternate expansion of the exponential which extracts the θ dependence using ξ Φccosθ+Φssinθ, ≡ so that C(r) = n exp( eΦ0/T )(expξ)−eΦ0/Te , (11) e e − 0 2 −eΦ0/Te n exp( eΦ /T ) 1+ξ +ξ /2+... , (12) e e ≈ − n0exp( eΦ0/T )(1+nccosθ+nssinθ) (13) ≈ e − e (cid:0) e e (cid:1) × eΦ0 1 eΦ0 2 2 1 ξ + ξ +... , (14) − T 2 T " e (cid:18) e (cid:19) # noting the use of low-order truncations to the two infinite series (which can never be as exact as the algebraic method above) and that technically the expansion found in Equation (10) is more democratic in its treatment of the powers of eΦ0/T . Taking the flux surface moments as before, we find e nearly the same first order solutions, whereupon reduction to the magnetic axis (or cylindrical geometry) yields C(r) n0exp( eΦ0/T )[1 (nc)2/2 → e − e − e − (ns)2/2] and Φc,s nc,s(T /eΦ0), and for the second order equations the e → e e solution on the magnetic axis diverges and for general ε cannot be found. Inserting factors of ε at the cost of the loss of the cylindrical interpretation of ε 0, which still identifies the magnetic axis in toroidal geometry, yields → 6 Equation (11) in terms of the tilded coefficients (which need not be small), C(r) n0exp( eΦ0/T )[1+ε(nccosθ+nssinθ)] (15) ≈ e − e e e × eΦ0 eΦ0 2 1 ε(Φccosθ +Φssinθ)+ 1 ε2(Φccosθ +Φssinθ)2 ,(16) − T 2 T e e " e (cid:18) e (cid:19) # e e e e and affords additional control over the terms retained in the expansion. The resulting system isoftheform0 = U +U ε2+U ε4 = C ε+C ε3 = S ε+S ε3 0 2 4 1 3 1 3 and has not solution until reduced to order O(ε2) which, as a factor of ε cancels out of the ... moments, is the first appearance of an explicit ε C,S h i dependence in the equations. Its expression for Φc contains terms with 1/ε2, thusthephysicalΦc whenε = 0. Onlywheneachequationisreducedto → ∞ itsleadingtermdoesthesystemreturnthesolutioensC(r) = n0exp( eΦ0/T ) e − e and Φc,s = nc,s(T /eΦ0). Comparing the leading coefficients in Equation (16) e e gives the ratios 1 : 10ε : 55ε2 for eΦ0/T 10, and allowing for eΦ0/T 1 e e ∼ ∼ yields 1 : ε : ε2 which still represents up to a 25% correction. The lesson here is that knowledge of a series’ convergence need not imply that a low-order approximation is an adequate representation of the function. Concern over the expansion in no way detracts from the observation that the physics of the situation is embodied by the algebraic Equations (6) which contain no exponential factor thus represent a more exact method of solution. Finally, we consider the consistency of using two different species’ equa- tions of motion to determine the species independent electrostatic potential, taking the radial electrostatic field from the equation of motion for arbitrary ion species j as 1 ∂p j E = +V B V B , (17) r φj θ θj φ n e ∂r − j j and dropping the convective term as is standard practice in the field [24, 25, 26]. Theusualevaluationofthatexpressionfromexperimentalmeasurements neglects any poloidal dependence; however, when the intrinsic variation of quantities induced by the geometry is considered [31], given in the large aspect ratio ε 1, concentric circular R R , flux surface approximation r 0 ≪ ≡ B = (0,B ,B ) by θ φ B = B0/(1+εcosθ) , V = V0 /(1+εcosθ) , V = V0 (1+εcosθ) , n = n0 , θj θj φj φj j j (18) where A0 is the average of the values of A on the vertical midplane, a geo- metric dependence is introduced. Using these values (r dependence implied), 7 we find p′0 j 0 0 0 0 2 E (r,θ) = +V B V B /(1+εcosθ) , (19) r n0e φj θ − θj φ j j for species pressure gradient p′ ∂n T /∂r, thus E (θ) E0. Expanding j ≡ j j r 6≡ r the denominator reveals a power series in εcosθ, p′0 j 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 E (r,θ) +V B V B 1 2εcosθ+3ε cos θ 4ε cos θ(20,) r ≈ n0e φj θ − θj φ − − j j p′0 (cid:0) (cid:1) j 0 0 0 0 0 0 +V B V B +2εV B cosθ (21) ≈ n0e φj θ − θj φ θj φ j j 0 1 = E (r)+E (r)cosθ , (22) r r and as integration with respect to r does not affect the θ dependency, the potential associated with the radial electrostatic field relative to its central r value, Φ (r,θ) drE (r,θ), may be written as a cosine series, Er ≡ − 0 r Φ (r,θR) Φ0 +Φ1 cosθ = Φ0 1+Φc cosθ , (23) Er ≈ Er Er Er Er where Φc = rdrE1/ rdrE0 = 0 in general,(cid:0)noting that t(cid:1)he potential on Er 0 r 0 r 6 the last closed flux surface at r = a is not single valued. Returning now R R to the electrostatic potential appearing in the poloidal equation of motion, expressed to leading order as Φ (r,θ) = Φ0 (r)[1+Φc (r)cosθ +Φs (r)sinθ] , (24) Eθ Eθ Eθ Eθ where Φ0 (r) rdrE0 = 0 is the potential relative to that of the last Eθ ≡ − a r 6 closed flux surface, with solution Φc,s = nc,s(T /eΦ). No loss of generality R Eθ e e ensues if oneredefines the potentialrelative to itscentral value. Withvanish- ing extrinsic poloidal dependence to the electron density, nc,s 0 as above, e → the potential retains no explicit poloidal dependence, Φ (r,θ) Φ0 (r). Eθ → Eθ Thus, we conclude that the electrostatic potentials associated with the ra- dialandpoloidalelectrostaticfieldsevaluatedfromtheionandelectronequa- tions of motion by this neoclassical model are inconsistent, Φ = Φ , as Er 6 Eθ Equation (23) does not equal Equation (24) in the case of vanishing density asymmetries nc,s = 0. e,j 8 3 Equilibrium field from the Ohm’s law equa- tion 3.1 Derivation Examining the expression of another leading contender for the equilibrium electrostatic field [3] evaluated from the Ohm’s law equation and the Pfirsch- Schlu¨ter current, one may put its poloidal component E B /B B2 E B 1/B B2 1 E = h φ φ θi φ φ +RB p′η h θi , (25) θ B2/B B − B φ k B2/B B − B h θi θ θ (cid:18)h θi θ θ(cid:19) into the form E = Ec 2εcosθ (ε2/2)cos2θ , (26) θ θ − whentheShafranovshiftisneg(cid:2)lected, asintheconcen(cid:3)triccircularfluxsurface approximation of above, upon application of Stokes’ theorem to Faraday’s law[32], ie by requiring dθE = 0. Notethat thisneoclassical modelforthe θ poloidal electrostatic field differs distinctly from that of the previous section H in detailed functional form. Inserting Equation (26) into Equation (5) and taking the flux surface Fourier moments yields three equations which have a nontrivial solution only when expanded to order O(ε3), given by nc ε3/(6ε2 8) e − ns = ε√3ε4 168ε2+192/(18ε2 24) , (27)  e   ± − −  Ec 4(T /eR )/ε√3ε4 168ε2+192 θ e 0 ± −     thus the presence of a poloidal electrostatic field of that form should be accompanied by a potentially measurable shift in the electron density profile. Notethatthederivationimmediately preceding isslightlyinconsistent, asthe associated electrostatic potential Φ = Φ (2εsinθ (ε2/4)sin2θ) is of the axi 0 − correct harmonic form [33, 34, 35, 36] for axial geometry, as is easily verified in (Z = rsinθ,R = R +rcosθ,z) coordinates via application of the axial 0 Laplacia−n ∇2 ∂2/∂Z2 + ∂2/∂R2 to Φ = Φ Z[(R R )/2R2 2/R ], axi ≡ axi 0 − 0 0 − 0 yet the flux surface average is done in toroidal geometry. Note that this Φ 0 is not the Φ0 of the preceding section but is a unit bearing constant which sets the scale. In order to achieve the correct harmonic form for tokamak geometry, the potential must satisfy the toroidal Laplacian, which in cylindrical co- 2 2 ordinates [32, 37, 38] is given by ∇ ∇ + ∂/R∂R (note that the tor ≡ axi 9 expression for ∆⋆ given by Hopcraft [2] is not the toroidal Laplacian and differs by the sign of the additional term), and the form of the geometric term hints at the solution. Direct integration yields the toroidal potential Φ Φ (R lnR), from which E = Φ [(lnR R )/2R2 2/R ] and tor axi Z 0 0 0 0 ≡ → − − − E = Φ Z/2RR2, noting that the introduction of the logarithm breaks the R 0 0 − usually obvious relation between the symbol for the magnitude of a quantity and the units associated with that quantity—carefully pulling the units be- side the leading coefficients of expressions ensures that they are respected. From these, we determine the poloidal field to be 1∂Φ Φ ∂Z ∂ ∂R ∂ Φ E E E = − 0 + = Ec (R R ) Z Z R , θ ≡ −r ∂θ r ∂θ ∂Z ∂θ ∂R Φ θ − 0 Φ − Φ 0 0 0 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) (28) where we identify Ec Φ /r, and the corresponding radial field is r,θ ≡ − 0 ∂Φ Φ ∂Z ∂ ∂R ∂ Φ E E E = − 0 r + = Ec Z Z (R R ) R . r ≡ − ∂r r ∂r ∂Z ∂r ∂R Φ r − Φ − − 0 Φ 0 0 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) (29) In(r,θ,φ)coordinates, wehave Φ = Φ rsinθ[ ln(R +rcosθ)+5R ]/2R2, tor 0 0 0 0 − and Φ r2sin2θ 0 E (r,θ) = rcosθ[ln(R +rcosθ) 5R ] , (30) θ 2rR2 0 − 0 − R +rcosθ 0 (cid:26) 0 (cid:27) Φ r2cosθsinθ 0 E (r,θ) = rsinθ[ln(R +rcosθ) 5R ]+ . (31) r 2rR2 0 − 0 R +rcosθ 0 (cid:26) 0 (cid:27) As this is an electrostatic field within a neutral medium (ie one for which the net charge on a differential volume element vanishes) at equilibrium, Maxwell’s equations ∇ E = 0 and ∇ E = 0 are satisfied. × · As electrostatic fields necessarily require a supporting charge density [6, 32, 39, 8, 9], one may very well ask where these charges are. As the solution to Laplace’s equation is uniquely determined by the boundary condition, we will find them on the boundary of the region under consideration, which in this case is the R/R weighted circle representing our outermost flux sur- 0 face at normalized minor radius r/a = 1 upon collapse of the toroidal di- mension, giving us an inverse Dirichlet problem, which is usually defined as solving for the potential given the boundary condition. The source of these charges is intended to be the accumulation resulting from the divergence of the pressure gradient driven diamagnetic current in toroidal geometry, and 10

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