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Cracking Under Pressure: Narrating the Decline of the Amsterdam Squatters' Movement (Solidarity and Identity) PDF

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ty “Drawing effectively on activists’ voices and combining a sophisticated So Lynn Owens S Identi tbhoetohr ayn o fim nparorrattainvet cwointhtr aib suhtrieownd t oa nmaloyvseism oefn mt socvheomlaernsht ippo alintidc sa, ttehrer ibfioco rke aisd .” lidari olid d ty a n Francesca Polletta, University of California, Irvine a r arity a “Cracking Under Pressure makes a key contribution to our understanding nd Ide ity a Solid oa fm thoev edmecelnint’es oufn sdoecrisatla nmdoinvegm oef nittss o– wannd d, encolitnaeb l–y ,a tnhde prorolev iodfe ns aar rliavteivlye ainn d ntity nd I d innovative account of an important social movement.” e n Edwin Amenta, New York University t C it y r a What goes up must come down, and social movements are no excep- c tion to this rule. Most academic studies have focused almost exclu- k sively on the emergence of movements, paying less attention to their i n decline. But decline is an important, and active, period for any mo- g bilization, as all activists know. Cracking Under Pressure: Narrating the U Decline of the Amsterdam Squatters’ Movement broadens and enriches so- n cial movement theory through a close investigation of the fate of the d squatters’ movement in Amsterdam. Responding to the housing short- e age of the 1960s, the movement emerged in the late 1970s, peaked in r the early 1980s, and then fell into a period of prolonged decline. Lynn P Owens explores how movements decline, focusing on the subjective r e exp erience and culture of decline. Activists use narratives of decline s to give meaning to events and to manage the emotions of participants s u as they negotiate the complex relationships between culture and poli- r tics in the movement. Activist stories define and defend the movement e while it struggles with the contradictions of decline. Lynn Owens is Assistant Professor of Sociology, Cracking Under Pressure Middlebury College. O w e ISBN 978 90 8964 059 8 n s Narrating the Decline of the Amsterdam Squatters’ Movement www.aup.nl A         U          P     A         U          P     aup_owens_def.indd 1 19-12-2008 16:09:29 CrackingUnderPressure SOLIDARITYAND IDENTITY Recentsocial,culturalandeconomicdevelopmentsinWesternso- ciety are at the basis of increasing cultural and ethnic diversity. People’ssocialandculturalidentititiesarebecomingmorevaried. What are the consequences of these developments for social bonds and solidarity? Finding answers to this question is the aim oftheseriesSolidarityandIdentity. editors ofthe series Prof. dr. J. Burgers, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rot- terdam Prof.J.C.Rath,InstituteforMigrationandEthnicStudies,Universityof Amsterdam previously published Minghuan Li, We Need Two Worlds: Chinese Immigrant Associations in a WesternSociety,1999(isbn9789053564028) AafkeE.Komter,JackBurgersenGodfriedEngbersen,Hetcementvande samenleving: een verkennende studie naar solidariteit en cohesie, 2000/ 20042(isbn9789053564370) Clementine van Eck, Purified by Blood: Honour Killings amongst Turks in theNetherlands,2002(isbn9789053564912) Joanne van der Leun, Looking for Loopholes: Processes of Incorporation of IllegalImmigrantsintheNetherlands,2003(isbn9789053566008) Marc Hooghe, Sociaal kapitaal in Vlaanderen: verenigingen en democra- tischepolitiekecultuur,2003(isbn9789053566435) AafkeE.Komter,Solidariteitendegift:socialebandenensocialeuitsluiting, 2003(isbn9789053566459) Marco van der Land, Vluchtige verbondenheid: stedelijke bindingen van de Rotterdamsenieuwemiddenklasse,2004(isbn9789053566787) FrankJ.Buijs,FroukjeDemantenAtefHamdy,Strijdersvaneigenbodem: radicale en democratische moslims in Nederland, 2006 (isbn 978 90 53569160) Irma Thoen: Strategic Affection? Gift Exchange in Seventeenth-Century Holland,2007(isbn9789053568118) Talja Blokland: Oog voor elkaar: veiligheidsbeleving en sociale controle in de grotestad,2008(isbn9789089640437) Cracking Under Pressure Narrating the Decline of the ’ Amsterdam Squatters Movement Lynn Owens Cover illustration: Inversion of the international symbol of the squatters’movement Coverdesign:Neon,designandcommunications|SabineMannel Layout:japes,Amsterdam isbn 9789089640598 e-isbn 9789048506446 nur 741 ©LynnOwens/AmsterdamUniversityPress,Amsterdam2009 Allrightsreserved.Withoutlimitingtherightsundercopyrightreservedabove, nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced,storedinorintroducedintoaretrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the written permission of both thecopyrightownerandtheauthorofthebook. Table of Contents Acknowledgements 7 Introduction 11 DocumentingDecline 20 DefiningDecline 24 WhytheAmsterdamSquatters’Movement? 34 ChapterOverview 36 1 Radicalization:TheBirthoftheSquatters’Movement 43 Squatting:IndividualActorBasisofaMovement? 45 FromSquattingtoSquatters 54 FromSquattertoSquatters’Movement 63 Radicalization 68 QueenforaDay 81 MistakeorFirstSignofDecline? 83 Conclusion 84 2 LuckRunsOut 89 HardeningNarratives,HardeningTactics 91 FearItself 92 UncheckedRadicalizationandtheLossofBoundaries 97 TheLuckyLuijk 100 RetakingtheLuijk 103 HoldingontotheLuijk 111 NoMoreLuck,NoMoreLuijk 115 Who’stheBoss? 116 YouCan’tLiveinaSymbol 121 GenderDivides 123 TheLuijkasaSignofDecline 126 Conclusion 129 3 HolidayInn,WijersOut 133 WijersLives 136 LifeintheWijers 139 HolidayAwayfromHome 144 Strategy 152 WijersOut,HolidayInn 159 5 SquattingorShopkeeping? 160 WijersDecline,WhyDecline? 164 Conclusion 166 4 DeathintheMovement,DeathoftheMovement 171 FortressofSolitude 174 KokFights:DeathintheMovement 177 DeathandtheMovement 180 TheMovementisDead!LongLiveMovement! 184 RestoringtheMovement 187 FromOZGtoPVK 196 CollapsingOldBuildings 206 VisionoftheNewMovement 208 CrazyThursday 210 FeelingDecline 214 Conclusion 216 5 TheEnd:Now,Near,orNever? 219 AreWeDeadYet? 221 TheDeclineofaPoliticalMovement 225 TheAscendanceofaCulturalMovement 228 SiloDown 230 TouristTraps 237 Squatters:fromTouriststoTouristAttraction 239 BreedingGroundsofContentmentorContempt? 242 TheDeclineofDecline 247 Conclusion 248 Conclusion 253 TheDeclineofNarrativesandNarrativesofDecline 255 StrategicCrossroadsandIdentityCrises 257 WhenCultureandPoliticsCollideandCollude 259 Emotions,PublicandPrivate 261 DeclineasDoubleEdged 263 DefiningMoments,DefiningMovements 267 Decline:TheOffer 270 Listofphotos 275 References 277 Index 287 6 Acknowledgements Thisbookpresentsastoryaboutdecline.Ascentralasdeclineisto thenarrativeofthebook,thenarrativeofwritingthebookactually embodies a very different trajectory. Things do not always get worse. In this case, all the substantial improvements comes from help and assistance offered by others along the way. Whatever staying power this book might have directly follows from their contributions. I, of course, accept the customary blame for all er- rorsandpoorthinkingcontainedwithin.Withouteveryone’shelp, therewouldhavecertainlybeenmore. First,I want to thankEric Duivenvoorden.Withouthim this book simply would not exist. Part of this is due to his tireless efforts to study and collect the movement. Eric’s vision led him to spend over a decade of hard work assembling the archive, which I, as wellascountlessothers,usedtoexplorethesquatters’movement. Eric collaborated in making the documentary that helped frame my initial questions, as well as serving as the framing device for theintroductionofthisbook.Finally,Ericwrotethedefinitivehis- tory of squatting in the Netherlands, a work that allowed me to deepen my understanding of the movement and to focus my in- vestigation.Thus,myintellectualdebttohimisimmeasurable–I couldnotknowwhatIknowwithouthisefforts.Andyettheseare not myprimary reasons forneeding to acknowledgehis contribu- tions to this project. Instead, I must thank him for his generosity as a person and friend. When I first contacted him for informa- tiononthesquatting archive,heinvited meto Amsterdamtosort through the extras that were not being transferred to the Interna- tionalInstituteofSocialHistory(IISH).Uponarrival,Ericwasout oftown, but hesent a friend to meetmy wife and me and take us back to his apartment, where a bed, a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers,andamaptothecityawaitedus.Heoffereduphishome tous,totalstrangers,justtohelp.Sincethatfirstvisit,Ihavebeen backtoAmsterdammultipletimes,andErichasalwayswelcomed me into his home and life. Not even the time when I accidentally set his carpet on fire could test his patience and kindness. He, 7 along with Margreet and Sam, never made me feel like I was in- conveniencing them, even when I know I was. Thank you, Eric. I only hope the time comes when I can at least start to return the favors. Of course, I need to thank my professional supporters. Charlie Kurzman first suggested studying the movement’s decline, help- ing me turn what seemed like a liability – a movement long past its glory days – into an advantage. Along the way, he gave me all the rope I needed to hang myself, while still encouraging my thinkinginproductivedirectionstohelpmeultimatelyescapethe noose.JamesJasperansweredarequestfromanunknowngradu- atestudent,unwittinglysigningupforalong-termprocessofpro- viding advice and help. Everyone at the IISH provided significant assistance in directing me to the nooks and crannies of the ar- chivedinformation,nottomentiontheimportantworktheydoin simply storing and maintaining all their collections. I cannot ex- press enough my gratitude to Mary Ann Clawson, as well as the entireWesleyansociologydepartment,whowentfaroutonalimb and gave a clearly unqualified applicant a chance at a wonderful job. Wesleyan provided a fertile setting to complete this work. I was sad to leave, but happy to move to my new colleagues at Mid- dlebury. Special thanks go to Rebecca Tiger, whose sympathetic ear and comfortable floors have proven invaluable, and Laurie Es- sig, who not only takes me to school every day, but also provides justthesortofwarm,dependablefriendshipneededtosurvivethe cold Vermont climate. My editors, Erik van Aert at Amsterdam University Press and Sandy Thatcher at Penn State University Press, have been extraordinarily supportive of this project, not to mentionpatientwithafirsttimeauthorwhoworksatapaceoften somewhat slower than desirable. Jaap Wagenaar at AUP guided me through the final stages of publication with great care and at- tention. Bart Plantenga’s shrewd editing helped me clarify and elaborate my ideas, and overcome my tendency towards murki- ness. Thanks to Milla for her excellent photo. Additionally, there are simply too many students, from UNC, Wesleyan, and Middle- bury, to thank by name, but it was the joys of sharing the class- room with them that got me through this long march. When thingsseemedbleak,atleastmystudentswantedtobelievethings wouldworkoutforthebest. 8 My family never faltered, even as I frequently did. My parents, Emmett and Linda Owens, were always there when i needed them. My wife, Kay, suffered through what must have felt like a never-endingstory,fromgraduateschooltodissertationtofinding a job to publishing the book. She was even willing to quit her job and come to Amsterdam with me as I did this research, which shows just how much she was willing to sacrifice to support my work.Perhapsmostimportanttothisbookissomeonewhounfor- tunately did not survive to see its completion. My uncle Brooks Warren left the United States to move to Amsterdam around the sametimeIwasborn.Irarelysawhimgrowingup,buthehelda specialplacein mylife.Iwasalwaystoldhow similarwewere,so to build a connection to him, I developed a deep interest in Am- sterdam and the Netherlands; every grammar school project on a foreign country gave me another excuse to learn more. When my mother returned from her first visit in 1981, she brought back Dutch chocolate and chotchkes, but also stories of squatters and their struggles to find and make and keep a home. Sadly, Brooks took ill and died nearly twenty years ago, ironically at just about thesametimethesquatters’movementwasfightingwhatseemed likeitsfinalbattles.Squattingsurvivedthismoment,emergingin a new shape. Likewise, my relationship with Brooks survived his death, and I feel closer to him now having spent time living and learninginthecityhesoloved. 9

Most academic studies have focused almost exclusively on the emergence of social movements, paying less attention to their declines. But as every activist knows, decline is an important and vital period for any mobilization. This volume broadens and enriches social movement theory through a close in
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