CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTKENT ORIGINAL CASE INCIDENT REPORT ro®: (Emre EVENT#: 1870512080 INCIDENT MiGTIM = individual [ Police Officer ener LED Tenorames — | soy: See WES a Fa ORE Name: ARMFRS #04 TBemosraphics a To18S Cotage Cure Ave WITNESS Tindal Ree (uk ¢ our rove Se NOWOFFEND aan = fe ‘OFF CoRR wa ATTA WITNESS Individual | Tous voters coe ave | sera: sone WITNESS «nv 2 Soage crane ve Sobiete Sober LOGH Toye assy Attachment 4 Lean Chiesa Police Depavtient neiaent Report (> WITNESS Snaivaual “ENDER TO Catsne oom Ave Beat 0121 roe soit: Saree 5 loner Conmuneatne and Austsbity Jauuy ro mactey.D, | Responaing unt = Jiu ino (AIMERS #16864 Wiese FF nN N tin) «pi ne (COL EMANADAS = Wrtse $B Reaponding vets llury into LEMING 14875 “= Wess) eegonding Unt Janjy Inco ONES 49700" | Resgonding Unit Jy ino (TAN, 2.0." wens | | nesgonding wi Denowanhies ae a ar: ANI, Augsn L ria es | va oe | a age yews | fio on | Dat Erin Gompiodon Pronouneed Date 14 July 2618 175 Pemoveasy: Ales utero Bt 885 hesge Police Cepatmont= Intent Repo RDA: 96949797 Teenie Guan uta Oe NanS tb faatneoncanekoe ot Ceeucs ar NSnmcar ot Mer Cette IN ate sca Ea en Sa IL teow NCTRESTSS SESE Cet SO SORE UNIS Tex NOUCST SN ee Pde SS a ASSog oot Sei ene” SA EO EE Serie alates he SH TERE Ae et ate STAG Wo Ne Susi tthe Soe de oa aan es SAS SS UAE tee Secret a TARTS EE (Bie enter the (i ac sane e Si ee la ate ea cr STAG Ts NUNS Eat dere ee ng Sik Tait atten Eero a SH SEINE Aint he SAG le Ge atelecee SH EN Uae cinta ter oot Sid Toad NEA MEN SLE BEAE OT TN SOE eh on spre esuaceeuans tal Zosus NOME: RETARD SRONIEHS BEAT. S100 pmustatesiuatr ene 'SIAKA: 14206 AMIE: JESSICA LARYS BEAT, 0913 NARRATIVE Slorlo Emp No ar ser oate ie aaa Asworng Supenier “787 JOINSON, Rober, L iss. sorsea19 ae Feporing cor ner WESTIN, Seon, fst cornea ie PERSONNEL | an pomaimiene AR mainatcan ra Cchicage Police Department Incident Report RD: Ja300707 a Reon £ | wim orncery Z| Hauey, 0 ise No Retatanship of HARITH, Auguatus,L 2 Iino : eS z 5 : : Bo eae [Bf rscmetipe um AaweyNane te sur vane | | wetmcstion BY Gee Sone rvesiors 14iy 200440" DAWSON | eewertine one sure tame tien veaware tia 11 Peto [| meaner Unt AamneySane one sure ane 2 t & notecion 0 tctno ea Conk N87 Ro 2a hacen recuertTe Uni Anaya bate an ome a Ui Aan sure io E cosen 8 Diemer uy 20-81787—oRt0 _pouokeRry E Eos 2 seaueseryme Uni Annoy Name one sr ame | | csc 277 crascane mesioears Muy 20:8 850 851 noms on | aque 9p owe sure ane | onsene soy 2008 9004 Syony ROBERTS | awinet 1900 ome sure ane | ensoae 2018909 414 tga HAR a ea sae nance eis