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Creative Beading: The Best Projects from a Year of Bead & Button Magazine PDF

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Preview Creative Beading: The Best Projects from a Year of Bead & Button Magazine

he best projects from a year of Bead&Button magazine sicrleliare Basics WIREWORK —__ Crimping Position the crimp bead in the 2ale af the crimping pliers that 3s eloaest <0 the handle, Hoding te wires paul, yaeeze the rool to compress the evizy bese, making sure one / wite is on cach side of f the de = Place the cviny bead! in the Font ie ‘of the teol, and pesition itso che Cents facing fontvard. Squevee the A. taal an fot the crimp im half, ‘Tug on the wires co casuee that the ‘rip is secure. [om] Plain toops ana §\ jump rings: | opening and | closing Hold loop oF ump sing with two pairs of chainnose vvith ch | bbeninose plies To open (2 lvop | orjomp rng, bring the tips of one pair [| ofplers toward you nd push the tas the other paie sway j Reverse the seeps to cose the loop or jump ries Loops, plai Using chainnose oLers, nakea right angh bend appeesimatey in, (Suu comm the end of the wie, Grip the tip af the wire in roundnese pliers, Peess downward slightly, ané sotate the wire into a lao. a4 fi —f 4 fs vi Let yo, then grip the Jeep atthe same place fon the oliers, au seep tumirg ra close the loop. ‘The laser tthe tip ofthe roundness pliers that you werk, the smaller the Loop will bs. Loops, wrapped Using chainnese pliers, make a right-ongle pend anptavirsare'y 1/4 in, (3.2em) from the endl of she wire, Position the jaws af your roundnose plices Inthe bend, Carve the shore ed of the wire overt ‘ap jaw of the rund rose pliers, Repos:tion the pls 30 the lower jaw fits suuply ic the loop. Guove the wire down ward aroun te hore jaw of che pliers. Tis is the fi-s: half 0 5 wrapped loop. To complete the swraps, grasp the top cof the .00p with chain nose pliers Wrap she wire srouné the sm tw che excess wire, ane ently press tle cut fend close ro the wraps vith e2ainnass pliers, TS | Loops, wrapped > above a top- = drilled bead Centers ropdeilaé “bead an a3 fn (7 sem) = pee of wine. Bend i x03 wire e2d upward | cecssirg them into an X above the beac | Using cbimcse plies, male snl bene i ea ir nd so they Sorma right ange Wrap the horn ~ Wire asin awreppee — coup. Trim the excess ‘rapping wire. Make a wrapped loop with che v-tival wire, Lawtly above these wraps, STITCHES AND THREAD Conditioning thread Use either hecswy (not candle wax or parallin! ot Thread Heaven to condition nylon thresd (Nym), Reesvvax smoot the rylen fers end adds rsckiness shat wil. stllen your slightly. Thread Heaven adds ue thar causes the thread to repel itsel, se dou’: use it with deubyied thread. Stretch the tread, hen pel it tHhroagh the conditioncr, starting with ‘the cod that comes eif the spool fst. Ending/adding thread li end a thread, weave hack into besdwotk, fo.ow:ng the existing thread path and tying ewo o¢ te halthiteh nots aroun 4s you go. Chan: sroseh a Zew Leas afer dhe last coor fone curring the thread, Te adda thread, staet several revs Bsior co the point wiser the inst head seas adced. Wesve Usough the beadwork, "ying half-sitch kuots ws you and exit where yom left oft ‘Stop bead Used stop beat to secure ead temporarily when you begin sciching, Choose 3 beae chot Js dist oty ealfereut from the Beadle ‘your project. String the stop bead about fin. 1Ser from the end oF your three ané yo oack trough i i: che sacue dicection, If desired, go throegh is fone mor? time Zor added security Brick stitch ‘Work off a sticched ladder (see Ledde= stitch) Pike up tire beads. Sew under the th-wac bridge becwzen the second and tid beads en sie adder fs back to front. Sew up the second bead added and then down the est. Come back up the second bead. or th: row’stemiaining stieches, pick sip one Bese. Sow under tho next ead bridge an the previous tow from back :o front, Sew bck up Laz new bead Ladder stitch oy the dieser Si fegntowick Rey Tide Tee - ‘comma way is te pick up two ‘beads, sew dhnvugl she Lest bead agamy, and ther sew chrough the second bead (o-b) Sad siheequemt hess hy pking 29 ‘one bel sing through the previous bead, and the sewang hiougi che new bead (bred. Continac fo the deste kept ‘While this fc the -nost common rechnique, it produces uueveu tension along the ladéer of beads because of he Slternaring partern of a single hread [bridge on the exge between rwo beads sane 4 double theeac bridge on the ‘oposite edge between the same Wn beads. You can easily correct the uneven teu. ay iam back sco ae beads in the opposite direction. Doing thiseresresa dene trend path along both edges ofthe ladder. This aligns the beads tag) exc ao e2ch oles bur ils the bead holes wh extra head, whieh can cause a peciem iF you areusizg beads with sell holes. ‘Whes you're using ladder stitch ro create 2 9930 for brick stitch, having, rhe holes ‘ile! wich chread doesn't matter beac tte rows of brick stil ane ‘worked off the thread br-alzes, at by scwing thromgh the heads. IF you're using the leider 2s a base for Nuebele Tresugboue stil estia dhvead is rotentially penblesnaric, because you'll ‘hesewing through the ladder base mote thas one Ts swer'sing line stich, each n wich produces beadwor’s with even tension, sor Une frst il center a besd ana ingth oF thread : end. Pick up a bead wit one needle, and cress the ether nsedle dhrough it (@-b and G-€). Sd all subsequent beads the sam: manser two altemnzse methods fer “To hea the nak ate metho, sop al dn beads youed tach desig pont paren regres Pa sie goto) Uonitag thar a ial haiti reich eve oar Ged ait ue tet eb Thal da aead lope head ace F paral maha MR meg recs head in = Melader and = Yew shrug re Gi tend facie same direction (@-b), Continue sewing Tack tough sah Bead nel yon ext The nat bea ofthe nr Eso: are working in eubular brick te Nelle bering ue sil sew vous og ing provide a base for ew tee nique, With you" thesad sexitng the lst bese: your ladde, sev thecugh te fs: bead and ten back theo the lat bead eres he seedles through the fist head it you reusing the eossieave sebmigue. Ndebele herringbone: flat Stare with an even mizser of beacs side toa tadde ce Lal stl. “Tam the adder, if neces. so your thread stv the end heed po:ncng up- Pick up iu beads al go down “hash Bet eet wecegege sadn che athe (act), Coie ug hie sie shir bead spe telelen, pick ap ree Headny and go dowr through the fourth bead (t-c). Repeat cron the ble. $2. RAS ot ec! ta Nad tat LS eee He miske usu sew dow tha rugs the end bead af the previous row arc hack through the lost ead of te pair you justaddee fe-b), P-ck up rwo beads, sew down though te next bead inthe’ previews row, an sew up through the {ollowing acad (b-c). Continae addi pains ul beads across Lic row. You amy choose 29 hide the edge thread by Pirkicg op.an secant ar male head before pus. vew buck chrosuin the bead of he pair you just added. #9. Se ebeded gueoveve Basics To make a cura withost having thread show on the edge or ring, sn edge head, sew down throngh the end izad inthe previoes row snd up dhrough the secon-to-lat bead in the revious row, and continue through the last bead added (a-b). Pick up ewo ‘beads, sew down through the next neal the previous row, and sew up through the following head (6-6) Con-inme adding aaits of beads azross the cow. Using this tuen wil fatcen the angle of th edge bead, mak’ng the taige stack look a tle differen chan the others Ndebele herringbone: tubular ‘To work terulat Naehele hecring sare with either arring or a adder. To stact wil ting, pick Lup the desired nszaber of beads, and te the tail and wor'sng -hread together 10 form a circle. To stast with a ladder (see Ladder stile, ane an eveo nutnber of neads, and stitch the first bead ro the last head to forma ring, Pick up two beads, ard yo uhroaglt the next bead on the previo row (the ladder), Came up rivaugh the next bead, and repeat. There will be -w0 scitches when you've gone down, through the forth bead (¢-b) You noed ta work + step-9 zo be in position wo start the next row. To do ‘Uns, come up thiough the bead next t© the one your rcedle is exiting end the fest bead of the first stirch in the ree hore [o-d). Continue adding nwo beads pe: ‘itch and stepping up a the end of cesch round Peyote: flat even-count ‘ick up an even ramber of beads (a-b) jose ads wll shi to form the frst Byogey ‘Te begin row 3, pick up a bead, ski the last head steurg i the previous step, and sew tarough the next bead the uyposite diecsion (bre). Foz exch stitch, pick up a head, skip a heed in the previous row, and sew through the next bead, exiting the fist bead strung (eral, The beads added in chis row are higher ehan rhe pervious rows and are referred 10 a5 “up-Deads. or vack siteh in subsequent rows. sick wp a bead, and sew through the ‘ext up-bead i the previnns raw (da). To cosne peyore strc rows, count the otal number of beads along buch stcaight edges. Peyote: flat odd-count ‘Odd-count peyote s the same as even count peyote, except for the tarn on odd-numbered rows, where the last bead df che row ean’r be actasied in te standard way because hee is no up ad to sew sto. The add-rowe urn can convoluted, so se" simplified it ere. Please note thatthe start of this simplicied approsch iss linle different in that the first beads you pick up are the beads in rows 2.and 3.1m the next sep, you work row 1asd do s simplified turn, Alter che urn, you'll work she of the piece, bepiszing with row 4 Seoe8: Pick op an odd mamber af bers (2-b). These heads will shift-0 fosm rows 2nd 3 in the next step. If you're vworkig a panera with more thar on bread colon make sre yo pick wn she betas fo the eoerect:ows. “To begin dhe wext sow (ec I, pick uupa bead, skp che last ead stun the proviows step, ane sew through the next bead in the opposite direction (6-6), Com nu 0 this manver, exiting the second-to-last bead strung in the ‘previous ow (O~d). For the Final stitch “i Uhe 20% pick up a bead, and sev shrovsgh the first aead strung a33in (4-0), The heads added in chis 7ow are Digher than previous rows and are seleired to as “up-beads” wwe Yo work sow 4 and all subsequent sven-mucabeced rows, pick up one head per stitch, exiting the ond up-beac in the previous raw (a-E). To work row Send all sssequent odd-numbered rows, pick up one bead per stitch, exiting rhe end up-beat in the previous rovr (bd). Pick up a and tew under she dread bridge between the edge beads below (€-€) Sew ack throngh the last head added +o begin the next row (d-s). Peyote: tubular even-count Pick up an exen ie number of heads to equal the desired ceizcumferencs. Knot the thread ro foros a sg, leaving some slack. Put the ring over 4 Pick up a bead, skip a bead on the previous round, and go through the nexr hess. Repeat sunt you're back at Sine you sonred with an | ‘even musnber of beads, you need to / ‘work 4 step-ap to | he in position for the next round. Go through the @G first heeds on rounds 2 ase 3, Pies apa bead, and go through the second beed tor round 3. Repes J: you begin with an odd camber ef beads, you won'> need co step up, che beads form 4 cantinunas spi, as basie peyore, hur reat pa asf they were single beads. Start with ax even number of beads davsible by four. Pick up rwe heads (stitch 1 of row 3), skip wo heads, ané go through the next iyo beads. Repeat atvoys Le 08 Poyote: rapid increase Atthe poins of ‘nerease, pick ap avo beads insteed of one. Go ‘through the nest head. When you each the exo beads on the next aa ei at bead, adda bead, and igo thremgh the second bead Peyote: rapid decrease of deerease, pe through the previous row. ‘On the rext row, when yore Atthe point vo beads on ‘wo bead space, pick up one bead. Poyote: flat odd-count, decrease at edge ‘Wor across the co9ping bebore semana men Geos aoe oe below (bee), and sew hack tromgh the bead you just ex caved (6rd), Peyote: flat add-count, increase at edge ‘Todo an fi, odd count 2270te, work three sows Eevond. ths inceeane point, soprine before adding the last bead (eb). Pek 9 shice bas, ewe usder che ire b: the previns row and sew Sack th-ough the last bead added (b-<) and the second bead picked (5 foe) Sew hack srengh Phe ee bead inthe second eo last row 3208 vote through tse rt and second Sead picked up fe this it ne Pick up rn beads sew ander she thread bridge below, and sew hack ‘hrcugé the second bead picked up (arb). Coxsinwe tougl the fie bea eked up (be) to begin the next ow Zipping up or joining fiat peyote “To join two sections - ofatlat pene Baa Ga Ta Pe teas Right-angle weave > Toa Ua oak iar teelyand eats Se Gsiecaknies we amrage es Tek op tace beads, Oh. Go bask neva te ne Oats bnead cf the previous -ing, {a-b} and cencinue thigh i a sip re wih oe) ae lb oatntale each sna unl the inst row athe a} esi length, You seacvingtzain QP a figure pater, sltrmatng diession wiheashatted. oC rm) ? three beasvol che GOI lap stich carer, tieng the hese the ge af ane long side. ick up Utes beads and wo back chiogh the bead you cxted 2g the previow p(t. piece invisibly, atch ep the two. sees an she edge ‘eads ft together. “Zip wp" Ute proces by tigzsping heough the up-beacson Doth edges. To acpi ow 2, go through che leat Comins > cp ga soe te ; po aie ON ‘ick up two beads, and go through he ac. top bead on Ue previo ro¥e and the bead yeu exited on the previous stitch (a-b). Censinne through the 140 sew beads ars che next top bead of she evious row [b-e). 43 shows on Whip stich isa method of hand sewing che nat. scams, Pring fe nove theemgh the mite rial on the bortom sie of the opening, <n posh ich tie uceral om ue upper side of the opering at an angle 2s shown. Pile up two beads, ge throws bead Repeat until the omening has heen close. you exited om the previous stitch, the top bead on the previous rows ace the first new bead. Keep the thread moving in a fign-v 8. Pick up twa beads per stitch for che rest of the row. Dan't sew straight Lines beeweer stitches. satteru and slide em (9 Push tke beads up becween the warp Jnreads with your Ginger. Square stitch the required mumber of beads for Uv First row. The yisk che frst bel of the second row: Go thcough the lass ~~ LOOMWORK bore aF the first row and the first bead ‘Set up the warp Hig che end ef the spool of thread ro = = screw 9 hock at one ané of the loom. ‘Bring the head over one spring and of te second row in che same direction actosst0-tze spring atthe other end of _cceping tze needle abave the wary ts before, The ew beud sitson tu» af he lou. Weap the diesc-arouud the areas, Repeat, following the patter the old bead, 2ad the holes are parallel of the rod or screw atthe other end! cow by rox: Pike up the second head of row 2, © loam. Gan back aver the spring in and go chrough the next-o-last bead of the otter direcrion, and wrap the d saiouud the opposite sct2W oF 300. Contirve wraaping the theca between springs, keeping che ch bead’ wish apart untl you ture wacp tread dha che sumber of ue through the new bead of beads in the wid of te p ror). Repeds this sep forthcentre miss thetnsion eve, hart ia igi Oe yas complere rhe lat ro, Secure the lat warathread to ool sevare the working shread by weaving Beaded backstitch ‘or serew on the loom, Lien cunt Ube inte the beadwors, Tositch aline fbeacs,come > thread from the spool through the fabric fom the wrong side KNOTS Pyek up three hess etch toe bead thread along the line where the beacs. Half-hitch knot ll po, dg Fev dhs abs at Ta shenoedls mde, alter the third ead, Come v3 dhroph che thtend besween we ih fabs bermec che sccontend sae bends. loop will frm | beady und go rough he thd bead sapeipalatetend =| again. Sting three mere Seads ard Weave the pattern through. Cross over (*) ~ repeas, Fora siphecr stick, pick up only Tie che-end ofa 1-pd. (9m) lenges Of © the-thread beeweka cee") eo beslnang en dmuldelitmapdiee deteabsersieg Lao 7 below tie spangate op afte foc. thelovpraad pull ily Df Bring the nescle under the warp to draw the knot into 5 thhneeds. String he first row of hens as the beadwor' 1” Lark’s head knot Pie soon inbal ed eae atk teen ae i edeinsng Son Ranges nigh aenenaean fess weg Pepsin Continuous lark's head knot Loos she working coed sound a bas ‘ing, or another cord fre= front to Drack, crossing it over ite! ex the hase fof te Ioop, Make another Joo> trem: ‘back to front, and pull ie woshing eu through the loop just formes. Vightea Make & loop at a the end of thresd, Pull che short sil through the leon, an igheen. Square knot (Crocs the eft hand end ofthe shtead lover the right, and bring it around and suck wp ‘Cees she end baat ee che right over the lef go through ne she a9p, and pl both ends ro vighten, ‘Surgeon's knot Gross the le lhand ene of the heead over the ssehe rice. Pull the ends co tighten. Cress te end that is new on ther ahr osor the let, go through the loop. and rghren BEAD CROCHET Chain stitch Mase a loup in the thread, crossing the ball ced over the tal Par te hove through the loop, yen aver the hhook, and deave Ui he ist loop. Yarn over the hook, and draws through the loop. Repeat forthe Aesieed mu mbe of.chain stitches. Bead chain stitch ‘Work asin regular «hain stitch, but before doing the yarn oves, slide = ‘head doven to the ‘auok. Yarn over che hook, end draw sheengh the loop, Repeat for he eired number of chais stitches. “The hoad chain should cur sro the shape ofa backward Ease bese. Tp the bead to the eight Slide-a hel owen to the hock ‘over, and bring she yam throug’s both the loop on the hook. Slip stitch Go into the next stitch, Yar oven aad draw the yarn throngh the stitch and the loop. oe Bead slip stitch Inger the hook to she lef: of the next dead, andy thar nead wo the cight. —( slice bead down zo the hook, yan ‘ve, and bring the yarn throug: thi both stitch and the loop fs the hook. Bead single crochet “rset the ook tazough che front 226 hack Inans af the ex ech Slide a head against the base oft2¢ loop on the feck. YYacu over, ann drew cheaugh the stitch, Yern ever, and raw through och remaining lonpe. The bers will bbe om the side facing aveay from you, = Lampwork aid gemstones Stone nuggets partner with lampworked beads in a classic necklace accented with a strand of silver tube beads, MATERIALS necldsce 18!n. (480m) HUT tas sive ocr #42529 (aero) ‘tt gemeraren get #623 5-0 (aprox) emstone n.gaets sant /m ime watked bocce 22 Sums bewes + 2-89 UTI ser be earls Fire Moin Gore, 800-386-2137, fro cuntainar's.con) 14.8 s0 8" sox Deas 118 arm fat ser saa0e's ‘+ 13rmlobato las coon in. @ Ean os or fess need pin *# 2crimo beads fella beading wie, 019 gata 249 or tape «+ stalrnoss lies + ound plo ‘simp na ples tosiorl esis cme designed by Nancy Sells Putter stepbystep [1] Determine the finishee lengt of your rocklace rine is 19 ind4¥cm), ade 4 in, {1Dem), and cut a piece of heading wire to that length. ‘Cura szcond piece of heading wire 6 is. /1San} ager char: hi Lint [2] Securs oxe end of the shorser wire with a clip or ‘ape, and center the pendant fn it Stung ene or more 8 seed beads to fil the sendant’s ball so that she sext heads strung wi. be positioned past the bail’ edges (photo a. [B] Steg a Sem silver bead, a 23 x 15mm: gem head, spaces amma 25 x 2.0mm flat gemstone nuggets Stn sce Iampworked bese, and 3 spacer (phate b]. Repeat. [4] String a Smm and a 23 x Sos nuguet (anole e) Secure the end of she wice with clip or ope [5] Remove she clip o tape frou the other end of she wire and cepeat steps 3 and 4 [6] Ti arsch tke socand wire, remove the sip or tape from tone ene of the eae wire, and hold the ends ofthe #0 wires together Oxer har a scting wwe Sims, p bead aid the end link of Lin, 1.Sexs) of chain, Go back sheemgh #0 hese ust strung (photo d. Tisates he wives ad ein the eisp bead (Basics, p. 10). Trim the [7] On the second wire, sting 2oproxiniaely 3 i, (2.6.13) Fs ver sue beads, Seip the next few beads, rd gn shrosgh dhe scone am. ‘worked beac fiom the end ard the spacers sirrounding ic [photo €). Make sure the strane of tbe beads is lon, ‘enough to are gracefully over the largor ads, Repest, going tarough the fou-th lampivorkes bead and the ers surteunding it [B] Serine approximarely 44, '3.8om) of rube beads, and go trough the pendant: Joep. Sting the tube bess ‘om the second half af the necklace to match the fst: [8] To stach che clasp, repeat $9 6, subsinutag a lobster claw clasp for she chain [10] To adds dangle roche hui stcinga spaces a lamp- worked bead, and a spaces fon the head pin, Make the first half of a weapped loop (Waris atic ito the end chin ink, and finish the seraps. Trin che excess Witt, © step)ystep [1] Gos 20 6. (im) of ‘beading wire. and center 9 2mm aver ead om it, Fold he wire in hal, aligning she sends, Wits both ends, go hiough oe of che loops fon a o473i (phate a). 2) Over booh ends sting 5 Srna color D bicoue eval, ‘peo dass: color € Bicones, 3 Srom colar Eizo, 3m scalor G round crystal, an E, 2 “Sens color F sound a :olo" A seal eptal a 4m color B fond, and 4D. [3] Hola the wire ends gether go through a loop ‘of the other hangle (phate Snug up the beads, and cross ‘each end through a 2mu “eoure 1, acb and ef. [4] With exch end, go hack shrough the loop you just went chrough (oe and a) Separate the ends. The, g0!ng a opposite directions, "uke eal eu chee die text Loop from the inside €o the outsice ord and g-h). [B] On ercend, sing 2mm, ond go back -hrough the loop you just went shrough ifaure 2, eb) Sng =p the 2mm. [6] String 3 D, two Cs, am Eye Gar Byza Rama, a B, 4988 2 D. Go though the cortespording loop on the ‘ule bale (b=) [7] String a 2mm, and ge hack shee-g® the same lao {o-d), Sug up the beads. Use mieco-tip tweezers to hold the wire cour (photo e}, keeping the beads snug, while yoing through te sext loop ‘tom the inside to the onside (2), £8] Repear steps 5-7 around the bangle il you have coauple.ce 28 r0Ws, 19] fsa the other end ofthe wire, repeat steps 5-7, going inthe opposite dirs wail thew ene row remaining, oth nds should exit the same loop. 110} Gros both ends through 2 2mm, and jo bac through the loop (figure 2, ab ond g-i), With doch ends together pick up s By two Gs, anE,aGan Ean fan Aa Banda Dy end go throozt the last corespording loop ‘on the bangle (b= anc: hei. MATERIALS. bangle * Bunnad yates 867.5 «Senn ovals, kor A st Arn eum, cobarB 112 bisa, ealor 0 112.3797 biscnes in car of 2 ocr: DE 5 Gy uns In can ei2eobre 1,3 T2z7 shee beats Zaher angion wit tullecoy se Hina Desians, rinecesigns com) ‘vor plated boxing vie, 013-054 iremmun 19 sands miewp hyrarers # wirceusere [11] Cross the ends through 2m (o-dand Hh sid 59 back through the loop (he and F-). Wits cach er, gn thaoagh several beau in the ajc to fe-f and Ke am the excess wite EDITOR'S NOTE: Fashion a double- decker version of this ‘cuff by inserting another bangle in the middle of the beading ‘sequence. The center ‘bangle will support a longer span of eye- catching crystals, allowing you to make ‘the cuff wider. 0

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