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1998-99 TOWSON N :'if. -' UNIVERSITY .» "J" Towson University Academic Calendar Sec the schedule ofcourses for registration dates, times and information. FallSemesier 1998 SpringSemester 999 1 Classesbegin August31 (M) Minimesterbegins Januap. 4(M) ChangeofScheduleperiodbegins .August31 (M) MinimesterChangeofScheduleperiod January4-5(M-T) LaborDay—NoClasses September7(M) MartinLutherKingDay-NoClasses January 1S(M) ChangeofScheduleperiodends.Last daytodropacoursewithnogradeposted Minimesterends January25(M) toacademicrecord. Lastdaytoadda course. Lastda\'towithdraw fromfirst SpringClassesbegin Januan 28(R) W 7-\veekcourseswithgradeof September8(T) ChangeofSchedulepenodends. Last daytodropacoursewithnograde Lastdaytowithdraw fromfull postedtoacademicrecord. Lastday semestercourseswithgradeof toaddacourse. Lastdaytowithdraw W. Lastdaytochangetoorfromthe fromfirst7-weekcourseswithagrade PassoptionortheAuditGradingoption. October 16(F) ofW. February4(R) Mid-semesterandendoffirst Lastda>'towithdraw fi-omfull W 7-weekcourses October20(T) semestercourseswithgradeof Lastdaytochangetoorfromthe Second7-weekcoursesbegin. October21 (\V) PassorAuditGradingoptions. March 12(F| Lastdaytowithdraw fromsecond Mid-semesterandendoffirst7-week 7-w'eekcourseswithgradeofW October30(F) courses. March 19(R) ThanksgivingHoliday-NoClasses November26-29 SpringBreak .March22-28(M-SU) *Classesbegirming4p.m.orlateron Classesresume Wednesday.Nov.25 willnotbeheld. Second7-weekcoursesbegin. March29(M) Classesresume November30(M) Lastdaytowithdraw fromsecond W Lastdayofclasses December 11 (F) 7-weekcourseswithagradeof Apnl5(.M) ReadingDay None(weekendservesas Lastdayofclasses(LastSaturday ReadingDay) classesmeetMay8) May 14(F) Finalexaminationsbegin(last ReadingDay None(weekendservesas SaturdayclassesmeetDec.5) December 12 ReadingDay) Lastdayofexaminationsandend Finalexaminationsbegin May 15(S) ofsemester December IS(F) Lastdayofexaminationsandend Commencement December20(SU) 1 p.m. ofsemester. May21 (F) and5:30p.m. Commencement May23(SU) I p.m. and5pm. May24(M) 10a.m. *MemorialDaycelebratedMay31 Thepurposeofthis catalogis toprovide infonnation about the universityandexistingresources andsenices andcurrent curriculum, programs, rules, regulations, andpolicies. Cataloginformation isthustoheusedasan informationalguideandpracticalresource. The university-,however,mayinitsdiscretionandfromtimetotime, amendtheinfonnationcontainedinthiscatalogbymodification,deletions oradditions to it. Accordingly, thecatalogandthe information itcontains do notconstitutea contract. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY W In the event of inclement weather, announcements about schedule changes or cancellations will be broadcast o\er the following major radio and stations: WBAL(AM/1090),WCAO(AM/600),WLIF(FM/102),WTOP(FM/97.1)WBAL-TV(11),WJZ-TV(13),WMAR-TV(2)andWJLA-TV(7). TowsonUniversityisincompliancewilltfederalandstalelawsandregulationsthatprohibitillegaldiscriminulion. Theuniversitydoesnotdiscriminateonthebasisof sexualorientation. 5TC L7 S33 \ USWT COOK LIBRARY 8. ^\ T0W80N UNIViRSiTY ^ Campus Directory ** mmijm 'mmfn. 21252 AcademicAdvising 410-830-2472 MarylandWritingProject...Tlz:...^....?. 410-830-2432 Accounting 410-830-2227 MassCommunicationandCommunicationStudies 410-830-2891 AdministrationandFinanceVicePresident 410-830-2151 Mathematics 410-830-3091 ADMISSIONS 410-830-2113 ModemLanguages 410-830-2883 AfricanAmericanCulturalCenter 410-830-2641 Music 410-830-2839 AlumniRelations 410-830-2234 NaturalSciences 410-830-3003 Anthropology 410-830-2852 NewStudentRegistrationandRetention 410-830-3583 Art 410-830-2808 Non-TraditionalUndergraduatePrograms 410-830-2471 AsianAitsandCultureCenter 410-830-2807 Nursing 410-830-2067 Athletics 410-830-2759 OccupationalTherapy 410-830-2640 AuxiliaryServices 410-830-2530 OrientationandNewStudentRelations 410-830-2306 BiologicalSciences 410-830-3042 Parking(AuxiliaryServicesBusinessOffice) 410-830-2284 BlackStudentUnion 410-830-3277 PhilosophyandReligiousStudies 410-830-2755 BurkshireatTowsonUniversity 410-324-8100 Part-timeJobsOffice 410-830-2730 BURSAR 410-830-2100 Physics 410-830-3020 CareerCenter 410-830-2233 POLICEDEPT.,UNIVERSITY 410-830-2133 Catering 410-830-3480 PoliticalScience 410-830-2958 CenterforStudyofCampusViolence 410-830-2178 PostOffice 410-830-2260 Chemistry 410-830-3058 President 410-830-2356 CommuterAffairs 410-830-3307 Provost 410-830-2125 CommunicationSciencesandDisorders 410-830-3099 Psychology 410-830-2634 Computerand InformationSciences 410-830-2633 Reading,SpecialEducation,andInstructionalTechnology 410-830-2576 ComputingandNetworkServices(HelpDesk) 410-830-5151 ReadmissionOffice 410-830-2007 CounselingCenter 410-830-2512 RecordsOffice 410-830-3240 Dance 410-830-2760 RegistrationandScheduling 410-830-2701 Dean,CollegeofBusinessandEconomics 410-830-3342 SecondaryEducation 410-830-2562 Dean.CollegeofEducation 410-830-2571 ServicesforStudentswithDisabilities 410-830-2638 Dean,CollegeofFineArts 410-830-3288 SocialScience 410-830-2330 Dean,CollegeofHealthProfessions 410-830-2132 Sociology 410-830-2852 Dean,CollegeofLiberalArts 410-830-2128 SportsInformation 410-830-2232 Dean,Collegeof ScienceandMathematics 410-830-2121 StudentAcademicAdvisers(PeerAdvisers) _ 410-830-3497 Dean,GraduateandExtendedEducation 410-830-2078 StudentActivities 410-830-3307 DiningServices 410-830-2302 StudentGovernmentAssociation 410-830-2711 EarlyChildhoodEducation 410-830-2572 StudentLifeVicePresident 410-830-2055 Economics 410-830-2959 StudentTeaching(CASE) 410-830-2567 ElementaryEducation 410-830-2565 SUMMERCOURSES 410-830-2019 English 410-830-2871 TheatreArts 410-830-2792 ENROLLMENTSERVICES 410-830-2701 TicketOffice 410-830-2244 Eventand ConferenceServices 410-830-2315 TigerClub 410-830-3284 FacilitiesRental 410-830-2315 TowerEchoes 410-830-2280 Finance(AcademicProgram) 410-830-2465 TowerLight 410-830-2288 FinancialAid 410-830-2061 UniversityRelations 410-830-2230 Foundation,TU,Inc 410-830-2040 UniversityStore 410-830-2323 Geographyand EnvironmentalPlanning 410-830-2973 UniversityUndergraduateAdvising 410-830-2330 GRADUATESCHOOL 410-830-2501 UniversityUnion 410-830-2362 GraduationOffice(Undergraduate) 410-830-2095 VeteransOffice 410-830-2089 HealthCenter 410-830-2466 Women'sCenter 410-830-2666 HealthScience 410-830-2637 Women'sStudies 410-830-2660 History 410-830-2923 WMJF-TV 410-830-8788 HonorsCollege 410-830-4677 WTMD 410-830-8937 HousingandResidenceLife 410-830-2516 FORTHENUMBERSOFALLOTHER HumanResources 410-830-2162 DEPARTMENTS,CALL 410-830-2000 InstitutionalAdvancementVicePresident 410-830-2358 InterdisciplinaryPrograms 410-830-2678 Anattendantwillbeonduty from Interdisciplinary Studies 410-830-3600 8a.m.to7p.m..MondaythroughFriday InternationalStudentandScholarOffice 410-830-2421 9a.m.to2p.m., Saturday Internationa!Studies 410-830-3510 MAILINGADDRESS: Internships 410-830-2233 TowsonUniversity JanuaryCourses(Minimester) 410-830-2019 8000YorkRoad Kinesiology 410-830-2377 Towson,Maryland21252-0001 Management 410-830-2934 TUHOMEPAGEADDRESS; Marketing 410-830-3351 http://www.towson.edu raAfley moo m t>»B» Dear Students: Welcome to the Towson University (TU) campus and community. You have chosen an outstanding university to help you furtheryour education. Towson's dedicated faculty, excellent physical facilities, state-of-the-art technology, and prime metropolitan location create a positive living and learning environment. You will find a variety ofcurricular and extracurricularprograms offering opportunities for youto broaden yourhorizons both academically andpersonally. The strength ofTU in the liberal arts and sciences provides an important background essential to continuing professional growth, occupational achievement, intelligent citizen- ship, and personal enrichment. TU also sustains a full range ofundergraduate programs in applied professional fields includingbusiness, education, occupational therapy, and nursing. We are proud ofour students' achievements, whetherin academics, art, athletics, music, student government, theatre, or in voluntary service to the community. We are proud of ourfaculty, many ofwhom enjoy national and international recognition. We are also proud ofthe success so many ofour alumni have demonstrated. This catalog will serve as yourguide during yourcareer atTU. Itwill introduce to you the programs and services thatcanmake yourtime atTowson University enjoyable and productive. We are glad you are here. We wish youthe best in all ofyouruniversity interests and endeavors in the years ahead. Cordially, Hoke L. Smith President ,-^v^ 1 Table of Contents TOWSON UNIVERSITY Letterfrom thePresident iii TheUniversity 1 University Curriculum 4 AcademicRegulations 15 Undergraduate PlanningGuide 22 Undergraduate Admissions 24 University Life 29 Academic Resources 35 Housing 38 Expenses 39 Financial Aid 41 COLLEGEOFGRADUATEANDEXTENDEDEDUCATION 47 COLLEGEOFBUSINESS ANDECONOMICS 51 DepartmentofAccounting 54 Business Administration 56 DepartmentofEconomics 58 DepartmentofFinance „ 61 International Business 62 Legal Studies 62 Department ofManagement 63 DepartmentofMarketing 64 COLLEGEOFEDUCATION 67 DepartmentofEarly ChildhoodEducation 70 DepartmentofElementary Education 72 DepartmentofReading, SpecialEducationandInstructionalTechnology 74 DepartmentofSecondary Education 75 COLLEGEOFFINEARTS ANDCOMMUNICATION 79 Department ofArt 80 DepartmentofDance 85 Department ofMassCommunicationandCommunicationStudies 86 Department ofMusic 91 DepartmentofTheatre Arts 94 COLLEGEOFHEALTH PROFESSIONS 97 DepartmentofCommunicationSciencesandDisorders 98 DepartmentofHealth Science 100 DepartmentofKinesiology 102 DepartmentofNursing 105 Department ofOccupationalTherapy 107 COLLEGEOFLIBERALARTS 11 Cultural Studies Program 112 DepartmentofEnglish 113 Environmental Science andStudies Program 116 DepartmentofGeography andEnvironmental Planning 118 Gerontology Program 120 Department ofHistory 121 Interdisciplinary Studies 123 International StudiesProgram 132 LawandAmerican CivilizationProgram 134 DepartmentofModernLanguages 135 DepartmentofPhilosophy andReligious Studies 138 DepartmentofPolitical Science 139 DepartmentofPsychology 142 Social Sciences Program 143 DepartmentofSociology andAnthropology 144 Interdisciplinary Program inWomen'sStudies 146 COLLEGEOFSCIENCEANDMATHEMATICS 149 College-BasedPre-ProfessionalPreparation 151 Interdisciplinary Programs 152 CenterforMathematicsandSciencesEducation 154 DepartmentofBiological Sciences 155 DepartmentofChemistry 159 DepartmentofComputerandInformationSciences 161 DepartmentofMathematics 164 DepartmentofPhysics 168 INTERDISCIPLINARYPROGRAMS 173 FACULTY, BOARDS ANDOFFICERS 177 APPENDIX AMissionStatementAJniversityGoals 197 B MarylandHigherEducationCommission 198 CResidency Policy 201 DFamily Educational RightsandPrivacy Act 203 EFinancial Aid SatisfactoryAcademicProgressPolicy 204 FCodeofConduct 205 COURSEDESCRIPTIONS 214 INDEX 275 ^gggljlj^ The University Towson University, the largest comprehensive university in the Baltimore area, is nationally recognized for its excellent programs in the arts and sciences, communications, business, health professions, education, fine arts, and computer information systems. The university is located in the suburban community ofTowson. Maryland,just eight miles north ofdowntown Baltimore. Its beautifully landscaped 328-acre setting provides a pleasant environment for study and a diverse campus life, as well as easy access to a wealth ofuniversity and community resources. Towson University enrolls and graduates more undergraduate students from the region than any otherinstitution. — 1 The University — HISTORY helptoenhancethestrengthofTowson'sfaculty theirdedicationto TheinstitutionknowntodayasTovvsonUniversityopeneditsdoorsin excellent teaching. 1866indowntownBaltimoreastlieMarylandStateNormalSchool GOVERNANCE theonly institutiondevotedexclusivelytothepreparationofteachers for the public schools ofMaryland. The first class consisted of 1 The BoardofRegentsoftheUniversitySystemofMarylandgoverns students. the university. Each ofthe 17 regents is appointed by the governor. In 1915 the school moved to Towson. By 1935 it established the Alluniversityprogramsaremaintainedbytheuniversitypresidentand Bachelor of Science degree in education and changed its name to by authority delegated to the provost and to the vice presidents for MarylandStateTeachersCollegeatTowson. In 1946itintroducedan student life, institutional advancement, and administration and arts and sciences program, and in 1963 the institution expanded its finance. TheUniversitySenateanditscommitteesdevelopuniversity offerings intheartsandsciencesandbecameTowson StateCollege. policies and procedures, with the senate also serving in an advisory Towson was granted university status on July 1, 1976, in capacity to the university president. Voting senate members include recognition ofits development into a comprehensive university. In 18 elected faculty members and one librarian, the president ofthe 1988 Towson State University joined the University System of FacultyAssociation,andsixstudentmembers,includingthepresident Maryland. On July 1. 1997.TowsonStateUniversitybecameTowson oftheSmdentGovernmentAssociation. Theuniversitypresidentand University,achangethatreflects itsevolution fromastate-supported vicepresidentsarenon-votingmembers.TheCollegeofGraduateand to a state-assisted institution. As ofJanuary 1998, the university has ExtendedEducationisanadministrativedivisionsupervisedbyadean graduated 82,510 students, 8,707 ofthem having received advanced andgovernedbytheUniversitySenate. Eachoftheothersixcolleges degrees. isadministeredbyanacademicdeanandgovernedbyacouncilwhose Enrollment for the 1997 fall semester academic year was 10,553 members include the dean, elected faculty, and appointed students. full-time undergraduates, 2,833 part-time undergraduates, and 2,158 The councils establish policies and procedures governing the graduate students. programs ofthe academic departmentsthey represent. PHILOSOPHY OFLIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION STUDENTGOVERNMENTASSOCIATION ATTU The Student Government Association (SGA) is the student Excellence at TU begins with its commitment to a sound liberal arts governmentalbodyauthorizedbytheadministrationoftheuniversity. education for every student. All students explore the historical The SGA consists ofan executive branch, composed ofa president, development and interrelationships among the four central areas of vicepresident,andtreasurer,andalegislativebodycalledthe Senate, knowledge(finearts,humanities,scienceandmathematics,andsocial composed of 14 students elected at large and one student appointed andbehavioral sciences), andhoweachofthemaddresse—stheworld, fromthefreshmanclass. TheSGASenateanditscommitteesdevelop investigates, reaches conclusions, and presents findings extending policies and procedures affecting students and student-run the reaches ofhuman knowledge. The university helps all students organizations. develop a range ofintellectual skills that will continue to enrich and shapetheirlives longaftertheirformal education hasended. ACCREDITATION/AFFILIATION Beyonditscommitmenttoprovidingthisrichacademicfoundation, The Middle States Association ofColleges and Schools, the Mary- TowsonUniversitysustainsafullrangeofundergraduateprogramsin landStateBoardofEducation,theNationalAssociationofSchoolsof boththetraditionalartsandsciencesandinappliedprofessionalfields. Music, the National Association ofSchools ofDance, the Maryland Towson University offers innovative and distinguished curricula in State Board ofNursing, the National League for Nursing, the Ac- Women's Studies, Writing, the Fine Arts,andTeacherEducation, as creditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) well as impressive programs in Business, Computerand Information oftheAmerican OccupationalTherapyAssociation (AOTA), Educa- SAcpipeenncdesi,x AMaosutslinCesomumnuinveircsaittiyogno,als.and the Health Professions. tthioenASAtCanSdBa:rdsThBeoaIrndteronfattihoenaSlpeAescsho-ciLaatnigounagfeor-HMeaanraigngemAesnsotciEadtuicoan-, COLLEGES tion, the American Chemical Society, Association for the Advance- ment ofHealth Education/National Council for the Accreditation of Students choose their programs of study from the university's Teacher Education (AAHE/NCATE), the National Athletic Trainers academic colleges: the College of Business and Economics, the Association (NATA), the American Assembly ofCollegiate Schools College ofEducation, the College ofFine Arts and Communication, ofBusiness-AccountingMajor,andtheComputerScienceAccredita- theCollegeofHealthProfessions,theCollegeofLiberalArts,andthe tion Commission oftheComputing Sciences Accreditation Board. College of Science and Mathematics. All undergraduate programs TheuniversityisamemberoftheAmericanCouncilon Education, withineachcollegearefullydescribedintheUndergraduateCatalog. theAmerican AssociationofStateCollegesandUniversities,theAs- ForinformationontheCollegeofGraduateand ExtendedEducation, sociation ofAmericanColleges, andthe RenaissanceGroup. see a description in this Catalogand the Graduate Catalog. ASSESSMENT FACULTY Assessment is a process by which educational effectiveness is Towson University offers many opportunities for close student- determined by relating institutional and program mission and goalsto faculty contact and promotes a supportive environment that actual student learning outcomes. It involves systematically encourages experimentation and personal growth. A student-faculty collecting, analyzing, and using infomiation about student learning ratio ofapproximately 18:1 allows students to interact closely with for the purpose of improving the quality of teaching and learning. their professors. Eighty-six percent of the full-time faculty have Assessment is an ongoing process and a regular part ofthe teaching- earned the highest degree ofacademic preparation expected fortheir learning cycle. Students, therefore, will participate in all phases of fields of specialization. On the merits of their expertise, the assessment activities as an integral part of their educational importance of their published works, and the honors they have experience. received, many of the 469 full-time instructors are recognized Believing that assessment is intrinsic to its well being, Towson nationallyand internationally. Smallclassesand thetradition thatall University has established anassessmeni program which is overseen instructors, includingmostfullprofessors,teach introductorycourses by the University Assessment Council (UAC) and its three subcommittees: the Majors Assessment Resources Subcommittee (MARS),theGeneralUniversityExperiencesSubcommittee(GUES),

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