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Preview Crewkerne Weekender Issue 225, January 23, 2015

news entertainment people sport F R E Crewkerne E Part of Tindle Newspapers Ltd Issue 225 January 23rd 2015 Legion wins award after upping its local profile See page 7 Your complete leisure guide to the weekend in South Somerset COLIN EATON Professional Personal Care -FdSc.HCPC-HAD. FSHAA- Your Hearing Aid Audiologist Wax Removal • Tinnitus Assistance • Speech Mapping “We’ve been helping people since 1999” Years of specialised professional prac(cid:14)ce HONITON HEARING CENTRE •12 New Street,HONITON,Devon,EX14 1EY • Tel: 01404 47070 • www.honiton-hearing.co.uk 2 Friday, January 23 2015 SOUTH SOMERSET www.viewfromonline.co.uk Plans underway for second stage of superfast broadband roll-out Connecting Devon & Somerset (CDS) has an- “Whilst we will be using the government’s na- nounced that it will be publishing the tender for tional procurement framework agreement for the the second stage of the superfast broadband pro- tender process to continue the momentum of the gramme across the region by early February. roll out to date, we will also be opening it up to The announcement comes as the current pro- bids from other suppliers for the National Park gramme gathers significant momentum with over areas. 400 cabinets and nearly 100,000 homes and busi- “The National Park areas will require an innova- nesses connected to fibre. In addition, some 2,500 tive approach due to their remoteness and there- individuals and businesses have attended events as fore we believe it is appropriate to extend this part part of the Get up to Speed programme, which is of the tender to other suppliers so that we can see designed to help them get the most out of faster what’s out there in the marketplace and ensure we SSPPEECCIIAALL EEVVEENNTT CCAARRSS broadband. come up with the best solutions possible for our H.R.Hodge Connecting Devon and Somerset will be using available funding.” Lovely cars to hire for your wedding day with a South Petherton the Government’s national procurement frame- Councillor David Hall, deputy leader of Somer- work for its delivery partner for most of the area. set County Council, added: “The roll out of the su- smart fully uniformed chauffeur! However, the CDS partnership is keen to open up perfast broadband infrastructure across our region We’ve been on the straight and narrow for a long time….. this second stage to other potential providers. It has made excellent progress despite being one of Also a complimentary bottle of bubbly will therefore be running an open procurement most challenging terrains in the country and the We are delighted to announce the arrival of the curved Samsung to celebrate your very special day when you UE48H800ST. process in Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks largest geography of any such programme nation- make a booking with us. We will also colour 48” allowing bids from other suppliers. The parks rep- ally. LED co-ordinate ribbons and flowers, even the Curve3d. Dscreen resent some of the most challenging terrain for “The tender marks a significant step in achieving chauffeur will wear co-ordinated tie and FrFeUevLiLe wH .HD.D connecting remote rural communities to superfast our ultimate goal of 100 per cent superfast broad- button hole if you wish. BBCCa tIpchlSa yauempr s,S uIeTnrVvg i PcSelmasy aterhrta, Ht4 u0inbDc l&u d 5e0D broadband. Two areas in Exmoor are already being band coverage across the area by 2020. Also this Smart TV with web os connected with the support of CDS by an innova- stage of the roll out will put a strong focus on the Magic remote included So call us today on (01460) 75359 *Free f£iv1e 4ye9a9r .g0u0arantee 40MWaC tSacpmheienargka e crrae Sbaiydnsyettesm available stiavtee llYiteeo avnild- bwaisfei dte fcihrnmo,l ougsyin.g a combination of cbouusirnteessys ocfo fmunmduinngit yf,r oimnc tlhued iHngea rht oomf ethweo Srkoeurtsh, or mob 07736 452656 *Free o*nFere yee ianrsst ahlolamtieo nsupport Prices from £199 - £499 The second stage of the roll out will involve an West Local Enterprise Partnership, eventually www.specialeventcars.co.uk *Fin*Banucye n toewrm psa ya vlaatielarble investment of at least £38million – the largest helping to provide a predicted three quarters of a Please ring for more information or amount of any superfast broadband project in the billion pound economic boost to the region. call in for a demonstration UK which was secured by CDS and its partners in “We recognise that there is still a long way to go TO ADVERTISE IN THE WEEKENDER 01460 240645 August 2014. This funding will be spent on in- to rolling out the complete programme but we CALL 01297 446150 creasing superfast coverage and CDS are on track firmly believe the procurement approach we are NEWSPAPER www.hrhodge.co.uk to reach their ambition of 100 per cent superfast taking with the second stage tender will ensure we TheWeekender broadband coverage by 2020. remain on course and provide best value to com- Councillor Andrew Leadbetter, Cabinet Member munities at the same time.” for Economy and Growth for Devon County Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), part of the Council, said: “The current programme is very Department of Culture, Media and Sport and re- Announcements much on schedule and it’s great to hear the positive sponsible for delivering superfast broadband in the feedback we are receiving from households and UK, has recently launched a multi-channel mar- businesses, who are already seeing the benefits of keting campaign to raise awareness, highlight the faster broadband speeds. benefits and support take up. Volunteer buddies needed to help most vulnerable In Loving Memory of SOMERSET County Council is seeking enthusiastic life, or may need help gaining confidence or be- TIA volunteers who can give a few hours per week to coming more independent. help improve the lives of the county’s most vulner- Anyone aged 21 and over can be a Buddy. All they TAKEN SO SUDDENLY ONE YEAR AGO able young people. need is enthusiasm, a desire to help young people STILL MISSED SO MUCH The Council’s Youth Offending Team recruits vol- and a few hours per week to spare. Training and ex- LOVE ALWAYSMUM unteers for a number of projects, not just to help penses are provided and the project provides a young offenders but also to support other vulnera- great experience for potential career progression. ble young people in Somerset. The young people For more information or to get involved, phone that the Buddy Project helps, usually aged 13 to 19, 01458 440820 or email streetvolunteers@somer- FRAN IN LOVING MEMORY OF A may be struggling in school, have a difficult home set.gov.uk DEAR NIECE TIA HAPPY 50TH A YEAR HAS PASSED Contact us . . . BIRTHDAY WITH THE ANGELS, LOTS OF LOVE ALWAYS IN MY HEART, ALL THE FAMILY XX AUNTIE ANGELA TheWeekender series of newspapers is published by Devon, Dorset &  Part of Tindle Somerset Series of Newspapers Ltd. Unit 3 St Michael’s Business Centre, Newspapers IN LOVING MEMORY OF Church Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3DB, telephone 01297 446057 Ltd MUMMY For advertising For editorial If you would like to know more about If you have a story, photo or editorial query WHO DIED ONE YEAR AGO advertising in the Weekender please call... for The Weekender please call... SADLY MISSED BY PE PE, HOLLY, RUBY & DARCY FREE FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENT ORDER FORM Message......................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ Date for insertion: Friday......................... Kirsten Taylor Jae Verhaeren Anders Larsson Francesca Evans Howard Larcombe Send to: DEVON, DORSET & SOMERSET SERIES OF NEWSPAPERS LTD., Sales Executive Sales Executive Senior Reporter Sub-editor Sports Editor Unit 3, St Michaels Business Centre, Church Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3DB 01297 446150 01297 446153 01297 631120 01297 446154 01297 446152 Signed..................................Telephone................................ kirsten@ jae@ anders@ francesca@ howard@ Please include s.a.e. for the return of photos. pemedia.co.uk pemedia.co.uk tindlenews.co.uk pemedia.co.uk pemedia.co.uk ALL FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS MUST BE IN 12 NOON ON www.the-weekender.co.uk WEDNESDAY FOR THE FRIDAY PUBLICATION www.viewfromonline.co.uk SOUTH SOMERSET NEWS Friday, January 23 2015 3 MP joins fight against hospital bed closures Chard man dies after crash in Seavington LOCAL MP David Laws has demanded that Som- “The NHS should re-open all of the community beds for other patients erset Clinical Commissioning Group re-opens 57 hospital beds in Somerset as a matter of priority, needing treatment. POLICE have named a man who died in a two- community hospital beds, which have been tem- and make sure that no more beds are closed per- “We should not even car crash in Seavington, near Ilminster, as Chard porarily closed since last year, and scraps plans to manently. be considering shrink- resident Andrew Killeen. permanently close more community hospital beds “I am very worried by the review which suggests ing community hospi- Mr Killeen, aged 47, died after the crash on in South Petherton, Chard and Crewkerne. closing one third of community hospital beds, tals when our acute the B3168 at Seavington on Tuesday, January Mr Laws, the Liberal Democrat MP for the when it is clear that these beds are desperately hospitals are overflow- 13th. Yeovil constituency (pictured), has commented on needed. ing. He was driving a Saab which collided with a an NHS review which recommends permanent “At present, big hospitals are having to cancel “I have written to the Toyota Rav 4 at about 3pm. Mr Killeen was closure of one third of the community hospital numerous operations because they are effectively NHS Clinical Commis- taken to hospital but sadly died two days later beds in Somerset – 102 of 312 beds. full, and do not have spare beds for people to re- sioning Group asking from injuries he sustained in the collision. He said: “It is complete madness to have large cover in after treatment. them to re-open all com- numbers of community hospital beds closed when “Community hospital beds allow larger hospitals munity hospital beds urgently and to drop any Cow rescued from slurry pit these beds are urgently needed to move patients such as Yeovil and Musgrove to discharge patients plans to permanently close beds in hospitals such out of acute hospitals such as Yeovil and Taunton. when their operations have taken place and free up as South Petherton, Chard and Crewkerne.” FIREFIGHTERS came to the rescue of a cow Devon woman hopes to represent Yeovil constituency stuck in a slurry pit in Park Lane, Donyatt. They were called just after 4.30pm on Wednesday, January 14th, and a spokesperson AN Axmouth resident is in the race to become a About her background and previous career, she for the fire and rescue service said: "One appli- parliamentary candidate in Yeovil constituency. said: "I taught English and drama at Bishop Fox’s ance from Ilminster, with the Specialist Rescue Emily McIvor hopes to become the Green Party School in Taunton having studied English and Team from Bridgwater, were mobilised follow- candidate for the forthcoming parliamentary Politics at the University of York and Education ing a report of a large animal trapped. election and, ultimately, MP for Yeovil Con- (for a PGCE) at the University of Exeter. "On arrival at the scene, crews confirmed one stituency. Ms McIvor has attended hustings in "I became a special needs teacher in 1999, cow in slurry pit. Crews at work making area the constituency, and South Somerset Green teaching English at a residential school for chil- safe and awaiting arrival of the Specialist Res- Party secretary Peter Lansdown said: "The pur- dren with emotional and behavioural difficul- cue Team. The cow was released by using a trac- pose is to adopt Emily McIvor from Axmouth as ties." tor and lines." the Green Party candidate for the forthcoming Emily describes herself as "a long-standing parliamentary election." Green Party activist", and gained a degree of ex- Ms McIvor grew up near Axminster and cur- perience when she stood in the 2014 European Crew tackles chimney fire rently works as policy director of the Humane So- Parliament election. A FIRE engine was called to Hey Farm Bunga- ciety International’s research and toxicology She added: "While I am familiar with the full lows, Winsham, on the evening of Monday, Jan- department, working on EU animal and con- range of Green Party policies, I am particularly ‘at uary 19th to deal with a chimney fire. sumer protection legislation (including regula- home’ dealing with local planning and conserva- There was no report of injuries or damages, tion of chemicals, pesticides and cosmetics). tion issues, animal welfare/food and farming, always to show that addressing both of these and a spokesperson for the fire and rescue serv- She said: "In this role I maintain a good working and campaigning to eradicate poverty in the UK core values simultaneously is necessary if we are ice said: "Crews confirmed there was a chimney knowledge of European politics, and, because I and internationally. to create a fairer and safer world." fire and extinguished it." am a consultant, I can usually attend daytime "I believe our social policies are directly linked The party will announce the name of the suc- meetings." to our promotion of ecological justice, and aim cessful candidate on Tuesday, January 27th. The call came in just before 9pm. Beautiful Kitchens do not have to cost a foortune... wwaatersside STOKES PARTNERS LLP KK I T C H E N S L I M I T E D SOLICITORS BUYING OR SELLING YOUR HOME? Affordable kitcchens with a budget to suit everyone Specialist legal advisors, who provide a professional and personal service to our clients • Buying & Selling Homes • Online Quotes • Mortgaging • Property Transfers • Lease Extensions • Ownership / Sharing Agreement • Crown specialist dealerr • Personalised approach to individual needs • Bespoke kitchens, bedrrooms, bathrooms & home officces 01460 279279 • Replacement door & woorktop service [email protected] • AAmplle FFRREEEE parkkiing www.stokespartners.co.uk Pleasee contact Keith for more details. Kingfisher House Market Square Crewkerne TA18 7LH Unit 6B, Lopen Business Park, TA13 5JS ~~ 01460 242070 wwww.watersidekitchens.co.uukk 4 Friday, January 23 2015 CHARD NEWS www.viewfromonline.co.uk Chard nurse to join 350k Indian Camera club hold in-house comeptition cycle for medical research charity CHARD Camera Club recently held its first in-house compe- tition of the year judged by renowned photographer and A NURSE at Spring- lecturer Malcolm Mc- mead Surgery in Chard Naughton. has responded to an ap- A club spokesperson said: peal by leading infertil- "The evening was well at- ity expert Professor tended and it was good to see Robert Winston. relative new members to the Sandi Nicholls, 51, club put their heads above will take on a tough, the parapet and receive some women-only cycling well deserved points for their challenge in Kerala, efforts, well done.” India. The idea is to Results of the competition were as follows: 2nd Cornish Sea Thistle by Peter O Shea Snr., 3rd raise money for Gene- Special Subject Prints (Monochrome) - 1st Lofoten Island by Alastair Purcell (pictured sis Research Trust, Tulips by Charlotte Nadin, 2nd Masks by David above); Open Subject DPI - 1st Breakfast by Dick which works to im- Blay, 3rd The Fallen by Mike Spalding; Open Sub- Moon, 2nd Hollyhock by Marjorie Marrett, 3rd prove the health of ject Prints - 1st Old Hen House by Peter O Shea Sherbourne Abbey by Charlotte Nadin. women and babies. Sandi, who lives in (cid:0)ON HER BIKE: Chard nurse Sandi Nicholls will cycle 350 kilometres Snr., 2nd Let Me Out by Charlotte Nadin, 3rd Did Anyone interested in learning more about the I Win? by Trevor Mace; Special Subject DPI club should call Peter Partridge on 01460 66885 Axmouth, Eeast in Kerala, India (Seascape) - 1st Rough Seas by Terry Marrett, or visit the website at chardcameraclub.org.uk Devon, needs to raise a minimum of £3,100 and is asking local people, cancer, infertility and genetic diseases." Helping to fight mental health stigma businesses and companies to help her reach that Professor Robert Winston, the chairman of Gen- target. esis Research Trust, explained: "With nearly 250 Sandi, who herself underwent open heart sur- babies dying in the UK every week from compli- CHARD is joining national campaign Time to Project in Chard, Clarks Village in Street, Taunton gery three years ago, will join a group of other cations during pregnancy, our work has never Change to help overcome the stigma surround- Library, Bridgwater College and Minehead women in October to cycle approximately 350 been so essential for women and babies nation- ing mental illness. Sports & Leisure Centre, and will encourage five kilometres over five days. Training is already in wide." Time to Change is asking the nation to take five minute conversations with members of the pub- progress, so you may see her cycling around the Sandi plans to hold a string fundraising events, minutes on February 5th to talk about mental lic. At the same time a team of five will be travel- lanes of East Devon and South Somerset with her the first being an auction of promises at The Ship health and the Somerset 1 in 4 group, which ling across Somerset, aiming to reach all five friends and team mates, Noelle Adler and Jules in Axmouth in March on a date to be announced. tackles stigma and discrimination around mental points within five hours as they raise awareness Castleden. Promises are welcome from any local companies health, is leading events on the day around the en route. She said: "The money raised will help fund and individuals. county, working in partnership with other char- Anyone interested in learning more about ground-breaking medical research into conditions Anyone wishing to pledge a promise can do so ities and organisations. mental health issues and helping to break down affecting women and babies, in particular causes by calling her on 07967 917874. Donations can Playing on the theme of “five” the organisation the barriers in our local community are welcome of miscarriage, still birth, premature birth, ovarian be made via www.justgiving.com/sandra-nicholls. is hosting five stands in five different venues to attend the event. Got a story for the Weekender? Call Anders on 01297 631120 across the county, one in each of the five districts The stand in Chard will be held at the Chard or 01297 44616 or email [email protected] in Somerset. The stands will raise awareness in WATCH Project at the Chard Young People’s their chosen locations, including at the WATCH Cente, Essex Close, between 11am and 4pm. Get your great start with... One Month Free!* AT CRICKET ST. THOMAS REASONS TO JOIN • Feel healthier • Improve your energy levels • Increase confidence • Lose weight • Be more active Offer ends •Achieve a healthy body and mind • Be fit for the day ahead 28 Feb 2015 • Get set for your holidays • Make new friends ENJOY THE GYM, A SWIM, CLASSES AND MORE... To join Cricket St. Thomas Leisure Club or for more 01460 30975 information come visit us or call *Terms and conditions apply, please ask the team for more details. 69348 www.viewfromonline.co.uk CHARD NEWS Friday, January 23 2015 5 Children explore how food goes Isle Group raises £750 for village hall from ‘Farm to Fork’ on Tesco trip RETIRING chairman Bev Gibson gave a resume of the year's events during the annual general meeting of The Isle Ladies Group in Wadeford earlier this month. Bev also presented Hilary Tinson, chairman of the Coombe St Nicholas Village Hall Committee, with a cheque for £752. The money was raised from coffee mornings, af- ternoon teas, a very successful “Prosecco and Puds” evening at Wadeford Manor, plus a Thanksgiving lunch at Pat Hamilton’s home. Hilary thanked everyone and said the money would be most appreciated. In addition, The Isle Group raised £203 for the Children's Hospice South West at a mulled wine and carol singing event in December at Beeches. Bevwished the new committee well and thanked all the members for their generosity and support. LLyymmee BBaayy SSttoorraaggee Fosseway Park, Harepath Road, Seaton, Devon EX12 2WH (next to Lyme Bay Auctions) FOR SALE OVER 11,000 CASES OF WINE We have over 11,000 cases of wine to clear from a major insolvency practitionerall at £18.50for a case of six (£3.08 each) inclusive To include:Merlot, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Montepulciano, Valpolicella, Pinot Grigio plus rose, Nero. Also Prosecco (Italian Champagne) only £37.00 YEAR 4, 5 and 6 pupils from Chard School have been country of origin of fresh produce and to find pro- SALE OR RETURN FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS on a “Farm to Fork” visit to the town’s Tesco super- duce matching each colour of the rainbow. market. A school spokesperson said: "The Farm to Fork vis- OPEN: Every Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5pm The visit took place on Tuesday, January 13th and its are intended to ignite a passion for where food pupils donned bakery hats and “Farm to Fork” vests comes from in the nation's children. Saturday 31st January and Sunday 1st February 9.30am - 5pm before embarking on a tour of the store. "Tesco has opened the doors of more than 700 of They visited the walk-in fridge and freezers before their larger stores for primary school children to Email: [email protected] Tel: 01297 22007 heading to the bakery where they were given a talk come and touch, feel and taste food and learn from the bakers about the bread-making process, about the journey their food takes from farm to and then had a go at making dough themselves. fork. The children then went to the fish counter before "Thank you to the staff at Tesco, Chard, for giving comleting a quiz around the store to identify the the pupils such an interesting and fun visit." Rotarians sponsor student for charity trek up Mount Everest TOURING CARAVANS WANTED! CASH WAITING We will pay cash, bankers draft or money transfer. Instant Decisions. (cid:0)THE Rotary Club of Chard is sponsoring Lizzie Fenner, a local student at Loughborough Col- Freephone 0800 056 1170 lege, who with 15 other students is planning to trek over a period of 11 days to the Mount Ever- est base camp at 17,000 feet. The group is raising money for The Children’s Society, a UK based charity which supports children who live in poverty, are runaways or have been abused or neg- 01935 864587 lected. The money will be specifically used for their on street drop in centres and one to one counselling sessions. The party fly out on the August 27th for two weeks. The Rotary Club pres- ident Eric Beckley presented Lizzie with a cheque for £100 at their meeting on Tuesday. The 01392 300889 pair are pictured above with president-elect Robin Williams and junior vice-president Tracey Murphy. 6 Friday, January 23 2015 ILMINSTER NEWS www.viewfromonline.co.uk Neroche school makes plans to Rotarians fund visit from mobile formally expand into Ilminster classroom to teach pupils life skills NEROCHE Community Primary School in Broad- EXCITED children at way is hoping to extend its catchment area into Greenfylde CE First the west of Ilminster. School and Year 5 pupils at The school already has pupils from the area, Swanmead Community but is hoping to formalise the arrangement. It School in Ilminster wel- has produced a consultation document, and in a comed an extraordinary visitor this week when the accompanying letter headteacher Connel they met Harold, a very Boyle said: "We are concerned that the families special giraffe, in the Life of children in Ilminster, who for the past 40 years Education Wessex mobile have exercised their choice to attend our school, classroom. may have future difficulty in obtaining a place at The classroom offers fun Neroche if our popularity of the past three years sessions to help children continues to rise at current rates. learn more about how their bodies work and what they "So we are consulting about this extension to need to do to keep them- our catchment area to protect the current 'unof- “The parents, who currently elect to join Ne- selves healthy and safe. ficial status quo' that has existed since our school roche Community Primary School, and those in The visit was funded by was built 40 years ago." the future, from the west side of Ilminster, will The Rotary Club of Ilmin- (cid:0)SPECIAL VISITOR: Helen Morrall and Harold The Giraffe entertain The consultation ends on February 11th and gain confidence that they are applying to our ster as part of their ongo- Greenfylde CE First School pupils Photo by ANDERS LARSSON any changes would become effective from Sep- ing approach towards tember 2016. school from within our defined catchment area. greater community in- “Run by specialist educators, sessions help children Many parents, especially those with older sib- volvement. In this case the children at both schools were aged three to 13 years old learn valuable life skills using Mr Boyle added: "Our aim is to essentially pro- lings in the school, will benefit most should our able to participate in a four day visit from Life Education age-specific activities on topics such as self-esteem, drug tect the rights of parents from the west of Ilmin- catchment be extended. Wessex. and alcohol awareness, assertiveness and anti-bullying ster to exercise the choice of where to have their The cost of the visit was paid through money raised at techniques, positive friendships and being safe and children educated. “This is our main target group that has in- their annual golf day, held with the generous co-opera- healthy. "Since Neroche Community Primary School formed our decision to commission this consul- tion of the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club, and the support “Recent research with school children who have taken tation. "Our planned admission number will of local businesses who sponsored the day’s activities. part in the Life Education programme demonstrates its was built in 1973, a significant proportion of our pupils (our roll averages 150) have always come remain at 30 per year group. Talhl eth oer gsuanpipsoerrt, .Rotarian David Dick, is very grateful for emxocreep atiboonuatl kseuecpciensgs hreaatelt;h 8y7; 7p6e pr ecre cnet not fr ecchoilgdnriesne dk hnoeww from Ilminster. "The extension of our catchment, giving par- Fellow Rotarian and county support member for chil- their emotions and needs changed in different situations; "The proportion of pupils from Ilminster at our ents on the west of Ilminster a choice of two dren and families, Linda Piggott-Vijeh, said: “It is 88 per cent understood how others influenced the choices school has historically fluctuated between 20 per schools, will have little to no impact upon our through activities such as this, which helps to nurture and they made about smoking, alcohol and other drugs; and cent and 40 per cent of our total school roll for neighbouring schools pupil numbers, as we are develop our future generation, that Rotary really comes 69 per cent reported they had learned to be more as- into its own, and lives up to its motto of ‘Service Above sertive.” the past 40 years. We currently have over 40 chil- consulting upon maintaining the existing unoffi- Self’. Helen Morrall, educator for Life Education Wessex, dren from Ilminster on roll. cial status quo." “During the visit the children entered the magical added: “Children at Greenfylde First and Swanmead world of a specially designed mobile classroom with an Community schools had the opportunity to take part in Got a story for The Weekender? Call Anders interactive model of the human body, fibre optic lighting high impact, memorable activities that help them become and a multi-media suite. Films and puppets created by better informed and more assertive about the health and Larsson on 01297 631120 or 01297 446152 BAFTA award-nominated puppeteers from the BBC help well-being choices they make for the rest of their lives. capture children’s imagination and develop their critical “The interactive nature of the sessions encourages thinking. every individual to become involved.” ELSWOODS CLEANING SUPPLIES Cleaning Advice, Supplies & Service since 1972 Greensleeves We sell, repair and service many brands Nurseries Numatic Rug Doctor (cid:1) (cid:1) Kerstar Dyson (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) Sebo (cid:1) Nilco WINTER SALE ++ Machine bags and filters, Unger window 20% OFF cleaning equipment and Prochem Chemicals Telephone: ((0011446600)) 7733442233 Fax: ((0011446600)) 7755445511 £H1Ee3xnt0rrya.00 £G2(ein0oc9 rVg.A9eT5) PLANTS E-Mail: sseerrvviiccee@@eellsswwooooddss..ccoomm (inc VAT) NNeeww WWeebbssiittee:: wwwwww..eellsswwooooddssddiirreecctt..ccoomm Blacknell Works, Hetty Blacknell Lane (i£nc1 V0A5T) ALSO FARM SHOP Industrial Estate, Crewkerne, Henry Open: Mon-Sat 9am-7pm, £105 Somerset, TA18 7HE (inc VAT) Sun 10am-6pm 10% Off all Numatic OPEN BANK HOLIDAYS Homecare machines Lower Odcombe purchased in store for the (on the Montacute - Yeovil Road) month of January 2015 Telephone 01935 864166 (cid:0) *With this voucher www.viewfromonline.co.uk SOUTH SOMERSET NEWS Friday, January 23 2015 7 7nts July 4* Seelf Catering Gran Canaria Flying from Exeter FFRRRROOMM OONNLLLLYYYY £2275 PEER PERSON WIDESTT CHOICEE ON THE HIGH STREETT Legion wins award for BOOK YOUR HOLIDAAYY THEE BAATTHH TTRRAAAVVEELL WWWAAAYY AND SMMILE expanding membership (cid:0)THE Crewkerne branch of the Royal British Legion were extremely honoured to receive an award at the Royal British Legion County Conference on January 17th, held at Writhlington School, near Radstock. The award was presented by 3 Market Sttreet, Crewkerne Commodore Manser, the new president of the Somerset County Royal British Legion, for a successful year in recruiting 001144666600 660011009911 new members to the small branch. The chairman of the Crewkerne branch, Tony Samuel, said: “2014 has been a really good year for recruitment. The branch has worked hard over the last 12 months upping the profile of our worthy cause bathtravel.co.uk and bringing in new members. I would like to thank the people of Crewkerne and the surrounding area, for their sup- port in what we do and especially the Poppy Appeal. This year the community of Crewkerne helped us to raise a record PART OF THE UK’S LARRGEST amount of £7,500. Without their support it would not be possible to carry out our work for the Legion. Again we thank INDEPENDENT TRAVELL AGENT TTeerms and conditioons apply. Ask instore for full details. you all." Pictured above are Legion secretary Alice Samuel, chairman Tony Samuel and com- mittee member Terry Austin. Advertiser’s Announcement WRINKLE REDUCTION! AXMINSTERclinic for fine lines and wrinkles was clinic. These include Pellevé, Sculptra and Aqualyx. established in 1999. We are associates of the famous Pellevé is a new innovation for smoother, tighter skin Knightsbridge clinic of Dr Rita Rakus. In addition to using advanced radiowave technology that causes the our various injectables and fillers, our Doctor has collagen in your skin to contract, tighten and produce recently introduced some exciting new wrinkle new collagen. Results after Pellevé are instantly reduction treatments in Axminster that have noticeable with an improvement in skin quality. previously only been available in our Knightsbridge Sculptra works differently from traditional fillers gradually reducing lines Wrinkle Reduction, giving a fuller natural look that can last up to 25 months. Frown Line Treatment, Aqualyx dissolves localised body fat safely Skin Tightening and Lifting and simply. We offer free consulta- tions giving you the op- Advanced treatments for fine lines, wrinkles, lip enhancement, portunity to discuss the facial contouring and dermaroller treatments are available from our various options available with no obligation. This Knightsbridge doctor. is an opportunity to ask Pellevé Next Clinic any questions you may Local councillor hosts wine tasting have regarding any of The Pelleve Wrinkle Reduction System is a Monday our treatments. Please safe, painless & effective non-surgical 2nd February 2015 call Janis on 01243 facelift. Discomfort and side effects are 374111 if you would like MISTERTON wine lovers gathered together this range of organisations and is also a fun way for minimal. an appointment. week for a charity wine tasting hosted by local people to enjoy an evening together trying Medical studies have proven that the Pellevé www.anti-ageing-clinic.co.uk Wine & Spirit Education Trust tutor, wine writer wines they might not have otherwise had the treatment reduces the appearance of wrinkles. and councillor, Linda Piggott-Vijeh. opportunity to taste. The tasting had been bid for by Paul Bradly, “We tasted 12 wines in all, ranging from a full- Our Knightsbridge clinic was the first official Pelleve treatment centre in the UK! who paid £160, as part of fundraising efforts for bodied Turkish red, to a lovely luscious Hungar- New the Conservative party's upcoming election cam- ian Tokaji, and also a 2001 Saint-Emilion Grand paign. Cru. It is hard work but well worth the effort to We are excited to introduce two new treatments to Axminster (previously only available in our Said Linda: “I frequently donate tastings like this help people become more knowledgeable Knightsbridge clinic) for charitable causes all across the West Country. about what they are buying and to know what Sculptra This is one way in which I can support a wide to look for in a wine.” The volumiser designed to stimulate collagen If you have a story for The Weekender, with results that can last over two years Aqualux VOLUMA call reporter Anders Larsson on 01297 A solution for problem areas of localised fat. Dissolves localised fat deposits simply and safely. Phone for an appointment 631120 or 01297 446152 or email 07906 786246 Chiropractic Health Centre or 01243 374111 [email protected] Pam Cottey House, Chard Street, Axminster EX13 5DZ 8 Friday, January 23 2015 SOUTH SOMERSET NEWS www.viewfromonline.co.uk Financial boost of £100k for Flood Action Plan New magazine to attract green tourists to Somerset DARK skies, poets and starlings are among the at- THE 20 Year Flood Action Plan celebrated a ronment and through our leadership of the Somerset between December 1st 2013 and March 31st 2014. tractions being used to tempt green tourists to recent £100,000 boost for crucial work to en- Levels Development Fund we feel that this project A further announcement was made at the end of No- Somerset in a new publication. courage natural flood management on the delivers a truly integrated programme that will ben- vember 2014 that the scheme would be extended The magazine promoting Somerset as a sustain- efit all who live and work on the Levels.” backwards to include premises that had been flooded able rural tourist destination has been distributed Somerset Levels and Moors, following recent The £50,000 also awarded by the Prince’s Coun- between April 1st 2013 to November 30th 2013. this month in the national BBC Countryfile maga- awards to two of its partner organisations tryside Fund to FWAG SW, to improve the viability For applicants that were flooded between these czainTphee.es , pwuabsl imcaatdioen p, Soossmibelres eatf t&e rE xSmomooerr s–e Gt Creoaut nEtsy- frTohme tRhoey Palr iBnacteh’ s& C oWuenstt rSyosicdieet yF u(RnBd.&W) was colfu fdaersm aimngo nogns tth oet hSeorm ineirtsiaetti vMeso,o irnsi tainald wLoervke ltso, einn-- btiym tehse t hgeo vReerpnamire natn dto R SeSnDewC dheaas dblieneen feoxrt epnadyemde tnot Council and partners secured funding as part of awarded £50,000 which will go hand in hand with courage land management practices that stop or slow June 30th. To meet this deadline this means that all the EU Interreg funded COOL tourism project to £50,000 also awarded to the Farming and Wildlife water entering the rivers. grant aided work must be completed and final in- grow and promote sustainable rural tourism. Advisory Group South West (FWAG SW), which Ann Langdon, Senior Advisor for FWAG SW, voices submitted to the council by the end of May Produced by Greentraveller, the guide highlights co-ordinates land management projects for the Flood said: “This money will enable us to work with farm- 2015. 30 different ideas to encourage breaks in Somerset Action Plan. ers with land above the Levels, to increase the water The government-funded Repair and Renew Grant and Exmoor. These include everything from stay- Now the funds can be used as a crucial first stage holding capacity of their soils - which will help re- scheme can provide grants for additional flood re- ing in unique accommodation and observing star- for developing an advice and support package duce flooding down on the Levels. It will also en- silience or resistance measures for homes and busi- ling murmurations on the Somerset Levels to throughout the Levels and Moors catchment, to en- able us to continue work looking at ways to increase nesses that have been hit by the floods, over and indulging in gourmet local food, walking in a courage land use that stops or slows water from en- grassland resilience in areas which flood. poet's footsteps and experiencing Exmoor’s Inter- tering river courses and maximises natural flood Once further funding is secured for the Flood Ac- above repairs that would normally be covered by in- national Dark Sky Reserve. management. tion Plan work, an integrated practical advice and surance. Affected residents need to apply to their Over 100 local tourism related businesses that It will also be the preliminary work to enable a support package will be provided to land managers local district council to bid for the grant. offer products and services that support these Even if you have already fitted new measures fol- £550,000 award from the Heart of the South West by specialist advisors, enabling them to introduce iconic experiences were identified. They include lowing last winter's flooding you can still apply for Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) announced last natural land and flood management practices accommodation providers, guided tours, food and the grant retrospectively to cover the cost. drBinokth p trhoev iedxepres raienndc tersa nanspdo srutp pproorvtiidnegr sb.usinesses wyeoarrk f,o tro t hbee Fulsoeodd fAocr tsiomna Plll asnc’asl eL acnadp iMtala nwaogrekms eonnt thTrohueg ahwoaurtd tsh eto c tahtec hRmBe&ntW. and FWAG SW are part Councillor Ric Pallister, chairman of the Somerset are also being promoted online on various web- farms to hold water back. of £650,000 from the Prince’s Countryside Fund for Health and Housing Flood Recovery Group, said: sites, including the Visit Somerset website, and Councillor John Osman, chairman of the Flood investment in rural initiatives to find the farmers of “I am delighted that common-sense has at last pre- through social media. A supporting video has also Action Plan Leaders Implementation Group and the future, improve rural livelihoods and create vailed. We still have families in Somerset who been produced to further promote the broad leader of Somerset County Council, said: “The sup- t(cid:0)hriving rural communities. aren’t yet back in their homes after last winter’s del- range of experiences available for residents and port of FWAG SW and the RB&W in bidding for After months of lobbying Defra and Treasury uge and have not been able to meet the arbitrary visitors to the county. and winning these awards, and the generosity of the Ministers by the leader of South Somerset District deadline set by DEFRA. Councillor David Hall, Somerset County Council’s Prince’s Countryside Fund, is greatly valued. Many Council, Councillor Ric Pallister, Defra have an- “This extension is invaluable and means that al- Cabinet Member for Business, Inward Investment funding streams are about capital work projects but nounced an extension to March 31st deadline for re- most everyone who is entitled to a grant to assist and Policy, said: “I am delighted to support this ini- vital preliminary work needs funding too, and these imbursement claims for the Repair and Renew Grant with making their homes more resilient to flooding tiative which should really help to highlight every- awards are crucial.” offered by the government to householders affected will now receive financial support. Without this thing that Somerset has to offer at this crucial time Edwin White, chairman of the RB&W Somerset by flooding. change of heart many would have been left with an of year, when so many potential visitors are plan- ning ahead for their breaks. Levels Development Fund added: “We’re delighted The Repair and Renew Grant provides homeown- unpaid bill for £5000 when the scheme closed rather “We are also working closely with Visit Somerset to receive this grant from the Princes Countryside ers and businesses with up to £5,000 grant funding than the full support they richly deserve.” to encourage more hits on the Visit Somerset web- Fund, a real endorsement of our work from such an towards establishing resilience and/or resistance Anyone wishing to find out more or to start an ap- site which gives residents and visitors great ideas established organisation. measures to their property in order to minimise the plication should contact the Paul Rees at the district for day trips and longer breaks.” “Our mission at the RB&W is to develop agricul- risk or impact of any future flooding. council on 01935 462507 or visit www.southsomer- ture, grow the rural economy and protect the envi- To be eligible, premises had to have been flooded set.gov.uk B.Gibbs Funeral Services Ltd B. GIBBS Funeral Services Ltd. is a family business A funeral service should reflect the life of the provide you with the guidance and support to covering the local community of Chard and the sur- person who has passed away and must be carefully make this special occasion as unique as the person rounding area. We are proud to be an independent planned and tailored to those individual who has passed away. Barry and his dedicated staff family run firm, offering a range of traditional, green requirements. Whether it is to be a simple funeral are always on hand to discuss with no obligation, and bespoke funerals. Barry Gibbs is a member of service or something more elaborate, we can the different choices of funeral service, be it the National Association of Funeral Directors religious or non-religious. (NAFD) and holds the NAFD Diploma in Funeral Directing, giving families the peace of mind that Helping Children quickly - being upset one moment and then their arrangements are carried out to the highest playing normally the next. This is part of the standard. Being born and raised in Chard, Barry way they cope but can be difficult for adults understands the local area and the needs of the CHILDRENcan find it very difficult to understand to adjust to. local communities within. We guarantee a 24 hour what has happened when someone dies. They • Keep talking about the person who has died. a day, all year round service and are happy to often will be aware of the tension and distress of • Answer their questions honestly, using words discuss arrangements wherever you feel most the adults around them. What they understand they will understand. comfortable either in the comfort of you own home and how they respond will vary depending on Remember other children may hear their or at our office in the main street of Chard. their age, previous experience and individual parents talking about the death if it is known in B.GIBBS personalities. the local community and speak to your child Remember to tell their teacher or nursery about what has happened. It is important your teacher who will keep an eye on them in the F S child hears information from you first. Do not UNERAL ERVICES Ltd early days after a death and will be able to hide the fact that you are upset and miss the suggest the best way to deal with this in the person who has died so that they can feel context of the whole class. An Independent Family Business comfortable showing their feelings too. They will also have access to the advice of There are a number of resources that can A family associated with Chard for over 50 years. educational psychologists if they feel this support and help children, including specialist might be helpful. organisations and picture and storybooks. Private Chapel of Rest - Providing a 24 Hour Service Some of the important things to remember are: There are also helplines and websites for The Manse, 28 Fore Street, Chard, TA20 1PT • Try and keep the security of familiar routines teenagers and young adults wanting to talk Tel: 01460 66100 if you possibly can. with someone about the issues they face after • Remember children can change mood very a bereavement. Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Mr. Barry J. Gibbs Dip. FD NAFD For more advice visit www.bereavementadvice.org www.bgibbsfuneralservices.co.uk www.viewfromonline.co.uk Friday, January 23 2015 9 10 Friday, January 23rd 2015 EARLY LEARNING & FURTHER EDUCATION www.viewfromonline.co.uk Holyrood Sixth Form Chard School CHArd School is delighted that it has been Unique Opportunities at ranked 49th in The Sunday Times Parent Power ranking of the Top 100 Independent Prepara- Holyrood for September 2015 tory Schools in the country. Our vibrant prep HOlyrOOd Academy offers an academic en- school educates children up to 11 years old and vironment for Sixth Form students where pro- is located in historic period buildings in Chard, grammes of study are complimented by a full South Somerset. Specialist subject teachers range of extra-curricular opportunities. Small provide the highest standard of teaching in teaching groups provide excellent access to English, Maths, Science, French, PE, Art & Hu- high quality provision. dedicated pastoral manities. The school has excellent facilities to support assists students in reaching their cho- match, including a science lab, astroturf, ICT sen career. suite, gym, art studio, chapel, library and newly Level 3 BTEC in HOSPITALITY refurbished Nursery for 0-5 year olds. Sixth Form students at Holyrood can study Chard School’s Head, Mr Paul Cawley-Wake- a wide range of units as part of this BTEC Cer- field, said “I am thrilled that our flourishing prep tificate. ‘Contemporary World Food’ to ‘Princi- school is 49th in The Sunday Times Parent ples for Nutrition and Healthier diets’ as well Power ranking of the Top 100 Independent as ‘Food and Beverage Service’ will all form part Preparatory Schools in the country. I believe of the course and will take place in a profes- that the quality of teaching by our specialist sional-style kitchen and restaurant at Holy- subject teachers, small class sizes and the fam- rood. reserve your seat now! ily, friendly atmosphere of the school which Level 3 BTEC in RUGBY UNION nurtures the children whilst instilling in them This course is designed for boys who are self-worth, good manners and consideration of keen to combine personal progression in others have achieved this wonderful result.” rugby union together with their academic For further information or to book your place studies. The two-year programme will also at our Open Morning on Saturday 7th March, qualify students in a level 3 Sports leaders’ 9.30am-12.30pm, please call 01460 63234 or Award and a level 1 Certificate in Coaching email [email protected]. rugby Union. limited places - don’t miss out! s Taking part in ‘Give Sport A Go’ at St. George’s Pe-School HERE at Holyrood we welcome you to a caring but independent sixth form where individual programmes are created to meet your needs. Carrying on from your achievements at GCSE, UNITI VIREAMUS For 0-11 year olds Holyroo d Sixth Form strive s to take you to the next level and help you excel in the subjects and additional activities you choose to take on. This is an exciting time in your life where you will (cid:58)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:69)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:73)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:3) consider how to pursue your interests to enter the world of employment, apprenticeship or university. WWHAATT OTHERS HAAVVVE SAID (cid:92)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:34) The teachers really Quality staff, great friendly atmosphere care about us and all the support you could ever need. and our education. (cid:58)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:774)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:68)(cid:69)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:83)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:3) (cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:88)(cid:70)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:3)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:68)(cid:71)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:3)(cid:83)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:83)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:34) I feel like I’m cared Holyrood allows me to do all the about, I’m not just a subjects I want, in a familiar setting. number here. (Ranked 49th in The Sunday Times Parent Power ranking of the Top 100 Preparatory Schools in the country) OPEN I wanted to learn in small It’s a friendly environment where you get classes with teachers and people i know. one-to-one interaction with the staff. MORNING Apppplications are still beingg acceppted for Sepptember 2015 (cid:54)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:68)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:26)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:3) (cid:48)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:70)(cid:75) (cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:68)(cid:80)(cid:3)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:83)(cid:80) 666 001460 2601000 HOOLLYYROOD CTeoln: t0a1c4t 6u0s f6o3r2 m34o re information: (cid:90)(cid:90)(cid:90)(cid:17)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:86)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:17)(cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:17)(cid:88)(cid:78) SIXTH Fax. 01460 260014 (cid:40)(cid:80)(cid:68)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:29)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:775)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:70)(cid:72)(cid:35)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:86)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:17)(cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:17)(cid:88)(cid:78)(cid:3) FORM Zembard Lane | Chard | Somerset | TTAA200 1 CENTRE wwwwwwww..holyroodacademyy..com

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