ISSUE 5 1998 $4.50 The Magazine For Commodore 64/128 8-bit Enthusiasts GEOS Issue! YBERSPACE Mittiice Raridali - CMD -HARDWARE • ORD THE HOT NEW UPGRADE FOR CEOS 64 IS NOW SHIPPING you've been waiting lot GEOS !o gel belief, lasler and moie eUiciPnl. voutwail is oven Click Here So<tw;ire's Wheelslakes GEOS!othenextlevel.*i!hlullin!eg:aiedsuppottto'allthetalcs: hardware.Wheelsalsoaddsmanyleaturesnotprevpouslyavailable inGEOS.aswellasnonelhatcouldonlybohurthybuyingntaddmc] otheiulilttiesandpalches GEOSisreallygoingsomeplace,andil hasthe Wheels10gelIheie! $36.00 CAll noil1shipping' SMTO_ 11300B» imutnrequnemenlslorWheels GECE64v20 1>Unt1571disk i■rjali.lWsic.i-urM-d«,vl'iJ>DKSPP5Sl]..S.I.CS9M0O0O drive,tnouspor(oysft*,andISBKmlargerHAMnxnanrtpr S13900 miljiclu'sn»JD) . S399CO Novaterm CALL rj-Hj'acu*H*'JDi . ...CALL H** i7AtcI in** i:PiS"l<Mri.IM| version9.6 'Supply<W**3Amp> l',.1Hi-TSeiTO-' ■**SM'upSwpulp™yrf.r.f'*^,?/«e..^,«.)51», ^ runsuc«sun«pfl.i JoiniheTelecommunications Revolution...get 'VrfOEXM3-PonC r«t^°mE>DarrtP .. S3900 SeCCh«*fi^slm13B CM0EK33Pi on theinformationSuperHighwayTODAY! Easy-io-ust-noviceuserconliguration t, . ,;i .- - .,_. ;.. .- .... No«swellsUUtncoiltandUUOecoctt C-«lenhancsoscrollingwlHEUI:and andconvert;Mmonclui01inatuiltei*'w 25-or2BlineC-12PVDC6f>Col mode ASCIIoPETSCIIam)PETECIIIdUna ■Ustanymemorydeviceasibuflei ProtncalsupporlZmotltmun/donmlo»d. m;luding 17nR0J HAULinVDaor(T.n .S6500 A« renimt(crashrewveryl,slieaminglo GeoRAM.C12SVDC BSGRAM,and JIO.noCuwTtuKkeISTOMooc S1995 buffer *fmodemDaich. Ymodem-g. 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TheMagazinefor ([ I2^1III Commodore64/128 V^iLi \~J 8-bitEnthusiasts UsheringTheCommodoreUseiIntoThe21stCentury DEPARTMENTS PUBLISHER IVFromThe Back Room ThomasRGosserPublications, Inc. 2 NEWSWORTHY * 4 MAIL CALL 6Jim's C=orner EDITOR ThomasRGosser * COLUMNS CONTRIBUTORS JimButterfield 9geoHELP ThomasGosser ThomasGosserJr. 13CPUviews MauriceRandall IIXCyberspace Cowboy RemmingtonSteele * FEATURES ADVERTISINGSALES DarleneDGosser (360)427-9339 VI CPU Revu: Wheels64 * 1 StoryTime 14CPU INTERVIEW 20C= Gazette HiLites CPU the Magazine for Commodore 64/128 8-bit Enthusiasts is published bi-monthly by GosserGamesLtd., Inc. Publications.955WashingtonSt.,Douglas,WY.82633.6issuesubscriptionrateisUS$20forU.S.addresses,US$24for Canada and Mexico addresses, US $30 for all other International addresses. Back issuesavailable on a continueing basis. All subscription payments mustbe in U.S. dollars. Mail subscriptions to CPU Subscriptions, P.O. Box 1817, Shelton.WA.98584. Entire contents copyright (c) 1008/90 by Thomas R Gosser, unless otherwise noted. No part of this publicationmaybeprinted orotherwisereproducedbyanymeans withoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher.All programspublishedinthismagazineareforthesoleuseofthereader,andmaynotbecopiedorinanywaydistributed. Allrightsreserved. CPUassumesnoresponsibilityforerrorsoromissionsineditorialoradvertisingcontent. CPUdoes notassumeanyliabilityforadvertisersclaimsorreliability. Commodore and the respective Commodore product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Gateway Computers. CPU is in no way afQliated with Gateway Computers, owner ofthe Commodore logo and technology. All software and Hardware mentioned in CPU belong to there respective trademark, copyright and patent holders. CPU makesnoclaimtoownershipofothercompaniesproducts. HI From The Back Room... Well this was going to be a summer issue, but several things have happened to prevent that. First off my second job for the past 11 years came to an end. My friend/employer came down with cancer and had to shut down the business. So I applied to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad and got hired on as a Machinist. That meant relocating to Douglas Wyoming and going to school in Alliance Nebraska for the past several months. So I was gone from home 5 days outofeveryweek. Thisonlylefttheweekends togetthingsdone. So hem w ««f a. weekftomCtetmaa m& i am stiti p-ttft&g the finishing touches on88* ^ "bfe mailing, You will find;an tt&fcess as it is nolonger valid.OurDdf&iadj&te&s&Stl&$&sdhm&m. This is$.«e js & special one indeed, $ fe CH?$. first •&EOS issue (almost). I hope that not too manyreadm will be to9& $• I faiow that not all Commodore users tase GEOS, We. fcere at <^U Sett tfelft would be appropriate as this magpzin£ is published WGSfc *>:& a. using GEOS and GeqpuhJ&k In this issue youwfll geoSHELL, tod the neiv Wheels 64 a^ad ^ multitude of other smaller programs $$&hess. It Ms ttatie- to niy atte«tl<in that the Loadstar Lette? %i*a$a&dpubj&jhfe4%anin^rvi^WWithMr. Raj^daB, Invent seen it m»diffipetkiim Iterfe. Also Aere i&A review of the so hopefully previously mentioned } tatees & look at the WAVE Also CPU to &&&&tiH£e tiistt thi^ issue we have added feg&nd^ Commodore gttrws to our writing staff* ^lUresj ofMr. Butterfield, community to visit thesepages to$*efUtore<^x^iier have tomake is in regardsto Effective irsm^tei&y &p terip CPU ^qfc{?c^ptio» ^%^26 V$>^24 Can/Mex, and $30 EO/Por- 8«9c fefe^^ an^ saebjie tewea axt?%»0W %a Sat $4,50 each. Effective with..the #-6 '|©9S i^sut^ CPU Magazine Will become a bi-monthly publication. Thate 6 issujfcs" pfer y*&* for the mathematioal illiterate. Classified advertising is $1,0 for JSO Wordsincluding sprees. Advertising rates"ar^ as follows and are in effect now. $40 full page, $30 halfpage anpl $20 quarter page. No one eighth page size Ads are available due to the 75% format <rf C?U* One thing I forgot to mention, we still 'offer User group'and bulk" discount"su&scriptions when 10 or more people subscribe. The magazines are bundled together and mailed to oneaddress. Usergroup/Bulkdiscountrate: $18 perperson. HaveagreatHolidayseasonandwe'll seeyou in 60days! -Tom IV IP fl S3 BfllEfl® Announcing... An all newsoftware package fnrAFHS "Faxing Made Easy" There has never been a program like this for the Commodore 64 or 128 * Send and Receive faxes to/from any fax machine * Use a fax machineas a full page scanner * Send a GeoPaint file as a fax, it will be converted to a fax document as it is sent. * Includes a simplebuilt-in terminal * Receivedfaxes may beconverted to GeoPaint * Requires GEOS V2.0 (64 or 128 in40 column mode) * Requires a SwiftLink or compatible cartridge * Requires a Class 2 or Class 2.0fax modem with at least 16K ofram Send check or money order for $43.95 to: $39.95 Maurice Randall FormoreInfo,call: P.O. Box 606 (517)543-5202 plus $4.00 for shipping Charlotte Ml 48813 and handling (foroverseasorders, paymentmustbein USfundspayable fromaUS bank) Wheels 64 by Remmington Steele AvailablefromCreativeMicroDesigns andMauriceRandall. I had been away from the oaliae disabled. Does this mean that Wheels is communityIbr aboutayear or so due to crippleware? Quite the contrary! &jroumstaEce:$ beyoad my control. As a consequence Iwaswaybehind the times Whats missing? Before I tell you I aad did not have a&y insight toto the want you to know that Maurice has events that had transpired within that included with every Wheels package a psdotl Whea I finally did manage to tetter explaining what features are return to the ranks of the online well disabled and what new ones will be Ilearned that Maurice RaadaK jEeltlded in the next release of the working on what was tentatively Wheels software. By the way the next cased ProjectCr, release will be free to all registered Wheels there is no reason to Project G? It shaded g watt for the next release, you will get it AiklItaowingM&uriotIthad tobe GrEGS automatically. reMte<l Sure eBosJ* upon farther inifeisttjgatioii I discovered that Project 0 Here is a list of some ofthe features was Sadssci aot only GBOS Mated but that should be in the next release ofthe rather aa upgrade tothe current QEOS Wheels operating system: operating system, t*EQS 3<0 if you wilt Soon Maurice announced the official * Ability to access printer driver from nameoftheaewupgrade, Wfceel$64wa$ anydrive or path (boot) partition. born aad Maurice began to accept advance orders for Wheels. I promptly *Screensaver. sent him a check. * Horizontal scrolling in the Dashboard I found out later that I was number windows, 11 on the waiting list. Wheels was supposed to release in late February but * Auto clock setting from any available did not make it until sometime In May. JRTCduringbootup. But that was alright, you know good things come to those who wait, And * Mo box In the Dashboard for believe me when I fell you that Wheels displayingdiskandfile info. was well worth the wait! Let me tell you up front that the current version of * The Dashboard ashtray for Wheels that is shipping 1$ not 100% tsmporarHy discarding files that can complete. Maurice decided that instead laterbe retrieved. of making us wait any longer for the product that he would ship it with some * Printer icon on ttie Dashboard for of the features not yet implemented droppingflies tobe prfertetl VI on are resizable and relocatable * A drive swapping function in the anywhere on the screen. The files maybe Toolbox. displayed as icons or in text descriptors. In icon mode you get just the file name * A utility for changing the system under each file as in the old familiar colors and background patterns that desktop. For those who like more info are used by the Dashboard, Toolbox, and are used to using Gateway or and MakeSysDisk as well as any other geoShell the text display gives you file new application that wants to take on name, size, type, and date. A maximum the same appearance. of 16 windows representing drives, partitions and subdirectories maybe ♦Ability to drop a drive icon onto to a open at any given time, however only 1 partition window to perform a whole windowmaybe active at any time. diskcopy. For geoShell user's Wheels comes * Printer drivers for Canon bubblejet and with some new commands allowing other printers. geoShell user's to take advantage of Wheels enhanced features. * possible MS-DOS diskcapability. The twelve new commands are: Although it sounds like alot is missing from the system wait till you chdisk - allows changing disk types on see what Wheels can do! Before Wheels the FD drives. came along GEOS was cumbersome and chpart - change partitions. didnt work well with CMD DESKTOP - exit backto the Dashboard. devices....especially native partitions. erase - erase a disk directory. Now those are problems of the past. format - format any disk, partition or Gone are the configure files and disk ramdiskused in Wheels. drivers of yesterday. The new Toolbox makedir - create subdirectories in takes care ofall the devices connected to native partitions and ramdisks. your system, up to four. ncopy - whole disk copier. nswap - use in place of the swap Wheels allows the user to navigate command. between four drives with ease. Not only parentdir - move to the parent that it also allows navigation between directory. partitions and varying drive emulation rootdir - move to the root directory. partitions. Wheels excells in making subdir - move in to a subdirectory. system management a breeze. You'll validate - validate a disk, partition or navigate around your system with an ramdisk. ease never thought possible on a Commodore 64. When used with Creative Micro Designs Super CPU Wheels running at The desktop or I should say the 20mhz is an awesome sight to behold. dashboard as itis called is veryversatile. Wheelsbreathes newlife into avenerable The windows that the files are displayed computer platform. Computing is VII Wheels 64: Catching The WAVE! enjoyable again....but it always was on ourbeloved Commodores. The WAVE is terminal software that runs under the GEOS 128 environment and is In order to use Wheels the following currently available as a preliminary demo minimumhardware is required: release. It is authored by GEOS programmer extraordinair Maurice Randall.Thedemomaybe Commodore 64 or 128 in 64 mode downloadedfromBBS'sandonlineservicessuch Commodore 1541 disk drive as Delphi.The WAVE comes with a 14 page Commodore 1700 REU ( 128k documentfilethatyoucanprintout. model) Color monitor (recommended) To run the WAVE you will need a Commodore 128 with 64k video ram. Wheels was designed to run at peak Commodore 128D's came equippedthis way. If efficiency on a power system. The above you have a flat 128 than you will need to is not an ideal setup, but will get you upgrade the video ram as they came with only going. Wheelsis an upgrade to GEOS 2.0 16k ofvdc ram. You will also need GEOS 128 therefore you will need and original v2.0running in80column mode,andaSwiftlink GEOS boot disk in order to use Wheels. or compatible cartridge and dontforgetthe high Once installed you will never need your speedmodem. original GEOS disk again. Wheels has many unique and enhanced features, if When runningfromthe Desktopyouwill be you are an avid GEOS user you need presented with a title screen which contains Wheels. It is money well spent and the several icons. Only one of these work in this post purchase .support is second to demo release. It is called the Beachcomber none! ,,^k-: .■ ASCII Terminal. With this terminal you can log ■»i<>• onto any online system or BBS that supports Wheels may be ordered from the ASCII. It will have to be done manually as the following sources: phone directory is not included in this release. Uploading and downloading as well as the Maurice Randall capturebufferarealsonon-functioning. %ClickHere Software Co. P.O. Box 606 Sowhatgood is ityouask? Wellitisjusta Charlotte, MI. 48813-0606 demo, a demo ofwhat is to come and what is USA possible underthe GEOSenvironment. Maurice Randall has indicatedthatthereleaseversionof Creative Micro Designs the WAVE will require Wheels 128 in order to P.O. Box 646 run.AlsoagraphicalWebBrowserwillbe made East Longmeadow, MA. 01028 available as an add on module to the WAVE. 1-800-638-3263 The WAVE will or currently support full color menus, mouse support, file transfers, zmodem Price is $36.00 plus shipping and protocol, buffer capture, telephone directories, handlingfrom both sources. various terminal emulations, script languages and a host of other powerful features. A 64 versionoftheWAVEisalsoplanned. IIX Continuedonpage 17. Stow Time Transfiguration breaking it. 'E^crutiating pain permeatedhis body, it seemed as if he would explode. His muscles were throbbing. The pain ceased andhe stood, looking at Thor stood in the middle of the great cavern his arms he noticed they were more muscle-bound. "It holding the bo^ with the gold-inlaid purple cloth, worlds!! I must draw yet another !" Ihor drew one starting to open it he thought to himself'What am I from themiddle, asun, beforehecouldlookjnthetome doing? My closestfriendhas diedandI care onlyfor a pair of winged boots appeared beside him.lkEh, what treasures await me. Curse myself!'tie stopped, what be these?"tiepickedup the boots andturnedto turnedandwalkedoutofthecave, hegatheredallthat his tome ofmagic, written in common tongue was " remainedoffingers andput them in a leatherpouch, Winged (Boots; allow wearer to fly two hours every with the slimhope thatsomeday he may be able to be day, for every twelve hours of uninterrupted non-use restored. Uncertain iffingerswouldeverreturn to the thebootsregain onehourofuse."Tuttingthe bootson, world of the living Thor began to craft a placard. he looked at CyrothraiQis' corpse. Cyrothra^us' icy Thor workedthat night carving an inscription into a white skin gave Thor an idea;. l{(Ihat cold resistant flat, roundedstone, itread, "Si truerfriendwas never dragonskjn would make some incredible armor", he hadthanfingers, anuisance tosome, an amusement to thoughttohimself. others, may his memory always linger. Diedthe si^th day of 9{aladan the year of the <Divulgent". " All Tutting the deck, of many things aside, he mourning must endi", he saidafoud to himselfas the undertook the laborious tasf^ of spinning the great goldfeverreturnedtoconsumehim. Wyrm. Though smallfor a dragon Cyrothra^us was largefor his kind. It took,Ihor agooddays work,to Thor focused on his newly acquired wealth. s/(in the dragon, through which he endured the Looking at the mound of treasure he remembered the beginning stages of the dead dragons rotting corpse, smallwooden bo\. Tiding up thepurple enclosedbo% tie then fashioned andfitted the scales into armor. he had a strange chidgo through him. "Just this When he was done he started a fire, for night was cursed time of year", he thought to himself. Thor near. Interested in his 'Deck,of Many Things, Thor unwrapped the bo% and opened it. Ivory cards were startedto readabout the individualcards. '*Ihe Void; inside, "hmm, what be these?"Thorpulledone out of The consciousness of the person drawing this card is the end. The cardhaddesigns on one side andon the transportedto anotherplane."Thor thought about this other there was a star. "Odin's eye! This is a decl^of briefly, then continued reading, "Throne; drawer is manythings!" given a smallkeep and is likedby all', " Comet; the ne^tfoe encounteredby the drawer is easily defeated." Reaching yet again for his tome of magic he Thor put the book, away as weariness overtookhim looked up the dec^ of many things, there was a andhefellasleep. Thorslept uneasilyashe dreamptof description ofeach card. Thor readthe descriptionfor hisroc^yhomelandCimtar. the star, "The stargrants the. possessor an increase of any attribute desired"Thorlootedat the card, "I wish NEXTISSUE: to increase my strength,"he saidsilently. Suddenly the TRANSFIGURATIONPart2 dwarf went into spasms, dropping the card and ISSUE51998 NEWSWORTHY Information of Interest to Commodore Users TheInternet forCommodoreC64/128Users 3rd Edition: No SneezingAllowed TIFCU, or "The Internet for Commodore Users" as readers have dubbed the book, is nothing to be sneezed at. Encouraged by strong international sales VideoCam Services has updated the manual and published a third edition. The book, officially titled: "The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users" has been expanded with an additional chapter covering TCP/IP Connections. With recent hardware and software released for the Commodore computer, it's only a matter of time before TCP/IP software is available. The additional chapter explains the terminology and explores basic issues. When the software is available, readers will be ready to make use of it. As well, graphicsused throughoutthebookhave been updated andrevised. Topics coveredbyThe InternetforCommodore C64/128 Users 3rd Editionincludes: ♦Hardware Basics ♦Term& ModemBasics* InternetProviders ♦SigningUp ♦UNIXShell Basics ♦Email ♦TextEditors * Newsgroups ♦Telnet, Ping, Finger ♦FTPandArchie ♦WorldWideWeb ♦ Gopher ♦InternetRelayChat *AdvancedEmailTopics ♦YourEnvironment ♦DealingWithFiles ♦TCP/IPConnections ♦ Glossary ♦C= KeyEquivalents ♦ ProductsSourceList ♦ InternetResourceList Otherupdatesoradditions include: ♦Destermv3 ♦ Dialogue 128 ♦Newunzipsoftware ♦ File transferproblems ♦Commodore Mailinglists *Web basedEmail ♦IRCchannels * Web Browsing ♦Commodore FTPsites * GoDot(graphicsmanipulation) ♦CMD's SuperCPUs ♦ CMD's RAM ExpansionUnits ♦Commodore resources Orderingand ContactInformation: Shipping will begin on Tuesday, 28 July, 1998. The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users, 3rdEditionbyGaelyne R. GassonPublishedbyVideoCamServicesISBN: 0-9585837-0-6 Price perbook: Aust USA Canadian DM $36.95 $29.95 $39.80 $41.59 Shippingper book: | 1 1 1 Intl Express $15.00 $12.00 $16.20 $17.00 Airmail $11.50 $9.00 $12.50 $15.00 EconomyAirmail $ 9.00 $7.00 $10.00 $11.25 WithinAustralia $5.00 n/a n/a n/a VideoCam Services offers "The Internet for Commodore C64/128 Users" to bookstores, distributors and user groups at a discounted cost. To qualify for bulk pricing, five (5) or more books mustbeorderedand shipped tothesamepostal address. CPUMAGAZINE