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Cox-2 gene overexpression in ureteral stump urothelial carcinoma following nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma: a case report. PDF

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by  ChangWei-Pin
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Changetal.JournalofMedicalCaseReports2012,6:44 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/6/1/44 CASE REPORTS CASE REPORT Open Access Cox-2 gene overexpression in ureteral stump urothelial carcinoma following nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma: a case report Wei-Pin Chang1, Tsu-Ming Chien2, Yu-Shiuan Wang3, Siou-Jin Chiu3, Mei-Hui Lee4, Wei-Chiao Chang2,5, Yii-Her Chou4,6* and Ming-Feng Hou5 Abstract Introduction: A primary ureteral stump tumor after a nephrectomy is rare; urothelial carcinoma of the ureteral stump after a nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma is even rarer. A thorough review of the literature indicated that only seven cases have previously been reported. In this study, we report the first Taiwanese case of urothelial carcinoma of the ureteral stump after a nephrectomy. It is also the first female case in the literature. The relationship between inflammatory genes, medication history and ureteral stump carcinoma after a nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma has not been reported. Case presentation: A 72-year-old Asian Taiwanese women with chronic hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis and chronic kidney disease underwent a hand-assisted laparoscopic radical nephrectomy in 2001 due to renal cell carcinoma. Nine years later, she was diagnosed with ureteral stump urothelial carcinoma. Genetic and medication surveys were performed. Importantly, our patient had taken Chinese herbal drugs for more than 10 years and the inflammatory gene, Cox-2, was highly expressed in this patient. This is the first report to study the relationship between the Cox-2 gene and ureteral stump carcinoma after a nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma. Conclusion: Long-term multiple use of Chinese herbal drugs could be one of the important risk factors for developing urothelial cancer. Close functional coupling between Chinese herbal drugs, Cox-2 gene activation and urothelial cancer should be further investigated. Introduction Prostaglandins are important inflammatory molecules The incidence of urothelial carcinoma in the ureter is involved in the pathogenesis of cancer. Prostaglandins rare, accounting for less than 5% of all urothelial neo- canbemetabolizedfromarachidonicacidbythecycloox- plasms. It often occurs in the lower third of the ureter ygenases1(Cox-1)andcyclooxygenases2(Cox-2).Cox-1 and the recurrence rate is relatively high [1]. A primary is a constitutive enzyme whereas Cox-2 is an inducible tumor of the ureteral stump after a nephrectomy is enzyme that is activated by extracellular stimulations infrequently observed. Moreover, a primary tumor of includingcytokines[9],growthfactors[10]andendotox- the ureteral stump after a nephrectomy for a renal cell ins [11]. Several lines of evidence indicate that Cox-2 is carcinoma (RCC) is extremely rare. A thorough review one of the most critical enzymes in tumor metastasis. of the literature indicated that only seven cases have Cox-2 overexpression may lead to the cancer cell inva- previously been reported of ureteral stump carcinoma siveness of human breast cancer cells [12]. Clinical stu- after a nephrectomy for an RCC [2-8]. This eighth dies have extensively documented thatCox-2inhibitors, observed case is the first reported case in Taiwan. suchasnonsteroidalanti-inflammatorydrugs,canreduce theincidenceofcoloncancer[13]. Tothebestofourknowledge,therelationshipbetween inflammatory genes, medication history and ureteral *Correspondence:[email protected] stump carcinoma after a nephrectomy for an RCC has 4DepartmentofUrology,KaohsiungMedicalUniversityHospital,Taiwan notbeenreported.Wethereforeconductedaprospective Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2012Changetal;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommons AttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductionin anymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Changetal.JournalofMedicalCaseReports2012,6:44 Page2of6 http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/6/1/44 study to identify the potential risk factor in the first subsided spontaneously. Cystoscopy revealed whitish reported case of ureteral stump carcinoma after a debris coating the left ureter orifice; no gross bladder nephrectomyforanRCCinTaiwan. tumor was seen. A ureter catheter could not be inserted into her left ureter due to a ureterovesical junction stric- Case presentation ture. Thus, retrograde pyelography with a cone tip uret- A72-year-oldAsianTaiwanesewomanwithintermittent, eral catheter was tried, but also failed. However, CT painless,totalgrosshematuriavisitedtheDepartmentof scans showed a prominent soft tissue mass at the ure- Urologyofourhospitalin2010.Shehadbeendiagnosed terovesical junction. The middle and lower third parts withchronichepatitisCandstageIIIchronickidneydis- of her residual left ureter were dilated (Figure 2). easefor10yearsandhasregularfollow-up.In2001(nine According to the imaging, a urothelial carcinoma of the years ago), a routine ultrasound examination showed a ureter stump was highly suspected. Therefore, a uretero- leftrenaltumor.Computedtomography(CT)confirmed scopic examination and biopsy was performed using a the diagnosis(Figure 1).Shethen was transferredtoour fiberoptic rigid ureteroscope. We tried to use a guide- Department of Urology and underwent a hand-assisted wire to pass the ureteral orifice cystoscopically but the laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. The pathological guidewire could only be progressed for less than 1 cm. reports revealed an RCC of stage T1N1M0, which cov- The ureteroscope was therefore inserted without intra- eredthecortexandmedullawithcentralareasofnecro- mural dilatation of the ureterovesical junction and it sis and hemorrhage, measuring 11.0 cm × 7.0 cm × was only possible to examine the ureter up to less than 4.0 cm. The calyx segment of the collecting system was 1 cm from the ureterovesical junction. The biopsy was alsoincluded.Her ureter wasnotdilatedanditsmucosa thus taken from the lower ureter where it is close to the was not remarkable. Fortunately, her ureter was free ureterovesical junction. The pathological report showed from cancer tissues. After the operation, she received a high-grade infiltrating urothelial carcinoma. The regularfollow-up. tumor invaded the subepithelial connective tissue At the beginning of 2010, nine years later, our patient (lamina propria) and the pathologic staging of the pri- had one episode of gross hematuria. The results of mary tumor was T1. A radical operation (ureterectomy examinations such as urine cytology and cystoscopy with ipsilateral bladder cuff excision or a cystectomy) or were normal. A CT scan showed two renal stones in her systemic chemotherapy were suggested. Without family right kidney without other abnormalities. The hematuria support, our patient had been in a depressed state for a subsided spontaneously. Two months later, another epi- long time. With consideration of the multiple coexisting sode of gross hematuria occurred. This time, clot forma- systemic diseases, such as liver cirrhosis, chronic kidney tion was noted in her urine. Once again, the symptoms disease, gallbladder stones, facial palsy, hypertension and Figure1Axialviewofcontrast-enhancedcomputedtomographyscansrevealingaleftrenaltumor. Changetal.JournalofMedicalCaseReports2012,6:44 Page3of6 http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/6/1/44 Figure2Coronalviewofcomputedtomographyscansrevealingaprominentsofttissueattheleftureterovesicaljunction.Themiddle andlowerthirdpartsofherresidualureterweredilated. recurrent urinary tract infection, our patient refused influence inflammatory reactions. We therefore com- both treatment options. She asked for supportive treat- paredgeneexpressionlevelofCox-2betweenthispatient ment only. andpatientswithcalciumnephrolithiasis.Real-timepoly- To further identify the possible risk factors contribut- merase chain reactionexperimentsindicatedthata high ingtotheurothelialcarcinomaoftheureteralstump,we level of expression of the Cox-2 gene was seen in our checkedthemedicationhistoryofourpatient.Asshown patient with the urothelial carcinoma of the ureteral in Table 1, our patient had taken several different kinds stump(Figure3). of drugs for more than 10 years. These were cephalos- porin, nitroxoline, sulfonamide, levofloxacin for urinary Discussion tract infection, atenolol, amlodipine, solantin for hyper- An RCC is a common renal parenchymal malignant tension,atorvastatinforhyperlipidemia,ursodeoxycholic tumor. RCCs originate from the proximal renal tubular acidforlivercirrhosisandChineseherbaldrugsformul- epithelium in therenalcortex.Urothelialcarcinoma isa tiple somatic complaints. Importantly, although our commoncanceroftheurinarybladder.Itmayalsooccur patienthadtakenChineseherbaldrugsformorethan10 in the collecting system of the upper urinary tract, such years, the compositions of these drugs remain unclear. as the renal pelvis and ureter. The causes of RCCs are Long-term multiple use of Chinese herbal drugs may unknown; environmental exposure to asbestos, solvents Changetal.JournalofMedicalCaseReports2012,6:44 Page4of6 http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/6/1/44 Table 1Medication history andthe possible sideeffects Drug Disease/disturbance Sideeffect Cefradine Urinarytractinfection Hypersensitivity,elevatedliverenzyme,diarrhea Nitroxoline Urinarytractinfection Gastrointestinalintolerance,urinecoloration Sulfonamide Urinarytractinfection Hypersensitivity,folicaciddeficiency,hematologicalabnormality Levofloxacin Urinarytractinfection Diarrhea,tendinitis,seizureneuropathy,elevatedliverenzyme Atenolol Hypertension Bradycardia,cough,Raynaud’ssyndrome Amlodipine Hypertension Flush,tachycardia,edema Solantin Thromboembolism Dizziness,abdomendistress,angina,headache Ursodeoxycholicacid Livercirrhosis Gastrointestinaldisturbance Atorvastatin Hyperlipidemia Gastrointestinaldisturbance,elevatedliverenzyme,myopathy,neuropathy Chineseherbdrugs Multiplesomaticcomplaints Unknown andcadmium, smoking and genetic mutation have been A primary ureteral stump tumor can be defined as a implicated.Thecausesofurothelialcancerincludesmok- tumor occurring in the closed ureteral stump after a ing and occupational exposure to chemicals, dyes, rub- nephrectomy for either benign or malignant disease bers, petroleum, leathers and printing materials; people other than a urothelial tumor. Clinically, both diagnoses who are exposed to these for a long time are a high-risk and treatments for a ureteral stump tumor are still elu- groupfordevelopingurothelialcancers.Geneticchanges sive. Furthermore, a primary urothelial carcinoma of the mayalsooccurthroughouttheurothelium. ureteral stump after a nephrectomy for an RCC is n o 2.0 i s s e r p x e 1.5 A N R m 2 - X 1.0 O C e v i t a l 0.5 e R 0.0 Patients` No. 1 2 3 Figure3TheCox-2geneexpressionlevelwascheckedinpatientswithcalciumnephrolithiasis(patients1and2)orwithaurothelial carcinomaoftheureteralstump(patient3). Changetal.JournalofMedicalCaseReports2012,6:44 Page5of6 http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/6/1/44 extremely rare. Only seven cases were reported in the beassociatedwiththepathogenesisoftheprimaryureteral literature (Table 2). Our case is the first case in Taiwan stumptumor.TheCox-2genecanbeevokedbyavariety and is the first female case in the literature. ofchemicalcompounds,includingalkaloids,polysacchar- In the reported cases, the mean interval between the ides and heavy metals. Chinese herbal drugs contain a nephrectomy and detection of the ureteral stump large amount of alkaloids, polysaccharides and heavy tumor was 7.1 ± 7.0 years, ranging from 0.9 years to 23 metals.Long-termuseofChineseherbaldrugsmayresult years. In a report by Kim et al., the interval between inphysiologicaldysfunction.AnotherpostulationbyKlee the detection of a ureteral stump tumor and the and colleagues [5] was that a prior bladder carcinoma nephrectomy for benign renal disease was 76.5 months could make reflux implantation into the ureteral stump [14]. Although the etiology of a ureteral stump tumor more likely, even though no significant vesicoureteral remains to be seen, metaplastic changes caused by reflux was noted. In other words, a history of previous chronic inflammation due to infection or stone irrita- cancerelsewhere intheurinarytractwasthoughttobea tion, malignant metamorphosis caused by leukoplakia high risk factor for ureteral stump cancer. Unlike the [15], exposure to carcinogenic substances, a high risk assumption proposedbyKleeandcolleges, thepatientin of genetic cancer susceptibility and several others fac- ourcasehadnohistoryofbladdercancer,butherureteral tors are very likely to be associated with this rare dis- stumphadpossibly beenexposedtourinary carcinogens ease. Chronic inflammation is often related to formorethan10yearsbecauseofvesicoureteralreflux. squamous cell metaplasia resulting in squamous cell carcinoma [16]. After a nephrectomy, the ureteral Conclusions stump is no longer exposed to the chemical carcino- Urothelial carcinoma of the ureteral stump after a gens which are present in the urine; resulting in a low nephrectomy for an RCC is rare. A ureteral excision possibility of developing cancer from a urinary carcino- made duringa nephrectomy shouldbe aslarge aspossi- gen. Genetic hypersensitivity, mutation or pharmacolo- ble for benign disease or a non-urothelial tumor. If the gical carcinogenetic effects provide other possibilities ureter is left after the nephrectomy, the ureteral stump for cancer development. Our patient had experienced should be evaluated and followed-up carefully. Long- chronic recurrent urinary tract infection, with episodes term multiple use of Chinese herbal drugs could be one occurring three to four times every year. Several of the important risk factors for developing urothelial reports have indicated the correlation between Chinese cancer. Close functional coupling between Chinese her- herbal drugs and urothelial carcinoma [17-20]. A bal drugs, Cox-2 gene activation and urothelial cancer patient with liver cirrhosis, such as ours, may have a shouldbefurtherinvestigated. reduced ability to metabolize herbal drugs due to damage to the liver. Therefore, the side effects of Chi- Consent nese herbal drugs may be amplified and accumulate. Oral and written informed consent was obtained from In addition to chemical carcinogenesis from Chinese the patient and her next-of-kin for publication of this herbaldrugs,geneticeffectsmightcontributetomalignant case report and any accompanying images. A copy of tumors.Cox-2polymorphismhasbeenshowntobeapre- the written consent is available for review by the Editor- dictive marker of survival in non-small cell lung cancer in-Chief of this journal. patientstreated with chemoradiotherapyorradiotherapy [19,21,22]. Our results, consistent with previous reports, indicatedthat a highlevel ofCox-2 gene expression may Acknowledgements ThisstudywassupportedbyfundingfromanExcellenceforCancer ResearchCentergrant,DepartmentofHealth,ExecutiveYuan,Taiwan,R.O.C. (DOH101-TD-C-111-002). Table 2Patient data foraureteral stumptumor after a Authordetails nephrectomy forarenal cellcarcinoma 1DepartmentofHealthcareManagement,YuanpeiUniversity,HsinChu, Case Age Sex Interval Side Reference Taiwan.2SchoolofPost-baccalaureateMedicine,KaohsiungMedical (years) University,Taiwan.3DepartmentofMedicalGenetics,KaohsiungMedical University,Taiwan.4DepartmentofUrology,KaohsiungMedicalUniversity 1 75 M Twoandahalf Right [4] Hospital,Taiwan.5Cancercenter,KaohsiungMedicalUniversityHospital, 2 62 M Twoandahalf Right [5] Kaohsiung,Taiwan.6DepartmentofUrology,KaohsiungMedicalUniversity, 3 70 M Seven Right [3] Taiwan. 4 49 M 23 Left [2] Authors’contributions 5 88 M Six Left [6] WPCdraftedthearticle.WPC,TMCandYSWanalyzedandinterpretedthe 6 64 M Six Right [8] patientdata.MHLphotographedandinterpretedthepathologicfindings. 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