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Creating Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile PDF

434 Pages·2015·6.929 MB·English
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Creating Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile Second Edition Table of Contents Creating Mobile Apps with jQuery Mobile Second Edition Credits About the Authors About the Reviewers www.PacktPub.com Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more Why subscribe? Free access for Packt account holders Preface What this book covers What you need for this book Who this book is for What we will cover Why jQuery Mobile Progressive enhancement and graceful degradation Accessibility Conventions Reader feedback Customer support Downloading the example code Errata Piracy Questions 1. Prototyping jQuery Mobile The game has changed The mobile usage pattern HTML prototyping versus drawing Getting our hands dirty with small businesses Designing the remaining components Design requirements Alternates to paper prototyping Summary 2. Making a Mom-and-pop Mobile Website Writing a new jQuery Mobile boilerplate Meta viewport differences Full-site links beyond the industry standard The global JavaScript The global CSS Breaking the HTML into a server-side template What we need to create our site Getting Glyphish and defining custom icons Linking to phones, e-mails, and maps Custom fonts Optimization - why you should be thinking of it first The final product The custom CSS The resulting first page Getting the user to our mobile site Detecting and redirecting using JavaScript Detecting on the server Summary 3. Analytics, Long Forms, and Frontend Validation Google Static Maps Adding Google Analytics Tracking and firing page views Creating long and multi-page forms Integrating jQuery Validate Creating the first page of our multi-page form Validating each page The meta.php file E-commerce tracking with Google Analytics Summary 4. QR Code, Geolocation, Google Maps API, and HTML5 Video QR codes Geolocation Using JSON Picking a user’s location Driving directions with the Google Maps API Geek out moment - GPS monitoring Linking and embedding video Summary 5. Client-side Templating, JSON APIs, and HTML5 Web Storage Client-side templating Patching into JSON APIs (GitHub) Passing query params to jQuery Mobile Programmatically changing pages Generated pages and DOM weight Leveraging RSS feeds Forcing responsive images HTML5 Web Storage Browser-based databases (work in progress) JSON to the rescue Summary 6. Automating Your Workflow with Grunt Introducing Grunt - a JavaScript task runner Installing Grunt A brief aside about Node.js Installing Node.js Installing Grunt using NPM Configuring Grunt Common tasks and their plugins Concatenation using grunt-contrib-concat Minification using grunt-contrib-uglify CSS preprocessors using grunt-contrib-sass / grunt-contrib-less LiveReloading using grunt-contrib-watch Comparing Grunt, Gulp, and Broccoli Summary 7. Working with HTML5 Audio HTML5 Audio Fixed position persistent toolbars Controlling HTML5 Audio with JavaScript HTML5 Audio in iOS Multipage jQuery Mobile apps made useful Saving to the home screen with HTML5 manifest Summary 8. Fully Responsive Photography Creating a basic gallery using lightGallery Supporting the full range of device sizes – responsive web design Text readability and responsive design Smartphone-sized devices Tablet-sized devices Desktop-sized devices Cycling background images Another responsive approach – RESS The final code Summary 9. Integrating jQuery Mobile into Existing Sites Detecting mobile – server-side, client-side, and the combination of the two Browser sniffing versus feature detection WURFL – server-side database-driven browser sniffing JavaScript-based browser sniffing JavaScript-based feature detection using Modernizr JavaScript-based lean feature detection Server-side plus client-side detection Mobilizing full-site pages – the hard way Know your role Step 1 of 2 – focus on content, marketing cries foul! Step 2 of 2 – choose global navigation style and insert Global nav as a separate page Global nav at the bottom Global nav as a panel The hard way – final thoughts Mobilizing full-site pages – the easy way Summary 10. Content Management Systems, Static Site Generators, and jQM The current CMS landscape WordPress and jQuery Mobile Manually installing the mobile theme switcher Automatically installing the mobile theme switcher Configuring the mobile theme switcher Drupal and jQuery Mobile Updating your WordPress and Drupal templates WordPress – jQMobile theme Drupal – jQuery Mobile theme Static Site Generators How do they work? The Harp server Setting up Harp locally The rules of HarpJS Adding your first page Getting the client involved The Harp platform Publishing your project Adobe Experience Manager Summary 11. Putting It All Together – Community Radio A taste of Balsamiq Organizing your code MVC, MVVM, MV* MV* and jQuery Mobile The application The events The model Introduction to the Web Audio API Prompting the user to install your app New device-level hardware access Accelerometers Camera APIs on the horizon To app or not to app, that is the question Raining on the parade (take this seriously) Three good reasons for compiling an app The project itself is the product Access to native only hardware capabilities Push notifications Supporting current customers Adobe PhoneGap versus Apache Cordova Summary Index

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