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AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX 1994 AUTHOR INDEX family care: PICU to pedi- suctioning: a cost compari- atrics. (Feature). Aug:65. son. (Management). Feb:94. Alpen MA. See Halm MA. Jun:118. Brown AS. See Brown LM. Jun:55. Diamond DL. See Jarosz DA. Apr:98. Alspach G. Extending AACN’s Brown LM, Brown AS. vision to nursing staff devel- Transesophageal echocar- Doyle P. See Maguire D. Oct:61. opment. (Editorial). Aug:13. diography: implications for —Maxing out resuscitation in the critical care nurse. Earp JK. The gastroepiploic arter- prehospital cardiac arrest. (Feature). Jun:55. ies as alternative coronary (Editorial). Feb:13. artery bypass conduits. —Pain management: dispelling Butler D. See Nayduch D. Aug:69. (Feature). Feb:24. some myths. (Editorial). Oct:13. Cabeza-Stradi S. See Miller M. Ehrmin JT. See Guyton-Simmons —Trauma inflicted on critical Jun:44. J. Oct:37. care nurses. (Editorial). Apr:13. Capron LL. A case study of pan- Ellias ME. See Jarosz DA. Apr:98. —What journal editors would like curonium bromide. from reviewers. (Editorial). (Pharmacology). Aug:89. Enfanto PA, Pickett S, Pieczek Dec:13. AM, Kelley K, Nee C, Catalano JT. The ethics of cadav- Fullerton A, Grall E. Armstrong SL. Cerebral vaso- er experimentation. (Ethics). Percutaneous laser myoplas- spasm: early detection and Dec:82. ty: nursing care implications. intervention. (Feature). Aug:33. (Feature). Jun:94. Clark EG. See DePew CL. Feb:94. Bacoka J. No flowers in the CCU. Estoup M. Approaches and limi- (Feature). Jun:79. Coen SD, Silverman E. Peripheral tations of medication deliv- intra-arterial thrombolytic ery in patients with enteral Barbiere CC. Malignant vasova- therapy for acute arterial feeding tubes/CE Quiz. gal syncope after PTCA: a occlusion. (Feature). Oct:23. (Feature). Feb:68. potential for disaster (Feature). Feb:90. Conover MB. Diagnosis and Farls KA. See Jarosz DA. Apr:98. management of arrhythmias Belcaster A. Creutzfeldt-Jakob associated with Wolff- Fisher MD. Identified needs of disease: a family-centered Parkinson-White syn- parents in a pediatric inten- approach. (Feature). Aug:38. drome/CE Quiz. (Feature). sive care unit. (Pediatrics). Jun:30. Jun:82. Bizek KS. See Oermann MH. Oct:103. Corbo J. See Sinski A. Dec:54. FullertonA. See Enfanto PA. Jun:94. Bolton PJ, Von Rotz NP. Curia M. See Medland JJ. Dec:63. Gaw-Ens B. Informational sup- Management of an open port for families immediately abdominal wound with a Dehner S. See Stovsky B. Apr:117. after CABG surgery. synthetic covering. (Feature). Feb:41. (Feature). Apr:44. DePew CL, Moseley MJ, Clark EG, Morales CC. Open vs Gimesky J. See Raymond BA. Braun R, St Clair C. Transitional closed-system endotracheal Dec:47. 102 CRITICAL CARE NURSE / DECEMBER 1994 AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX 1994 AUTHOR INDEX family care: PICU to pedi- suctioning: a cost compari- atrics. (Feature). Aug:65. son. (Management). Feb:94. Alpen MA. See Halm MA. Jun:118. Brown AS. See Brown LM. Jun:55. Diamond DL. See Jarosz DA. Apr:98. Alspach G. Extending AACN’s Brown LM, Brown AS. vision to nursing staff devel- Transesophageal echocar- Doyle P. See Maguire D. Oct:61. opment. (Editorial). Aug:13. diography: implications for —Maxing out resuscitation in the critical care nurse. Earp JK. The gastroepiploic arter- prehospital cardiac arrest. (Feature). Jun:55. ies as alternative coronary (Editorial). Feb:13. artery bypass conduits. —Pain management: dispelling Butler D. See Nayduch D. Aug:69. (Feature). Feb:24. some myths. (Editorial). Oct:13. Cabeza-Stradi S. See Miller M. Ehrmin JT. See Guyton-Simmons —Trauma inflicted on critical Jun:44. J. Oct:37. care nurses. (Editorial). Apr:13. Capron LL. A case study of pan- Ellias ME. See Jarosz DA. Apr:98. —What journal editors would like curonium bromide. from reviewers. (Editorial). (Pharmacology). Aug:89. Enfanto PA, Pickett S, Pieczek Dec:13. AM, Kelley K, Nee C, Catalano JT. The ethics of cadav- Fullerton A, Grall E. Armstrong SL. Cerebral vaso- er experimentation. (Ethics). Percutaneous laser myoplas- spasm: early detection and Dec:82. ty: nursing care implications. intervention. (Feature). Aug:33. (Feature). Jun:94. Clark EG. See DePew CL. Feb:94. Bacoka J. No flowers in the CCU. Estoup M. Approaches and limi- (Feature). Jun:79. Coen SD, Silverman E. Peripheral tations of medication deliv- intra-arterial thrombolytic ery in patients with enteral Barbiere CC. Malignant vasova- therapy for acute arterial feeding tubes/CE Quiz. gal syncope after PTCA: a occlusion. (Feature). Oct:23. (Feature). Feb:68. potential for disaster (Feature). Feb:90. Conover MB. Diagnosis and Farls KA. See Jarosz DA. Apr:98. management of arrhythmias Belcaster A. Creutzfeldt-Jakob associated with Wolff- Fisher MD. Identified needs of disease: a family-centered Parkinson-White syn- parents in a pediatric inten- approach. (Feature). Aug:38. drome/CE Quiz. (Feature). sive care unit. (Pediatrics). Jun:30. Jun:82. Bizek KS. See Oermann MH. Oct:103. Corbo J. See Sinski A. Dec:54. FullertonA. See Enfanto PA. Jun:94. Bolton PJ, Von Rotz NP. Curia M. See Medland JJ. Dec:63. Gaw-Ens B. Informational sup- Management of an open port for families immediately abdominal wound with a Dehner S. See Stovsky B. Apr:117. after CABG surgery. synthetic covering. (Feature). Feb:41. (Feature). Apr:44. DePew CL, Moseley MJ, Clark EG, Morales CC. Open vs Gimesky J. See Raymond BA. Braun R, St Clair C. Transitional closed-system endotracheal Dec:47. 102 CRITICAL CARE NURSE / DECEMBER 1994 Grall E. See Enfanto PA. Jun:94. Jarosz DA, Kluger Y, Ellias ME, Marchiondo K. Pharmacologic Faris KA, Diamond DL. The stress testing: an alternative Grossbach I. The COPD patient tertiary nursing survey in the to exercise. (Feature). in acute respiratory failure. assessment of trauma Dec:41. (Feature). Dec:32. patients: an important addendum to survival. Marcon J. See Medland JJ. Dec:63. Guyton-Simmons J, Ehrmin JT. (Management). Apr:98. Problem solving in pain Marelli TR. Use of a hemoglobin management by expert Johanson W. Promoting collabo- substitute in the anemic intensive care nurses. ration in ethical decision Jehovah’s Witness patient. (Feature). Oct:37. making. (Ethics). Oct:96. (Feature). Feb:31. Halm M. See Naber L. Oct:69. Jones G. See Naber L. Oct:69. Martin B, Meherg D. Interpleural analgesia: a new technique. Halm MA, Alpen MA. Support Kalman J. See Lemmon PN. (Feature). Oct:31. groups: an annotated bibli- Dec:22. ography for critical care Medland JJ, Marcon J, Curia M. nurses. (Management). Kelley K. See Enfanto PA. Jun:94. Sabbatical leave: a creative Jun:118. retention strategy. Keyes JL. See Misasi RS. Aug:55. (Management). Dec:63. Haney PE. See Raymond BA. Dec:47. Kluger Y. See Jarosz DA. Apr:98. Meherg D. See Martin B. Oct:31. Harvey MA. Waiting and wanting: Kuhn MA. Multiple trauma with Mickles DP. See Mickles LI. helping families in crisis. respiratory distress. Aug:22. (Guest Editorial). Jun:13. (Feature). Apr:68. Mickles LI, Mickles DP. Listeria Haughey BP. Evaluating quanti- Lee A. See Nayduch D. Aug:69. meningitis: a case study. tative research designs: part (Feature). Aug:22. 1. (Research). Oct:100. Lee CL. See Paul S. Apr:55. —Evaluating quantitative Miller M, Cabeza-Stradi S. research designs: part 2. Lemmon PN, Kalman J, Sefcik Addiction to surgery: a nurs- (Research). Dec:69. KZ. Tissue plasminogen acti- ing dilemma. (Feature). vator: the nurse’s role. Jun:44. Helwick LD. Stimulation pro- (Feature). Dec:22. grams for coma patients. Misasi RS, Keyes JL. The patho- (Feature). Aug:47. Likins MC. Saying goodbye. physiology of hypoxia. (Feature). Oct:54. (Feature). Aug:55. Hopkins AG. The trauma nurse’s role with families in crisis. Madsen K. Converting cardiac Morales CC. See DePew CL. (Feature). Apr:35. surgery patients from Feb:94. dopamine to dobutamine. Hudgins C, Sorenson G. (Pharmacology). Feb:103. Moseley MJ. See DePew CL. Directional coronary Feb:94. atherectomy: a new treat- Maguire D, Doyle P. Sodium bal- ment for coronary artery dis- ance in very-low-birth-weight Naber L, Jones G, Halm M. ease. (Feature). Feb:61. infants. (Feature). Oct:61. Epidural analgesia for CRITICAL CARE NURSE /D ECEMBER 1994 103 AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX 1994 effective pain control. Schorr NE, Willis WH Jr. Toth JC. Basic Knowledge (Feature.) Oct:69. Pathophysiologic changes Assessment Tool for critical associated with atrial septal care nursing, version four Nayduch D, Lee A, Butler D. defects: a case report. (BKAT-4): validity, reliability, High-dose methylpred- (Feature). Feb:83. and replication. (Education). nisolone after acute spinal Jun:111. cord injury/ CE Quiz. Sefcik KZ. See Lemmon PN. (Feature). Aug:69. Dec:22. Von Rotz NP. See Bolton PJ. Apr:44. Nee C. See Enfanto PA. Jun:94. Silverman E. See Coen SD. Oct:23. Wadas TM. Pulmonary artery Oermann MH, Bizek KS. Job sat- Sinski A, Corbo J. Surfactant catheter removal. (Feature). isfaction among critical care replacement in adults and Jun:62. preceptors. (Staff children with ARDS—an Development). Oct:103. effective therapy? (Feature). Webb MS, Riggin OZ. A compari- Dec:54. son of anxiety levels of Paul S, Lee CL. Trauma case female and male patients review: survival following Smith MA. Noninvasive hemody- with myocardial infarction. impalement. (Feature). namic monitoring with tho- (Research). Feb:118. Apr:55. racic electrical bioimpedance. (Feature). Willis WH Jr. See Schorr NE. Pickett S. See Enfanto PA. Jun:94. Oct:56. Feb:83. Pieczek AM. See Enfanto PA. Sommers MS. Alcohol and trau- Wojner AW. Assessing the five Jun:94. ma: the critical link. points of the intra-aortic bal- (Feature). Apr:82. loon pump waveform. Raymond BA, Haney PE, —tThe near-death experience fol- (Feature). Jun:48. Gimesky J. Interleukin-2 lowing multiple trauma. therapy: needs of the patient (Feature). Apr:62. Yucha CB. See Reilly E. Apr:25. in a Critical care setting. (Feature). Dec:47. Sorenson G. See Hudgins C. Feb:61. Recker D. Patient perception of SUBJECT INDEX preoperative cardiac surgical St Clair C. See Braun R. Aug:65. teaching done pre- and postadmission. (Feature). Staab WL. Neuroleptic malignant Analgesia Feb:52. syndrome: critical factors. Martin B, Meherg D. Interpleural (Pharmacology). Dec:77. analgesia: a new technique. Reilly E, Yucha CB. Multiple (Feature). Oct:31. organ failure syndrome/CE Stovsky B, Dehner S. Patient edu- Naber L, Jones G, Halm M. Quiz. (Feature). Apr:25. cation after valve surgery. Epidural analgesia for effec- (Education). Apr:117. tive pain control. (Feature.) Riggin OZ. See Webb MS. Feb:118. Oct:69. Tiernan PJ. Independent nursing Rushton CH. The critical care interventions: relaxation and Blood Substitutes nurse as patient advocate. guided imagery in critical Marelli TR. Use of a hemoglobin (Ethics). Jun:102. care. (Feature). Oct:47. substitute in the anemic 104 CRITICAL CARE NUR/ DSECEEMBE R 1994 Jehovah's Witness patient. vator: the nurse’s role. care nurses. (Editorial). (Feature). Feb:31. (Feature). Dec:22. Apr:13. Madsen K. Converting cardiac —What journal editors would like Cardiovascular surgery patients from from reviewers. (Editorial). Alspach G. Maxing out resuscita- dopamine to dobutamine. Dec:13. tion in prehospital cardiac (Pharmacology). Feb:103. Harvey MA. Waiting and wanting: arrest. (Editorial). Feb:13. Marchiondo K. Pharmacologic helping families in crisis. Barbiere CC. Malignant vasova- stress testing: an alternative (Guest Editorial). Jun:13. gal syncope after PTCA: a to exercise. (Feature). potential for disaster. Dec:41. Education (Feature). Feb:90. Recker D. Patient perception of Toth JC. Basic Knowledge Brown LM, Brown AS. preoperative cardiac surgical Assessment Tool for critical Transesophageal echacar- teaching done pre- and care nursing, version four diography: implications for postadmission. (Feature). (BKAT-4): validity, reliability, the critical care nurse. Feb:52. and replication. (Education). (Feature). Jun:55. Schorr NE, Willis WH Jr. Jun:111. Coen SD, Silverman E. Peripheral Pathophysiologic changes intra-arterial thrombolytic associated with atrial septal Ethics therapy for acute arterial defects: a case report. Catalano JT. The ethics of cadav- occlusion. (Feature). Oct:23. (Feature). Feb:83. er experimentation. (Ethics). Conover MB. Diagnosis and Stovsky B, Dehner S. Patient edu- Dec:82. management of arrhythmias cation after valve surgery. Johanson W. Promoting collabo- associated with Wolff- (Education). Apr:117. ration in ethical decision Parkinson-White syn- Wadas TM. Pulmonary artery making. (Ethics). Oct:96. drome/CE Quiz. (Feature). catheter removal. (Feature). Rushton CH. The critical care Jun:30. Jun:62. nurse as patient advocate. Earp JK. The gastroepiploic arter- Webb MS, Riggin OZ. A compari- (Ethics). Jun:102. ies as alternative coronary son of anxiety levels of artery bypass conduits. female and male patients Families (Feature). Feb:24. with myocardial infarction. Bacoka J. No flowers in the CCU. Enfanto PA, Pickett S, Pieczek (Research). Feb:118. (Feature). Jun:79. AM, Kelley K, Nee C, Wojner AW. Assessing the five Belcaster A. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Fullerton A, Grall E. points of the intra-aortic bal- disease: a family-centered Percutaneous laser myoplas- loon pump waveform. approach. (Feature). Aug:38. ty: nursing care implications. (Feature). Jun:48. Braun R, St Clair C. Transitional (Feature). Jun:94. family care: PICU to pedi- Gaw-Ens B. Informational sup- Editorial atrics. (Feature). Aug:65. port for families immediately Alspach G. Extending AACN’s Fisher MD. Identified needs of after CABG surgery. vision to nursing staff devel- parents in a pediatric inten- (Feature). Feb:41. opment. (Editorial). Aug:13. sive care unit. (Pediatrics). Hudgins C, Sorenson G. —Maxing out resuscitation in Jun:82. Directional coronary prehospital cardiac arrest. Gaw-Ens B. Informational sup- atherectomy: a new treat- (Editorial). Feb:13. port for families immediately ment for coronary artery dis- —Pain management: dispelling after CABG surgery. ease. (Feature). Feb:61. some myths. (Editorial). (Feature). Feb:41. Lemmon PN, Kalman J, Sefcik Oct:13. Harvey MA. Waiting and wanting: KZ. Tissue plasminogen acti- —Trauma inflicted on critical helping families in crisis. CRITICAL CARE NURSE / DECEMBER 1994 105 AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX 1994 (Guest Editorial). Jun:13. BelcasterA . Creutzfeldt-Jakob family care: PICU to pedi- Hopkins AG. The trauma nurse’s disease: a family-centered atrics. (Feature). Aug:65. role with families in crisis. approach. (Feature). Aug:38. Fisher MD. Identified needs of (Feature). Apr:35. Helwick LD. Stimulation pro- parents in a pediatric inten- Likins MC. Saying goodbye. grams for coma patients. sive care unit. (Pediatrics). (Feature). Oct:54. (Feature). Aug:47. Jun:82. Mickles LI, Mickles DP. Listeria Maguire D, Doyle P. Sodium bal- Hospitals meningitis: a case study. ance in very-low-birth- Alspach G. Trauma inflicted on (Feature). Aug:22. weight infants. (Feature). critical care nurses. Nayduch D, Lee A, Butler D. Oct:61. (Editorial). Apr:13. High-dose methylpred- Sinski A, Corbo J. Surfactant nisolone after acute spinal replacement in adults and Imaging cord injury/CE Quiz. children with ARDS—an Brown LM, Brown AS. (Feature). Aug:69. effective therapy? (Feature). Transesophageal echocar- Staab WL. Neuroleptic malignant Dec:54. diography: implications for syndrome: critical factors. the critical care nurse. (Pharmacology). Dec:77. Pharmacology (Feature). Jun:55. Capron LL. A case study of pan- Pain curonium bromide. Management Alspach G. Pain management: (Pharmacology). Aug:89. DePew CL, Moseley MJ, Clark dispelling some myths. Estoup M. Approaches and limi- EG, Morales CC. Open vs (Editorial). Oct:13. tations of medication deliv- closed-system endotracheal Guyton-Simmons J, Ehrmin JT. ery in patients with enteral suctioning: a cost compari- Problem solving in pain feeding tubes/CE Quiz. son. (Management). Feb:94. management by expert (Feature). Feb:68. Halm MA, Alpen MA. Support intensive care nurses. Lemmon PN, Kalman J, Sefcik groups: an annotated bibli- (Feature). Oct:37. KZ. Tissue plasminogen acti- ography for critical care Martin B, Meherg D. Interpleural vator: the nurse’s role. nurses. (Management). analgesia: a new technique. (Feature). Dec:22. Jun:118. (Feature). Oct:31. Madsen K. Converting cardiac Medland JJ, Marcon J, Curia M. Naber L, Jones G, Halm M. surgery patients from Sabbatical leave: a creative Epidural analgesia for effec- dopamine to dobutamine. retention strategy. tive pain control. (Feature.) (Pharmacology). Feb:103. (Management). Dec:63. Oct:69. Marchiondo K. Pharmacologic stress testing: an alternative Monitoring Patient Education to exercise. (Feature). Smith MA. Noninvasive hemody- Recker D. Patient perception of Dec:41. namic monitoring with tho- preoperative cardiac surgical Nayduch D, Lee A, Butler D. racic electrical teaching done pre- and High-dose methylpred- bioimpedance. (Feature). postadmission. (Feature). nisolone after acute spinal Oct:56. Feb:52. cord injury/CE Quiz. Stovsky B, Dehner S. Patient edu- (Feature). Aug:69. Neurology cation after valve surgery. Raymond BA, Haney PE, Armstrong SL. Cerebral (Education). Apr:117. Gimesky J. Interleukin-2 vasospasm: early detection therapy: needs of the patient and intervention. (Feature). Pediatrics/Neonatal in a critical care setting. Aug:33. Braun R, St Clair C. Transitional (Feature). Dec:47. 106 CRITICAL CARE NURSE / DECEMBER 1994 Sinski A, Corbo J. Surfactant Renal (Management). Apr:98. replacement in adults and Maguire D, Doyle P. Sodium bal- Kuhn MA. Multiple trauma with children with ARDS—an ance in very-low-birth- respiratory distress. effective therapy? (Feature). weight infants. (Feature). (Feature). Apr:68. Dec:54. Oct:61. Paul S, Lee CL. Trauma case Staab WL. Neuroleptic malignant review: survival following syndrome: critical factors. Research impalement. (Feature). (Pharmacology). Dec:77. Haughey BP. Evaluating quanti- Apr:55. tative research designs: part Reilly E, Yucha CB. Multiple Psychosocial 1. (Research). Oct:100. organ failure syndrome/CE Miller M, Cabeza-Stradi S. Haughey BP. Evaluating quanti- Quiz. (Feature). Apr:25. Addiction to surgery: a nurs- tative research designs: part Sommers MS. Alcohol and trau- ing dilemma. (Feature). 2. (Research). Dec:69. ma: the critical link. Jun:44. Webb MS, Riggin OZ. A compari- (Feature). Apr:82. Sommers MS. The near-death son of anxiety levels of —tThe near-death experience fol- experience following multi- female and male patients lowing multiple trauma. ple trauma. (Feature). with myocardial infarction. (Feature). Apr:62. Apr:62. (Research). Feb:118. Tiernan PJ. Independent nursing Wound Healing interventions: relaxation and Staff Development Bolton PJ, Von Rotz NP. guided imagery in critical Alspach G. Extending AACN’s Management of an open care. (Feature). Oct:47. vision to nursing staff devel- abdominal wound with a Webb MS, Riggin OZ. A compari- opment. (Editorial). Aug:13. synthetic covering. son of anxiety levels of Medland JJ, Marcon J, Curia M. (Feature). Apr:44. female and male patients Sabbatical leave: a creative with myocardial infarction. retention strategy. (Research). Feb:118. (Management). Dec:63. Oermann MH, Bizek KS. Job sat- Pulmonary isfaction among critical care Grossbach I. The COPD patient preceptors. (Staff in acute respiratory failure. Development). Oct:103. (Feature). Dec:32. Kuhn MA. Multiple trauma with Substance Abuse respiratory distress. Sommers MS. Alcohol and trau- (Feature). Apr:68. ma: the critical link. Misasi RS, Keyes JL. The patho- (Feature). Apr:82. physiology of hypoxia. (Feature). Aug:55. Trauma Sinski A, Corbo J. Surfactant Hopkins AG. The trauma nurse’s replacement in adults and role with families in crisis. children with ARDS—an (Feature). Apr:35. effective therapy? (Feature). Jarosz DA, Kluger Y, Ellias ME, Dec:54. Farls KA, Diamond DL. The Tiernan PJ. Independent nursing tertiary nursing survey in the interventions: relaxation and assessment of trauma guided imagery in critical patients: an important care. (Feature). Oct:47. addendum to survival. CRITICAL CARE NURSE / DECEMBER 1994 107

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.