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Creating Collaborative Advantage PDF

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CREATING COLLABORATIVE ADVANTAGE CopyrgihteMda terial CopyrgihteMda terial CREATING COLLABORATIVE ADVANTAGE ChriHsu xham SAGE Publications LondoTnh ousOaankds N ewD elhi • • CopyrgihteMda terial Editorsiealle ctainodmn a tteCrh,a pte1r,s9 and1 2© Chris Huxham1 996 Chapte2r © Arthur Turovh Him1m9e9l6m an Chapte3r © ColiEnd en1 996 Chapte4r © BarbarGar ay1 996 Chapte5r © StevCer oppe1r9 96 Chapte6r © DaveS in1k9 96 Chapte7r © CatheriBnaer ra ndC hriHsu xham1 996 Chapte8r © SandoPr. S chuma1n9 96 Chapte1r0 © CharlBe.sF inn1 996 Chapte1r1 © Arnold deJ o ng1 996 Firsptu blis1h9e9d6 Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hipsu blicamtaiyob ne reproducsetdo,ri enda retriesvyaslt etmr,a nsmiotrtu etdi lized ina nyf ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectromneicch,a nical, photocopyriencgo,r doirno gt herwiwsiet,h opuetr missiino n writifnrgo mt heP ublishers. SAGE PublicatLitodn s 6 BonhiSltlr eet LondoEnC 2A4 PU SAGE PublicatIinocn s 2455T ellReora d ThousanOda ksC,a liforni9a1 320 SAGE PublicatIinodniPvtsa Ltd 32,M -BlockM arket GreatKeari la-shI New DelhIi0 I 0 48 British LibrCaartya lino Pugbuliincgda atitoan A catalorgeuceo rfdo rt hibso oki s availafbrloemt heB ritiLsihb rary. ISBN0 80397 498-1 ISBN0 80397 499-(Xp bk) LibroafCr oynes gscr atarleocagov radi lable Typesebty M ayhewT ypesettRihnagy,a dePro,w ys PrintiendG reaBtr itabiynR edwooBdo oks, TrowbridWgiel,t shire CopyrgihteMda terial Contents Contributors Vll Acknowledgaenmdde endtisc ation x Prologue Xl Part OInnter:o duction Collaboarnadct oilolnat bioavreda vantage ChrHiusx ahm ParTtw oR:a tionaanldCe osn tefxotsCr o llaboration 2 Ont hteh eoarnydp racotfit crea nsforcmoaltliaobnoarla tion: forms ocsiearlv tiosc oec jiuaslt ice 19 ArthuTrur ovHhim melman 3 Thes takeh/ocollldaebrosrtartaowtroe rgkys hop 44 ColEidne n 4 Croscst-ospreaanrlet rcso:l laboarlaltiiaavnmeco enbgsu siness, governmaenndct o mmunities 57 BarbaGrraa y ParTth reCeo:l laboinr aPtiraocnt KiecyIe s:s ues 5 Collaatbiowvroer kianngdt hies soufse u stainabilit8y0 SteCvreo eppr 6 Fivoeb statcocl oemsm unityc-oblalsaebdoa rnadst oimoen thougohnot vse rcotmhienmg 101 DaviSdin k 7 Involtvhiceno gm munciotlyl:a bofrorca otmimounn ity development 110 CatherBianraern dC hriHsu xham Part FIonutre:r vePnroticoenfss oeCrso llaboration 8 Ther oloeff cailitianct oilolna bogrraotuipvse 162 SandorS cuhPm.a n CopyrgihteMda terial vi Contents 9 Groudpe cissuipopno rt for collaborati1o4n1 ChrHiusx ham 10U tilisztiankge hsotlrdaetfreo gprio essic toilvlea borative outcomes 125 CharlBe.Fs in n 11I nter-orgacnoilzlaatbioiorntna hatpelio olnip crye paration process 156 Arnodld eJ ong PartF ivCel:o sure 12T he sefaocrroc lhl aboardavtainvtea ge 167 ChrHiusx ham Index 181 CopyrgihteMda terial Contributors CatherBianrgera inehde rfi rsdte gree ftrhoeDm e partmeonfMt a nage­ mentS cienactet heU niversoifSt tyr athclGyldaes,g oSwc,o tlaSnhde.h as recenctolmyp letae ddo ctoriantt eh es amed epartmernets,e arcchoimn­g munity partiicnip puabtlidioecnc ision-mHaekrir negs.e arhcahsf ocused on participbaottihoi nn t hec onteoxft c ollaboraftoirco onm munity developmaenndto fd ecentraliozfla otciaoglno vernment. SteCvreo ppiesa r s eniloerc tuirneH re altPhl annianngdM anagemeantt Keele UnivUeKr.sH iet hya,s a degraened P hD inT ownP lanniFnrgo.m 1983t o1 991h,e p ursuerde searicnht por oblesmt ructuarnidng gr oup decision supporlta rmgeewtlihyto hdpisun b lsiecr viocreg anizatSiionncse. joinitnhgeC entrfeo rH ealtPhl annianngd M anagemeanttK eelUen i­ versiitn1y 9 9hi1s r eseahracshf ocusoendt hed evelopmaenndet v aluation ofc ollaborwaotrikvienb ge tweeang enciceosn cernetdop romothee alth, ando nt hei nvolvemoefdn otc toirnsm anagement. ColinE deins P rofesasnodrH eado ft heD epartmeonftM anagement Scienactet heU niversoifSt tyr athclGyldaes,g oSwc,o tlaFnodl.l owianng earlcya reaesra construcetnigoinn eheerm ,o vedt ot heU niversoifBt ayt h wherhee d eveloptehdeu seo fc ognitmiavpep inags t heb asiosfa group decisisounp posryts tefmo ro rganizatpiroonballe m-soSlivnicnmego .v ing toS trathclCyodlei,nw 'osr kh asf ocusoend stratedgeyv elopmaenndt implementaatnidho enh asw orkeedx tensiwvietlthye amosf s enimoarn ­ agerisnp ublipcr,i vaatnedc ommunisteyc toorrg anizatHiiosrn ess.e arch ing roudpe cissiuopnp oirstw idelkyn owna nda ccessaecdr otshse w orld. He isc o-authoofr T hinkiinngO ragnizat(Miaocnmsi ll1a9n7,9 a)n d MessiAnbgo uitn Pro(bPleergmasm 1o9n8,3 ) iascn od- ediotfoT rac kling StratPergoibcl (eSmasg1e 9,9 0). CharBl.eF si nni sa Felloawtt heH uberHt. H umphreIyn stiotfuP tueb lic Affairast t heU niversoifMt iyn nesoUtSaA,. H e isa lsDoi rectooftr h e Bankinagn dC ommunitEyc onomiDce velopmPernotj eacntd A dminis­ tratDiivree ctooftr h eT echnolaongdyG roupS ysteSmusp poCretn teHri.s areaosfe xpertiinscel usdter ategic manoaflg aermgeen-tso craglaen izational change, acotfit vhiefit niaensc isaelc ttohra rte lattoea c cebsysl ow-income andm inoriptoyp ulatainodna sn alyosfil sa rgdea tsae tHse. h asc onducted bankinsgt uditehsr oughtohueUt n iteSdt ataensd h asf acilisttartaetde gic managemeenffto rtfso rf edersatla,t aen dl ocaglo vernmenatssw elals CopyrgihteMda terial Contributors Vlll school bocaormdmsu,n iatnyd n on-proofirtg anizatHieo inssc .u rrently conducting rweistechao rmcmhu nituinedse rtakcionlgl aboreaffotritvse. BarbaGrraai ysa ProfesosfoO rr ganizatBieohnaavlia onrdD irectooftr h e Centefro rR esearicnhC onfliacntd N egotiataitto hneP ennsylvSatnaitae Universiintt yh eU SA.D r Grayh asb eens tudyionrgg anizatainodn al internaticoonnafllia cntdn egotiation fporr2o 0cy eesasreHsse. r i nteriens t negotiatiisor nesfl ectiendh erb ooksC,o llabnog:rF iantdiinCgom mon Groufnord M ulti-PParrotbyl( eJmoss sBeays s1,9 89a)n dI nternational JoiVnetn tuErcenoso:m iacn dO ragnizatPieoprnesaclt (iKvleusw e1r9,9 5), asw elals i nn umerouasc adempiucb licatoino cnosl laboradtiisopnu,t e resoluatnidoj no ivnetn turSehseh. a sw orkeidni ndusterdyu,c atainodni n academaisaa consulttaonn utm eropuusb laincd p rivasteec toorrg aniz­ atioinnst hea reaosfc onflimcatn agemennetg,o tiatainodon rsg anizational change. ArthurT uroHvihm melmisaa n co nsultantp rwahcotsiiesfc eo cusoendt he desigfna,c ilitaantdie ovna luatoifoc no mmunity-bcaoslelda boraat ion, subjeacbto uwth ichhe w rottea,u gahntd c onsulwtheidla e s enifoerl laotw theH uberHt. HumphreIyn stitoufPt ueb liAcff airast t heU niversoift y MinnesoUtSaA,. H ism onograpChom, munitWioreksi nCgoa lblorealtyi v for Cah anghea,s r eceiveexdt ensaicvcel aainmd d istribuitnicolnu,d ing publicaitnit ohne I nternatiCointayl/ CouMnatnya gement Association's ResolCvoinnflgiS cttr:a tfeorgL ioecsGa olv erntmH.een hasc onsulatnedd madep resentantaitoinosn aflolrny u merous acapdheimliacn,t harnopdi c professioorngaaln izatiinocnlsu dimnagn y locaglo vernmentaanld community-bnaosne-dp roofirtg anizatPiroinotsro. t heH umphreIyn sti­ tuteH,i mmelmawna sa seniporro grammoeffic era tm ajoprr ivaatned communiftoyu ndationasl sadoni dr ectceodm munity-bhaisgehdee,rd u­ cational prosgerravmiminensgn er-acdiutlyft osrc olleagnedsu niversities. Amongh isv oluntaecetri vihteiw eass,b oarvdi ce-presoifa d beanttt ered women'ssh eltaenrda publhiocu sicnogm munity cienMn itnrnee apolis. Chris Huxhaims S enioLre cturienrt heD epartmeonftM anagement Scienacned C haiorf M BA Programmienst h eG raduaBtues ineSscsh ool att heU niversoiftS yt rathclGyldaes,g oSwc,o tlaWnodr.k infgr oma backgrouonfdr esearactth h eU niversiotfSi uesss eaxn dA stoni nt he analyosfic so nfliacntdi ng roudpe cissiuopnp oCrhtr,i hsa sb eern esearch­ ingi nter-organiczoaltliaobnoarlfao trti hoepn a ssti yxe arIsn.t hitsi mseh e hasw orkeidn a varieotfcy o llaborcaotnitoenxi tnt sh ep ublaincd c om­ munitsye ctoPrasr.t icufloacru sheasv eb eenw itghr oupcso ncernewdi th collaboraftoireo cno nomaincd s ocidaelv elopmaenndtf ora nti-poverty initiatives. Arnoldd eJ onggr aduatferdo mt hea gricultural iunnW iavgeernsiintgye n int heN etherlaHnedw so.r kefdo r1 8y earisna largceo nsultcionmgp any. He wasa ldermoafnt hem unicipaolfAi rnthye mf orf ouyre arIsn.1 98h2e launchehdi so wn consultacnocmyp ansyp ecialiizni gnugi dintgh e CopyrgihteMda terial Cotnributors IX governmenitnt hep roceosfsp olicy-maHkei insga . f reelatnecaec hienr theD utcshc hooolfsp ublaidcm inistration. SandPo.rS chumhaansb eehne lpignrgo upwso rkm oree ffectitvoes loyl ve complepxr obleamnsd m aked ecisifoonrsm oret han2 0y earsH.e specialiinpz aerst icippartoobrlye m-soalnvddi engc ision-makiinsag . He facilitwahtoo pra ysc arefautlt enttioo sno ciaasl wella sa nalytical procesasnedsm akest houghtufsueol f i nformattieocnh nolSoagnyd.iy s presidoefnE tx ecutive DeSceirsviiocane p sr,i vactoen sultfiinrgma ,n d executdiivree cotfot rh eD ecisiToenc htronGircousp a tt heR ockefeller InstitoufGt oev ernmenStt,a tUen iversoifNt eyw Y orkH.e hasf acilitated meetinagnsdd eciscioonnf erefnocrae sw idev arieotfpy u blaincd p rivate organizatHieo hnass.d evelopterda inicnogu rsiensf acilitagtrioounp, decision-maankailnygt,ti eccahln iqaunedis n formatrieosno urmcaen age­ mentH.e helpeodr ganitzheeN ew YorkS tatFeo rumo n Conflicta nd Consensau sf,o rumt oe xploarned e ncourage partaincdic poaltloarby­ oratiavpep roacthoes so lvipnugb lpiocl iccoyn flicitnsN ewY orkS tataen d currenstelryv aessV ice-Chair. David iSsiP nrokf esosfoP ru bliAcd ministraattti hoenU niversoift y ArkansaatsL ittRloec k, USPAr.e viouhsehl ays t aughattt heU niversity ofA labamaat B irminghaanmd t heU niversoiftC ya lifornRiiav,e rside. ProfesSsionrak t tempttois n tegrhaitste e achirnegs,e aarncdhs erviicnae serioefse ffortfso cusoendc ommunilteyv eclo llaborautriboanpn,o litics andm anagemeanntd y outvhi olenHciesm. o str ecesnttu ddye alwsi tthh e degreoeff ormalizoaftc ioomnm unity-bcaoslelda boraantdit ohne poten­ tiaflo rb ringitnogg etohpepro sienlge menotfts h ec ommuniitnya shared­ visicoonl laboration. CopyrgihteMda terial

Inter-organizational collaboration is becoming increasingly significant as a means of achieving organizational objectives in turbulent environments. Yet it is not an easy process to implement successfully. Drawing on the work of authors with a high level of relevant experience, this volume provides
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