news entertainment people sport F R E Crewkerne E Part of Tindle Newspapers Ltd Issue 172 January 10th 2014 Station Friends host successful open day See page 8 Your complete leisure guide to the weekend in South Somerset W P EEkENDER EOPLE SSPPEECCIIAALL EEVVEENNTT CCAARRSS New era for engineer Mark Lovely cars to hire for your wedding day with a smart fully uniformed chauffeur! Also a complimentary bottle of bubbly PROFILE to celebrate your very special day when you make a booking with us. We will also colour co-ordinate ribbons and flowers, even the FOR Mark Baker of M Baker Engineering, near chauffeur will wear co-ordinated tie and Ilminster, the New Year has hailed a new era for button hole if you wish. his business, having become a franchise for new sales, service and parts support dealer for Mc- So call us today on (01460) 75359 Cormick tractors. or mob 07736 452656 Farmers in South Somerset have increased sales, service and parts support following the appoint- ment of Mark Baker’s engineering business, based at Ashwell, near Ilminster, as a main dealership for Mc- Cormick tractors. It’s a big step for Mark, as this is the first time he has entered the competitive world of new tractor sales. But he relishes the opportunity to develop his business and, potentially, create more jobs. He said: “Until now, we’ve always focused on serv- icing and repairing any make of tractor or imple- ment that farmers bring us. We’ll continue with that but with greater focus on McCormick products. Be- coming a main dealer for a major tractor brand is a bit daunting but it’s also too good an opportunity to miss.” Mr Baker learned his spanner-wielding skills as an apprentice at the Cullompton branch of a large agri- s cultural machinery group before moving to the local BBEENN HHAAPPPPYY 1177TTHH BBIIRRTTHHDDAAYY McCormick dealer. He later started out on his own t LIAM as a “man with a van” and, over the past seven years, nGREAT OPPORTUNITY: Mark Baker welcoming n MMCCDDOOUUGGAALLLL has built his business and reputation carrying out re- expanding his business pairs and servicing work, most recently from prem- hand tools, work clothing and consumables such as me HHLoAAtPPsOO CPPooNNfYYn l no1111ov8800re TT//&fHHr00 oJ m11aBB//c kMII22 RRxu00 TTmx11 HH,44x DDDaAAdYY, OONNGLB 11roav11neTTRd fHHarod JJmO AAA mGNNrWbUUarnAAodsRRmeNYY xa 22x &00 x1144 ttiserSeirbtsreiu tavottoe rA yrC s Aiahnngw tnrhei,Ae lal r ar.geroea a sU abKlee, cssa ammidae:n “aaWvgaehilrea anbt l teMh tceoC Mao nrcmeCwoicr kdm ediaicslk-- totriinal gtaison.n dT hofiefltfrieecre sas,r .be aatltseor ireesf uarnbdis gheende sraalle fsix atunrde sa damndin fiist-- ership, Mark was the obvious candidate for it. He “Preparing the building is hard work but it’s worth does a good job providing workshop services to the time, late nights and investment,” said Mr Baker. e HAPPY 80TH loyal customers and can now put his past Mc- “I want to make the most of this opportunity. To- c HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY Cormick experience to good use.” gether with proven engines with good fuel econ- ON 10TH JANUARY The same goes for experienced McCormick techni- omy, I think the new ‘X’ generation McCormick n CALLUM SMALL cian Ali Haine, who was joined a few months ago by tractors will appeal to all the different types of farms Mark Wareham in the workshop, and for Dave Fox we serve. u LLOOVVEE MMUUMMMMYY,, PPAAUULL,, FFLLOORREENNCCEE,, JMadeea hnun dSrepdsu ofr cdaklees whose lifetime career in parts means he knows Mc- “They will have new cabs and control technology Cormick tractors and their predecessors carrying the MMAAXX,, JJAADDEE,, ZZOOEE Always gave a helping hand bringing increased driver comfort and appeal, new Case, IH and David Brown brands inside out. o && GGRRAANN AANNDD GGRRAANNDDAADD CCHHAARRDD From all your Winsham Friends To make the most of the opportunity, Mr Baker and powershift and stepless transmissions, and more his team now occupy larger premises at Ashwell, equipment options for greater efficiency and versa- n LOVE TO with a bigger workshop and more space to store a tility”. HHAAPPPPYY 1177TTHH greater selection of parts. An indoor tractor show- Mr Baker is just one of many local business forging n BBIIRRTTHHDDAAYY BEN room is being prepared alongside a retail shop for ahead and looking to a positive future. LLIIAAMM MCDOUGALL a BBRROOWWNN WHO IS 18 Are you interested in taking part in our 60 Second Interview r Love Mum, Dad, Darren, ON 10/01/2014 or Profile features to promote your business, organisation e Claire, Ellie, George, From Nanny, Nandad or event? Contact Marion Draper on 07771 641 506 Matt, Abbi & Kyron x x x & Auntie Tina x x x d or email [email protected] FREE FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENT ORDER FORM n Message.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 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Please note message must be received by Wednesday 5pm for the Friday publication Customer Service: Tel 01305 858166 or email [email protected] Friday, January 10th 2014 WEEKENDERNEWS 3 t Crewkerne Chard Ilminster Schools People s Funding roll out for flood-hit homes e g A THREE-pronged bid to help flood-hit home By Marion Draper inflating gel bags to households. quest, if the property is in immediate danger of owners and communities has been unveiled by Flooding on roads caused the council’s teams flooding. Should residents require sandbags, they Somerset County Council. great difficulties in getting around the district, fur- should call 01935 462462. Additional sandbags The council is proposing more than £250,000 in Justin Sargent, chief executive of the Somerset ther hampered by the fact that most of the trucks can be purchased from the district council at a cost funding to help those hit by floods. It comes on Community Foundation, said: “Thanks to the the teams use can only carry a maximum of 40 i the back of £300,000 of funding towards schemes grant from Somerset County Council we will be sandbags before they reach the maximum weight of £3.20, subject to availability. that help prevent flooding in the first place. working with parish councils, local authorities and limit of the vehicle. High winds have also caused Somerset County Council’s Highways team also g The proposals will see a £50,000 grant to help other community leaders in the coming days and the authority further complications, with trees had a busy start to the Christmas period dealing people suffering hardship after flooding at home; weeks to make sure everyone who may be eligible falling down and therefore manpower having to with flooding. £200,000 in grants available for flood schemes; for emergency relief grants can access the funds be diverted to felling trees rather than delivering The council received 275 calls on December £300,000 available to work in partnership with swiftly. sandbags. 23rd, responding to more than 150 reports of haz- s other agencies to begin to dredge key rivers, in- “We are also now expanding the scope of our Staff have been working over the past few week- ards in the road, including fallen trees and other cluding the River Parrett; and a commitment to Surviving Winter appeal to include the most vul- ends under the coordination of the civil contingen- debris, and more than 50 incidents of drains and lobby government and the Environment Agency nerable households affected by the flooding and cies manager to ensure sandbags still get those gullies blocked by branches. w foCr aebxitnrae tf mloeomd bperre vDeanvtiiod nH faulnl dsainidg: f“oWr eS oremalelrys eutn. - mweo set nacfofeucrtaegde bayn ythoen efl owohdos wtoi sdhoensa tteo. hDeolpn atthioonses wChoo urenqcuilelostr tJhoe Rmo ouuntd oelfl nGorremenale ,w poorrktfionlgi oh There were 10 teams working on flooding issues derstand how traumatic it is when your home, can be made via our website for environment and economic development, said: and a further 10 tree contractors dealing with business or community suffers flooding and we or call us on 01749 “I am exceptionally proud of the way in which my fallen trees throughout the day. These numbers want to act quickly to help. 344949.” team has worked in the most difficult of condi- were doubled overnight on December 23rd when “The £50,000 is a one off hardship grant and is Details of how to apply for an emergency flood tions to help people out in their time of need. I a further 100 calls were received. e vital money for people to help in a crisis. We did relief grant are now available on the Somerset know that their work will have saved many fami- Councillor John Osman, leader of Somerset this last year and it was very well received by Community Foundation web-site www.somer- lies from suffering the anguish of a flooded home County Council, said: “I’d like to pay tribute to all those in need. We believe it is right in the current and I have been particularly happy to receive a our staff and contractors who have been working situation to help once again. South Somerset District Council have had a busy number of compliments both about the speed of “Last year we also made £200,000 available for Christmas and New Year period, responding to the district council’s response and about the cheer- flat out to keep Somerset’s roads clear in the pre- n individuals and communities to bid for funding to calls for help after heavy rain caused severe flood- ful manner of our staff when delivering the much Christmas rush. help prevent flooding. This year we are consider- ing in many areas. needed sandbags.” “It’s at times like these that the county council ing the same again, with a further £200,000. These Flood warnings were issued in many parts of the As the rain continues to fall across South Som- seems at its most vital – going the extra mile to small grants can make a huge difference, and we district by the Environment Agency and, with the erset, residents are advised to keep up to date with help the public. Thank you to everyone for their e are keen to ensure that parish councils and com- water still potentially rising in the rivers, along flood warnings by checking the Environment efforts.” munity groups are directly involved to ensure with the run-off of water from the fields, there is Agency website and listening to local weather via On New Year’s Day the Highways Team re- maximum benefit to their areas still the danger of flooding in some parts of the radio or television. Residents are also advised to sponded to 43 call outs across the county. “We have already put aside £300,000 for river district. be prepared by buying sandbags in advance and n dredging. This money will be made available to The district council’s Streetscene Services Team thinking about how they can protect their property Keep up to date with the latest on the roads by the Environment Agency and we are working with were out this week delivering sandbags to those in the future with the use of flood boards. following @SomersetCouncil or @SomersetGrit- others to boost this fund. This work includes lob- properties that had requested them. As of Monday, South Somerset District Council has a policy to ter on Twitter. To report a fallen tree or other prob- bying government and government agencies for the team had gone through 40 tonnes of sand and issue gel bags and sandbags free of charge (six per lem on the highway visit or additional contributions.” delivered an estimated 3,500 sandbags and self- doorway) to residential properties only upon re- call 0845 345 9155. r Festival favourite announced e AS the 43 Christmas trees were removed from the Church of St Bartholomew in Crewkerne last Friday, the most k popular ones voted for by the public were announced. Out of a total of 283 votes made over the three-day Christmas tree festival, the Crewkerne Gardening Club won the majority again with its all -natural decorations, w including Old Man’s Beard, pressed leaves and angels made from seed packets with hips for heads and sycamore seeds for wings. The prize was collected by Pat Clayton who decorated the tree with Karen Manning. Hot behind them with only two votes in it was the tree decorated by Somerset Partnership NHS Trust, adorned e with party masks and feathers, and with matron on the top for the angel. The Quirky Quilters were third. The most popular children’s entry was from Ashlands Schoolm which was all white with paper angels, Christ- r mas trees and snowflakes crafted by the pupils. Festival co-ordinator Hilary Leamon said the fact they had to re- duce the number of trees this time due to a new heating C system in the church had actually made it better. She added: “We had so much praise from everybody because less trees made it better, people were able to see them more and the standard was very high.” Donations for the church were accepted during the three-day event, which to- talled about £450. nMOST POPULAR: Pic- l i nsa tured right, Hilary Lea- r mon congratulates Pat Clayton from the Crewk- BASED IN erne Gardening Club DorsetU.K. Five Year GOT A STORY? No Quibble Bargain cards Valentines Guarantee Call reporter Smart Cards or Easy Marion Draper on 39p each, 3 for £1 GGrreeaatt PPeeooppllee -- GGrreeaatt TTVVss 07771 641 506 now in 69p each, 3 for £2 on display at or email marions H.R. Hodge NEWBERY THE CARD SHOP South Petherton [email protected] From 01460 240 645 [email protected] HOLYROOD STREET, CHARD 9am-5pm Mon-Fri - 9am-1pm Saturday 4 N F C EWS ROM HARD Mosaic honours town’s history Animal sanctuary launches new annual visitors’ pass A SUPPORT group in Chard has unveiled the FERNE Animal Sanctuary contribution goes to- for a child (three-16 first of three mosaics, near Chard, which cele- wards supporting a local years), or £5 for a family which will be displayed brates its 75th anniver- charitable cause. of up to two adults and at the refurbished Chard sary this year, has “Please come to recep- three children. Hospital. extended its visitor tion on your next visit to Group passes are avail- Members of Working areas over the years and Ferne Animal Sanctuary able on enquiry. All Together in Chard become a popular desti- to be issued with your Separate charges (WATCH), a support nation for a family day visitor pass and again to apply for special event group which aims to out. get a stamp each time days. People and com- connect those that feel The charitable trust you visit to qualify for a panies visiting on sanc- isolated in the commu- has now announced the grand prize draw.” tuary business will not nity with new friends introduction of a new The cost of a visit is just be required to pay ad- and new skills, have annual pass, for all visi- £2 a year for an adult, £1 mission. worked together to pro- tors coming to enjoy the duce the artwork based sanctuary. on local health and well- Suzie Beament, acting being, incorparting the fundraising and market- town’s history. ing manager, said: “The The art project was visitor pass will help to funded by Somerset ensure that money do- Partnership NHS Foun- nFIRST OF THREE: Julie Matthews, Sue Flynn, Edward Colgan, Richard Langford, Richard Dellow and nated to the animals dation Trust and was Kate Bartholomew cared for at the sanctu- carried out with the help ary, need not be spent of Crewkerne sculptor, tors members at with some ideas for the dation Trust, Sue Flynn. Council for enabling on maintenance or re- Richard Langford. WATCH, showed them next project piece. Project Manager Julie them to purchase new pair of publicly used fa- Everyone taking part how to use lace patterns Chief executive officer Matthews then thanked laptops for a computer cilities. in the project input their a slab of clay by rolling of Somerset Partnership the individuals and or- class, and Somerset “Sadly donations ideas in to the design, it on and firing it, this NHS Foundation Trust, ganisatiosn that had help Community Foundation made in the boxes lo- with many inspired by became a cloud in the Edward Colgan attended cupport and fund which signposted them cated on the sanctuary Chard’s history, with sky of the mosaic. the unveiling to receive WATCH throughout the to other funding op- have halved over the reference to flight, lace Mr Langford said the the mosaic and was im- past year, including tions. past few years; we making and artificial museum had been very pressed by the quality of Somerset Partnership Ms Matthews added greatly hope that this nTHE Sunday Bingo Club in Chard presented limbs incorporated into helpful with the research the work. Also attended- NHS Foundation Trust, how delighted she was small charge to our visi- their last cheque of 2013 for monies raised at the design. Hands are for the mosiacs and ing the event was county Yarlington Hosuing that WATCH had won a tors will encourage sup- their monthly sessions. the centrepiece of the hoped that a landscape councillor Jill Shortland Group, Paul Philpott, tender with Somerset porters to come and Howard White received a cheque for £400 on design as it is the logo artist or someone with OBE, Head of Informa- community develop- Foundation Trust to enjoy the sanctuary behalf of The Royal British Legion. of the group. an old landscape picture tion and Management ment officer at South offer peer support train- again and again in the The Total raised at these monthly sessions in Ceramic artist Kate of Chard might like to Technology at Somerset Somerset District Coun- ing for the whole of knowledge that their 2013 was £4,371. Bartholomew, who tu- come forward to help Partnership NHS Foun- cil and Chard Town Somerset. GRIEF JOURNEY SOUTH SOMERSET WINTER FINE ART AUCTION Art Deco diamond, sapphire and rock crystal brooch Providing local support & £6000-7000 reassurance after a loss OVER 2500 LOTS INTRODUCTION AFTERNOON (cid:52)(cid:74)(cid:77)(cid:87)(cid:70)(cid:83)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:55)(cid:70)(cid:83)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:43)(cid:70)(cid:88)(cid:70)(cid:77)(cid:77)(cid:70)(cid:83)(cid:90)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:56)(cid:66)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:73)(cid:70)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:36)(cid:70)(cid:83)(cid:66)(cid:78)(cid:74)(cid:68)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:40)(cid:77)(cid:66)(cid:84)(cid:84) (cid:48)(cid:83)(cid:74)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:85)(cid:66)(cid:77)(cid:1)(cid:56)(cid:80)(cid:83)(cid:76)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:80)(cid:71)(cid:1)(cid:34)(cid:83)(cid:85)(cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:49)(cid:74)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:83)(cid:70)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:49)(cid:83)(cid:74)(cid:79)(cid:85)(cid:84) St. Bartholomew's Church Hall (cid:36)(cid:77)(cid:80)(cid:68)(cid:76)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:39)(cid:86)(cid:83)(cid:79)(cid:74)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:83)(cid:70)(cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:36)(cid:66)(cid:83)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:85)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:51)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:84) Abbey Street Crewkerne (cid:35)(cid:80)(cid:80)(cid:76)(cid:84)(cid:13)(cid:1)(cid:46)(cid:66)(cid:81)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:1)(cid:46)(cid:66)(cid:79)(cid:86)(cid:84)(cid:68)(cid:83)(cid:74)(cid:81)(cid:85)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:9)(cid:85)(cid:73)(cid:74)(cid:84)(cid:1)(cid:84)(cid:66)(cid:77)(cid:70)(cid:1)(cid:43)(cid:66)(cid:79)(cid:1)(cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:84)(cid:85)(cid:10) JANUARY 14th – 17th Wednesday 15th January 2014 Viewing from January 10th GENERAL SALES EVERY WEDNESDAY at 9.30am Please drop in between 2.30pm - 4.30pm 500-700 lots, £20-500 For further information please contact (01460) 73041 A E Stoodley & Son (cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:86)(cid:74)(cid:83)(cid:74)(cid:70)(cid:84)(cid:33)(cid:77)(cid:66)(cid:88)(cid:83)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:68)(cid:70)(cid:84)(cid:15)(cid:68)(cid:80)(cid:15)(cid:86)(cid:76)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:88)(cid:88)(cid:88)(cid:15)(cid:77)(cid:66)(cid:88)(cid:83)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:68)(cid:70)(cid:84)(cid:15)(cid:68)(cid:80)(cid:15)(cid:86)(cid:76) 01460 73229 South Street, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 8AB N C Friday, January 10th 2014 wEEKENdERNEWS 5 EwS FRoM HARd Campaign for school defibrillators continues Police appealing after Boxing Day burglaries THANKS to a Tatworth mother and her By Marion Draper Staff learnt how simple the electronic Big Shock Campaign to put defibrillators POLICE are appealing for information about two fundraising campaign, Holyrood Acad- machine was to use as it speaks directions into schools is being so well supported in burglaries in Chard on Boxing Day that they be- emy has become the latest school in the and can be used on children as young as the south west, Linda Kellaway is doing lieve are linked. area to obtain a defibrillator, which could was so impressive that she has now raised one year old, as well as adults, as the a fantastic job raising awareness and They particularly want to hear from anyone who save a life incase of heart attack. £6,690 and been able to fund five of the technology automatically adapts the funds to assist. We are pleased that Holy- may have seen a blue Audi A4 Quattro Sport sa- In February last year Linda Kellaway, machines. charge given to the chest according to rood Academy will now benefit from whose son Charlie has a rare heart condi- During Holyrood’s inset day on Tues- age. their potentially lifesaving equipment. If loon, which was stolen from Victoria Avenue in tion, decided to support the Sudden Ar- day, January 7th, Mrs Kellaway and her Mrs Kellaway was delighted to have cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is Chard, being driven in the town. It may also have rhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) UK son were welcomed by the new school been able to donate so many machines used, it gives a person a five percent been in the Windwhistle area, near Crewkerne, Big Shock Campaign, to place defibrilla- principle, Martin Brook and watched as and would like to thank everyone who chance of survival, but coupled with that evening. tors in schools, by raising the money to staff were given instructions on how to took part in her sponsored cycle ride and using the defibrillator, it increases the The Audi, which has since been found in Yeovil, get one placed at Tatworth Primary operate their new defibrillator by instruc- other fundraising events last year, and to chance of survival to more than 50 per was taken after a burglary at a house in Victoria School. tor Tom Jackson, assistant community re- schools for taking the devices on board. cent. This is why SADS UK and our Avenue. There was another burglary that evening The response to her fundraising efforts sponder officer. Mr Brook thanked her for the donation members are so passionate about putting in England’s Way, where an iPad and a handbag and commended her and Charlie on their this lifesaving equipment in place.” were stolen. It is believed the offender or offend- efforts. Tatworth’s machine is a public access ers left in the direction of the A358 in the Audi or A spokesperson for SADS UK said: machine and is situated outside the school possibly a silver Ford Ka. “The charity is delighted that SADS UK for the use of the whole village. Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Matt Lorimer at Yeovil DTT quoting reference number 128973/13. A 29-year-old man has been arrested on suspi- cion of burglary and bailed. Twinning quiz night Keeping shoppers THE Chard Helmstedt Twinning Society recently entertained held a successful Kaffee und Kuchen Morgen (cof- fee and cake morning) at Trivetts, Combe St. Nicholas, which raised £137 for the society’s funds. The twinning society’s next event will be a quiz nRAISING money for the Children’s Hospice, Southwest, and other Rotary evening at the Lordleaze Hotel on Sunday, Janu- charities, members of the Rotary Club of Chard entertained Christmas shop- ary 26th starting at 7.30pm. pers, at Tesco, as they have done most years. Walter Youll has organised this event and every- President Robert Rollings, thanking the management of Tesco, said how one is welcome attend. pleased the club was to be allowed to collect there once more. This year twinners will be visiting Helmstedt in The shoppers were most generous, donating more than £750 during the n LIFE SAVERS: Holyrood Academy staff with Principle Martin Brook, Jennifer August. If you are interested in joining the society two mornings. Gent (medical room assistant) Tom Jackson assistant Community Responder of- please contact the secretary on 01460 62449. ficer (east), Charlie and Linda Kellaway 6 N I EWS FROM LMINSTER Late Christmas party for senior citizens By Marion Draper ILMINSTER senior citzens enjoyed a New Year Christmas lunch on Saturday, January 4th thanks to the annual team effort of volunteers from the Lions Club, Masonic Lodge and Rotarians. Everyone pitched in to get the older members of the community to the Shrubbery Hotel, where they were waited on for a traditional Christmas dinner with enter- tainment and a raffle supplied by Tesco. The Mayor of Ilminster, Councillor Emma Jane Taylor, was in attendance to welcome the guests and later swapped her chain for an apron and joined her mother, Councillor Carol Goodall, and daughter Jess at the sink. The annual dinner has become a firm favourite with the senior citizens and marks the first Saturday of New Year with true community spirit and is made possible due to donation and dedication. nDOING THE DISHES: Councillor Carol Goodall and granddaughter Jess Taylor nSOUP IS SERVED: Volunteers from the Masonic Lodge line up nOUR TURN: Rotarians Linda Vijeh, Ken Dewsbury and president washing up to do their duty Terry Bate. Above, some of the Ilminster diners weekenderjjoobbss TO PLACE YOUR JOB VACANCY Call Amy on 01297 446150 or [email protected] ABACUS weekenderccllaassssiififieedd KKEEYYSSTTAAGGEE 11 TTEEAACCHHEERR CONSTRUCTION AAvviisshhaayyeess PPrriimmaarryy require a Avishayes Primary is seeking to appoint an enthusias*c, groundworker / commi+ed and outstanding key Stag 1 teacher with ARCWelder. Telwin 140 Unused £20 phone 01460 FOURSeat Pads, tie-on pads for dining chairs, effect from 24th February 2014 for the rest of the 62924 beige/white gingham. 100% Cotton. As New £12. digger drive / school year. NQTs are welcome to apply. PINEwall display unit £15 01460 62043 Telephone 01935 824029 site foreman TThhee ssuucccceessssffuull ccaannddiiddaattee wwiillll hhaavvee:: PINEcomputer desk £20 01460 62043 POWERCRAFTElectric Nail/Staple Gun 8 to 16 Tel: 07889 460500 • Excellent classroom management and organisa*on PINEcabinet with 2 drawers £20 01460 62043 mm, boxed, Unused. £20. Telephone 01935 • Outstanding teaching skills PAIRof Laura Ashley settees, 2 and 3 seats need 824029 • The ability to promote posi*ve behaviour recovering £50 01460 62043 BOSTIKEasy Trigger Action Glue Gun. Boxed. £20. • Ability to provide children with a s*mula*ng GATEleg table £10 01460 62043 Telephone 01935 824029 learning environment SIXbeech farm house chairs, 2 carvers and 4 plain FAMILYHerd of 7 Brass Camels, Immaculate. £10. • High expecta*ons of themselves and pupils will separate to sell if necessary 01460 62043 Telephone 01935 824029 Cricket St Thomas Leisure Club • An understanding of assessment processes is currently looking for • The ability to foster posi*ve rela*onships LARGEsofa leather and fabric. Hardly used Cost WIND-UP/batteryRadio, AM/FM, Security Siren with pupils, parents and colleagues £1000 offers around £300 01460 62043 and Lights, Boxed, Unwanted Gift. £5. Telephone FULL & PART TIME • An understanding of inclusive prac*ces CHESTfreezer £30 01460 62043 01935 824029 • A willingness to contribute to the wider life of GARDENVax / shredder £10 07990 637390 YEWReproduction Dining Furniture. Extending 6 LEISURE ASSISTANTS the school and extra curricular ac*vi*es POULTRY drinkers and feeders, various prices foot table and 6 chairs. 2 glazed corner cabinets. IInn rreettuurrnn wwee ccaann ooffffeerr yyoouu:: 07990 637390 Glazed wall unit with centre drinks cabinet and • Warm, enthusias*c and lively children POULTRYlight sensitive coop door opener £30 lower drawers and cupboards. All very good con- We are looking for someone with • A commi+ed and suppor*ve staff team and 07990 637390 dition. £200 the lot or will separate. 01295 552251 excellent people skills to provide great Governors DISPLAY CABINET glazed top with cupboard NEWcurtain/upholstery fabric oatmeal colour on service to our guests & members. • Excellent professional development below, beech effect, 192cm H x 84cm W x 42cm D. original bale 50 metres plus £50 01297 552873 Visits to the school are welcomed and encouraged. Successful candidates will be required Also matching nest of three tables, largest table FLYMOEasiglide. Electric lawnmower, hardly used, Please ring 01460 63050. to work evenings & weekends Avishayes Primary is commi+ed to safeguarding and 50cm H x 55 cm W x 55 cm D. Very good condition. guarantee until 10/5/14, Cost £90 will accept £45 on a rota basis. promo*ng the welfare of children and young people £150 ono 01460 271313 ONO. Honiton 07905 630615 A NPLQ Lifeguard qualification is and expect all staff and volunteers to share this SMALLwhite refrigerator, fit under worktop, ex- SHILTONmatching suitcases with wheels black 1 commitment. An enhanced DBS is required for this cellent condition £25 01460 63970 large 1 medium £10 each or £15 the pair 01404 required, however training could post. ALUMINIUMextension ladder, 11 rung, ext to 11, 890189 be provided to the right person. AAnn aapppplliiccaa**oonn iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn tthhee sscchhooooll wweebbssiittee 22 in all, as new £45 ono 01460 241942 PINEDining table rounded ends drop leaf 51in x All employees benefit from use of wwwwww..aavviisshhaayyeess..ccoo..uukk 10 BOXES of lawn edging plastic cobbles £10 36in open 17in x 36in closed £25 01404 890189 our excellent facilities. Closing date: 16th January 2014 01460 241942 ELECTRICarmchair/recliner, Sherborne Lynton, as Interviews: 23rd January 2014 JERRYCAN 5 gallons new £10 01460 241942 new! £350 o.n.o., Seaton 07817 839965 For more information or an application GENTSLeather Wallet plus leather key-holder for RECLINERswivel chair and stool cream leather ef- form please call Russell Gage CancellationC DOeNadDliInTeI:O ThNeS c aOnFc eAllDatVioEnR dTeIaSdIlNinGe fAorC tChEeP WTeAeNkeCnEderseries of 6 keys. Unused £5. Telephone 01935 824029 fect wood legs vgc £45 01404 890189 on 01460 30975 or e-mail - newspapers is 4pm on the Tuesday prior to publication. No cancellations will be accepted for advertisements placed on a Thursday. We will make every endeadvour to PLEASE NOTE - FREE CLASSIFIED LISTINGS OF ITEMS FOR SALE ARE ACCEPTED BY [email protected] provide advertisers with a proof. For full conditions of advertising acceptance see About Us on the website EMAIL - [email protected] OR POST ONLY N I Friday, January 10th 2014 WEEKENDERNEWS 7 EWS FROM LMINSTER Council vote for development on east side of town in Local Plan consultation By Marion Draper AFTER two hours of debate at a special meet- Robert Drayton, a spokesman for the Save ing of Ilminster Town Council, members Shudrick Valley Group, commented after the opted to support development in the eastern the use of farm land for development and the meeting: “The decision by the town council side of the town as part of the Local Plan con- additional flood risk, as well as environmental was no more than we expected. But what did sultation. impact from infrastructure. surprise us was the fact that there were only The special meeting was held at Swanmead Four councillors were absent from the meet- six votes in favour. Three councillors voted School on on Monday in front of a large audi- ing and of those attending, the vote went in against, there was one abstention and four ab- ence of local residents. favour of the eastern option. sentees. Despite the planning inspector favouring the “The petition from campaigners in Canal Councillor Roger Swann proposed they western development on the grounds of the Way states that the town council is ‘strongly adopt the Shudrick Lane option, seconded by sustainability study, previous members of the behind the Shudrick Lane development’ - six Councillor David Miller with Councillors Val town council had preferred the eastern end, out of 14 councillors is not even 50 per cent Keitch, Sophie Storey, Carol Goodall and the based on its own local consulation. An ongo- and is not a great mandate, certainly not strong Mayor, Councillor Emma Jane Taylor, sup- nSUPER DRAW: Tesco community champion Nicky De Ath, Stephen Maull and ing argument as to whether future develop- support. porting. Voting against were Councillors John the Mayor of Ilminster, Councillor Emma Jane Taylor ment should be to the east or west of the town “The mayor mentioned there was a petition Pallister, Stuart Shepherd and Linda Vijeh, continues to divide opinion in the town. signed by 316 people in Canal Way against with Councillor Andrew Shearman abstaining. The Local Plan consultation period was ex- development there, but failed to tell the meet- South Somerset District Council leader Ric tended until today (Friday) to give Ilminster ing that a similar number of people support Pallister pointed out to everyone in the hall Town Council time to give their response. the Save Shudrick Valley Campaign. There that this was by no means a done deal and that Having read a great deal of evidence and was a better attendance by opponents of de- the whole process of consultation could be re- heard a number of members of the public velopment in Shudrick Valley than residents peated if there were enough objectors to make speak in open forum, the councillors were of Canal Way, so the council also cannot claim them take another look. each given a chance to voice their own views to have public opinion on its side. He added a word of caution that, in the before the final recorded vote was taken. “Of the issues raised, the council and resi- The main argument against developing in meantime, any planning application on either dents at Canal Way have expressed concern the west (Canal Way) was given as Herne Hill site which came forward would have to be over Herne Hill. The concept plan for devel- being of great significance to the town in viewed upon its own merits and developers opment in Canal Way shows housing only on terms of historical value and as a tourist at- were very aware that until the Local Plan was the flatter fields, not those immediately below traction, as well as popular with local people, firmly in place, they had a chance to get a Herne Hill, and the hill itself would not be af- and visions of a “skirt” of housing around it foothold. fected. The development area shown would be was “unthinkable”. The mayor read out a statement at the begin- smaller anyway because it currently shows Another argument was that that the tenants ning of the meeting to lay to rest rumours in more houses than the town requires. of Coldhabour Farm would lose their liveli- the town that there had been secret meetings “It was again made clear by the district hood and it would take people too far from the of the council and decisions already taken on council that if the option for direction of town centre, creating a “dormitory town”. the matter. She said that councillors had been growth is changed yet again with a fourth at- Councillor Linda Vijeh said that the county given a workshop, particularly for the benefit tempt at getting it through, and the plan is then n WELL EARNED BREAK: Members of the Nyanza Masonic Lodge in Ilminster council had promised additional land to the of the newer members, to bring them up to deemed unsound by the inspector, then we between servings farm for it to continue. speed with the information already collated could face a planning free-for-all and that is On the eastern side there were objections to and the consulation process. not in the town’s best interests.” 8 N C EWS FROM REWkERNE Station open day a steaming success The Friends of Crewk- erne Station recently held an open day at the the station ticket office where they held an exhi- bition and raffle. Chairman Tony Reese said that South West Trains had allowed them to set up camp in the of- fice where they held an exhibition on the history of the station. In the old pump house there was a showing of a DVD of steam in the local area and a model railway thanks to a portable generator from Robbie Heyd Smith and John Coleshill’s model trains. Social secretary for the FOCS group, Heather nDIANACrossman, young railway fan Madison Davies, and the Mayor of Crewkerne Robin Pailthorpe Sargeant, was very grate- ful for the support for the wide and Thorncombe and wish them a Happy book of the days of steam tary, contacted the artist raffle from local busi- New shop Railway Activities Club. New Year. which can be purchased who said it had it been nesses and would like to She said: “It was a very “The station open day from the Friends.” painted such a long time thank the following for successful and enjoyable was a great success. Vis- Diana Crossman, leader ago he wasn’t sure why, their contributions: Bil- morning and we made itors were impressed by of the history group had or for whom. beys, Superbuy, Home takes the prize £144 on the raffle which the history exhibition, been loaned a picture She said that: “He Bakery Cafe, Petals, Bar- will help to keep the which featured photos painted by the Rothbury thought it was for the rett's Butchers, Rodfords, plants and station look- and press cuttings from artist Paul Thurston. landlord of the then Rail- No 31, Health and Har- ing good in the future. the past and input from Brian Denning who way Tavern but we mony, McKinlays, Wait- “The chairman Tony Robert Salter, whose fa- owns the picture, which would love to hear from rose, Loopy's, The Reese, would like to ther had worked at the can normally be seen at anyone who knew the Mender's, LM Properties, thank every body for station for many years. the museum, had bought landlord or the pub back n NEW SHOP WINS: Brian Forster with Lien Gough, outside her nail salon The Pet Shop, Naturalife, their support and particu- Colin Robins, who it at an auction in Crewk- in the last century and Lilybelle who won the Crewkerne Area Business Chamber annual Christ- James Hardware, Delilah larly those friends who started his railway career erne. can shed some light on mas window dressing competition and is seen here receiving her £50 first Petal, Boots, Country- helped at the open day there, guested with his Gail Coleshill, secre- this.” prize and the winner’s shield. southsomersetbarnweddings Very Elegant Relaxed Weddings With Very Good Food SOUTH SOMERSET WEDDING BARN at the Square & Compass Inn Ilminster 01823 480467 W S B Friday, January 10th 2014 WEEKENDErNEWS 9 atEr urvIval Ox Now that is charity! u In a bid to raise TARGET £10,000 over two years for Water Survival Box, £10,000 we are encouraging our readers and local organisations in East Devon, South Somer- set and West Dorset, A GOOD friend of mine with a few quid to spare re- PPrroovviiddiinngg wwaatteerr fffooorrr llliiiiffffeee that is the HQ of a charity called World Water Works where we distribute in cently visited the London headquarters of a leading – – run by the Chelwood excess of 40,000 pa- global charity with a view in his wallet to giving some Bridge branch of the Rotary Club. money to the needy. He was horrified at what he saw. WWAAATTTEEERRR SSSUUURRRVVIIVVVAAALLL There’s no plush offices at a posh West End address pers every week, to or- ganise an event for a “pIltu wsha so fofpicuel einnt m,” yh eli fsea;i dth, e“yI hmauvset nheavveer sbpeeennt itne nssu cohf BBOOXX rheenrtee. dW ohffa ta ncrda smhpaeredd o wffiitche as phaacuela tghea tc tohmeyp adnoy ,h aanvde iiss Water Survival Box. £5,000 thousands of pounds on decorating the place and it ffrrooomm situated down a bleak, nondescript road on an indus- Our staff are also made me wonder how much of the money from the nneewwsssppaappeerrss trial estate. planning a number of collecting tins had been spent on the furnishings.” SSuuppppoorrtteedd bbyy PPuullmmaann’’’sss VViieeww Nobody who works at World Water Works is paid fundraising events and My friend left the building without giving that char- VViieeww FFFrrroomm NNeewwssppaappeerrss aanndd for it and nobody gets expenses either. But boy, do so far we have raised ity one penny. ThThee WWWeeeeeekkkeeennndddeeerrr SSeerriieess they work hard. £1,000. £3,000 Charity is often big business these days as the argu- World Water Works is in the disaster business. When If you would like to ment goes that when you are collecting and distribut- By Geoff Baker a natural disaster hits, be it floods, earthquake, hurri- organise an event, ing vast sums it needs to be done on business lines; cane, drought, the Rotarians drop whatever they are telephone James Coles professionally accounted, attractively-presented and doing, roll up their sleeves and get to work with the on 01297 446155 and with businesslike remunerations like healthy expenses Mind you, he’s not alone, you can earn very nicely business of saving life immediately. we will help promote and whacking big salaries for those at the top who ad- running a charity these days. Look at the British Red They do this by packing boxes. Not any old boxes your event in our minister the good work. Cross; The Daily Telegraphrecently revealed that the but the Water Survival Box, a brilliant piece of plastic columns. The trouble is, does that stick in your craw? boss of that admirable institution earns £184,000. In kit which contains all that you need to stay alive when Certainly some of the more lucrative aspects of the the same article the Telegraphshocked me rigid by a natural disaster has robbed you of everything, in- charity business gets the goat of more than a few of reporting that Save The Children’s CEO trousers cluding – and most importantly – a simple water pu- kept families alive in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, us; look at the row that recently blew up when it was £163,000 and indeed that 30 British charity chiefs rification system that will provide a family of four Central America, the Far East and South America. discovered that Comic Relief invests a portion of our earn more than £100,000 a year. with clean water every day for a year. Because with- But of course, like any charity, World Water Works heart-tugged donations in the arms business. What, a Little wonder that the Charity Commission has crit- out clean water, you’re dead. can only work if our donations help to pay for the number of us asked, was Comic Relief doing invest- icised the do-good business for “the risk of bringing When a disaster hits the news, team leader Hugo boxes. Which is why, impressed by their Spartan ef- ing in anything, let alone in the industry of killing? Pike hits his email and tracks down the nearest Rotary the charitable world into disrepute”. ficiency, Devon, Dorset & Somerset Newspapers Surely, we argued, the point of a charity was to get District to the disaster zone to message them that this Although some of us, well, me at least, feel that St Limited, the publishers of this newspaper, have com- the money in, buy aid with it and then get that aid marvellous emergency rescue is go. The message is straight out to those who need it, because if lives de- Andrew’s Healthcare, the UK’s biggest mental health- starkly simple: “Do you need help? We can send it.” mitted to a two-year charity campaign in association pend on our giving how long were those lives ex- care charity, is doing a pretty good job promoting that Then the team works 16 hours a day, seven days a with the Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge. pected to just hang on while share portfolios come risk on its own. week flat out packing boxes. When they have packed We were impressed because there’s no salaries, no into profit? Last year St Andrew’s Healthcare paid its boss enough to make up a plane load, pallets of the sur- expense accounts, no company cars nor posh, luxury I know that’s a simplistic view, but that doesn’t £653,000. In his defence a spokesman said words to vival boxes are express couriered to the disaster zone offices. At Chelwood Bridge, there’s just giving. mean it’s a wrong one. the effect that he works very hard. Fine, but don’t we where Rotarians at the other end quickly get them out “We just do what Rotary was established to do,” Nor is it wrong to feel a bit “oo-err” over the fact all, luv? to those who are dying of thirst. Simple, effective, job says Hugo Pike, modestly, “It’s our motto – service that the chief executive of Comic Relief is paid I’ll tell you where they work very hard and that’s done, lives saved. above self.” £120,000 a year. over in the cold, little warehouse in Midsomer Norton To date, almost 12,000 water survival boxes have Now that is charity. Please help. 10 A is for Aggregate tel:01460 62281 e:[email protected] HWAeU pLroAmGisEe t&heA eGarGthR &EdGeliAveTr!E Dinedaerpdeenndse Hnat,u lafagme i&ly A-g gorwegnaetde isa nadn operated company, which has been supplying the building industry and home improvement sector for over 15 years. 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B C D E is for Books is for Cafe is for Days Out is for Excellent Fencing FerneAnimalSanctuary FFeeCrrhannritaeebl e AATrunnst iNimmo: 24aa56ll7 1 SS aaVnnATcc Nott: 1uu24aa42r8r43yy3 Adam C Taylor Ltd PROVIDING REFUGE FOR UNWANTED AND ABANDONED ANIMALS Fencing & Groundworks Contractor NNeeww ttoo 22001144:: FFaammiillyy VViissiittoorr PPaassss Great Coffee, Great Pizza The cost of a visit is just £2 a year for an adult, £1 for a child Quality Fencing and Gate Specialists (3‐16yrs), or £5 for a family of up to 2 adults and 3 children. Great Smoothies, Great People! Group passes are available on enquiry. Separate charges apply for special event days. Professional Domestic and Commercial •• CChhiillddrreenn’’ss PPllaayy AArreeaass •• OOppeenn 77 ddaayyss aa wweeeekk ENJOY OUR POPULAR PIZZA CLUB •• OOvveerr 330000 aanniimmaallss •• SSttuunnnniinngg CCoouunnttrryyssiiddee Work Undertaken Every Wedesday, 3-10pm •• RReessttaauurraanntt ooppeenn 1100aamm‐‐44ppmm •• AA uunniiqquuee ffaammiillyy eexxppeerriieennccee GGRROOUUPPSS WWEELLCCOOMMEE Free customer Wi-Fi GGuuiiddeedd ttoouurrss bbyy pprriioorr aarrrraannggeemmeenntt FFEERRNNEE AANNIIMMAALL SSAANNCCTTUUAARRYY,, CCHHAARRDD,, SSOOMMEERRSSEETT,, TTAA2200 33DDHH Open: Monday - Saturday, 9am - 10pm One and a half miles outside Chard on the A30 TripAdvisor No. 1 for food in the Chard area Please call 01460 239994 01935 863749 or 07966 184314 Fore Street, Chard TA20 1PT TTeell:: 0011446600 6655221144 iinnffoo@@ffeerrnneeaanniimmaallssaannccttuuaarryy..oorrgg Email: [email protected] F G H I is for Freeway Taxis is for Great Security is for Healthy Pets is for Insurance J K L M is for James Hardware is for Kitchens is for Lilybelle is for Mobility JAMES HARDWARE We sell everything you will need for the winter months! Lilybelle specialise in Nails •Log Baskets •Light Bulbs and Eyelash Enhancement •Fire Guards •Halogen Opening times: •Coal Scuttles Heaters Mon-Sat, 9am - 6.30pm •Fire Rope •Gas Heaters Friday, 9am - 7.30pm •Fire Fronts • Candles •Oil Filled •Lanterns Heaters... 27a Market Square, Crewkerne, ...and much much more!!!!!! Somerset, TA18 7LG 01460 929 658 29b Market Street, Crewkerne, Somerset Telephone 01460 73133