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Covers of Multiplicative Groups of Algebraically Closed Fields of Arbitrary Characteristic Martin Bays and Boris Zilber 9 30 Jan 2009 0 0 2 Abstract n a Weshowthatalgebraicanaloguesofuniversalgroupcovers,surjective J group homomorphisms from a Q-vectorspace to F× with “standard ker- 0 nel”, are determinedup toisomorphism of thealgebraic structurebythe 3 characteristic and transcendence degree of F and, in positive character- istic, the restriction of the cover to finite fields. This extends the main ] O result of “Covers of the Multiplicative Group of an Algebraically Closed L Field of Characteristic Zero” (B. Zilber, JLMS 2007), and our proof fills a hole in the proof given there. . h t a 1 Introduction m [ This paper was conceivedas an extensionof the main results of [Zil06] to fields 3 of positive characteristic. But in the course of proving the main result a gap v in the proof of the main technical theorem, Theorem 2 (in the case of n > 1 1 fields), was detected. So the aim of this paper has become twofold – to fix the 6 proofin the characteristiczerocase andto extend it to allcharacteristics. This 5 3 goal has now been achieved. . The readerwillsee thatwe hadto correctthe formulationofthe theoremof 4 0 [Zil06]. Theorem 2.3 below now requires that the fields L1,...,Ln are from an 7 independent system,inthesamesenseasin[Zil02,Section4],andinaccordance 0 with Shelah’s theory of excellence. Indeed, the necessity of this condition has : v stressedagaintheamazinglytightinteractionoffield-theoreticalgebraandvery i abstract model theory. X A simple but instructive case of Theorem 2.3 is the following statement: r LetL andL belinearlydisjointalgebraicallyclosedsubfieldsofacommon a 1 2 fieldofcharacteristiczeroandL ∨L their composite. Thenthemultiplicative 1 2 group(L ∨L )× ofthecompositeisoftheformA×L ×·L ×,forsomelocally 1 2 1 2 free group A. In characteristic p the statement is true with A a locally free Z[1]-module p written multiplicatively. Here locally free means that any finite rank subgroup (submodule) is free. Surprisingly,eventhis wasapparentlyunknown. Ourmain technicalpropo- sition,Proposition2.4,exhibitsaconstructionwhichproducesfieldsK withthe multiplicative group of the form A×D, where A is locally free and D posesses 1 n-roots of elements, for any n. This construction is suggested by Shelah’s no- tion of independent system and plays a crucial role in proving the uniqueness of universal covers of the multiplicative group of an algebraically closed field. 2 Statement of results and outline of proof The main theorem of [Zil06] is: Theorem2.1. Foreachcardinalκthereisuptoisomorphism aunique2-sorted structure hhV;+i;hF;+,∗i;ex:V →Fi with F an algebraically closed field of transcendence degree κ such that 0 //Z //V ex //F× //1 (2.1) is an exact sequence of groups. In positive characteristic the statement must be modified: Theorem 2.2. Given a choice of structureC0 :=DhQ;+i;Fpalg;ex0 :Q→µE, where µ=(F alg)×, such that p 0 //Z[1] // Q ex0 //µ //1, (2.2) p is an exact sequence of groups, for each cardinal κ there is up to isomorphism a unique 2-sorted structure C := hhV;+i;hF;+,∗i;ex:V →Fi extending C0 with F an algebraically closed field of characteristic p and transcendence degree κ such that 0 //Z[1] // V ex //F× //1 (2.3) p is an exact sequence of groups. In fact this statement, appropriately interpreted, also makes sense in char- acteristic 0 and is equivalent to Theorem 2.1. Indeed we shall see that in char- acteristic 0 all choices of C0 with field sort Q and ex0 : Q → µ, where µ is the × torsion group of Q , are isomorphic. Theorem 2.2 is proven by showing quasiminimal excellence ([Zil05]) of the classofmodelsofanappropriateL -sentence,expressingthatwehavesucha ω1,ω sequenceandthatex is asspecifiedonQ·ker(ex). Forthis itshallbe necessary to first pass to a stronger language with a constant symbol for a generator of the kernel. For reference, we give a quick outline of the main stages in the proof now. Please note that for the remainder of this section we make use of terms defined only in later sections. p is zero or prime. Quasiminimalexcellencyresults fromthe truthofthe followingproposition, the analogue of Theorem 2 of [Zil06] We use Shelah’s notion of an independent system. Roughly, algebraically closed subfields L ,...,L form an independent system if they and their inter- 1 n sectionsarealllinearlydisjointfromeachother-inthecasen=2,thecondition is precisely that L be linearly disjoint from L over L ∩L . 1 2 1 2 2 Theorem 2.3. Let L ,...,L be algebraically closed fields of characteristic 1 n p from an independent system, subfields of some algebraically closed F. Let (a,b) ∈ F× be multiplicatively independent over the product Π L ×. Let aQ,bQ i i be divisible subgroups of F× containing a,b. Thenforsomem∈N,thefieldtypeofbQ overL L ...L (aQ)isdetermined 1 2 n 1 by that of bm over L L ...L (aQ). 1 2 n Theorem2.3willinturnfollowbyKummertheoryfromthefollowingpropo- sition describing the structure of the multiplicative groups of finitely generated perfectextensionsofcompositesofalgebraicallyclosedfieldssatisfyingacertain independence condition. By R is meant Z[1] if p>0 and Z if p=0. p p Proposition 2.4. Let C be an algebraically closed field, and let L ,...,L ≤C 1 n bealgebraically closedsubfieldsfromanindependentsystem,n≥1. LetK bethe perfect closure of a finitely generated extension L ...L (β)≤C of L ...L . 1 n 1 n Then K×/ΠiLi× is a locally free Rp-module. AlthoughProposition2.4 will suffice along with some results from [Zil06]to prove Theorem 2.2, we state here a natural extension. Proposition2.5. In each of thefollowing situations, (Kper)×/ is alocally free H R -module, where Kper is the perfect closure of K: p • K is a finitely generated extension of the prime field and H is the torsion group of K× • K is a finitely generated extension of the field generated by the group µ of all roots of unity and H =µ • K is a finitely generated extension of the composite L ...L of alge- 1 n braically closed fields from an independent system and H =Π L ×. i i In the first two cases, and in the third if K is countable or n=1, (Kper)×/ is H free. 3 Torsion-free R -modules p Definition 3.1. • For p a positive prime, let R be the subring Z[1] of Q. p p • For p=0, let R be the ring Z. p ToproveTheorem2.3,wewillneedtoworkwiththemultiplicativegroupsof definablyclosed(i.e.perfect)subfieldsofF. Thesehavethenaturalstructureof R -modules. R -modulesbehave,evenforp>0,verymuchlikeAbeliangroups p p (Z-modules), and we borrow definitions and developments from the theory of Abelian groups. In this section M will be a torsion-free R -module written additively. p R is a principal ideal domain with fraction field Q, so we have the usual p definitions: 3 Definition 3.2. (i) The span of A⊆M, hAi≤M, is the R -submodule generated by A. p (ii) a is independent over A≤M iff ∀n∈R . (n·a∈A =⇒ n=0). p B ⊆ M is independent over A iff every finite tuple b ∈ B is independent over A. (iii) The rank of A≤M, r(A), is the cardinality of any maximal independent B ∈A. This is well-defined. (iv) M is free ofrank κ iff it is isomorphic to the directsum of κ copies of R , p equivalently if itis the spanofanindependent set(calleda basis ofM)of size κ. (v) M is locally free iff any finite rank submodule is free. (vi) M embeds in its divisible hull divHull(M) := M ⊕ Q, a Q-vector- Rp space, and A ≤ M embeds in the subspace divHull(A) := A⊕ Q of Rp M⊕ Q,andtheembeddingscommute. R -independenceagreeswithQ- Rp p independence in the divisible hull, and r(A) is the vector space dimension of divHull(A). Our aim will be to show that certain R -modules are locally free. To this p end we develop the notions of purity and simplicity: Definition 3.3. (i) A submodule A≤M is pure in M iff ∀a∈M. ((∃n∈R . na∈A)→a∈ p A). Equivalently, divHull(A)∩M =A. (ii) The pure hull of A in M, pureHull (A):=divHull(A)∩M. M (iii) a∈M is simple in M iff a is independent and hai is pure in M. a∈M is simple in M mod A, where A ≤ M is pure in M, iff a/ is simple in the A torsion-free R -module M/ . p A Remark 3.1. For A ≤ M, the quotient R -module M/ is torsion-free iff A is p A pure in M. Remark 3.2. In the next section we will be considering quotients of multiplica- tive groups of perfect fields by divisible subgroups containing the torsion. It follows from Remark 3.1 that such quotients are torsion-free R -modules. p Lemma 3.1. If A ≤ M is pure in M and a is simple in M mod A, then a is simple in M. Proof. Suppose m·α = a ∈ hai. Then α/ ∈ a/ - say α = a′+λ, λ ∈ A, A A (cid:10) (cid:11) a′ ∈hai. So m·λ = a−m·a′. So by independence of a/ , m·λ = 0. Since M is A torsion-free, λ=0. So α=a′ ∈hai. Remark 3.3. The converse holds if A is divisible. 4 Lemma 3.2. Suppose A,B,C are R -modules and B is an extension of A by p C: A(cid:31)(cid:127) //B φ //// C (3.1) Then 1. If A and C are free, then B is free 2. If A and C are locally free, then B is locally free Proof. 1. Say (φ(b )) is a basis for C. Then (b ) are independent, and i i∈I i i∈I B =A⊕h(b ) i. So B is the direct sum of free, so is free. i i∈I 2. LetB′ beafiniteranksubmoduleofB. Thenwehavetheexactsequence: A∩B′(cid:31)(cid:127) //B′ φ //// φ(B′). (3.2) But A∩B′ and φ(B′) are both finite rank and hence free; so B’ is free by (i). 2 standard facts about modules over PIDs: Fact 3.3. Any finitely generated torsion-free R -module is free. p Fact 3.4. Any submodule of a free torsion-free R -module is free. p Lemma 3.5. A torsion-free R -module M is locally free iff for every finite p independent a∈M, the pure hull of hai in M is free. Proof. The forwarddirection is immediate from the definition of local freeness. For the converse, suppose A ≤ M is finite rank. Let a ∈ A be a maximal independent set. Then A is contained in the pure hull of hai, which is free by assumption. So A is free by Fact 3.4. The next two lemmas reduce the condition of purity of a finitely generated submodule to an easily checked condition on the divisibility of points. Lemma 3.6. A finitely generated submodule A ≤ M is pure in M iff every a∈A which is simple in A is simple in M. Proof. The forwardimplicationisclear. Conversely,supposeAis impureinM. Say α∈M \A, mα=a∈A. By Fact 3.3, A is free, so the pure hull of a in A is free of rank 1, say generated by a′. Then a′ is simple in A but not in M. Lemma 3.7. a ∈ M is not simple in M iff for some α ∈ M and some prime l6=p, lα=a. Proof. Suppose a is not simple in M. Then for some α ∈ M \hai and some m,n∈R , mα=na. Multiplying up the equation by a power of p we can take p m,n ∈ Z, and by changing α we can then take m ∈/ pZ. Further we can take gcd(m,n) = 1. By Euclid, we have say sm+tn = 1. Then m.(tα+sa) = a. Let l be a prime divisor of m. 5 We will have to deal with the delicate question of when a quotient of a locally free torsion-free R -module M by a pure submodule B is locally free, p and more generally when for a finite tuple c ∈ M independent over B we have that the pure hull of c/ in M/ is free. It is fairly easy to see that if B is B B finitely generated (equivalently, finite rank) then M/ is locally free, but that B the quotient by an infinite rank submodule need not be locally free. The following lemma shows that if we find that, in a certain sense, all the “extra divisibility” of c introduced by quotienting by B is explained by a finite rank portion of B, then the pure hull of c/ is indeed free. B Lemma 3.8. Let M be a locally free torsion-free R -module. p Suppose A≤B ≤M, B is pure in M, and A is finitely generated. Let c∈M be independent over B. Suppose it holds for all c ∈ hci and all m ∈ R that if c/ is m-divisible p B in M/ , then already c/ is m-divisible in M/ (where d ∈ D is said to be B A A “m-divisible in D” iff ∃d′ ∈D. md′ =d). Then the pure hull of c/ is free. B (cid:10) (cid:11) Proof. A = hai say. By local freeness, the pure hull of haci is free, say freely generated by e. Claim 3.8.1. e/ is the pure hull of c/ in M/ . B B B (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) Proof. • e/ ≤ divHull( c/ ): Indeed let e/ ∈ e/ . Without loss of B B B B (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) generality, e ∈ hei. e is in the pure hull of haci, so say s·e = a+c, a∈hai, c∈hci. But A≤B, so s· e/ = c/ ∈ c/ . B B B (cid:10) (cid:11) • e/ ispurein M/ : Indeedsupposem·α/ = e/ ,e∈hei,α∈M. B B B B (cid:10) (cid:11) Asabove,letc∈hcibesuchthats·e/ = c/ . Thensm·α/ = c/ , B B B B so by the assumption for some α′ ∈ M we have sm· α′/ = c/ . So A A sm·α′ = c+a say, so α′ ∈hei. But sm·(α−α′) ∈B, so by purity of B, α/ = α′/ . So α/ ∈ e/ as required. B B B B (cid:10) (cid:11) e/ is finitely generated and so by Fact 3.3 is free. So the result follows B (cid:10) (cid:11) from the Claim. 4 Proof of Proposition 2.4 Definition 4.1. We say algebraically closed subfields L ,...,L of an alge- 1 n braically closed field C are from an independent system iff there exist an alge- braically closed subfield C ≤ C, a finite B ⊆ C algebraically independent over C C, and subsets B ⊆B such that L =acl (C,B ). i i i Notation 4.2. For subfields F,F′ of an algebraically closed field C, F ∨F′ is thedefinableclosureinCofF∪F′,i.e.theperfectclosureofthecompositumof F andF′. F∧F′ :=F∩F′. F∨aisthedefinableclosureinCofF∪{a ,...,a }. 1 n µ refers to the multiplicative group of all roots of unity. 6 We make use of some notions from valuation theory. We consider a place of a field π : K → k to be a partially defined ring homomorphism such that the domain of definition O := dom(π) is a valuation ring. If k ≤K, we write π π : K → k to indicate that π is the identity on k - in other words, that the k field embedding of k in K is a section of π. Such a π is sometimes called a specialisation of K to k. We make use of the Newton-Puiseux theorem and the following analogue in arbitrary characteristic: Fact 4.1 (Raynor [Ray68], cited in [Ked01]). Let L be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p. Let L((tQ)) be the field of generalised formal power se- ries in t with coefficients in L and rational exponents, and let L{{t}}≤L((tQ)) be the subfield consisting of those power series with support S ⊆Q satisfying: • there exists m∈Z\{0} such that mS ⊆R . p Then L{{t}} is an algebraically closed field. Lemma 4.2. Let L be an algebraically closed subfield of an algebraically closed fieldC; supposeLcontainsalgebraically closed subfieldsk , i∈{1,...n}; letλ∈ i C be transcendental over L; let K :=aclC(L(λ))≥L, and let k′ :=aclC(k (λ)). i i Further, let k ≤L be a perfect subfield, and let k′ :=k . 0 0 0 Then for any place π :K → L such that π(λ)⊆ k , L Ti>0 i π( k′)= k . _ i _ i i i Proof. Since replacing λ with λ−π(λ) does not alter K or k′, and λ−π(λ) is i also transcendental over L, we may assume that π(λ)=0. Let L{{λ}}be the field ofgeneralisedPuiseux series,as defined in Fact 4.1. Let π′ :L{{λ}}→L be the standard power series residue map. π′ agreeswith π onL(λ), so by the ConjugationTheorem[EP05, 3.2.15]we may embed K into L{{λ}} in such a way that π agrees with π′. Now for i > 0, k {{λ}} ≤ L{{λ}}, the subfield of power series with co- i efficients from k , is algebraically closed and contains k (λ), so contains k′. i i i Similarly, k′ =k ≤k {{λ}}. 0 0 0 Now π( k′)≤π′( (k {{λ}})) _ i _ i i i ≤π′(( k ){{λ}}) _ i i = k _ i i Lemma 4.3. Let K ≥ L be algebraically closed fields, and let π : K → L be L a place. Let k ≤ K be a perfect subfield such that πk ≤ k . Let k ≥ k be a 0 0 0 1 0 finite extension. Then there exists a finite extension k′ ≥k such that πk′ ≤k′. 1 7 Proof. We may assume that k /k is Galois. 1 0 For i≥1, define k :=k (πk ). i+1 i i Afiniteextensionofaperfectfieldisperfect,soeachk ,andhenceeachπk , i i is perfect. Normality of a finite field extension implies [EP05, 3.2.16(2)] normality of the corresponding extension of residue fields; it follows inductively that for all i≥0, the extensions k /k and πk /πk are Galois. i+1 i i+1 i Nowk isgeneratedoverk byπk ,andπk ≤k ,so[k :k ]≤ i+2 i+1 i+1 i i+1 i+2 i+1 [πk : πk ]. Also, [πk : πk ] ≤ [k : k ]. So after some n, the degrees i+1 i i+1 i i+1 i reach their minimum level, say d=[πk :πk ]=[k :k ]=[πk :πk ]=[k :k ]. n+2 n+1 n+2 n+1 n+1 n n+1 n By the fundamental inequality of valuation theory [EP05, 3.3.4], (I) any σ ∈Gal(k /k ) preserves O ∩k ; n+1 n π n+1 (II) any σ ∈Gal(k /k ) preserves O ∩k . n+2 n+1 π n+2 Now πk = (πk )(πβ) say, some β ∈ k . Let β = β ,β ,...,β be n+1 n n+1 1 2 s the k -conjugates of β. By (I), β ∈ O for all i. Applying π to the minimum n i π polynomial Π (x−β ), we see that s = d and the (πk )-conjugates of πβ are i i n precisely (πβ ) . i i Now suppose for a contradiction that σ ∈ Gal(k /k )\{id}. k = n+2 n+1 n+2 k (πβ), so σ(πβ)=πβ some i>1. n+1 i Now β−πβ ∈m ∩k , but σ(β−πβ)=β−σπβ =β−πβ ∈/ m ∩k . π n+1 i π n+1 This contradicts (II). So d=1, and so πk ≤k . n n Fact 4.4. [May72, Proposition 1] Let E ≥ F be a finitely generated regular extension. Then E×/F× is free as an Abelian group. This fact slightly extends the second statement of [Zil06, Lemma 2.1]. The proof involves considering the Weil divisors of a normal projective variety over F with function field E. We translate this result to our context of perfect fields and R -modules: p Corollary 4.4.1. Let Eper be the perfect closure of a finitely generated regular extension E of a perfect field F. Then Eper×/F× is free as an Rp-module. Proof. This is immediate from Fact 4.4, on noting that if (ei/F×)i<κ is a basis for E×/F× as an Abelian group, then (ei/F×)i<κ is a basis for Eper×/F× as an R -module. p Proposition(2.4). LetCbeanalgebraically closedfield, andletL ,...,L ≤C 1 n be algebraically closed subfields from an independent system, n ≥ 1. Let β ∈ C be an arbitrary finite tuple, and let K :=L ∨...∨L ∨β ≤C. 1 n Then K×/ΠiLi× is a locally free Rp-module. Proof. The n = 1 case of Proposition 2.4 follows from Corollary 4.4.1; we pro- ceed to prove the proposition by induction on n. Let L:=L , let P := L , and let H :=Π L × ≤P×. 1 Wi>1 i i>1 i 8 Wefirstshowthatwemayreducetothecasethatβ isalgebraicoverP∨L= L . Indeed,therelativealgebraicclosureofP∨LinP∨L∨β,isanalgebraic Wi i subextension of the finitely generated extension (P ∨L)(β) of P ∨L, and so is ′ ′ C a finite extension P ∨L∨β say, where β ∈acl (P ∨L). × By Corollary 4.4.1, (P∨L∨β) / ′ × is free. So by Lemma 3.2, we need (P∨L∨β) ′ × only show that (P∨L∨β) /HL× is locally free. C So we suppose that β ∈acl (P ∨L). We aim to apply Lemma 3.5. So let b ∈ P ∨ L ∨ β be multiplicatively independent over HL×; we want to show that the pure hull of Db/HL×E in × (P∨L∨β) /HL× is free. Let (c ) enumerate βb. i i Claim 4.4.1. There exist a finitely generated extension k of P and a place C π :acl (LP)→ L such that L (i) k∨L≥P ∨L∨β; (ii) ∀i.c ∈k; i (iii) L=aclL(k∩L); (iv) π(k)=k∩L; (v) π(c )∈L×. i Proof. Let C,B,B be as in Definition 4.1. Let µ enumerate B\B . i 1 Let f (µ) ∈ L[µ] be the non-zero coefficients of a minimal polynomial in i,j C L[µ][X] for c over L(µ). Let m∈acl (C) such that f (m)6=0 for all i,j. i i,j C Let a be a transcendence basis for L over acl (C). Let Q:=P ∨a. C We first demonstrate existence of a place π : acl (L(µ)) → L such that L π(µ)=m and π(Q)=Q∩L. Inductively, we may assume that µ = µ′µ and m = m′m, and that π′ : aclC(L(µ′))→ L is a place such that π′(µ′)=m′ and π′(Q′)=Q′∩L, where L Q′ :=a∨ L′, where L′ :=aclC(C∪(B ∩µ′)). L = aWcliC>(1L′(iµ)) if µ ∈iB , else L = L′i. Let k := a∨ L ≤ i i i i i 0 W{i|i>1∧µ∈/Bi} i aclC(L(µ′)). µistranscendentaloverL(µ′),sobytheExtensionTheorem([Lan72,Theo- rem I.1]), there exists a place π′′ :aclC(L(µ))→aclC(L(µ′)) aclC(L(µ′)) suchthat π′′(µ)=m. By Lemma 4.2, π′′(Q)=Q′. Let π :=π′◦π′′. π is as required. By the condition on m, π(c )∈L×. i Now by Lemma 4.3, there exists a finite extension k of Q(c,π(c)) such that π(k)≤k. k and π are as required. Claim 4.4.2. If b ∈ k× is simple in k× mod (k×∩HL×), then b is simple in (k∨L)× mod HL×. Furthermore, identifying k×/HL×∩k× with the submodule k×/HL× of (k∨L)×/HL×, we have that for any b ∈ k× if Db/HL×E is pure in k×/HL× then it is is pure in (k∨L)×/HL×. 9 Proof of Claim 4.4.2. Suppose b is not simple in (k∨L)× mod HL×. By Lemma 3.7 and the fact that HL× is divisible in (k∨L)×, we have αq =b for some α∈(k∨L)×\k× and some prime q 6=p. k(α) is a degree q cyclic extension of k, so this is a Galois extension, Gal(k(α)/k)∼= Z/qZ, and k(α) is perfect. Let F := k∩L and F := k(α)∩L. Let F ≤ L be a finite extension 0 1 2 of F such that α∈k∨F and F is Galois over F . 1 2 2 0 By [Lan02, VI Thm 1.12], k∨F is Galois over k and restriction to F 2 2 gives an isomorphism of finite groups ↾ :Gal(k∨F /k)→Gal(F /F ), F2 2 2 0 andGal(F /F )is the imageunder ↾ ofthe normalsubgroupGal(k∨ 2 1 F2 F /k(α)) of Gal(k∨F /k). 2 2 So F is Galois over F and 1 0 Gal(F1/F0)∼= Gal(F2/F0)/Gal(F2/F1) ∼= Gal(k∨F2/k)/ Gal(k∨F2/k(α)) ∼=Gal(k(α)/k) ∼= Z/qZ. By[Lan02,VIThm1.12]again,Gal(k∨F /k)∼=Gal(F /F )∼=Gal(k(α)/k). 1 1 0 So k∨F =k(α), and we have the following lattice diamond: 1 k(α) Z Z/q k F 1 Z Z/q k∩L Since the torsion group µ is contained in (k∩L)×, by [Lan02, VI 6.2] F =(k∩L)(γ) for some γ such that γq ∈k∩L. 1 Now k(α) = k ∨F = k(γ), so say γ = Σ c αi, c ∈ k. Let σ ∈ 1 i<q i i Gal(k(α)/k) restrict non-trivially to F . Say σ(α) = ζα, σ(γ) = ζlγ, 1 (l,q)=1, ζ a primitive qth root of unity. So Σ c ζlαi =ζlγ =σ(γ)=Σ c ζiαi. i<q i i<q i Since (αi) is a basis for the k-vector-space k(α), we have γ =c αl. i l Now say sl+tq = 1. Then γs = csαb−t. So letting d := c−sbt ∈ k, we l l have dqγsq =αq =b. But γsq =(γq)s ∈(k∩L)×, so b is not simple in k× mod (k×∩HL×). This completes the proof of the first statement. The “Furthermore” part follows by Lemma 3.6. 10

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