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The Cowbridge “Your ORIGINAL priceless weekly newspaper” TThhee VVaallee’’ss lloonnggeesstt sseerrvviinngg Independent CCoommmmuunniittyy Financial Advisers NNeewwssppaappeerr P E A K www.hppltd.co.uk Tel:01446 Established 1983 PERFORMANCE 773669 - 771949 01446 775775 W(GeEeMklSye raieusd).i tAeudd idteidst rbiyb uDtaiovind P(5in2d ewr e&eCkso) Ltotd .3 C1h/1ar2te/1re2d -A 4cc2ou,4nt9an2ts. www.cowbridge-today.co.uk THURSDAY, JANUARY 9TH, 2014 Cowbridge greengrocer is fighting back after his record-breaking surgery ONE of the best- of recuperation is proving hotels. Now he is in known faces on Report by PHILIPIRWIN the most frustrating. Paul Cardiff, she spends a CSaftotrewerebtur inisdd rgeeerc gHooviiegnrhging iGwnEe PrMee ng hnivoyew Ln a tthnheee f–sah mtooiclldky The eUWxnaailmveesi,nr saeindtyd a Htt htohesyep idtiaslc oofv- LP(leEafuFt)l T Pa:nredece wbcineea n Csitn rat eora dl sdsiufp fcte,hh cba iatua shtl iRetsh ton eroereeekh dwaasbro etood gbisltreyeed pams tiu eddpmee ,aa bsnle odor sftkh hteeiaem ovpete ht hahetera hdbfia ustmosi-- majorsurgery – a news last July. ered a huge tumour that his son no spare beds. nesses running. series of three long She said:“Paul went to was wrapped around his Joel, This means that Paul Joel and his sister o3p8A ehrmoaautzirionsng. lsy ,t oPataullling spbaebuaecol lkuhin,ti sgwa cahsh momi rawoulplsa crslaul eccm otionnpr c hoaeinfrstn eherids sunpneieu“ndsTe u.htaoel y bt hes aattri dePa aittue wdl waasto tsuholed pMWiciilktcueorcekd by hUWpahnasyil vsebieseo re –stni htn ay‘ost ttHh ugeoce ksntp’teiiinetnagd lt s hto.hefe SSSbetttararasccw eeoyybf, e asarrtlraeoyf nr fFu,g nii eswn lridinutshgn, nmwinhegmile- Preece, who runs the lower back. John Radcliffe Hospital at the Sheryl said: “The Sweet Occasions when Strawberry Fields fruit “I had noticed it, but it in Oxford, the leading Cowbridge University Hospital does her mother is in Cardiff. and veg shop at Penny seemed very minor, and specialist hospital in this Festival of have a hydrotherapy pool, One thing that has kept Lane with his son Joel, Paul was getting field.” Food and but it is only for the use them all going has been had no idea of his med- absolutely no pain at all.” The doctors at John Drink a few of outpatients! the good wishes and sup- ical situation – and it was However, he took the Radcliffe spent some time “The physio staff there port of customers. Sheryl only discovered after he chiropractor’s advice, and assessing Paul's condi- years ago. are really good, and they said: “We have been pulled a muscle playing his doctor immediately tion. It was rare. In fact, do their best, but Paul inundated with get well squash! sent him to a specialist. they had performed only should be in Rookwood.” cards, and people are Paul’s wife, Sheryl, Things happened very 45 similar operations all Wednesday, Paul was in County, and also played pay a price for the life- In the meantime, always calling in to wish w‘Shwoe reut nOs ctchaes siownese’t– s halospo rapSidhleyr ythl esnai.d:“Paul was yttiheoeanyr . w dPealcsai nadn ehidnu ggth etah ttea a so krpi, bearnad- the“aWtreh feonr i1t 8w haos ufrins!ally oclnu bfosr. HWee lwsha sl eoang uthee go ssaavidin: g“T shuerg deoryc.t oSrhs etroylld Scshohomewrpyieln tsgita,i yvasen dtsh phaiter i Pti sai sudle’ster- Ptionam utole rwsse eehl lah.v iSmeo e mivnee hn co ucsasp-lilteadl." would need to be over, the doctors said that all day in the business, Paul that some nerve mined to recover at a Sheryl and Paul met removed, together with a it was the biggest opera- leaving the house at damage was unavoidable, quicker rate than his doc- when she was 16, and bone in his leg, to rebuild tion of its type that they 4.30am to collect crates and he was resigned, tors say he can. seven years later they his pelvis. had ever performed. He from the wholesalers, even before going into Sheryl said: “He is were married. This year, When they set to work, was quite a celebrity!” doing a full day’s work, theatre, to the knowledge doing exercises and lift- their 34th year as a mar- it was a record-breaking Even now, it seems and playing squash two that his right foot would ing weights in bed, and ried couple, has been Spring operation. Sheryl amazing that Paul could or three times a week.” be ‘floppy’, and he will asks for as much physio very different, and the explained: “Paul had have been unaware of the The doctors told walk with a limp. as possible. He had made whole family has had to Wedding three operations on three tumour. It was, say the Sheryl that being such a “Also, as they had to enough progress to be let pull together. successive days – doctors, as big as a fit 56-year-old had made remove muscle as well as out for a day and spent However, Sheryl says Monday, Tuesday and melon. a huge difference. They the tumour, he needs a Christmas Day at home.” that Paul is determined to Fayres Wednesday. She continued: “Paul could not have attempted great deal of physiothera- In all, Paul spent 11 make as full a recovery as 2014 “The Monday opera- has always kept fit. He such a gruelling operation py to help him recover.” weeks in the John possible – and there will tion was 10 hours long, played professional foot- on a patient who was less Ironically, after the Radcliffe, and Sheryl was be no shortage of cus- This SUNDAY and so was the Tuesday ball for Bristol Rovers fit and healthy. brilliant skills shown by there for almost all of that tomers waiting to wel- one. Then, on the and then Newport Sadly, Paul has had to the surgeons, this period period, staying in local come him back! 19th January 2014at the The home of ‘Stella’series 3.Starts 24th Jan Sky 1 The Bear World famous Hotel, Cowbridge NextSUNDAY 26th January 2014 at the Cardiff Marriott half price colour sale SUNDAY 23rd February 2014 T&C:Half price colour must at the be accompanied with a cut Coed-Y- & finish.50% of all colours in January and 25% off Mwstwr Hotel, during February. Coychurch First 100 Brides receive FREE Welcome Bag from Debenhams 75 Eastgate,Cowbridge, Each Show 11am to4pm CF71 7AA.01446 775522 FREEADMISSION Facebook @ Fich and Ramous www.fichandramous.com For details visit our website: www.eternitywithlove.co.uk Top stylists required, telephone for details. 2 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 9th, 2014 Anonymous ‘KEEP CAMERAS RRRReeeeaaaaddddeeeerrrrssss’’’’ LLLLeeeetttttttteeeerrrrssss donor thanked OUT OF THROUGH Barry Library. LIVE THEATRE’ The GEM, I This material is avail- IIIIMMMMPPPPOOOORRRRTTTTAAAANNNNTTTT!!!!We reserve the right to edit all letters. We do NOTaccept anonymous mail. would very able for the public to LETTERS AND EMAILS MUST INCLUDE FULLADDRESS AND A CONTACT RECENTLY, ence wanted to watch mthue cphe rliskoen t wo hthoank vathgieaewt, a,u anCntoidlu sinsut cyinh M saa utfsieme usetmor i-s TWEe LwEilPl H(inO cNeErt aNinU cMirBcuEmRs. tAanNc eEsM) pArIoLteActD aD wRrEiteSrS’s A idLeOnNtitEy, IiSf rNeqOuTe sSteUdF. PFlIeCaIsEe NkeTe!p your wgrea tnodo-k our aanndce e annjody t hthaet tpaekrifnogrm- letters BRIEFand address them to:The Editor, DON JOHN, at Glamorgan GEM Ltd, photographs, especially posted a package of established for the Vale daughterto St Graig House, 53 Eastgate, Cowbridge CF71 7E ORemail [email protected] with flash, was quite vintage postcards to of Glamorgan. David’s Hall simply not allowed. us at the Should members of Cardiff to see the If anybody was rude Glamorgan tthoes opru bdloiccu dmisecnotvse trh patho- Are councils in their ballet Sleeping enough to ignore the Wartime Heritage will help to build a pic- Beauty and what a notice they would be Centre, at Barry ture of Glamorgan’s joy it was – not just discreetly and quietly ISstlaatniodn R. ailway wtah paorastreitm pinee ohtpheliresi, t watghheeo,s eap nlcadayned present form outdated? bsuepcaeurbse p oefr ftohrem- ttlohealedvy e twh.aotu ilfd t hbeey a spkeersdi stoted They did not include be taken to the ance but because it I suspect the the atAtariaBlhhtoensnaasgaecs dg rat oait rl eodhlpctoy, hndei hac awLe’ rsaispteyssliee ots b wd oatssswrh rer,ataw eeyceirrsla at yiolspit,tr mhc hsdrfbwaioco sesutnajer h etas nlh etechr n hetetttooorte.h e-potie rre fm. GHtsdcoSmhcoopuleeoalanenTrylnrmnieadeh tnct ca aeieoeitatgyn iddrsnmoe gf J dto noaeauCoor.nnins mteo o euhWsnruuaaeisttrtmrarr ei yo erog,b t, nnwr i1oewom 2riawlh.enl eiFdrnreoeg-r MrdacauleleletolWnba caatetacsip tkaoi oqprsnen ula ,ib nteeUaCyoeddsebi Cotnt skoi bughtoHeuh oynncyert ocrti htfenntiihas halsgil’sotslsesa su s t ln bdieiwehttnl etseey lra eGec hey rwnioeseas vvpmiiiwsnsioeod idr lnnrennweodin-mfstemmchttidee beinl a cnotolatoekh f cnf .liu sfaandtiunnlhtgg daerregi nlnaei eycnVgsstit iiaa ao-ltnlhneda-t asbstemshenocfefieeti snCAemupa tcik asiomuantru luioennlgvrpyncfdye er aecde thoncnnior.avle o dtolssde ou l smicmeran fsrta fceit gaintemincnrildrcuilty apo itlao ysot rjn omus o cfTy,ntbe i ctpr hi eiotcspamehl um or uittGmenshnie icgaEsjsstuusit otMo aa lsotaarnnthnen.rsce ql .d yeynHuw s owewa ohtrar eweihnese rec daedednrrv uocep teihto iertilne n,nir igk fsIsino se t tcealerlheymaendesnd t istaa’ ronftnocdre wlptmwtayohteah groeAoiseinr bpscc a Ntiphalhlepeeees Or iha ertrspd aTsf ui hov konopreocfi n tmrnolndei yngrvetdaa h sseom np,t befatcahityh reneoiensnt-.- -a aopolsu2mtehabfafm,t0iof ysr nt 0at re hmslktet0nyehet i rc dt aagpaadhettiheuco,ifa nfoottdtwii e gnfpwciid enn lufpa een l latnaae ltconil nsr et b adhh h t iuuath aeasIhtgdpse v arde iI seagtnt ao dtoabbrhroetieaieun--elrrg-ne The postcards them- directions, see our web- the council has any sort of adaptive action plan or than obvious what they actually ‘bring to the table’. comprehensive school I when there are notices selves will be placed site at strategy to deal with the problems and challenges Perhaps councils in their present form are outdat- was responsible for the on trains telling people with our growing collec- www.barryatwar.info. faced within the Vale. ed and maybe money could be well spent on engag- running of the annual how to behave (not to tion of ‘non-wartime’ Ade Pitman, Services are being eroded and dismantled, yet ing the services of external business consultants to school production. swear, consume alcohol, material housed at the Barry at War the timing of a costly council chamber refit has examine the inner workings of the council with a There was always a put feet on seats etc) the- Recycle those obviously only served to reinforce the view that view to sharpening processes, measuring effective- large notice posted atres could use similar councillors are detached from reality. ness and ensuring that we are getting value for around the hall, and a notices to make it much Whilst Coun Neil Moore outlined a need to money. full page in the pro- clearer that playing festive cards address the requirements contained within the This may at least reassure us all that the apparent gramme pointing out about with a mobile Disability Discrimination Act 1995, because of a 10 self-perpetuating system is fit for purpose and the that it was a live per- phone and taking photo- year non-compliance, I cannot help but wonder right people are in place, guiding the important formance by young inex- graphs in a theatre is about the other priority areas where the quality of decisions which have a huge impact on us all. perienced actors who downright rude, is dis- people’s actual day-to-day lives might have benefit- Rob Taylor, Barry. could be easily distract- tracting to the perform- ed from a substantial cash injection. ed. ers, and spoils the enjoy- LEFT: Coun Moore further mentioned that the update Double standards We added that the ment of the performance Rob with had brought with it an Excellence in Access award. crew had worked very for the rest of the audi- naturalist Clearly an adaptation in the home for a physically on car parking hard to get the lighting ence. presenter disabled person, or maybe appointing a further effects just right and the David Alexander, IWoilloliams ostcacnudpiantgio ansasle sthsmereanptiss td tooe cslne’at rh tahvee btahcek slaomg eo fk ouudto-s WITH ref- wall/fence/hedge ... yet other people in the audi- Barry. supporting for the council. erence to in the area of the cattle ‘WOMEN FOR trhecey cling pieSda wdliyt,h Ib fleaeml eth sahti fctoinugn,c islelolfr sp rsoememot imono raen pdr ehoacncdu- last myeallrokwet ,l itnheesre – a trhee double THE TOP JOB’ message. wringing – and I am yet to see anything which week’s GEM letter boundary is the metal gives me any sort of confidence that somebody headed ‘Double railings. IWOULD like to the Eurovision Song yellow lines mean Between this area take this oppor- Contest. ‘GIVE UP YOUR No Waiting’I there are about 20 or tunity to thank But, Wales – as a ITis estimated that a billion would like to bring more cars parked daily, Jane Hutt forthe small nation – needs to Christmas cards (17 forevery man, ALLOWANCES to the attention of btiuckt ethtse.s eA dlsoo n aott tgheet back sterling work she lSowoked neonr,t hN;o trow Iacye laanndd, up iwn obminasn t hanisd C chhrilidst mina tsh. e UK) ended TO HELP CUT MthartR thoge ewrhEovlee roefst oinfg t hbeo ulinbdraarryy tihs et hpea rhki-gh dnoiteys iinn Boaurrrcyo. m Smheu- Dtheenirm daermk otocr laetaicrn s yfrso-m Waste sent to landfill can create methane – a the area of The wall, yet cars are sets an excellent tems. powerful ‘greenhouse’gas. However, if everyone THE DEFICIT’ Butts, Cowbridge, allowed to park in this example as can be In these countries, ioCtnarOk tSrih2enoe- g eu p Uqs5liueK0nia0gv sr aecetl haceaeryndsmctd log ,et frshifet e jtewushneseoh t tu orooolu dnays edeos acufgvaora errksd e1ae st r,hy5 b–re7so ai0tduhr .egte o h bns aornemxec.sey ocaflsing INlRet ortbee rpClbyuy rt toCi sto,huen ttohhueetyi rwH taoieltrolheo ctwihosae usn ldodceme gfsiei cvttiohet i. hnuegpl pto hltinihnatesee slrda,p owyruee bhtt elaredse ycdbeeienlfelftonelwyr- aeEthrnveicsWeae?r.?eh sa tPt ceiasrhn ta hepexs pd Mliaffirenr- surpeesoecernests tblsho ytcei a mtAhl eesg s rtweooma usypbu slpsy.h-e wmm‘mtoooaapmnnte ayjdeog ny bet eom’ha iadrenvsin r ept–e o bcailtnenioted iran cstd shhpv,ie rpafoons-;rce Schoolchildren can also take their festive cards to there are 45 coun- think about: in the UK ently by the traffic Wardens are booking I would also like to of the rest of Europe and school to recycle, as part of the Christmas card cillors in the Vale in Parliament we have wardens. some cars which are thank Alun Cairns for the UK. recycling competition. of Glamorgan – 800 in the House of Parking tickets are parked on verges and his excellent work in the Perhaps it is time for Coun Rob Curtis , Barry. why I don’t know. Lords, 630 MPs, 60 now being handed out in rough ground and not on Vale. the powers that be in – Gwyn’s BEM Why have we got Welsh Assembly mem- certain areas of The others. This is unfair to Many of you may be Cardiff Bay – to look to more than one council- bers and who knows Butts when they were the public as they are fans of ‘Scandinavian the – equal and talented well deserved lor per ward (some have how many councillors not previously. The not telepathic. Noir Cinema’and televi- women of Wales – for 3 or more)? throughout the land – public need to have a The Vale Council sion; it is also forty the top job? MEMBERS of the Llantwit Major How about then fore- that’s not counting clear understanding, as needs to look into this years since Abba won Phil Stansfield, Barry. JMoehdna ol nin gAl itekhmtetea i tnNtoeg eu cwtorh neBYg eoBraxarritintuHiglsa ohCtn eElo uMumbr prsw iGLroeuiwsltyd.n gypwa oeomoaicunrki,llg edlj itu ao seslnaltxov pptweaoe kaunuenssn ecodcseusl so –t a sf onteohfd roa ant SCwcohoAWnotgllmehar neaecstdro si acumarannee td hrnw ya I.etsro e 3d lra6oun0innd g.the ttathrhreeeaaYa twt etithnsha egre–dr aesetl ahnslm ehst hoelaaeu.rw elBd n usbottaettst enso pofuthirtnnheofeyebadr ila r ephlsmyee c or.to erp n eHlaafenout edhwsd aef ?vdme e e aAa lbsn reyIeen The high Htid(IUeGsN lTHisItLeTdJI AiDnN EtUhAiTsR IwYMe1eE6k)’Ss GEM are This award is well overdue. perhaps go towards cut- wrong? parking from the double am? those in Porthcawl. It should be remembered Gwyn has worked tirelessly, not just for foot- ting our council taxes. MrB Kirke, yellow lines to the Eileen Bennett, that along the coast, high tide times will vary. ball, but also the community in Llantwit Major. He says the Welsh Barry. boundary Llantwit Major. For instance, in Barry, the high point Tony Meakin, Assembly is helpless to will be 20 – 25 minutes later. Llantwit MajorAmateurBoxing Club. help because of the The language is our identity DATE Time Ht Time Ht Government cutbacks – AM M PM M W JAMES & SONS dGoonv’et rfnomrgeentt tdhied p nroestent IAM sick and tired of some market signs. Did we have a problem? 09 Thur 12.29 8.4 FUNERALDIRECTORS tTahkeer eo fafricee 6 u0n mtile m20b1e0r.s psteaonptlley icno mWpallaeisn w ahboo ucot nth-e NoTnhe ew yheaatrs obeevfoerr.e, it was Spain, all the 1110 SFarit 0002..5162 87..08 1134..3439 77..99 FONMONE, SRTAHBOLOISSHEE,D N18E6A0RBARRY ttfhhitee?ry e d, oannde fwohr aotu hra bveene- Wroaelds hs ilgannsg, usaugpee rbmeianrgk uetsse da nind sailgl!Wnsh wicehr ep rino vSepsa tnhiasth a – l inttol ed bififti couflty at 1123 SMuonn 0034..3211 88..03 1156..5457 88..15 Independent family business with Since 1998 when it shops (GEM letters, December effort with pronunciation and learning 14 Tues 05.14 8.8 17.35 8.8 24 hours personal service covering was formed, the Health 19). a little of a language produces positive 15 Wed 05.55 9.1 18.14 9.2 Barry and the Vale of Glamorgan Service, ambulance results. 16 Thur 06.26 9.3 18.52 9.3 PRIVATE CHAPELOF REST sfienravniccee,, ehdauvcea atilol ng oanned beiTnhge uyn caobmlep tloa ipnr oanboouunt cthee s tcroesett, of lifeT ahned d loivueb tienr st hine Wreaall ews onrelded. tWo eglesth a Wachcuilrea Tcyh eo fG tEidMe t ambalekse,s w eev erreyc oemffomret ntod cthheact ka nthyeone Tel Rhoose ddoidw wn et hhea vtueb beesf. oWrehat namWees taranvde rloleadd tshirgonusg ehtc. iIsf wthee loolsdee stht eli vlainngg ulaagneg,u wagee lions eE ouurorpe. pcouuttlidn gb eo ucut tt oo fsfe,a s,h ooru wlda clkhiencgk i wn iathn aa rteidae w tahbelree stpheecyif- (01446) 710096 then? More than we France/Brittany last year. All the signs identity. ic to their location. have got today. Perhapswere in French. So were the super- AJones, Coychurch. E-Mail Contacts:[email protected][email protected] • Tel 01446 774484 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem Published by: Glamorgan GEM Ltd., 53 Eastgate, Cowbridge. CF71 7EL. Printed by TMP. www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 9th, 2014 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 3 C Council’s position clarified... FOOTBALL New Year’s Day More talks are swimmers face STALWART’S needed before HONOUR! the elements in record numbers! cattle market’s COUN Gwyn John has netted a British Empire Medal for future is decided his service to grass IMAGES by DEREK NAYLOR roots football at PHOTOGRAPHY @STUDIO POINT BREAK.COM Llantwit Major in IREAD with respected the passion of principle support to our tHhoen ouNrse wL ist,Y werairte’ss interest the the local community full support depends TIM CHAPMAN. front page arti- ovridguanaliss awtihoon sh aanvde icnodmi-e vVeMryA mGu’cs hc oonnc tehpet being Gwyn and his wife, cle in the together to form the proven to being techni- Gloria, received a letter December19 edi- VMAG, with their cally viable and afford- notifying them of the tion of The shared vision for the able. honour on November 15 CoTwheb arritdicglee rGefeErrMed. to siteT. h is led to the cenAtrse wdietvhe alonpym toewntn, and –Nth eeaw n odYf fefiacroria’msl Eathvneenn,o uwunhncetein-l a report that was consid- VMAG recently submit- in particular a mixed ment was made, had to GWYN JOHN ered by the Vale ting to the Vale Council use development within keep the news a secret. BEM. Council’s cabinet at its a consultant feasibility a conservation area, and For Gwyn, a man meeting of December study outlining the idea one which proposes a steeped in Welsh foot- with enthusiasm who 16 on the subject of the for the site to be devel- use involving farm ani- ball, being recognised for wanted to help take the future of the livestock oped with a mix of resi- mals, there remain his work with fellow club forward. My moth- market and proposals dential, parking and issues that the VMAG football enthusiasts and er, Thora, was a real put forward by the Vale other uses, along with a will need to address in youngsters in the town inspiration, too.” M(sotcfmoeVtonoe aau wMIclytr n hkkt TrcAhbei ehmtio etelGse ’u Aiaas t)tgGr oe cplkhf .itEoo cetti troltsMila itenttt rho ’i iimsGmofe ryn aierpl s orimtaolvthueisreacepa t-iIaldnen-t plsoiVtffidhooihuvadeerrytleHw ea leaissir,n an ati eCmoctvtredheadcoi iernslkt xuel bhcgy censmhye adtcc ee ibV iatnamnulhirrg hnMskewee eae efi VeA dnutctd l.oeclo McGel aenyfo vsd ’ cA mtse cehplGope-eundtt- dcvtVrcCwheoeiioMipsaerutAcusb ohnd uAnir sfcelttsc rihG ilesotitlieyixlo vm’o i s p wneVanc lr cntaisaMrahold beiblwenn s iAib tnepcliVheitdGeeeteha tpy clr ,i litt detnea o.ohf uo iff otesrf hfiri tinenthe-hggee htahiasghnarnioarrt ydsn ““iifL vl gYWolwe.lc‘ eradyoh aafns,oomers itsu rxwnIe k . i wayitsn gaohadsosutos ht, ruo e eaalpns md wpoo saeoumpgzdrgleekeee hcodt tm t in eitan–oeearl hsfaGgCMiidarloawolosmGImin unnyns iwppd ongunt av hpiyteursyreepnoatas r ro’cletie aseonthrda thst iw ir eF neeotlidoyiv nrgnfyi e .ehdt1efaan oiaa9tGksi yorn7W e,slotg0 o ,babae srafnfgss,iurlaetdelols-m- rWceodoaim snyb nepoa eertph ti‘Ciigfietainilcnoungepnaec Rowcl.ty ltalWIy okdiGp nnafar rHae ytodtsnhnhTmosdeee’:t ing. opment, and, at its 2014 as part of a football’. then be up at 7am on Boverton and served As reported to the meeting of December process of due diligence “I laughed and said Saturday mornings to in the RAFfor 12 Vale Council’s cabinet 16, the cabinet were to determine whether or ‘people get gongs for help prepare pitches. years. He emigrated meeting on December supportive “in princi- not the indicative mixed bravery, not community “The RAF was really to Perth in 2007 and 1oM(V6pa,eM rrtkahAeteotG rlAis)v ca(etcnsiootdomn ct hpGker rim osViuaanrplgkeet pmctholeeinx” cVe eodMpf dttA ehpvDeue t i lbnfooudprtim cwaaesatn irsvdtte abteyd uatacsihenT ilsehycve hpa VeubmtlM efe.oA irsGw i anhrdadev aeed cer- wwyooituGrhnk wgf’o. y”aongt bewa aalnls dfor obhmsaes s abseeden gotphpioeteocmdhd e aatso n r adeuta s udl. sirWfeafdpee rp tedhonerretvt eewl-ith wtoa csYe eblaearbc rkwa iittneh ttfhhreeie NVnadelwse. representatives from in the report this is: very interesting propos- involved in the game for times. The PE section various local communi- “…subject to planning al for the site and in the more than 60 years as a were superb to us.” tseC2tyoot0oc m1orT)ue 2renhatg a cepealii opxnnVlc rpi iosMtarnhaale etActsbih shomuGeienns ad smigrnr e aktieahqdnes eudddts. eeel Vesssa t,io-rleef aGbmhVnyaEMeds Tsc M asAhvoapeinGgaop taberfr’a rso iDttl svhiiptctee,aryl cdotec… e p ottmihohnn”esevb . Ta ece lhyors esu1 n9ac,il clwcdyCeooieaaOlmnaigrgrcdUu.iel neu Nwngssc i iNeatmoh nneE odi xnnoI eILttf rhe lctrsoMhie osimsseOkt y dttOfh ouoci Rerost-hlE-e pcabtshlldlaeuaimln“pybl Agte ic sn.fras e,oiI m sca cotar oerteytba eatobtaa,co uelrhdlrfyn!.,ro ”gamarsnentak eden rav,a negfodreyor-,t- ssRsuFotunoaencdsIGrcc,ntter eewe trptrhs ah.lymseate ni ysao c’o1insnlnuo9 a pgGbn7gr 5eaorwfor-tou 7auAtld6hlsneol edasaswtne baealned-d to OabwrriNonaudvNnese ddfw o r1Yt0eth0hae re ’ pste rDcoahpadilyile-l, ecfimdnedoeave nvtsnesiiisstmub tecliiedtlgoai antttnyohtcte a esa ttpitop fuwt p cdacooo yodium nuetlotldvp dael elboteep -a ws“vdtht…oeahevtr eetetmn dhloo eaiftp tro V kt s htabethealtaee tcaae ksCsrsit toitpaechutl,le a netw nh:ccseiie tlnthotral LeTaderlr, oiVapcle a Cfoluoncril. arGtfhuolwwegrL rbbayelyyona w snt sha tatblw rswteoh ieenaten nyg M roshko uoantughjlonodhowdr, u r bnhgbou ahaoastltmsl a aitoganicsfre e hsptpahi refetoeo rvs svrtepo oimtodnhwriaeentnl n giay ttt nisoooe du phsp n padl–gvaoe yevarpt neuebaldoneopeip-nle tLDgiroelaAarnpensahk tyls w oN, cuiaeto yvclMdleaorn ray s’sjowsoen eprie m.h froh otaimond- rkeetta, iwn hthilee lhiveelpstioncgk t omar- feaAtusr eI… ha”v. e stated, the Boys’ atonwd no.val ball in the alilkseo thheel pS ocruetaht eW laelaegsu FeAs a gGreeatht itnim e.Edwards, regenerate this impor- Vale Council’s cabinet “One comment drove Youth League for them the chair of Llantwit tant strategic site. ‘support the principle of Brigade me on. Once, when I to play in. Major Surf Life I agreed to this the VMAG’s concept’, was young, we were “It is about making Saving Club, thanked requesPt forR timeA as IISEbut coFnveOrtingR this in TbreoHaycEsh wteehda otmh h eoafv efour pc‘dWeloarityhnaiaginnt, g tpp hfleeaor yohsitoenbnlgal lsafla oraieodn ty:dbo aaull? tptdhoeoe oitmnhpgel emg w.r oIe‘’wIlvl h eauo tapp ls ewtco hya oobyoues l’sg raaeonioddd ettnuhvureemnr yibneoeglnre esmo. uefton rtisn b rr eacvaoinnrddg RED CROSS Esenmgil-afninda/Wl oafles Ihte wreo’.n”’t last five minutes ywoour’kr’e. doing your home- WEST FARM ICroWtBshsra OianttiUks ChL t ohDRweelbdikried tgoe nhsbeuailrvmaIv etiheb caareealvrssl e.o ok rfune pseceeeedo nr ptetllhpyeel ahiwrcahedo- a MtTFreaeaIwbvfs erktthuleeelrasiyntbr ewgyuai rnm1tyo,5 ,to .hw ne yil wl bille ttvwhhoaaacGHstna iwabtftirio oyrsvrynhnen o W.twmuol aiitdlnshk ulediatn eegsststaoe ,lm rnoam nnehidgan edeard bbothoavelye““lmresII t r tb mcshhe.oeaalm iskye ebievn aeeggre osi nbno tatdgoec r lfkseloiea gotetoet-nt VETEMRr SItNefanAo SRusaYnnaCDVLMI,N MRICCVSS LTD forthe loan of a ment and didn’t want to be off to Ireland in April been a stalwart of watch their sons and Mrs Sonia SusannaDVM, MRCVS wwhaneet ltcoh asairy awnhda It a gbou ytion gth ae wexhpeeenlcseh aoifr for –n ya. first for our compa- Linl athnetw pirte M-waajor ry feoaorstb, ablult graSnodmsoen Ls lpalnatyw!”it foot- Special Offer: vthaeluy apbrloev siedrev. i ce jawunosdtr ktaoi nf ehgwi roe uw ot enteoeko ws ’eaxuspsee n–- wseiclAlo anteldsa ormo t uaonkfd et hporafe rteht bein oB ytBhse fhpoaaldtlio obwne.ienng a t hluel lw ianr ,p tahretircei- bBMaualrlrentrisns, , P Hsauatcn Mhc oaocsuk nW, thaeaisnvl eeaynd Yvoaucrc kiinttaetne odr, pfulepapy timTeh Ii sh iasv teh be eseenc olonadned sivIe .found out about the NCaotmiopneatilt iToanb olen Tennis to sInet 1u9p6 2L,l aGnwtwyint Mhealpjoerd efuvleln F toaosttbedal ls uLcecaegsus eat treated, wormed a chair and I know of a services the Red Cross Saturday, January 18. Athletic Football Club level. and identichipped panrodv cidoensta ocnte tdh eth ienmte.r n Iet Gteaomods !l u c k to both asencdr ewtaarsy .the assistant a taWlehnetend t hloecrea lh yaos ubnege-n all for only £51.06 swphook ea rtroa nag veedr yfo nri cae lady let Walel wouoru lfdri eanlsdos laikned to groTuon dg eatn tdh ek ecelupb i toff the sGtewr,y int whahso o hftaesn c boenetancted JANUARY OFFER friend to pick up a chair supporters know that our going, he and other club a higher level club, for me, at a time that annual jumble sale will officials held fundraising inviting them to send a 10% OFF Flea &Worming Treatments was convenient to her – take place at Llantonian events and sold tickets scout, in the hope of and she made sure it was Hall this Saturday, door to door. helping them progress in Please email us at:[email protected] CHALK here ready for when I January 10, at 2pm In 1967, he became the game. so that we may update you on our latest offers, PAINTS gotI hwoomueld f rloikme thoo sspayit aal. (vpelneuaes.e) n ote the new twhaes c alu rbe asle bcroeotsatr yfo arn tdh eit surGprwisyen ihna sst oornee –m hoere boosters and worming reminders big thank you for their If anyone would like town when it entered the will soon be notified of North Road, Poundfield, Happy Days @ kindness, understanding, more information, or can South Wales Amateur when and where the THEBARN and for making my offer help on the day, League in the 1971-72 BEM presentation will Cowbridge Llantwit Major Ogmore-by-Sea recovery more bearable. they should call Andy season. be made. Name and address Wellsbury on 01446 “At the time, there 01446 774016 01446 794972 Open 7 days 11-4 supplied. 796374. DC were a number of people 4 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 9th, 2014 C Pupils’ Christmas hampers Joint Masters Mike Gibbon and Martyn give OAPs a festive treat Edwards show their delight at the turnout. STUDENTSat Cowbridge Comprehensive School spread a great deal of Christmas cheer before they started theirschool holi- days! Each form in the school were asked to put togethera hamper as part of the Fine turnout for Christmas hamper project. The hampers were suitably trimmed Boxing Day Hunt and filled with festive items. As there are seven yeargroups at the school, with at least eight forms peryear, it ABOVE: Senior citizens were welcomed by the school with a Christmas meant that the school concert and refreshments – and everyone left with a hamper! had plenty of hampers all looking fora good home! Donna White from the school said:“The elderly from local organisations including Age Concern, Cowbridge Fellowship, Southways and Geoffrey Ashe Court, were invited to attend a Christmas party and 61 seniorcitizens joined us to enjoy a Christmas concert pro- gramme, followed by tea and cake. ABOVE: “As they left, each Hurrying to the OAPreceived a ham- meet. per. “The remaining RIGHT: The hampers were donated Christmas Spirit. to the Vale Foodbank THESE photo- and othervulnerable adults.” graphs of the There was a compet- Boxing Day hunt in COMMUNITY itive element too, with Cowbridge were the hampers judged in taken by Heather NEWS three categories: over- March. TREOES,LLANGAN all school winner, pro- & ST MARY HILL fessionalism, creativity HUNT MEETS FOR Your local correspondent is and character. Nancy Davidge,“Tynewydd”, The overall winner Llangan.(01656) 860303 was form 6, year-8. THE NEW YEAR The three winners Weatherwatch aftermath of the gale forprofessionalism THEdreadful force winds. were: First, form 5, weatherwe have But on closer inspec- year-12; second, form experienced during tion, I could see piles of 5, year-13; and third, the past weeks has building material. One form 2, year-7. caused many prob- can only hope the hous- The three winners ing development work forcreativity and char- lems both locally will not be further acterwere: First, form and furtherafield. delayed! 4, year-8; second, form Once again, Elasto Surprise 7, year-11; and third, Lane in Llangan is caus- encounter form 8, year-9. ing a problem, unless walkers are wearing DURINGa recent holi- St Hilary Joanne’s inspiring knee-high boots. day in the USA, my At the bottom of my grandson and his fami- welcome talk to the WI property, I have a quiet ly were in Houston and meandering stream as he waited forthe special which over the past hotel elevator, three THE Llantwit who had been diagnosed weeks has become a people – all in wheel- guest! MajorWI ended with Vascular Ehlers- raging torrent! All the streams in the chairs – approached. 2013 with their Danlos, a rare and incur- area eventually end up My grandson imme- S T H I L A RY Christmas party – a able life-threatening con- in the River Ogmore. diately recognised one CHURCH will be seasonally-themed dition. THE above picture was taken by Heather March at the Well attended lady, it was Baroness welcoming a special quiz, followed by Knowing that she Glamorgan Hunt meet in Cowbridge on New Year’s Day. SLCTlhaunMrgcaahrn ya’s nH Sdit l SlC aCarhnounnrac’hs, Twcaahrneone idr uGwrrioennyg - 1Th1eh rgo aomtlhdsolent,ics g(Juaensut arthy i1s 2)S.unday sroeamdei nhgusm, Corhoruisstmas mchheiirgl dhhrute snnbo agtn rlodivw de e utcopi d,s eeJdoe htaonerd Pupil Ceiran impresses Chapel, Treoes, were medals for wheelchair There is a service in carols and a buffet take them on a six- ALLANTWIT MAJOR pupil, very well attended racing and broke 30 the church at 6.30pm to provided by the month journey around Ceiran West (year-11) has been during the Christmas world records. re-dedicate the restored members. Europe. nominated by his engineering pWttchrleoeerO s iwBfeoRo hdturKoi.mci Flhhed farieissrgn smbagiert u gdGsuaeiotnntec edhcoe,nn- aiYnnO dDS UhduCeaNr hulaGagunmh dbat .eth rmeH nr eoehawuerst tlb siCavneludb wtohwhteieahllTsnpel thkr b ase en t w ihdnce isovsn eunovdrpdlivovlpuliweacocdgetr e te,.fd ao anrbwn dydth h iteachtiloherl mcSoofwa mPAldiafrepvtes eemsfatnoeniatndrdi lteot lahJ rnCtu eisbol h aimtnarogis o ssJ Jtn weemmtnaehkaanrlsdieyn eg.ift tSwherepoHM tbteeeeomr moa tbbkabeo leSrku,re stwwe tw hahYsieiosc rub het ar IJisnpoe.d on tctDuaoeltHleosleniirsgg t atn euft ot f(otroChr rCeAc o soDCmhma)om.rpw eduniitntfeefgdr a taAhn aindtd aCeVtdeuailrreaanl’s Llangan. meetings resume today Archbishop of Wales, the by the committee were enthralled and amazed at overall performance in engineering When passing the (Thursday, January 9) Most Reverend Dr Barry given to all members. her continuing bravery. has been ‘outstanding’and that he is site, I was aware of a and new members are Morgan, will be followed The new year began What a way to start the always willing to help others to learn large building which welcome in Treoes vil- by refreshments in the with a talk and presenta- new year! Totally uplift- and to assist the lecturer. had collapsed and lage hall at 1.30pm Village Hall. tion by Joanne Teague, ing. In addition, he has an impressive assumed it was the every Thursday. All are welcome. one of the members, JS record of punctuality and attendance. Thursday, January 9th, 2014 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 5 CL Big Red’s journey NO BATS IN THE BELFRY, AS ... St Cattwg’s church highlights stray dogs’ situation celebrates – with RIGHT: Big Red in the a brand new roof! Romania dog pound. Soon, he should be in Wales. A canine behav- STCATTWG’S very frustrating and church in expensive business. A iourist from Barry Llanmaes is a total of three surveys is bringing an aban- grade 2 listed were carried out, with doned dog to the the first taking place UK from Eastern structure, built during the winter Europe in a bid to around 1234, months of 2012-2013. highlight the suffer- although it stands At this survey, evi- ing of strays in on the site of an dence was found of a earlierCeltic foun- brown long-eared bat Romania. dation. having roosted in the ‘Big Red’, as the dog tower, but not very is known, was effective- Over the last 900 recently. In May 2012, ly on ‘Death Row’in a years or so, generations a dusk emergence sur- shelter until James of worshippers have vey was completed Davies decided to ctcndmbeltsslhelreaoiieitohrliuuaogvrnseaptwanuvetiynhTtcetailyl ntreinea dsttl2nhroc iir ygr cttiinnb0ceoihn aobn etch eg e rf.his ugLdcya ena ce ,etotu lh epls onhfea naatfra awaon hdennb ernrrsitre ti dddeseirhm eitsrnbe fpen o, i aio tuodtsehannlu ths ra ttvhee ic gtea ehuasec nseeso n wnertxe otar iomehco mnd dtn,im rtiea ntg,mhdietue nschdaetenr l-auhieoan-itnlo-ew--r wotacofvrarslhiohinrootchcubeafcorhesoo ttusdiersTtimiprip tffhevvnr cerrssehtcpreeiyish o . cvethttwe w el h yytr iear,dbd foe ae eepdn ineaw fos vronba dv ,ro etf peafaoarlo it otcaslrcthbfbusi e othlbiclbaaesnwsensarauuettia dde ti snonh lrteeta n, ea-gvyfcte wvslrtmhrm teen , eib ho eetdlay laeuaootfrareonrht eceutgntrdeehhagicd snehaetog ThBeE SLtO CWat:t wTgh’es wCohrukr cinh proroogf ries scso ams ptlheete tliyle rse astroer eredp (laabcoedve.). ofWGhEHeobsbFbrturvieeeasooEemagteeeesJ“Bcrm hnelMarnneAay eixab gun m.sw” n:r o.pittl saaRiehihoo snep“isfsfetkeees or uI d ed.ol ombdC l.’mwd ofFasl o iti uawmtodu ocnppo aer-nilit le s Jdnliidjpodepgnap gosdplta hnei u aocl yntucherh k tTae naha ith ronabhhevvaityinnlygoeeeeessl. vt“dsifhchasoiurenToiid msotfagdJBmehsf sgsaen ’.ies”a sggrmtwr.botkir eoRnIuieieel lJrgstls celsyt as .aadh ti mhnrvhe Aeieinei es esgrl t, raes t raehehIb xsih sl proolpiyaatbige. uhnlbmmethagargmilti lbihit n iece hta oovevatainlhhdneremtiyeeceres-: iRbstaawibbsnshttp ieesrohr geeipTuemaen cpnereryhugtoaa esses lvn c .rl. p ske iekoacdrIspomo.iion. oln fumbl e r eTnl tPSdeetsdhBaema r doespryuorgou olt cegsifernha hsem rma sahdwo brsaoteafie ehvogtnimsrnhaerestt, has been redecorated. of bat activity. Again, Standing room only insAisnt imthael rdigohgtss gshroouuplds All of this work has to our great relief, none be spayed orneutered, cost a lot of money, was found. which had to be raised The roofing contrac- at St Donat’s rather than killed, to get the canine popula- through many communi- tors commenced the re- ty events and from roofing work at the end Christmas concert tioJna umnedse rhcaos nptrroolm. ised grants from various of October and in spite to keep The GEM funding bodies. of the changeable MANYcongratula- choir’s website informed of Big Red’s qinu i2Int0 qw0u8ae snt hnraeiatc lot hginens inpseeexdctt iaboti nga wfoifne Diasthehc ebery,m mtbhaeenr .ba gegedin tnoing tAiotlnasnttoic S Ct hDoornaalet’s www.stdonats.org.uk.GW parrroigvreess isn Wwalhese.n he job would be to carry When the slates were fora wonderful out work on the roofs. removed, a certain Christmas concert Consequently, an appli- amount of woodworm in December. cmLrvttbtoihoeaeefoo-ata tsenaWTsrtitdtntooo l rehet i eonymghnrs i .tf ysuir rfoe s Sa etocwF hnceta£crhuetaep pe3 fe nsibtspu1cve sdelsHhn,emfi0 ioadcud(ne0mHbnail gr0n nteciw Lei.tgormeo a Fi tlw2ngwti a)hfa0 ead ihan t1cyaeosada2d- awmetwteCahhnxvraoheeeudpeTn oicr ej1ocah,wdhuc h9rdea site twlige rtmheatn edi tsa nne roac,ssno. wayoe eott rln s-h W ethesdrpt avxoualWaeenaevpormclt ayeseefehilhl. aa nsae svbl g,shddl seeiehyl ,sev abbdo tbneotrueweuynets,t-n JBoCmtUkpbenaSlhdyoTi wagctar oeIet ehulceaa tvl lyeed2o daui0a- yheaasr pmaasrske!d ttteoftcvhihioxouacceertnrkktFT ri tccpeeaaeohhehttet treossc yror t thstf hwoci-hooeargehne f’rei ohos mr rrftf seoieehehir arap rhse issnsersti a ot indcntw odvolgteatdf eiier y tm t ya troth.pmot,hn e ar beadaiu bioi elnsunhl reisya cdtel,olt short of the money and our Canadian slate Claudia who is 20 with solo performances required to complete the is, apparently, geologi- years old on March adding to the mix. The job, but in addition to cally identical to Welsh 15. We chose her programme included the money raised within slate. Is that what they from a breederin well-known carols and the community through call continental drift? Bristol when she the enthusiastic audience fsuenvderraali syineagr se,v wenet sw oevreer beaNuotiwfu lt hnaetw w reo hoaf,v ew ae was three weeks Claudia, dthidey t hjoeminesedl vine.s Apmrooundg as scuatcicoensss ffuolr ifnin oaunrc aiaplpli- cjoabn, mwohviceh o wn itlol bthee next ohledr, haonmd eb rwohuegnh tshe 20. tHhuemtt awnder teh Ve amlea AyoMrs Joafne support from the rebuilding the listed was 12 weeks. Llantwit and of churches and pastoral preaching cross base. She was an experi- Cowbridge respectively. committee of the There’s always some- mental breed back then, her head” if not too I hope the cats contin- Rehearsals started on Llandaff Diocese, the thing (expensive) to do! described as ‘miniature steady on her feet and ue to keep well and Monday, January 6, as Welsh Church Act Fund The Rector of panthers’, and she won we love her to bits. would be interested to the choir prepare for and the All Churches Llantwit Major many merits at the cat She sleeps most of the know when we finally their next concert in Trust. Rectorial Benefice, Huw shows around the coun- day, except for demand- sadly lose our lovely April, when they will Preparation for the Butler, said that he was try. ing her three meals be companions. perform Handel’s work included a require- very happy that the She has probably used placed in front of her on SUE NEWBON,Cats Messiahat the ment to have the build- work on the roof had most of her nine lives as TIME and to her liking! Eyes Driving School. Bradenstoke Hall of St ing surveyed for the now been completed, she suffered a major Donat’s Castle (details presence of bats, all of thus keeping this ancient accident at the age of 10 Mixie the cat was can be found on which species are pro- church watertight for the which left her paralysed www.stdonats.com). tected by UK statute. foreseeable future. after breaking her leg over 22 years old! If one of your new This proved to be a Tom Carnduff and pelvis, but with the year’s resolutions is to help and care of West IN reply to R Howells, Cowbridge, I have join a local community Did you know you Farm veterinary clinic kept cats formany years, and I can assure choir – then contact ‘Stefano’in Cowbridge, Gwenda Williams you that you can look forward to a couple can find The she has survived to ([email protected] today. more forJasmine, so long as she is in good o.uk) for information Glamorgan GEM She has only one eye health and spoilt rotten! about ‘try it and see’, the on Twitter? Follow us (lirvaethse wr iatmh uussi natg Caas tsshe befUornef oCrthurnisattmelays, .m Syh lea swt acsa t2, 2M ainxdie a, dbiiet dy ejuarsst old, cphaoigirn’ sf orre cJrauniutmareyn 2t 0c1am4.- @gem_news Eyes) is almost deaf and and I know cats can go on longer than that. Awarm welcome awaits not many teeth left but STEVE QUICK, you. Information can she is still fighting fit “in Llantwit Major. also be found on the 6 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 9th, 2014 CL LLANTWIT BEACH IS BATTERED AS SEA SHOWS ITS AWESOME POWER IMAGES by SUE BAKER THE GEM’S Sue Baker captured these images which illustrate how the force of nature has changed the charac- ter of the Llantwit Major beach area and meadow. The Vale Council closed the road to the beach overpart of the weekend, and is assessing when best to start a clear- up. Photographs by DEREK NAYLOR Photographs by ALAN DAVIES PHOTOGRAPHER Alan Davies took these pictures on the morn- ing of Friday, January 3. Alan told The GEM: “They demonstrated the strength of the storm. The path and wall by the car park were completely cov- ered in rocks and the car park itself looked like an extension of the beach! The fields and the overflow car park behind the beach were also both flooded.” Thursday, January 9th, 2014 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 7 CL LIGHTING UP TIME AT PETERSTON! PHOTOGRAPHS by IANDIXON SANTApaid a call on the Three Horseshoes at Peterston-super-Ely on December 15 to turn on the village’s Christmas lights. He was helped by Lucca, who had won the privi- lege through a school competition. Afterwards, Santa handed out presents to the chil- dren and the evening was completed with mulled wine, mince pies and carols in the inn. ‘Law also applies to Hunt’ ONNew Year’s abuse I received from a due to the stupidity of Day, I was rather large male at the these individuals. driving front of the Hunt. The law applies to all through the village I am a serving police of us for good reason, of Llysworney, head- officer and have a very even those who only get ing towards Pentre real understanding of the excited one day a year. Meurig, with my two carnage that could have Richard Vellacott, small children. happened on that road Llantwit Major. On going around one of the sharp bends lead- ing out of Llysworney, we were greeted by the Glamorgan Hunt gallop- ing three abreast in the oncoming lane. Hearing There were at least 30 riders, ranging from the News update stereotypical landed gen- ABOVE: try, to a number of small Children wait children. from the I was absolutely Tests for the big shocked and amazed, not ‘switch-on’. just at the sight that Lions Club greeted me, but also the FOLLOWING a Lions Sight First for pre- EXPERTS ON REDESIGN & very successful year vention of blindness, forLlantwit Major The Salvation Army and Cowbridge Christmas appeal and KITCHEN MAKEOVERS The Samaritans Scott Wroe Hearing Lions’fundraising (Bridgend branch). activities, the club Llantwit Major and Centre provides: is pleased to Cowbridge Lions Club SALE NOW ON announce donations would like to thank all • The highest levels of service and aftercare to the following who have made this pos- sible by attending our • Independent Advice organisations. events and also helping • 30 day trials on all hearing aids ReTinhdee erer cpeanrta dCeo wrabisreiddge ocluutb a ta rteh onsoew e vheonptisn. g Ttohe 10% OFF MOST KITCHEN RANGES • The World’s finest hearing aids including about £1,350 and as is build on the successes of Widex,Phonak and Oticon customary, this money is 2013 and carry this shared out to local momentum forward into BIG • Repairs and accessories to all makes and organisations. This year, 2014 with their usual models the following organisa- mix of events, plus a tions have been selected: few new ones, to keep DISCOUNTS • Home visits available Barnardos Cymru up the interest in the For more information,or to (CCoowwbbrrididggee R hoetlapreyr sC);lub; cluIbf’ ys oauc twivoituields. like to on appliances arrange an appointment,please call Vale Big Wrap; Age know more about Lions 02920 707760 CMoanjocer)r nfo (rL Clahnrtiwstimtas wheiltphi na gv ioeuwt atot ajno ienvinegn to,r We will price match hampers; and the you can visit the website with other stores Cowbridge Gateway at Monday Club. www.lmandclions.org.uk, where possible In addition, the fol- email info@lmand- lowing have also bene- clions.org.uk, or call Bring your fited by donations from 0845 833 6763. The other fund raising activi- club is open to both measurements ties: LCIF (Lions Clubs male and female mem- to us for an instant International bers, age 18 years and Foundation) for world- above. design and quote wide disaster relief, DAVE EDWARDS THE WOMEN WHO FREE In-Store or On-Site Planning & Design TOOK TO THE AIR Full Installation or Supply Only WOMENhave played a big part in aviation. Or call into: ‘Lady aviators and their contribution to avia- Serving South Wales for over 40 years tion’will be the subject of a talk by David Ephraim Scott Wroe at the next meeting of Penarth Aviation Society this Friday (January 10). Most of the women in David Hearing Centre Ephraim’s talk brought glamour and excitement to flying – but some, like Hanna Reitsch, a Nazi who 01446 1 Station Approach, flew for Hitler, did not. KKIITTCCHHEENNSS LLTTDD The PAS meeting will be held at Penarth 736421 Penarth,CF64 3EE Conservative Club at 8pm and visitors are wel- 11-12 Subway Road, The Waterfront, Barry CF63 4QT www.scottwroe-hearingcentre.co.uk come. Further information on 01446 721321. www.crefftkitchens.co.uk email: [email protected] YT 8 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 9th, 2014 Blwyddyn SPECIAL VALEPLUS PRESENTATION newydd afiaith VALEPLUS,the local and training undertaken in Sant Baruc charity that provides ValePlus’retail training lifelong learning and project, Nova, which is based in High Street, Barry.” leisure opportunities OS ydych yn gyn formed in March 2013 – Melanie Carter, director ddisgybl yn Ysgol a Welsh version of forpeople with a of ValePlus, added her con- Gymraeg Sant Friends Reunited. It is an learning disability, gratulations to the group and Baruc, cofiwch excellent way of re- recently presented cer- wished them well with their ymuno gyda ni yn engaging with the Welsh tificates to some of its future studies. ein grwp AFIAITH language and catching up members who were Pictured receiving their (fiDsoRyly ddydnyim ay d Maynuo uicnswto rdSdo)d.r reyln. wfriietThnh des .o gldro up(a nhda s nbeewen) sAuScDceAssNfu El minp tlhoeyiarbility cTMeoarwtjionfir c,M aCatoeysuo nrfr ooNfmi cL kDl aMenptauwstioytn MggAAyydcads uyeinol’alni tday uddng âu yYy fnshlreeg ei donag l iw ftrfhbyhr liceawnhocdy l iaidia idaaudyii dlln–--. visBste arrgeryuno cgiwn tghes .ltflyr loseIum,np aps ttorrcruetheneo gdit Srha a nontdoft cVcmaoeatnCuinoayornb us mlireesssso e t.ns h tateuhi tdsco :uor “ lfMmT hhiaaniirsard tq iwounao lroikffi- aCHaMnnoeaddluie rnPSn oVe NPnenenojaaiacrl otbPThcleh ekTdos,o, em Swrcaasonorsu a,nMr ha swa erPey ittoouhort,oler. newydd perffaith! 40-strong went carol Peidiwch â phoeni o singing just before THE TWO ‘Community council says, gwbl os nag ydych wedi Christmas in King’s siarad Cymraeg ers dyd- Square. We collected diau ysgol, cewch eich over £200 for the Breast FACES OF cut costs by getting rid synnu pa mor gyflym y Centre Clinic in daw y cwbl yn ôl. Mae Llandough Hospital. wir yn brofiad hyfryd i Our meetings at 8pm NATURE of too many councillors’ ddal i fyny gyda phawb. on January 10, February Wir yr! flwEyddrdyycnh wnne wymydlade ny nagt 7to taanlldy Finefborrumarayl a2n8d, awree TGHovEercnumrreenntt revieWwe lsohf Colwinston statement fewTehri sf uwnidlsl mfoera ns erevviecne nghwmni hen wynebau! can guarantee a good how Wales is governed tional allowances that are islative programme, we delivery as central gov- Dyddiadau, Dechrau night out! has prompted one local paid for committee chairs are introducing ‘made in ernment is understand- yn 8pm, Nos Wener Don’t worry if your community council to etc, this could rise to at Wales’ solutions to the ably reluctant to write Ionawr 10/ January 10; Welsh is a bit rusty – it call for a big reduction in least £17,000 pa. issues affecting us as a Wales a blank cheque. Nos Wener Chwefror will all come flooding the size of government. Reducing the number nation. This goes unchallenged 7/February 7; Nos Wener back! C o l w i n s t o n of councils and council- This Act represents a at present. Chwefror 28/February If you now have chil- Community Council has lors would save the pub- further step in our drive Therefore, we propose 28– dathlu penblwydd yn dren yourselves and they fired off a strongly-word- lic purse a minimum of to ensure local democra- that as well as local UN oed! are pupils in any of the ed response, which says £7,088,150 and possibly cy in Wales operates as authorities, the Assembly EX-PUPILS of Ysgol Welsh schools in Barry, that there are too many at least £9,146,000 each efficiently and effective- should reduce costs sig- Gymraeg Sant Baruc imagine how much more AMs, MPs and borough year. ly as possible.” nificantly, at least in line are invited to meetings confident you will be to councillors. Community and town However, nothing is said with the reductions in of AFIAITH in the help them with their edu- The scene at Dunraven. In the council’s councillors are not paid or presumably planned Whitehall numbers. Mount Sorrel Hotel. cation! response, the respective (but can claim expenses). which will address the Finally, we would like AFIAITH is a group Dulyn Griffith a sSycsottelamnsd ianr e Wcaolmesp araendd, havTihneg 2c2o nasuetqhuoernitciees oisf oarbev iosuism pplryo blteomo. Tmhaenrye taoc tusaulglyg ersetq utihraetd iws haa rto oist for ex-pupils which was Gwenno Huws and The GEM thinks that an enormous cost for local authorities in Wales and branch review to Gardens’ first readers will be interested providing public servic- which are costing a for- make radical cuts to the in the arguments put for- es. Figures published in tune to run. present bureaucracy of Trust anniversary ward in the letter – May 2013 showed 56 There is a significant local government. extracts from which are council employees in knock-on effect to the If a reduction of the published below. Wales taking home public purse as a result of number of councillors is D Y F F R Y N in the glasshouse,” said WEreferto the salaries of more than the large local govern- equivalent to a 40 per Gardens in the Vale Gwenno Mair Griffith, Electoral £100,000 in 2011/12. ment bureaucracy: in cent saving, it should be celebrated its first Visitor Experience Reviews Also, more than 50 Wales the average band possible to substantially year with the Ma“nDaygfefrr.y n House is cel- Programme 2014 that cchilise f aocfrfoicsesr sW fraolmes cotouonk- D14 cios u£n1c,i2l2 t6a.x for 2013 – rceodsutsc ein lao csaiml giloavr ewrnamy. e nt National Trust on ebrating a successful first was circulated some home salaries of at least The Daily Telegraph This will free up rev- Saturday, January nine months with its weeks ago. £100,000 in 2011/12. reported on December 4, enue which any future 4. doors open, over 39,000 Sunrise. This council wishes to The salaries covered a 2013, that Hammersmith Welsh Government can “The first year has ptheeo phloeu seen jaonyde dth ais vfiosri tt htoe LOCALphotographer ANDREWFOYLEcap- ttahkee aissssuuem wptiitohn sso mmea doef reaxnegceu toifv teistl etso, frdoimre ccthoiersf athnrdo ugFhu ilmhapmro veCmoeunntsc itlo, utisoen atlo carepiintavle stot aims pardodvie- seen fantastic visitor first time for 20 years.” tured the extremes of recent weather. when deciding the fac- responsible for depart- how their services are the overall delivery of numbers, with over “We’re all very proud On Saturday, January 4, Dunraven Bay was tors to be used in the con- ments like education, delivered, are setting services in Wales. 60,000 people visiting in of our achievements in carpeted with rocks and boulders after an sideration of a pro- social services, regenera- next year’s band D tax at We ask you therefore 2013. Visitors have the first year with the overnight pounding from the waves. gramme of reviews in tion and the environment. £735. to reconsider your review enjoyed wonderful dis- National Trust, especial- The next morning the sky over Stalling Down Wales. We wish to point The Local It would appear that programme and focus on plays of colour in the ly since over 60,000 peo- produced a beautiful sunrise. out some anomalies that G o v e r n m e n t the perceived wisdom is achieving significant herbaceous borders, ple chose to visit us. should be addressed. (Democracy) (Wales) Act that the Assembly will savings for the benefit of they’ve taken part in We’re looking forward to Organ donation Firstly, Wales suffers 2013 has received Royal continue in its present the people of Wales. events like the Family another year full of from a significant level Assent and the First form with ever-increas- JANE MOTTE, Fun weekend and the events and developments campaign of over-representation. Minister, Carwyn Jones, ing costs that are excused (Clerk to Colwinston bronze statues of the in the gardens,” said There are 40 members of has said: “Through our as it accumulates even Community Council). wmionvde da ntod trhaeinir gnoewds hhoamvee GMearnryag Dero.novan, General AbeinCgA MlauPnAcIhGeNd iins tnhoet rhuonp eo utth afot r titmheem d aoneds Pmauaetrhmlioabrmietriesen st ,a fn6od0r Aa2 s2ps oemploubcllaay-l ambiti‘oSus fTiveR-yeaOr legN- mGore poSwerIs.G NS OF AN support of soft opt- a donor is found. tion of approximately Notice of Offer out organ donation “We are changing the 3,100,000 people (2011). ECONOMIC RECOVERY’ 18 Burns Crescent, Barry, in Wales. lWawal eosn toor ghaenlp d opneoatpiloen oinn theT phuisb cliocm peusr saet .a cWosht itloe PERHAPSCoun Curtis is local Labour AM Jane Hutt who signs Vale of Glamorgan.CF62 9TQ i1n,t oN efwo2r 0lce1eg5 i,os nla htDioopenic ncegom mbeteosr tiohnrecg raednaossn ionrg a wtvhaaeii tlnianubgml elb isetr f booyfr ththhaeev eA Ppssaoerwmlieabrmsly e tnodt aocreyhs anngooert fOarmwileilal’rs wdiytsht oGpeiaonrg neovel tsheerIv ncishcteeesqa,ud pe orsi foa srsiu tFpieipnso ahrntaicvneeg M itnhicenlsiusedt eleord.c :al achieve an increase in the transplant. Assembly representation, 1984, forhe is clearly familiar spending £52 million on an airport, number of organ donors “The ‘It’s About Time’ it does have the power to with the art of ‘doublespeak’ £17.5 million refurbishing their vari- with a new opt-out sys- campaign aims to give tackle the gross over-rep- (GEM letters, last week). ous offices, and over £100,000 on pot- tem for consent. An indi- clear information about resentation of local coun- If the blame for cuts to local servic- ted plants. vidual will be deemed to the change in the law and cils and councillors. es lies with the UK Government, as It is no good Coun Curtis hiding be a donor by either reg- what it means for all of Wales has more local he claims, then it is his Labour col- behind a transparently pathetic blame istering a decision to opt us. It will feature every- councillors in the 22 leagues who between 1997 and 2010 game. Instead, he should spend his in, or by doing nothing at day people who are wait- authorities than Scotland, led us deep into the economic pit from time trying to understand how Barry pththtooashe sesei sn ls lebcciunBsreomegseuya i nroaoosse ngerfemx d,e £ coaoenw6hndfrte4 as eto t, nhwh ofg9ef oiftose5 hrtnu 0h eooetl.ehd fxfmfA ie etrca nro7obad yrs nebvtd hgtpsiosraoataevey ugeocrs sltet fd hsfpooee .arnnrrso t o pdpwiatnrueiniif soyrr ihtr onyt ihftgn foieengr awodwscawcoalhanopbliaimno .lntjlBn l-el so oe trycebi re un tnb,tewg iotd edo.ai at asi onnobsvytid ete i nrbird afeg eaat usaao y n a tad ion delf oiu oed dnbnt ct odhhheodiniesiaiirovnnnoi,yvo ei grg edt.nshh, tu n nheataI’ioydoaefltt ietadtcsoohnhexboirnig,geecou n“r ii eounIgtratpa v tthd f ilntheentio hoobtor gcrh e,tpco l ciamodanecdotmtco ee y mrtkwaw–w,hap b, ien snahtnlrhpsaiy wegegtpeas nh ndhy pilm esa i pie ipfhcnosrorafehas tonernlso vt mrilat fpieehnneone lisd–.aeesf-t, wa(ca4tlaopho2ogpune,h3er0ueopteSsr2oh1 n pr eco7os1occl ooefe x oria ct l.iviupolrltemeaoeinennern rocpaes ss1dipt uo,,lect, llsp2hwleoo)yu5e..uhri l 4tn aphafI5 2scrotn c,ai oi22r olon v l9Wnu1o 2ia2l dnr,,ova244 cicfel2n07ioeairl32g0ssr--l wssatinplloidooetnolfoaheowwl dmnIpvnniyn c -’aecudimips hynseccns a. as iteh, wdrine pndeawtergoeptcl er w li uro siietatosnhgtvhonr ac ehrdeergscao kr oitfhdCtymnreiwe,oen rg osiecsinnas ,ns if gl ,th sasi luas nwyieansntxoa rvadiedf nvgnrea r estamnche lir bttinseam oiaie wivvgltglneluhe e iaegnctso- aoytir ltnthrole e ibcr–seadcufeu e rnto roau.ec m- rtpfndeoda- ce ak-doomleiui-vn--t- ruhclelscrneieaehdiniecflctsra wl dteOv aefy nc emonni t roglcrhl,udte auaeelehwn aymnssnw itd , chsyhc lte io wooyi aetcnrluhs lr oehtthmf tno rssu eateaciuiehonint dniltastes lce ehs ht b tirdcspnl ilieuo£n.h ’sot gtssss2 kaor o es5tsmsrc wn pot0ofoiebeurut,nfmw0’ere nt savpe0rLpda tsisoa0ilriat .oerndka w bettnlgsaoeo ih y pftl ustohyir uhtpretr a obapi;dcts t luoewo piohcscsuulhhaoanbyvt----e Nina Estate Agents Ltd Mark Drakeford AM, television, they will take Secondly, the present He lists a number of services that Coun Curtis, it doesn’t matter how 1 Broad Street Welsh Government a look at our website, set-up is expensive. Each his council has decimated since com- many times you claim that “two + two Barry Health Minister, said: “In think about their organ councillor in Wales is ing to power in 2012 and seeks to lay = five”, it’s not 1984 anymore and no Vale of Glamorgan Wales, over 250 lives are donation decision and paid a minimum of the blame at Westminster’s door. one believes you. CF62 7AA ‘on a clock’waiting for discuss it with family and £13,175 and if account is But the Vale Council’s budget is set ANDREWRTDAVIES AM, (01446) 736888 an organ donor, living in friends.” then taken of the addi- by the Welsh Government and it is (Leader, Welsh Conservatives). Thursday, January 9th, 2014 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 9 VALE MP’s VIEWPOINT ‘Freeze the Council Tax bill’ THEREhave been significant increases 2013-14 is £1,226 and the figures vary from £974 in from the Welsh Government than Cardiff Council. in council taxes overrecent years that Pembrokeshire to £1,526 in Blaenau Gwent. If we received the same perperson funding from are unacceptable. As I write this col- The UK Government has broadly frozen council the Welsh Government as Cardiff, we would have tax rises in England overthe last three years, set- an additional £25m to spend every year– orto use umn, I am waiting to hearthe latest planned ting aside extra money to help keep bills down. The to reduce ourCouncil Tax bill. Bridgend receives increase forus here in the Vale. same money was handed overto the Welsh £226 extra perperson from the Assembly, and With the expectation of bad news, I am calling on Government, but they decided to prioritise other Rhondda Cynon Taff receives £409 extra perhead. them to support my ‘Freeze the Bill campaign – the issues instead. Last year, I called on all residents to get behind Council Tax Bill’. My political opponents call regularly formore the campaign forFairFunding forthe Vale. The Last year, the Vale of Glamorgan had the largest support to help with the cost of living. Freezing petition is still available on my web site www.alun- Vale MP band D percentage increase of five percent, when council tax rates could do this – and the poweris in cairns.co.uk. I am hoping it will strengthen the Vale Cardiff Council saw a freeze in theirbills. The theirhands. The background to the increases relate Council’s hand in its negotiations with the Welsh Alun Cairns increase by the Vale Council and Welsh to the way in which the Vale is taken forgranted by Government. Government has put ourrises at the top of the the Welsh Government and by some of ourlocal We need to do all possible to influence Welsh reports to league in Wales, with a Welsh average of 2.9 per councillors. It seems that the Vale is seen as a soft Ministers. Afterall, 80 percent of Welsh Council GEM readers cent. touch. funding comes from the Assembly Government and The average band D council tax forWales for Last year, the Vale received £202 less perperson ourlevels of council tax are dependent on it. ‘Abolish the role of Vale mayor!’ – CALL BY COUNCILLOR A BARRY council- that we invite an investi- an average of around lorhas called forthe gation into losing the role £15,000 per year is then role of the mayorto and cost of the mayor spent on food and drink be scrapped in the completely. by the mayor. Savings “I have a great deal of would be achieved by Vale – to cut costs. respect for anyone who reducing the costs of cer- Independent Vale has held that office, but emonial events such as councillor Richard Bertin the total costs of the may- mayor-making and aban- spoke out after hearing oralty is in the region of doning town twinning the authority is aiming to thousands; but this is arrangements. save millions of pounds now a luxury that we can next year. now ill-afford, and there- Barry PACT “If we’re in a situation fore it should now be where jobs are at risk, we axed.” BUTTRILLS PACT have to look at losing The Vale Mayor gets is at the Philip John luxuries before we lose an annual allowance on Community Room, jobs and services. Not top of other allowances Barry Library on only do I support the pro- of around £10,000 per Thursday, January posal, but the independ- year plus a PA, car and ent group’s suggestion is chauffeur. On top of this, 9 at 6.30pm. DYFAN PACT at Wear a pin for Buttrills Community Centre on Sunday, January 12 at 7pm. Marie Curie COURT PACT at the Chilcott Room, Barry MARIE CURIE Cancer Care is appealing YMCA, Court Road on to residents to donate an hour of their time Thursday, January 16 at 6pm. in February and March to collect for the Penarth PACT charity’s annual Great Daffodil Appeal. STANWELL PACT at The charity needs volunteer collectors to GlyndwrHall, Glyndwr encourage people to purchase the familiar daffodil Road, on Friday, pin. January 10 at 7pm. The money raised will help Marie Curie Nurses St AUGUSTINES to provide more free care to local people with ter- PACT at the Windsor minal illnesses in their own homes. Arms public house on Contact www.mariecurie.org.uk/daffodil for full Wednesday, January 29 information. at 7pm. (cid:5) ❍ ❆Let Dinas Windows Keep You Warm This Winter (cid:5) ❅ ❆ ❆ ❅ (cid:5) (cid:5) ❅ (cid:5) ❍ ❍ ❅ (cid:5) (cid:5) ❆ ❅ (cid:5) Windows • Doors • Conservatories Windows • Doors • Conservatories Porches • Fascia • Soffits • Guttering Porches • Fascia • Soffits • Guttering (cid:5) (cid:5) AHAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS ❅ ❅ Call Now for a (cid:5) ❍ (cid:5) (cid:5) Free,Noon O 0b1l4ig4a6t i7o4n9 0Q5u5otation (cid:5) (cid:5) RFegiEsterNed CSomApany UFnreite p1h6,oTnye- V0e80rl0o n02 I6n0d5u8s7t r- i2a4l Ehsotuartse Cel2eb5rating (cid:5) (cid:5)❆ wwwC.adridniaffs Rwoinaddo,wBasr.cryo❍.uk ❆ Years(cid:5) ❍ 10 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 9th, 2014 VALE OUTPERFORMS VWBN The Older People’s marks champion looks BRIDGEND WHEN notable back on roadshow IT COMES TO RIDING decade THE OlderPeople’s world needs more people like Stan OUT THE RECESSION TO celebrate over a CommissionerforWales and and he will be truly missed.” decade of evening net- herteam met a total of 400 In the Vale, they visited the Senior Health Shop and the Friends working in the Vale of people at 13 events in and Neighbours strawberry cream THEstereotype of REPORT by PHILIPIRWIN they are 1.6 per cent Glamorgan and Bridgend and the Vale last tea at Beryl Road Pioneer Hall in a prosperous Vale worse off. Similarly, beyond, the Vale year. Barry. oastf r aGplmpaemodro erB graindc gaaesnnhdd- maowrfheef aitlnh1esa .6 nBt h frpaiievtd regV eaycnleeedna rwt sc owoarguokonres try–es £Nga2op2Hv ,7eohm1wa4sbe. vebre er,c 2o0m1e3 , mtuhbcahyt BourtiI dnag t et2hn0ed. 1’sW p eefrlas lchle nlwte.aogrukes WNlaeuotmnwceohnrik’ns g (BV auW smiBnoNens)tsh isly CR5,oo4Tma0dh0mse hp ivoseisowsipio,t lnswe e fharo’itrsc m1 hE8 esn0dag weapvga eaern tmt toosetf ana tlcth roeofss OmVanelTeee th Vioenof g CiG cioenlma WCmmoaoiwlrsegsbsia roanindr eOegarel d acietontrem JnPumdeleoyitdp ta eltneeh’des county borough has borough workers are bigger. Vale workers table compiled by the coffee morning aimed Wales. Forum in September, describing her been reinforced by 20.1 per cent down. now earn an average GMB, the Vale has done at all women business Commissioner Sarah Rochira role and her work to make Wales “a figures released by The GMB survey annual salary of £27,736 best, while Bridgend has and her team travelled over 25,000 good place to grow older”. owners, including both the GMBunion. covers the period from (up by 16.2 per cent) done the worst. miles across the country in 2013, In September, members of her The figures show that April 2008 to November while in Bridgend coun- Other areas that have retired and those which included visits to groups, team also met Barry Open Door while residents in the 2013, and is the result of ty borough, workers’ been hit hard are aspiring to set up in organisations and individuals across group to discuss transport issues in Vale have seen their analysing official earn- take home pay has fallen Pembrokeshire (19.4 per business. Bridgend and the Vale. the town and in October, she offi- wltBaihcnraetieIugd n aeg wlsellr ayinets ardhftil a s leiwtlne efofrinblmvra!kretosei ,oar snday lleyhlooa avwrviesner-, iiewBnnareg riTrsdnAe hgid pnee£ar gnitf2lsadi 3g . ,2ut8hi0rn7ee0 8 s8f, i,ts ghhwuaeohrv weiel V rewta hagailaneest tpebGoreyMs r A£ hc2B1laet26h vn,.o1et2s)u 9a .sg3yeph see( narV t whfacaalaeletgln, etow,sof o rnt2rihcks.3eee- ctacieenonndTntt ))h ,.Ce d aoSrwswdoniuaf nfr casefe(t 1ae 5rf o.(5ri1 n7fpt.lh1eae-r) “thtoieoT lhnAhpase shtv opiiedp o eeasksa etas asoonwbfcd loit iahhsmlhee a lemnpnve eooswnrantn ie rditeno:lga -is cotpoopewuoeETnnpnnhtil geynethy a glbag i avoote lerfomso ofamuef emnrgorethsre ae e tbht vrlimaeeenvanmdeettmem sepi nnbieentcenn lrutdBussne d roitnietofd td ilghny tee. h tnlhepde cuLRminloauaiSlatnnl dayiadtrs toiaoh eUuhposg ewnsahnai,cv. ei rwdedo:r hs sa“sii cM tnWyhe y wHah lEa oemsnss ,pgve hiaintsagatiaslete lma dhle leconaowtlmteh-d ing for inflation, it slightly lower, at adjusted for inflation, GMB’s data was the another to build businesses Maesteg, Kenfig Hill and Bridgend older people to share information in the local community. Shout, and visited the Bridgend with me about their experiences, Honoured for helping Annual Survey of Hours “All women are welcome Carers’Centre, on Park Street, the things that matter most to them and Earnings (ASHE). to drop in and have a coffee Bridgend. and the things that worry them to save children’s lives John Philips, GMB and a chat with other On December 19, the most about growing older in Wales. Wales secretary, said women in business. We look Commissioner talked to 20 mem- “One of the key concerns older “These alarming figures forward to meeting mums bers of Kenfig Hill Shout at Llys people in Bridgend and the Vale TWO long-serving supporters executive, welcomed the honours and show how hard pressed following the school drop Ton about local issues that matter have shared with me is the cuts to of child health services in the said the pair had helped save young working people across off, shop owners before they to them. The Engagement was local bus routes, which leave peo- Vale and Cardiff were recog- lives from across Wales. the UK are struggling to open up, and any other arranged with chairman Stan ple lonely and isolated. The closure nHiosendo uinr st.he New Year’s tghreaH thueel aastlaetih db :bo “othOa rLnd y,b nIe hwaanoldfu lJodof aleinvk eeornyt ooth nceeoi rnat- poaf y wthaegire b ildlse calfitneer yeaanrds wo“mWene pwlhaon atore m inotveer ethsteed. RthuisSm hybeel aesr,a. iwdh: o“ Ip haasdse bde aewn akye eena rtloier ormefsa ponuuybr oclielcd, etiosr ipalelestosop, slaeo vminite attlhh ecin oagmr etmhaa uhtnaivtye Noah’s Ark Appeal chair Lyn Jones richly-deserved honours. Their work attacks on the living monthly event to venues come back and meet Stan again as told me they are worried about. received an OBE for his services to has touched and improved so many standards of families across the Vale. he made a real impression on me “It is important, even in these tUhneN iCveehorinslidattryae lnH i’ons stHepniotssaiplv ieot afc lWa froear l ueWns.iat lseus pa-nd lciovne“tsWi.n eu eadre s vueprpyo rlutcfkoyr wtoh ihcahv eI’mth esuirre thr“oWugohrokuint gth e lanpde. ople rweol“amxTe oan n-modan tklayel keit,v eethnaitss i wewriit lhtloo buet a wSfrhiheoenundt Iet omv ementat .hn Hiym,e b awut tat sha lens ooB tra oi dsngtleyean dadf tarsute dsaisigf fthhitce uosleft tsfhiener avvniiccteaiasl lrc otailmne epssela,r yvn ioicnte tsho es lluopcs-he porter Joan Marshall was awarded a everyone at Cardiff and Vale is deserve and need a children.” shoulder to lean on. ing people to get out and about, British Empire Medal for charitable extremely grateful. Their commitment decent pay rise to halt For further information, “He fought to give you a voice stay engaged with their local com- services to the unit. and dedication to helping others is a the drop in living stan- contact Rebecca at mem- and was the type of person you munities, and maintain their inde- Adam Cairns, the UHB’s chief real inspiration.” dards.” [email protected]. want to be in the company of. The pendence.” 01446 688018 / 01656 360027

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