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The Cowbridge & Llantwit Major BEST PRICE JANUARY MOTs SALE ‘Your UP TO priceless 60% OFF P E A K weekly T&C’s APPLY PERFORMANCE newspaper’ Esta1b9l8i3shed www.mpnV.wisinidt ows.com Phone/Text 01446 775775 07976 640959 WWeeeekkllyy aauuddiitteedd ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ((5511 wweeeekkss)) ttoo 3311//1122//1188 -- 4455,,330088 www.glamorgan-gem.co.uk THURSDAY JANUARY 16TH, 2020 ((GGEEMM SSeerriieess)).. AAuuddiitteedd bbyy DDaavviidd PPiinnddeerr && CCoo LLttdd.. CChhaarrtteerreedd AAccccoouunnttaannttss.. Postcard sent from war camp 103 years Fears expressed that council could lose ago is finally delivered - page five £1.2m - page four Inquiry into Tory MP Work starts on £634k was ‘a sham’ says rape village hall project victim AN investigation launched to find out in last December’s election, left his job in Boris whether Vale MP Alun Cairns knew Johnson’s cabinet and a ministerial investigation about his former aide’s role in collapsing was launched with the findings, revealed after the a rape trial has been branded a “sham” election, clearing him of wrongdoing. The rape victim, who cannot be named for legal by the victim. reasons, told Victoria Derbyshire’s BBC show Ross England, who used to work for Mr Cairns, this week that the investigator made no attempt to caused the trial, held in April 2018, to crumble after speak to her. making claims about the rape victim’s sexual his- tory – despite an agreement it was not admissible. She said: “The whole thing feels like a sham. Mr Cairns, who quit his job as Secretary of State What kind of investigation doesn’t contact the for Wales amid the rape trial row, denied knowing person who is most affected?” about Mr England’s role in sabotaging the case “It makes me question how seriously it was actu- until the story broke late last year. ally carried out. This was a deflection until after the But BBC journalists unearthed an email sent to general election, not a genuine investigation into Mr Cairns in August 2018 – four months before Alun’s truthfulness.” Mr England was selected to contest the Vale of Story Glamorgan assembly seat – about the trial collapse. continued on page three Mr Cairns, who was re-elected as the Vale’s MP See the full story and more photos on page six. • Consultant level Dental Surgeon • Realistic pricing • Interest free credit • Simple and complex cases undertaken THINKING OF SECURING YOUR PROPERTY? We are currently offering FREE consultations PREMIUM CCTV HAVE THE ANSWER Call 01446 795240 today. AFFORDABLE PACKAGES TO SUIT ALL BUDGETS FROM £299 Competitive Prices, we will beat any quote like for like FREE Quotes, Discounts for OAPs and people who feel they are at risk Family run with over 15 years of experience All installations are guaranteed PLEASE CALL US TODAY Dental implant services provided by a Consultant led team. TEL: 01656 710890 | MOBILE: 07464 366095 * Loans subject to status, terms & conditions apply, 0% APR representative. Authorised and regulated by Financial Conduct Authority. T&C's apply 2 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 16th, 2020 Climate change goes SO the Labour-led Vale Council has decided to more of the same? I did not vote in favour of a merger We hope we will soon be celebrating an import- ramp up oRur counecil taax by ad furtheer 4.5r pers’w ith LCardiffe becautse I tknowe this rwoulds be a backward and landmark legislative change, one which finally back longer than caelrneta. dTyh sistr uisg ag lbinitgte arn bdl owwil lt op itlheo mseo wreh foi naarnecial sVtaelpe .and a takeover for the people of Barry and the makes a clear statement about children’s right to hardship on to families. It is about standing up for what I feel is best for the protection. IyoRc lEeu Aab Dot uwht icthlii mninatteker ecshta Gngrea hina mla sVt owdedeekn’s’ sG aErMti- yatiremeaLS erpo asar•.sme t 4p Leay.a 5Peeptr eate pldtrGoee,e prtwalr olacrse eset e m abanehsxetna e, lok dudirie nrsv eave cg eteer4-o7 mea.p tt8athhEnhsa epeeey iL e al Gwhorsrn ii osuhcElMgtweir,hrc MnUee ht terv l S tic eeimnoTLslnetc teatrtiiaoennrdde lai mcyitrls,thl ee ssuGeea rha sdgdloBenrlee w dia lt Rtweo ystiout hiogItttgihrEuhes heiHrrFya sFol. a@UWutuaCBnLgsherpoaLedlee r udaa or ,a nLyoa amud 5 anRIrdNdbdn 3oicdrO dcoaor eheuTr Eupas‘gr eGrsen-aaadnl,scrc e snedcBsicdaletoe -e t ngttngeVrpatthra,teitax naCV let ma,ecbaeamn tlryC,e .do t c iC anoeofto flfuyoofe ’.nGu mpuww:cr lhtTkoaiihbtlomuh herhn sorlaeiee rmd4sgs ns Ea.gda 5nuoedei fmlpCc . iaeiCotbd rusoeF eancrrdy7ce., initlW1so.tS . ne rOToathm iitsp. powufifAtle l rsiibt n:e ag “ hCBdahipafripflneidearrerre,dn noth ’ewspa ailCltrlhe yinbemtrei,nr ugbb eepsttttrteeraarrc ttebiptgeriioohentaseve,c ret tdehsd euc chabcinliedndnrc eetbflniyyt. and I am of a similar opinion. Cardiff. Well, my thought on this is do we really want is a bitter blow to those who are already That benefit will be passed on to the next genera- Looking back over 100 years or so, there were Abolition of Barry responsibilities for everything including utilities. tion.” hundreds of factories churning out smoke etc, from I know people were not happy with the sugges- Who of us would not want that? cehxiaTmmhnepenlye .cs,a mnoet tohnel yS ethciosn cdo Wunotrryld b Wut airn –th eev UenS Am oforer Town Council? t‘iroeWntu trhhnaa tot ftw hSeeo Vunteahel edG aliansmd roCeraaglra dnrie.f’ffo wrmou, lwd ibthe mcoemrgmedu ninit ya Sarah BCarranwalredyo, ’Ds iCreycmtorru, industrial output with thousands of tanks, aircraft IR EAD with interest Karl James Langford’s councils given more power and responsibility, per- and all the fuel used up by them over five years of view on Barry Town Council and its insig- haps with a smaller membership and real control MP was not ‘top’ war. There were the thousands of warplanes in the nificance, and why it and its sister councils over planning and local transport provision. People sky day and night, plus all the fuel used up every day (perhaps with the exception of Llantwit Major need to get off their backsides and get involved in Secretary of State by tanks and military vehicles. Town Council) should be abolished. running their own communities, instead of writing People sat in houses, many large ones heated with Perhaps it’s not the town or community councils whining letters to the newspapers. coal fires. that should go, but the Vale of Glamorgan – you In the 1950s, car ownership came a reality for could easily find good reason to get rid of it. IWRITE in response to Mr Peter Gra- thousands, especially the US with big V8 engines Poor planning, incinerators, projects that go on Michael Alan Cridland, St Athan ham-Woolard’s letter in The GEM (Janu- all on leaded petrol. forever, Boverton culvert, public transport – I could ary 9) and in particular, his claims that Mr Grateful thanks to I can remember Mum and Dad taking us on holi- go on. Cairns was not only a ‘top Secretary of State for day in the 1950s in large queues going down to the The problem with community councils as they Wales’ but also ‘one of the country’s and con- West Country, all vehicles on leaded petrol. are now is that they have too few powers compared those who helped stituency’s very best of MPs’. We can do our bit, but I think it’s a global change to some places that I have lived in, such as Dodge Other than the fact that the ‘top’ Secretary of State that is taking place. Anthony Atkins, Sully. CCiittyy,’ s wcohmichm ihssaiso na hpaso pau lmateimonb eorsf hi2p6 ,o0f0 0fi.v eD, owdigthe IWp eIoSpHle, wthhroo ucagmh ey otou rm pya apiedr ,o tno Dthecaenmk baelrl t1h9e, appears not to read important emails, I would point to his car crash interview with the Radio 4 ‘Today’ when I was knocked down by a car on Colcot Road. programme on July 31 last year when he was not Unfortunately, I was too stressed to notice those only factually incorrect about Japanese trade deals who were around me and were sheltering me from but didn’t have a clue about future trade deals. heavy rain until the ambulance arrived, I know that I’d expect rather better from a Government Min- two paramedics were among the first to help me, ister and certainly from one of the ‘very best of followed by several passers by. MPs’. People have very short memories, this is the I’m afraid I didn’t know any of them, apart from man who called Italians ‘greasy wops’ on live radio my neighbour – who was also of great help – so would you kindly print a big thank you from me. in 2008 and subsequently resigned as education Fortunately, the accident left me with only cuts spokesman. and bruises. Of course, your ‘independent’ newspaper announ- Mrs Susan O’Keeffe, Barry. ces a monthly column from Mr Cairns complete with splendid ‘GEM’ house colour blue framing. Barnardo’s view on You’d be forgiven for thinking you were reading the Conservative party’s in-house publication, com- Looking to recruit ... then smacking legislation plete with horses and hounds, lots of farming news and articles celebrating the amount of subsidies OUR Assembly Members will soon have the that the loyal, traditionally Conservative-supporting look no further than your chance to change the law to protect chil- community has secured from the Government. dren from physical punishment, improve Stephen Jenkins, lives and bring Wales into line with 52 other free weekly newspaper. countries. Llantwit Major Following decades of cross sector campaigning we at Barnardo’s Cymru warmly anticipate that GEM NOTE: The fact that the Labour Vale AM Jane AMs will vote to pass the Children (Ending the Hutt also has a monthly column, with a red border, Defence of Reasonable Punishment) (Wales) Bill on For the month of Tuesday, January 28. seems to have escaped Mr Jenkins’ attention. GEM It would see Wales following Scotland in bringing readers may also be surprised by his contention that an end to an outdated and unhelpful legal loophole a publication containing farming news must there- which has denied our children the same right to pro- fore be Conservative. We will continue carrying January only tection from assault as adults have. Children’s rights have been enshrined in law in news from both the rural and urban areas of the Vale. Wales for almost two decades and our culture of family life and parenting is one where positive par- HIGH TIDE TIMES 25% enting approaches are preferred. In 2016, a survey The high tides listed in this week’s Gem are those found that 76% of Welsh parents had not smacked in Porthcawl. It should be remembered that along OFF ALL their children in the previous six months. the coast, high tides times will vary. For instance, in Positive parenting works in guiding and managing Barry the high point will be 20-25 minutes later. children’s behaviour, while strengthening rather JANUARY 23 RECRUITMENT BOOKINGS. thaInn ucnoduenrtmriiensi nwgh fearme ileyq urealla tpiorontsehcitpiosn. has already Date Time Height been introduced it has not been uncommon for (metres) there to be concerns, including the potential crim- 16/01/2020 10.32 9.7 inalisation of parents, but the fears have proved to 16/01/2020 22.57 9.1 Call Sue on 01446 774484 or be unfounded. This law will simply bring the right 17/01/2020 11.22 9.0 17/01/2020 23.54 8.7 to protection from assault in line with that which 18/01/2020 email [email protected] aduTlhtse ecnhjaonyg.e will need to be communicated effect- 1189//0011//22002200 1020..2517 88..64 ively and there must be support in place for those 19/01/2020 13.29 8.3 parents who need it. Both will be addressed under 20/01/2020 02.11 8.2 this Bill. 20/01/2020 14.45 8.2 21/01/2020 03.24 8.2 21/01/2020 15.57 8.4 TThhee GGllaammoorrggaann GGEEMM • Contact us... 22/01/2020 04.31 8.6 22/01/2020 16.56 8.7 23/01/2020 05.24 8.9 23/01/2020 17.49 9.0 Tel: 01446 774484 • Fax: 01446 774108 While the Gem makes every effort to check the accuracy of tide tables, we recommend that anyone putting out to FACEBOOK: GlamorganGEM / TWITTER: gem_news • GEMSportNews sea, or walking in an area where they could be cut off, should check with a tide table specific to their location. Team Leader: [email protected] News Submissions: [email protected] Weabidebythecodeofpracticeupheldbythe IndependentPressStandardsOrganisation Editorial Enquiries: [email protected] / TWITTER@philipGlamGEM 07891 690785 (IPSO).Thiscontains provisions for issues such as accuracy. Sam Hall [email protected] / 07891 690798 Ifyouhaveacomplaint,writetousattheaddress Advertising/Classified/Notices: [email protected] below,left,orcallPhilip Irwinon01446 774484. Allcomplaintswillbefullyinvestigated. Distribution: [email protected] If youarenotsatisfiedwiththeoutcome,youmay wishtocontactIPSO,GateHouse, Sales Manager: [email protected] •Sales:[email protected] 1Farringdon Street,LondonEC4M7LG www.glamorgan-gem.co.uk Published by: Glamorgan GEM Ltd., Graig House, 53 Eastgate, WebsiteE:-Mwawilw:c.iopmsop.claoi.nutks.@Teipl:s0o3.c0o0.u1k2.32220. Cowbridge. CF71 7EL. Printed by TMP Birmingham. Enquiries:[email protected]. Thursday January 16th, 2020 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 3 Rape victim subjected to ‘campaign of hatred’ from Tory party Continued from page one “I ran downstairs and told a friend.” She alleged that Ms Kelloway, on the night of THE rape victim added: “I would’ve the rape, shouted at police that she was making hoped Alun would’ve used the inquiry it up. The victim explained: “That just set the tone as an opportunity to be honest, and it for the next two years. It felt like a complete is regretful that he did not. smear campaign. “Fortunately nobody with an ounce of com- “My life was made absolutely miserable. mon sense believes this ludicrous claim that he “They were trying to spread it about that I did not know.” had slept with certain people and therefore I Sir Alex Allan, the Prime Minister’s inde- must have deserved what happened, I must have pendent adviser who carried out the investiga- asked for it.” tion, said in his report that Mr Cairns hadn’t Ms Kelloway, a Tory councillor in Cardiff, breached the ministerial code, but deemed it denied any “wrongdoing whatsoever” in media “unlikely” that the MP was not told about Mr reports. England’s role. Hackett was jailed for five years at a later trial The victim, who worked for Mr Cairns, and Mr England was suspended as the party’s claimed she was subjected to a “campaign of candidate for the Vale. hatred” from members of the Tory party after Mr Cairns said: “The Inquiry was led by reporting the rape to police. cabinet office lawyers and a former permanent Do you have And she claimed Mr Cairns told her she was secretary to the Treasury, having been one of the being “a bit harsh” in pursuing the rape case UK’s most senior and respected civil servants. an opinion? against attacker James Hackett, who was Mr “I am extremely sorry for the trauma and England’s friend. suffering the victim has faced. Rape is a heinous Send us your She said: “The Conservative Party has a lot crime. of work to do to make it a safe environment for “I believed that my parliamentary staff and I young women to work in. I am not saying it’s an had supported her in a caring and compassionate letters old boys’ club, it’s a boys’ club. As long as you way throughout. The victim acknowledged this are male, you’ll be fine.” in messages received at the time.” The victim was raped as she slept at a house A Welsh Conservative spokesperson said: party hosted by Mr England and his girlfriend “We are deeply sorry for the circumstances Kathryn Kelloway. surrounding the collapse of the trial and the deep ABOVE: Vale of Glamorgan MP Alun Cairns. “I went to bed, not thinking anything of it, but distress this must have caused the victim, her when I woke up I was being attacked. I thought family and friends. LEFT: Mr Cairns’ former I could just let this happen, but then something “Mr England has been suspended and a full aide Ross England. kicked in and I managed to fight him off. investigation is under way.” FED UP WITH WAITING FOR ADVICE AGENCY APPOINTMENTS? I haven’t got the Now open 6 days a week time to wait for an Monday - Thursday 5pm - 11pm appointment Friday & Saturday 12 - 2pm & 5pm - 11.30pm Closed Sundays Enjoy a Romantic Evening There is no need, just drop in to our Bookings now being taken for Thursday legal surgery VALENTINE’S between 2pm - 4pm Indian Marigold, The Tumble, St Nicholas, Cardiff CF5 6SA FREE, totally no selling of our services, 02921 321 091 just us helping you with any property, www.indianmarigoldonline.com housing, neighbour or contract dispute. One appointment per person No 1 in Wales for Trust Pilot 01446 700693 www.newboldsolicitors.com 4 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 16th, 2020 Church’s support for Councillor warns local homelessness charity authority could lose £1.2m PLAID Cymru Councillor is that the council will not get six Universal Credit payments to be Ian Johnson has warned per cent of council house rent made directly to the Council to that the Vale of Glamorgan payments, so they have made cover rent costs. provision of £1.2m for bad debts. “All tenants moving onto Council could lose £1.2m “This is money that will have Universal Credit are contacted this year due to the roll to be found elsewhere within the by a member of the Council’s out of Universal Credit in budget – and comes as a direct Income team and given extra the county, as thousands of result of the mess made by the information and advice about the claimants go into council Tory Government of Universal benefit. They may also receive rent debt. Credit. assistance to open bank accounts “The average debt of a resident or get online. Last year there was a substan- on Universal Credit is £498 while “So far this year, the Council’s tial increase in council rent arrears a resident on existing benefits Housing Team has been able to rising by nearly £140,000 to just is only £147. I have asked the secure over £120,000 of addi- more than £350,000. Vale Council to confirm that they tional income for tenants by However, with Universal Credit will not make evictions due to helping them backdate claims, being rolled out across the county non-payment of council rent as a ensuring the correct benefits are in the new year, the Vale Council EVERY year at its ‘Carols They don’t just provide a hot meal, the Cowbridge shop and Julie result of Universal Credit.” being received, by assisting with is anticipating a far bigger rise in by Candlelight’ service, or a bed for the night. Instead, Raikes, the chair of the trustees A Vale of Glamorgan Council appeals and helping secure the council rent bad debts, to more Cowbridge United Free they offer a home for as long as it in Bridgend. spokesperson said: “To cope with best tariffs for utilities. than £1.2m in 2020/21. Church (CUFC) nominates iosf nteheed esdo,c wiaol rekn etxerpperriiseensc, ef iunn odnede It is wonderful to be able to Cllr Johnson said: “New tUhne ivsherifsta lf rComre dwite, ekwlhyi cbhe niesfi tpsa tido Co“uTnhcoilu rgehn ti ta rirse aarns twiciilpla itnecdr etahsaet a local charity and then training opportunities and the support an organisation that not Universal Credit claimants have monthly in arrears, tenants can as more tenants migrate to adds to that collection the chance for the formerly homeless only works with homelessness to wait five weeks for their first claim an advance payment. This Universal Credit, provision has whole of the Christmas people they support to regroup but further facilitates rehabilita- payments, and most people don’t is then deducted from benefit pay- been made for this within the Day collection. and get back on their feet. tion into work and offers training have five weeks of money to ments over the next 12 months, Housing Revenue Account busi- This year’s charity was On Sunday, December 12 in opportunities too. hand. That brings them into a helping to reduce the risk of ten- ness plan and evidence suggests Emmaus. It was a great privilege the United Church at our monthly If you have any time to spare, cycle of debt as they have to ants falling into debt. arrears will fall back to acceptable to welcome Companions and Pizza and Praise evening service, Emmaus would very much wel- choose priorities, and often have “Vulnerable tenants and those levels once tenants adjust to the members of the board to our carol it was a real pleasure to hand over service where Peter Knapp, one a cheque for £1,000 plus some come some volunteers for var- to use a foodbank to get by. One requiring additional support new system. of the trustees, spoke about the other donations. ious roles; please get in touch of the impacts of that is that are further protected from debt “Eviction is only ever consid- charity’s work and the Emmaus The service was attended with them by popping into the council rent arrears are expected through the direct payments sys- ered as a very last resort for rent House in Bridgend. by Peter, two Companions (as Cowbridge shop or by emailing to increase quickly. tem. Currently around 15 per cent arrears after a range of support, Emmaus South Wales is not the community members are [email protected] “Estimates for the new financial of tenants have this system in including the measures listed like other homelessness charities. called), Teresa the manager of Rev Heather Weddell year’s Housing Revenue Account place, which allows a portion of above, have proved unsuccessful.” CYNGOR BRO MORGANNWG THE VALE OF GLAMORGAN COUNCIL Free food B4265 (RHAN) ABEROGWR A SOUTHERNDOWN B4265 (PART) OGMORE BY SEA AND GORCHYMYN CYFYNGIAD CYFLYMDER 30MYA A SOUTHERNDOWN 40MYA (DIWYGIAD) 30 MPH AND 40MPH SPEED RESTRICTION distribution 1. Hysbysir drwy hyn fod Cyngor Bro Morgannwg wrth arfer ei bwerau (AMENDMENT) ORDER 2020 dan Adrannau 1, 2 a 84 Deddf Rheoleiddio Traffig Ffyrdd 1984 (fel 1. Notice is given that the Vale of Glamorgan Council in exercise of its y’i diwygiwyd) a’r holl bwerau galluogi eraill, yn bwriadu gwneud powers under Sections 1, 2 & 84 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act Gorchymyn a fydd yn gorfodi'r hyn a ddisgrifir yn yr Atodlenni isod. 1984 (as amended) and of all other enabling powers proposes to in Llantwit Gellir archwilio manylion llawn y cynigion, gan gynnwys y make an Order the general effect of which is as described in the Gorchymyn arfaethedig a’r Cynllun Rhif:T/19/94, yn y cyfeiriad a Schedules below. Full details of the proposals, to include a copy of nodir isod yn ystod oriau swyddfa arferol the proposed Order, and Plan No: T/19/94 may be inspected at the THE Wellbeing Café continues to serve 2. Rhaid cyflwyno unrhyw wrthwynebiad sydd gennych i'r cynnig i’r address shown below during normal office hours. C7 yCfahrwweyfdrodrw 2r0 A2m0 gay rlchhaeidd dn oad Ti shaaiil (eCicyhf: gIFw9rt0h1w) yynne ybsiagdri.f e nedig erbyn 2. tAhney D oibrejecctotiro onf yEonuv miroanym heanvte & to H tohuiss ipnrgo p(Roseaf:l ImF9u0st1 b) ein s wurbitminigtt ebdy t7ot h Llantwit Major every Wednesday at 3. Rhoddir gwybod i unrhyw un sy’n gwrthwynebu’r Gorchymyn February 2020 and must contain the grounds upon which you object. the CF61 Centre, Station Road, CF61 arfaethedig, yn unol â Deddf Llywodraeth Leol (Mynediad at 3. Persons objecting to the proposed Order are advised that in view of Wybodaeth) 1985, bod rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol ar y Cyngor hwn i the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 this Council 1ST from 1pm to 3.30pm, with everyone alluogi’r cyhoedd i archwilio unrhyw sylwadau a ddaw i law am y is legally obliged to make any comments received in response to the Gorchymyn a gynigir. proposed order open to public inspection. welcome. Insert into map schedule T6 U6 U5 Insert into map schedule T6 U6 U5 Diwygio’r Gorchymyn Rheoliadau Traffig canlynol. At the café, ReBUILD project volunteers will be Gorchymyn Cyngor Bro Morgannwg (Llwybr B4265 Aberogwr a Amend the following Traffic Regulations Order. Southerndown) The Vale of Glamorgan Council (Route B4265 Ogmore by Sea and distributing free food to local people from Filco, (Cyfyngiad Cyflymder 30mya a 40mya) 2002 Southerndown) (30mph & 40mph Speed Restriction) Order 2002 Diddymu’r paragraff canlynol dan Atodlen 2: Revoke th e following paragraph under Schedule 2: Co-op and Waitrose. ‘Ni fydd unrhyw berson yn achosi i unrhyw gerbyd deithio’n gynt na ‘No person shall cause any vehicle to travel at a speed greater than 40 A spokesperson said: “Come along with your 40mya ar Lwybr B4524. Aberogwr i Southerndown, o bwynt 30 metr i’r gogledd-dwyrain o’r mph on Route B4524 Ogmore by Sea to Southerndown from a point 230 carrier bag and help us to reduce end of day food gyffordd â metres north east of its junction with Sutton Road, Ogmore by Sea north Sutton Road, Aberogwr i’r gogledd-ddwyrain am tua 3700 metr eastwards for a distance of approximately 3700 metres (to run contiguous waste whilst getting some lovely food. (cedwir y cyfyngiad 30mya presennol)’ with existing 30mph restrictions)’ “The café will give you space to relax alone or Ei newid i’r paragraff canlynol: Replace w ith the following paragraph: ‘Ni fydd unrhyw berson yn achosi i unrhyw gerbyd deithio’n gynt na No person shall cause any vehicle to travel at a speed greater than 40 meet other people, whilst enjoying a free cuppa. 40mya ar Lwybr B4524. Aberogwr i Southerndown, o bwynt 230 metr i’r gogledd-dwyrain o’r mph on Route B4524 Ogmore by Sea to Southerndown from a point 230 Take part in learning a new craft or take part in a gyffordd â metres north east of its junction with Sutton Road, Ogmore by Sea north wellbeing bite-size workshop. A warm welcome Sutton Road, Aberogwr i’r gogledd-ddwyrain am tua 1570 metr O bwynt eastwards for a distance of approximately 1570 metres. 2400 metr From a point 2400 metres north east of its junction with Sutton Road, awaits you.” i’r gogledd-ddwyrain o’r gyffordd â Sutton Road, Aberogwr i’r gogledd- Ogmore by Sea north-eastwards for a distance of approximately 1570 dwyrain am tua 1570 metres (to run contiguous with existing 30mph restrictions). For more information on the ReBUILD Project, mYcehtrw (caendewgiur ’cr ypfyanraggiarda f3f 0cmaynaly pnroels nenenwoyld). d: Add the fo llowing new paragraph: telephone 01446 741706, or e-mail enquiries@gvs. ‘Ni fydd unrhyw berson yn achosi i unrhyw gerbyd deithio’n gynt na No person shall cause any vehicle to travel at a speed greater than 30 wales 30mya ar Lwybr B4524. mph on Route B4524 Ogmore by Sea to Southerndown from a point 1800 Aberogwr i Southerndown, o bwynt 1800 metr i’r gogledd-dwyrain o’r metres north east of its junction with Sutton Road, Ogmore by Sea north Send us your stories, gyffordd â eastwards for a distance of approximately 600 metres (to run contiguous Sutton Road, Aberogwr i’r gogledd-ddwyrain am tua 600 metr with existing 30mph restrictions). (cedwir y cyfyngiad 30mya presennol)’ photos, letters and CyfaDrwyyddddiewdri gy r1 A6 mIognyalcwhre 2d0d2 a0 .T hai Dated this 16th day of January 2020 Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, Director of Environment & Housing sports reports The Alps, Gwenfô CF5 6AA Vale of Glamorgan Council, The Alps, Wenvoe, CF5 6AA. Thursday January 16th, 2020 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 5 Prisoner of War’s postcard RNLI dash to rescue finally makes it home 103 trapped surfer years after being sent THE volunteer RNLI A POSTCARD sent by crew from Porthcawl Corporal Edward Lobb from launched the charity’s a Prisoner of War camp in Atlantic 85 lifeboat on Poland during World War One service for the first time has finally been delivered. this year on Wednesday Catherine Foulkes, the great grand- afternoon (January 8) daughter of the Penarth Council officer to rescue a surfer who who was the intended recipient of the had been swept around postcard, has acquired the correspond- a headland in a rip ence some 103 years after it was sent current. in 1917. Ms Foulkes’ great grandfather The volunteer crew were Jonathan Meazey worked for Penarth paged by UK Coastguard at Council and during World War One, 3.12pm and tasked to the inci- dent alongside the Llantwit with his wife Kitty, he organised food Major Coastguard team and clothing parcels for prisoners of and the Coastguard Rescue war in Germany and Poland. Helicopter. They sent one parcel with a pre- The surfer was trapped printed postcard inside to Corporal beneath cliffs and the Edward William Lobb, who had been Porthcawl inshore lifeboat, born in Penarth and grew up in Dock Rose Of The Shires, was Street, Cogan. launched after onlookers from Edward sent the post card back to the shore raised the alarm by Jonathan Meazey confirming that he dialing 999 and asking for the had received the parcel. Coastguard. The postcard never arrived, and it Chris Missen, helm of was only thanks to a former Penarth Porthcawl Lifeboat said: “As resident, Vilis Paul Kuksa, that it finally we headed to the location visi- came home. bility was fairly poor with a sea acdovnBetyarc titcsehedda nC caaest,h epVraiinrltie s. osfa wa tjhoeb ploost tcaanrdd fosoungr f.s ecHre noeaw ltmehveoe srct,r eawism wsmpeoe dtatieradrti evtlehyde, tzoo npeo, ssioti othna tt hthee lcifreebwo acto uinld tphuel ls tuhref Ttidhee rwe aws asst ilal ihnecaovmyi nsgw, emll eaanndin gth iet She put in a successful bid and so beneath the cliffs. surfer from the water. was time critical as the surfer was 103 years after being sent, the postcard “Once the surfer saw our “Once we got him safely onboard trapped beneath the cliffs. finally came home! lifeboat he re-entered the the surfer told us how he’d been “The RNLI has some great infor- to Mhasv eF obuelekne rse suanidit:e d“I wt’sit ha rtheaisl ppolesatcsaurrde wtharoteurg ahn dth seta rstuerdf .t oT phaed dcloen odui-t caarouugnhdt tihne ah eraipd lacnudrr.’ent and swept mation regarding rip currents and sent to my great grandfather over 100 tions were fairly challenging, Aileen Jones MBE, RNLI Deputy staying safe if surfing through the years ago. I would now like to show it with breaking waves of up Launch Authority said: “The crew winter months on its website: RNLI. to descendants of Edward Lobb. ABOVE: Catherine Foulkes with the postcard to two metres but I managed did a great job in difficult conditions. org.” “I know that he married Martha Courtney and they lived at 133 Plassey Street, Penarth. They had two children, the search has ended there. com or on 07817 583720. Open 7 Days Alexandra May, born in 1912, and “If anyone knows the “Bruce is researching the a Week William John, born in 1919. whereabouts of descendants or lives of over 40 Penarth men, for all your Du“gAmleoxrea nadnrda thmeayr raielsdo lAivlefrde din R13ay3 rCealathtievreins,e _pfloeauslke ecso@nmtacet. cmome oonr including Edward Lobb, who flnoeoerdinsg Plassey Street. Alexandra died in 2004 researcher Bruce Wallace at were PoWs in World War and William John Lobb died in 2001 so brucewallace.cowin@gmail. One”. Tried and Trusted, standing the Test of Fancy a cuppa with a copper? Time, Thoughtful and There for you. COME along to Gibbonsdown ‘Cuppa Officer at Llantwit Major Library on January 21 We supply and install all types of flooring with a Copper’ held every Monday morn- between 10.30am and 11.30am. ing at the Aberaeron HUB, Aberaeron Meet Your Local Officers at Buttrills PACT on COflGfiocisbee,b oCbnoesytdwcohweuenrcn h P 1RA0iCsaeTm, B aaatr nrtydh eo1 n2 RTpeumseids.deanyts, ’J aBnuoaarryd TRhoAuard sD,d Beaayafr, rPJyaA anCtu 6aTr. 3yo0 n2p 3mM a.otn Tdahye, CFievbircu Oarfyfi c2e4s ,b eHtwoletoenn cTiHlloCEro su nLcfaiolblroo rus’Br s uurtctgroeiurlylns-, Laminates aggnrivedae ts ucgphepanroierttyr o.thuissl ye vetont ; tahnids 21 at 10.30am. 6pm and 7.30pm at the Emergency Services Centre, Cadoc, Castleland and Carpets Big Screen Cowbridge Meet Your Local Barry Fire Station, Barry. Court wards will be holding their regular COWBRIDGE Big Wohna?t’s (cid:39)(cid:40)(cid:3)(cid:53)(cid:38)(cid:48)(cid:3)(cid:41)(cid:50)(cid:40)(cid:36)(cid:48)(cid:37)(cid:51)(cid:53)(cid:44)(cid:47)(cid:49)(cid:56)(cid:36)(cid:42)(cid:36)(cid:49)(cid:53)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:44)(cid:49)(cid:60)(cid:49)(cid:42) mo1n8oI. tn Swthailtllyu t raadkdeav ypi,cl aecJ seau n riunga etrrhyye WVionoydl StsBhpcriroisten iessnshoe’ rsae Fsdnoil enmx t biIsfiyn l smbtie ttiufnhotgere Small Community Room, Flooring Barry Library, Kings who are keen to pro- L L A N T W I T Square from 10am until mote the musical in Major Town Mayor 11am. No appointment Luxury film. has several events necessary. Vinyl Tiles We have chosen the lined up for 2020, award winning musical (10 the first being the Iron Horse Vintage run • Free measuring service Oscars) West Side Story annual Youth (cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:8) • Home selection of 1961 to be shown on Music concert in St (cid:3) THE Glamorgan • Uplift & removal of old flooring Thursday, January 23 at Illtud’s Church on (cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:90)(cid:76)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:86) Iron Horse Vintage • Move furniture 7.30pm in the Town Hall. Saturday, February (cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:71)(cid:89)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:87) Society (GIHVS) is WE ARE HERE This is the classic story 1 at 6.30pm. organising a tractor of rival New York gangs This year’s pro- (cid:42)(cid:76)(cid:73)(cid:87)(cid:3) run from Tondu to the Sharks and the Jets gramme includes Major Porthcawl on Sunday, set to music by Leonard Music, Llantwit Major (cid:20)(cid:3)(cid:37)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:78)(cid:3)(cid:43)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:15) (cid:57)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:86) January 19. Turning before Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Comprehensive, Atlantic (cid:40)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:87)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:87)(cid:15) (cid:3)(cid:36)(cid:89)(cid:68)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:68)(cid:69)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:3) GIHVS support the McDonalds, Sondheim with choreog- College, Pendoylan (cid:47)(cid:79)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:90)(cid:76)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:48)(cid:68)(cid:77)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:15) Wales Air Ambulance and Unit 2 @ Masons, raphy by Jerome Robbins. School choir and a num- (cid:38)(cid:41)(cid:25)(cid:20)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:59)(cid:60)(cid:3) there will be a bucket col- TBya rVreyr lConF 6E3s t2aBteG, Doors open 7.10pm. ber of solo artists. (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:26)(cid:25)(cid:27)(cid:23)(cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:25) lection in Porthcawl from Freephone 0800 610 2012 Tickets £5 (available in Tickets are available the arrival of the tractors, from Llantwit Major (cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:90)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:78)(cid:72)(cid:92)(cid:35)(cid:92)(cid:68)(cid:75)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:17)(cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:80) anticipated to be at noon. Mobile 07403 310 516 advance from the Town Town Council’s Office (cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:90)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:78)(cid:72)(cid:92)(cid:70)(cid:68)(cid:70)(cid:76)(cid:17)(cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:17)(cid:88)(cid:78) Please come and see the [email protected] Clerk’s office, The Pencil in the Town Hall; or (cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:90)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:78)(cid:72)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:83)(cid:72)(cid:70)(cid:76)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:81)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:76)(cid:70)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:3) range of vintage tractors www.twenty12flooring.com Case in Eastgate or on the telephone 01446 793707. door). 6 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 16th, 2020 Work gets underway on £634,000 village hall scheme WORK has begun on a new village hall “This will be somewhere to meet, it will be for Cllr Kathryn McCaffer, Vale Council Cabinet in Ogmore-by-Sea in a project with the everything and everyone. Everybody is so enthu- Member for Leisure, Arts and Culture, said: “I trustees of the Ogmore Village Hall siastic, we’re going to need a good timetable to fit know the community has worked extremely hard everybody in!” to ensure this project became a reality and for that Association working in partnership The hall will serve the local community and be they deserve immense credit. I am pleased that that with the Vale Council to secure funding available to hire for weddings, christenings, funerals, the Vale Council has been able to transfer a piece of towards the ambitious £634,000 build. sports and social events. It will include quiet space land over to the community which will now house The Ogmore-by-Sea Village Hall Association has that can be used for classes and sit within landscaped this beautiful hall.” been the driving force behind the project, which will green open space. The building, designed to be a Chairman of the Ogmore by Sea Village Hall see the former toilet block on open land adjacent to focal point will also include a cafe to help with the Association, Eugene Travers Jones said: “It is great Slon Lane redeveloped to provide a community hall. hall’s sustainability and also create jobs. to see our contractor partner Holbrook Homes start Pene Haskayne has long hoped a village hall In total, the project will cost £634,000, £332,000 work on site. The effort put into delivering a hall could be built in Ogmore and now that dream is set of which will come from Section 106 contribu- has truly been community based particularly given to become a reality. tions secured by the Vale Council from nearby that the residents have been trying to achieve this Long-time resident Pene, Ogmore Village Hall housing developments and £6,000 from the its since the early 1970s. I am sure the community hall Association Trustee and Committee member said: Strong Community Grant Fund. The Association will be a successful facility enjoyed by all in the “This is a special day and we really feel like we’ve have also secured money from the EU via Welsh community and I’d like to particularly thank the achieved something. I’m really pleased to see work Government Rural Community Development Fund. large number of individuals and companies who start on this building, which will be an important The Community Facilities Programme and the Big have given their time and money to help us finally focal point for Ogmore. Lottery have also provided generous grants. achieve our goal.” GORCHYMYN CYNGOR BRO MORGANNWG THE VALE OF GLAMORGAN COUNCIL (GWAHARDD A CHYFYNGU AR FANNAU (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF AROS A LLWYTHO A PHARCIO) WAITING AND LOADING AND PARKING (GORFODI SIFIL) (DIWYGIAD) (RHIF 1) 2020 PLACES) (CIVIL ENFORCEMENT) 1. Hysbysir drwy hyn bod Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, wrth arfer ei bwerau (AMENDMENT) (NO 1) ORDER 2020 dan Ddedd Rheoleiddio Traffig Ffyrdd 1984, a Deddf Rheoli Traffig 1. Notice is given that the Vale of Glamorgan Council in exercise of its 2004 a’r holl bwerau galluogi eraill, yn cynnig gwneud Gorchymyn er powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Traffic mwyn gosod a thynnu’r cyfyngiadau parcio a nodir yn yr atodlen Management Act 2004 and of all other enabling powers proposes to isod. make an Order to install and remove the parking restrictions specified in the schedules below. 2. Mae modd gweld manylion llawn, gan gynnwys copi o’r Gorchymyn arfaethedig, a Chynllun Rhif T/19/92/NR yn y cyfeiriad isod yn ystod 2. Full details of the proposals, to include a copy of the proposed Order, oriau gwaith arferol a rhaid cyflwyno unrhyw wrthwynebiadau sydd and Plan No T/19/92/NR may be inspected at the address shown gennych i'r cynnig hwn i Gyfarwyddwr yr Amgylchedd a Thai (Cyf. below during normal office hours and any objections you may have to IF884) yn ysgrifenedig erbyn 7 Chwefror 2020 a rhaid cynnwys eich this proposal must be submitted to the Director of Environment & rhesymau dros wrthwynebu. Housing (Ref.IF894) in writing by 7th February 2020 and must contain the grounds upon which you object. 3. Rhoddir gwybod i unrhyw un sy’n gwrthwynebu’r Gorchymyn 3. Persons objecting to the proposed Order are advised that in view of arfaethedig, yn unol â Deddf Llywodraeth Leol (Mynediad at the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 this Council Wybodaeth) 1985, bod rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol ar y Cyngor hwn i is legally obliged to make any comments received in response to the alluogi’r cyhoedd i archwilio unrhyw sylwadau a ddaw i law am y proposed Order open to public inspection. Gorchymyn a gynigir. The following Traffic Regulation Order is to be amended as follows: Diwygir y Gorchymyn Rheoleiddio Traffig canlynol fel a ganlyn: Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading and Parking Places Gorchymyn Gwahardd a Chyfyngu ar Fannau Aros a Llwytho a (Civil Enforcement) Order 2013 Pharcio (Gorfodi Sifil) 2013 SCHEDULE ATODLEN Insert into map schedule R23 S23 Insert into map schedules R23 S23 Proposed Prohibition of Waiting/Loading/Unloading At Any Time. UPVC WINDOWS & DOORS SHOPFRONTS Cynnig Gwahardd Aros ar Unrhyw Adeg / Llwytho / Dad-lwytho ar Unnamed Road that Fronts Llangan Primary School. • CLADDING Unrhyw Adeg Lôn Ddienw o flaen Ysgol Gynradd Llan-gan. On the north-westerly side from its junction with Timbers Green for a AIRLESS SPRAY INTERNAL & EXTERNAL Ar ochr y gogledd, o’r gyffordd â Timbers Green am 79 metr i’r distance of 79 metres in a south-westerly direction. de-ddwyrain. On the north-westerly side from its junction with Timbers Green for a WALLS GARAGE DOORS AND MUCH MORE Ar ochr y gogledd-ddwyrain, o’r gyffordd â Timbers Green am 34metr distance of 34 metres in a north-easterly direction. i’r gogledd-ddwyrain. Timbers Green. Timbers Green. On both sides from its junction with the unnamed road that Ar y ddwy ochr o’r gyffordd â’r lôn ddienw o flaen Ysgol fronts Llangan Primary School for a distance of 8 metres Gynradd Llan-gan, am 8 metr tua’r gogledd-orllewin. in a north-westerly direction. 07816 091425 Dyddiad: 16 Ionawr 2020 Dated this 16th day of January 2020 Email [email protected] Cyfarwyddwr yr Amgylchedd a Thai Director of Environment & Housing Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, Yr Alpau, Vale of Glamorgan Council, The Alps, 57 South Road, Sully, CF64 5SL Gwenfô. CF5 6AA. Wenvoe. CF5 6AA. Thursday January 16th, 2020 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 7 New karate club is a MP welcomes pay rise for workers in the Vale big hit in Llantwit FAMILIES in the Vale can look forward The Vale MP said: “I’ve been keen to support job to receiving a well-earned pay rise with a creation in the Vale and I am equally keen to ensure new National Living Wage (NLW) thanks that people are well paid. to the UK Conservative Government. “We want to end low pay and put more money in the pockets of hard-working families. From April 1, it will rise to £8.72 per hour, its biggest cash increase ever – and an increase from “The Vale deserves a pay rise and I’m very proud the current value of £8.21. to be part of a Conservative party that is delivering MP Alun Cairns has welcomed the increase in the higher-wage, lower-tax economy we all want the National Living Wage as the first in a series of to see.” measures that he says will support workers in the He added. “We’re backing hard work and aspira- Vale. tion – creating opportunity for hardworking people Other measures include a ‘triple tax lock’ – across the country. meaning the rate of income tax, VAT or National “This latest rise will mean that since we intro- Insurance will not be raised throughout the lifetime duced the National Living Wage in 2016, the lowest of the next Parliament. paid will have had a wage increase of more than In Wales, 149,000 people will benefit from a pay £3,600. ABOVE: Some of the people who attended the launch of Llantwit Major’s new karate club. rise, equivalent to 12.3 per cent of all workers across “We’re repaying the trust placed in us and the region. delivering on people’s priorities.” NEARLY 30 people Sensi James explained: “We a very successful evening and headed to the launch of a had our first training session thanks have to go to all who Community news from Llangan which was a free event. There was came and the other instructors for new karate club in Llantwit a massive turnout of 29 people helping out. and Treoes with Nancy Davidge Major with organisers including 18 beginners. “If anyone else is thinking of deeming the opening night “There was a good mix of joining please check our Facebook MPUoPndILayS froeltluorwniendg ttoh eLirla nCgharni sStmchaoso la nodn otifo nth oef Sthaero vne sCtrhya proeol fv.estry, following the comple- a great success. juniors and adults who all really page which is Facebook.cpm/ new year holiday: the school is looking When the work is completed, the building will be Shihan Roger Nevens, Sensei enjoyed the session and took to it LMKJK or email lmjutsukai@ an asset to the village of Treoes. smart, with the new windows and roof. Please note: the next service at Saron will take Justin Gwilliam and Sensei Will very well.” gmail.com. ScThohoel nise wno hwo upsroinggr edsesivneglo.pment close to Llangan pmlaincies teorn RSeuvn Adalyw,y Jna nEuvaarnys , 2e6v earty o3npem i.s Oasfsfiucrieadti nogf James decided to expand their The launch event also included “We will be training every Saron Chapel: Work is continuing on the interior a welcome. club into the town after their a demonstration of kata by the Thursday from 6pm until 7pm www.glamorgan-gem.co.uk set-up in Cowbridge became so black belts and high grades. at Llantwit Major Comprehensive popular. Sensi James added: “It was School sports hall.” Stoves Kitchhens Ranges VViissiitt oouurr sshhoooowwwwwwrroooomm aanndd sseeee our stunning dissplaayy of Neptune and Eric Christian kitchens and stovves, then relaxx with a cup of tea or coffee iin our café (Cowbridgee Showroom). COWBBRIDGE EEavvnnssJeeooddeearrFhhnnee nbboo uurttooootthhaae rooddeedddrrkkyyeee err mmaarii(( nwwsdnnotooggotenhreessoottrllhhooottiiiunr uvar£s gt3eentiho0eron0xyu.t) , t CMooUwnnmbit1ro i 4dMu2gt,ahe yV,, haNCillPeFMl 72IBnO15du N73s EPPiLLMMnnsXFetO ,s SsUTTTT teeeeTPallHau:: rn00kt11,o 64Ln04l a06Rn d77d,17o 11w75,1607 www.topstak.co.uk | Find us on: 8 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 16th, 2020 Taylor Wimpey recruits 14 apprentices at development in Cowbridge TAYLOR Wimpey South Wales has recruited 14 new apprentices at its Clare Garden Village development in Cowbridge. The apprentices will specialise in brickwork and will continue to work with Taylor Wimpey on completion of their apprenticeship. The 14 appren- tices are either local to Cowbridge or surrounding areas, such as, Barry, Pencoed and Bridgend. Taylor Wimpey has provided the apprentices with the necessary clothing and tools to allow training at its on-site training facility. The apprentices will also carry out the aca- demic element of their work on-site with Geason Apprenticeships, whose trainers will visit Clare Garden Village, where there is a dedicated class- room. Once the courses are complete, the appren- tices will be offered jobs with Taylor Wimpey as directly employed bricklayers. Huw Evans of Taylor Wimpey South Wales said: “We are delighted to welcome these 14 apprentices into the Taylor Wimpey team. They’ve worked really hard to get to this point and each of them fully deserves this opportunity.” Sara Taylor, sales and marketing director added: “We’re always proud to offer opportunities to young people; our apprentice- ships are designed to give the right balance between classroom learning and hands-on experience, ensur- ing our trainees are best placed to be offered a permanent opportunity after their studies.” For more information on the careers and FROM left to right: Connor Gillingham, Dafydd Hitchings, Tom Young, Sam Veasery, Liam Bendry, Jordan apprenticeships available at Taylor Wimpey, visit Reeve, Callum Ben, Luc Robertson, Huw Evans (production director), Jordan Williams, Malcom A’Hearne (Master Craftsman), Michael Goode, Reeve Heggie, Greg Calloway, Joe Beale, Jason Watkins. www.taylorwimpey.co.uk/careers. We are proud to have helped generations of local families at their time of need, providing the peace of mind that everything is taken care of in a proffeessional and dignified manner. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Here for you whenever you need us - night and dayy.. Main Office: 2, Hilda House, The Square, Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 5NP Bethany Private Chapel of Rest, Llanharan, Pontyclun CF72 9RP TTeel: 01656 860545 (24 hrs) www.melandronwatkinsfuneralservices.co.uk Thursday January 16th, 2020 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 9 AM seeks assurances over Dog of the Week Brexit’s financial implications ASSEMBLY member Huw Irranca-Davies But he added: “Over the last year, there has been little has sought an assurance that Wales will not if any real engagement by the UK Government with the lose out financially because of Brexit. Welsh Government, and little detail beyond that headline.” The Ogmore AM asked First Minister Mark Drakeford He feels there is a need to work in a cross-border way at the National Assembly what discussions he has had on funding initiatives across the UK. with Prime Minister Boris Johnson about the planned Mr Irranca-Davies said a steering group which he chairs shared prosperity fund. The fund is intended to compen- would welcome a more open and transparent engagement sate Wales and other parts of the country for European from the newly-elected UK Government and the new structural funding that will be lost once the UK has left Welsh Secretary on the shared prosperity fund. the European Union. He urged Mr Drakeford to engage with the UK Mr Irranca-Davies said Mr Drakeford had rightly stood Government on these matters on the very clear principle, firm on the principle of “not a penny less, not a power as was guaranteed, of not a penny less and not a power lost” in respect of the shared prosperity fund. lost. Volunteering, could it be the thing for you? GLAMORGAN Voluntary Services (GVS) is taken her out to bingo as she wants to be more social. urging local residents to consider the benefits “Also, at CF61 I help with the Rebuild group. This BELLA is a sweet eight-year-old She is looking for a quiet home and could of volunteering as they look forward to a New is for 17-to-25-year-olds who are suffering with mental Rottweiler with a lot of love to live with children 14 years old and above. Year. health issues. give. She is housetrained and can be left for a A spokesperson said: “Would you like to meet new “I also represent Plant Llantwit and help with theS lheea den, jaonyds shheer wadaolkres sa nhdav iisn vge rayn geoxopdlo orne fewC ahnoiunres .carer Heather West says: “Bella pyeooRupra lyCe ,V Sb,u caoimltdto , ynoagu orv tcoholeunrn fibtdeeeennre cfiests,a .ih”de:l p“ oI thdeercsi daendd etnoh avnocle- tPohnlea ntc fouLmrltahmneutrw niitty c otomg amwrduoenrnikt y psridocejoe cnbts.ye rvTsahitdeieo na wimitp hr oisCj eFcf6tos1r. when she’s out and about. is a charming girl who has a loving person- unteer as I have always been drawn to doing so “Volunteering is very rewarding as you are not only She prefers smaller, calm dogs as she can ality. She is a joy to take out and would be most of my adult life. Living in Canada for helping people in need but you are also building com- be a little worried around bigger dogs; but a great walking buddy.” 15 years I had volunteered in many environments munities – and in life we all have our ups and downs the team feel to give Bella the best chance For more information on Bella, visit the and on my return to the UK wanted to do more. and sometimes you may need help yourself. Building a of settling into her forever home, she would Dogs Trust Rehoming Centre in Bridgend, “I am working on a befriending role through Age community is one of the most positive things you can be best suited to being the only dog in the CF31 4NG; or give us call on 01656 Connect with a lovely lady named Gill. She has very do for one another”. poor eyesight and mobility and has suffered from GVS is holding a volunteering fair when over 50 home so that she can have all the attention 725219. You can also visit our website at depression which led her to become quite reclusive. community organisations will be joining it on Thursday, to herself. www.dogstrust.org.uk. “I spend time with her at home for company chatting January 23, 10am–2pm at the Memo Arts Centre, Barry. the day away, I help her with her garden, and I have For more information, email: [email protected]. Miners Pension Compensation Example 1 - £87,000 Example 2 - £48,000 We are successfully claiming Mr C. from RISCA worked at CWM. After Mr W. from PONTYPRIDD worked at MERTHYR compensation for former Welsh miners the pit closed in 1986 he was advised by VALE. After the pit closed in 1989 he was who transferred out of the Mineworkers an agent of the PRUDENTIAL to transfer out advised by an independent financial advisor of the miners pension. When he retired he to transfer his miners pension to SCOTTISH Pension Scheme. noticed his pension wasn’t as much as his LIFE (now Royal London). Even though the friends who stayed in the miners scheme. financial advisors were no longer in business Compensation £87,649. he received compensation of £48,000. Many Welsh miners were advised to transfer out of their British coal pension scheme to a private scheme which paid Example 3 - £103,000 Example 4 - £112,000 considerably less! This was bad advice and many retired Mr J. from CAERPHILLY worked at Mr H. from PORTH worked at ABERCYNON. miners or their widows have lost out. PENALTA. After the pit closed in 1991 After the pit closed in 1988 he was advised he was advised by a sales agent of by an agent of PEARL ASSURANCE (now OTHER WORKERS AFFECTED! the PRUDENTIAL to transfer out of Phoenix Life) to transfer his miners pension to the miners pension. This was not them. He noticed his pension wasn’t as much good advice, he lost out as a result. as his friends who stayed in the British Coal • British Rail • British Gas • Civil Service Compensation - £103,759. Scheme. Compensation - £112,638. • Local Government • Dockers • Armed Forces If you transferred out of work pension 0800 988 7997 • Private Companies • Electricity Board • Teachers scheme and would like a FREE REVIEW, please either call us on FREEPHONE: or return the form below Example 1 - £62,000 Example 2 - £87,000 Mrs N. worked for the LOCAL Mr G. from SWANSEA was in the ARMED Name GOVERNMENT in CARDIFF. In 1991 FORCES. In 1989 he was persuaded by she was persuaded by a sales agent of a sales agent of SCOTTISH AMICABLE Address STANDARD LIFE to transfer her pension to (now the Prudential) to transfer his Army them. When she retired she realised she Pension to them. He was promised a Tel was getting a much lower pension than her better pension. His pension was actually friends who stayed with the Government much less than the Army Pension. I transferred out of the mineworkers pension to Pension. Compensation - £62,143. Compensation £38,724. Please can I have a Free Review to see if I am eligible for a payout In the 1980’s and 90’s many people were persuaded by sales agents to transfer OUT of Signed Date their work pension on the promise of a better return, however this was not true. Please address to: Miners Pension Compensation Dept, Corries Solicitors Ltd, If you know a coal miner or someone else this might 11 Melroses Yard, Walmgate, York, YO1 9XF. apply to, please make them aware of this information. Miners Pension Compensation is a trading name of Corries Solicitors Ltd, Melroses Yard, Walmgate, York YO1 9XF. Regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority no. 424101. 10 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 16th, 2020 Slimming World group Delight as circus ban moves closer meets Chatty Man MEMBERS of the Senedd consigned to Wales’ history books. have unanimously backed the “The transient nature of these cir- Left to right: Scott Hawkins general principles of a law cuses make things so difficult for the who runs which will ban the use of wild animals. Forced training, unsuitable groups in accommodation, difficult journeys and Sarn; Millie animals in travelling circuses unnatural social groupings all likely Wilmot who in Wales. compromise their welfare and are a irnu Pnso rgtrhocuapwsl A vote took place on the floor of the source of stress. We’re so grateful and Kenfig Welsh Parliament on January 7 with to everyone who has backed the Hill; Alan all Members in favour – meaning a ban RSPCA’s long-standing campaign on Carr; Rachel Brent who on the ‘out-dated practice’ draws ever this issue. It will make such a powerful runs groups nearer. RSPCA Cymru has long led statement when this out-dated practice in Porthcawl the campaign to outlaw the use of wild is finally brought to an end in Wales. and Cornelly; and Catherine animals in travelling circuses in Wales, “We look forward to continuing Reynolds who with the country now one step closer to to work with the Welsh Government runs a group in joining 45 others across the world who and Members of the Senedd to ensure Cornelly. have taken some action on the issue. this ban is as effective as possible, and Politicians from across the political comes into force as soon as possible.” spectrum highlighted RSPCA calls to The RSPCA’s campaign has further improve the legislation, includ- incorporated numerous consultation ing removing potential loopholes, responses, scientific papers, briefings, A GROUP of local Slimming World consultants “Watching people grow in confidence each week and take tightening enforcement provisions and polling, public-facing events, street recently celebrated their groups’ successes by meet- on things that they didn’t think possible before losing weight bringing the law into force. stalls, campaign actions and more. absolutely amazes me.” ing chat show host and comedian, Alan Carr. The animal welfare charity has Some 9,000 people previously Alan, who presented comedy chat show Chatty Man on labelled this latest development ‘great backed an RSPCA Cymru petition The TV personality co-hosted the annual Slimming World Channel 4, said it was great to be invited to the event, which was news for animals’, as it plans to con- calling for action, which paved the awards with the organisation’s founder and chair Margaret Miles- held at Birmingham’s International Convention Centre. tinue working with decision-makers way for the Welsh Government to Bramwell OBE, who opened her first group in 1969. He said: “I met so many people who had transformed their as the Bill continues its legislative commission an independent review The team, who run Slimming World groups in Bridgend lives and it was clear how much the support they received from journey. Dr Ros Clubb, RSPCA sen- of evidence related to animal wel- county borough, were delighted to get a chance to meet Alan. their Slimming World ‘family’ meant to them.” ior scientific manager specialising in fare of animals used in travelling and captive wild animals, said: “This vote non-travelling circuses. This found Scott Hawkins said it was the perfect end to a fantastic year: Millie Wilmot added: “For anyone who may be thinking of was great news for animals – with that life in a travelling circus was not a “The members at our group make me burst with pride, not only taking that step to lose weight and improve their health this New the spectre of wild animals in travel- ‘good life’ nor a ‘life worth living’ for have they seen big changes on the scales, many have improved Year, I truly believe that joining a group is the best way for ling circuses one step closer to being wild animals. their health and completely changed their lives too. people to learn new habits and make long-term healthy changes.” Extra 10% BETTER THAN Extra 10% BETTER THAN £1O0ff 3Pri4ce. 10PHRAICLFE UP TO £O3ff5 Pr9ic.e1 0 PHRAICLFE H L A F H L PRICAE F PRICE Casa Toledo Table with 6 chairs Casa Garbo Double 2 drawer divan 847026 | Was £2299 | Sale £1149 957854 | Was £899 | Sale £399 Extra 10% BETTER THAN Extra 10% BETTER THAN Off Price HALF PLUS AN EXTRA Off Price HALF £377.10 PRICE £854.10 PRICE % 10 OFF URNI UR F T E & R * CA PETS Casa Seville Double bedframe Casa Flora 3 seater fabric sofa 837981 | Was £849 | Sale £419 872555 | Was £1899 | Sale £949 Sale savings plus an EXTRA 10% Off Furniture & Carpets* – hurry, ends 26th January Leekes Llantrisant, Cowbridge Road, RCT. 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