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Critical Asian Studies Annual Index — 2009 (volume 41) AUTHOR INDEX Young, Marilyn B., 491 Angeles, Leonora, 549 TITLES Baird, lan G., 605 Advocating for Sri Lankan Migrant Barabantseva, Elena V., 225 Workers: Obstacles and Challenges, 61 Barney, Keith, 605 The Ambivalence of Citizenship: The Constable, Nicole, 143 IMDT Act (1983) and the Politics of Gamburd, Michele R., 61 Forclusion in Assam, 37 Haberkorn, Tyrell, 3 As The Empire Falls: Lessons Learned and High, Holly, 615 Unlearned in “America’s Asia,” 447 Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan, 113 Complicities and Complexities: Provoca- Khamvongsa, Channapha, 281 tions from the Study of Resettlement in Lee, Yoonkyung, 363 Laos [DEBATE], 615 Lyons, Lenore, 89, 597 Confronting the Past in Contemporary In- Madsen, Stig Toft, 255 donesia: The Anti-Communist Killings of McGregor, Katharine E., 195 1965-66 and the Role of the Nahdlatul Nielsen, Kenneth Bo, 255 Ulama, 195 Peck, Jim, 469 Demanding Daughter Duty: Gender, Community, Village Transformation, and Reena, 429 Transnational Marriages in Northeast Richa (n), 429 Thailand, 549 Richa (s), 429 Development as Localization: Ethnic Mi- Roy, Anupama, 37 norities in China’s Official Discourse on Russell, Elaine, 281 the Western Development Project, 225 Selden, Mark, 447 Hiroshima: After Aftermath [PHOTO Shoemaker, Bruce, 605 ESSAY], 307 Sim, Amy, 165 The Importance of Rights Talk [DEBATE], Singh, Ujjwal Kumar, 37 597 slavick, elin o’ Hara, 307 Intellectual Containment: The Muting of Sunanta, Sirijit, 549 Students in Semidemocratic Southeast Surbala, 429 Asia, 499 Suykens, Bert, 381 Iraq and Vietnam: Endless Recurrence or Vandekerckhove, Nel, 523 Stirrings Still? [REVIEW ESSAY], 621 Vandergeest, Peter, 605 Knowledge to Serve What Ends? An Ex- Wainwright, Joel, 403 change from 1968 [FROM THE BCAS AR- Wee, Vivienne, 165 CHIVES], 469 Weiss, Meredith, 499 Legacies of War: Cluster Bombs in Laos, Wong, Theresa, 403 281 Yee Yeong Chong, 575 The Making of a Transnational Grassroots Migrant Movement: A Case Study of REVIEWER INDEX Hong Kong’s Asian Migrants’ Coordi- Davidson, Jamie S., 329 nating Body, 113 Fitzgerald, David, 621 Migrant Workers and the Many States of Grunfeld, A. Tom, 351 Protest in Hong Kong, 143 Pye, Oliver, 357 Migration, Migrants, and Contested Eth- Ryan, David, 621 no-Nationalism in Korea, 363 657 Offshoring Dissent: Spaces of Resistance An Unfinished Past: Assassination and the at the 2006 IMF/World Bank Meetings, 1974 Land Rent Control Act in Northern 403 Thailand, 3 Political Claims and Strategies in Human “We Are Sons of This Soil”: The Endless Rights Struggles in Singapore [DEBATE], Battle over Indigenous Homelands in 575 Assam, India, 523 The Political Culture of Factionalism BOOKS REVIEWED among Hindu Nationalists in Denmark, Communal Violence and Democratiza- 255 tion in Indonesia: Small Town Wars, by Reading Too Much into Aspirations: More Gerry van Klinken, 329 Explorations of the Space between Co- Forest Guardians, Forest Destroyers: The erced and Voluntary Resettlement in Politics of Environmental Knowledge in Laos [DEBATE], 605 Northern Thailand, by Tim Forsyth and Still Playing with Fire: Intersectionality, Andrew Walker, 357 Activism, and NGO-ized Feminism, 429 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Indo- Studies of Massive, Collective Violence in nesia, by Jacques Bertrand. 329 Post-Soeharto Indonesia {REVIEW ESSAY], Riots, Pogroms, Jibad: Religious Violence 3429 , in Indonesia, by John Sidel, 329 The Tribal-Forest Nexus in Law and Soci- ety in India: Conflicting Narratives, 381 FILMS REVIEWED Transcending the Border: Transnational “Agent Orange: A Personal Requiem,” by Imperatives in Singapore’s Migrant Masako Sakata, 491 Worker Rights Movement, 89 “The Last Ghost of War,” by Pham Quoc Undocumented Indonesian Workers in Thai and Janet Gardner, 491 Macau: The Human Outcome of Col- “Round Eyes in the Middle Kingdom,” by luding Interests, 165 Ronald Levaco, 35t “They Chose China,” Shuibo Wang, 351 Books discussed in “Iraq and Vietnam” (621): Is Iraq another Vietnam?, by Kale Baldock. Unreconstructed: Vietnam to Iraq, by Teddy Bitner. Is Iraq another Viet- nam/?, by Robert K. Brigham. Iraq, Vietnam and the Limits of American Power, Robert K. Brigham: A Tale of Two Quagmires: Iraq, Vietnam, and the Hard Lessons of War, by Kenneth J. Campbell. Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam: Or, How Not to Learn from the Past, by Lloyd C. Gardner and Marilyn B. Young, eds. Wounded: Vietnam to Iraq, by Ronald J. Glasser. Televising War: From Vietnam to Iraq, by Andrew Hoskins. Boys of 67: From Vietnam to Iraq, The Extraordinary Story ofa Few Good Men, by Charles Jones. Clausewitz and America: Strategic Thought and Practice from Viet- nam to Iraq, by Stuart Kinross. U.S. Intervention Policy and Army Innovation from Vietnam to Iraq, by Richard Lock-Pullan. After Bush: The Case for Continuity in Amer- ican Foreign Policy, by Timothy J. Lynch and Robert S. Singh. From Vietnam to 9/11: On the Front Lines of National Security, by John P. Murtha, with John Plashal. Iraq and Vietnam: Differences, Similarities, and Insights, by Jeffrey Record and W. Andrew Terrill. War and Media Operations: The U.S. Military and the Press from Vietnam to Iraq, by Thomas Rid. War Trauma: Lessons Unlearned from Vietnam to Iraq, by Ray- mond Monsour Scurfield. Vietnam...in Iraq: Reflections on the New Quagmire, by Clark C. Smith. US Defence Strategy from Vietnam to Operation Iraqi Freedom: Mili- < tary Innovation and the New American Way of War, 1973-2003, by Robert R. Tomes. 658 Critical Asian Studies 41:4 (2009) Po

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