Creative Solutions to Global C International Business Collection THE BUSINESS E L EXPERT PRESS Business Negotiations LI S. Tamer Cavusgil • Michael R. Czinkota • Gary Knight C H DIGITAL LIBRARIES Second Edition • Editors JA EBOOKS FOR Claude Cellich • Subhash C. Jain IN BUSINESS STUDENTS Making deals globally is a fact of life in modern business. To suc- Curriculum-oriented, born- cessfully conduct deals abroad, executives like you need skills to digital books for advanced negotiate with counterparts who have different backgrounds and Creative experiences. business students, written This book gives you and other international executives the by academic thought savvy you need to negotiate with fi nesse and ease. It offers valu- leaders who translate real- able insights into the fi ne points of negotiating and guidelines on Solutions world business experience delicate issues that can infl uence a promising deal. The book is di- into course readings and vided into fi ve parts: Global business negotiations framework; the reference materials for role of culture in negotiations and on choosing an appropriate ne- students expecting to tackle gotiation style; the negotiation process; negotiation tools, such as to Global communication skills and the role of power in negotiations; and management and leadership C miscellaneous topics such as negotiating on the Internet, gender R challenges during their issue in global negotiations, how small fi rms can effectively nego- E A professional careers. tiate with large fi rms, negotiating intangibles, managing negoti- T Business I ating teams, developing an organizational negotiation capability V POLICIES BUILT E BY LIBRARIANS and negotiating via interpreters Clear and comprehensive, the S authors outline the hallmarks of strengthening and maintaining O • Unlimited simultaneous a strong bargaining position for negotiating deals even under ad- LU Negotiations usage verse conditions. TI O • Unrestricted downloading Claude Cellich is vice president of external relations at the In- N and printing ternational University in Geneva, Switzerland, and visiting pro- S • Perpetual access for a fessor of cross-cultural business negotiations at the University of TO Second Edition one-time fee Economics in Prague and a professor of cross-cultural business G negotiations. Prior to joining academia, he held diplomatic po- L • No platform or O sitions with the International Trade Centre (ITC), a joint agency B maintenance fees A of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO), L • Free MARC records where he spent several years in India managing export promotion B • No license to execute projects. He holds graduate degrees in economics and business U Claude Cellich S The Digital Libraries are a administration from the University of Detroit and is the recipi- IN comprehensive, cost-eff ective eSncht ooof lt hoef E7c5othn oAmnnicisv.ersary Medal of Excellence from the Helsinki ESS Subhash C. Jain way to deliver practical N Subhash C. Jain is currently Professor Emeritus at the University E treatments of important of Connecticut. He was a professor of international marketing, G O business issues to every director of the Center for International Business Education and T I student and faculty member. Research (CIBER), and directorof the GE Global Learning Center A T (GEGLC) at the University of Connecticut School of Business. He I O has offered seminars for the International Trade Center (WTO/ N UNCTAD) in Geneva, and served as a visiting faculty at the Gradu- S ate School of Business Administration Zurich in their executive For further information, a MBA program and the International University in Geneva. free trial, or to order, contact: International Business Collection [email protected] S. Tamer Cavusgil • Michael R. Czinkota • Gary Knight Editors Creative Solutions to Global Business Negotiations Creative Solutions to Global Business Negotiations Second Edition Claude Cellich Subhash C. Jain Creative Solutions to Global Business Negotiations, Second Edition Copyright © Business Expert Press, LLC, 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations, not to exceed 250 words, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published in 2016 by Business Expert Press, LLC 222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017 ISBN-13: 978-1-63157-309-5 (paperback) ISBN-13: 978-1-63157-310-1 (e-book) Business Expert Press International Business Collection Collection ISSN: 1948-2752 (print) Collection ISSN: 1948-2760 (electronic) Cover and interior design by S4Carlisle Publishing Services Private Ltd., Chennai, India First edition: 2016 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America. Abstract Making deals globally is a fact of life in modern business. To successfully conduct deals abroad, executives need skills to negotiate with counter- parts who have different backgrounds and experiences. Creative Solutions to Global Business Negotiations provides international executives with the savvy they need to negotiate with finesse and ease, no matter where they are. It offers valuable insights into the fine points of negotiating, and guidelines on delicate issues that can influence a promising deal. This book is an indispensable tool that provides know-how and expert strategies for striking favorable deals. The book emphasizes the impor- tance of preparation and offers basic rules and checklists for staying on top in negotiations. The frameworks introduced in Creative Solutions to Global Business Negotiations are relevant in conducting business negotiations anywhere in the world in any type of business. Executives will be prepared for the real-life situations they face in international deal making. Pinpointing the importance of developing a global mindset, this book examines how to handle crucial cross-cultural differences in negotiating styles; deal with unfamiliar aspects of punctuality, manners, and gift giving; and emerge victorious as a successful international negotiator. The book is divided into five parts. Part 1 deals with the global busi- ness negotiations framework. Part 2 focuses on the role of culture in negotiations and on choosing an appropriate negotiation style. The nego- tiation process is examined in Part 3 comprising prenegotiation planning, making the first move, concession trading, price negotiating, closing the deal, and understanding renegotiations. Part 4 is devoted to negotiation tools, such as communication skills, role of power in negotiations, man- aging negotiating teams and developing organizational capability. Part 5 covers miscellaneous topics such as negotiating intangibles, negotiating on the internet, gender issues in global negotiations, how small firms can effectively negotiate with large firms and negotiating via interpreters. Drawing on their own experiences, the authors explain how to over- come problems such as the instability of the international marketplace and differences in culture, economy, ideology, law, politics, and currencies vi ABSTRACT that may arise when negotiating with businesses abroad. Clear and com- prehensive, the authors outline the hallmarks of strengthening and main- taining a strong bargaining position for negotiating deals even under adverse conditions. Keywords Culture and negotiations, global negotiations, negotiation styles, negotia- tion process, negotiation on the Internet, renegotiations Contents Preface ............................................................................................................ix Part 1 Introduction ...................................................................1 Chapter 1 Overview of Global Business Negotiations ........................3 Part 2 Negotiation Environment and Setting ..........................23 Chapter 2 Role of Culture in Cross-Border Negotiations .................25 Chapter 3 Selecting Your Negotiating Style ......................................45 Part 3 Negotiation Process ......................................................55 Chapter 4 Prenegotiations Planning .................................................57 Chapter 5 Initiating Global Business Negotiations: Making the First Move .......................................................................77 Chapter 6 Trading Concessions .......................................................91 Chapter 7 Price Negotiations .........................................................103 Chapter 8 Closing Business Negotiations .............................................121 Chapter 9 Undertaking Renegotiations ..........................................131 Part 4 Negotiation Tools .......................................................145 Chapter 10 Communication Skills for Effective Negotiations ..........147 Chapter 11 Demystifying the Secrets of Power Negotiations ............163 Chapter 12 Managing Negotiating Teams ........................................171 Chapter 13 Developing an Organizational Negotiation Capability ..181 Part 5 Miscellaneous Topics ..................................................191 Chapter 14 Negotiating Intangibles .................................................193 Chapter 15 Negotiating on the Internet ...........................................203 Chapter 16 Overcoming the Gender Divide in Global Negotiation .215 Chapter 17 Strategies for Small Enterprises Negotiating with Large Firms ...................................................................221 Chapter 18 Negotiating via Interpreters ...........................................229 Notes..................................................................................................241 References ...........................................................................................247 Index .................................................................................................257 Preface Today’s globalization requires professionals to deal with their counter- parts in countries with different economic, cultural, legal, and political environments. You may need to resolve a dispute with a supplier, final- ize a counterproposal for a state-owned enterprise, or lead a multicul- tural team. Thus in a globalized market, few subjects are as critical as negotiating across cultural boundaries. When negotiators are from di- verse cultures, they often rely on quite different assumptions about so- cial interactions, economic interests, and political realities. Consequently, culturally sensitive negotiating skills are necessary for managing in an in- ternational setting. Creative Solutions to Global Business Negotiations has been prepared for all those who negotiate globally: managers, lawyers, government of- ficials, and diplomats. The book provides an insightful, readable, highly organized tour de force of both the conceptual and practical essentials of international business negotiation. Negotiation is a lifelong activity. In business, you can do much bet- ter by negotiating successfully. Those not skilled in negotiation will get less than they deserve, perhaps significantly less. Surprisingly, it is often easier to sharpen your negotiating skills by simply trying. To do this, you must acquire proven negotiation strategies and tactics as well as the latest techniques of dealing with the challenges and opportunities of today’s complex global alliances and quickly forming partnerships. At the same time, you must know how to navigate across national, organizational, and professional cultures at the negotiating table. The book provides a clear framework to guide global negotiators around diverse cultural boundaries to close deals, to create value, to re- solve disputes, and to reach lasting agreements in a constantly chang- ing competitive context. In other words, this book will help managers and professionals acquire knowledge and develop indispensable skills in today’s global business environment.