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Coverings and crossed modules of topological groups with operations Osman Mucuk∗a and Tunçar S¸ahan†b 6 a DepartmentofMathematics,ErciyesUniversity,Kayseri,TURKEY 1 0 bDepartmentofMathematics,AksarayUniversity,Aksaray,TURKEY 2 n a J 6 2 Abstract ] T ItisawellknownresultinthecoveringgroupsthatasubgroupGofthefundamental A groupattheidentityofasemi-locally simplyconnectedtopologicalgroupdeterminesa . h covering morphismoftopologicalgroupswithcharacteristic groupG. Inthis paperwe t a m generalize this result to a large class of algebraic objects called topological groups with [ operations, including topological groups. We also give the cover of crossed modules 1 withintopologicalgroupswithoperations. v 4 9 KeyWords: Coveringgroup,universalcover,crossedmodule,groupwithoperations,topo- 0 7 logical group with operations 0 Classification: 18D35, 22A05,57M10 . 1 0 6 1 1 Introduction : v i X Thetheoryofcoveringspacesisoneofthemostinterestingtheoriesinalgebraictopology. r a e It is well known that if X is a topological group, p: X → X is a simply connected covering e e map, e ∈ X is the identity element and e˜ ∈ X is such that p(e˜) = e, then X becomes a topological group with identity e˜such that p is a morphism of topological groups (see for example [8]). The problem of universal covers of non-connected topological groups was first stud- ied in [23]. He proved that a topological group X determines an obstruction class k in X ∗E-mail: [email protected] †E-mail: [email protected] 1 H3(π (X),π (X,e)), and that the vanishing of k is a necessary and sufficient condition for 0 1 X the lifting of the group structure to a universal cover. In [17] an analogous algebraic result was given in terms of crossed modules and group-groupoids, i.e., group objects in the cat- egory of groupoids (see also [6] for a revised version, which generalizes these results and shows the relation with the theory of obstructions to extension for groups and [16] for the recently developed notion ofmonodromy for topological group-groupoids). In [7, Theorem 1] Brown and Spencer proved that the category of internal categories withinthegroups, i.e.,group-groupoids, isequivalenttothecategoryofcrossedmodulesof groups. Thenin[21,Section3],Porterprovedthatasimilarresultholdsforcertainalgebraic C categories , introduced by Orzech [19], which definition was adapted by him and called category ofgroups with operations. ApplyingPorter’s result, the studyofinternalcategory C theory in was continued in the works of Datuashvili [10] and [11]. Moreover, she devel- opedcohomology theoryofinternalcategories, equivalently,crossed modules,incategories of groups with operations [9, 12]. In a similar way, the results of [7] and [21] enabled us to prove that some properties of covering groups can be generalized to topological groups with operations. If X is a connected topological space which has a universal cover, x ∈ X and G is a 0 subgroup of the fundamental group π (X,x ) of X at the point x , then by [22, Theorem 1 0 0 e 10.42] we know that there is a covering map p: (X ,x˜ ) → (X,x ) of pointed spaces, with G 0 0 characteristic group G. InparticularifGissingleton, thenpbecomestheuniversalcovering e map. Further if X is a topological group, then X becomes a topological group such that G p is a morphism of topological groups. Recently in [2] this method has been applied to topologicalR-modulesandobtainedamoregeneralresult(seealso[3]and[18]forgroupoid setting). The object of this paper is to prove that this result can be generalized to a wide class of algebraic categories, which include categories of topological groups, topological rings, topological R-modules and alternative topological algebras. This is conveniently handled TC by working in a category . The method we use is based on that used by Rothman in [22, Theorem 10.42]. Further we give the cover of crossed modules within topological groups with operations. 2 Preliminaries on groupoids and covering groups As it is defined in [4, 15] a groupoid G has a set G of morphisms, which we call just elementsof G,a setG ofobjectstogether with mapsd ,d : G → G and ǫ: G → G such that 0 0 1 0 0 d ǫ = d ǫ = 1 . The maps d , d are called initial and final point maps respectively and the 0 1 G0 0 1 2 map ǫ is called object inclusion. If a,b ∈ G and d (a) = d (b), then the composite a ◦ b exists 1 0 such thatd (a◦b) = d (a)andd (a◦b) = d (b). Sothere existsapartialcomposition defined 0 0 1 1 by G × G → G,(a,b) 7→ a◦b, where G × G is the pullback of d and d . Further, this d1 d0 d1 d0 1 0 partial composition is associative, for x ∈ G the element ǫ(x) acts as the identity, and each 0 element a has an inverse a−1 such that d (a−1) = d (a), d (a−1) = d (a), a◦a−1 = ǫd (a) and 0 1 1 0 0 a−1 ◦a = ǫd (a). The mapG → G, a 7→ a−1 is calledthe inversion. 1 In a groupoid G for x,y ∈ G we write G(x,y) for the set of all morphisms with initial 0 point x and final point y. According to [4] for x ∈ G the star of x is defined as {a ∈ G | 0 d (a) = x} and denoted asSt x. 0 G Let G and H be groupoids. A morphism from H to G is a pair of maps f: H → G and f : H → G such that d f = f d , d f = f d , fǫ = ǫf and f(a ◦ b) = f(a) ◦ f(b) for all 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 (a,b) ∈ H × H. For such a morphism we simplywrite f: H → G. d1 d0 e e Let p: G → G be a morphism of groupoids. Then p is called a covering morphismand G a e coveringgroupoid of G ifforeach x˜ ∈ G0 the restriction StGex˜ → StGp(x˜) isbijective. We assume the usual theory of covering maps. All spaces X are assumed to be locally path connected and semi-locally 1-connected, so that each path component of X admits a e simply connected cover. Recall thata covering mapp: X → X ofconnected spacesiscalled e universal if it covers every covering of X in the sense that if q: Y → X is another covering e e of X then there exists a map r: X → Y such that p = qr (hence r becomes a covering). A e e covering map p: X → X is called simply connected if X is simply connected. Note that a simply connected covering isauniversal covering. A subset U of a space X, which has a universal cover, is called liftable if it is open, path e connected and lifts to each covering of X, that is, if p: X → X is a covering map, ı: U → X e is the inclusion map and x˜ ∈ X such that p(x˜) = x ∈ U, then there exists a map (necessarily e unique)ˆı: U → X such that pˆı = ı andˆı(x) = x˜. It is an easy application that U is liftable if and only if it is open, path connected and for all x ∈ U, the fundamental group π (U,x) is 1 mapped to the singleton by the morphism ı : π (U,x) → π (X,x) induced by the inclusion ⋆ 1 1 ı: (U,x) → (X,x). A space X is called semi-locallysimplyconnected if each point hasa liftable neighborhood and locally simply connected if it has a base of simply connected sets. So a locally simply connected space isalsosemi-locally simplyconnected. e For a covering map p: (X,x˜ ) → (X,x ) of pointed topological spaces, the subgroup 0 0 e p (π (X,x˜ ))ofπ (X,x )iscalledcharacteristicgroupofp,wherep isthemorphisminduced ⋆ 1 0 1 0 ⋆ by p (see [4, p.379] for the characteristic group of a covering map in terms of covering mor- e e phism of groupoids ). Two covering maps p: (X,x˜ ) → (X,x ) and q: (Y,y˜ ) → (X,x ) are 0 0 0 0 calledequivalentiftheircharacteristic groups areisomorphic, equivalentlythereisahomeo- 3 e e morphism f: (X,x˜ ) → (Y,y˜ ) such thatqf = p. 0 0 We recall a construction from [22, p.295] as follows: Let X be a topological space with a basepointx andGasubgroupofπ (X,x ). LetP(X,x )bethesetofallpathsofαinX with 0 1 0 0 initial point x . Then the relation defined on P(X,x ) by α ≃ β if and only if α(1) = β(1) 0 0 and [α ◦ β−1] ∈ G, is an equivalence relation. Denote the equivalence relation of α by hαi G e and define X as the set of all such equivalence classes of the paths in X with initial point G e x . Define a function p: X → X by p(hαi ) = α(1). Let α be the constant path at x and 0 G G 0 0 e x˜ = hα i ∈ X . Ifα ∈ P(X,x )andU isanopenneighbourhoodofα(1),thenapathofthe 0 0 G G 0 formα◦λ,whereλisapathinU withλ(0) = α(1),iscalledacontinuationofα. Foranhαi ∈ G e X and an open neighbourhood U of α(1), let (hαi ,U) = {hα ◦λi : λ(I) ⊆ U}. Then the G G G e e subsets (hαi ,U) form a basisfor a topology on X such that the mapp: (X ,x˜ ) → (X,x ) G G G 0 0 is continuous. InTheorem3.7wegeneralizethefollowingresulttotopological groupswithoperations. Theorem 2.1. [22, Theorem 10.34] Let (X,x ) be a pointed topological space and G a subgroup 0 of π (X,x ). If X is connected, locally path connected and semi-locally simply connected, then 1 0 e p: (X ,x˜ ) → (X,x ) isa coveringmap withcharacteristicgroup G . G 0 0 Remark2.2. LetX beaconnected,locallypathconnectedandsemilocallysimplyconnected e topologicalspaceandq: (X,x˜ ) → (X,x )acoveringmap. LetGbethecharacteristicgroup 0 0 e of q. Then the covering map q is equivalent to the covering map p: (X ,x˜ ) → (X,x ) G 0 0 corresponding to G. Sofrom Theorem 2.1the following result isobtained. Theorem2.3. [22,Theorem10.42]SupposethatX isaconnected,locallypathconnectedandsemi- e locallysimplyconnectedtopologicalgroup. Lete ∈ X betheidentityelementandp: (X,e˜) → (X,e) e e a covering map. Then the group structure of X lifts to X, i.e., X becomes a topological group such e that e˜isidentity and p: (X,e˜) → (X,e) isamorphismof topological groups. 3 Universal covers of topological groups with operations In this section we apply the methods of Section 2 to the topological groups with opera- tions and obtain parallelresults. The idea of the definition of categories of groups with operations comes from [14] and [19](seealso[20])andthedefinitionbelowisfrom[21]and[13,p.21],whichisadaptedfrom [19]. 4 Definition 3.1. Let C be a category of groups with a set of operations Ω and with a set E of E identities such that includes the group laws, and the following conditions hold for the set Ω ofi-ary operations inΩ: i (a)Ω = Ω ∪Ω ∪Ω ; 0 1 2 (b)Thegroup operationswritten additively0,−and+aretheelementsofΩ ,Ω andΩ 0 1 2 ′ ′ ′ ◦ respectively. Let Ω = Ω \{+}, Ω = Ω \{−} and assume that if ⋆ ∈ Ω , then ⋆ defined by 2 2 1 1 2 ◦ ′ a⋆ b = b⋆ais alsoin Ω . Alsoassume thatΩ = {0}; 2 0 (c)For each ⋆ ∈ Ω′, Eincludesthe identity a⋆(b+c) = a⋆b+a⋆c; 2 (d) For each ω ∈ Ω′ and ⋆ ∈ Ω′, E includes the identities ω(a + b) = ω(a) + ω(b) and 1 2 ω(a)⋆b = ω(a⋆b). C Thecategory satisfyingtheconditions(a)-(d)iscalledacategoryofgroupswithoperations. C Inthe paperfrom nowon will denote the category ofgroups with operations. C A morphism between any two objects of is a group homomorphism, which preserves ′ ′ the operations ofΩ and Ω . 1 2 Remark 3.2. The set Ω contains exactly one element, the group identity; hence for instance 0 the category of associative rings with unit isnota category ofgroups with operations. Example3.3. Thecategoriesofgroups,ringsgenerallywithoutidentity,R-modules,associa- tive, associative commutative, Lie, Leibniz, alternative algebras are examples of categories ✷ of groups with operations. Remark 3.4. The set Ω contains exactly one element, the group identity; hence for instance 0 associative ringswith unitare not groups with operations Thecategory of topological groups with operations is definedin [1]asfollows: Definition 3.5. A category TC of topological groups with a set Ω of continuous operations E E and with a set of identities such that includes the group laws such that the conditions (a)-(d) in Definition 3.1 are satisfied, is called a category of topological groups with operations TC and the object of are called topologicalgroups with operations. TC Inthe rest of the paper will denote a category oftopological groups with operations. TC Amorphismbetweenanytwoobjectsof isacontinuousgrouphomomorphism,which ′ ′ preserves the operations in Ω and Ω . 1 2 Thecategoriesoftopologicalgroups,topologicalrings,topological R-modulesandalter- nativetopologicalalgebrasareexamplesofcategoriesoftopologicalgroupswithoperations. Proposition 3.6. If X is a topological group with operations, then the fundamental group π (X,0) 1 becomesagroup with operations. 5 Proof: Let X be an object of TC and P(X,0) the set of all paths in X with initial point 0 asdescribed in Section 1. There are binaryoperations on P(X,0)definedby (α⋆β)(t) = α(t)⋆β(t) (1) for ⋆ ∈ Ω andt ∈ I, unitinterval, and unaryoperations definedby 2 (ωα)(t) = ω(α(t)) (2) for ω ∈ Ω . Hencethe operations (1) induce binary operations on π (X,0)defined by 1 1 [α]⋆[β] = [α⋆β] (3) for [α],[β] ∈ π (X,0). Since the binary operations ⋆ in Ω are continuous it follows that 1 2 the binary operations (3) are well defined. Similarly the operations (2) reduce the unary operations definedby ω[α] = [ωα]. (4) By the continuity of the unary operations ω ∈ Ω , the operations (4) are also well defined. 1 The other details can be checked and so π (X,x ) becomes a group with operations, i.e., an 1 0 C ✷ object of . WenowgeneralizeTheorem2.1totopologicalgroupswithoperations. Wefirstmakethe following preparation: LetX beatopological group withoperations. Bytheevaluationofthecompositions and operations of the paths in X such that α (1) = β (0) and α (1) = β (0) at t ∈ I , we have the 1 1 2 2 following interchangelaw (α ◦β )⋆(α ◦β ) = (α ⋆α )◦(β ⋆β ) (5) 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 for ⋆ ∈ Ω , where◦ denotes the composition of paths, and 2 (α⋆β)−1 = α−1 ⋆β−1 (6) for α,β ∈ P(X,0) where, say α−1 is the inverse path defined by α−1(t) = α(1−t) for t ∈ I. Further wehave that (ωα)−1 = ωα−1 (7) 6 ω(α◦β) = (ωα)◦(ωβ) (8) when α(1) = β(0). Parallelto Theorem 2.1,in the following theorem we prove a general resultfor topologi- cal groups with operations. Theorem 3.7. Let X be a topological group with operations, i.e., an object of TC and let G be the subobject of π (X,0). Suppose that the underlying space of X is connected, locally path connected 1 e andsemi-locallysimplyconnected. Letp: (X ,˜0) → (X,0)bethecoveringmapcorrespondingtoG G as a subgroup of the additive group of π (X,0) by Theorem 2.1. Then the group operations of X lift 1 e e e to X , i.e.,X isatopological group withoperations and p: X → X isamorphismof TC. G G G e e Proof: BytheconstructionofX inSection1,X isthesetofequivalenceclassesdefined G G via G. The binaryoperations on P(X,0)definedby (1) induce binaryoperations hαi ⋆hβi = hα⋆βi (9) G G G and the unary operations on P(X,x ) defined by(2)induce unary operations 0 ωhαi = hωαi (10) G G e on X . G We now prove that these operations (9) and (10) are well defined: For ⋆ ∈ Ω and the 2 paths α,β,α ,β ∈ P(X,0)with α(1) = α (1) and β(1) = β (1), we havethat 1 1 1 1 [(α⋆β)◦(α ⋆β )−1] = [(α⋆β)◦(α−1 ⋆β−1)] (by6) 1 1 1 1 = [(α◦α−1)⋆(β ◦β−1)] (by5) 1 1 = [α◦α−1]⋆[β ◦β−1] (by3) 1 1 So ifα ∈ hαi andβ ∈ hβi , then[α◦α−1] ∈ Gand [β ◦β−1] ∈ G. Since G isa subobject of 1 G 1 G 1 1 π (X,0), we have that [α◦α−1]⋆[β ◦β−1] ∈ G. Therefore the binary operations (9) are well 1 1 1 defined. Similarlyfor the paths α,α ∈ P(X,0)with α(1) = α (1)and ω ∈ Ω we havethat 1 1 1 [(ωα)◦(ωα )−1)] = [(ωα)◦(ωα−1)] (by7) 1 1 = [(ω(α◦α−1)] (by8) 1 = ω[α◦α−1] (by4) 1 7 Since G isasubobject ofπ (X,0),if[α◦α−1] ∈ G andω ∈ Ω then ω[α◦α−1] ∈ G. Hencethe 1 1 1 1 unary operations (10)are also welldefined. e e The axioms (a)-(d) of Definition 3.1 for X are satisfied and therefore X becomes a G G e group with operations. Further by Theorem 2.1, p: (X ,˜0) → (X,0) is a covering map, G e X is a topological group and p is a morphism of topological groups. In addition to this G e we need to prove that X is an object of TC and p is a morphism of TC. To prove that the G ′ e operations(9)for⋆ ∈ Ω arecontinuouslethαi ,hβi ∈ X and(W,hα⋆βi )beabasicopen 2 G G G G neighbourhood of hα ⋆ βi . Here W is an open neighbourhood of (α ⋆ β)(1) = α(1)⋆ β(1). G Since the operations ⋆: X × X → X are continuous there are open neighbourhoods U and V of α(1)and β(1)respectively in X such thatU ⋆V ⊆ W. Therefore (U,hαi ) and (V,hβi ) G G are respectively baseopen neighbourhoods of hαi andhβi ,and G G (U,hαi )⋆(V,hβi ) ⊆ (W,hα⋆βi ). G G G Therefore the binary operations (9) are continuous ′ Wenowprovethattheunaryoperations(10)forω ∈ Ω arecontinuous. Forif(V,hωαi)is 1 abaseopenneighbourhoodofhωαi,thenV isanopenneighbourhoodofωα(1)andsincethe unary operations ω: X → X are continuous there isan open neighbourhood U of α(1) such thatω(U) ⊆ V. Therefore(U,hαi)isanopenneighbourhoodofhαiandω(U,hαi) ⊆ (V,hωαi). e Moreover the map p: X → X defined by p(hαi ) = α(1) preserves the operations of Ω G G 2 ✷ and Ω . 1 From Theorem 3.7 the following result can be restated. Theorem 3.8. Suppose that X is a topological group with operations whose underlying space is e connected, locally path connected and semi-locally simply connected. Let p: (X,˜0) → (X,0) be a e covering map such that X is path connected and the characteristic group G of p is a subobject of e π (X,0). Thenthe group operations of X liftstoX. 1 e Proof: Byassumption thecharacteristic group Gofthe covering mapp: (X,˜0) → (X,0) e e is a subobject of π (X,0). So by Remark 2.2, we can assume that X = X and hence by 1 G Theorem 3.7, the group operations ofX liftto Xe asrequired. ✷ In particular, in Theorem 3.7 if the subobject G of π (X,0) is chosen to be the singleton, 1 then the following corollary isobtained. Corollary 3.9. Let X be a topological group with operations such that the underlying space of X is e connected, locally path connected and semi-locally simply connected. Let p: (X,˜0) → (X,0) be a e universal coveringmap. Thenthegroup structuresof X liftstoX. Thefollowing proposition isuseful for Theorem 3.12. 8 Proposition 3.10. Let X be atopologicalgroup with operations and V a liftableneighbourhood of0 inX. Thenthereisa liftableneighbourhood U of 0 inX suchthatU ⋆U ⊆ V for ⋆ ∈ Ω . 2 Proof: Since X is a topological group with operations and hence the binary operations ⋆ ∈ Ω are continuous, there is an open neighbourhood U of 0 in X such that U ⋆ U ⊆ V. 2 Further if V is liftable, then U can be chosen as liftable. For if V is liftable, then for each x ∈ U,thefundamentalgroupπ (U,x)ismappedtothesingletonbythemorphisminduced 1 by the inclusion map ı: U → X. Here U is not necessarily path connected and hence not necessarily liftable. But since the path component C (U) of 0 in U is liftable and satisfies 0 theseconditions, U canbereplacedbythethepathcomponentC (U)of0inU andassumed 0 that U isliftable. ✷ Definition 3.11. Let X and Y be topological groups with operations and U an open neigh- bourhood of 0 in X. A continuous map φ: U → S is called a local morphism in TC if φ(a⋆b) = φ(a)⋆φ(b) when a,b ∈ U such thata⋆b ∈ U for ⋆ ∈ Ω . 2 e e Theorem 3.12. Let X and X be topological groups with operations and q: X → X a morphism of TC,whichisacoveringmap. LetU beanopen,pathconnectedneighbourhoodof0inX suchthatfor each ⋆ ∈ Ω , the set U ⋆U is contained in a liftable neighbourhood V of 0 in X. Then the inclusion 2 e map i: U → X liftstoalocal morphismˆı: U → X inTC. e e e Proof: Since V lifts to X, then U lifts to X by ˆı: U → X. We now prove that ˆı is a local morphism oftopological groups with operations. Weknowbythe liftingtheorem that e ˆı: U → X is continuous. Let a,b ∈ U be such that for each ⋆ ∈ Ω , a⋆b ∈ U. Let α and β be 2 the paths from 0 to a and b respectively in U. Let γ = α ⋆ β. So γ is a path from 0 to a ⋆ b. e ˜ Since U ⋆U ⊆ V, the paths γ is in V. So the paths α,β and γ lift to X. Suppose that α˜, β and e γ˜ are the liftings ofα, β and γ inX respectively. Then wehave e q(eγ) = γ = α⋆β = q(αe)⋆q(β). But q isamorphism of topological group with operations and sowe have, e e q(αe⋆β) = q(αe)⋆q(β) for⋆ ∈ Ω . Sincethepathsγ˜ andα˜⋆β˜havetheinitialpoint˜0 ∈ Xe,bytheuniquepathlifting 2 eγ = αe⋆β˜ On evaluatingthese pathsat 1 ∈ I wehave ˆı(a⋆b) =ˆı(a)⋆ˆı(b). 9 ✷ 4 Covers of crossed modules within topological groups with operations IfAand B are objects of C, an extensionofAby B isanexact sequence ı p 0 −→ A −→ E −→ B −→ 0 (11) in which p is surjective and ı is the kernel of p. It is split if there is a morphism s: B → E such that ps = ıd . A split extension of B by A is called a B-structure on A. Given such a B B-structure on A we get actions of B on A corresponding to the operations in C. For any ′ b ∈ B, a ∈ Aand⋆ ∈ Ω wehave the actions called derivedactions byOrzech [19, p.293] 2 b·a = s(b)+a−s(b) (12) b⋆a = s(b)⋆a. In addition to this we note that topologically if an exact sequence (11) in TC is an split ex- tension,thenthederivedactions(12)arecontinuous. SowecanstateTheorem[19,Theorem 2.4]in topological case, which isuseful for the proof of Theorem 4.6,asfollows. Theorem 4.1. A setof actions(one for eachoperationinΩ )isasetofcontinuous derivedactions if 2 and only ifthe semidirectproductB ⋉Awith underlyingsetB ×Aand operations ′ ′ ′ ′ (b,a)+(b,a) = (b+b,a+(b·a)) ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ (b,a)⋆(b,a) = (b⋆b,a⋆a +b⋆a +a⋆b) TC is anobjectin . C Theinternalcategoryin isdefinedin[21]asfollows. WefollowthenotationsofSection 1 for groupoids. Definition 4.2. An internal category C in C is a category in which the initial and final point maps d ,d : C ⇒ C , the object inclusion map ǫ: C → C and the partial composition 0 1 0 0 ◦: C × C → C,(a,b) 7→ a◦bare the morphisms in the category C. ✷ d1 d0 Notethatsince ǫisamorphism inC, ǫ(0) = 0andthatthe operation ◦beingamorphism 10

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