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Volume 6, Number 1 Jan. / Feb. 2001 Is the Black Sea Flood the Flood of Genesis? by Carl R. Froede, Jr., P.G. R elatively shallow submerged ar- Exploration and Discovery of Abstract: Geological evidence obtained eas around portions of the Black the Glomar Challenger through rock cores indicates the presence of Sea are proving to be of consid- freshwater flora and fauna beneath the Black For many years geologists have wondered Sea, suggesting that this area was once a erable interest for both marine geologists about the stratigraphy and composition of smaller freshwater lake. It has recently been and archaeologists. Several years ago, the world’s continental shelves and ocean proposed by a few uniformitarian geoscientists submerged in tens of feet of water, fresh- basins. The interest in finding valuable that prehistoric human communities living ad- water shells were discovered and reported mineral resources in these submerged set- jacent to this body of water were rapidly dis- by scientists conducting underwater re- placed when the Mediterranean overflowed and tings pushed for their exploration. The search around the Black Sea (Ross and filled the Black Sea with saltwater. Some ma- technology necessary to undertake such Degens, 1974). More recently, discoveries rine geologists believe this event to be the basis challenging research initiatives only be- have been made of what appear to be the of the Biblical Flood story. came available in the middle 1960’s. remains of human habitation in almost one Drilling the ocean floors and continental However, none of the work being con- hundred feet of water. Several uniformi- shelves became a reality with the forma- ducted by these researchers has any bearing on tarian scientists are now claiming that the the Flood reported in Scripture. I propose that tion of the Joint Oceanographic Institu- flooding of the Black Sea several thousand the drowned dwellings in the Black Sea (if they tions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES) years ago provided the basis of the Flood prove to be such) represent post-Flood com- more commonly known as the Deep Sea myth of Genesis as well as that of many munities adversely impacted by the rapid rise of Drilling Project (DSDP). This research other cultures (McInnis, 1998; Ryan and sea level associated with the close of the Ice program operated from 1968 to 1983. Age. The overflow of the Mediterranean into Pitman, 1998). How does this discovery fit Ninety-six drilling projects (i.e., legs) the Black Sea forced the people, living in the with Scripture, and is this the Flood of were conducted covering areas within the communities adjacent to the small freshwater Genesis? lake, to migrate to higher ground. ...continued on p. 2 ©2000 Associates for Biblical Research Contents The ....and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the Is the Black Sea Flood the Flood of Genesis ............... 1 ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat The Flood of Noah and the Black Sea ........................... 1 Flood of (Gen. 8:4) Naturalism Doesn’t Work ............................................... 5 A ccording to the Bible, Noah’s Ark landed on the Letters: Answering Evolutionists .................................. 5 Noah mountains (plural) of Ararat. Ararat is a place Speaking of Science .................................................... 7-8 name, also called Urartu by the Assyrians New “Creationist” Books and the (while the vowels in the two words are different, the Fossils of a Feather Flood of Evidence consonants are the same: r-r-t). Urartu was an ancient Fishy Business kingdom of eastern Asia Minor which flourished from Black Far Fewer Genes the 9th-6th centuries BC. Heartless Finding? Space “Bubbles” The precise resting place of the Ark was on one of Sea the mountains in the region of ancient Urartu. While Speaking of Education ................................................... 9 Kansas most modern researchers looking for Noah’s Ark (af- Pennsylvania fectionately called “Ark-eologists”) believe the exact South Carolina location is on the slopes of the highest peak in the region Creation Tour: Niagara Falls, Spectacular Canyons .. 10 by Gary A. (called Mount Ararat today), the Bible simply states it Position Available ......................................................... 10 Byers was one of the mountains in that region. Workshop: How to Debate Evolutionists .................... 11 ...continued on p. 6 Creation Calendar ......................................................... 12 The Black Sea Flood ...continued from page 1 Gulf of Mexico; the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans; and the Mediterranean and Black Seas. (Hsü, 1992). Two legs of the DSDP (portions of Leg 13 in 1970, and Leg 42A in 1975) drilled the Mediterranean Sea floor and contributed much to understanding the origin and stratigraphy of this submerged area (Hsü, 1983). Probably the biggest theory advanced as a result of the drilling was proposed by Kenneth Hsü when he stated that the Mediterranean had dried up during the Miocene (1983, 1992). I will not pursue his ideas further and suggest that the interested reader consult the ref- erences cited for additional information. However, much of the information ob- Figure 1. The Black Sea with the former freshwater lake elevation (-350 feet) shown as a dotted line inside of the present sea level. Rivers flowed into the former freshwater lake from the north. The tained in the drilling of the Mediterranean overflow of the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosporus Strait is believed to have initiated the flood later contributed toward similar theories which some uniformitarians believe to be the Flood of Genesis. Modified from Ross and Degens about the origin and history of the Black (1974, Figure 1, p. 184). Sea. center stage during this leg of the DSDP. to be a slow transition of the Black Sea from a freshwater lake to its present The Black Sea William “Bill” Ryan was the co-chief brackish state, starting approximately scientist on Leg 13, which later set the In 1969 the Atlantis II cruised the Black 9,000 years ago and terminating 7,000 stage for his further investigating the Black Sea, taking 40 shallow cores from various years ago – based on shallow rock cores. Sea (Ryan and Pitman, 1998, p. 74). The portions of the floor of the Black Sea. Their work did not indicate that the DSDP experience in the Black Sea would None of these cores reached beyond 250 flooding of the Black Sea by the Mediter- later contribute to his own work on its feet below the sediment-water interface ranean occurred catastrophically, as has origin and history. (Ross and Degens, 1974, p. 184). Deeper drilling would have to wait for the DSDP Black Sea Research Begins drill ship Glomar Challenger. Creation Matters Bill Ryan took the information obtained DSDP drilling in the Black Sea was from DSDP Leg 13 and the Atlantis II ISSN 1094-6632 originally conducted to determine if it had cruise and began his own investigation into Creation Matters — a CRS publication potential as a large oil and gas province the geology of the Black Sea. Over the Volume 6, Number 1 (Hsü, 1992). What was found surprised Jan. / Feb. 2001 following years several research cruises the investigators. It was surmised, through Copyright © 2001, Creation Research Society and collecting efforts documented both the examination of various rock cores, that All rights reserved. geologic features and freshwater fossils the Black Sea was in the recent past a large General Editor: Glen W. Wolfrom which could only be explained if the Black freshwater lake (Figure 1). This required a For membership / subscription information, Sea were formerly much lower, possibly as disconnection from the Mediterranean, as advertising rates, much as 350 feet below today’s sea level and information for authors: today saltwater flowing through the Bos- Glen W. Wolfrom position (Ryan and Pitman, 1998, p. 106). porus Strait makes the Black Sea brackish. P.O. Box 8263 I will not review the details of the Ryan and St. Joseph, MO 64508-8263 It was proposed that during the last ice Pitman theory for the origin and history of age, when global sea level was considera- the Black Sea; the interested reader can EmailP: hcoonneta/fcat@x: c8r1e6a.t2io7n9r.e2s3e1a2rch.org bly lower, the Black Sea became a land- consult their work. Rather, I wish to focus Creation Research Society Website: locked lake which received freshwater on the many differences between the http://www.creationresearch.org from areas to the north. At that time the Scriptural Flood documented in Genesis Articles published in Creation Matters represent the opin- Mediterranean did not flow into the Black and the local tranquil flood proposed by ions and breelfielefsc to tfh teh oe fafiuctihaol rps,o saintido dn oo nf otht enecessarily Sea. This interpretation was based on Ryan and Pitman. Creation Research Society. freshwater fossils (both plant and animal) Advertisements appearing in this publication do not However, before proceeding further it necessarily imply endorsement of the events, products, or recovered from rock cores drilled in the services by the Creation Research Society. should be noted that research conducted by Black Sea (Hsü, 1992; Ryan and Pitman, Ross and Degens (1974) during the Atlan- 1998). Interest in the Black Sea waned as tis II cruise documented what they believed the geology of the Mediterranean took 2 Creation Matters — a CRS publication Jan. / Feb. 2001 been proposed by Ryan and Pitman. currence. Ryan and Pitman (1998, p. 56) The answer is quite simple, and I offer stated: this up for their use to help them explain The Genesis Account Versus why almost every ancient culture of people Belief in the flood as an agent of The Flooding of a Freshwater has some version of a flood legend. Sim- global change has subsided in the Lake ply stated, they, too, were displaced by a century since Louis Agassiz’s global rise in sea level position associated The Ryan and Pitman thesis (1998, p. 57) momentous discovery of the Ice with the breakdown of the polar ice caps, regarding the flooding of the Black Sea as Age and the conversions of which occurred just a few thousand years the basis for the Biblical Flood myth can Buckland and Lyell... A modern earlier. best be summarized using their own words: essay on the Genesis story in Western thought says the “dilu- Dr. Brian Rucker and I reported on the ... what if the myth story is ex- vial theory came to be seen as many evidences of drowned paleo-Indian amined in a different light, one what it was: one of the many communities which have been docu- that asks if human history was imaginative but mistaken ven- mented along the coast of Florida (Rucker cleaved into a before and after tures that have accompanied the and Froede, 1998). These ancient com- primarily because the inundation development of earth-science.” munities were rapidly displaced when the was permanent and not tempo- polar ice caps began to disintegrate, and rary? Might a flood that never Statements such as this throughout worldwide sea level rose tens of feet in subsided have expelled a people their book imply that the Biblical account what was probably a decade at the close of from their former homeland and of the Flood is one of mythology which is the Ice Age. These cultures also developed forced them to find a new place to equal to all the other trans-cultural ac- flood myths to deal with the local flooding. live? Might the boat that the counts of a flood. The Ryan and Pitman The only problem with this approach is survivors built and filled with version of Noah’s Flood is sans everything their account of a boat — one which seed and animals have been not Scriptural except the water, which they sounds like the Ark of Genesis. Perhaps for the purpose of repopulating never withdrew from the Black Sea. Any- they, too, built such a craft to float to the the earth but for transporting to one who wishes to base his world-view on new sea level position? Good thing they safety the items vital to a contin- how scientists interpret Scripture should knew beforehand to build that boat so that ued subsistence (domesticated really appreciate this book. they got the story straight! plants, animals, and knowledge The Ryan and Pitman account com- of the arts)? And what if in ad- pletely discounts everything before the What About the Submerged dressing such a hypothesis one Flood. No discussion is provided regard- Ruins? does not limit the investigation to ing the Garden of Eden or the first sin. Mesopotamia but looks beyond Marine geologist Robert Ballard is ex- They simply start at what they view as a its borders? ploring the Black Sea in an effort to flood myth which needs to be addressed document the dwellings and structures of The Ryan and Pitman proposal simply because it has its basis in so many different folks who were displaced by the rise of the states that communities of humans once cultures. However, they have made a ma- Black Sea thousands of years ago (Reed, lived around the freshwater lake that jor oversight and I want to offer them an- 2000). While this effort is not being done eventually became the Black Sea. The sea other aspect of the flood legend to add to to “prove” the Ryan and Pitman hypothe- level rise of the Mediterranean, approxi- their own. This way they can explain the sis, it is being advanced by the popular mately 5,600 years ago, breached the Bo- flood myths and legends of many different press as proof of the flood myth. I predict sporus Strait and began to fill the fresh- cultures, not only locally/regionally, but that all of the work done by Ballard and water lake with saltwater (Ryan and Pit- globally. others will be used to explain away what man, 1998, p. 157). People living adjacent Scripture accurately records. The local to the lake observed water levels rising in The Flooding of Coastal and tranquil flood of the Black Sea will the range of several feet per hour, and they Environments and the Global help certain folks sleep better knowing that escaped by either floating on the rising Rise in sea level “science” can explain away the “myths” of water or attempting to outrun it. The Ryan and Pitman only appear to address the Bible. eventual result was the filling of the Black cultures found in association with the Mid- Sea and the dispersion of those peoples to I propose that the structural ruins and dle East. So, their version of a flood myth areas across Europe, the Middle and the tools discovered by Ballard and others in would only occur in those cultures which Far East. This, according to their book, is the Black Sea (if they prove to be of human had some direct experience with the event. the basis of the Flood myth among the design and origin) reflect post-Flood cul- What about all the other cultures, which different cultures. tures which moved into the basin seeking had already settled away from this area, food and a fresh water supply. Their An obvious problem with the Ryan and which were not impacted by this eventual dispersion from these areas fol- and Pitman concept is that it is completely event, for example, the native Americans? lowed the end of the Ice Age and the different from what Genesis records. They Why do they have flood legends if they concomitant rise in global sea level posi- believe that the Flood is a mythological were already in the New World and were tion. This is in opposition to the Ryan and story adapted by the many cultures im- not affected by the rise and dispersion of Pitman belief that these artifacts reflect the pacted by the event at the time of its oc- cultures from the Black Sea? Jan. / Feb. 2001 Creation Matters — a CRS publication 3 onset of the localized and tranquil flood It is a stretch to link the catas- Age, which was a recent event, did more which inspired its incorporation into trophic filling of the Black Sea’s than raise water levels globally — it dis- Scripture. I believe that the Ryan and Pit- freshwater lake to the deluge placed various late ice-age communities. man book provides an interesting account myth recorded in Scripture. The of what may have happened to post-Flood circumstances of this special Acknowledgments communities living adjacent to the fresh- flooding (one without 40 days and Thanks to Dr. J. K. Reed for his encour- water lake when the Mediterranean over- nights of rain, and one that never agement to write this article, and to Dr. E. flowed and filled the Black Sea. receded) deserve elaboration for L. Williams for providing a helpful re- readers curious about prehistory. The submerged ruins and artifacts view. Any mistakes are my own. As al- documented in the Rucker and Froede ...the belief that this particular ways, I thank my wife, Susan, who con- (1998) article can also be used by indi- flood or any other is the one di- tinues to support my research and writing viduals uncomfortable with the Genesis rectly experienced by Noah is an efforts. (Proverbs 3:5-6). account to document the flood and disper- individual decision. It is not a sion of paleo-Indian cultures living in the question that can be answered by References new world. These cultures would have scientific method. Hsü, K. J. 1983. The Mediterranean Was a Desert. developed a flood myth, only a few thou- Princeton University Press. Princeton, NJ. sand years earlier from those cultures dis- In following the Ryan and Pitman hy- Hsü, K. J. 1992. Challenger at Sea: The Ship that placed with the flooding of the Black Sea pothesis, Rucker and I could just as easily Revolutionized Earth Science. Princeton Uni- basin. Thank goodness the flood myth has have proposed that the displacement of versity Press. Princeton, NJ. been solved by “science” in a way that does paleo-Indian cultures living out on the McInnis, D. 1998. And the waters prevailed. Earth 7(4):46-54. not create a conflict. Science and the Bible Florida continental shelf adjacent to the Reed, C. A. 2000. Noah’s village. Geotimes. p. 15. do not conflict when the Bible totally smaller Gulf of Mexico, during the close of Ross, D. A., and E. T. Degens. 1974. Recent sedi- yields everything to what science dictates. the Ice Age, lead to the flood stories re- ments of Black Sea. In Degens, E. T. and D. corded in native American legends. This A. Ross (Editors). The Black Sea – Geology, Synopsis suggestion, like that of Ryan and Pitman, Chemistry, and Biology. Memoir 20. Ameri- can Association of Petroleum Geologists. fails to acknowledge the accuracy of According to Ryan and Pitman, the flood- Tulsa, OK. pp. 183-199. Scripture over the ever-changing concepts ing of a large freshwater lake (the ancestral Rucker, B. R. and C. R. Froede, Jr. 1998. Archaeo- of mankind. logical and geological evidence of a recent Black Sea) by the Mediterranean Sea, ap- and rapid sea level rise from sites along proximately 5,600 years ago, permanently Conclusion coastal Florida. Creation Research Society displaced the human communities living Quarterly 35:54-65. around it. These various groups of people The discovery of drowned villages in the Ryan, W. B. F. and W. C. Pitman III. 1998. Noah’s spread away from the Black Sea region, Black Sea (if additional research proves Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event that Changed History. Simon and taking with them a flood story which such) possibly records the rise of sea level Schuster. New York. eventually became the flood myth recorded following the climax of the Ice Age. Many Ryan, W. B. F. and W. C. Pitman III. 1999. Reply by many different cultures. A serious such post-Flood human communities to “On the trail of the great flood.” Discover problem with this approach occurs where found themselves displaced from their 20(3):16. Ryan and Pitman fail to follow Scripture or dwellings with the rapid rise of sea level explain how other cultures, not impacted associated with the close of the Ice Age. Carl Froede Jr., is a professional geologist and young-earth creationist author who lives and by this event, came up with their own The structures that Ballard and others works in Atlanta, Georgia. He has been active similar story of the global Flood, including might identify in the Black Sea were not a in creation science for over ten years and has a large boat to save a few individuals and part of the Genesis Flood; rather, they re- written numerous articles for various crea- the animals, which is faithfully recorded in flect post-Flood communities living close tionist organizations. Genesis. to a source of food and water. The entire concept of the flooding of Marine geologists and oceanographers the Black Sea, as the basis of the Genesis are just now starting to look for drowned Flood story, provides an excellent example structures associated with displaced people where “science” supersedes the facts of and the rise of sea level. I am sure that Scripture with the ideas of man. The Ryan many more will be found, especially along and Pitman tale begins with the idea of coasts impacted by the rapid rise of sea explaining away the mythological fable of level associated with the close of the Ice the flood. However, their flood story Age. Brian Rucker and I have identified simply stands on its own merit — with several such sites around the Florida coast. nothing to compare it to the Biblical ac- Nothing being discovered in the Black Sea count. Ryan and Pitman (1999, p. 16) defends the Ryan and Pitman flood hy- readily admit this in a reply to a letter pothesis. Rather it shows that the earth was written in complaint of the scientific basis much different from the present during the for the flood story of the Bible; they stated: Ice Age. Sea level rise at the end of the Ice 4 Creation Matters — a CRS publication Jan. / Feb. 2001 Naturalism Doesn’t Work by John H. Calvert A lthough naturalism might work criticism by a competing world view — Wells is a brilliant scientist who also is a with purely observable phenom- i.e., that life may be a product of design. good writer. He has had numerous other ena, it does not work with origins scientists review his work for accuracy and One reason naturalism should not science and evolutionary biology, which content. Although the book’s focus is on drive a historical science is that historical are essentially historical sciences. The his- specific examples of misleading teachings, sciences are necessarily susceptible to toricity of evolutionary biology is ex- it also introduces the reader to the depths subjective accounts. This is because the plained by Ernst Mayr in his article in the of the problems that evolutionary biolo- focus is on past events which can not be July 2000 issue of Scientific American. gists have in explaining their version of the tested by direct observation as in the case Mayr is touted by Scientific American as “historical narrative” of the origins of life of physics and chemistry. When the ac- “one of the towering figures in the history and its diversity. count is driven by the philosophy of Natu- of evolutionary biology.” Mayr explains it ralism rather than by the evidence, the Many of us are being told that, as “lay this way: “history” necessarily conforms itself to the persons,” we must rely only on scientists ..Darwin introduced historicity philosophy and thereby loses all objectivity for guidance on how to respond to this into science. Evolutionary biol- and credibility. controversy. That is precisely what we ogy, in contrast with physics and should not do. Although input from sci- What if our newspaper reporters were chemistry, is a historical science entists holding both naturalistic and logi- directed by their editors to write accounts — the evolutionist attempts to cal viewpoints is important, it is also es- of past events using the philosophical as- explain events and processes that sential that we consider the viewpoints of sumption that all democratic viewpoints have already taken place. Laws others when dealing with how to show are not valid? We have seen the results of and experiments are inappropriate children the evidence that bears on the this kind of censorship on open and objec- techniques for the explication of historical question of what causes life and tive reporting in all dictatorial regimes, such events and processes. In- its diversity. Since the question involves such as the Third Reich in Germany, and in stead one constructs a historical logical, legal, philosophical, and cultural communist Russia under Stalin. I can re- narrative, consisting of a tentative issues, we need more than scientists to member when we had Radio Free Europe reconstruction of the particular help us decide how to develop trustworthy, radio stations beaming all the news to scenario that led to the events one unbiased, and objective “historical narra- Russians because their government cen- is trying to explain. tive[s] of the cause of life and its diver- sored any views that were inconsistent with sity.” The new book by Dr. Jonathan Wells, the communist manifesto. entitled Icons of Evolution, shows that this The precise same thing is happening in John Calvert, who has practiced law since ‘historical narrative,’ that has been and is our country with regard to the issue of what 1968, is a member of the American Bar Asso- being presented to our children as the only causes life and its diversity. That is essen- ciation, Missouri Bar Association, and Ameri- factually viable theory, is actually based on tially a historical question. If the history is can Trial Lawyers Association, and has been misrepresentations of the facts. Instead of driven by a Naturalistic agenda that cen- admitted to practice in federal and state courts. being driven by the evidence, the “histori- sors one of the two competing hypotheses, Mr. Calvert is a founder and a Managing Di- cal narrative” is driven by the Naturalistic we will be engaging in the same sort of rector of Intelligent Design Network, Inc., a world view that all phenomena result only propaganda that characterized Nazi Ger- non-profit organization that is focused on the from the laws of chemistry and physics. many and communist Russia. education of the public about intelligent design. This is applied materialistic philosophy, I highly recommend the book I men- dressed up as science to protect it from tioned earlier, Icons of Evolution. Dr. Letters Answering Evolutionists debate began with Charles Darwin. In his ar- people who wrote the Bible didn't know what ticle, David says “the debate has been going on they were talking about, some people conclude. Ilove your Creation Matters and CRS Quar- for well over a hundred years.” We need to let However, if we convince people that this theory terly. Keep up the good work. people know that this has been going on since is 'nothing new under the sun,' it makes Darwin I have a comment for David Bump, who the fall of Adam and Eve (not since the rise of not look so scholarly. Just a constructive ob- authored the article 'Answering Evolutionists in Darwin). servation. The rest of the article was excellent Print Media.' I believe there is one myth that This may be a minor point, but suggesting for supplying answers to hard evolution come- we as creationists must help people overcome, that the debate began at Darwin leads people to backs. Thanks. and I believe David added to that myth in his believe that we are a more enlightened people Paul VandenLangenberg article. That myth is that the creation/evolution now than back before Darwin. Therefore, [email protected] Jan. / Feb. 2001 Creation Matters — a CRS publication 5 The Flood of Noah ...continued from page 1 The Black Sea With solid evidence of the Ark not forth- coming, an interesting development comes from the Black Sea, about 500 miles to the east of modern Mount Ararat. Here, in 1999, just weeks after discovering the world’s oldest deep-sea shipwrecks in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, maritime ex- plorer Bob Ballard directed another under- water search sponsored by the National Geographic Society. Famous for his pre- vious discoveries of the Titanic, Bismark and Yorktown ships, he serves as a Na- tional Geographic Society explorer-in- residence and operates the Institute for Ex- ploration. Ballard’s efforts followed several years of land and underwater archaeology in the Sinop region of the Black Sea. A 1998 underwater expedition identified a series of what appeared to be man-made The ancient kingdom of Ararat (Urartu) with the highest peak in the region, called Mount Ararat today, located structures. But it wasn’t until September, at the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Undersea explorer Bob Ballard found a wooden structure 2000, that clear evidence of human struc- along the ancient shoreline of the Black Sea, 300 feet below its surface and 12 miles inside its present southern tures and artifacts were found, photo- shoreline. graphed, and plotted by Ballard’s team. Black Sea suddenly and dramatically Noah’s Flood. An ancient shoreline changed from a much smaller freshwater Ballard’s finds are very interesting and Apparently, the Black Sea was once much lake to a substantially larger saltwater sea. offer a unique glimpse of an ancient civi- smaller and people once inhabited the an- This is when the ancient shoreline was lization. Further research will be necessary cient shoreline, now 12 miles inside the inundated and the building buried. to date the structure and identify the people present shoreline. Here, Ballard’s team An ancient flood who lived there. Ballard’s flood was im- investigated an ancient wooden structure pressive, but Noah’s was greater! Ballard’s discovery complemented the re- about 300 feet below the sea’s present search of William Ryan and Walter Pit- Gary A. Byers has graduate degrees in Chris- surface. man, in their book, Noah’s Flood (1999). tian Education and Biblical Archaeology. He Amazingly well-preserved with its Working along the Black Sea’s northern serves as the Executive Director of the Associ- wooden beams showing clear evidence of coastline, they proposed a massive glacial ates for Biblical Research and Administrative Director of the Ai Expedition at Khirbet el- having been worked with tools, the build- melting in 5500 BC (7,500 years ago), Maqatir in Israel. ing measured 13 by 39 feet. In addition to raising the level of the world’s oceans by the structure, architectural remnants of hundreds of feet. According to Ryan and © 2000 Associates for Biblical Research. This wattle and daub construction, stone tools, Pitman, this massive flood was the basis article first appeared in the ABR Newsletter, Vol. 31, No. 5, and is reprinted here by per- and even pieces of ceramic have been re- for the Biblical story of Noah’s Flood. mission. ported. While the Associates for Biblical Re- Ballard attributed the building’s pres- search believes there is scientific evidence ervation to the lack of oxygen at that depth for Noah’s Flood, we do not believe Bal- of the Black Sea. Not only did the limited lard, Ryan and Pitman have found it. oxygen preserve the wood, it also kept the Clearly Ballard has discovered dramatic structure safe from a variety of marine evidence of a massive ancient flood, but creatures that would normally destroy it. none of the three scientists believe it was a In his study of the ancient coastline, worldwide flood. We agree. The Biblical Ballard identified both saltwater and Flood was of such proportions that it freshwater shells. From the evidence, he completely changed the surface of the earth suggested a great catastrophe occurred in and created the geological table beneath the area about 7,000 years ago, when the the Black Sea. This flood occurred after 6 Creation Matters — a CRS publication Jan. / Feb. 2001 Speaking of Science New “Creationist” Books ner of Montana State, have made this Genesis. They say they don’t believe in theory famous. One of the scientists in miracles. Well, what do you call fish that T he RATE book is out! Radioisotopes Jurassic Park was patterned after Horner, can turn into people? Keep an eye on folks and the Age of the Earth, edited by using his theory in the story. who say they don’t believe in miracles, Larry Vardiman, Andrew A. Snelling, and while the things they do believe sound Eugene F. Chaffin was published last National Geographic has had several pretty far-fetched. What they believe takes month and is now available. Including the features on this topic. In the 7/98 issue a large amount of faith. The lack of sci- glossary and appendices, it is over 600 they showed three fossils that evolutionists entific proof leaves them no other choice. pages of material authored by Vardiman, use as proof, but they had to admit that, Don DeYoung, John R. Baumgardner, according to their dating methods, birds — contributed by Glenn Jackson Steven A. Austin, Snelling, Chaffin, and had already been around for millions of D. Russell Humphreys, with a prologue by years before these fossils are said to have Flood of Evidence John D. Morris. Co-published last year by lived. The 11/99 issue revealed a new A stronomers now believe that Mars CRS and ICR, it not only contains material fossil that supposedly proved that “birds once had a flood that covered most on radioisotopes, but it also explores geo- are dinosaurs, just as sure as humans are of the planet. Many who believe in the chemical processes in the mantle and mammals.” However, in the 10/00 issue it Mars flood, however, say that it is a fairy crust, and it discusses radiohalos as well. was admitted that somebody had glued the tale to believe that the same kind of thing tail from a dinosaur fossil onto a bird Another new book, published in Oc- could have happened here on Earth 4000 fossil. The supposed new discovery was a tober, and it is already into its second years ago, even though most ancient cul- fake. printing. Though it doesn’t deal directly tures have legends of such a flood. The with creation science, it is, it blasts the US News & World Report (7/3/00, p. whole planet Mars is now a desert. Earth presentation of evolution in textbooks, the 47) showed a fossil, dated at “75 million is now three-fourths covered with water, press, museums, etc. It is Jonathan Wells’ years” before birds, which had feathers up to 8 miles deep. Think about that. Icons of Evolution, which points out that and was said to have lived before most The 6/30/00 issue of Science says that the favorite ‘evidences’ used to support dinosaurs. Alan Brush of the University of some gullies on Mars look as though they evolution in textbooks and to the public Connecticut believes the dino-bird theory, formed only months ago. They look fresh, are false, and have been known to be false but says of this fossil, “It looks like a because there’s been no water to mess for many years. The basis for Wells’ feather, but so does a fern.” (Science News, them up since the big flood. Mars has only conclusions lies, not in religious or anti- 6/24/00, p. 405). Dr. Horner objects, “I half the gravity of Earth, so any water there evolution material, but in the standard don’t care if feathers went all the way back would dry up, turn into clouds, and basi- peer-reviewed journals themselves. The to turtles, it doesn’t mean dinosaurs cally float away into space. Our gravity is undeniable implication regarding these couldn’t have feathers, too.” (By the way, why Earth’s water is still here. Asteroids evidences is that they are the result of recent DNA research has forced evolu- that hit Mars make craters, but there are no conscious deceit by evolutionist popular- tionists to give up on turtles being the craters in the Mars gullies. It looks like izers and textbook writers. “oldest” reptiles. Of all reptiles, their there have been no asteroids impacts since DNA is most like the crocodile, which Slightly earlier in the year, another the floodwaters dried up. supposedly evolved much later.) fascinating book was published: Phillip There are drainage canyons on Mars. Johnson’s The Wedge of Truth. The first The 12/8/00 issue of Science de- One is bigger than our Grand Canyon. chapters detail the progress and aims of the scribes another new fossil bird which has Some of the rock layers from the Mars Intelligent Design (ID) movement. The tail feathers that look like very long scales. flood are two miles thick (US News & last chapters, however, do what has possi- Some think that this proves feathers World Report, 12/18/00) and were formed bly not been done before in ID writings. evolved from scales. “We just don’t around the same time as the asteroid storm Johnson progresses logically, step-by-step, know,” says Robert Reisz of University of (Science, 12/8/00). This all fits together from the concept of intelligent design, to Toronto. Richard Prum of University of pretty well for the Flood theory. Of course the identity of the God of the Bible as the Kansas says it’s “too high up on the evo- evolutionists believe that the asteroid only possible Designer. This, then, should lutionary tree to tell us much of anything storm was about 3.9 billion years ago, and be of great interest to creationists. about the origins of feathers.” the Mars flood was more than 3.5 billion — contributed by Helen “Penny” Fryman Why do evolutionists hope so much years ago. Maybe it was really only 4000 that birds came from dinosaurs? Because years ago. Editor’s note: All three books are available they had to come from somewhere, and from CRS Books. — contributed by Glenn Jackson dinosaurs are the best that they can do. Fossils of a Feather Why do they believe that humans came Fishy Business from fish? Because they had to come from T here’s been a lot the past year about somewhere, and evolutionists tell me they Linda Ivany of Syracuse University has the “dino-to-bird” theory in evolu- do not believe in miracles, like God cre- been studying fish fossils, to tell what tion. John Ostrom of Yale, and Jack Hor- ating birds on the fifth day as described in the temperature of the earth was when they Jan. / Feb. 2001 Creation Matters — a CRS publication 7 were alive. She used oxygen isotope ratios human proteome project: the identification of The truth is that we have no evidence at all in their bones, which is thought to be a the functions and expression patterns of the for alien life. As I’ve said before, many evo- good sign of the ancient temperature. In proteins encoded by the genes. lutionists believe that if we find life on other planets, it will somehow prove that evolution is the 10/9/00 issue of Nature, she describes — contributed by Glen Wolfrom true. This really would not prove anything one a time when many fish species all around way or the other. No evolutionist has been able the world suddenly became extinct. Could Heartless Finding? to demonstrate the means by which life could the Flood of Noah could have caused that? L ast spring, scientists reported their dis- have started here on Earth. So watch them, as Ivany says that the summer tempera- covery of a fossilized dinosaur heart (1). they try to convince us that life came here from CT (computerized tomography) scanning of the outer space, and then try to explain how life tures were not very different before and fossil was said to have revealed that it was a evolved in outer space. after that time. It was the winter tem- four-chambered heart - evidence suggesting peratures that were four degrees (Celsius) Dworkin’s experiment was a joint effort that dinosaurs were warm-blooded. Now, between SETI, NASA, and the University of cooler. That could mean that there was an however, some other researchers are suggesting California. They took chemicals like we think ice age. The creation model says that there that the structure is not a fossilized heart at all, are in the clouds of deep space, froze them in a was an ice age right after the Flood of but is rather an ironstone concretion (2, 3). vacuum, and shined UV light on them. They Noah, which may have lasted several cen- Rowe, the skeptic in this situation, is re- formed amphiphilic molecules (i.e., “soapy” turies. True science is confirming a literal ported to be an expert in CT scanning of fossils. organic compounds with both polar and non- interpretation of Genesis, more and more One of his criticisms seems to be that if it is a polar properties), which appear to be similar to all the time. heart, it ought to look like one. He says it bears those in ancient meteorites, and which, upon no resemblance to a crocodilian heart. Neither exposure to water, self-organize into tiny, mi- — contributed by Glenn Jackson are there the usual features of a normal heart, croscopic droplets. These vesicles are appar- such as atria, coronary arteries, cardiac veins, ently capable of processing “UV light energy to Far Fewer Genes pulmonary vessels, or vena cavae. Further- produce increasingly complex structures” T he recent announcement of the publica- more, he claims that such concretions are within the droplets. tion of the first draft of the human genome common in formations similar to the one in From this work, they say that such mole- contained at least one surprise. At an estimated which these dinosaur remains were found, and cules, which may have arrived on the early 30,000 to 40,000 genes, the count is much that they are often found in association with Earth from outer space, “could have contrib- fewer than the 100,000-plus genes which were dinosaur bones. He also suggests that soft tis- uted to the origin and early evolution of life.” once predicted by some researchers — “sur- sue preservation is not known in this sedimen- Louis Allamandola of NASA says, “This dis- prisingly low,” according to the leaders of the tary environment. covery implies that life could be everywhere in landmark studies. To be fair, the number is One of the authors of the original report, the universe.” Under the Washington Post fairly close to more recent estimates predicted D.A. Russell, provides a reply, defending their photo of the droplets (1/30/01, p. A1) is the by extrapolation from sequence analysis of the original view. He maintains that it is actually a caption: “cell-like structures began to form.” first two chromosomes in 1999. sandstone concretion, and that such concretions Science News 2/3/01 also carried the story (p. For comparison, it was noted that there are often form around organic residues (in this 68). In a press release (2), the authors refer to some 25,000 genes in the small mustard plant, case, the dinosaur's heart). He cites examples the structures as being “reminiscent of cells,” Arabidopsis thaliana; 19,000 in the roundworm of soft tissue preservation from the very same not cell-like. Caenorhabditis elegans; and 13,600 in the formation where the dinosaur was found. And These bubbles are no more “cell-like” than fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. With the finally, Russell argues that the dinosaur heart the ones in your bathtub. Soap bubbles have gene counts so close, some are asking why hu- doesn't have to resemble that of a crocodile, nor membranes too, but they’re not alive. In 1862, mans are much more complex than these sim- do relatively thin-walled structures have to be Louis Pasteur proved that the theory of “spon- pler organisms. preserved. taneous generation” (that life can come from With 20/20 hindsight, scientists are now Apparently, Russell and his colleagues are non-life) was wrong. The truth is that evolution emphasizing that the number of genes is just the continuing their investigations. This surely depends on spontaneous generation being true. starting point for creating complexity. Accord- won't be the last word on the subject. That might burst somebody’s bubble. ing to a 10-Feb-01 Associated Press story, the (1) Fisher, P.E., et al. 2000. Science 288:503. (1) Dworkin, J.P., D.W. Deamer, S.A. Sandford, differences in complexity may be related to: (2) Rowe, T., et al. 2001. Science 291:783a (Tech- and L.J. Allamandola. Self-assembling amphi- • human genes are more likely to give nical Comments, Science Online, philic molecules: Synthesis in simulated www.sciencemag.org). See also Stokstad, E. interstellar/precometary ices. Proc. Natl. Acad. rise to multiple proteins rather than 2001. Science 291:811. Sci. USA, Vol. 98, Issue 3, 815-819, January just one. — contributed by Glen Wolfrom 30, 2001. (2) Scientists find clues that the path leading to the • human proteins are more versatile. Space ”Bubbles” origin of life begins in deep space. http://web99.arc.nasa.gov/~astrochm/vesicle.html • for humans, there are differences in Jason Dworkin of the SETI Institute (Search — contributed by Glenn Jackson the timing of when genes are turned for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is the main on and off, and in what tissues they author of a paper in the Proceedings of the Na- are active. tional Academy of Sciences. (1) If you saw the film or read the book “Contact,” you know that As indicated above, this newly published SETI spends its time trying to get in touch with genome is considered a draft - the sequence civilizations on other planets. Star Trek and data are about 92% complete. Also, the func- Star Wars are great entertainment, but may have tion(s) of each of the genes has yet to be de- given some people the idea that Klingons, Vul- termined. Now there is talk of taking on the cans, and Jedi Knights may be out there. 8 Creation Matters — a CRS publication Jan. / Feb. 2001 Speaking of Education Kansas Pennsylvania South Carolina T he Kansas battle has not gone away. In the meantime, a battle in Pennsylva- T he third place where mistakes in In 1999 the State Board of Education, nia has been going on. The proposed science education are being chal- in a 6-4 vote, had the gall to eliminate from educational standards for this state include lenged is in South Carolina. Here Patty state testing standards two areas of evolu- the following: that biology students should Pulliam is simply trying to request that tion which are not scientifically testable be able to “analyze evidence of fossil rec- science be presented in the most correct and which are highly disputed as well, ords, similarities in body structures, em- form known at any given time. To this even among evolutionists. With the bryological studies and DNA studies that end she has pointed out the errors in the autumn elections there is now a new Board support or do not support the theory of texts regarding evidence used for evolu- of Education. The education standards are evolution,” and “analyze the impact of new tion, and is merely asked for warning or being re-considered and the initial drafts scientific facts on the theory of evolution.” caution labels regarding this material. contain the presumption that naturalism is However, because evolution is a sacred This, also, has been refused thus far at the the only possible basis for interpretation of cow, it is not allowed to be either impacted local level. scientific data. At the January meeting or analyzed. The evolutionist community As Phil Hartwig, author of an op-ed there were a number of presentations by is rising up in protest, saying that ques- piece appearing in the Santa Barbara those opposed to this limitation. Whether tioning, or even critically examining evo- News-Press, December 24, 2000, pointed or not their objections will matter will be lution will result in a collapse of science as out, “With this kind of attitude, it’s no seen when the Board votes in February. we know it, and that perhaps the sky will wonder that the origins debate continues fall over western civilization. Editor’s note: On February 14 the to blaze in our public schools. If the “de- newly-elected State Board of Education However, in a letter posted in the fenders” of science education were more voted 7-3 to approve new science stan- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Thursday, Janu- diligent to clean up their own act, perhaps dards. The new testing guidelines consider ary 25, 2001, Phil Skell writes: “The sci- they would have fewer problems with evolution to be a concept which unifies the ence related to origins of life is negligible creationists. They would certainly engen- entire science curriculum. and totally irrelevant to the education of der more trust.” students in preparation for careers in mod- — contributed by Helen “Penny” Fryman ern biology, or for understanding the cur- rent status of the field.” Creation Calendar ...continued from back page June 23 Aug. 31 - Sept. 3 Darwin’s Influence on Man: His Science and His Theory Geologic Formations of Southeast Missouri: Johnson’s Shut-ins, Taum by Dr. Thomas Koufel Sauk Mountain, Elephant Rocks, Cave South Bay Creation Science Association Family Creation Safari 7:00 pm, Cornerstone Community Church, Torrance, CA CSA for Mid-America (Kansas City Area) Contact: Garth Guessman (310)952-0424 Contact: Tom Willis (816)618-3610, [email protected] July 21 September 2-8 Hear God’s Side: Visit to Kansas Univ. Natural History Museum Western Canyons Bus Tour — Creation Tours led by Family Creation Safari, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Dr. John Meyer, Dir. CRS’ Van Andel Creation Research Center CSA for Mid-America (Kansas City Area) Origin Phoenix, AZ. Paid registration required. Contact: Tom Willis (816)618-3610, [email protected] Contact: Dave Endy, Pilgrim Tours, (800)322-0788 August 15-17 October 27 Discontinuity — Understanding Biology in the Light of Creation KATY Bike Trail: Bicycle along the beautiful Missouri River Bluffs Conference sponsored by Baraminology Study Group, Center for Origins Family Creation Safari, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Research and Education (Bryan College), and Cedarville University CSA for Mid-America (Kansas City Area) To be held at Cedarville University Contact: Tom Willis (816)618-3610, [email protected] Contact: Dr. Todd Wood, Box 7731, Bryan College, Dayton, TN 37321 November 24 (423)775-7277, [email protected] Squaw Creek Wildlife Refuge: Migration and other marvels of God August 18 Family Creation Safari, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Fossils and Geology of Kansas City CSA for Mid-America (Kansas City Area) Family Creation Safari, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Contact: Tom Willis (816)618-3610, [email protected] CSA for Mid-America (Kansas City Area) Contact: Tom Willis (816)618-3610, [email protected] Jan. / Feb. 2001 Creation Matters — a CRS publication 9 Date: June 19-22 Creation Tour Price: $425 / person double occupancy Origin and Finish: Morgantown, PA Niagara Falls — Spectacular Canyons Day 1: Grand Canyon of the East — Letchworth State Park Day 2: Old Fort Niagara — Niagara / Mohawk Power Station — First view of Niagara Falls Day 3: Niagara Falls Tour — Butterfly Conservatory — Whirlpool Rapids Day 4: Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania — Pine Creek Canyon Gorge This four-day tour will be led by Dr. John Meyer, internationally-known research scientist and director For more information, contact: of the CRS’ Van Andel Creation Research Center. The tour of glacial history and wondrous scenery will Dave Endy, Pilgrim Tours 800-322-0788 provide an understanding of natural history within a Biblical perspective and creationist framework. This tour will be distinctively Christian, with daily Bible studies, Christian fellowship and encouragement. What Are Creationists Thinking about ...? As new scientific discoveries make the headlines, have you ever wondered how your fellow creationists are reacting? Have you ever thought of a “crazy” new idea about origins and wanted to bounce it off another creationist? Now you can keep in contact daily with creationists from all around the world. The Creation Research Society sponsors CRSnet, an online community of CRS members who have e-mail access to the Internet. Not only do participants discuss the latest scientific findings related to origins, but they also receive news about the CRS — its research, publications, and activities — and other creation-related news. For more information, send an e-mail message to Glen Wolfrom at [email protected]. Participation is limited to CRS members in good standing. Position Available DIRECTOR, VAN ANDEL CREATION RESEARCH CENTER T he Creation Research Society (CRS) represents 600 member sci- hic flood. Strong skills in interpersonal relations, writing and public entists who evaluate science in a Biblical framework. For nearly speaking are required. Experience in both scientific research and forty years it has published a scholarly journal that challenges evolu- business management is ideal, but significant expertise in one of these tionary theory. areas is essential. The director will develop the research staff, manage business for the Center, and be involved in raising funds for the Cen- Nominations and inquiries are invited for the position of Director of the ter’s support. Van Andel Creation Research Center. The position requires a self-starter who can work with limited direct The Center, operated by CRS, is located in rural northcentral Arizona. supervision. Considerable travel is required. The position offers ex- The nearly-new facilities are modestly equipped, debt-free, and can citing possibilities to be an international leader in the creationist provide research space for five full-time scientists. movement. Dedication to full inspiration of Scripture and to faith in Jesus Christ as For more information, contact Dr. John R. Meyer at 520-636-1153, or Lord and Savior is essential. Applicants should be committed to a e-mail [email protected]. young-earth creationist position and to a worldwide, catastrophic Noa- 10 Creation Matters — a CRS publication Jan. / Feb. 2001

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