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Preview Cowbridge GEM - January 17, 2019

BEST Thomas Bros PRICE MOTs Independent Funeral Directors COWBRIDGE P E A K Tel 01446 775681 PERFORMANCE Family-run business 01446 775775 established 1906 Weekly audited distribution (51 weeks) to 31/12/17 - 45,229 www.glamorgan-gem.co.uk THURSDAY JANUARY 17TH, 2019 (GEM Series). Audited by David Pinder & Co Ltd. Chartered Accountants. The Vale of Glamorgan Council Building Excellence Awards 2019 - read our eight-page supplement, starting on page 19. ‘Remarkable community effort’ in Cowbridge saved man’s life A LOCAL man who for help while a staff to use it on Terry. She suffered a cardiac member ran to The Bear continued CPR until arrest in Cowbridge Hotel where the AED the ambulance arrived. was located. In the mean- Terry said: “I have is alive today thanks time, Bar 44 diner Kate no recollection of what to a remarkable McPhail – a trained mid- happened. I remember community effort by wife – ran over to check being at Bar 44, our people in the town. for breathing/pulse. In favourite eating place, As a result he and the Duke of Wellington, and then waking up his family are helping staff took the call and the in Princess of Wales the Welsh Ambulance singer interrupted his act Hospital in Bridgend. Service to highlight to say the time-honoured “Apparently I left this how important it is to phrase: “Is there a doctor world for a minute, a have ready access to in the house?” Christine minute-and-half maybe. an Automated External Clarke was enjoying a But the right people were Defibrillator (AED) – drink and, as she was in the right place at the commonly referred to medically trained, right time. They saved as a defibrillator. Terry she sprinted the short my life, no doubt about it. O’Carroll was enjoying distance to Bar 44 and “Whatever the sup- a dinner out in Bar 44 gave cardio pulmonary port is needed to get Many of those who helped in the recovery of Terry O’Carroll (wearing light slacks) gathered last year to wish him well. in Cowbridge as part of resuscitation (CPR) to these defib machines a family get-together Terry. Max, from Bar 44, in as many convenient Group reports ‘overwhelming support’ when he was taken ill. returned with the AED places as possible, we Bar 44 put out a call and Christine was able should try and do it. Everyone should dig against proposed multi-storey development deep in their pockets to make it happen.” FOLLOWING a petition-signing Housing association Hafod released only 20 dwellings were planned. is Tlhoec aBteeda r Hino teal ’sP AubEliDc session last Saturday, a local pexlainstsi nlagt eb ulailsdt iynegasr a tnod d reemploalciseh t htheem with a The spokesperson said that a further Access Defibrillation group against proposals for series of buildings up to four storeys high 567 signatures were added on the day, Scheme (PADS) site, a a 48-dwelling development in comprising 48 dwellings. bringing the total at the time of writing to nationwide network of Cowbridge reports “overwhelm- The apex of the roof will be approxi- more than 1,700. laorec aativoanisla bwleh eforer uAseE Dbys ing support” from the town in its mlikaetelyly t ole ovveel rwshitahd othwe tAh4e 8h oflmyoevse or,f anneda ribsy The spokesperson told The GEM that members of the public campaign. residents. many residents only became aware of the or staff in the event of The group – made up of residents of One of the group’s concerns is the land proposals because of an advertisement in a sudden cardiac arrest. Aberthin Road and Millfield Drive – is earmarked for a property development CONTINUED objects to the proposed redevelopment of under the most recent local development last week’s edition. ON PAGE 4 the Old Sixth Form on Aberthin Road. plan (LDP) for the Vale, but residents say CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Why not start the year by improving your Audiologist of the yearr hearing health? commendation Charity No. 284789 (England & Wales) We offer bbeessppookkee hheeaarriinngg ssoolluuttiioonnss and services at competitive prices for each individuals needs. • Local independent hearing • Video endoscopy ear care provider examination • Home visit service • Flexible evening and • Adult hearing assessments weekend appointments inc. speech audiometry HALF PRICE OFFER! Microsuction ear wax removal* Too book an appointment *Only valid in clinnic during January 20019 TTeeeexxtt oorr CCaallll:: [email protected] 07783 776 806 www. valehearing.co.uk 2 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 17th, 2019 SO the Labour-led Vale Council has decided to more of the same? I did not vote in favour of a merger Lord’s Taverners ‘New building will ramp up oRur counecil taax by ad furtheer 4.5r pers’w ith LCardiffe becautse I tknowe this rwoulds be a backward cent. This is a bitter blow to those who are step and a takeover for the people of Barry and the already struggling and will pile more financial Vale. help SEN children be out of place’ hardship on to families. It is about standing up for what I feel is best for the yeaLr aas t4 ay.5Pet a plrGee, rwal acesem nehta ,ok di nreacg er4ea.p8ans pey e Gwor uhcEeircMnh t l ic enLletcatrterdelayrs, essG ha oBnrwdaR sti hgItihEs eHFyo auaCnsroedeua , na a 5nRdd3id ca hr Ea‘eGradsr seBsat etgterthrai nCet,eamr,d iC ftfoo’ ww: Tibthhr leieds sEg odef iaCt soFary7, i1s not it. access activities HOW right The proposed new are prepared to tax us to7 tEheL h ioltr, e evemn iani tlh eesde ittoougrhial@Bgalrarym Inodrepgeannde-ngt,e Vmale.c oof .Gulkamorgan Council.SO RBraodgsheawr Ewplxoacucehld.a nlIofg oeka n tootthaelblryu icoloduftif neogef tCimarSedosi•.mff .Le W epteetolelp,r lmrse e ybas entelhdiroev vueeeg- mhtthth aeoe inal rs nti hsMgwihsUe tirs S t idoTs o tei onwd mcietl e uraredglaleel l l ywey twiottuhearnr stF. UWtuiLhsepL e a d o aLobud airNdtb tcreOooeruT usbr sn-all,occ eciwcdloe tnVptaottaxa l atecbhn tyoC ot sanoee luy fewnumpcrhhtoiohlou ehnasrare me4s n .ada5ulei rmlpce.eiabdrde ecyrde. ntWot. e rTahmisp I’oMn behwarlfi tinogf pwriothv idtera nyspoournt g opppeoorptule- iJsa n(uGaEryM lett1e0rs)., sthheorpe isis surreealyll ya snueiteadbelde Hafod’s proposed development Tavtehren ers, Lortdh’es ninittioe s tthheaitr tackoem tmheumni toieust The proposed site, as first mooted, on UK’s leading youth and help them access Exchange Building is to the existing market park. in Cowbridge is ’too large cricket and disabil- sporting and recreational be built in one of the I realise that knocking ity sports charity. activities outside their most historic parts of down the old market school environment. CoIwt bisr idriggeh.t against part bupu ildminogres cawr illp arkfirnege and too ugly’ says reader Ith’de olpikpeo rttuon ityta ktoe Tsuhpepyo ratr e tahles o sthcehroeo lt’os of the old town wall (into space, but with nearly remind all Special wider curriculum and which the Market Place 500 houses to be built Educational Needs help develop life skills. RfoerAsmtcaeruror saEsn att hgisel e bs turAielect)ta. dise mthye oebxnet rwaD aapnrartreekndi .n FgT ahsrmpisa ,c iese vwneirolylt TssHioxEctih a lp frororepmnot asasl ilt eu tno(ig tsir closon’n s tgrrtuhacmet mo4ald8r ktwheoeeT upnhliodinsr gb tph ewr/ Aoaip tbvhoei sstrhaitbhle,li enaw d eRhjyoioceiahnsdo iin rseeg nt owptroraio lnllpa cderegor tie inte,h tstoeo a ooCn pdoup wgeolnbsyihr tiaaednn.g dce e. (ainSn Ed NW)oa rlegsa nsioscfah toiotohnless bmeecTaohnmes e omffa irnt rimbanuossrpeeos rthtahataniov nae aamGnnleddor b ttoeoW wthoIneno nwdw soet(rsonktc ohikswo ut hHseBeo fuauontstrdes- tobwhnuie si thlhdt.ieimmneg a sto t hbpeer Eo pbxucohinladeninngtges sdcemhIfo oitlo iisls)h eindae ttvh ietaAnb sbleue rtrehltayht sitohnme oeRtlhdoi snacgdh o,o fo lCa hlooawsw tebor r bpierdo gfiele. imIIpt rw woovoueul tldhd ae bl lseoo io nbk e eo vifne ttrheyrebe oasdtreeyda’ stn oio ntkt nedroeeswsttr ohtoyo wtirt .yth aen cdo ve- sisu Opsupurop prpota rrttiiwncgue l ars ochffofoecourlss. –wn eitethhde sy st pohe eeclnpiga yla ogeued nwugci taphte itoohnpealierl Cottages) built in 1754. Michael Clay, should replace it, something which would be in nant that was on this building/land was circumnav- and organisations that communities and experi- All are listed buildings. Cowbridge. ‘Vale Council is itgoa bteed u, saesd I f wora es dtuoclda ttihoant pthuerp loasneds, olenflty i!n t rust, was whaovrek lweaitrhn inchgi lddirfefinc,u wltiheos encWe en ewb eelnievvireo nmseunctsh. Spotlight on CJ Wilkin, Welsh St Donats. or physical disabilities. experiences are essen- determined to The GEM contacted the Sir Thomas This includes provid- tial to help young Mansel Franklen Trust for comment. ing specially adapted people develop crucial lamppost issues A spokesperson responded: “There is in fact no minibuses, as well as life skills, independ- ruin the Vale’ covenant restricting the use of the land, as can be playground equipment ence and confidence. OVER the last At the time of writing, confirmed by inspecting the register at the Land that is tailored to the Applications for our in toucfhhoa uvrwe yitehab resteh, neI tthheeA csbtoroueunettc ailla fmtuoprrnt niesidg s hutitpl l a aognnod., HHtAhiVegnhI N aSsGc ah ostoault dtfeeonnrtd Getediar clsh Cearos wlaeb aprrunidpingilge, RttTrhheuagostit mtssht aaresyn p.Md rH otahocnewes eeeCdlv hseFa rorr afti htnsyeak Cllleeaon nsm dhTm oriuusi slssdstu.i obbneje hhctea lstdo d bciryhe atchrtieet daS bilre nsincegheT odtorosadl nsa soypfs,o trrutthm gtehgasalneet y is op abucStpcaEieilnNss--. wmophienenie,b luacsnhedas ifro-raamcrsce ecsasnni boblwee Vale Council about hacked down the lamp- my profession, I feel impelled to object “The objects of that trust are, essentially, to use sible to their students. accessed on our website. the installation of pwoosrtk ninegx tp teor fite,c wtlhyi cwhe lwl.as sintrgo, nbgleya uttoif utlh, e hliostsos riocf bsuuiclhd inagn aimndp oisn- tChoem inpcroemheen osifv teh eS cfhuonodl faonr dth iets b peansetfi at nodf Cproewsebnrti dge STianvceer n1e9rs7 6,h atsh e doLnoartde’ds maFtioorn mviosriet: iwnwfowr-. a dropped kerb on Severn Avenue is its place building an ugly series of flats. pupils.” over 1,200 minibuses, of lordstaverners.org/ Severn Avenue. one of the roads in the Does the planning department (of the Vale ‘Politicians which 76 have gone to or call 02920 343940. About five weeks Vale where the lights Council) have no understanding and appreciation of SEN schools in Wales. Ed Meggitt, aaklabgemorobup,, t Itpw hrrahoetpig loreher astses d e nwbaqei etuhsnit r ritenohenget attohre e 6otaunmrlny e tdeo n oesfrafgv yfer othemne ye1r gaamyre; o‘tibuorTrno hhwteoinsr ri’itu sali agjnnue dos?t u wIar s hVfueugarrelgteh et.eshrte etyhx waatmo tuhpleldey ‘obfifut tiihlnde’ it.rh deiert eflramtsi noan- eanrvei riognnmoreinngtal miOniubru se‘si cToanrei ch thergreree etnoa tenchaeirmdTaanv, eLronredr’ss. continually for about saving is from the men BM Glover, Llantwit Major. three months on Severn who repair the lights. pub is part of concern’ Avenue. Richard Enos, Barry. Reader’s rant over ‘The Welsh IN OTED Mr A Cairns’ (MP) and the community’ Danter’s disgrace Jane Hutt’s (AM) postings of their ‘reasons to be cheerful’ list for Vale Ih ave been reading about the proposal Government is WHAT is it If social media wants residents in 2019 – summarised in edi- to close the Master Mariner in Barry with the to look for eyesores, the tions of The GEM. and I want to tell you that every well funded’ annual old toilets up the other Their perspective: all sunshine and congratu- Thursday there is a club for people with ‘Have a go at end of the promenade not lations; content to skip over the realities of what MR Wales, there is a funding Henry Danter’ exactly looking very nice decision makers sanctioned during 2018: Barry learning disabilities, organised by the Jefferson’s floor of 115 per cent for campaign and his at the moment, doesn’t Docks – the Biomass incinerator (Biomass Power Vale People First organisation. the Janulaertyt er3 ediin- tnhoeTt hroeinlsa ltyi vemis bealtohncesk Wgretahlnsatht. eayt esoBraer royf rIusblabnisdh. tshhuisar et w lHooreodnk ra yna d i smt hgeaost soi.td wIf’oimlrl P- l‘anIngutnc)ol egraeera trmhineusgde-’ ui spds ufumoersp feiufd ly lo opnur o owduuirl cld,t oiboounrt;s ttcehopea. sptoatle wntaiatel rs it iIst niso wou pr alortc oalf pouubr lfiacm piulby,. pI ewoapnlet kaeree pf rtiheinsd plyu,b a nd tion of The GEM on Government well- Do the council need be cleaned up ready for impact these actions may have on the welfare of for a long time. the subject of Welsh funded by the UK more money out of tarmacking. I remember local residents and beyond, is coming. It will be in Ian Swannick Government fund- Government, its high him again as The GEM when the travellers were the air we breathe and the water where we bathe. ing failed to note level of funding is guar- reminded us he was ordered to leave the Ronald Davies, Barry. HIGH TIDE TIMES that for every £100 anteed into the future. oinr defirende s toa npda y c£o3st5s, 00i0n Dinas Powys sports field Reader’s thanks The high tid(UesN lTisItLe dJ AinN tUhAisR wYe e2k4’)s GEM are spent in England on It is flat out untrue 2018 (GEM note: his last year and the mess those in Porthcawl. It should be remembered total departmental to claim that the Welsh Treasure Island arcade they left for the taxpayer IW AS walking at Barry Island that along the coast, high tide times will vary. budgets partially Government is under- building breached to clean up, probably the last Friday lunchtime when For instance, in Barry, the high point otor wWhaollelys, d£e1v2o0lv eids fGsuhonovudelerddn mhoeblndyt . tIhntesh teeLa adb, UowuKer pofla In wwnhioanutg l dth ehr eagtseiut elta ot wiotohnuisnl)dk. oaargneal yinn o.r te Hafisnooiwnn g t ahMbeo r ucDto uagnnitcvei-rl kinHde Ig ewnatsle llmoatsaentr wfohuonm cda yrar ti eNde hblli’mlsi n Ppdaoti/inedtn etclaayrf a proaruknd dbo ythg ae. DATE will bTei m20e – 25 mHintu tes lTatiemr.e Ht now given to the Welsh Government to be like if he had not ing the man a pat on area until we were thankfully reunited. AM M PM M Welsh Government account for mismanage- brought the business in the back for a change I feel at the time I was not able to convey my 17 Thur 02.23 7.8 14.58 8.1 as its block grant. ment of this considerable 2015 and spent a cou- instead of the constant gratitude adequately, and would like to use your 18 Fri 03.33 8.3 15.59 8.6 And, thanks to financial settlement. ple of million pounds complaints. Rant over. letters page to convey my sincere thanks to the 19 Sat 04.34 8.9 17.02 9.2 Alun Cairns’ work as Ross England, Vale of his own money on it Dave Arnell-Smith, gentleman in question. 20 Sun 05.28 9.5 17.57 9.7 Secretary of State for of Glamorgan to what is there today. Rhoose. Name and address supplied. 21 Mon 06.21 10.1 18.48 10.3 TThhee GGllaammoorrggaann GGEEMM • Contact us... 22 Tues 07.11 10.4 19.37 10.5 23 Wed 07.58 10.6 20.24 10.5 24 Thur 08.45 10.5 21.12 10.3 Tel: 01446 774484 • Fax: 01446 774108 While The GEM makes every effort to check the accuracy of tide tables, we recommend that anyone FACEBOOK: GlamorganGEM / TWITTER: gem_news • GEMSportNews putting out to sea, or walking in an area where they could be cut off, should check with a tide table General Manager: [email protected] specific to their location. News Submissions: [email protected] We abide by the code of practice upheld by the Editorial enquiries: [email protected] Independent Press Standards Organisation Tim Chapman [email protected] / TWITTER @TimGlamorganGEM (IPSO). This contains Philip Irwin [email protected] / TWITTER @PhilipGlamGEM provisions for issues such as accuracy. If you have a complaint, write to us at the address Andy Johnstone [email protected] below, left, or call Gareth Jamieson on 01446 774484. All complaints will be fully investigated. If Advertising/Distribution/Classified/Notices: [email protected] you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may wish to contact IPSO, Gate House, 1 Farringdon Sales Manager: [email protected] •Sales:[email protected] Street, London EC4M 7LG www.glamorgan-gem.co.uk Website: www.ipso.co.uk. Tel: 0300 123 2220. Published Cboyw: Gblraidmgoer.g CaFn7 G1 E7MEL L. tPdr.i,n Gteradi gb yH ToMusPe ,B 5ir3m Eiansgthgaamte., E-Mail: [email protected]. Enquiries: [email protected]. Thursday January 17th, 2019 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 3 Ava’s haircut to Phone box Cannibals on menu benefit Little becomes a for Cowbridge U3A ‘hygiene bank’ Princess Trust THE St Hilary Christmas telephone box AVA Richards has been dismantled and transformed aged nine, recently again. It is now a drop-off point for a ‘hygiene bank’, decided to have 13 a charity that collects donations of toiletries for inches cut off her families and individuals in need. Toiletries, which could include unwanted Christmas gifts, must be hair at Marooned new, unopened and in date. Hair Salon in As an example they could include shower cream, toothpaste and toothbrushes, sanitary pads, nappies, Cowbridge on cotton wool balls, deodorant, shaving cream, soap, January 12 and washing powder etc. AS donate it to The Little Princess Big Screen Trust. BIG Screen’s life? Cowbridge U3A members were given a heads-up on the islands. This is the second first film for 2019 Her unorthodox visit THOSE interested in islands. The climate is warm, with two time that Ava has is The Children to his hospital bedside World War II will associate seasons, described as ‘wet and wetter’. helped the charity, as Fundraising for Act (Cert 12A) on has a profound impact Guadalcanal and the other Malaria is rife, there are saltwater croc- she had her hair cut to cancer charity T24h uatr s7d.3a0yp, mJa ninu ary ostnr otnhgem n ebwo tehm, sottiirorinnsg i n Sblooloodmyo Pna ciIfiscla cnodnsfl icwt ibteht wethene othdei lessu rurpo utnod 1in0g f eseeta slo anrge aanbdu, nbdeacnatu sine raise funds when she Cowbridge Town Japan and the USA, but may fish, sharks are plentiful; the two pred- Hall. the boy and long-buried know little else about the ators mentioned take an annual toll of was six. WHEN Jill Carpenter found out A moving film based feelings in her. archipelago. the unwary and the unlucky. With fundraising, her friend Marilyn had cancer, on the novel by Ian This is probably Cowbridge U3A was fortunate These islands have a reported his- Ava has raised more shTea lkfienlgt ttoh e henr eesdta fft o at doT esscoom eEtxhpirnegss. MHicgEhw Caonu srht ojuwdsg eB ritish Emma Thompson’s rtreacteendt lys totory beo f retghael eSdo lwoimtho nth eIs liallnudss- tory of cannibalism. in Cowbridge, they came up with the idea to Fiona Maye (Emma greatest performance so by member Rob Cumbes, who, with Next meeting will be a talk entitled than £250, with dona- hold a Christmas raffle in aid of Golau Cancer Thompson) as she strug- far and is unmissable. his family, had spent five years there, ‘The Land of Song’ by Dean Powell tions still coming in. Foundation based in Singleton Hospital, gles with her marriage Doors open 7.10pm; based on Guadalcanal. at 2pm on Wednesday, February 13 Swansea where Marilyn is receiving treatment. to Jack (Stanley Tucci). U3A members forgot any illusions in Cowbridge Town Hall. Visitors Ava’s mother, Team Leader Laura went to a number of shops She has a life-chang- tickets (£4) available in of a tropical paradise. The islands sit welcome; there is a small fee, which L“Wined saerye Wsoe ignncerre,d siabildy: uwopne V raeonD uddec ochdeneomrawstb,en de ctr,h loeat 2nhH2din,i ggwh,£ hS1jee,tn1rwe 3ee1ttlh l eteor hy apa, dsrik tzo efyb oser we nadan osd nr adatmriiasooewnrdsne.. iwatno tog ehr edaknve: acesgi htsehoi oeubn lobd ytl oo,s hoAmedd aftakormaernc ,a est- aCddolveorark.n’cse o ffrfiocme tohre o Tno twhen oemcaanirn stosthh eqteshu .e aPFmkaeec.ws iT,fi ahrcloe tahr‘edroi suna ggrtreh a o vtchfye rrcfiesleeroe nat’ehc setai nuvadselu m vraioolslslky-t ibnrciSdluegdeee ms orrewef rwdeeswtha.miuls3e.natssi.t es.org.uk/cow- proud of Ava.” Laura Williams fusion that will save his RB impenetrable tropical forests on the SPM opening not closing branches www.swansea-bs.co.uk ANOTHER YEAR AND MORET aNkOinMg sIoNciAaTl rIeOspNoSnsibility seriously Interest rates effective from 1 October, 2018 Range of Savings Accounts Minimum Account Minimum Account Annual Interest Account Name Opening Balance Operating Balance GROSS/AER (cid:1) Personal Premier £1 £1 1.25% £25 - £500 £25 - £500 GROSS = 2.75% Regular Saver per calendar month per calendar month AER = 2.78% Catherine Hartland states:‘I am very proud of the team 90 Day Notice £5,000 £1 1.35% we have here at Newbolds. I believe the awards give Cash ISA £1 £1 1.35% credence to the fact that you do not have to work in a Cash JISA £1 £1 2.25% large city, with prestigious offices (charging the high GROSS = 2.25% fees that go with that), to offer clients the very best Young Saver £1 £1 AER = 2.26% Thseisrv yiceea. rH aavlli nfgo ua rb orafn ocuh ri no Bffaicrrey sa nadr eb esinugp ploocartli ntog t hae homeless charity F(Fiorrs ctu sAtodmuerlst aSgaedv 1e8r-3 0) £1 £1 GAROERS S= =1 .15.15%0% (TVhaele Wmaaklelisc mhe) easnpde caia llolyc parlo uadn iomf oaul rc ahcahireitvye m(Fernites’n.ds of Animals (Please note the Swans Premier Account no longer exists and all existing accounts have been transferred to the Personal Premier Account) WTahlee sBa).r rOy oufrfi cseo ics ibaal smede adti a11 c0a Hmigpha Sitgrene ft oarn dF yrioeun ds of Animals Wales can call their offices on 01446 700693. Their web site TheseINTEREST RATESare variable. They If you require details of the current interest rate haiss b aeilnreg aredlayu hncahde do vine Mr a1r8ch,0 20001 8v aisnidts it sa anidm iwsi lrl ibsein g daily. Please may be amended in response to changing payable on your account please contact the economic conditions or as required in the Society on (01792) 739100 or call in to one of fotlolo mwa koeu crl ipenrotsg’ lriveesss e aast iwer wtow na.nviegwateb aonldd sproolviicdiet ors.com interests of financial expediency and the the Society’s branch offices across South Wales regular legal updates. prudent management of the Society. where staff will provide this information to you. • No 1 in Wales with Trust Pilot COWBRIDGE BRANCH 01446 506000 • No 19 in the UK 75 High Street Cowbridge CF71 7AF • Conveyancing Firm of the Year • Property Team “Highly Commended” (cid:1)GROSS The Gross rate is the contractual rate of interest before the deduction of income tax. (cid:1)AER Stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and added each year. 110 High Street, Barry Swansea Building Society is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial www.newboldsolicitors.com Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services Register Number: 206066 01446 700693 4 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 17th, 2019 Cowbridge History Society’s complete digital archive is now available in the town’s library COWBRIDGE ABOVE: The start of a chil- History Society’s ABOVE: dren’s race during archive room Cowbridge Amateur Dramatic Society’s 1971 offering. Cowbridge Carnival. has been up and running in room Community effort saves 5 Old Hall on Wednesday morn- ings between 10am man’s life in Cowbridge and 12pm for the past nine years and it receives visitors CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the speed that the Welsh Ambulance paramedics and enquiries from Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust has got there was quite remarkable too. They picked all over the world. trained more than 8,000 volunteers to operate more up the red alert call and were there rapidly.” This huge paper Anyone visiting the Among the most recent me on 01446 773373. than 1,130 AEDs funded by Welsh Government, Over 30,000 people suffer cardiac arrests archive (as opposed to library can ask to view it items handed in are three We have also had cahnanruiatile sc aomr pianidginv idvuiaal s.s oTchiael smerevdiciae ianls oF erburnusa rayn, o2u0t1 7o ft hheores piwtaelr ei n 9,t8h0e0 UhKo speivtearl y viyseitasr , inw hWilea leins tinh e Caorwtebfraidctgse dMisupsleauymed) tghrearpeh as nda nwdi lli nfifnodr mphaotitoon- CSoocwiebtyri dsgcrea pboDorkasm fraotmic a wad of photos of called Defibuary, to encourage people to find attributed to a heart attack or cardiac arrest. For has been digitised and on buildings, people, 1932 through to 1976. people taking part in out where their nearest defibrillator is and how every minute without CPR and defibrillation a can now be viewed events, aerial views, These will soon be passed the 1974 Cowbridge to use it in a life-threatening emergency. Mr person’s chance of survival decreases by 10 per cent. on the computer in clubs, businesses, census to Glamorgan Record carnival – again they O’Carroll’s family has now called for more defi- It is the second time the AED at The the History Room by returns, street directo- Office for professional are now in the digital brillators to be fitted in public areas around Wales. Bear Hotel has been used to help save a life. anyone who prefers to ries etc for Cowbridge keeping, having been archive. You might Terry’s son Dominic, who was also at the Dominic added: “You don’t even have to be look at it in this form. and Llanblethian, and scanned into our digital well recognise yourself gtoe t-tthoeg eatchteior nws hoefn thhies pfautbhleicr wanads riells, tapuariadn tt rsibtauftfe. qifu ayloifiue dh atvoe unsoe tara indienfigb,, yiot’us csaon indtou istiovme.e tEhivnegn. libNraoryw htohladts Ca ocwobpryid goef foourr ostuhreror unvdiilnlagg esa reian. ahracsh ai vpea,r tibcuulta ri fin taenreysot nine in costume or kicking He said: “What they all did that night was I went back to my golf club and asked about the digital archive, it The archive is being seeing the actual scrap- a football on that day! absolutely fantastic and without any shadow of a defib, and then said ‘Oh, I think we’ve got is far more accessible. added to all the time. books they can contact Betty Alden a doubt they saved his life. With extreme luck one somewhere.’ It’s important to know.” Protest group receives support people with medical training came to our aid. Then AEDs are now accessible in places such as railway stations, leisure centres and even on the INSTALL top of Snowdon. The NHS Direct website can against housing development help you find your nearest AED. Click here to view a map: www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk/ CONTINUED Integrated Skips LTD LocalServices/?s=DefibrillatorLocations. FROM PAGE 1 To become a member of a PADS user group, The spokesperson We will not be beaten on any written volunteers undertake two hours of training said: “Many commented which teaches them how to administer the AED quotation for the Barry area. that they had come into and carry out basic life-support skills. It is not the town specifically to essential to have training to use an AED but it learn more about the will be helpful in the event of an emergency. development and pledge If you are interested in establishing a PADS their support by signing site or joining an existing team please con- the petition and finding tact the PADS Office on: 01633 471354. out how to object direct Glyn’s memories to the Vale Council. “There was a clear message from the resi- at Probus Club dents that the building itself should be saved THE first of two having won recently, and redeveloped, as speakers, our winner this time being suggested in the LDP.” own Glyn Rixon, Bob Bevington. Many were report- whose talk, enti- Our second speaker edly “shocked” about • All sizes available tled ‘Memories of wwahso Cclalrm De r tDo avgiidv eE lluiss tohfe thheei ghdt evaenldo pmsceanlte. A spokesApeBrsOoVn E:f oSr igtnhiant gy othue’l lp eptriitniot nm oyu ftsuildl e dCepaafert mNeenrto of the Vale • Delivered & Collected MINI Pembrokeshire’ a talk on the workings “People are also con- Cadw told The GEM Socialist response.” Council is January 24, • Waste Collection Service gave us a 30 min- of the Neighbourhood cerned about the impact that applications for The Aberthin Road and emails can be sent •• FLraebeo suurr hvieryes t oan loda eds tyiomuart seksip MIDI ubgrtoeoy whjoionougdr nemuype moifon r hieiass WiOnf afit1cc9eh8 2iSn cifthrieaomtmive e. aF tooH rompmreode- ttbhhoeau tr pirntihgvi ashc yow uoislfel s t hhaean vndee ihgoahnd- thhaeTd hbue ibldecienangm ptoa ribegcen e liivsheteadds. agsanrioddu : p’“MsA i llssfmpieoallkdle snpuDemrrsbiovener ttroo l@vdaelveeolfogplammeonrtcgoann-. •••• G9DC5oroa%umbn e ochsfiil tro/iehcu i&&rg w hPCwaloasamntyetm p hiseei rrrrecemicaiytl csl ed MAXI sotlarmnimceai pltlyss h ovjupifls,olt ar gn peoa lrieawglfheifitcthn-- vaobcteihdthieevar ves i otgsoutr rromo uanapngksd, e ccaarnfirmritniiseegon lcdefiolsaysrl cpsoleioandmnr ekctsrhie anerotgni no scp n orAo onvtbvgoeeie rsrs tittthohhieonien n o li amRrpc coprkooaa onbdcf--t. nurteeonsftOiet,iv rnnrehgeerod sw aatsloeT v wa“elmrli, t ittadhempdrope lsetre -o cwupvlasraioestlhs-r. fActthhruoleesum sn p tdtlhChaeeneavi nirerg inlnrcosogo pu nMmpcp eeoPmrnl niettcs oti e wosdav initesidh-rt gHTofore avan.Gdus lkpa,oom rfto oarrtP giolabannny, n TCipnhoogeus Vtn acanitllode, arranged ing, and his early likely to occur. Another concern raised Nimbys’, while another is clearly in breach of. Civic Offices, Holton • RUonlli tO 1n2 RFo, lAl Otlaffn 1t5ic-5 T0r aYdairndgs EsXtaL tMeA,XI sthche ooyloduanygs er wchheiln- ithnegN eAoxnGt MFm eobannrudtha ’rssye crm1e2te aeritys- bwoyfo ualtd h ehb iesg ttorhoreiuc pd ebsiutsr iuldcwitinhogant. hppaoaissg anlcsiln agiis m age“adsio nctsihta altt h eac ppaarmrot--- cpohn“aTsstehr ueoc mtfi veteeht iean ngdc watmhaesp vanieegrxynt RadodTaedhd,e B atrhraystp, CokFoeb6s3jep 4ceRtrisoUon.n”s dren were escorted reminded members to The spokesperson said heid” and “class war”. will be released shortly.” can also be made online Barry CF63 3RF. Tel: 01446 421072 to school by older notify him in writing of that the school was one The GEM invited the The group will be by visiting www.vogon- Email: [email protected] pupils. any items they wished of only two that was built writer to submit a letter, outside Caffé Nero again Glyn drew the raffle, to be on included on the specifically for the edu- but they declined, saying, on Saturday, January 19 line.planning-register. Waste Carrier Number Jeffrey Robinson being agenda ten days before cation of girls in response perhaps not understand- from 10am until 4pm. co.uk/PlaRecord.aspx- CB/LE5004GH the winner; he asked the meeting. to the Welsh Intermediate ing the concept of media The deadline for direct ?AppNo=2018/01408/ for it to be drawn again, MM Education Act of 1889. objectivity, “I doubt objections to the planning F U L . Thursday January 17th, 2019 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 5 Taxi fares are all ‘Festive fine upset my set to change in Christmas’– Woman is county borough fined after leaving TAXI fares will rise in into effect from Monday, January 14. Bridgend county borough Cllr Dhanisha Patel, a member of this week after a new pric- the Shared Regulatory Services Joint waste at council tip ing proposal suggested by Committee which covers licensing matters, said: “Drivers were keen to see licensed drivers was agreed. a slight fare change as they have been A number of taxi drivers have telling us that they face larger outlays argued that fares should be increased A busy Barry mum bag. recycling centre, but protested her innocence, result of people simply for the first time since 2011, due to before they can start to earn a living. was threatened The saga began with after I left, my waste she had to deal with discarding waste at our the rise in cost of living, coupled However, it was important to strike with a fine or court a strange discussion was moved from the three organisations, the recycling centres rather with the cost of running their vehicles. a balance, bearing in mind that taxis appearance after with one of the men at skip by someone and Vale Council, environ- than placing items in In October, after considering four should remain affordable for the public, atrhe bMceiy uVzcmalari lnorefge Ct hvproilesauein,tn Mtct.oirl s’ s t“kjhuIi etsMtct o phaorlebsakn on P auitrn. tup tacho eos gtkeooix p opa fl–na adiIn tbweoudyay:s dwacnauil Smtlehehnpidenfe o idrtnreh c.ece”ele mscieveewnendthtr eeaor faevfin ecdrey r mcsSMiohtePmeen cAtpaaolallsnnu oetynr nc a f3CocoGntaroticSarrens cam stFne ewdCdn hCttlh oo.e c al thnehnaeescv eiaorsponspn aorrmocypce tarnoista aictolea ne lal nb rifeenoae ro nciut e r- awB(hBlartadeCirdr dBngt hbaeCeytni) vd dmae rg ioCvrpseeotre riucsdsn,iu nwctpygapi btohsiBrnt trtoe uhtfrce romt ouuomegrpmeh tsit bo henpCer u oswtt ur fharnfoidoccmerih-l. ebtihsse ept“cw eIuccfeor ireuaenylnnl otyatrull yylt ,h 3 tocB7hos0reemi dl3wopg3caeh1arnolesd t ad ucmetthophoeueos nnrttd itytea i oxexbsnpio eartncofhasrueoirmgveshess. NsrapDotslriean cipcnvmooetel mseasosn nbtiPtob earW lrlubel cy1,ee e 9vdfa,.inr sswie eietshnendoddva l iyyt-h, e eaCCaxtner adto“nhcA stsetrsal e.ymEi d aata thrI nlC ey c cuos aLalumvmeledaeerrn h no’ooitvnn uteegasr k e u ep ublhIcetoneo tafmptmoelllrmreee ea wgai stCedaatdedshn d rrttie hissasssah tsutcmo rebIcia dymkhs :at3ij odnu“G aAsmSlt y. piCfiistrn.sooLueum eana sicnwstid elwi dtslhe aut etotsehkp rre e tar hnciesedose ecuV ditnnha ctdelhiee le .d matahdpeadp“ntWrr tweo spaeasca s ahrt cthn nikeonen t ir tossthhsw 3iueslGe er.diSgg hteot f‘m3op0iriTplc eo kh tn oeoue fp b ct aeorh ac ojftoooesmeu’u nrwren phe£oaiy2pcs .tshs8ieo h0cnnoo gi uvneslesrdurts egs,b agttehdhe e esro t afidefi dras£sey t2dtt h.ih 5maba0ltyef,. atswwirvheo“eaeU- rmenft aoidalr ee etr h w atjchooialeu- nm rn anie belweeyta . j fxofaioTur, uerhn naeredta yt me £ic,n4 ooa .ss 9ttWt w0s eao£xft-8fompo.re4r in0dlae-., She thought it would the photo. I stood up for offence of ‘failing to Mrs Pruce asked to instance and the fixed After this distance, the fares would journey here will cost £5.80, which be a simple task – myself and insisted I control my waste’. see CCTV footage of penalty notice issued increase by 20p every tenth of a mile will put us in roughly the middle at disposing of wood, a was allowed to.” “I was given an her visit to the recycling to Ms Pruce has been as opposed to every eighth of a mile. 198th most expensive, which is still child’s rug and branches Mrs Pruce thinks opportunity to pay a plant, showing what rescinded. Fares would remain more expensive cheaper than the Vale and Cardiff.” sabcwpacla aadorargiar nnt cpitogtneop f mrknwe er tradcuaisnta bi,ho nnuba ni.fa in abs hgtchore t axsurfn w rrrfoseorepmroae amadt r hn,e edanr t twtwcalhhaonrateerdeos r rminnesm ccg’hatotale nlydng y s obfie.–a ierS ytntmlohshig e eae stvh htdhw eie osstd hawh c jse–aoo n th but ’oe tn o ckil £aficccnroa1nirduS0mee l0,hefd i caern fi.och a”sneualue vrcas teoop cm rneeo cvnugstidcotecshe dt tdi a ool na mncdr go ytaheu rar tt httibrchhseoaesceipcmnue apbkeipupeadsasngt nae te fo yirdntn o hh oi amentethfyi rt tce e thafe hrsoed ekws ud bhipnrapaeeads.g si pn.Ssau t h te oacwfonagirud“ilmslsW etebah defelelo ’ yMwdur pertslhixsi tkPieipsnetrr ug eiitntc so tcseho ai a tdaphhsneo eondrls-t e to bwDscgooeieavituTlylwilninh. na ecgegseiD l onp lrin cornitvoh ch BNepaaearorl os gnhsv ekroaewe l uHm sertwioosrdb ea leeoi sdnrif an ataal8scyssd pr osvaetm ah eapknrse uateed ibne s cCldenhtidho ca6 r fnnabios£comyrte1 tm i, 2ttc hhaat5eoeess., hBobtuapoCrcAeoeBkrkslan eCltd ede iyo fci fffface rnraroet rmhfqrbrieuea o i gmtrhtaeea xasdxt,iih. l i tesoThr,dsah ae netaf kifralroossr op,rem r ploi ickrtrciihn evneobnag west sese tnt drprh e uribearectyes--, There were no prob- there was no problem someone had moved her She was told CCTV sentiments. raise any concerns. The fare changes vehicles, which always need to be pre- lems with the wood, with her taking the waste to another place images can only be “We understand 3GS have now been approved and will come booked and cannot be flagged down. rug and branches but photo. to cause mischief after released to a police have also done so and A traditional farmhouse an issue later cropped “I disposed of my the photo incident. officer undertaking an will be reviewing their up with the transparent waste responsibly at the The Vale Council investigation. procedures in light of told The GEM this Mrs Pruce said: “The this matter. breakfast in Cowbridge Lions Reindeer week that there was council said they had “We will undertake Parade collection ntrheoca yte vcsoliidmnegne ocpenla etn oat tsh utahgdeg est rtthaekve eo‘nkfl eypd lta itcphepe iifinngnsi’ed hbea etdch aeu se ac osnimtrailcatro rrse vFiCewC wwihtho (AF UFAWR) M‘fEarRmSh’ oUunsieo nb roefa Wkfaalsets’ aanndd tnhuet rihtiuognea l vabreineetyfi tso f otfo pb reqaukaflaitsyt deliberately moved the recycling centre rather operate the household will be served up on Friday, farm produce available in Wales. dCCYFLCmLiool;sioLuoC TootwBwrbdnhonAibo bbiwibsrsneuaNi- ,brtdnts y ertikg TFeidddo£de aa- 2Wg gogera 0£P nseeen£50 o t Ifa1-0;hRpoR T ,t0£pl4eoel.2yCo 0ort da 5 0tw o r A0 waM fwy sw; rrp . ib V oyptaa- r h sem,aij £da ol c e3lhFg r ot 0ea S-rhl 0 l ivaee £;em Bcae 2 nrtC naa0e ed rarod0 diin sw.;ntn a a Dbn oCdrn dr sfooCye io dnlue-L ’cog arsn £hteiw i1 o pco M0- bnMena 0 dsrse r;o£ ii a nwatV1d htJdd0nehagrWae0irldeeynee.; bltswtSwstwoohoohahaoac e egTccevssa r opo rnwhattsbyionru’gepoooait tr uen nafrpbutpfloen gn.hllbr tlede eMre aimd Cwapnchbs raaah aaaoeswrpussvru eipP‘s taetsdtefe rors ta’w ot um.t soi owpwclhh ia regneehpasi ot ags aah t tyee r tatftewIrchoha ennldhimsa e v““ntoianiarIIidrginpet r l eo fwova’iphtenetutoneaa ae stwtr mhlpsn lssylw aipiauttwe nderhbnefhnddgefhanetot-e lto.seiowty rttoad t t. ahaorh wf herbio reess aikerrdi g y icimrtoVhnse ah ilgicueanily gas lge-erh t wceariteatmhheefnv mafpeen i“posird etHnerteorraeeemtce rton ic ti etaswcaiydbod nnenacee .e de tblnrqtv in osttnuore osoe wgefriu cl ,nsn u sriyctidelottiteclae io t nslcifenlnisfuyta no r tct aihegtnenh t a bo tae n JTtFtaah UakeobIRni Witwnmd’Lausg cn o t haoopss oeraHt ln larioy iedacmaS i:es lakp oletu“2.ofh inI ar5atndta wta, e inwarsgstsr ee e imearnon ikbtfeee ossaiotu snlhC t oeo os f ooffas G uhwtbthtdolhrhabeweem aWrvcdhkoiaaefdaresyaaglig eslnaitrtsegnnhs.t iaaAFsosenlfallafd “Fezritm Thtc ohae ewhrite i in me imtn lghplbote ererr roeecato’caa omsiCebkns evt lffo eaodmS s£rsecotom 1mosncb0 rna wiue tte inaii4pton0clyielngt1t y r5 s4ot thsr4aCppe, tr6e0 loytCNi r mtasb o0eoto7rb wtnou8w7e0,bk. t 43owr y8w0i radeo3kaingeumt8”hnder.. Vale by-elections tnhoet hfiinneg awsr sohneg .had done expAe rVieanlec eC.”ouncil dPerulicbee’rsa twelays tpel ainc eadn Ms newspapers AND online - email VTWaOlneOe , foobr nay -seealTet cohtnui otrhnes sdV aaytlea, Ckoeu Fnepcbilla,r tcuaeka ersyi pn l act1eh 4ien. ntbohoyne“ e rtT fihiwgnehho eectu r oaeolnud fidn sda c Ipaiis blpwc steuhaoassallsu t to ttonenhlol edy sgawpniosodHeuk dsleeda sfe iopbdxree p pr wlrsraeoohivnncaiee tea ddwhpu:a oer“pledAops.-e sn ae d iarnenjadep cwpt retoh pcaroti mastupeg llgeoteecslatyitoi onn.T” C saleso@r gcalallm 01o4rg4a6n 7-7g4e4m8.4co.uk Rhoose Ward and a second takes place for a position matter with me. on Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Council. “I tried to speak to AberthinRd,Cowbridge.CF717EN WethinkourSchoolisfabulous Registered electors in Rhoose and Llanblethian 3GS, but they blamed Tel01446772311 East Ward should receive polling cards soon. The the council and the [email protected] Butdon’tjusttakeourwordforit candidates will be announced on Monday, January council blamed them.” 21. While Mrs Pruce VisitusatourOpenEvening Cowbridge Comprehensive School Ysgol Gyfun Y Bont Faen Sixth Form Open Evening ...Take a Tuesday 29 January2019 closer look 4.00-6.00 pm An open evening for students consideringtaking Post 16 Studies at Cowbridge Comprehensive School 6 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 17th, 2019 WI throws its weight Search for behind the campaign bulldogs for better bus services goes on... in county borough WE are con- IT only seems to and promote sustainable situation regarding tinuing be five minutes ago development. adequate public transport to appeal that I was wishing As a community links can be reconsid- for information everyone ‘Happy Pmoarnthyc naewigl,h abloounrgi nwgi th ered before too long and after a burglary in New 2018’ and yet towns, is facing such a access to an efficient and Hillary Rise, Barry, here we are already massive reduction in bus effective public transport in which 11 French two weeks into routes that some areas bulldogs were stolen 2019! Where does will have no bus service service is once again on January 4, which the time go? at all. This will have seen as something that is included five adults Anyway, on to the severe consequences necessary to the well-be- and six puppies. business of the month for some of our more ing of the community at This is of course, very – Resolutions! The first vulnerable citizens, large, and not just as an deriss torefs tshinesge f door gths,e aonwdn - Fly tippers target malweeatyinsg t hoef pthoei nyte warh iesn acnodn ciesr an gforer amt caanuys pe efoopr le expensive luxury that we would urge anyone WI members nationwide who have not got the can be the first service who may have been are given the opportunity financial resources for to be hit when the time otof fpelreeads ea ncya ldl ougss o fno r1 0sa1l e by fCohr itehf eI nVsapleec, tor Cowbridge Common twoh hicahv er ethsoeliur tsiaoyn oton pmraivya nteo tc abres eolrig tiabxlies faonrd comes. rWefheirleen wcee 1d9o0n0’t0 0w4a1n3t 1t.o Tony Williams FLY tippers have struck for dog walkers, and added that he bnea ttiaokneanl cfaomrwpaaridg na sb ya the tsheerv ciocem. mThuonsitey wtrhaon smpoaryt in F19ro1m5, itthse b Wegoinmneinng’s alarm anyone, I’d like to once again in the Cowbridge had reported it to the Vale Council. National Federation of be eligible for this ser- Institute has been a ettahnkecemo ua tlrola gsttreey pt hasne a dpv umaiblilanibciml teoi st oe PtheenT faheresth tri evianes tpshueerr aironudcn.e u p to acarera , wtihnidss crteiemnes dounm ptinhge CawoCauronelc iinlo, f tsShaimisd i:ti hn c“idTeohnfe t actnhodue nocfifilV caelriess Win oOthmnee Jynae’nasu rI.an r syt i1tu0t,e 4s 0la ter vtoic Waec mcitehas ysth ineto aitmn kymnwoianwye .nh t o w ctiaomn.p aIi ganmin pgr oourgda tnoi ssae-e the risk of them falling engagement vehicle was common above Aberthin. have been sent to clear the waste. members of Sker WI relocation of the town’s that Sker WI is happy vimpAcnlia eccosnWEstrttuie o nmwfemarso sue hvrbterrtoaeesenivh n r ibii eiggnnouc h ssflrttet heegh tseciehlen anu efiwr nt r Bssave i. tn.anefh rrhdeorio y-mw. s lBrwacoounofahcnfidmrai cr cutmmyeehp,rd eu saet m noilvanli bobetC yrHowey hrutoes rotdd il osttac ohttfyhmr ne taai ihadRrtne s e to ,tor has ed , g“tssbwhmhsreoeaha Aa upordsd wlhcihdsf,klie fi oneadccdsdnb uac”sdellatc th tr ttteoreheted oelradsan esti ,nsdccdT ,grl e eoheenataenerhtrrn ooe Gsutt uw,ooEs nflpoa Mdlyy ke t, ao otttvftihah h pinaanepdatdtg e un h rpmwiwsemsh omphowhauiitanlacaolslddghs-l. otcbn£yooen5pi“ten0neiF ,sc g0elef y0oq,o -0fiuut s,ipen sporundpofoec ifsndereet gn sco .cu we eitvsi bio teehcnna o T, uchaclfioi edrmmnis fimeepmfxs erae i icsdteotao i fnnni pdnsmgeeu c nreplaiaunt onhltduytt.iyoe”ss- murTvsBaeunsaoiseucrdopotiha s eil‘tl ecudDoa cstt s hi ucod woe‘ornonIirve’ tmesjtyreu e wFprtsi oirnwetne o a cgtritvhreodh iia nteenssht ssig.aUexi u dAn PeKedsslr ’a . n t GccovctrhoeeufoPe unnriS tsctttmaekrr efeeisedorl mro tiirc onsemWeo gtNncn hIotrtche’e uiseowne c nrf gmintt eaoos wtelotwno hmbm , na hcumbte eos e ati aohrnlnsfte-h y tp7cvohrpi louSmcluarokc gdnaehe ttrt i rhoSnWaanutd l IeDilt t, hmi iaoNenve n osite.dhet tt c’asas otga nstea d m e and doors of your home concerns. This visibility He said that it was a popular spot AS Smear’. cide with the opening Thursday of the month. and car are securely of officers also acts as This year, however, of the health centre and You can find out more locked, installing alarms a deterrent to would Town council invites there was a unanimous that this will inevitably at our Facebook page: and CCTV in your be shoplifters. As part vote in favour of a reso- cause worry and disrup- home, and keeping val- of this operation two lution that chimed very tion to many patients. SkerWI@NottageVillage uable items out of sight prolific Barry offenders nominations for strongly with members Hopefully, the Christine Beynon can all act as a deterrent were arrested and of Sker WI, a topic that to burglars. charged with more than I have no doubt will be COMMUNITY NEWS I am pleased to say, 20 counts of shoplifting. ‘Citizen of the Year’ echoed by many of my TREOES, LLANGAN a prolific offender was As ever, if you have readers. & ST MARY HILL jeaiiglhedt mfoorn ftohus re yaerlairesr athnids any concerns about DO you know somebody who downloaded from our website – www. thaTt hSek reers WoluI tciohno se Nancy DNaevwidsg aen, dT yvnieewwsy dfrdo, mLl angan. month for a number of crime and policing in lives, works or attends school llantwitmajortowncouncil.gov.uk was ‘A Call Against 01656 860303. burglaries in Barry and your area, then please in Llantwit Major who has Categories up for awards are: Citizen The Decline in Local other offences. get in contact with gone ‘above and beyond’ dur- of the Year, Young Citizen of the Bus Services’. This THE Treoes hall modern day. scharoOrpipeliedfr taoetruisot wninseV Btroea acrarloysmo al bnaedt wyt1oo0 u1ra.erp lyoorctas la on fyfitcheirnsg ocra ll ithnioogLldn lia2 nfn0got 1writ8 isat CallMni ttidahzj eoednri eros Tfee ontrwhvdene e YsaC evraooeru cuanorwcgsial?n rd ii-ss YBtoLhuoueetcas sairtnC,al enOoSsdmspri gnomoagrtnru s Fin sOuPiatnretyigdro sarnoaAn.ini swsaianlatigritoyd fn ,o o, rfA S Cwtehhraeavr ridYict eye f aootrorr, rtdbihneeuse csro ul mrlirunoaateulsi tosiaeninnsv ,dthe hp isengae ahrnmttliuiicoigm-unhrlubwtasreri arldyl eo f aioHnnfo nsWaupiaiadcll e ec,soh faty hr PiiBtsry wi eentvvcheeeynnsnstt tiihtnyicPs le ulivedmaeesnp eato. rlg tiTaogn ihcatt k nlsoedutc spas plu£ ep1crph0.oa trro-t guided walks iadnni f Afeipnrerdinilv.c ieIdf uytaool uo owur ro tuetlaodmw li,nk ,ew ptholoe n aomsema iksneua btea- ibse TFhehbeerl duc alroiyns i2nt8gh ea dnaLdt leat hnfetoo rcn eirnaenom moHinnayalt li woonilnsl acaraneldlas sl o.o cTna htlh ea eur e‘thGsooolruvitteiieronsn m toe nt wSailtlu rtdaakye, pJlaanceu aorny N07iAg7e1vla2 i7la0bB8l7lee4 th/6y5n 7f3r8oo2mn; ON Sunday, January 20, walk around mit a nomination form. Forms can Saturday, April 6. increase subsidies and 26. Paula Wilson on 07449 Gileston; meet at Gileston beach car be collected from the Town Hall or Llantwit Major Town Council work in partnership Doors open at 7.30pm, 792325/658773 and park (CF62 4HX) at 2pm. with bus companies and music starts at 8pm. Lauraine West 07757 On Wednesday, January 23, the Coffee Shop Got a story? community transport An evening of glitz 849108. Strollers of Barry will meet at the Bridge Cafe car operators to enable an and glamour: wear casual Saron Chapel Treos park, Cold Knap, Barry at 10.30am. Then get in touch with us - email adequate provision of or break out your party/ The same day, the Coffee Shop Strollers of services.’ glam outfits if you wish. The next service at C2.o3w0pbmrid.ge meet at the Physic Garden fountain at [email protected] straItt eisg ya rigsu needc ethsasat rtyh iisn Bill sDwainvige sb aanndd his Sona rSounn dwaiyll, Jtaankue arpyla 2c0e On Thursday, January 24, meet at Porthkerry order to help alleviate Enjoy the very best of at 3pm. Country Park in the cafe car park at 10am for a or call 01446 774484 loneliness, improve big show and popular Everyone is assured of woodlands, park and coast walk. health and well-being music from the 40s to a warm welcome. TheBigsWinaterle Detroit 3 seater double Sale £499.99 Selected reclining sofa Price offers Best Ever Prices Today & This Weekend! End Half Price Sunday! Offers PLUS EXTRA fw 20% OFF homestores SALE PRICES As seen on TV Unit 5, Freemans Park, Penarth Road, Cardiff, CF11 8TU. Open 7 Days www.fwhomestores.co.uk Tel: 02920 371970 Thursday January 17th, 2019 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 7 ‘I want to go to graveyard where his ashes were scattered’ - Serbian man seeks answers on emotional trip to Pontypridd A SERBIAN man will had happened to Mr Ljubenko. been quite a modest family so we travel in the footsteps of his People in south Wales were never in a position to inves- grandfather when he visits saw the GEM story and got tigate or research what became south Wales this February. in touch with Mr Erdeljan. of him, and where he might be. They said his grandfather “I now have my visa and will Three years ago, The GEM was known in Pontypridd arrive in London on February 21. I tEfionrlddde lojatunht e wwhhsaotot rwyh aads ofdh easpSppeleornabetoded attoon a1eas9 s8e5 ‘ Dafaftrneonrm yw’ oarankn idni gn dhauess tradi ailem di dnieisrn-. am“ pI lawninliln gtr tyo vtois itr eHsoewareclhl Satr ebeitt. his grandfather Danilo Ljubenko Mr Erdeljan understands Mr during my visit. I am planning who escaped from Belgrade dur- Ljubenko stayed in a hostel when to visit places like the local ing a civil conflict at the time he first arrived in south Wales and church and library where I could of the Second World War and later lived as a tenant at Howell find out something about him. fled to the sanctuary of the UK. Street, Cilfynydd, Pontypridd. “I also want to go to the graveyard Over the years, the family Mr Erdeljan, aged 28, said: where his ashes were scattered.” received infrequent letters “My parents, but especially Mr Erdeljan is a big football and photos from Pontypridd my grandmother, who died a supporter and hopes to visit a – and then they stopped. few months ago, always won- couple of stadiums during his trip. Mr Erdeljan and his family dered what happened to him. were anxious to find out what “The thing is we’ve always TC ‘We’ll always have… the Sully Community Cinema’ QUIZ time: Old School Community Centre on Wednesday, Which film features these lines? February 13, just in time for Valentine’s Day. “Round up the usual suspects.” If you have not seen this film – starring Danilo Ljubenko sent this photo back to his Slobodan Erdeljan’s journey to Pontypridd this “Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beauti- Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, and Claude family in Belgrade. It was dated June 4, 1949. February will be an emotional one. ful friendship.” Rains – then this is a perfect opportunity to do so. “Might as well be frank, monsieur. It would take Even if you have, it is a film that stands (in fact, a miracle to get you out of Casablanca, and the in the opinion of The GEM, demands) repeated Looking to advertise in over 45,000 Germans have outlawed miracles.” viewings. “We’ll always have Paris.” A spokesperson for Sully Community Cinema newspapers AND online - email sales@ It is, of course, Casablanca. said: “Doors open at 7pm and we will welcome Regarded as one of the greatest, and certainly people with free drinks, chocolates and live piano. most quotable, films, the 1942 masterpiece will “The film will start at 7.30pm, and tickets cost glamorgan-gem.co.uk or call 01446 774484 be presented by Sully Community Cinema at The just £4, and partners enter free!” Improve your home’’ss sseeccuurriittyy wwiitthh oouurr eexxtteennssiiivvveee rrraaannngggeee ooofff WWWindows and Doors. From classic uPVC to timeless timber eefffect and super strong Up to 4 YEARSS aluminium, wwe have thousands of designs andd ssttyylleess aavvaaiillaabbllee ttoo ccrreate a perfect enttrraannccee ttoo yyoouurr hhoommee.. FFoorr aa lliimmiitteeddd tttiiimmmeee ooonnnlllyyy, spread the INTERESTT cost with up to 4 YYeeaarrss IInntteerrest Free Credit.. FREEE CREDIT# on Windows & Doooorrss Windows & DDoooorrss from LLeekes NUMBER OF WHICH? LEEKES 4 YEARS SAAAVVIINNGGSS OONN UPVC WINDOWS GUIDE PRICE GUIDE PRICCE* INTEREST ENERGY BILLS• TTyyppiiccaall ppeerr hhoouussee with ‘B’ Rated Windows with ‘AA’’ RRaatteedd WWindows FREE CREDIT# over 25 years WHionudsoew £21100 – £2480 £19900 £p3er m9on.t3h8 £33831.35 The insstallation of our windows and dooorrss wweenntt ppeerrffeeccttllyy, the team werre polite, efficient and hard workinngg aanndd wweerre a delight. WHionudsoew £31100 – £3540 £29900 £p6er m0on.t2h1 £55098.41 We wouldd cceerrttaaiinnllyy rrecommend Leekes foorr replacemment windows. WHionudsoew £49930 – £5600 £47900 £97.71 £77149.89 Mr & Mrs Lingard per month Book a FREE no oobligation quotation TODAAYY at leekeswindows.co.uk or call 0800 015 7749 Leekes Llantrisant,, Cowbridge Road, RCTT.. CCFF7722 88XXUU | 08000 015 7749 | Online: leekes.co.uk #0% APR REPRESENTTAAATTIIVVEE. Finance is subject to status, conditions apply. Credit is provided by Hitachi Consumer Finance, who along with Leeeekkeess,, aarree authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. *Prices arree bbaasseedd oonn ssttaannddaarrd wwhhiittee uuPPVVCC wwiinnddoowwss iinn ssppeecciiffiicc ssiizzeess –– aasskk ffoorr details. •Savings based on GGF calculator. Offffeerrrss eenndd 44tthh AApprriill 22001199.. 8 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 17th, 2019 Search for descendants of Vale Photographic Club’s exhibition World War One POWs 100 opens in Cowbridge years after their repatriation A Penarth historian is searching for the descendants of 46 Penarth men who were taken as pris- oners of war during the First World War and who were repatriated just over 100 years ago. Bruce Wallace, who comes from Penarth, but now lives near Thomas Wallace. Carmarthen, has been researching the lives of and addresses of 35 the men after discover- repatriated POWs and ing his grandfather’s my grandfather, Tom AFTER a break So what do we have impact by complement- name on a list of repat- Wallace of 49 Salop for Christmas and to look forward to in the ing each other in a vis- raai papcteeodau rpelpder isoionf n eytrehsae r sw phargeicsohs. SIF toarumelek tg,e rswa tfaeosfr u olp ntreoo voDifd otirhnoegtmh ya. Nbaecwk aYte Yars trwaed owweerne chtooa mvwei hnigac nhw eyIeomkusa ?gc eWa ne Clbll,ri inwnigec upaolFilnyitn ianplglly e,a osuiintt g itshm aatw nonoreutrhr. The list was on the copy of the menu card. community hall, images that you think annual exhibition of mPPDlRB(o“cmaonUa nOeueicyeorMn Pnsnidan WwlntgaOlt,duar iM e rrclis uWtIat nro h h,rnaguI weaW;r dc Wsn cnhaaf,Esc heatisroWaaitt,ltd nl c wschl R’ itl iowentea Rn1 emr1d cd1tat eefphhe hsso,evsa ee o at rebat dr QnjRryHu 1um iR s bur9oasosTaaoeeett1uytmin nehhaeedr9atddunnaeeee):l. lPunaFitt5abohhnftpue,Or fce0e ay“ “tea W0 naISG Mctw 0c ljetidfeau peen doafirorssd icor nmlctt to mee om cnttt uma hohoh1ya Dnrytent e5 ye hytgr url k mheie. roln nge(m anmofAeor pnwH, na o ewdrhartnitennirrnftihI sd eha sat hdo hC fnst so hanjhs)abcopaowt e eafhumvheutrrv eoiineee’rsilnpessr-rfrttt. Jwabsfwaainaauc reoem tcqccMinlrkccuatlikosh lelruieyreor essmeds,ns We id f.na tu ahltahStn lottleThlaohhld yl aarhegei dctfl ee eTe homt bt rcihonetaseaauhoefmxa ptiolsar ttsm p t e rse em 7rpldefhtai 0rarhs hviaaroelms iekeevsosmm.ydodeae”saf gthTMhLtabfTGbeouteeu,ehihte rbaafet vermtro rrdrnhesmicaers eaedeturellih na reyeit s wenby doa. w1 ytr Tfeshtao1 Pwehrhref ePdtaeia we Ph at Oy l c1hneaasew.nogW9eomr nnetamal 1 aida,m rtc 9r pn mtld Preheiadfeicelneso omeeinap nnmrrdrddwmaemaeng ee rftebhapreitednrnyhonasirr.,.a -tgPffCobPsMabaeoretsnfyadrOoramo sieno d msrtiWdamtdhs tos.hz esc te nPeeease.do ePs Jnyned t.rMeonu,hde. hs nna e kaFobwawcrabiov.rtyrotlryhhefieho t rn ho ,rta gehWv t anPh eChid w aaasaperaa rn Marerrtuct ph so cheg aeFe4veelhra hlsi,uirRc0avdzt iunfeet0neeeeoedslrdd0dyes-rr,. pattgotebPsbouhnuaoflaya r ordiTiapont tnmsg mhshuIgp d,uneeos t eao tdM iezuolCwmsirae ahtyrft ohl .aopema e ereLIrwn ldrdt-sedfvm fleee n o. hewu wseatr obhnrevrat i wagynewysas(t r B , ct o ai caIotnu d haoerrt rcvanibamuwatoeowservlsennarennyo--ss-)-, awtgwwmSWNttsouoeriahiiee arv ehOlttew aytoh ehyastbt gn m h kheo –atoceaensYa ho ol wt rokiead euctfltefni h,ita olre tm dder wmttmwbh’lm aeesteueerbb ahm d mtkeeo tu sart bcewou opcetla taeerogoosme nc rrinohau hasth We glkt liiutsdgh essyh pewt he tavoiielilenoodnesiuctpprlgoodhdnn-rl... mriwaoiuoatwnine lfnpohecwneg Pfensbhmot otnal lCsalyyrehy beiintloa tso useeecao wso,urns,e tefas p r a b o ’vsmteJtw row feaani cp oliwndoo esylhrruaugfaeewi ee bnarteek c i .rOl t etmvesyktO’inh l asn.f ed lde oloifTdme s soronrr - h. aHrba pp HcimrnehosetaeuAarhg noulalirsllyeess----rl,. family rumour. The card the 1919 dinner, he got between 1914 and 1919 Many of the news- Some of the return- sider beyond my capa- Later in the month tographic-club.co.uk and contained the names married to Phoebe Anne which relate to POWs. paper articles refer to ing POWs said that but bility. It was an excellent we’ll have one of our you will always receive for these parcels, they evening. The colours and favourite evenings, Three a warm welcome if you would not have sur- sights in the presentation In Harmony, where the want to attend one of our vived their internment. brightened up an other- object is to present three meetings on Fridays at Among the 46 Penarth wise dull January day. images that together 7.30pm in Ystradowen residents known to The second presenta- tell a story or simply community hall. have been POWs were tion of the month by enhance the pictorial Terry Verrinder Johnnie Rogers explained 31 soldiers, five Royal all about the ‘Magic of SALE Navy men, one RAF Monochrome’. After a Independent Land Rover and 4x4 Specialist pilot and four civilians; while taking photographs the status of the other it becomes clear that Now On five is unknown. Nine removing the distraction of the men came from of colour can often Plassey Street and make a stronger image. Salop Street in Penarth. However, there is more WALLPAPERS - £1.25 roll Bruce Wallace to it than simply desat- A Quality Italian Vinyl was £22 - now £2 07817 583720 urating the colour using & 650 beautiful wallpapers to choose from brucewallace. phone apps. Johnnie Anaglypta Whites £3.99 [email protected] helped us all understand *For the full text what it is that is needed BATHROOMS of this piece, and the to get the most out of Washbasin & Pedestal & taps £39 names and addresses a monochrome image. Bathroom Suites £159 Wall & Floor TILESfrom 5peach FITTED KITCHENS Base Units : Wall Units : Oven housing Do you have a Land Rover Defender/Evoque All 7 units for £295 : Worktops all £19 each Wills, Lasting Powers of BEDROOM FURNITURE Freelander/Discovery/Range Rover/Sport Attorney, Probate and Estate Double Wardrobe - 4 Drawer Chest & and fed up with main dealer prices? Disputes & Administration Bedside Cabinet. Solid Wood - all 3 for £199 RADIATOR CABINETS FROM £29 WE ARE A LOCAL, WELL Let our expert team look after your Land Rover ESTABLISHED LEGAL PRACTICE LAMINATE FLOORING at a fraction of main dealer costs! We will: Last few - £5 a pack of 2.5 square metres •Be polite and professional •Respond promptly to your enquiries BEDDING & CURTAINS •Provide clear information on costs We have 30 years experience in the Land Rover range: From £2. Curtain Materials 50p yard •Offer home visits where necessary •Recovery Available•Courtesy car available WINDOW BLINDS from £1 Please contact Brendan Sweeney. •Fixed price service •Computer diagnostic Silver Star Telephone 01656 645921 •Repairs/Brakes/Suspension etc •MOTs •Power upgrades E-Mail: brendansweeney@ Beside the Dock Offices Clock Call Ian on 02920 890567 davidprosser.co.uk THE WATERFRONT BARRY CF63 4QT 3 Court Road, Bridgend CF31 1BL • 2 mins from Morrisons • Free Car Parking • Buses to Llwynmilwas Workshop. Groes Faen, Llantrisant CF72 8NS. The Waterfront • Trains to Barry Dock Station www.promeclandrover.co.uk David ProsseDr &P LCaow is L tihmei tteradd.ing name of • Open every dTaeyle 9pahmon teo (50p1m44 :6 )S 7u3n4d7a6y2s 10am to 1pm Thursday January 17th, 2019 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 9 End of the line - or a rebirth - for Ford? THE death of die- China, once so buoyant, approach to help protect analyst Hayley Pells, of Ford Motor Co and sel – even though has seemingly taken away the many highly skilled Bridgend’s Avia Autos, Volkswagen may also no diesel units are a big chunk of JLR’s rev- jobs in Bridgend and for her expert opinion... have an impact on made at the plant enue and thereby demand to secure a sustainable “As demand drops for the Bridgend plant. for engines, which had future for the plant”. the older-style gas-guz- “Speculation that the – the (planned) anyway been built on Detail on what the zling engines, the JLR new alliance will first departure of Jaguar a “just-in-time” basis. “proactive approach” contract ending this 2019 focus on electric and Land Rover (JLR), Job losses of some might constitute was, might prove to be superb driverless technology the downturn in 1,000 have been however, missing from timing for the Ford plant may not be great news for demand (China and bandied about, but the duo’s statement. to be well placed for the the plant to convert to EV North America), what is to be done, Conservative AM Ineos development for [electric vehicle] tech- or Brexit, or any and who should do it? Suzy Davies AM would a new off-road vehicle nology as Volkswagen Politicians in the also like to know. She [Projekt Grenadier], if already has substantial combination of area have been quick said that because large the Welsh Government infrastructure in place. these four and more to say “something amounts of taxpayers’ can assist the plant “The Ford-VW alli- besides have been must be done”. Labour money has been invested to gain the agility it ance is an interesting blamed for the woes advises that the Welsh in the plant, it is “… would require facili- move in the automotive of Ford’s Bridgend Government is doing right we know about how tating such a change. industry, and Herbert engine plant over something, but has not Welsh Government has “Land Rover dropped Diess, CEO of VW, recent years. revealed what, while been working with Ford.” the Defender line in sees unity as a path to History tells us that the Conservatives are She continued: “The 2016, but the astonishing more efficient man- long before an EU asking for “… more Economy Minister said pre-sales for the Suzuki ufacturing, research referendum was on detail” about what is that Welsh Government Jimny demonstrates real and development.” the cards, JLR was to being, or may be, done. would only support Ford appetite for a capa- move engine produc- Ogmore’s AM Huw if ‘five years sustainable ble off-road machine. tion to a new plant in Irranca-David and MP and secure employment’ “I agree with Mrs Wolverhampton by 2020. Chris Elmore (nothing, was guaranteed. We Davies that as the whole The scandal over the at the time of writing, need to know how hard thing has taxpayers’ Deutschlanders’ dodgy received from Madeleine Welsh Government money invested into diesel data has had a Moon or Carwyn Jones, has pushed Ford to it, then it should have knock-on effect through- Bridgend MP and AM keep those promises.” greater transparency. out the industry, while respectively) said “… And so, The GEM “The announcement demand in Communist the Welsh Government has turned to motoring of the highly-anticipated People’s Republic of is taking a proactive columnist and industry partnership between Tough talk from Bridgend Council over Ford fears THE Leader of Bridgend was a problem with the lack of Cllr Cheryl Green, chairman County Borough Council clarity over the plant’s future. of the corporate overview and (BCBC) has said the local He said: “There isn’t yet official scrutiny committee, said that if authority will “mobilise notice of job losses – there are the job losses did take place there mixed messages. all its resources” to help “In terms of direct intervention should be a case for the county any employees affected by in Ford it would probably have to be treated as having a special redundancy after the “very to be Welsh Government or UK status when it came to deciding worrying” news that Ford Government. on the location of projects funded “We have a ‘redundancy under the Cardiff Capital Region in Bridgend could cut 1,000 response team’ which we have City Deal. jobs. used in the past, for example with She said: “If it does happen it On January 11, sources said the Sony and Kraft, where we liaise will be devastating not just for eennggiinnee sp lfaonrt , Fwohridc h vmehakicelse sp eatrnodl wGiotvhe rontmheern t agaenndc iCesa reliekres WWeallsehs the people directly employed but other car firms, including Jaguar to provide all the support we pos- all those who supply services and Land Rover, would be hardest hit sibly can to help people into new goods. in plans which involve a total of jobs.” “It’s going to be like a bomb. 1,150 job losses in the UK. He added: “The scale of this is “We’ve been here before with Speaking at a council meeting very significant. Sony which was devastating – we on January 14, Cllr David said: “It’s really about deploying our want to learn from the past and “It’s very worrying news from resources with other agencies – see what we can do now to offset Bridgend Ford – it’s our biggest there is a history of doing this the impact. private sector employer. previously but perhaps not on “We stand ready to do whatever quite the same scale.” “We are not going to offset we need to do to support that It is understood there are plans 1,000 well-paid jobs but if we plant. for two phases of cuts at the could be treated as a specialist “We will mobilise all our Bridgend plant, achieved by 2021. case it would help.” resources to help any employees Ford has given no details about Cabinet members were respond- affected by redundancy. job losses in the UK but has said ing to a question asked by Cllr “Obviously, we will work very it is starting consultations with Ross Penhale-Thomas during the closely with Welsh Government unions to implement a “compre- corporate overview and scrutiny and UK Government because the hensive transformation strategy”. committee over what was being type of support and intervention Cllr Richard Young, cabinet that would make a difference to member for communities, said the done to try and support the plant in Bridgend Ford would come pri- news was “devastating” and was Bridgend, and maintain as many marily from them.” far wider than Ford with ancillary jobs as possible. Interim chief executive Mark industries such as catering and Liz Bradfield (Local Shephard told councillors there supply chains also affected. democracy reporter) Opportunities galore at GVS’ Big Volunteering Fair in Barry LOCAL community organisations GVS’ Operational Manager Paul Warren said: Hello St Athan will be teaming up with Glamorgan “We want to extend an open invitation to the public Voluntary Services (GVS) to offer vol- to make a difference in the Vale through volunteer- unteering opportunities on Wednesday, ing. If you have a free hour a week or one day a Your new local Co-op month and would like to find out more about volun- January 23 from 10am–2.30pm. teering, please come along to our event in January.” GVS, together with more than 50 voluntary is now open organisations will come together at Barry Memorial Volunteering is a great opportunity for peo- Hall to celebrate volunteering by holding a volunteer ple looking to build confidence, improve recruitment event. The event will be a wonder- their CV, meet new people, gain new ful opportunity to talk directly with volunteer- experiences and help their community. Gileston Road, St Athan, Barry CF62 4PZ, ing providers about their exciting opportunities. Contact Glamorgan Voluntary Services 7am - 11pm, 7 days a week More than 400 individuals from the local com- (GVS) on 01446 741706, email volunteer- munity attended in 2017 to explore volunteering [email protected] or visit www.gvs.wales. Serving suggestion. Products shown are stocked in participating stores and subject to availability. Varieties as stocked. opportunities. *SEE OUR ADVERT ON PAGE 9. 10 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday January 17th, 2019 ‘Facts not fiction’ urges NFU Cymru President DRYNUARY and president John Davies industry. set foot on a British Welsh shops. Veganuary are made the call last This was echoed farm, declaring I do not In total, this milk in full swing, and week when speaking by local farmer Abi look after my animals. will travel no more reportedly more at the NFU Cymru Reader of Goldlsand My livestock are my than 200 miles and will popular than ever. BCroeucnotny &Co Rnafedrneonrc e FaTrmhe i nG WEMen avsokee. d her pevriedrey tahnidn gj ocyo;m foers tfihresmt, cost you less than 50p Drynuary is often the at the Royal Welsh for her thoughts, and whatever they need. for every litre (that’s easiest to achieve: dry Showground in here she shares them Even in is simplest 2.2 pints) you buy. white wine, dry cider, Llanelwedd, Mid with readers: sense, an unhappy And it is just dry London gin, a dry Wales, an area Veganuary, in my animal will never make milk; delicious and Martini… synonymous with the view, should be a money, so it’s not in nutritious, absolutely Veganuary, however, production of world celebration of seasonal any farmer’s interests nothing added to it. is a different matter, leading PGI Welsh British fruit and vege- to have bad welfare. Not only this, we although vegan food is Lamb and Beef. tables that we can grow As a country, we are fully carbon foot- increasingly popular, As part of his in this country. have some of the high- printed, farm assured especially paired with a address to members, There will always est standards of animal (Red Tractor) and we rack of Welsh lamb. the NFU Cymru be a small caveat to welfare in the world. do a lot within our Joking aside, farmers president stressed that import some ‘luxuries’ Not only should we be local community. are, reported NFU consumers should be from overseas which proud of this, we could Cymru, becoming able to make purchas- we all like to eat – at keep pushing higher If you select a “increasingly frus- ing decisions based on this time of year I’m and higher. so-called alternative trated” at the attempts the facts around the particularly thinking of There’s nothing such as almond ‘juice’ of individuals and production of red meat oranges and nuts. wrong with questioning it will travel over 5,000 activist groups using and dairy, rather than Unfortunately, animal welfare stand- miles from California, what it described as being misled by the the reality is that ards; if we didn’t we use a significant “misinformation and fiction cooked up by Veganuary is a cam- would never improve, amount of energy to Abi Reader with some of her divas. inaccuracies” to tarnish those whose agenda paign by animal rights but do it in a civilised preserve it in transport, the industry’s good seeks to undermine activist extremists to and respectful manner. has a host of additives What’s on and where – reputation, according to the good reputation smear farmers names Here in Wales, the to stabilise and enhance NFU Cymru. and high standards and reputations. And main crop we can its nutritional value NFU Cymru of the Welsh farming I’ll admit the war is grow, in this climate on news in brief ugly in both sides with this soil, is grass. and will cost you over Barry Pilates Classes extremists and angry If I could grow these £1.70 for every litre. farmers locking horns. specialist crops like If anyone is Messy Church Bonvilston Dutfield on 07784 869020, Canon Mondays 9.15am, 10.30am & 11.35am I have very little almonds and soya at a concerned about MESSY Church will be held Martyn Davies on 01446 760498 or interest in engaging commercially viable where their local food on Sunday, January 20 in the Ann Roach on 01446 781309. Thursdays 9am, 10am & 11.15am with either side, but scale, I would. What comes from, my farm Reading Room, Bonvilston (oppo- PACT meetings & Fridays 7pm still myself and others I can grow is grass, in participates every year site Old Village Shop) at 2.30pm WHY not come along to are prey for these abundance. in Open Farm Sunday, until about 4pm. Gibbonsdown ‘Cuppa with a At St Nicholas Hall, Barry extremists and being My milk is produced a free event where we A warm welcome is extended to Copper’ held every Monday called a murderer, by our fabulous team New Beginners Pilates Course rapist and kidnapper of cows (all total divas) throw our gates open youngsters (and toddlers, with their morning at the Aberaeron HUB, Starts Thursday 24th January 12.30pm hoacsc ubrerceonmcee. a weekly afenwd fdairvmas s).t aff (also a fdoor. yTohuis t oy esaere iwt ihsa ot nw e pfoarr eanllt so)f. Tthhee rfea mwiillyl , bleo tfsu onf accrtaivftiyti es Aanbde r1a2e rnoono nC?lose between 10am To book: Sharon 07830 085606 I absolutely object It is processed (pas- June 9. Please come things to make, a Bible story, some Coffee and Chat will be held at [email protected] to anyone, especially teurised and bottled) and talk to us. singing and plenty of refreshments. the Lamb & Flag, Wick at 11am on those who have never in Wales and sold in AJ/AR Further information from Rev Lee Tuesday, January 22.

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