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JOURNALOFTHE AMERICANMATHEMATICALSOCIETY Volume13,Number3,Pages517{532 S0894-0347(00)00334-9 ArticleelectronicallypublishedonMarch29,2000 CRITERIA FOR (cid:27)-AMPLENESS DENNIS S. KEELER 1. Introduction Inthepasttenyearsastudyof\noncommutativeprojectivegeometry"has(cid:13)our- ished. By using and generalizing techniques of commutative projective geometry, onecanstudycertainnoncommutativeringsandobtainresultsforwhichnopurely algebraic proof is known. The most basic building block of the theory is the twisted homogeneous coordi- nate ring. Let X be a projective scheme overan algebraicallyclosed (cid:12)eld k with (cid:27) aschemeautomorphism,andletLbe aninvertiblesheafonX. In[ATV]atwisted versionofthehomLogeneouscoordinateringB =B(X;(cid:27);L)ofX wasinventedwith the grading B = B for m B =H0(X;L(cid:10)L(cid:27)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:10)L(cid:27)m(cid:0)1) m where L(cid:27) = (cid:27)(cid:3)L is the pullback of L. Multiplication on sections is de(cid:12)ned by a(cid:1)b=a(cid:10)b(cid:27)m when a2B and b2B . m n Soonaftertheirseminalpaper,ArtinandVandenBerghformalizedmuchofthe theoryof these twistedhomogeneouscoordinaterings in [AV]. Inthe commutative case, the most useful homogeneous coordinate rings are associated with an ample invertiblesheaf. Ageneralizationofamplenesswasthereforeneededandde(cid:12)nedas follows. An invertible sheaf L is called right (cid:27)-ample if for any coherent sheaf F, Hq(X;F (cid:10)L(cid:10)L(cid:27)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:10)L(cid:27)m(cid:0)1)=0 for q > 0 and m (cid:29) 0. Similarly, L is called left (cid:27)-ample if for any coherent sheaf F, Hq(X;L(cid:10)L(cid:27)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:10)L(cid:27)m(cid:0)1 (cid:10)F(cid:27)m)=0 for q > 0 and m (cid:29) 0. A divisor D is called right (resp. left) (cid:27)-ample if O (D) is X right(resp. left) (cid:27)-ample. If(cid:27) is the identity automorphism,then these conditions are the same as saying L is ample. Artin and Van den Bergh proved that if L is right(resp. left)(cid:27)-ample,thenBisa(cid:12)nitelygeneratedright(resp. left)noetherian k-algebra [AV]. Twisted homogeneous coordinate rings have been instrumental in the classi(cid:12)ca- tion of rings, such as the 3-dimensional Artin-Schelter regular algebras [ATV, St1, ReceivedbytheeditorsDecember13,1999. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classi(cid:12)cation. Primary 14A22, 14F17, 14J50, 16P90, 16S38, 16W50. Keywords andphrases. Noetheriangradedrings,noncommutativeprojectivegeometry,auto- morphisms,vanishingtheorems. Theauthor waspartiallysupportedbyNSFgrantDMS-9801148. (cid:13)c2000 American Mathematical Society 517 518 DENNIS S. KEELER St2] and the 4-dimensionalSklyaninalgebras [SS]. Artin and Sta(cid:11)ord showedthat any connected (i.e. B =k) graded domain of GK-dimension 2 generatedby B is 0 1 the twisted homogeneous coordinate ring (up to a (cid:12)nite dimensional vector space) of some projective curve X, with automorphism (cid:27) and (left and right) (cid:27)-ample L [AS]. Therefore any such ring is automatically noetherian! While the concept of noncommutative schemes has grown to encompass more than just twisted homogeneous coordinaterings (cf. [AZ]), they remain a guide for how such a scheme ought to behave. However, fundamental open questions about these coordinate rings and (cid:27)-ample divisors have persisted for the past decade. In [AV], the authors derived a simple criterion for a divisor to be (cid:27)-ample in the case X is a curve, a smooth surface, or certain other special cases. With this criterion, they showed that B must have (cid:12)nite GK-dimension. In other words, they showed that B has polynomial growth. They ask Questions 1.1 ([AV, Question 5.19]). (1) What is the extension of our simple criterion to higher dimensions? (2) Doestheexistenceofa(cid:27)-ampledivisorimplythatB haspolynomialgrowth? The second question was asked again after [AS, Theorem 4.1]. One would also like to know if the conditions of right and left (cid:27)-ampleness are related and if B could be right noetherian, but not left noetherian. One might ask forwhich(commutative)schemesandautomorphismsa(cid:27)-ampledivisorevenexists and if one can be easily found. In this paper, all these questions will be settled very satisfactorily. We obtain Theorem 1.2. The following are true for any projective scheme X over an alge- braically closed (cid:12)eld. (1) Right and left (cid:27)-ampleness are equivalent. Thus every associated B is (right and left) noetherian. (2) A projective scheme X has a (cid:27)-ample divisor if and only if the action of (cid:27) on numerical equivalence classes of divisors is quasi-unipotent (cf. x3 for de(cid:12)nitions). In this case, every ample divisor is (cid:27)-ample. (3) GKdimB is an integer if B =B(X;(cid:27);L) and L is (cid:27)-ample. Here GKdimB is the Gel’fand-Kirillov dimension of B in the sense of [KL]. The (cid:12)rst two results are handled in x5, while the third is covered in x6. These facts are all consequences of Theorem 1.3 (see Remark 5.2). Let X beaprojective schemewith automorphism (cid:27). Let D be a Cartier divisor. D is (right) (cid:27)-ample if and only if (cid:27) is quasi- unipotent and D+(cid:27)D+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)m(cid:0)1D is ample for some m>0. This is the \simple criterion"which wasalreadyknownif X is a smoothsurface [AV, Theorem 1.7]. We obtain the result mainly by use of Kleiman’s numerical theory of ampleness [K]. Besidestheresultsabove,wederiveothercorollariesinx5and(cid:12)ndboundsforthe GK-dimension in x6 via Riemann-Roch theorems. We also examine what happens in the non-quasi-unipotent case and obtain the following theorem. CRITERIA FOR (cid:27)-AMPLENESS 519 Theorem 1.4 (see Remark 6.2). Let X beaprojective schemewith automorphism (cid:27). Then the following are equivalent: (1) The automorphism (cid:27) is quasi-unipotent. (2) For all ample divisors D, B(X;(cid:27);O (D)) has (cid:12)nite GK-dimension. X (3) For all ample divisors D, B(X;(cid:27);O (D)) is noetherian. X This paper is part of the author’s Ph.D. thesis at the University of Michigan, under the direction of J.T. Sta(cid:11)ord. 2. Reductions Throughout this paper, we will work in the case of a projective scheme X over an algebraically closed base (cid:12)eld of arbitrary characteristic. A variety will mean a reduced, irreducible scheme. All divisors will be Cartier divisors unless other- wise stated. For a projective scheme, the group of Cartier divisors, modulo linear equivalence,isnaturallyisomorphictothePicardgroupofinvertiblesheaves. Since muchofourworkwillentailintersectiontheory,wewillworkfromthedivisorpoint of view. Several times we use the facts that the ample divisors form a cone, that ampleness depends only on the numerical equivalence class of a divisor, and that ampleness is preserved under an automorphism. Hence the cone of ample divisors and its closure, the cone of numerically e(cid:11)ective divisors, are invariant under an automorphism. As a reference for these and related facts we suggest [K]. Remark 2.1. The main results of this paper will be proved in terms of divisors rather than line bundles. However, the reader should note that, unravelling the de(cid:12)nitions,onehasO ((cid:27)D)(cid:24)=O (D)(cid:27)(cid:0)1. Itisthereforenotationallymoreconve- X X nienttoworkwitharight(cid:27)(cid:0)1-amplelinebundleL=O (D),sincethenD isright X (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample if andonly if Hq(X;F(cid:10)O (D+(cid:27)D+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)m(cid:0)1D))=0 for allq >0 X and m(cid:29)0. Obviously, this will have no e(cid:11)ect on the (cid:12)nal theorems. Throughout this paper, we will use the notation (cid:1) =D+(cid:27)D+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)m(cid:0)1D. m Before deriving our main criterion for (cid:27)-ampleness, we must (cid:12)rst prove other equivalent criteria. We will need Lemma 2.2 ([Fj, p. 520, Theorem 1]). Let F be a coherent sheaf on a projective scheme X and let H be an ample divisor on X. Then there exists an integer c 0 such that for all c(cid:21)c , 0 Hq(X;F (cid:10)O (cH +N))=0 X for q >0 and any ample divisor N. Proposition 2.3. Let X be a projective scheme with (cid:27) an automorphism. Let D be a divisor on X and (cid:1) = D + (cid:27)D +(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)m(cid:0)1D. Then the following are m equivalent: (1) For any coherent sheaf F, there exists an m such that Hq(X;F(cid:10)O ((cid:1) )) 0 X m =0 for q >0 and m(cid:21)m . 0 (2) For any coherent sheaf F, there exists an m such that F (cid:10) O ((cid:1) ) is 0 X m generated by global sections for m(cid:21)m . 0 (3) For any divisor H, there exists an m such that (cid:1) (cid:0)H is very ample for 0 m m(cid:21)m . 0 (4) ForanydivisorH,thereexistsanm suchthat(cid:1) (cid:0)H is ampleform(cid:21)m . 0 m 0 The (cid:12)rst condition is the original de(cid:12)nition of right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample. 520 DENNIS S. KEELER Proof. (1) ) (2) is [AV, Proposition3.2]. (2))(3)followsfromthefactthataveryampledivisorplusadivisorgenerated byitssectionsisaveryampledivisor. GivenanydivisorH andaveryampledivisor H0, choosem suchthat(cid:1) (cid:0)H(cid:0)H0 is generatedby globalsections for m(cid:21)m . 0 m 0 Then (cid:1) (cid:0)H (cid:0)H0+H0 =(cid:1) (cid:0)H is very ample for m(cid:21)m . m m 0 (3) ) (4) is trivial. (4))(1). ForanyampledivisorH andanyc(cid:21)0,onecanchoosem sothatfor 0 m(cid:21)m , wehaveN =(cid:1) (cid:0)cH is anample divisor. Then(1)followsimmediately 0 m from Lemma 2.2. A similar proposition holds for left (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample divisors, with F and H replaced by F(cid:27)(cid:0)m and (cid:27)mH. One deduces this easily from Lemma 2.4 ([St3, p. 31]). A divisor D is right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample if and only if D is left (cid:27)-ample. Proof. Let D be right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample. Then for any coherent sheaf F, there exists an m such that 0 Hq(X;O (D+(cid:27)D+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)m(cid:0)1D)(cid:10)F(cid:27))=0 X for q > 0 and m (cid:21) m . Since cohomology is preserved under automorphisms, 0 pulling back by (cid:27)m(cid:0)1, we have Hq(X;O (D+(cid:27)(cid:0)1D+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)(cid:0)(m(cid:0)1)D)(cid:10)F(cid:27)m)=0 X for q >0 and m(cid:21)m . So D is left (cid:27)-ample. 0 It is often useful to replaceD with (cid:1) and (cid:27) with (cid:27)m to assume D and (cid:27) have m a desired property. Using standard techniques, one can also show Lemma 2.5 ([AV, Lemma 4.1]). LetD beadivisor onX. Givenapositiveinteger m, D is right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample if and only if (cid:1) is right (cid:27)(cid:0)m-ample. m 3. The non-quasi-unipotent case LetA1 (X)bethesetofdivisorsofX modulonumericalequivalence. Thatis, Num for divisors D and D0, one has D (cid:17)D0 2A1 (X) if and only if (D:C) =(D0:C) Num for all integral curves C (cid:26) X. We will use this de(cid:12)nition implicitly several times, especiallythefactthatanonzeroelementofA1 (X)hasnonzerointersectionwith Num some curve. Further, one has that A1 (X) is a (cid:12)nitely generated free abelian Num group [K, p. 305, Remark 3]. Let P be the action of (cid:27) on A1 (X); hence Num P 2GL(Z‘) for some ‘. A matrix is called quasi-unipotent if all of its eigenvalues are roots of unity. We callanautomorphism(cid:27) quasi-unipotentif P is. The main goalof this sectionis to show that a non-quasi-unipotent (cid:27) cannot give a (cid:27)-ample divisor. First, we must review a useful fact about integer matrices. Lemma 3.1. Let P 2GL(Z‘). Then P is quasi-unipotent if and only if all eigen- values of P have absolute value 1. Thus if P is not quasi-unipotent, then P has an eigenvalue of absolute value greater than 1. Proof. The (cid:12)rst claim is [AV, Lemma 5.3]. For the second claim, the property of P not being quasi-unipotent is reduced to saying P has an eigenvalue of absolute value not 1. Since P has determinant (cid:6)1, P has an eigenvalue of absolute value greater than 1. CRITERIA FOR (cid:27)-AMPLENESS 521 The following lemma shows a relationshipbetween the spectral radius r=(cid:26)(P) and the intersection numbers ((cid:27)mD:C), where D is an ample divisor. Lemma 3.2. Let P be as described above with spectral radius r = (cid:26)(P). There exists an integral curve C with the following property: If D is an ample divisor, then there exists c>0 such that ((cid:27)mD:C)(cid:21)crm for all m(cid:21)0: Proof. Let(cid:20)betheconegeneratedbynumericallye(cid:11)ectivedivisorsinA1 (X)(cid:10)R. Num Intheterminologyof[V],(cid:20)isasolidconesinceithasanonemptyinterior[K,p.325, Theorem 1]. Since P maps (cid:20) to (cid:20), the spectral radius r is an eigenvalue of P and r has an eigenvector v 2(cid:20) [V, Theorem 3.1]. Since v 2(cid:20)nf0g,there existsa curveC with (v:C)>0. Givenanample divisor D, there is a positive ‘ so that ‘D(cid:0)v is in the ample cone [V, p. 1209]. Thus ‘((cid:27)mD:C)=‘(PmD:C)>(Pmv:C)=rm(v:C): Taking c=(v:C)=‘, we have the lemma. L Now a graded ring B = B is (cid:12)nitely gradedif dimB <1 for all i. Such i(cid:21)0 i i a ring B has exponential growth (see [SZ]) if (cid:18) (cid:19) X 1 n (3.3) limsup dimB >1: i n!1 i(cid:20)n If B has exponential growth, it is neither right nor left noetherian [SZ, Theorem 0.1]. This fact combined with the intersection numbers above allow us to prove Theorem 3.4. Let X be a projective scheme with automorphism (cid:27). If X has a right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample divisor, then (cid:27) is quasi-unipotent. Proof. Suppose that D is a right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample divisor. Let (cid:1) = D+(cid:27)D +(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+ m (cid:27)m(cid:0)1D. By(2.3)and(2.5),wemayreplaceD with(cid:1) and(cid:27) with(cid:27)m andassume m that D is ample. Let P be the action of (cid:27) on A1 (X). Suppose P is non-quasi-unipotent with Num spectralradiusr>1andchooseanintegralcurveC asinLemma3.2. LetI bethe ideal sheaf de(cid:12)ning C in X. Since D is right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample, the higher cohomologies of I((cid:1) ) = I (cid:10)O ((cid:1) ) and O ((cid:1) ) vanish for m (cid:29) 0. So one has an exact m X m C m sequence 0!H0(X;I((cid:1) ))!H0(X;O ((cid:1) ))!H0(C;O ((cid:1) ))!0: m X m C m For m (cid:29) 0, the Riemann-Roch formula for curves [Fl, p. 360, Example 18.3.4] gives dimH0(C;O ((cid:1) ))=((cid:1) :C)+a constant term: C m m Thus using the exact sequence and the previous lemma, there exists c>0 so that dimH0(X;O ((cid:1) ))>crm X m for m (cid:29) 0. Thus the associated twisted homogeneous coordinate ring has expo- nential growth and hence is not (right or left) noetherian [SZ, Theorem 0.1]. So D cannot be right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample, by [AV, Theorem 1.4]. 522 DENNIS S. KEELER Remark 3.5. Onecangiveamoreelementary,computationalproofofTheorem3.4. Indeed, examining the Jordan form of P gives an upper bound on ((cid:27)mD:C). Fur- ther,usingthe full strengthof[V, Theorem3.1]andasymptoticestimates, onecan improve the lower bound of Lemma 3.2. We then have (3.6) c mkrm >((cid:27)mD:C)>cmkrm 1 form>0,where k+1 is the size ofthe largestJordanblockassociatedto r. Then using estimates similar to those in the proof of [AV, Lemma 5.10], one can (cid:12)nd an ample divisor H such that ((cid:1) (cid:0)H:(cid:27)mC)<0 m for all m (cid:29) 0. This contradicts the fourth equivalent condition for right (cid:27)(cid:0)1- ampleness in Proposition 2.3. Even when an automorphism (cid:27) is not quasi-unipotent, one can form associated twisted homogeneous coordinate rings. As might be expected, some of these rings have exponential growth. Proposition 3.7. Let X be a projective scheme with non-quasi-unipotent auto- morphism (cid:27). Let D be an ample divisor. Then there exists an integer n >0 such 0 that for all n (cid:21) n , the ring B = B(X;(cid:27);O (nD)) has exponential growth and is 0 X neither right nor left noetherian. Proof. AgainchooseacurveC asinLemma3.2withidealsheafI. ByLemma2.2, there exists n such that for all n(cid:21)n and q >0, 0 0 Hq(X;I(nD+N))=Hq(C;O (nD+N))=0 C foranyampledivisorN. Inparticular,theabovecohomologiesvanishfornD+N = nD+(cid:27)(nD)+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)m(cid:0)1(nD) where m > 1. Then repeating the last paragraph of the proof of Theorem 3.4 shows that B has exponential growth. When X is a nonsingular surface, [AV, Corollary 5.17] shows that the above proposition is true for n =1. Their proof makes use of the relatively simple form 0 of the Riemann-Roch formula and the vanishing of H2(X;O ((cid:1) )) when (cid:1) is X m m the sum of su(cid:14)ciently many ample divisors. The proof easily generalizes to the singular surface case, but not to higher dimensions. Question 3.8. Givenanon-quasi-unipotentautomorphism(cid:27) andampledivisorD on a scheme X, must B(X;(cid:27);O (D)) have exponential growth? X There do exist varieties with non-quasi-unipotent automorphisms. If the canon- ical divisor K is ample or minus ample, then any automorphism (cid:27) must be quasi- unipotent (cf. (5.6)). So intuitively, one expects to (cid:12)nd non-quasi-unipotent au- tomorphisms far away from this case, i.e., when K = 0. Further, there are strong existence theorems for automorphisms of K3 surfaces (which do have K = 0). Indeed, a K3 surface with non-quasi-unipotent automorphism is studied in [W]. Example 3.9. There exists a K3 surface with automorphism (cid:27) such that X has no (cid:27)-ample divisors. Proof. Wehler[W,Proposition2.6,Theorem2.9]constructsafamilyofK3surfaces whose general member X has Pic(X)(cid:24)=A1 (X)(cid:24)=Z2; Aut(X)(cid:24)=Z=2Z(cid:3)Z=2Z: Num CRITERIA FOR (cid:27)-AMPLENESS 523 (That is, Aut(X) is the free product of two cyclic groups of order 2.) The ample generators H and H of A1 (X) have intersection numbers 1 2 Num (H2)=(H2)=2; (H :H )=4: 1 2 1 2 Aut(X)hastwogenerators(cid:27) ;(cid:27) whoseactionsonA1 (X)canberepresented 1 2 Num as two quasi-unipotent matrices (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 4 (cid:0)1 0 (cid:27) = ; (cid:27) = : 1 0 (cid:0)1 2 4 1 p However, the action of (cid:27) (cid:27) has eigenvalues 7(cid:6)4 3. So X has no (cid:27) (cid:27) -ample 1 2 1 2 divisor. Note that by Corollary 5.4 below, any ample divisor is (cid:27) -ample and (cid:27) - 1 2 ample. 4. The quasi-unipotent case Now let (cid:27) be a quasi-unipotent automorphism with P its action on A1 (X). Num We will have several uses for a particular invariant of (cid:27). De(cid:12)nition 4.1. Let k+1 be the rank ofthe largestJordanblock of P. We de(cid:12)ne J((cid:27))=k. Note that J((cid:27)) = J((cid:27)m) for all m 2 Znf0g. It may be that k is greater than 0, as seen in [AV, Example 5.18]. We will see in the next section that k must be even, but this is not used here. To prove Theorem 1.3, it remains to show that (for (cid:27) quasi-unipotent) if D is a divisor such that (cid:1) is ample for some m, then D is right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample. So (cid:12)x such m aD. WemayagainreplaceD with(cid:1) and(cid:27) with(cid:27)n via(2.5),sothatD is ample n andP is unipotent, that is,P =I+N,where N is the nilpotent partofP. Inthis case, k =J((cid:27)) is the smallest natural number such that Nk+1 =0. We let(cid:17) denote numericalequivalenceandreserve=for linearequivalence. We then have, for all m(cid:21)0, (cid:18) (cid:19) Xk m (4.2) (cid:27)mD (cid:17)PmD = NiD; i i=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) Xk m (4.3) (cid:1) (cid:17) NiD: m i+1 i=0 Once a basis for A1 (X) is chosen, one can treatNiD as a divisor. Of course, Num thisrepresentationofNiDisnotcanonical. However,sinceamplenessandintersec- tion numbers only depend on numerical equivalence classes, this is not a problem. Lemma 4.4. Let (cid:27) be a unipotent automorphism with P = I +N and k = J((cid:27)). If D is an ample divisor, then NkD 6(cid:17)0 in A1 (X). Num Proof. SinceNk 6=0,there existsadivisorE andcurveC suchthat(NkE:C)>0. Choose ‘ so that ‘D (cid:0) E is ample. By equation (4.2) above, the intersection numbers ((cid:27)m(‘D(cid:0)E):C) are given by a polynomial in m with leading coe(cid:14)cient (‘NkD(cid:0)NkE:C)=k!. Since this polynomial must have positive values for all m, we must have NkD 6(cid:17)0. 524 DENNIS S. KEELER We now turn towards proving that for any divisor H, there exists m such that 0 (cid:1) (cid:0)H is ample, when (cid:27) is unipotent and D is ample. Then since D is ample, m0 (cid:1) (cid:0)H is ample for m (cid:21) m . For certain H, this is true even if (cid:27) is not quasi- m 0 unipotent. Lemma 4.5. Let X be a projective scheme with automorphism (cid:27) (not necessarily quasi-unipotent). Let D be an ample divisor and H a divisor whose numerical equivalence class is (cid:12)xed by (cid:27). Then there exists an m such that (cid:1) (cid:0)H is ample. m Proof. Choose m such that D0 =mD(cid:0)H is ample. Let (cid:1)0 =D0+(cid:27)D0+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)j(cid:0)1D0: j Then (cid:1)0 (cid:17)m(cid:1) (cid:0)mH is ample and thus (cid:1) (cid:0)H is ample. m m m Proposition 4.6. Let X be a projective scheme with unipotent automorphism (cid:27). Let D be an ample divisor and H any divisor. Then there exists an m such that 0 (cid:1) (cid:0)H is ample. Hence (cid:1) (cid:0)H is ample for m(cid:21)m . m0 m 0 Proof. Let W (cid:26) A1 (X)(cid:10)R be the span of D;ND;:::;NkD. W is a k +1- Num dimensional vector space by Lemma 4.4. By equation (4.2), it contains the real cone (cid:20) generated by S = f(cid:27)iDji 2 Ng. Using a lemma of Caratheodory [H, p. 45, Lemma1],anyelementof(cid:20)canbewrittenasalinearcombinationofk+1elements of S with nonnegative real coe(cid:14)cients. Thus for all m2N, Xk (cid:1)m (cid:17) fi(m)(cid:27)gi(m)D i=0 where fi: N!R(cid:21)0 and gi: N!N. Expanding the (cid:27)gi(m)D above and comparing the coe(cid:14)cient of D with equation (4.3), one (cid:12)nds that Xk f (m)=m: i i=0 Since f (m)(cid:21)0, for each m, there must be some j such that f (m)(cid:21)m=(k+1). i j NowchooselsuchthatlD(cid:0)H isampleandchoosem suchthatm =(k+1)(cid:21)l. 0 0 Then fj(m0)(cid:27)gj(m0)D(cid:0)(cid:27)gj(m0)H is in the ample cone for the given j. Set g = g (m ). The other f (m ) are j 0 i 0 nonnegative. Then (cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:27)gH is in the ample cone as it is a sum of elements in m0 the ample cone. Since it is a divisor, it is ample [K, p. 324, Remark 3]. We now prove the lemma by induction on q, the smallest positive integer such that NqH (cid:17) 0. Since N is nilpotent, there is such a q for any H. The case q = 1 is handled by the previous lemma. Now as (cid:27) (cid:17)I +N, we know (cid:27)(cid:0)m0((cid:27)gH (cid:0)H) is killed by Nq(cid:0)1. So there is an m so that 1 Y =(cid:1) +(cid:27)(cid:0)m0((cid:27)gH (cid:0)H) m1 is ample. Then as (cid:27) (cid:12)xes the ample cone, (cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:27)gH +(cid:27)m0Y =(cid:1) (cid:0)H m0 m0+m1 is ample. CRITERIA FOR (cid:27)-AMPLENESS 525 We now immediately have by Propositions 2.3 and 4.6 and Theorem 3.4: Theorem 4.7. Let X be a projective scheme with an automorphism (cid:27). A divisor D is right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample if and only if (cid:27) is quasi-unipotent and D+(cid:27)D+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)m(cid:0)1D is ample for some m. 5. Corollaries Thecharacterizationof(right)(cid:27)(cid:0)1-amplenesshasmanystrongcorollarieswhich are now easy to prove, but were only conjectured before. Corollary 5.1. Right(cid:27)-ampleandleft(cid:27)-ampleareequivalentconditions. Further, (cid:27)-ampleness and (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ampleness are equivalent. Proof. Let D be right (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample. By Theorem 4.7, (cid:27) is quasi-unipotent and (cid:1) m is ample for some m. Then (cid:27)(cid:0)1 is quasi-unipotent and (cid:27)(cid:0)(m(cid:0)1)(cid:1) =D+(cid:27)(cid:0)1D+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)(cid:0)(m(cid:0)1)D m is ample. Applying the theorem again, we have that D is right (cid:27)-ample. Thus D is left (cid:27)(cid:0)1-ample by Lemma 2.4. The same lemma gives the second statement of the corollary. Remark 5.2. CombinedwithTheorem4.7,this provesTheorem1.3andsowemay refer to a divisor as being simply \(cid:27)-ample". In[AV],left(cid:27)-amplenesswasshowntoimplytheassociatedtwistedhomogeneous coordinateringisleftnoetherian. However,asnotedinthefootnoteof[AS,p. 258], the paper says,but does not prove,that B is noetherian. This actually is the case. Corollary 5.3. Let B = B(X;(cid:27);O (D)) be the twisted homogeneous coordinate X ring associated to a (cid:27)-ample divisor D. Then B is a (left and right) noetherian ring, (cid:12)nitely generated over the base (cid:12)eld. Analysis of the GK-dimension of B will be saved for the next section. From the de(cid:12)nition of (cid:27)-ample, it is not obvious when (cid:27)-ample divisors even exist. Theorem 4.7 makes the question much easier. Corollary 5.4. A projective scheme X has a (cid:27)-ample divisor if and only if (cid:27) is quasi-unipotent. In particular, every ample divisor is a (cid:27)-ample divisor if (cid:27) is quasi-unipotent. Thus,itisimportanttoknowwhenanautomorphism(cid:27)isquasi-unipotent. From the bounds in equation (3.6), we obtain Proposition 5.5. LetDbeanampledivisor. Then(cid:27)isquasi-unipotentifandonly if for all curves C, the intersection numbers ((cid:27)mD:C) are bounded by a polynomial for positive m. Proposition 5.6. Let X be a projective scheme such that (1) X has a canonical divisor K which is an ample or minus-ample divisor, or (2) the Picard number of X, i.e., the rank of A1 (X), is 1. Num Then any automorphism (cid:27) of X is quasi-unipotent. Indeed, some power of (cid:27) is numerically equivalent to the identity. 526 DENNIS S. KEELER Proof. In the (cid:12)rst case, for K to be ample or minus-ample, it must be a Cartier divisor. Thus the intersection numbers ((cid:27)mK:C) are de(cid:12)ned, where C is a curve. Since K must be (cid:12)xed by (cid:27), some power of (cid:27) must be numerically equivalent to the identity by equation (3.6). In the second case, the action of (cid:27) itself must be numerically equivalent to the identity. Thusformanyimportantprojectivevarieties,suchascurves,projectiven-space, Grassmann varieties [Fl, p. 271], and Fano varieties [Ko, p. 240, De(cid:12)nition 1.1], one automatically has that any automorphism must be quasi-unipotent. Returning to corollariesof Theorem4.7, we see that building new (cid:27)-ample divi- sors from old ones is also possible. Corollary 5.7. Let D be a (cid:27)-ample divisor and let D0 be a divisor with one of the following properties: (1) (cid:27)-ample, (2) generated by global sections, or (3) numerically e(cid:11)ective. Then D+D0 is (cid:27)-ample. Proof. Takem suchthat(cid:1) isample and(cid:1)0 =D0+(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+(cid:27)m(cid:0)1D0 isrespectively m m ample, generated by global sections, or numerically e(cid:11)ective. Then (cid:1) +(cid:1)0 is m m ample and we again apply the main theorem. Thefollowingcouldbeshowndirectlyfromthede(cid:12)nition,butalsousingasimilar method to the proof above, one can see Corollary 5.8. Let (cid:27) and (cid:28) be automorphisms. Then D is (cid:27)-ample if and only if (cid:28)D is (cid:28)(cid:27)(cid:28)(cid:0)1-ample. Note that (cid:28) need not be quasi-unipotent. Finally, as in the case of ampleness, (cid:27)-ampleness is a numerical condition. Corollary 5.9. Let D;D0 be numerically equivalent divisors and let (cid:27);(cid:27)0 be nu- merically equivalent automorphisms (i.e., their actions on A1 (X) are equal). Num Then D is (cid:27)-ample if and only if D0 is (cid:27)0-ample. Proof. As (cid:1) (cid:17) D0 +((cid:27)0)D0 +(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)+((cid:27)0)m(cid:0)1D0 and ampleness depends only on m the numerical equivalence class of a divisor, the corollary follows from our main theorem. 6. GK-dimension of B As mentioned, our main goal of this section is to prove Theorem 6.1. Let B = B(X;(cid:27);L) for some projective scheme X and (cid:27)-ample invertible sheaf L. (1) GKdimB is an integer. Hence B is of polynomial growth. In addition, GKdimB is independent of the (cid:27)-ample L chosen. (2) If (cid:27)m (cid:17)I for some m, then GKdimB =dimX +1. (3) If X is an equidimensional scheme, then k+dimX +1(cid:20)GKdimB (cid:20)k(dimX (cid:0)1)+dimX +1 where k =J((cid:27)) (cf. De(cid:12)nition 4.1) is an even naturalnumberdepending only on (cid:27).

theory of these twisted homogeneous coordinate rings in [AV] ampleness depends only on the numerical equivalence class of a divisor, and that.
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