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Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom PDF

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3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd iivv 99//22//1111 22::2200::3366 PPMM Developmental Benchmarks* for Young Children Ages Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills Two-Year-Olds Turns pages in a book singly Kicks large ball Imitates drawing a circle, vertical, and Jumps in place horizontal line Runs without falling Fingers work together to scoop up small Throws ball without falling objects Walks up and down stairs alone Constructs simple two- and three-piece Marches to music puzzles Tends to use legs and arms as pairs Enjoys short, simple fi ngerplay games Usually uses whole arm to paint or color Strings large beads on shoelace Balances on one foot for 5 seconds Builds tower of up to eight blocks Three-Year-Olds Cuts paper Catches ball with arms extended forward Builds tower of nine small blocks Throws ball underhand Pastes using a fi nger Completes forward somersault Pours from a pitcher Walks up stairs with alternating feet Copies a circle from a drawing Rides a tricycle skillfully Draws a straight line Runs, walks, jumps, and gallops to music Uses fi ngers to pick up small objects Throws ball without losing balance Draws a person with three parts Hops on one foot Strings beads and can arrange by color Balances on one foot for 8 seconds and shape Uses a plastic knife to spread at meal or snack time Four-Year-Olds Buttons or unbuttons buttons Walks up and down stairs one foot Cuts on a line with scissors per step Completes a six- to eight-piece puzzle Skips on one foot Copies a “t” Rides a bicycle with training wheels Buckles a belt Throws ball overhand Zips separated fasteners Builds elaborate structures with blocks Adds fi ve parts to an incomplete man Five-Year-Olds Uses a plastic knife Tries roller and ice skating Copies most letters Catches ball with hands Traces objects Attempts to jump from table heights Draws crude objects Jumps rope Colors within lines Walks on stilts Copies square, triangle, and diamond Skips shape Climbs fences Models objects from clay Laces shoes Walks backward, forward, and sideways on a Prints fi rst name balance beam Six-Year-Olds Ties bows Plays hopscotch Hand preference established Enjoys ball play Reverses letters while printing Plays simple, organized games such as “hide- Paints houses, trees, fl owers, and clouds and-seek” Prefers running over walking Is constantly active *Developmental changes occur in a sequence which is more important than the exact age behavior occurs. Some children will progress through these sequences faster, others will be slower. Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__iiffcc__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess..iinndddd 22 99//22//1111 33::0077::5599 PPMM Creative Resources fo r t h e Early Childhood Classroom Sixth Edition Judy Herr, University of Wisconsin–Stout Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd ii 99//22//1111 22::2200::3344 PPMM This is an electronic version of the print textbook. Due to electronic rights restrictions, some third party content may be suppressed. Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. The publisher reserves the right to remove content from this title at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions, and alternate formats, please visit www.cengage.com/highered to search by ISBN#, author, title, or keyword for materials in your areas of interest. Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd iivv 99//22//1111 22::2200::3366 PPMM Creative Resources for the Early Childhood © 2013, 2009 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning Classroom, Sixth Edition ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein Judy Herr may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means Senior Publisher: Linda Schreiber-Ganster graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, Executive Editor: Mark David Kerr or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Development Editor: Beth Kaufman Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior Assistant Editor: Genevieve Allen written permission of the publisher. 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USA Used with permission Compositor: PreMediaGlobal Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions with offi ce locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, and Japan. Locate your local offi ce at www.cengage.com/global. Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Ltd. For your course and learning solutions, visit www.cengage.com. Purchase any of our products at your local college store or at our preferred online store www.cengagebrain.com Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 14 13 12 11 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd iiii 99//22//1111 88::1188::0055 PPMM Brief Table of Contents Table of Contents organized by Subject v Theme 40 Fruits and Vegetables 379 Preface xxiii Theme 41 Gardens 390 Introduction xxvii Theme 42 Halloween 400 Theme 1 Ants 1 Theme 43 Hanukkah (Chanukah) 410 Theme 2 Apples 10 Theme 44 Hats 419 Theme 3 Art 19 Theme 45 Health 427 Theme 4 Birds 31 Theme 46 Homes 435 Theme 5 Blue 42 Theme 47 Insects and Spiders 443 Theme 6 Breads 53 Theme 48 Kwanzaa 452 Theme 7 Brushes 63 Theme 49 Mail Carrier 461 Theme 8 Bubbles 71 Theme 50 Mice 468 Theme 9 Buildings 80 Theme 51 Music 476 Theme 10 Camping 89 Theme 52 Numbers 489 Theme 11 Caring for Our Earth 98 Theme 53 Nursery Rhymes 498 Theme 12 Cars, Trucks, and Buses 107 Theme 54 Occupations 512 Theme 13 Cats 116 Theme 55 Pets 521 Theme 14 Chinese New Year 126 Theme 56 Plants 529 Theme 15 Christmas 138 Theme 57 Puppets 538 Theme 16 Cinco de Mayo 151 Theme 58 Purple 545 Theme 17 Circus 160 Theme 59 Rain 554 Theme 18 Clothing 169 Theme 60 Ramadan 562 Theme 19 Communication 179 Theme 61 Red 570 Theme 20 Construction Tools 187 Theme 62 Safety 579 Theme 21 Containers 196 Theme 63 Scissors 588 Theme 22 Creative Movement 205 Theme 64 Shapes 595 Theme 23 Dairy Products 215 Theme 65 Sports 605 Theme 24 Dentist 224 Theme 66 Spring 613 Theme 25 D iwali (pronounced Theme 67 Summer 624 “di-vahl-ee”) 232 Theme 68 Thanksgiving 634 Theme 26 Doctors and Nurses 241 Theme 69 Trees 643 Theme 27 Dogs 249 Theme 70 Valentine’s Day 653 Theme 28 Easter 259 Theme 71 Water 662 Theme 29 Eggs 269 Theme 72 Wheels 672 Theme 30 Fall 279 Theme 73 Winter 680 Theme 31 Families 288 Theme 74 Worms 690 Theme 32 Farm Animals 300 Theme 75 Yellow 698 Theme 33 Feelings 310 Theme 76 Zoo Animals 706 Theme 34 Feet 324 Appendix A O verview of the NAEYC Early Theme 35 Firefi ghters 333 Childhood Program Standards 715 Theme 36 Fish 341 Appendix B M ulticultural Materials for the Theme 37 Flowers 351 Early Childhood Classroom 719 Theme 38 Friends 360 Appendix C I nternational Holidays and Theme 39 Frogs 370 Celebrations 727 iii Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd iiiiii 99//22//1111 22::2200::3366 PPMM Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd iivv 99//22//1111 22::2200::3366 PPMM Table of Contents organized by Subject ART ACTIVITIES Make a Valentine, 658 Collages Making Puppets, 542 Balls, 630 Arts and Crafts Masks, 404 Collages, 35 Basket Prints, 200 Milk Carton Easter Baskets, 263 Collage, 57 Blueprints, 84 Muffi n Cup Flowers, 355 Camping, 93 Butterfl y Wings, 617 Nature Tree, 533 Collages, 263 Candleholders (Diyas), 236 Newspaper Skirts, 173 Coupon Collages, 493 Caterpillars, 617 Occupation Vests, 516 Dairy Product Paint Cat Mask, 120 Offi cer Hats and Badges, 583 Containers, 219 Chinese Red and Yellow Paper Our Home, 84 Easter, 263 Chains, 131 Painting Fireworks, 131 Eggshell, 35 Christmas Chains, 142 Paper Plate Flowers, 355 Eggshell Mosaic, 273 Chunk Crayons, 23 Paper Plate Hats, 423 Fall, 283 Circus Wagons, 164 Paper Plate Lions, 710 Family, 292 Clown Face Masks, 164 Paper Wreaths, 142 Flowers, 357, 396 Colored Salt Jars, 200 Plastic Bottle Prints, 102 Glitter Pictures, 574 Crayon Bundles, 23 Plastic Easter Baskets, 263 Mkeka Mat Collages, 56 Creating Structures, 84 Pumpkin Play Dough, 404 My Shape Book, 599 Cymbals, 480 Pumpkin Seed Pictures, 404 New Clothes Group Collage, 566 Dancing Wands, 155 Puppet Stages, 542 Package Worm, 694 Decorating Pinecones, 647 Rainbow Mobiles, 558 Paper Plate Meals, 431 Doghouse, 254 Rainstick, 484 Popcorn, 480 Dog Masks, 253 Recyclable 3D Art, 102 Pumpkin Seed, 283 Dog Puppets, 253 Red Door Hangers, 131 Rainbow Yarn, 558 Drums, 482 Red Envelopes, 131 Salt Dough, 23 Egg-Carton Ants, 5 Red Play Dough, 131 Seed, 355, 472 Egg Carton Caterpillars, 447 Rhythm Sticks, 480 Seed Pictures, 14 Egg Carton Flowers, 355, 533 Rubber Band Instruments, Seeds, 383, 395 Egg Carton Frog, 374 480 Shape, 599 Experimenting, 23 Rudolph, 142 Shape Homes, 439 Festival Coin Bank, 566 Sailboats, 628 Stamps, 465 Firefi ghters’ Hats, 337 Salt Dough Collage, 23 Texture, 304 Fish Rubbings, 345 Salt Painting, 23 Thanksgiving, 638 Foil Moons, 566 Scrap Paper Collage, 102 Wheel, 676 Frames, 23 Shakers, 14, 480 Yarn, 304 Friendship Chain, 364 Shape Mobiles, 599 Yellow, 702 Frosted Pictures, 684 Shape Stamps, 599 Grass Hair, 533 Shape Stencil Painting, 599 Cutting Hand and Foot Flowers, 533 Shaving Cream Fingerpainting, 574 Building Shapes, 84 Happy Diwali Banner, 236 Shoebox Art, 328 Cutting, 592 Insects, 447 Soap Painting, 23 Scissor Snip, 592 Kwanzaa Candle Pictures, 456 Sock Puppets, 328 Snowfl akes, 684 Kazoos, 480 Squeeze-Bottle Painting, 23 Vegetable and Fruit Kites, 617, 638 Stationery, 183 Shapes, 383 Lanterns, 131 Tackle Box, 93 Leaf Rubbings, 102, 283, 394, 533 Tambourines, 480 Dough and Clay Mailboxes, 465, 467, 658 Team Pennants, 609 Ants, 5 Mail Pouch, 516 Traffi c Lights, 583 Baker’s Clay, 702 Mail Truck, 465, 516 Unity Chain, 456 Clay Eggs, 273 Make a Tree, 647 Wrapping Paper, 142 Cookie Cutters, 710 v Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd vv 99//22//1111 33::4499::0055 PPMM Cookie Cutters and Play Hats, 426 Fish Sponge, 345 Dough, 525 Easel Ideas, 46, 164, 173, 228, Foot Painting, 328, 628 Cornmeal Play Dough, 638 263, 423, 533, 599, 609, 684 Footprints, 314 Crescent moon Play Dough Insects Arts and Crafts, 447 Frog Sponge, 374 Shapes, 66 Musical Painting, 209, 480 Gadget, 599 Favorite Play Dough, 142 Outdoor Painting, 628 Glittery Pinecones, 142 Gingerbread Play Dough, 142 Painting, 25, 47 Golf Ball, 609 Green Play Dough Frogs, 374 Robin Eggs, 35 Ice Cream Cone Sponge Lemon Play Dough, 383 Shaving Cream Painting, 219 Mold with Play Dough, 383 Fingerpainting, 574 Ice Cube Art, 684 Numeral Cookie Cutter, 493 Spooky, 404 Kwanzaa Finger Painting, Play Dough, 314, 320, 593 Sports, 609 456 Play Dough Animals, 164 Winter Shape Painting, 684 Liquid, 666 Play Dough Cookies, 142 Marble, 142 Play Dough Doughnuts, 414 Gifts and Decorations Mouse Sponge Painting, Pumpkin Pie Play Dough, 638 Chinese New Year Gift Bags, 131 472 Pumpkin Play Dough, 404 Classroom Valentine, 657 Muffi n Tin Paint Trays, 57 Purple Glitter Dough, 549 Decorating Vases, 394 Musical, 209, 480 Purple Play Dough Grapes, 553 Dreidel, 414 Outdoor, 628 Red Play Dough, 131 Firefi ghters’ Hats, 337 Paint Blots, 574 Sawdust Play Dough, 647 Flower Mobile, 355 Paint Over Design, 574 Silly Clay, 23 Friendship Exchange Art, 364 Pet Sponge, 525 Spiders, 502 Heart Materials, 657 Pine Bough, 142 Yellow Play Dough, 702 Star of David Mobile, 414 Pine Needle Brushes, 647 Stationery, 183 Pompon, 120 Drawing Media and Tools Twinkle, Twinkle Little Red Fingerpaint, 574 Stars, 502, 505 Red Paint, 574 Aquarium Crayon Resist, 345 Root Painting, 394 Arm Dancing, 46 Materials, 661 Shake Painting, 628 Buttermilk Chalk Pictures, 219 (special boxed feature) Shoelace, 328 Chalk Drawings, 628, 657 Snow, 684 Charcoal Drawings, 337 Modeling Mediums Spider Webs, 502 Colored Chalk Rangolis, 236 Mold with Play Dough, 383 Sponge, 46 Crayon Melting, 337 Stencil Shapes, 599 Crayon Wash, 404 Paint Containers Textured Paint, 647 Designing Cars, 111 Dairy Product, 219 Thunder, 558 Drawing to Music, 314 Tackle Box, 345 Tile, 439 Leaf Rubbings, 102, 283, Toothbrushes and Splatter 394, 533 Painting Screen, 228 License Plate Rubbings, 111 Aquarium Crayon Resist, 345 Twig, 647 Marker Sets, 493 Bone, 253 Wacky Watercolors, 549 Melted Crayon Design, 46 Box House Painting, 67 Whipped Soap, 219 Postcards, 465 Bread Sponge Painting, 57 Worm, 694 Red Crayon Rubbings, 574 Brush, 67 Yellow Paint, 702 Ruler Design, 493 Bug Rocks, 102 Zipper-Seal Plastic Bag Rulers, 191 Candy Cane Marble, 142 Painting, 200 Snow Drawings, 684 Car, 676 Tree Rubbing, 647 Car Track, 111 Waxed Paper Rainbows, 558 Painting Surfaces, 28 Celery Leaves, 383 Wet Chalk Drawings, 666 (special boxed feature) Color Mixing, 263, 560, 669 Wet Chalk Eggs, 263 Cookie Cutter, 142 Patterns Corncob Painting, 702 Easel Cotton Swab Painting, 245 Body Tracing, 245, 431 Brushes, 67 Dental Floss Painting, 228 Cookie Cutters, 710 Building Shapes, 84 Dyeing Eggs, 35, 266 Cotton Ball Snowman, 684 Cutting Flower Shapes, Eyedropper, 245, 558 Dress the Paper Doll, 173 355 Feather Painting, 35 Hand Turkey, 638 Easter, 263 Fingerpainting, 46 Household Tracings, 439 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANIZED BY SUBJECT Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd vvii 99//22//1111 22::2200::3366 PPMM Lily Pads, 374 Zip Code Special, 465 Orange Raisin Cookies, 647 My Body, 292, 432 Zippy Drink, 628 Painted Egg Cookies, 273 New Crescent Moons, 566 Sand Dollar Cookies, 628 Rabbit Ears, 263 Breads Sugar, 84 Spider Webs, 502 Alphabet Toast, 58 Valentine, 657 Stencils, 209, 394 Bag Bread, 57 Tracing Wheels, 676 Blueberry Muffi ns, 46 Ethnic Recipes Bran Muffi ns, 502 Berry “Happy” Shake— Printing Cheesey Puff Bread, 58 Finland, 314 Corn Bread, 304, 702 Ants, 5 Chapatis, 58 Cracker Wheels, 111 Apples, 15 Charoses, 15 Foot French Toast, 328 Basket Prints, 200 Chinese Moon Cake, 132 French, 35 Biscuit Cutter Prints, 57 Chocolate Cereal Diyas Happy Rolls, 314 Blueprints, 84 (Candleholders), 236 Homestyle Pizza, 439 Bone, 253 Cinco de Mayo Salad, 155 Hush Puppies, 254 Bubble Prints, 75, 666 Coconut Treats, 237 Indian Flat Bread, 209 Cookie Cutter Painting, 142 Danish Smile Berry Irish Gingerbread, 173 Grape Prints, 549 Pudding, 314 Muffi ns, 638 Hanukkah Handprints, 414 Easy Guacamole, 155 Pita or Pocket Bread, 173 Heart Prints, 657 Egg Foo Young, 35, 273 Pita Pocket Sandwiches, 200 Jar Prints, 200 Finnish Strawberry Pretzels, 57, 592 Paw Prints, 120 Shake, 384 Pumpkin Patch Muffi ns, 404 Popsicle Stick Prints, 702 Floating Cake— Raisin Bran Muffi ns, 292 Potato Prints, 383 Philippines, 666 Worm Pretzels, 694 Pussy Willow Fingerprints, French Bread, 35 617 Fu Fu—West Africa, 638 Shoe Prints, 328 Candy and Cakes Greek Honey Twists, 111 Sponge Prints, 304 Candy Canes, 142 Hamantaschen from Tool Print, 191 Caramel Apple Slices, 14 Israel, 423 Winter Shape, 684 Cupcakes, 46 Hanukkah Cookies, 414 Yogurt Cup Prints, 219 Cupcake Cones, 364 Hanukkah Honey and Spice Decorating Cupcakes, 263 Cookies, 414 Dirty Worm Snack, 694 Hummus, Pita, and COOKING PROJECTS Friendship Vegetables, 566 Beverages Brownies, 364 Indian—Cucumbers Apple Banana Frosty, 283 Fruit Candy, 355 and Tomatoes with Berry “Happy” Shake from Irish Gingerbread, 173 Yogurt, 394 Finland, 314 Mud Cake, 694 Indian Flat Bread, 209 Bubbly Beverage, 75 Non-bake Pumpkin Pie, 405 Indian Vegetable Rice, 236 Cranberry Freeze, 639 Pumpkin Pie, 404 Indian Yogurt Dessert, 628 Eggnog, 143 Worm and Dirt Irish Gingerbread, 173 Finnish Strawberry Shake, 384 Cupcakes, 694 Italian Pizza Muffi ns, 364 Frog Floats, 374 Kabbat Hamudth, 292 Fruit Ice, 666 Cookies Latkes, 414, 533 Hot Chocolate, 684 Animal Cookies, 525 Life Long Noodles, 132 Jungle Juice, 394 Animal Crackers, 304 Mexican Hot Chocolate, 155 Lemonade, 617 Basic Sugar Dough for Cookie Mexican Wedding Cakes, 156 Milk Shake, 219 Cutters, 143 Persian Apple Dessert, 15 Orange Buttermilk Carrot, 394 Pineapple Basundi, 236 Smoothie, 209 Container Cookies, 200 Polvorones, 156 Purple Cow Drink Mix, 304 Decorating, 24 Quesadillas, 156 Raspberry Slush, 574 Dirty Worm Snack, 694 Rice Pudding (Kheer), 236 Root Beer, 75 Drop Sugar, 24 Rice Pudding with Vegetable Juice, 245 Favorite Icing, 24 Dates, 566 Venezuela Breakfast Frog, 374 Southwestern Eggs, 273 Cocoa, 93 Gingerbread Families, 292 Spiced Pears and Witches’ Brew, 404 Mouse, 472 Pomegranate, 566 TABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANIZED BY SUBJECT vii Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Due to electronic rights, some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s). Editorial review has deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. 3311002288__ffmm__ppttgg0011__hhiirreess__ii--xxxxxxvvii..iinndddd vviiii 99//22//1111 22::2200::3366 PPMM

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