news entertainment people sport F R E Crewkerne E Part of Tindle Newspapers Ltd Issue 122 January 25 2013 60 seconds with personal trainer Mark Hughes - page 2 WINTER WHITE-OUT See pages 6 & 7 Striding out with the (cid:0)Makenzie Peters from healthy walkers- page 4 Crewkerne enjoys her snow day Your complete leisure guide to the weekend in South Somerset CCAARRPPEETT EEDDGGIINNGG SSEERRVVIICCEE Also We have the facility on site to turn any of your waste available a large range carpet in to a Rug or Mat (any size or shape) of mats and with our carpet Whipping machine. rugs from This service is available on any carpet not necessarily purchased from ourselves. £5.99 Alternatively, chose any of our carpet remnants and we’ll make it into a rug for you. Henry Bower Workshops, Furnham Road, Chard, Somerset. Tel: 01460 61717 FURNISHING CENTRE weekenderpeople SPECIAL EVENT CARS Lovely cars to hire for your wedding day with a smart fully uniformed chauffeur! FORMER Marine Mark hughes has set up his own boot Also a complimentary bottle of bubbly camps at henhayes recreation field in Crewkerne, to celebrate your very special day when you which are meant to be fun with no shouting involved. make a booking with us. We will also colour Originally from Chester, Mark met and married local co-ordinate ribbons and flowers, even the girl Kelly whilst training to be a Marine. The couple chauffeur will wear co-ordinated tie and moved to Crewkerne 10 months ago to be nearer button hole if you wish. Kelly’s family. Mark left the Marines in November after 10 years of So call us today on (01460) 75359 service to have more of a family life, sharing in the or mob 07736 452656 care of his two daughters, Sophie and Molly, the eld- est of whom is one of four children in the world to have a rare disabling condition. whilst a Marine, Mark became a triathlete for the Navy and not only competed but formed a team and helped coach young athletes. Last year he came eighth in the Crewkerne Tri and plans to “smash it” this year. he cycles and runs regularly himself and would love others to join him in training. MARK ONE Fitness offers boot camps, boxercise and (cid:1) IF you could time travel one-to-one personal training where would you go? at reasonable prices. Mark Iwouldgoforwardintime can be contacted on 07790 andfindacureformydaugh- 389681 or via Facebook ter’sillnessandbringitback under MARK ONE Fitness. forher. (cid:1) whAT would you say was (cid:1) whAT is different about seconds your most ambitious fitness your boot camps? challenge? s TheyareonSaturdaymorningsat Ihavetrainedeverywhere,from HAPPY 70TH Henhayesfrom9.30amto10.30am AfghanistantotheScottishmoun- t HAPPY 1ST sonotthecrackofdawn,andtheyare tains, and done long-distance n BIRTHDAY non-military.Youwon’tbescreamedat- triathlonsbutIdidoncedopull-upson BIRTHDAY shoutingdoesn’tgetresults.Marineshaveto thefrontofaship,hangingoverthebowfrom e COLIN PADY MYRA SAULS btoewbarorkweinthdwoweanpaonndsbthuailttkuipllbpeecoapulese,wthheicyhairsetgootainllgydif- t(cid:1)h ewrhaiAlsTa wfteorualdd yaoreu. like to have with you deserted is- Love from all the Love & kisses ferent.Formyclassesit’sallaboutencouragement,mo- land? m Family Jfraocmob M &u Tmh,o Dmaads, t(cid:1)iv aDtOio nyoaun dpliannsp tiora etixopna,nthda?t’swhatgetsresults. aI’dndlikaepmaiyrboifksewaimndmainggoogdogpgalierso.ftrainers,asurvivaltin Yes,Iwanttosetupteenagebootcamps.Iamalready (cid:1) whO are you aiming your boots camps at? e volunteeringattheyouthclubinthenewGeorge Everyone,Iwanttoinspireconfidenceinallagesand HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ReynoldsCentreandIamdoingmyowntakeonboxer- abilities.Therearealotofpeoplewhowanttokeepfit c AMY TURNER & JAMES PEACH ciseinthecentretoo.IwasaboxerintheMarinesaswell butthethoughtofagymleavesthemcoldbecausethey MUM & DAD Congratulations on the safe arrival of sohavealotofexperienceinthesport.Weboxtomusic don’tliketheatmosphereorthemachinesanddance n We all hope you have OLIVIA CERYS wanodmIeunseasfuitll-hseizlpedsggelotvreids,owfhbiicnhgoiswpainrtgics!ularlygoodfor aclnadssiefssaormeteooonceocmanploicnaltyedw.aIljku,stnkoeterpunit,stihmepnlethaenydcfuann u a wonderful day! (cid:1) whAT do you like about Crewkerne? walk.Itisfuninthefreshair.Wewarmup,playteam on the 11th January 2013 Ihaveagoodfeelingaboutthetown.Ithinkitisup-and- gameslikeBritishBulldog,circuitsandresistanceband o Love Russell, Edith & Families With all our love from both families x x x ecoctms,insugcahnadstmheirneei,staogbarpinfgorpmeooprelectoomgemthuenri.tyI-fleeedlpIcroanj- w(cid:1)o IrFk ytoouto hnaedt hsiellby omdoy.ney what would you buy? bringfitnesstoCrewkerneinawayit’snotseenbefore. I’dbuildhydrotherapypoolinthehouseandgetMolly n Happy 60th HAPPY 60TH I(cid:1)’d IlFik yeotuo cmoeueldt Lmaneecet aAnrmyosntreo,n wgh,toh weoduislgdr aitc bede?cyclist, a(cid:1)p wonhyY. did you leave the Marines? n Birthday andaskhimwhyhecheatedandtooksteroids.Hewas It’sasingleman’slifereally,notgoodforqualityfamily BIRTHDAY mysportingidolandIdon’tunderstandwhysomeone timeandSophieismygift.Shehasdrivenmetothink a MIKE likethatwoulddoit,notonlytohimselfbutruiningthe aboutmakingthemostofmylife.Kellyisjustfinishing GRANDAD sportbynotinspiringpeopletotrainproperly beautytherapytrainingand,betweenus,wecantake r Love always ON 24TH JANUARY I(cid:1)w AasREa ycoheuf cbaerfeofruel Iajbooinuetd dtihete?MarinessoIdoknowa Ktuerlnlys’stmouwmor.kandlookafterthegirls,withthehelpof e Theresa x x x Love you lots Tyler x x x lotaboutnutritionandtrytoeatcleanwithlotsofcolour (cid:1) YOU must have travelled extensively as a Marine, inmydiet,butIlovetoeatdirtytooandenjoyakebab. where is there left to go? d Myfavouritethingtocookwouldstillberoastdinner IwouldliketotakeSophietoswimwiththedolphins,to FREE FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENT ORDER FORM withgravymadefromscratch,fullofnutrition. seethelookonherfacewouldbeamazing. n Message.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Contact us . . . e ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. k Date for insertion: Friday.......................................... Send to: DEvON, DORSET & SOMERSET SERIES OF NEwSPAPERS LTD., e Unit 3, St Michaels Business Centre, Church Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3DB THEWeekender series of newspapers is published by Devon, Dorset & Somerset e Signed.............................................Telephone............................................ Series of Newpapers Ltd. Unit 3 St Michael’s Business Centre, Church Street, Lyme Please include s.a.e. for the return of photos. 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Bydoingso Or to add a photograph send pyouubliswhielldihnatvheensuexbtmaivtateildablyeoiussruee.vPelenatsetonobtee, youonlyneedsubmityourannouncementonce. your MMS to LME (space) TheserviceisrunandmanagedbyDevon, Dorset&SomersetSeriesofNewspapersandSo& FAPIC2(space)then your SoMarketing. announcement to 63333 togBYroyaupsrhet)ne.dxtinisgFiRnEaE(m50opbifloereMnMtrSytteoxtasnwyitDhepvhoon-, Marie Austin Amy Down Marion Draper Dorset&SomersetSeriesofNewspapersandSo& Senior Sales Executive Sales Executive Somerset Reporter Texts cost just 50p* iSnogMtoarrekecetiinvgefpreroemaloetritosnfoorrfsueturvriecepryoomuoatrieonagsraened- 01297 446153 01297 446150 07771 641506 (plus your standard network rate) oNffeewrsspfarpoemrs,DSeov&onS,oDMoarrskeetti&ngSoanmdetrhseetirSpearritenserosf. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tounsubscribe,pleasetextSTOPto87121. TheserviceproviderisSo&SoMarketing. Please note message must be received by Wednesday 5pm for the Friday publication CustomerService:Tel01305858166oremail [email protected] Friday, January 25 2013 WEEKENDERNEWS 3 s Crewkerne Chard Ilminster Schools People w County freeze council tax payments Cottage plan denied SOUTHSomerset District Council has refused planning permission for the conversion back to e SOMERSET County Council announced it will within the county council; and making li- across the country, it is no different in Somer- two terraced cottages of the dwelling at 19 The freeze its council tax for a fourth year in a row. braries part of the community, keeping them set, we have protected some areas for the Cross, Ilminster. A major £4.8 million extra investment in car- open and investing in new books. coming year, like youth services, libraries, and Development manager David Norris said: “The n ing for vulnerable people, extra funding for Council leader John Osman pointed out school crossing patrol officers. We will con- proposed development, as a result of the lack of roads, and more books for Somerset’s li- however that after the Government’s cut of tinue with our priorities, to care for people off street parking provision, would be likely to en- braries, are among the highlights of the £20 million in funding, SCC still needs to find who need it, and to deliver all our services courage the additional parking of vehicles on the spending plans revealed on Wednesday. this saving from its budget. “It is extremely with the best possible value for money.” public highway, which would interrupt the free t The extra investment comes despite a difficult and challenging when our income The draft budget proposals will be dis- flow of traffic and thereby add to the hazards of tough settlement from the Government that goes down, but the number of people need- cussed by cabinet members at their next highway users at this point.” e will see the council having to operate with ing our help is going up,” he said. meeting in February. The proposals will see Ilminster Town Counci had recommended ap- £20 million less than last year, while demand “Just one example, a few years ago over 350 services reorganised and in some areas, mod- proval of the plan. The applicant has the right to for services increases. children were in care in Somerset. Now that ernised to bring significant efficiencies and appeal the decision. s Among the major proposals for the next fi- figure is more than 525, and rising. Each child savings. Proposals include, modernising care Triathlon help needed nancial year are: a freeze in council tax for a can cost the authority £3,000-£5,000 a week services, committing to keep all 41 children’s fourth year running; an extra £4.8 million on to look after. Of course we want to look after centres open and reorganising and restruc- ORGANISERof the Crewkerne Junior Triathlon r vulnerable children and adults; millions extra them to the best of our abilities, but it’s a very turing the service and developing more effi- Eileen Mills, has requested more volunteers for spent on repairing roads damaged by the se- significant expense. cient working practices with schools and the popular event this year. e vere winter weather; reducing bureaucracy “These are very tough times for all councils early years providers. The event takes place on June 30th. There were 112 entries last year with youngsters from eight Local plan to be inspected to 14 taking part from across the south west, and some had to be turned away because there were m not enough volunteers to help. Eileen would like to stress the importance of keeping these events going, particularly as an Olympic legacy for young people who may have SOUTH Somerset Dis- by Marion Draper and will be shortly con- able to inappropriate and been inspired by our athletes. o trict Council has now for- tacting all those who have opportunistic develop- Anyone who can help on Sunday, June 30th mally submitted the residents following the applications are also set made representations on ment. from 9am until 1pm on Henhayes field in Crewk- updated version of the public consultation period out. the plan to inform them “Getting the balance erne, or who could sponsor some of the trophies. South Somerset Local that ran from June 28th The council’s emerging and the general public of right between growth and is asked to please call Eileen Mills on 01460 S Plan 2006 - 2028 to the until August 10th 2012. plan, proposed amend- what is happening. the environment will 72417. pPulabnlinci negx aImnsipneactitoonra. te for There was full commu- ments and evidence mate- 01S2h2e5 c an b8e 7c2o6n5ta4c ted oonr ne“vTehre b e pelaasny . is about Excursion bus back h coTuhnicsi l’fso ellnodwosr setmhee nft uolfl cnoitnys uelntagtaiogne mweitnht 7i9n7 tihne- rtoia tlh hea ivnesp beecetonr saupbpmoiinttteedd acChoriusn.sceillflo@r gRmica Pila.clloimste.r, aSroeuat h Swohmereer setw bee inhga vane WTHeEst R CEoGacUhLeAs Rto e rxecpulrascieo nth teo pDroervcihoeusst 2e0r 2b yse Srovuicteh, recommended amend- dividuals and organisa- to examine the Local leader SSDC said: “South homes and jobs that will run on the last Wednesday of each month ments on Thursday, Janu- tions responding and a Plan. Somerset District Council match the demand in a lo- starting next week on January 30th leaving t ary 17th. total of 2,418 points were A formal public exami- has been working on the cation where there is a Crewkerne at 10am. raised. nation will be held where Local Plan for six years real and continuous qual- The report to full coun- The bus will run as per the old timetable and the The emerging plan is individuals and organisa- now and this is an impor- ity about the place we live u cil updated growth pro- the council’s guide to tions will have a further tant step towards getting in.” cost will be £3 per OAP. jections as a result of the how the district should opportunity to address the the plan adopted. As with every stage of publication of the new develop over the next 15 inspector. This is ex- “This will mean that forming the Local Plan, population figures from years. pected to take place in everyone living and all the submitted docu- o the 2011 Census and the The location for new May of this year. working in South Somer- ments can be viewed on latest job figures from the housing, businesses and A programme officer, set will have a clear guide the council’s web site: Business Register Em- transport links is set out Christine Self, responsi- as to what development is Harepath Road, Seaton, S ployment Survey for and where development ble to the inspector and needed and where it uk/submissionlocalplan Devon, EX12 2SX Tel: 01297 22453 2010-2011. should be located. Gen- for organising the exami- should go. or at the main council of- Web: [email protected] Other changes resulted eral policies to shape de- nation on the inspector’s “This will make the fices at Brympton Way, from the comments of cisions on planning behalf has been appointed council much less vulner- Yeovil. ANTIQUES & GENERAL AUCTION Does this sound familiar Monday 4th February at 10am when using your computer? Advice, support and training services Whydoes it do that? VICTORIAN/EDWARDIAN FURNITURE, Whycan’t I get it to? SILVER & PLATED WARE, PORCELAIN, Ifonly I knew how to? GLASSWARE, JEWELLERY. OBJETS D’ART, Whatdoes that message mean and is it a problem? COINS, PAINTINGS, PRINTS & RUGS Whathappened to my pictures? GOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS I know the basics, I want to know more If only I could lean on someone who knows… OVER 1000 LOTS EACH SALE you can! A friendly, patient and reliable service in your own home or office, tailored to your individual needs. Crewkerne-based, Jaine has worked in the computer ON VIEW: industry for over 25 years and can answer these questions and many more. Thursday 31st January & Friday 1st February (9am – 5pm) Sensible prices, daytime, evenings and weekends, for a no obligation chat. Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd February (10am – 5pm) Contact: Jaine Leaning Morning of the sale (9am - onwards) Tel: 01460 77793 or mob: 07834 542871 CATALOGUE £2.00 (£2.50 BY POST) CATERING WAGON IN ATTENDANCE NEW YEAR SPECIALS Valentines If you have a news story or a Look for bargains in Cards photo for the handbags, backpacks, Weekender now in please call holdalls and purses Marion Draper on From NEWBERY THE CARD SHOP 07771641506 HOLYROOD STREET, CHARD 4 N C EWS FROM REWKERNE New look for town friendly map A SMALL Crewkerne business is some new features in the town. new design will incorporate some to run a manufacturing business in preparing to launch its free new- Marcus Barrett, who created the changes, like the George Reynolds the town, added: “One of the aims look friendly map of the town cen- independent website, Crewkerne- Centre, and will allow us to bring behind these fresh ideas to help tre. in 2005 to help support fresh things to the eyes of visitors support our town is that we First created and released free to small businesses in the area said: and locals alike.” wanted, as a small business from the public last year, by Crewker- “The first Crewkerne friendly map, which has Crewkerne, to help support our the original map quite was very popular it was a free also supported the town council local community but without tak- literally draws out points of inter- handout available around the town with a free website and has helped ing any money from the taxpayer. est for visitors and the reverse side and people like its informality to promote the Friends of Crewk- The website and all the spin-offs has contact details and lists busi- combined with the usefulness of erne Station, led the way, last are self-funding but do their bit to nesses and shops in the town. the information on the back. We year, with the first ever Crewkerne back Crewkerne.” The new friendly map - which is also put an interactive version on- app, uniquely designed and pro- The last few copies of the first drawn with a lively sense of hu- line which includes video and pic- grammed in the town and which friendly map can be found around mour by a professional, local artist tures and we had great feedback promotes small businesses in the town and in the LIC in coming - will take on a different look in its locally, from across Europe - and Crewkerne. weeks and the interactive map can second edition and will promote even from the United States. The Mr Barrett, whose family used be found on SOMERSET County County money for healthy walkers Councillor for Crewkerne, John Dyke, presented £500 Cakes from his health and well- being budget to the Crewk- erne Health Walk group. The group began some raise years ago to encourage local people to take up reg- ular walking for the benefit of their health and meets at funds the Aqua Centre every Tuesday morning at 9.30 to walk for an hour or so around Crewkerne, at the pace of the slowest walker. (cid:0)MEMBERSof Crewkerne Inner Wheel are pictured They are led by Mike and Sue Frackiewicz, George (cid:0)SUPPORTING HEALTHY ACTIVITIES: Sue and Mike Frackiewicz and Crewkerne health walkers accept selling cakes in the Rotary Shop. Rawlings and Roger £500 from county councillor John Dyke Cake sales, takings from shop sales that day and a Carslake. Once a month, walkers new members are always for safety reasons but in alised the group existed panionship. small top up from Crewkerne Rotary Club raised £200 venture further afield using welcome. fine weather they explore and thought it wonderful Anyone wishing to join for Riding for the Disabled's Henstridge Centre. the Crewkerne Community In the recent bad weather local footpaths. that they turned out in all can just turn up or contact Bus. There are usually the group has stuck to Councillor Dyke said weathers for the benefit of Sue and Mike on 07761 about 20 in the group and walking around the town until recently he hadn’t re- their health and the com- 441453 for further details. PLANNING YOUR FUTURE? For complete peace of mind please contact our specialist team Preparation of Wills Inheritance Tax Planning Preparation and registration of Powers of Attorney Assistance with managing your financial affairs Planning for long term Care Challenges to Wills and Inheritance disputes For our free leaflet please contact us: [email protected] Tel: 01297 630700 Axminster [email protected] Tel: 01297 626950 Seaton [email protected] Tel: 01460 269700Chard [email protected] Tel: 01404 548050Honiton [email protected] Friday, January 25 2013 WEEKENDERNEWS 5 N C EWS FROM HARD INSHAM vil- lage shop was Wone of the first 50 to become a community venture just over ten years ago and now is held up as a (cid:0)FOR DIS- model for others to study ABLED RID- when considering a similar ERS: Georgina scheme. Maynard wel- There are now 283 com- fare officer of munity shops across the the Isle Group country. presents a The villagers officially cheque to Fun with opened their community Ten years of value Averil Taylor shop on September 8th from Chard 2002, initiated by Stella and Axmin- fundraising Abbey and Richard Rose. ster Riding for The shop had been facing the Disabled from village shop closure. The secret of their suc- THE ISLE Group, Wadeford, raised £700 in 2012 for their two local nominated charities cess is not only 3,000 lines - the Chard and Crewkerne After Stroke Club and the Chard and District Riding for of everyday items, many the Disabled. that compete in price with The funds were raised through coffee mornings, afternoon teas and a soup lunch. the supermarkets in town, (cid:0)NOT JUST ABOUT GROCERIES: Winsham shop manager Denise Nicolls, chairman Denis McCullum and In addition £150 was raised for the Children’s Hospice in December, when the group but the number of volun- volunteer Chloe Beasley went carol singing around Wadeford. teers and staff which en- A spokesperson for the group said they thoroughly enjoyed organising the events able them to be open 68 better than being at home as a separate business in “The volunteering also ting the country this win- and would like to thank everyone who supported them in their efforts to support hours per week. all day with little to do. the back of the shop. helps with our pricing ter, the value of village worthy causes. The village has had gen- In the beginning he ad- Denis McCullum has structure, I insist the shop shops like those at Win- Chard and District Riding for the Disabled organises sessions from March through eral store for over 100 vised Denise to keep her been the chairman for the has to stand on its own feet sham, Seavington and to November for various age groups, for more information call 0845 241 4324 years and when they were ears and eyes open as to last five years and as a res- but after ten years we have Thorncombe become more The After Stroke group meets in Chard Rugby Club on Tuesdays at 10.30am. It offers in danger of losing it, the what the customers ident of 25 years, became proven our worth. Part of important, not just for sup- peer support, mind stimulating activities, talks and occasional outings to help stroke residents knew the impor- wanted in their shop. It a shareholder early on in the reason we are so suc- plies when the roads are sufferers and their carers for information call Christine Williams on 01460 66631. tance of the facility, not just turned out that Winsham the campaign. cessful is because we are blocked but to monitor the as a provisions provider but are huge tea drinkers and He said: “This is a thriv- in the centre of the village, population. As Mr Tett (cid:0)AFTER STROKE as an important part of they now stock an “as- ing village and our success if we should ever have to pointed out, their 60 news- GROUP: Beverley daily contact for many. tounding” variety of teas. with the shop is largely move it would be a prob- papers which are not deliv- Gibson, deputy When Winsham Shop Funds were raised to set down to our mix of volun- lem. We are still selling ered but collected by chair of the Isle Ltd was formed they re- them up, through the sell- teers who all have a part to shares and always wel- residents every day act as Group, Wadeford, tained the shop manager ing of shares which match- play, some serving at the coming new volunteers, a tally. If a customer does- presents a cheque Denise Nicholls and the funded grant money from counter, others filling ideally I would love us to n’t collect, someone will for £350 to Jenny steering group gained an the Village Retail Services shelves or coming in early be able to buy the build- go to their home and check Fielder and Chris ace up their sleeve when Association and the Coun- to sort the papers and there ing, as we are lucky at the that they are alright and if Williams for the retired retail manager tryside Alliance, totalling is a cleaning rota of eight moment with our land- someone in the village Chard and Roger Tett stepped up to £40,000, to buy the stock to 12 people. When we lords but it would be great needs help, word soon gets Crewkerne After help. needed and do some work opened there was a lady in to have complete control around via the constant Stroke Club He said it keeps his brain on the shop. There is also her eighties who used to of our destiny.” popping in and out of reg- working and was much a Post Office which is run fill shelves. With severe weather hit- ular customers. Prima Moda Brides of Ilminster SPECIALISTS FOR YOUR SPECIAL DAY Personal and professional service MORI LEE DESIGNERS DAYS Thursday 31st January - 1st, 2nd & 4th February 20% OFF ALL ORDERS PLACED* Appointments advised *Discount applies to Mori Lee gowns only between these dates 14 Ditton Street, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 0BQ 01460 54600 6 N S S EWS FROM OUTH OMERSET WINTER WONDERLAND! THE first snowfall of the year came in the early hours By Marion Draper of last Friday and was the perfect consistency for building, sending our readers into a flurry of creativ- The enthusiasm for the white stuff after months of ity. rain was infectious. Snowmen and animals popped up all over The Three-year-old Isabel Williams was out early with Weekenderarea after we set a challenge for the best mum Zoe and built her snowman Simon at 8am. snow sculpture. The Spicer family were still at it after dark with blue There was a giant tortoise which took all the snow hairspray used for the buttons and hair on their in the garden of the Bale family in Chard, and the snowman and neon red hairspray for his mouth. Smillies of Crewkerne had a big polar bear sitting on Thank you to all of you who rose to the challenge. their lawn. An unlikely creature to see in the snow - The difficult decision of the best overall went to The a camel - also popped up in Chard as the favourite Weekendereditor, who thought they were all brilliant animal of Roxy Smith. but the Bale family’s giant tortoise was her favourite. (cid:0)SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: Chloe Wetherall and Nancy Sugar in Hewish, near Crewkerne (cid:0)SNOW TORTOISE: Made by Justin Bale of Chard for his four snow angels, Chelsie (12), Jasmin (9), Paris (7) and Summer (4). Below, three-year-old Alex Lunn, from Chard, built a snow Gruffalo Friday, January 25 2013 WEEKENDERNEWS 7 N S S EWS FROM OUTH OMERSET (cid:1) SISTERS IN THE SNOW: Mackenzie and Kai Os- borne with their offering in Crewkerne (cid:1)WOOFIN’ COLD: Poppy and Maisie Banfield in Chard with their snow dog (cid:1) TEAM WORK: Crewk- erne Town Council team, Cade and Makenzie Pe- ters. Above, Aiden and Lil- lie Woodhead Crewkerne (cid:1) FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Roxy and Maria Smith in (cid:1)NEW FRIEND: Freyer Bates, nearly four years, from Chard with a snow camel Chard 8 N I EWS FROM LMINSTER Knowles knows his glass A RECORD turnout of inter- ested listeners filled the room at Monks Yard for a special talk organised by Neroche Decora- tive and Fine Arts Society. New NDFAS lecturer, Eric Knowles, a familiar face from the BBC Antiques Road Show conducted a study day on Art Nouveau. Over 70 people attended the event to hear the witty north- erner talk on the subject which he said was his favourite style, along with Art Deco. Mr Knowles commented that the facilities were very pleasant and his audience were: “Friendly folk who laughed in all the right places”. The antiques expert had brought along copies of his lat- est book, on Lalique glass but when asked what piece he would own if he could choose, (cid:0)CASHING IN: Ilminster Home Hardware partner Phillip Wyatt presents Sue he said: “I’d love a Tiffany lamp because they come alive Mattravers with her prize vouchers at night. It’s like having your From polish to pounds own garden indoors, it can be snowing outside and summer in the corner of your living A REGULAR trip to her favourite hardware store for cleaning products, led to a room.” First Tuesday win for Ilminster resident Sue Mattravers , who scooped £100 worth Organiser Wendy Outram and of vouchers to be spent in local shops that take part in the monthly scheme. NDFAS chairman Julie Fowler The lucky winner said she was a regular customer of Ilminster Home Hardware, were delighted with the re- which was where the winning ticket came from for the second month in a row. sponse to their celebrity lec- The monthly draw is free to enter to customers in of participating businesses turer, with many non-members and can be entered on the first Tuesday of each month. joining them for the successful (cid:0)GREAT SPEAKER: Wendy Outram, Eric Knowles and Julie Fowler day. Friday, January 25 2013 HALLMARK 9 HALLMARK CONSERVATORIES AND WINDOWS LTD • PCVu DOORS • WINDOWS • CONSERVATORIES • Affordable Quality from the outside in Flat roof need replacing? We now provide these services REPLACEMENT ROOFS WITH GRP FIBREGLASS FLAT ROOF WITH A 20 YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY. 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His booming voice taken to shrill tones was 2.30pm and 7.30pm was definitely something a bit differ- only surpassed by the other largest character on the stage - ent. captain of the guard - played by well- known CUDOS lead- CUDOS brought this ancient tale into the 21st century ing man Richard Walters. with some very modern references, such as the theives Diana Hodgson was a classic thigh slapping principal boy “from the hood” who incidentally provided a line of high as the hero Ali Baba, thwarting the bad guy and getting the kicks, an ancient tribe with a modern twist, some cameo girl - in this case Princess Panceta, the demure Fiona Edg- celebs and a mix of rap and body popping by the comedy ington. double Dilhi and Dalhi played by Taya and Charmaine As if there weren’t enough stereotypes, which of course Bray. is the main stay of any panto, more comic input came from Martin Singleton was one of the biggest explosions of the unlikely pairing of Sali Baba’s other son Benni, a slightly dense fun guy played by Lucy Perry and his ditzy girlfriend Shameez, hammed up wonderfully by Vikki Rol- ley. The tale was dramatically strung together by Heidi Scott as Wafflah the wonderful character storyteller who popped up at some point on every scene. One of the not to be named cameo roles taken by Ian Scott, was superbly sup- ported by Helen Wickens as Blodwen. It is always the little touches that make a production and facial expression, ges- tures and innuendo were all skilfully employed in the de- lightful production and the small group of children were (cid:1) THE HERO: Ali Baba, Diana Hodgson, popular with the ladies fantastic. The Sultan Dave Phillips and his wife Monah, Rosa Atkinson, were good supporting roles as was the her- ald, Rob Stephens - perhaps all a little under used. Sound, lighting and special effects all worked well to- gether, at times adding to the drama and the comedy and congratulations to Serenaidh, the pantomime donkey for a very coordinated dance routine. Tony English really pulled the scenery out of the hat on this one and the backdrops were superb. Sadly this was his last contribution to CUDOS whose members were shocked to hear of his sudden death on Wednesday morning. Pro- ducer Ann Brolly took the part of Ali on opening night, (cid:1)LIFE OF LUXURY: The Sultan- Dave Phillips and stepping in for Tony’s daughter Diana who returned to the his wife Monah -Rosa Atkinson stage yesterday, and the cast all continued the show in his honour. (cid:1) PLAYING IT COOL: The thieves from The Hood (cid:1) COMEDY PAIR: Charmaine and Taya Bray as (cid:1) TRIBAL DANCE: Be My Teddy Bear Dalhi and Dilhi (cid:1) SPELL AND SING : The principles of Ali Baba CUDOS style