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Preview County official apologizes for jail cost

VVoolllleeyybbaallll:: Tell City GGoolldd MMeeddaall AAtthhlleettee:: wins Harrison tourney. Gladish represents state Sports, Page 3A at Transplant Games. Page 1B P C N ERRY OUNTY EWS Thursday Late-summer August 30,2012 heat, 94º 122nd YEAR, ISSUE 48 WWW.PERRYCOUNTYNEWS.COM 75 CENTS An artist’s rendering of what the Tell City Visitors and Event Center will look like when construction is finished early next year.Located on Seventh Street at the site of the former William Tell Woodcrafters, the structure will include offices for the county visitors bureau, a meet- ing room and an extension for farmers markets and other outdoor gatherings. Visitors center on fast track Kleeman Masonry awarded bid; structure and the entire Tell City-Perry Pappano,who has helped Tell City Year’s or shortly thereafter. County community,” Mayor Bar- acquire millions of dollars in The extra funding approved last could be ready for occupancy by January bara Ewing said after a round of Neighborhood Stabilization Pro- week allows the city to build the celebratory applause. gram funding that was used to tear center as originally envisioned, ty awarded last Thursday gave the The building will be erected in down old homes and build several with an overhang that will be used By VINCE LUECKE city sufficient funding to award the 400 block of Seventh Street at new ones in the city. Proceeds from for a farmers market and other out- Editor Bret Kleeman Masonry of Troy a the site of the former William Tell the sales of those homes,as well as door events. The center itself will TELL CITY – Tell City’s visi- $939,000 contract. Woodcrafters. The city swapped a separate $170,000 NSP grant eventually house offices for the tors and event center will be built, A few flourishes of the pen dur- land for the parcel,which had been awarded the city in May will be county convention and visitors with site work possible in coming ing a special meeting Tuesday of acquired by the Perry County Port used to build the project. bureau as well as a separate meet- days. the city’s board of public works Authority. NSPgrant guidelines require all ing area that will seat about 150 An extra $550,000 in funding and safety made the construction Construction will move quickly, funds to be expended by early in people. from the Indiana Housing and contract official. promised grant administrator and the year. That means construction Community Development Authori- “It’s a historic day for Tell City community planner Tony Pappano. could be wrapped up by New ■■CENTERPage 14A,col.1 Crawford repeats effort to cancel officials’ insurance Councilman objects to ‘secret’ coverage By KEVIN KOELLING Managing Editor TELL CITY – County Councilman Ron Craw- ford was rebuffed in a regular meeting last week in his latest attempt to eliminate costs borne by the county in the form of insurance for its leaders. He also questioned coverage provided to the spouse of an elected official not covered by the county’s insurance. Perry County has approximately 119 full-time, part-time, elected and hired employees, he noted, and the council members, commissioners, coroner and surveyor comprise 12 of the part-timers. Of those,one is on single coverage,four are on family coverage and one opted for the spouse-only plan. Counting only regular meetings and annual bud- get sessions,a councilman works approximately 21 Finishing touches hours a year, Crawford said, “and our salary is $5,100,equal to about $242 per hour. All of our oth- Emilie Young uses a photo as a er elected and hired employees work for … $9 to guide while adding detail to a $17 per hour, which is quite a difference between mural on Tell City’s floodwall. what we make and what they make. Our employees, Young hoped to have the panel I think,have had two raises out of the last four years. depicting health-care providers in That’s a sad thing,because they deserve better than the city completed within a few that.” days.More projects are planned Now, the commissioners’ salaries are about on the “dry”side of the floodwall as funds become available.A $14,100 per year,”he continued. They have 24 reg- pair of lions matching those in ular meetings,but he didn’t know what other meet- City Hall Park will be painted this ings they might participate in,so he couldn’t calcu- spring on a section of floodwall late an hourly rate for them. panel at the entrance of Sunset The county offers a two-tier insurance plan cov- Park.The Tell City Historical So- ering employees and employees with family mem- ciety is sponsoring the projects bers “plus a special plan for elected officials only” with a future two-panel image of called spouse-only coverage,which was for “an em- the city’s woodworking history al- ployee on Medicare,who was not eligible for insur- so planned. ance,to get insurance for his spouse,”Crawford ex- plained. “I’m sure that most of you didn’t know PHOTOS:Vince Luecke about this,but in 2011,there was at least one person who had this.” ■■INSURANCEPage 6A,col.1 County official apologizes for jail cost CONTENTS CLASSIFIEDS 7A-13A OBITUARIES 2A Mathena ‘disappointed’ more than $12 million on a new and together we voted to fund the the bonds issued would not exceed RECORDS 9A county jail. new jail. This information,however, the $12 million limit. The excess of facility will exceed $12 SPORTS 3A-4A “As I sit here tonight,I do so with has proven to be incorrect. I there- $270,000 would come from a differ- ■22 PAGES, 2 SECTIONS million sadness and disappointment. Just a fore wish to apologize, both to my ent pot. I’m not sure that it matters, short time ago, while sitting in this fellow councilmen and to the faithful that the pot that this money comes very same seat, I had the honor of taxpayers of Perry County. It ap- from is from the kitchen or from the By KEVIN KOELLING announcing to this council and to the pears that the county commissioners pantry. It’s still tax money from our Managing Editor citizens of Perry County that a $12 have seen fit to increase the agreed- pockets. It still results in our exceed- TELL CITY – County Council- million cap on a much-needed jail upon cap from $12 million to ing the agreed-upon cap since the to- man Chet Mathena apologized at a had been accepted by the jail com- $12,270,000,well over a quarter of a tal sum is going to be for the same regular meeting Aug. 23 for other of- mittee. I, along with my fellow million dollars. The justification giv- ficials approving the spending of councilmen, was happy to hear this en to me for this alteration was that ■■JAILPage 5A,col.1 2A ●●The Perry County News ●●August 30,2012 O The benefits of recycling BITUARIES The Perry County Solid Waste Management District recently partnered with stu- dents at Perry Central Ele- mentary School to obtain a recycled bench.Students and community members collected 400 pounds of plastic lids.The lids were then transported to Evans- ville, where Greentree Plas- tics melts them into the park bench seen in the picture above.Sitting on the bench in the common’s area are Zoey Burden, Alyssa Verkamp and Kieara Jag- Dennis R. Beverly gers.“Perry Central stu- dents and staff would like to Seibert, 62 McMahan, 59 thank the Perry County Sol- id Waste Management for BOONVILLE – Dennis SANTA CLAUS – Bev- their donation,”Dixie Dicker- R. Seibert,62,of Boonville, erly F. McMahan, 59, pass- son said. passed away Monday, Aug. ed away Saturday,Aug. 25, 20,2012. 2012,at her sister’s home in Dennis was born in Tell Santa Claus. Report your name change to Social Security City, Aug. 4, 1950, to the She was born Dec. 15, late Earl and Alice (Walters) 1952,in Tell City to William Seibert. and Estella (Sanders) Mc- This time of year,we KEN CORDER Social Security benefits. tation. All documents must He worked at Evana for Mahan. see a lot of wed- To change your name in be originals or certified 32 years,where he started as She was a member of St. dings, and in many GUEST COLUMNIST Social Security’s records, copies and must have infor- an apprentice and worked Peter’s United Church of cases that means you must apply for a new mation that clearly identifies his way up to plant superin- tendent. He then went on to Christ. Bev enjoyed being name changes. If you need The second reason it is Social Security card. To you,like your date and place work for Stellar Technology with her family and travel- to change your name due to important to make sure your make the application process of birth. marriage,divorce or any oth- faster and easier, just go to The application includes for 11 years, where he de- ing. Social Security records are er reason, you will want to www.socialsecurity.gov/ss information on what types of signed and built automotive She is survived by her up to date is because your report the change to Social number/ and print out the identity and documentation equipment. siblings, Pat (Marvin) potential Social Security Security. form for a Social Security are needed for specific cas- Dennis was a member of Brinksneader of Tell City, benefits are based almost en- There are several reasons card,“Application Form SS- es, and what sorts of docu- several tractor clubs,includ- Barbara Robbins of Troy, tirely on the earnings record to report the change. First, 5.” ments we can accept. ing Antique Steam and Gas Frieda Bolin of Tell City, we maintain for you. If your IRS and Social Security That’s also the form you The application process Engine Club and Southern Bill (Judy) McMahan of Lu- employer reports earnings to match computer records. If need if you simply want to is easy,and described well – Indiana Antique Machinery la, Ga., Debbie Ward of the government under your the name and Social Securi- apply for a replacement along with other things you Club. He was also the pres- Santa Claus and Trudy (Oli- ty number you report on new name, and your Social card. The application form may want to know about ident of Sir Brit Car Club ver) Berry of Philpot,Ky. your tax return do not match Security record still shows also tells you what evidence your Social Security card and the original owner of a Preceding her in death the name and Social Securi- your old name, those earn- you will need to submit. and number – at www.so- 1980 Triumph TR 8, which were her parents and a ty number in our records, it ings may not get credited to Complete the one-page cialsecurity.gov/ssnumber. was his pride and joy. brother,Kenny Ingle. could delay the processing your Social Security earn- form and take or mail it to Corder is the Social Se- Dennis was an avid boat- Funeral services were of your return as well as any ings record. Missing earn- your local Social Security curity district manager in er and NASCAR fan. He al- held Wednesday,Aug. 29,at tax refund you might be due. ings can lead to lower future office with proper documen- New Albany. so enjoyed gardening and Zoercher-Gillick Funeral traveling. Womeldorf relocating Home in Tell City. The Rev. Dennis is survived by his Paul Jahn officiated. Burial wife, Bonnie (Welch) Seib- Cannelton High ert of Boonville; a step- was in Troy Cemetery. Jasper medical practice Memorial contributions daughter, Kelly Jackson School selling old (B.J.) of Atlanta, Ga.; his may be made to the Visiting sisters,Helen Myers of Fort Nurse Association. JASPER – Effective im- Internists provide prima- Wayne and Carolyn Crad- Messages of condolence mediately, Memorial Hospi- ry care for adults – ages 17 yearbooks dock (Harold) of Tell City; a may be left online at www. tal internist Erik Womeldorf, and older – focusing on ill- brother-in-law, Curt Cronin zoercher-gillickfuneral- M.D., will now see patients ness and disease manage- of Tell City; his brother, home.com. at 751 W. 9th Street in Jas- ment and prevention. Some CANNELTON – The Yearbook Club of Cannelton Larry Seibert (Alese) of per. of the health issues Womel- High School is selling extra copies of old Notlennac Huntingburg; his grandsons, Shooting Womeldorf earned his dorf manages include high yearbooks. Books cost $10 and the sale will continue as Will and Carter Jackson and medical degree at University blood pressure, cholesterol, long as supplies last. nieces and nephews. of Wisconsin-Madison and heartburn, asthma, anemia, The school has numerous copies of yearbooks from matches Dennis was preceded in completed a residency in in- diabetes-blood sugar, thy- years 1997 to 2010. Limited copies are available for death by his parents and a ternal medicine at Marsh- roid conditions, osteoporo- 1975,1978,1980,1981,1987,1990,1991 and 1992. sister,Dorothy Cronin. continue field Clinic-St. Joseph’s sis, allergies and routine All sales are final and will support the Cannelton Hospital in Marshfield,Wis. wellness exams. Funeral services will be Yearbook Club. Checks can be made out to Cannelton Womeldorf is board certi- Womeldorf is accepting held at 9 a.m. Saturday, High School. Friday fied in internal medicine. He new patients. For more in- Aug. 25, at Browning Fu- For more information call 547-3296 or send e-mail to is on the active medical staff formation or to schedule an neral Home, 738 Diamond [email protected]. at Memorial Hospital and appointment, call his office Ave., Evansville with the FERDINAND – Ameri- Health Care Center. at (812) 996-0400. Rev. Steve Clayton officiat- can Legion Post 124 in Fer- ing. Burial will be held at dinand will host shooting Operation Round Up grant applications being taken Oak Hill Cemetery. matches Friday and Sept. 7 Friends may visit from 2 and 14. until 8 p.m. Friday,Aug. 24, First choice for each TELL CITY – Thanks to one year is $5,000, and the Due to the possible volume Power office at (800) 323- at Browning Funeral Home. match is half a beef. Beef members’ collective dona- maximum amount available of requests there will be no 2316 or (812) 547-2316 or Memorial contributions and pork choices follow. tions,Operation Round Up is to any individual or family in blank applications mailed. send e-mail to dharp@sin- may be made to American Closed match is at 8:30 p.m. becoming a very successful any one year is $1,000. For more information, con- pwr.com. Cancer Society, 6301 Old EDT. Signup boards are at way to provide funds to local An organization that re- tact the Southern Indiana Boonville Highway, Suite the Legion home on Main community programs and ceived a grant in the last B,Evansville,IN 47715. Street after 7 p.m. EDT. projects,said organizers. granting cycle will not be el- Messages of condolence For more information, The Operation Round Up igible for the current cycle. Annual Republican may be left online at www. call (812) 367-1022 or 367- board of trustees will accept Grants are available for browningfuneral.com. 1241. applications through Sept.17. local volunteer fire depart- picnic set for Friday Disbursement will take place ments, youth programs, 4-H, in October. senior citizen programs and Poker run set for Sept. 8 Those eligible to apply for other community-service TROY – The Perry-Spencer Republican picnic will funds include groups,organi- projects. The fund will not be be held Friday at Mulzer Camp in Troy. Gates will PERRY COUNTY – The Big John Williams Memor- zations, individuals or fami- used to pay any electric or open at 5 p.m. and a meal will be served at 6. ial Poker Run will be Sept. 8. lies located within the South- utility bills or be used in any Featured guests during the evening will be Mike Registration will be from 9 to 11 a.m. at Braunie’s ern Indiana Power service way to support or oppose any Pence and Sue Ellspermann, Republican candidates Bar in Tell City. All bikes will be out at 11 a.m. and re- territory, which covers the political candidate or cam- for governor and lieutenant governor,respectively. turn by 4:30 p.m. The cost is $10 per hand or $15 for a counties of Perry, Spencer, paign. Admission is $15 for adults and $7 for students. double. There will be a meal at the end of the ride as well and areas in Dubois and War- If you or your organiza- Children 6 years old and younger will get in for free. as door prizes and a half-pot drawing. rick. tion is interested in applying Everyone is welcome to attend. All vehicles are welcome. For questions or informa- Applicants need not be for an Operation Round Up tion,contact Joe at 547-8803. All proceeds will go to the members of the cooperative. grant,visit the Southern Indi- John Williams Memorial Scholarship, a scholarship of The maximum grant ana Power office or down- the Perry County Community Foundation. amount available to any load the forms from the Web group or organization in any site at www.sinpwr.com. B ernice Alexander In Memory It’s been a year, but seems like yesterday. We all Never a waking hour goes by that miss you so very much and think of you every day. memories of Sharon don’t go through my mind. She is not with me physically, but she will always be in my heart and on my mind. After five years without her, my love for her is as strong as ever. I was given a plaque at her funeral which says, “ If Love Could Have Saved You, You Would Have Lived Forever.” How true this is. I read this plaque every night as I go to bed without her. It sits on her nightstand where it has been for five years. Missing Her a “Bunch!” Elvin Chuck, Janet, Chuck Jr., Wendy, Beth, Dana, Logan & Frankie O Onnlliinnee AAdd OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess........ W O W R O G R G W Wee CCaann HHeellpp YYoouurr BBuussiinneessss w wwwww..ppeerrrryyccoouunnttyynneewwss..ccoomm Y ou r local on lin e sou rce for n ew s, obitu aries, classifieds, sports & m ore! S PORTS 33 AA The Perry County News August 30, 2012 Marksmen win four to raise record to 8-0 E VA N S V I L L E — Benningfield made 10 digs Benningfield made 10 digs. McKenzie Hayes made 37 and Beard six. Benningfield The Marksmen raised their kills in six games as Tell City served seven points. record to 8-0, the best start in won Harrison’s four-team vol- Hayes made 11 kills, the team’s 40-year history. leyball tourney Saturday. Flannagan eight,and Kassidie They will visit 9-1 Tell City,ranked seventh in Hayes seven against Gibson Heritage Hills Tuesday at 7 the state in Class 2A this Southern. p.m. week, beat Harrison 25-17, McKenzie Hayes also had **** 25-17, Evansville North 25- 10 assists and four blocks— Tell City’s JVteam also 20, 25-15, and Gibson three solos. Lahee matched beat Bosse 25-13, 25-21 as Southern 25-12,26-24. her 10 assists. Monica Bartley served 10 Hayes made 12 kills and Beard and Benningfield points, including four aces, had 10 assists, five digs and each made seven digs. and made two blocks. four blocks against Harrison. Despite the championship, Cassie Bryant served seven Logan Flannagan added Dalonda Hayes said,“We did- points and made four digs for eight kills and Charissa Lahee n’t play very well. Our serve- the 4-4 Marksmen. had 10 assists. receive was horrible and our Derrian Zabel made six Flannagan “is starting to passing was horrible.” kills and four digs and served hit the ball very well for us,” She said their “passing was three aces. said Tell City Coach Dalonda a lot better”in a 25-19,25-13, Taylor Gentry added four Hayes. “She can jump out of 25-18 home victory over kills and Natalie Peter had 18 the gym and she’s gotten a lot Bosse Tuesday. assists. stronger.” McKenzie Hayes had 19 Stori Beard made 10 digs kills, six assists and three Tell City placed second in Tell City’s Eli Reed (right) and Gibson ball in Monday’s PAC boys soccer match. and Taylor Benningfield blocks—all solos. She served Harrison’s JVtourney Southern’s Ryan Kern battle for control of the PHOTO:Larry Goffinet added five. 10 points. Saturday, losing to Gibson Beard served eight points, Flannagan added five kills Southern 25-18, 17-25, 15-9 Tell City shut out twice Hannah Schaefer seven, and and four blocks, Beard four but beating North 25-24, 24- Benningfield six. kills,and Kassidie Hayes four 25,15-14 and Harrison 25-24, Hayes made 14 kills and blocks. 25-12. had 12 assists and four digs Lahee had 13 assists. For Tell City’s statistical By LARRY GOFFINET Tell City was unable to get a lot of shots.” against North. Beard served 12 points and leaders in those matches, see Sports Editor many good shots on goal Penalties also hurt the Lahee had 10 assists. made nine digs and the Scoreboardsection. TELL CITY—Chris throughout. Marksmen. They received Schmitt scored three goals “They were good defen- two yellow cards (a player PC 2nd in own tourney and had an assist on the other sively,” Foerster said of the has to leave the game tem- as Gibson Southern beat Tell Titans. “But our problem was porarily) and a red card (a City 4-0 in PACboys soccer our back line didn’t get it to player is ejected from the Monday. our middle people, and our game). LEOPOLD—Hannah Harpenau made 26 very good”that match. Gibson Southern, ranked middle people didn’t forward The red card came mid- kills and 22 digs as Perry Central placed sec- Perry Central got another shot at Northeast No. 8 in the state in Class A it on. We didn’t give our kids way through the second half, ond in its own four-team volleyball tourney Dubois in a regular-season match Tuesday (there are just two classes in a chance to score. so Tell City had to play the Saturday. and avenged Saturday’s loss with a 25-21,22- soccer), led just 1-0 at half- “We still have some things last 20 minutes with just 10 The Commodores beat Princeton 24-14, 25, 18-25, 25-16, 15-12 victory as Harpenau time. we need to work on, mainly players on the field. 25-17,lost to Northeast Dubois 23-25,25-18, made 15 kills and 14 digs. The Titans still led only 2- positioning. We’re young and Foerster said a Tell City 15-13,and defeated Southridge 25-14,25-22. She went 37 for 41 hitting. 0 more than halfway through we don’t have a lot of depth.” player tried to push a ball Ashley Gengelbach made five kills and Gengelbach added nine kills and six the second half, as Tell City Tell City was also shut out coming toward him away and Harpenau and Sydney Goffinet each added blocks, Goffinet 11 kills and two blocks, goalie Casey May made a by Forest Park 3-0 in a PAC hit a nearby Ranger, so the four against Princeton. Grace James had 10 nice save with 18:58 left to road match Tuesday. Tell City player was ejected James five kills and six blocks, and Parker assists. keep the Marksmen within “We didn’t control the ball for punching someone. Gengelbach made five blocks, Jordan four kills. James had 26 assists. reach. very much,” said Foerster. The Marksmen did hold Sprinkle three,and James two. Kemp made 20 digs,James 13,and Parker “Casey did a good job,” “They did a very good job Forest Park scoreless in the Goffinet served four aces and Brittany 10. said Tell City Coach Don keeping us hopping—we second half. Parker made three digs. Parker, James and Goffinet each served Foerster. played a lot of defense Tell City, 1-3 in the PAC Harpenau went 36 for 39 hitting with 15 three aces. But the Titans scored two tonight. and 1-5-1 overall, will visit Northeast Dubois won the JVmatch 25- goals in 16 seconds to “We didn’t keep the ball Heritage Hills for a makeup kills against Northeast Dubois. 20,25-22. increase their lead to 4-0 with pushed forward—we were of a rained-out game tonight James added seven kills and Gengelbach Mackenzie Etienne made four kills and 14:14 left. dropping back. We didn’t get at 5:30. six. James had 20 assists and Gengelbach served three aces for Perry Central. made four blocks. Maddie Hubert and Sarah Spires each had Rebels, Marksmen two Jennifer Kemp made 12 digs, Parker 10, five assists, two kills and two aces. Hannah and Gengelbach and Harpenau nine apiece. Gengelbach and Harpenau each made Edwards made 11 digs. seven kills against Southridge. Kemp had 17 Perry Central went 1-2 in Saturday’s JV teams that look similar assists. tourney,beating Northeast Dubois 25-24,25- Gengelbach also made two blocks. 21 but losing to Princeton 25-19,25-24 and to Harpenau and Parker each served three aces. Southridge 24-24,25-11. Harpenau made 11 digs, Kemp 10, and For Perry Central’s statistical leaders in By LARRY GOFFINET George said the Rebels run about 70 per- Parker seven. those matches,see the Scoreboardsection. Sports Editor cent of the time. Perry Central Coach Becky Genet said the Perry Central,7-1 in varsity play and 4-3 in TELL CITY—Tell City will host South Cole Woodburn, a 6-foot, 160-pound Commodores’ “serve-receive passing was JV,will host Tecumseh tonight at 5:30. Spencer Friday at 7 p.m. for a battle of simi- senior, quarterbacks the Rebels. His top lar PACfootball teams. receiver is A.J. Kempf, a 5-10, 165-pound Perry Central boys win “They’re a lot like us,” Tell City Coach senior who caught five passes for 117 yards Ryan George said Monday. “They’re still try- and a touchdown last week against Gibson ing to find their way.” Southern. Boonville invitational The numbers back him up. Each is 0-2 and The Rebels usually use a pistol offense, each has scored only 13 points this season. which is similar to a shotgun except the quar- George said South Spencer’s team speed is terback is not as far behind the line and some- also “very comparable to ours.” times there’s a back behind him. Each team does not have a lot of senior Alex Nelson,a 5-11,280-pound senior,is BOONVILLE—Four Perry Central run- tle more leadership up front.” leadership, with Tell City having only three their biggest offensive lineman. ners placed in the top 17 as the Commodores Cathryn Peter led Perry Central to fourth seniors and South Spencer seven. He is also one of their standouts on won Boonville’s 15-team boys cross country place in the 16-team girls race. She placed Tell City probably has more experience, defense as a down lineman. His quickness is invitational Saturday. third in 19:47. since a lot of freshmen and sophomores start- “not bad”for his size,George said. The Commodores scored 80 points to beat “Cathryn ran awesome,” said Barnett. ed for the Marksmen last year. The Rebel defense has used four- and five- runner-up Evansville North by nine. “This was our first 5K race of the year (the Both teams have been inconsistent. man fronts. “I’m sure we’ll see both,”George Alex Newton placed 10th in 17:09 to lead Commodores competed in a hokum karem “They run the ball well at times and they said. the Commodores. four days earlier) and she usually runs about pass the ball well at times—kind of like us,” “We’re going to have to run and pass Nathan Bashor was 14th in 17:24, Bryce 21 minutes in the first meet.” George said. “There are times when we get against them,” he said. “I think our passing Lain 16th in 17:27, Aaron Pierrard 17th in Other Perry Central scorers were Megan off the ball well and times when we don’t.” game’s getting a little better.” 17:28, and Abe Schwartz 28th in 17:49 to Thomas,18th in 21:59; Jessica Theis,25th in Denver Burden, a 6-foot, 175-pound Tell City runners need the offensive line to complete their scoring. 22:45; Verna Schwartz, 31st in 23:11; and senior, is the Rebels’ top running back, come off the ball better. Callie Poehlein,39th in 23:41. “We had real nice, close packing,” noted George said. He has rushed 21 times for 105 “I thought our offensive line was going to Mariah Blake placed 28th in 23:02 to lead Perry Central Coach Jason Barnett. “Between yards this season, including 89 yards against be one of our strengths, but so far it’s not,” Tell City to 10th place. one and four we had only a 19-second gap Gibson Southern. said George. Hailey Carman was 47th in 24:12,Addie and between one and five it was only 40 sec- Terry 55th in 24:48, Audrie Terry 66th in onds. Wolfpack shorthanded 25:22,and Karie Hawkins 73rd in 26:12.8 to “Nathan Bashor really has stepped it up complete the Marksmen’s scoring. from last year. He was our No. 2 guy and last Tell City had two of the top five finishers year he was usually our No. 7.” The Commodores’ sixth man, Nathan in the 77-runner JVboys race. for matchup with PC Clayton Byrne was fourth in 20:05 and Schwartz,was 37th in 18:14,finishing ahead Jake Swihart fifth in 20:07. of all of Tell City’s runners. Perry Central’s Amber Lindauer placed Tell City,which finished seventh,was led third in the JVgirls race in 25:41. by Brandon Gaynor,38th in 18:16. By LARRY GOFFINET Mahoney, a 5-11, 175-pound percent of the time against Varsity boys team scores:Perry Central 80, Evansville North 89, Other Tell City scorers were Donovan South Knox 97, Evansville Memorial 145, Reitz 157, Heritage Hills Sports Editor senior wingback. North Harrison.” Ingle,41st in 18:23; Cameron Sherry,42nd in 199, Tell City 201, Washington 205, Princeton 208, Harrison 237, LEOPOLD—Crawford Sell “throws the ball pret- Besides their lack of size, Mater Dei 243, Evansville Central 265, Vincennes Lincoln 292, Mount 18:23.5; Brook Smith, 44th in 18:33; and Vernon 297, North Posey 423 County will definitely be out- ty well at times” and they are not blessed with Caleb Sherry,46th in 18:39. Girls team scores:Evansville Memorial 61, Vincennes Lincoln 82, manned when it visits Perry Mahoney “does the bulk of great speed. “They’re proba- Evansville North 84, Perry Central 114, Heritage Hills 176, Mater Dei “Right now we’re struggling,” said Tell 187, Boonville 227, Mount Vernon 239, Harrison 249, Tell City 260, Central for a PLACfootball their running and receiving,” bly not as fast as the two City Coach Chris Hollinden. “We need a lit- South Knox 277, Washington 292, Reitz 304, Princeton 343, North game Friday at 7 p.m. said Gibson. teams we’ve played so far,” Posey 382, Evansville Central 442 The Wolfpack have only Mahoney scored their said Gibson. BOYS TENNIS 18 players listed on their ros- only touchdown with a recep- They usually play a 3-5 ter, with only three seniors tion “on a 60-yard wheel pat- defense, “which suits them Marksmen dominate Tecumseh and three juniors. tern,”said Gibson. well because they don’t have They did not have enough One of the Wolfpack’s that many down linemen,” players with the required problems on offense is Sell said Gibson. “And they like TELL CITY—Tell City No. 1 singles. Wagner and Billy Wallace 6- practices in to have their pre- “doesn’t have a lot of time” to blitz a lot.” won every match in straight Jake Swihart beat Grant 4,6-2 in No. 2 doubles. season scrimmage with to throw because he operates He said their top defensive sets to beat Tecumseh 5-0 in Pemberton 6-2, 6-2 in No. 2 Tell City also won both Corydon. And they did not behind a young, small line, players are linebackers PACboys tennis Tuesday. and Jeff Yeung downed pro-set reserve matches. play last week, so their only Gibson said. Mahoney, Cody Kennedy (a The Marksmen improved Robby Dunn 6-0, 6-2 in No. Luke Thomas blanked game so far was a 50-6 loss Nate Baker, a 6-2, 200- 6-1, 175-pound senior) and to 3-0 in the PAC and in dual 3. Zach Williams 8-0 in singles. to North Harrison Aug. 17. pound offensive guard and Andrew Patton. meets overall. Their only bet- Austin Paulin and Will Josh Kimbril and Austin The Wolfpack has “two defensive tackle, is their “I think they’ll have a hard ter start in conference play Roberts beat Kaegan Groves beat Williams and pretty good athletes,”though, biggest lineman. time with our speed on the ever was a 6-0 start in the Whitehorse and Jack Johnson John McBride 8-3 in doubles. said Perry Central Coach The Wolfpack usually run line and in the backfield,” PACin 2001. 6-1,6-2 in No. 1 doubles. Tell City will host Greg Gibson, listing quarter- “a four-wide set, with two said Gibson. “I thought our Anjan Kashyab shut out Kevin Yeung and Tyler Heritage Hills Tuesday at back Seth Sell, a 6-foot-2, wings,” said Gibson. He said line really played well Daniel Pemberton 6-0,6-0 in Groves held off Christian 4:30 p.m. 185-pound junior, and B.J. they “threw the ball about 65 against Forest Park.” 4A ●●The Perry County News ●● August 30,2012 TC 2nd, PC 4th at Dubois DUBOIS—Tell City had six runners place 12:25.26 to lead Perry Central to sixth place. in the top 17 as it finished second in a 13-team Jasper won with 68 points. Perry Central junior high boys cross country meet Tuesday. scored 180 and Tell City was seventh with 302. South Knox won with 36 points,14 ahead of Besides Theis, Perry Central scorers were Tell City. Perry Central was fourth with 159. Hannah Hubert, 40th in 14:56.30; Veronica Nate Kaiser placed fourth in 11:42.58 on the Schwartz,42nd in 15:01.41; Caylin Peter,44th 1.9-mile course to lead Tell City. in 15:03.77; and Elizabeth Dauby, 52nd in Stephen Houle was sixth in 11:57.40 and 15:23.66. Chase Beckort ninth in 12:07.83. Madeline Labhart, the Commodores’ sixth Seth Vaquero was 15th in 12:27.91 and Leo runner,was 53rd in 15:24.29. Simpson 16th in 12:28.81 to complete the Lizzy Kehl placed 23rd in 14:17.12 to lead Marksmen’s scoring. Tell City and Katie Goffinet was 30th in Thomas Simpson, their sixth man, placed 14:42.80. Summer league champions 17th in 12:30.64. Trent Arnold also finished in Other Tell City scorers were Megan the top 30 of the 162-runner race,taking 29th in Sandage, 66th in 16:08.29; Lexi McFarling, The Gutter Dusters won the Wednesday (from left) Michelle Beasley, Paul Butler and 12:58.40. 86th in 17:14.65; and Maddi Kellems, 97th in Morning Four-Person Summer League at Tell Vicky Preflatish.Absent:Tony Tuggle. Dakota Brewster placed 22nd in 12:40.46 to 17:51.25. City Bowling Center. Team members are lead Perry Central. Teammate John Bashor was Boys team scores:South Knox 36, Tell City 50, Jasper 68, Perry right behind,taking 23rd in 12:42.60. Central 159, Barr-Reeve 173, Heritage Hills 204, Forest Park 206, JV FOOTBALL Other Commodore scorers were Ethan Loogootee 222, Dubois 228, Vincennes Clark 262, Crawford County 384, Southridge 500, Washington Catholic 613 Myler,26th in 12:50.53; Nathan Rogier,27th in Girls team scores:Jasper 68, Barr-Reeve 68, Forest Park 87, South Commodores nip Rangers late 12:51.70; and Jonathon Theis,61st in 13:54.65. Knox 95, Vincennes Clark 97, Perry Central 180, Tell City 302, Dubois 304, Southridge 330, Heritage Hills 530, Washington Catholic 640, Jill Theis placed second in the girls race in Loogootee and Crawford County no team scores Tell City scores 2 shutouts FERDINAND—Lane game to give Perry Central the Commodores’first touchdown Lynch threw a 19-yard touch- lead. on an 18-yard run. down pass to Josh Taylor with Lucas Kelly then intercept- Nick Coultas scored the 12 seconds left as Perry ed a Forest Park pass to end second one when he blocked a TELL CITY—Strong defense and aggres- His twin,Leo Simpson,scored on a penalty Central edged Forest Park 24- the game. punt and recovered it in the sive midfield play carried Tell City past Gibson kick,to make the score 2-0. 22 in JV football Monday. Forest Park had scored a end zone. Southern 2-0 in junior high soccer Saturday. With 5 minutes left in the half,Tillison took Taylor “broke two or three touchdown and two-point con- Braun rushed for 84 yards Sixth grade forward Will Simpson scored a pass from Thomas Simpson and hit a rocket tackles after he caught the version with 1:06 left to take a on 15 carries. Tell City’s first goal, taking Johnny Tillison’s past the goalie to make it 3-0. ball,” said Perry Central 22-16 lead. “We played much better outlet pass just past midfield and outrunning Jace Fischer scored the fourth goal on Coach Nathan Toothman. Payton Thompson then tonight,” said Toothman. “We the Titan defense to the goal,blasting it past the another penalty kick with 12 seconds left in the That touchdown tied the made a nice kickoff return to got off the ball very well and goalie for a 1-0 lead. half. score 22-22. Jacob Braun then midfield to help set up Perry stuck with our blocks.” Leo Simpson scored the second goal off a Braunlin said that South Spencer’s goalie, ran for his third successful Central’s winning score. Perry Central, 1-1, is off crossing pass from Tillison. Alston Rasor,“may well be the best goalie we two-point conversion of the Braun scored the until Sept. 10. “The story of this game was the aggressive will face all year.” He made stop after stop play of Tell City midfielders Johnny Tillison, against Tell City's strong attack. Heritage Hills stops Marksmen Devin Newton, Morgan Schuetter and Jase One of the keys to Tell City’s game was the Otto,as well as the relentless pursuit of eighth strong defense of Teague, Bates, and Rogers. grade defenders Sam Rogers,Austin Bates,and “They kept the ball pushed upfield onto South TELL CITY—Tell City drove inside The game remained scoreless until Heritage David Teague,” said Tell City assistant coach Spencer’s side of the field, allowing us many Heritage Hills’ 5-yard line twice in the first Hills scored two touchdowns late in the second Jim Braunlin. “Very little got past them.” scoring opportunities,” said Tell City Coach quarter but couldn’t score and lost 21-0 in JV quarter. Tell City also shut out South Spencer 4-0 Ken Simpson. football Monday. Rhett Baumeister caught five passes from Friday,scoring four first-half goals. Tell City, 2-2-1, will play at South Spencer The Marksmen turned the ball over on Gant Miller for 80 yards to lead Tell City’s Thomas Simpson opened the scoring with a Wednesday, at 6 p.m. Tell City’s next home downs the first time. offense. strong drive past the defenders,powering it past game will be against Northeast Dubois Jarrett Hawhee intercepted a Patriot pass “We ran the ball well at times,” said Tell South Spencer’s excellent goalie. Monday,Sept. 10. near midfield and returned it to the Heritage City Coach Greg Kincaid. “Malcolm Lincoln Hills 15 to give the Marksmen another chance. got outside on a couple of sweeps.” Commodores raise record to 3-0 But that possession ended with a missed Tell City, 0-2, will visit South Spencer field-goal attempt. Tuesday at 6 p.m. S N PAOLI—Brooke Mullis went 14 for 14 Perry Central also won both seventh grade PORTS OTES serving with seven aces as Perry Central beat matches, beating Orleans 22-25, 25-12, 15-7 Paoli 25-17,18-25,15-7 in eighth grade volley- and Paoli 25-14,24-25,15-9. ball Tuesday. Claudia Williams served 12 aces against HHoolllliinnddeenn,, alumni recognition night 55KK rraaccee sseett OOcctt.. 66 Makala Blunk and Ryann Lynch each added Orleans. Brooke Lasher and Mikayla Taylor Friday, Sept. 7 at Legion GGiibbssoonn ccoommppeettee DERBY—The Perry three aces. each added three and Courtney Berger served Field. County Parks & Recreation Zosha Roberson made four kills and Lynch two. iinn IIrroonn MMaann Former Marksman foot- Department will sponsor a 5- had three assists. Lasher and Taylor each made one kill. ball players and coaches are Perry Central also won a road match with Lasher served 10 aces against Paoli. Taylor LOUISVILLE, Ky.—Tell welcome to attend a pregame kilometer run/walk 8 a.m. Orleans 25-6, 22-25, 15-12 Monday as Kaila added four,Berger three,and Tricia Esarey and City boys cross country tailgate-style cookout at 4:30 Oct. 6 as part of the Derby James served nine aces. Williams two apiece. coach Chris Hollinden fin- p.m. A group photo will be RiverFest. Lastisha James and Lynch each added four Berger, Williams, Lasher, Madison Alvey ished 508th among more than taken at 6 p.m. Football The race will begin and aces and Jessica Coultas served two. and Taylor each made one kill. 2,900 contestants in the alumni will be recognized on end at Mulzer Park. Entry fee James made two kills and Lynch had three Perry Central is 3-0 in the eighth grade and Louisville Iron Man competi- the field before the game. is $12 and entries received by assists. 2-1 in the seventh grade. tion Sunday. Pre-registration is strong- Sept. 14 are guaranteed a T- Hollinden swam 2.4 miles ly encouraged by calling shirt. Checks should be made Tell City outserves Cannelton twice in 1 hour,23 minutes,55 sec- 812-719-9802 or e-mailing to Treasurer of Perry County. onds, bicycled 112 miles in [email protected]. Registrations should be 6:29:39, and ran a 26.2-mile sent to Perry County Parks & CANNELTON—Natalie Sanders and Kaydi first game and Emily Stephens served eight in marathon in 4:07:37 for an SScchhooooll bboowwlliinngg Recreation,125 S. Eighth St., Backer each served four points as Tell City beat the second game. overall time of 12:21:22. Cannelton,IN47520. lleeaagguueess ffoorrmmiinngg Cannelton 25-10,25-11 in eighth grade volley- Tehya Daugherty led Cannelton with two Another Perry Countian, For more information or ball Tuesday. points served. former Perry Central football TELL CITY—Junior to obtain a registration form, Nichole Harris served four points for The matches were the season openers for and baseball star Bo Gibson, high and high school bowling call the parks department at Cannelton. both schools. Tell City will play at Jasper finished 1,705th in 15:10:01. leagues are forming at Tell 547-3453. Tell City won the seventh grade match 25-8, tonight at 5. Cannelton will host Perry Central He did the swimming in City Bowling Center, with TTuuggggllee mmeemmoorriiaall 25-5 as Rachel Malone served 15 points in the Tuesday at 6 p.m. 1:25.07, the bicycling in registration forms available at S 7:02:27, and the marathon in the center. ssccrraammbbllee SSeepptt.. 88 COREBOARD 6:29:49. The junior high league TELL CITY—The Char- will bowl at 10 a.m. on VVOOLLLLEEYYBBAALLLL Neyenhaus five digs. Don’s Auto & Machine Inc.719; 267 TTeellll CCiittyy ffoooottbbaallll Saturdays beginning Oct. 6. lie Tuggle Memorial Golf Perry Central def. Northeast TCBC Pro Shop 711 High Men’s Scr.Series:Brian aalluummnnii nniigghhtt sseett The high school league will Tournament, a three-person- TJeVllt oCuirtnye yre Ssautlutsr diany :Harrison DNuobtaobisle 2 5P-2e4rr,y2 5C-2e1ntral per- EHtteignhs ohTne aCmo nHstdruccpti.onS e2r0ie3s5:; HHeisgsh 7 M13e;nD’su Handec pP.oGolaem 6e6:4Phil bowl at 1 p.m. on Sundays team scramble,will be held 9 Gibson Southern def.Tell City formers:Skyly Cummings four Don’s Auto & Machine Inc.1995 Braunecker 290;Jeff McDaniel T E L L C I T Y — starting Oct. 7. a.m. Sept. 8 at Hoosier 2N5o-t1a8b,l1e7 T-2e5ll, C15it-y9 performers: kfoilulsr; aMssaisdtdsi;eM Hauckbeenrtz iefo Eurt ieknilnlse, GHeibghha rMd e2n7’3s; MScart.t PGaatmmeo:reK 2e6it9h 2H79ig;hD uaMneen P’so oHled 2c7p9. Series: Celebrating the 75th season Each league has four-per- Heights Country Club. Cassie Bryant six points, four three kills; Felicia Hill seven High Men’s Scr.Series:Keith Brian Hess 767;Chris Sturgeon of Marksman football, the son teams. Cost is $6 per Entry fee is $150 per apcoeinst,s s, ix dsigixs ;Ddeirgrisa;n ZSabhealy sniax aScaerash; CSpaisreeys sJeavmene sa sfsiviset sd.igs; G68e3bhard 694;Dennis Johnson 7H32igh Women’s Scr. Game: Tell City Football Club and week, which includes shoe team. Entries, including con- Vaquero six points; Sydney Southridge def.Perry Central High Men’s Hdcp. Game: Jackie Cail 194; Tamie Alvey Tell City Junior-Senior High rental. tact information, should be Goffinet three kills; Taylor 25-24,25-11 Keith Gebhard 295; Dennis 187 School will host the third Registration forms should sent to CTMGT,P.O. Box 96, Gentry two blocks;Natalie Peter Notable Perry Central per- Johnson 292 High Women’s Scr. Series: five assists. formers:Maddie seven assists; High Men’s Hdcp. Series: Jackie Cail 523; Tamie Alvey annual Marksman football be turned in by Sept. 29. Tell City,IN 47586. Tell City def.Evansville North Sarah Spires four assists; Dennis Johnson 764; Keith 475 25-24,24-25,15-14 Casey James four digs. Gebhard 760 High Women’s Hdcp.Game: Notable Tell City performers: Jackie Cail 242;Tonia Kling 241 Madison Schuetter 13 points, BBOOWWLLIINNGG Friday Four-Person League High Women’s Hdcp.Series: (Week of August 24) three aces, six digs; Derrian Jackie Cail 667; Mandy Team............................W L Zabel six kills, three aces, six Thursday 3-Man League Odd Balls........................7 0 Weigand 641 digs; Shayna Vaquero seven (Week of August 23) Joe & Linda’s Furniture..7 0 Perry County Youth League points, three aces; Cassie Team............................W L Pin Aces........................7 0 SSOOCCCCEERR Bryant eight digs; Sydney Don’s Auto &Mach.Inc.7 0 Wayne’s World................5 2 Goffinet four kills;Taylor Gentry Team 16 ........................7 0 Beauty and the Beasts..5 2 Aug.25-26 Results four kills; Natalie Peter 15 Greenwood St.Rods......7 0 Team 11 ........................5 2 Grade 1 assists. Team 10 ........................6 1 Spare Makers................2 5 Ettensohn 12, Webb Wheel 10 Tell City def.Harrison 25-24, Mean Gr.Dream Team..5 2 High Rollers....................2 5 Legacy 4, Whalen Properties 2 25-12 Tinsley Farms................5 2 Bye................................2 5 Huber, Goffinet, Hagedorn 8, Notable Tell City performers: TCBC Pro Shop............5 2 Average Joe’s................0 7 Roland’s 4 Monica Bartley eight points, four Tell City Moose Lodge....4 3 Not Quite Right..............0 7 Waupaca 4, TC Optimist 0 aces;Cassie Bryant six points; Ettensohn Construction.3 4 Indiana Realty Group....0 7 Grade 2 Madison Schuetter six points; Wonderers......................2 5 High Team Scr.Game:Joe & Butlers 8, TC Optimist 8 Derrian Zabel three kills;Taylor Mulzer Cr.Stone Inc.......2 5 Linda’s Furniture 900;Average Kiwanis 6, S.Hills Counseling 1 Gentry three kills; Cassie Hideaway........................2 5 Joe’s 820 Grades 3-4 Bryant seven digs;Natalie Peter Carman’s Body Shop....1 6 High Team Scr.Series:Joe & Fiesta Grande 1, Ettensohn 0 nine assists. Long John Silver’s..........0 7 Linda’s Furniture 2545; Odd German American 6, Werner Perry Central results in Perry Fastenal..........................0 7 Balls 2254 Drug Store 1 Central JVtourney Saturday: Logos ............................0 7 High Team Hdcp.Game:Pin Gladish Chiropractic 2, Midway Princeton def. Perry Central High Team Scr.Game:Mean Aces 964; Joe & Linda’s Storage 0 25-19,25-24 Green Dream Team 651;Team Furniture 955 Cash Waggner 3, Huber, Notable Perry Central per- 16 646 High Team Hdcp. Series: Goffinet, Hagedorn 2 formers:Sarah Spires four kills, High Team Scr.Series:Mean Odd Balls 2734;Joe & Linda’s Grades 5-8 four assists; Maddie Hubert Green Dream Team 1863;Team Furniture 2710 R&A Sports 6, Zellers Garage 1 three kills, three assists;Casey 16 1802 High Men’s Scr. Game: Ettensohn 3, Engineers 0 James eight digs; Amber High Team Hdcp. Game: Duane Poole 276;Jeff McDaniel AAtthhlleettee ooff tthhee WWeeeekk T TIIMMEE T TOO GGEETT McKENZIE HAYES, 18, is a senior hitter and setter for R REEAADDYY Tell City’s volleyball team. She made 85 kills (includ- ing 27 against Evansville ✔ Bows Memorial), 16 blocks and ✔ Arrows 21 digs and had 46 assists as the Marksmen won all ✔ Releases five of their matches last ✔ Sights week.She also plays bas- ketball and softball for the ✔ Silencers Marksmen.Her college ✔ Stabilizers plans are undecided.She is the daughter of John and Dalonda Hayes of Tell City. Available At: BROUGHT TO YOU BY: 10th & Hwy 37, Tell City 547-7311 11th & Tell St., Tell City • 812-547-3452 The Perry County News ●●August 30,2012 ●● 5A Pirates? Well, the two ships heading up- stream from Owensboro, Ky., Mon- day weren’t filled with pirates, but history.They were replicas of the Nina and the Pinta, two of Colum- bus’ships.They were moored at English Park in Owensboro for that community’s dedication of river- front improvements.The two craft are operated by the Columbus Foundation and travel waterways in North and South America shar- ing information about Columbus and his epic journeys of discovery. Incumbents file for re-election on Perry Central School Board By VINCE LUECKE ment on something they’ve heard from Editor school,” said Etienne, who believes LEOPOLD – Kevin Etienne and Tim many taxpayers and parents are looking Edwards will return to the Perry Central for information on school business and Community School Board for another trust members of the board. four years. The two men were the only The two incumbents credited the Kevin Etienne, left, candidates to file for seats during a fil- hard-working team of administrators, and Tim Edwards ing period that ended Friday. teachers and staff they said deliver qual- have filed for re- Etienne is finishing his second term ity education to Perry Central students. election to the Per- while Edwards is completing his first. “I get stopped at Wal-Mart occasion- ry Central School Both said the experience has been re- ally and get asked a question,”said Ed- Board.As the only warding and while the board’s monthly wards, who believes his knowledge of two candidates seeking seats, they meetings don’t draw a lot of members the building trades is valuable to the are guaranteed of the public, Etienne said community board. new four-year members pay a lot of attention to the Other board members in the middle terms starting in school and know how to reach board of their four-year terms are Joe 2013. members. Flamion, Earla Williams and Larry “Halfway often, mainly at games, James. Their board seats will expire in people will ask you something or com- 2014. Jail Continued from Page 1A ed in the form of House Bill with EDIT revenues already es,” Mathena continued. “I would’ve kept our promise did not mean to mislead 1252, which the governor flowing into county coffers. guess,as any child could tell as stated by me to the coun- you.” project. I believe EDIT funds signed into law May 10, Half have traditionally gone you, while in the candy cilmen and to the taxpayers.” “I, too, Chet, thought it will be tapped for the 2011. It authorized the coun- toward road improvements, store, get all you can while “The taxpayers can rest would never go over $12 $270,000.” ty council to impose an addi- 20 percent to the Perry the getting is good. I firmly assured,”he said in conclud- million,” Councilman Stan As the News reported tional county economic de- County Development Corp. believe that our commission- ing his statement, “that Goffinet said. “I thought Aug. 13, Craftsman Con- velopment income tax rate of and the remaining 30 percent ers could have functioned through the efforts of many they had to come back to us. struction of Huntingburg up to one-half a percent of a of the money is distributed to within the allotted sum of people over a long period of But it looks like they found tendered the lowest of eight county taxpayer’s adjusted a community economic-de- $12 million since the low bid time, they will be getting a the money … I agree with base bids for the new facility. gross income to construct or velopment fund. was only $10,035,000. There really fine jail facility that Chet. I’m disappointed.” The commissioners opted to improve the county jail. The “These funds could have wouldn’t have been as many they can be proud of. But “I also agree,” added include five alternate bids to- council exercised that au- been used for other purpos- goodies added, but we please, accept my apology. I Councilman Ron Crawford. taling $235,050 for extra thority in February. Collec- features such as additional tion of the new EDIT funds square footage at a sally port will begin Oct. 1. us on and a video-surveillance sys- A financial analyst for the tem for the adjacent court- Indianapolis consulting firm 134 South 6th St. 812-548-0268 or 270-929-9823 house. Umbaugh and Associates Cannelton, IN The Covered Wagon County officials consid- told the commissioners Aug. E E ENNNTTTEEERRRTTTAAAIIINNNMMMEEENNNTTT MENU ered using property- or in- 15 the overage can be paid Full Bar, come-tax revenues to fund WGS Global Services LC is proud to Closed Labor Day the construction,and,fearing SHOOTING Burgers & a referendum required to use announce that we have received our Weekend Chicken property taxes might fail, MATCH ISO Certification. This would not have been D DOOOORRSS && KKIITTCCHHEENN opted for income taxes. Au- possible without the continued support of our Fri., Sept. 7 • 7-11 p.m. thority to do so was legislat- O OPPEENN AATT 66::0000 PP..MM.. Customers, the city of Tell City and our valued Ferdinand Open Mic Night C CAASSHH OONNLLYY American Legion e mployees. We wanted FAMILY to take this moment to LINE DANCE LESSONS CHIROPRACTIC CARE Located on West 3rd St., Ferdinand Sat., Sept. 8 • 7-11 p.m. BEGINNERS offer a sincere Thank Our Chiropractic Clinic offers EVERY You for helping us Clear Creek M IoNnT. 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WEEK $ 5 Off WEEK Purchase One coupon 2 o nL uPnucrhc hFaasjeit oafs Must pres went ictouhpo Tn hat itism eC ofo puurcphaosen. The Perry County News RATES Our Menu Has Something For Everyone! per customer. & 2 Drinks One coupon per customer. ONE YEAR. . . $ 45.00 • Steaks • Chicken • Ribs • Fiddlers 1 / O f f 7 DAYS A $ 5 Off 7 DAYS A (USPS 0887-0837) 6 MONTHS. . . $ 25.50 2 WEEK WEEK • Pork Chops • Pizza • Shrimp • Burgers One coupon Published every Monday and Thursday at News 3 MONTHS. . . $ 13.50 Lunch Item per customer. on Purchase of Any Publishing, 537 Main St., Tell City, Indiana 47586 and Much More ! (in Perry, Spencer, Dubois, and with Purchase of Another Lunch One coupon 2 Combo Dinners except during weeks when a nationwide holiday per customer. Crawford counties in Indiana and Item & 2 Drinks including Fajitas (#1-30) with Drinks occurs, when one issue may be omitted. Hancock County, Ky.) * Coupon specials with drinks exclude alcoholic beverages Publisher Ext. 310 Dave Eldridge ONE YEAR. . . $ 60.00 Visit Our Website WE HONOR E Mdaitnoarging Editor E Exxtt.. 330067 K Vevininc eK Loueellcinkge SIX MONTHS. . . $ 33.00 www.losamigostc.com (Elsewhere in Indiana) Sports Editor Ext. 309 Larry Goffinet ❖ FREE WiFi ❖ COMPETITORS Lifestyle Editor Ext. 306 Vince Luecke ONE YEAR. . . $ 75.00 Bookkeeper Ext. 305 Theresa Lain SIX MONTHS. . . $ 41.50 COUPONS Us Classifieds Ext. 301 Corliss Krueger (Out of Indiana) On Circulation Ext. 303 Joyce Dauby SENIOR CITIZENS: Age 62 and EVERYDAY Advertising Manager Ext. 314 Cindy Dauby over, $ 2.00 off annual rate, $ 1.00 off six MONDAY - THURSDAY Domestic Graphics Manager Ext. 311 Marilyn Hubert month rate. Lime Margaritas Draft Beer Plant Manager Ext. 318 Gary Smith Periodicals postage paid at Tell City, Indiana 47586. $ 2 25 $ 4 95 99 ¢ NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. POSTMASTER: Send address 12 oz. 27 oz. 12 oz. Phone 812-547-3424 changes to THE NEWS, P.O. Box 309, 5 Orchard Hill Drive, across from McDonalds, Tell City Fax 812-547-2847 Tell City, IN 47586 MOVING? Send the address label www.perrycountynews.com OPEN: 10:30 AM - 10 PM M ON -T HURS Dine In Or Carry Out email: [email protected] with your corrections to: Circulation, THE NEWS, P.O. Box 309, Tell City, IN 10:30 AM - 10:30 PM F RI & S AT 812-548-4441 Members Hoosier State Press Association, 47586. 10:30 AM - 10 PM S UNDAY National Newspaper Association Prices good thru Dec. 31, 2012 6A ●●The Perry County News ●●August 30,2012 Insurance Continued from Page 1A He passed among council $830 an hour,”he continued. favor of giving our employ- like I’ve got a lot bigger re- only insurance option and members copies of a hand- “I know not everyone makes ees a raise. I think that’s a sponsibility than the part- said “it shouldn’t have exist- Meetings Fruitless written page showing “what that,but I’m trying to make a must; we must do that this time person does. I’m on call ed.” He requested a meeting in we thought we had for insur- point.” year. From what I’m hearing, 24-7. I get stopped in restau- “That’s a lot of money for November with County Au- ance” for 2011 and pages Perry County No. 11? it will be possible. We must rants,I get calls at night,so I six people,” he also said, ditor Connie Berger and two showing rates for 2011 and DunnandAssociates tried get that done, but that does- can’t look at it from the same “and I’d rather spend other councilmen, Crawford 2012. Single and family to survey the state’s 92 coun- n’t mean that we should crip- point of X number of hours $68,000 on a hundred people continued,in which he asked costs to employees remained ties and 53 responded, re- ple some of our elected, so- that we put it in.” than I would on six.” for information “on this spe- at $130 and $235 for both vealing “10 counties do not called part-time employees. I In response to a question He checked with Berger cial insurance and when it years while the county’s offer insurance for commis- question the part-time aspect from council attorney Jim when the News asked him came about.” share rose $50 for single and sioners or councilmen, so of that statement because I’m Tyler, Berger said updated about the insurance trustees. The meeting ended with family policies, bumping we’re not setting a precedent on duty 24 hours a day. If insurance costs won’t be She confirmed that they in- “no information on the their prices to $633 and here in any way, shape or anybody calls me at any time available until at least late clude her, the council presi- spousal (insurance) because $1,028,respectively. form,”Crawford said. “They of the day,I’m ready to talk.” November, so they can’t be dent and a commissioner. it needed to be checked out Of the county commis- realized the cost and the val- “I’ve said this in the past,” incorporated into the county “I don’t think it’s any use with Dunn and Associates” sioners, council members ue, I guess, (and said they) Goffinet said, “that I don’t budget for 2013, which will to go back to what the Benefit Administrators of surveyor and coroner, Craw- just can’t do it anymore for think part-time officials be worked out in coming trustees did back in 2009,” Columbus, the county’s in- ford reported, one was cov- part time.” should be eligible for the in- weeks. she said. “That was their surance broker. They didn’t ered in 2011 by a single pol- Approximately one-quar- surance that other part-time Council Powerless choice at that time.” get back to him,so he called icy at a cost to the county of ter of the county’s budget employees that work here … on Issue The trustees can amend them in April, he said, but $582.95 per month,four took goes to insurance premiums, are not allowed. I also agree The commissioners make the county’s insurance plan, they still didn’t have infor- advantage of family policies he continued, and the cost is with Ron; I would like for decisions about insurance she explained,and review re- mation, so he requested an- whose monthly cost was expected to continue rising. the commissioners to look at coverage, Tyler also told newal information at the ap- other meeting. “This time I $977.95 and the lone spouse- Crawford said he could the four-tier plan anyway … Crawford, so the council, at propriate times. The county asked that our attorney also only coverage cost $489.92 frame a motion he was about and see if that does help us. best, could only provide a commissioners “choose the be present.” per month. to offer only one way. The health-care cost is going nonbinding recommendation plan,then the trustees are the Berger also asked that Four-tier Savings “If you vote in favor of up and it’s going to keep go- to them. Crawford said in a ones who determine what the DunnandAssociates be rep- Crawford suggested the this,you believe our employ- ing up year after year after similar attempt two years rates will be to the employ- resented, and two of that county consider a four-tier ees deserve a raise,” he said, year.” ago he had contacted the As- ees and for the county’s company’s employees at- plan which would offer cov- “and a vote against this mo- He asked Berger if the sociation of Indiana Coun- share,” she added. “Then tended. Although discussion erage to one employee, an tion says ‘I’m worth that spouse-only plan for elected ties, and was told since the they make a recommenda- was lengthy, “again, they employee and his or her $830 and I really don’t care officials is still in effect. council funds it, that was tion back to the commission- didn’t give us an answer,but spouse, an employee with about our employees too “It is in the summary plan where he should start. ers (who) approve those (said) they’d get back with one child, or an employee much.” description book that has The council is the fiscal rates.” us. In the end,it appears that with more family members. He then offered a motion been approved by the county body for the county,Goffinet “There was an amend- Jan. 1 of 2009, was finally Basing his calculations on that the council will no commissioners,”she replied. noted, but “the commission- ment made to the plan,” she the date that this special in- 74 county employees, he longer furnish health insur- “That information should ers control the money on the explained. “That’s what surance came about. I don’t said the county could save ance for themselves, the be made available to people; insurance … we cannot elim- (Crawford) was talking know who passed it (or) how $37,075 under such a plan. commissioners, coroner or it should not kept secret, as inate the part-time elected about that happened back in it was written. It would have “If we could save that much, surveyor as of Jan. 1, 2013. Ron infers that it is,” Math- officials?” 2009, that amended the plan been,I assume,an additional maybe we could make the Councilman Stan Goffinet ena said. “They’re the ones who (so) if an elected official did- appropriation somewhere employee share less,”he sug- seconded it. Councilman Special Treatment? have that call,not you,”Tyler n’t take the county health in- along the line, but I don’t gested. Chet Mathena commended “The whole point here is,” answered. surance, their spouse could think it was ever brought be- Returning to discussion of Crawford for working hard Crawford responded, “they His intent was to defund qualify for the insurance un- fore this council, who has to the commissioners, council- on the proposal, but said he can make it available and the part-time elected offi- til they turned 65. And that is approve those kinds of men, coroner and surveyor, disagreed. public, but if you’re not cials’insurance and save that a totally different rate that things. But I do know that in the councilman noted private Opposition elected,you still don’t get it. money. He asked how many they pay than what the other those same years (2009 companies don’t generally “Most people in this day You’re not eligible for it … council members knew about employees pay.” through 2011) there were offer insurance benefits to and age realize that most the only people that are eligi- the spouse-only insurance. Anyone who’d like to other employees who part-time workers. things in life are not free,” ble are elected officials … No one raised a hand. know what the county’s in- could’ve taken advantage of “We’re not a private com- Mathena said. “We usually it’s only for us special peo- “No one, because it was- surance plan offers can go to this, but nobody knew about pany,” he said. “we are in get what we pay for. If we as ple.” n’t put out there,”he said. “I her office and ask for a sum- it.” business to run this county taxpaying citizens want to at- “It should have never think it was a sad day for mary plan book and see if Crawford said he wasn’t and be fiscally responsible tract quality candidates for been put into place in the Perry County,the way it was they want to go on that insur- sure about “the legal end of and do what’s right for our county offices,then we must first place,” he added. “It’s a done.” ance,she added. it, because it was passed by, county.” For the six elected realize some form of external slap in the face to 106 em- He asked for a hand count Crawford took advantage apparently,our trustees.” officials covered by its insur- incentive may be necessary. ployees out there, however on his motion. He and of the county’s insurance the Adding the salaries of ance, the county paid Allowing candidates access many there are.” Goffinet voted in favor and first year he served on the elected officials on the fami- $62,816 in 2011,he said,ex- to our county insurance pro- Councilman Alan Cassidy of the others,all but Council- council,saying Friday he has ly plan to their insurance plaining he was unable to get gram may be one of the least said insurance offerings man Merle Doogs opposed been receiving medical care benefits would bump com- figures for this year’s cover- expensive ways of doing haven’t changed much since it. Doogs “abstained because through the Veterans Admin- pensation by $12,335 to age. this. If we choose to discon- he began serving on the as of Dec. 31, I will not be istration since 2002. $17,435,Crawford also said, Giving the county’s other tinue this practice, we may council, “and if I was under involved,”he said. He signed up for the and dividing that by the 21 107 employees a 25-cent- be forced to adopt another 65 and I needed the insur- “I’m very disappointed, county’s family plan to get hours would put each council per-hour raise would cost program that could be more ance,I sure couldn’t vote for quite honestly,” Crawford coverage for his wife, and member’s pay at $830 per $46,761,Crawford said. expensive. Or we could sim- not getting it.” said after the meeting. “They said he was offered only sin- hour. “If we would do what’s ply accept potential candi- “It is part of the plan that know why I wanted to get gle and family plans even Opportunities Equal? right and eliminate our insur- dates that are less qualified has always been offered in this done, because I felt it though the spouse-only plan “That’s a lot of money, ance, we can give 107 hard or perhaps that have reasons this position,” Councilman was not done openly.” He went into effect the day he and our other county em- workers a raise that make to run that are less than posi- Jim Adams said, “and I feel was referring to the spouse- took office. ployees aren’t making near anywhere from $9 to $17 an tive in nature. Let me assure that,”the councilman contin- hour instead of us making you that I am very much in ued. “Now I want you to think about the hours of our administrator and our veter- ans officer. Our administra- tor is part time; she gets 28 hours per week. She’s not el- igible for any insurance be- cause she’s part time.” The county’s veterans of- 27 Hwy 66, Tell City, IN • 8 12-547-7110 • FAX: 812-547-7506 ficer works full time, “but CALL FOR CARRY OUT & HOLIDAY RESERVATIONS he’s not eligible because he’s PARTY ROOM AVAILABLE not an elected employee,” OUTDOOR WE ARE A LOCAL BUSINESS! Crawford said. “This is only PATIO for elected employees. We’re NOW OPEN WE NOW DELIVER * * $O3r0d.e0r0s omr uMsto rbee supposed to be an equal-op- portunity employer, but I Purchase Any Purchase Any don’t think that equates to 2 Lunches & 2 Dinners & equal opportunity in any 2 Drinks 2 Drinks way,shape or form,if it’s on- GET $ 3.00 OFF GET $ 5.00 OFF ly for us. Why are we better than the guy who’s working With Coupon. With Coupon. One coupon per visit. One coupon per visit. out at the county garage,and Expires 9-5-12 Expires 9-5-12 his wife is 62 and he’s still Like Us On Facebook working? It’s not quite fair.” [email protected] M MAARRGGAARRIITTAASS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY To report social $ 2 25 $ 3 99 EVERY DAY $ 1 3 99 news, call Trista Pitcher Lime 12 oz. Lime 20 oz. at 547-3424. 7 DAYS Draft Beer 99 ¢ A WEEK 12 oz. DJ & Our deadline for KARAOKE church news is EVERY THURSDAY 9:00 P.M. - ? Monday, 5 p.m. No Cover Charge FRI. & SAT. NIGHT LIVE for Thursday’s 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. NON- edition MUSIC KARAOKE & DJ SMOKING BAR The Perry County News TO PLACE AN AD CALL DEADLINES 812-547-3424 PUBLICATION . . .DEADLINE Classifieds Thursday issue . .5 p.m.Tuesday Fax:812-547-2847 Monday issue . . .5 p.m.Thursday Email:classifieds Lincolnland Shopping www.perrycountynews.com Guide . . . . . . . . . . .5 p.m.Friday Cancellations:To stop an ad, the No refunds or credits will be same deadlines apply given for any ad that is stopped before the times requested are used. 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Experienced Drivers also Buy Gold & Silver Coins - 1 percent E-mail: focused on drivers. Teams .513 Needed! Central Refrigerated (877) over dealer cost for a limited time, Solos's .437 1yr OTR Exp CDL-A- 369-7203 www.centraltruckdriv- Park Avenue Numismatics is selling Mail or Drop By The Perry County News HazMat 877-628-3748. ingjobs.com Silver and Gold American Eagle P.O. Box 309, 537 Main St., Tell City, IN 47586 Coins at 1 percent over dealer cost. OWNER OPERATORS WANTED Flatbed Drivers New Pay Scale - 1-888-306-8583 8A ●●The Perry County News ●●August 30,2012 Looking for experienced tax 1904 MAIN ST., TC, formerly 2BR SINGLEWIDE w/garage in 1 ACRE LOT for mobile home. GARAGE SALE: Fri.-Sat., Aug. Yard Sale- Sat 7-4 Yard orna- preparer/manager for local of- Lauer Floral Co. Large retail Cannelton. Washer/dryer With hookups. 6 minutes from 31-Sept. 1. 6a.m. Barkhamsted. ments, DVD’s, jewelry, furniture, fices. Some training required. area 1500+ sq. ft., office, hookup, central heat. $285/mo. Tell City. Move in special 2 Watch for signs. clothes, misc 1115 11th St, TC Call 855-309-1040. 880-sq. ft workroom, bathroom, 812-547-6456 for details. months free rent.Good for con- Menke Trucking a small family 2 walk-in coolers, garage, 2516 tractors or others.812-457-9305 GARAGE SALE; Fri.-Sat. owned and operated Trucking sq. ft. covered outdoor display. NEWLY REDONE 3BR SIN- or 812-853-7057. 8a.m.-1p.m.wood baby dressing Will modify to suit. GLEWIDE. CA and heat. table, angel collection, jewelry, Company is looking to hire moti- 812-719-2094. Washer and dryer hookup.Very FOR SALE:100 ACRES, timber, household items, misc. 8982 vated OTR drivers. All van nice, $550 per month.Cannelton. pasture and cropland on French Brushy Fork Rd.Brick house on Legal 4628 freight.Direct deposit, lots of mi- Call 547-6456 for details. Ridge Road.2 miles off Hwy 37. right past VIP. NO EARLY LEGAL NOTICE les and competitive pay.We re- $2500 per acre or make offer. SALES. OF PUBLIC HEARING quire Class A CDL, OTR driving Call 843-5154. The Alcoholic Beverage Board of experience and good MVR. If GOT STEEL, TIN, COPPER, Perry County, Indiana, will hold a pub- you are looking to join a growing 2BRs, Green Meadows, Cann. BRASS ITEMS, not sold during lic hearing at 2:30 p.m.on September company who is still small Carport, , det. gar., unfinished yard sale? Bring it out to AKS at 19, 2012, at the Court House Square, enough to care about you give bsmt. $550/mo. plus dep. Brian 1998 FLEEETWOOD MOBILE 4775 Boyd Road, 47520. Commissioner's Office, 2219 Payne us a call.812-739-2129 812-549-5144. home.14x60S, 2OBRL, 1D bath, white 812-547-3101. St.in the City of Tell City in said coun- vinyl siding, shingle roof, must 410 Walnut.Troy.Thurs- Fri.Kid ty, to investigate the propriety of hold- ing an alcoholic beverage permit by NIGHT AUDIT & WEEKEND 2BR HOUSE.1221 12th St, TC. move. $9900 obo. clothes,furniture,toys,wooden 24 HOURS A DAY. Visit us the applicants listed herein to wit: POSITION at the Holiday Inn Ex- $450/mo. plus utilities. 812-568-4588. swing& chairs, mens jackets, etc online at www.perrycoun- RR6227605 Retailer-beer, wine press. Midnight to 8am. Pick up 502-819-4742, 812-288-4600. tynews.com. and liquor renewal, Chipco I Inc., applications at the Holiday Inn 1136 12th St., Sat. 7am-Noon. Huge INDOOR 8 Family Yard 1112 Tell St., Tell City d/b/a Alpine Express.No phone calls. 2BR 6 miles from PC school. Girls - 3mos-size 8, boys Sale, Sat. 7am-1 @Hair Razors House, Clarence Schulthise, 10523 Great room with F/P, stove, re- 6mos-18mos, baby items, 4t (salon will be closed on Sat. Shaw Rd., BR1667660, Tell City, Part time merchandiser needed frigerator, microwave, secluded. girls pageant dress, juniors size Pres. Clarence Schulthise, 10523 in Tell City to help with ongoing 843-5992. 2BR CEDAR exterior. Wood in- 16 jeans, household items, lots only) Name brand clothes for Shaw Rd., Tell City, Secy. service work. Contact Chris terior.With F/P, electric furnace, of misc. entire fam, Household & decor RR6228165 Retailer-beer, wine Thrower @ 816-427-7727 or FOR RENT in Tell City. 1BR up- CA, 8 x 36 porch on 2.8 acres of items lg&sm, tan. bed, much and liquor renewal, Danny Ward, [email protected] stairs apt. with utilities. 2BR 1 woods adjoing USA on Lily Road ANNA’S Flea Market. Hwy. 237. more! 1118 Jefferson St.TC 20255 Old St. Rd. 37, Branchville bath apt. in Spencer Co. at just off French Ridge. Reduced Hess Trailer Ct. entrance. Every d/b/a Bandon Tavern. Name brand fall/winter clothes TAKING APPLICATIONS for ex- Fischer’s Lake. Contact Janet to $85000.843-5992. Fri.-Sat.8a.m.-4p.m. RR6222856 Retailer-beer, wine for whole family, jewelry, house- perienced kitchen help.Apply in 812-362-7276. and liquor renewal, Schulthise Enter- person at Julie’s Tell Street 3BR 1 bath, new roof on 3 acres. CATHOLIC CHARITIES would hold items, Halloween costumes, prises Inc., 221 South 1st St., Can- Cafe.No phone calls please. For Rent: 2 Bedroom country 3047 Troy Ridge Rd., TC. appreciate receiving your yard scrubs, shoes.....come and see nelton d/b/a Bulldogs Bar & Grill, home. Large yard. $500/mo, 812-544-2503 for appt. sale items you wish to donate af- gently used items on our “one Clarence F. Schulthise Jr., 10523 $500 deposit.812-619-1586 ter you sale for our Early Years dollar” porch. Second Story Shaw Rd., BR1667660, Tell City, COMPLETELY remodeled 3BR, Store. We accept maternity Consignment 1139 12th Street. Pres. Clarence F. Schulthise Jr., House for Rent: 3 bedroom,2 1.5 bath brick ranch w/unfinished clothing, baby clothing size 0-2T, Thursday and Friday Noon-5 PM 10523 Shaw Rd., Tell City, Secy. bCaetnht.ra9l. 5S acchroeosl..1$m4i5 0fr omde pPoesrrity, bBSsuemylleet.rr 9b4ri8pn ag1ys7s t nho tSchtli.onsTgi Cntog $ c6l6oc,s9oin0sg0ts.. bnaabtioy niste mcasn anbdy edqroupippmede nto.ffD oa-t and Saturday 9-1. AugA.l3c0ohol and Tobacco Commission CAREGIVER FOR ELDERLY. $650/mo 812 719-9729 w/100% financing available 802 9th St.547-0903. 30 plus years experience. Call through lender! Whalen Proper- 812-719-7535. House for Rent: 4BR, 1Bath ties 812-549-6641. 8410 Dauby Lane, TC. 812 CLASSIFIEDS 719-2241 For Sale:over 4,200 sq ft 4BR, 2 SELL BA, 2 city lots, fenced backyard. Office space for rent: Approx. $144,000, 529 15th St. TC. 2000 sq. ft. 9 offices. 2 bath- 812-719-0883 or 812-719-7175 rooms, at Swiss Mall on Main NIGHT SHIFT SECURITY after 5pm 1 bedroom, water included.$250 Street. $700 per month plus util- Saint Meinrad Archabbey is deposit. $450/month 812 719 ities. $700 deposit. TROY HOUSE:Basement, wrap seeking a full-time (40 hours/ -9729 812-547-7774. around porch, 2 1/2 car garage, week) and two part-time Security 3 lots for expansion. Guards. One part-timer will work CLASSIFIED ADS GET 563-355-0445. 16 hours every other weekend RESULTS. Call 547-3424 to 3rd shift; the other is 16 hours/ place a classified ad.. week 2nd & 3rd shifts, including LEWISPORT APARTMENTS. every other weekend. Full-time 2BR $420.3BR $480.2 baths.6 NEWLY REDONE 3BR SIN- Kitchen co-worker will typically work 11 GLEWIDE. CA and heat. miles from Tell City in Kentucky. p.m. to 7:30 a.m. shift, including Washer and dryer hookup.Very Delivery Holland Apartments every other weekend. 270-295-3636. nice, $500 per month.Cannelton. Servers The security guard patrols on Call 547-6456 for details. APPLY IN PERSON foot and in a security vehicle to protect Archabbey property against fire, theft, and vandalism. Scenic Hills Care Center Is Now ACCEPTING Security also responds to First Accepting Applications For: Alert calls (fire alarms, electrical APPLICATIONS and mechanical failures). RN/LPN’s (cid:129) QMA’s (cid:129) CNA’s Must be able to work Assisted Living independently with little or no (cid:129) New Graduates welcome Unit Manager, LPN direction and walk an average of (cid:129) Current Indiana license 3-4 miles per shift. Requires (cid:129) Compassionately Committed to Customer Service Monday through Friday written and oral communication Days skills and good interpersonal Excellent compensation and benefits package. Apply in person or send skills. Must have a valid driver’s Send resume, apply in person, or apply on line to: license. resume to: Sandi Thomas, Please apply in person at the Tricia Blackgrove at 311 E. First St., Ferdinand, IN 47532 Human Resources office E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] (357-8329), just south of the or call 812-367-2299 Archabbey Gift Shop (M-F 7-3), ATTC Manufacturing, Inc. is currently searching Walk-ins welcome. or online at for qualified local candidates to fill the www.saintmeinrad.org/jobs. EOE Resumes may be emailed to following positions: [email protected]. Quality Engineer: Company representative to 1143 23rd St., Tell City, IN Human Resources Department customer facilities and use troubleshooting skills and 812-547-2333 Saint Meinrad Archabbey methods to resolve quality concerns. CDL Driver Wanted 200 Hill Drive E.O.E. Saint Meinrad St. Meinrad, IN 47577 Production Engineer: Maximize efficiencies by C & S, Inc. developing and implementing process changes. Land Air Transportation Co., Inc. Overseeing and assisting machine set ups, change Land Air Transportation Co., Inc. is seeking to fill overs and pre-production activities. a full-time semi tractor driver position. Applicant Production Supervisors: 2nd shift Supervision of must possess a CDL with HazMat endorsement Group Leaders and Machine Operators. Responsible and have experience in the transportation & for safety, quality and productivity of assigned areas. delivery of HazMat regulated material. Maintenance Technicians: Perform PM’s, and Applicant must have a good clean driving record repairs of various machinery including hydraulics, and present MVR at time of interview. Must have PLC’s, pneumatics, and electrical. a minimum of three (3) years of continuous CDL Accounting Specialist: Familiar with driving experience. Pay is per load. Position has auditing processes, inventory tracking, excellent benefits: paid vacations, paid holidays, and monthly / yearly closings. health & life insurance, 401(K). Apply in person at: We are accepting resumes and applications 2001 Main Street, Hwy 66, Tell City. EOE at our facility located at 10455 State Road 37; Tell City, IN 47056 Fax-812/547/9615 Equal Opportunity Employer So proud to be in Tell City, it is part of our name. A isin T akaoka T ell C ity JOB FAIR A Partner of the MENTOR Network Transitional Services, Inc. is seeking caring people to provide in home and community support services to adults with developmental disabilities. We currently have immediate openings for our Direct Service Professionals in our Tell City home. We have full-time and part- time positions available. If interested please come to our Open House in Tell City, Indiana. Job Fair Work One 700 Main St. Tell City, IN 47586 Thursday, August 30, 2012 Time: 11:00am - 4:00pm CDT Pay Rate: $8.65-$9.15 per hour Please apply online at: www.jobs.thementornetwork.com Onsite interviews will be held at the Job Fair. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have a GED or high school diploma, valid driver’s license, and current auto insurance. Criminal History, Driving Records and Professional References will be checked. EOE The Perry County News ●●August 30,2012 ●● 9A Legal 4662 Legal 4664 purchaser, Perry County Commis- Legal 4647 first publication of this Notice, or with- STATE OF INDIANA STATE OF INDIANA sioners, on April 5, 2012.The time NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION in nine (9) months after the dece- Legal 4660 COUNTY OF PERRY COUNTY OF PERRY period for redemption has expired. In the Circuit Court of Perry Coun- dent’s death, whichever is earlier, or CIRCUIT COURT CLAIMS IN THE PERRY CIRCUIT COURT IN THE PERRY CIRCUIT COURT The tracts or real property were not ty, Indiana. the claims will be forever barred. ALLOWED 8-6-12 CAUSE NO.62C01-1108-MI-393 CAUSE NO.62C01-1108-MI-393 redeemed from the tax sale before Notice is hereby given that Cather- Dated at Tell City, Indiana, this 17th Amy R Smith $680.10; Beth IN RE THE PETITION OF ANDY L. IN RE THE PETITION OF ANDY L. the expiration of the period of ine Elaine Fromme and Patricia D. day of August, 2012. Bruggeman $129.47; CML Inc SDOEEMNIDSMOSSETURIAC FNEO COREF OIPSFES TTUAIATXNIO CDNEE FEOODFRS TAX SDOEEMNIDSMOSSETURIAC NFEO COREF OIPSFES TTUAIATXNIO CDNEE FEOODFRS TAX rfoelTKdloehewmyes p:rNetiuoamnl .bperor/pPearrtyc eils #d/Pesrocpriebretdy aIDs H2tWa0utr1ifivgf2e hw,s tae , oprdefp e ootchinnee tate hsedees d Pt1a,e 7trwetsh ho odonfa a dylA iReloicdfe e pA oruMengs auetrhsniete-, Cfolre rPke Jorerfya t nhC eMo uC.niSrtcyc,uh iIutn lCdthioaisunera,t $$GA21tEt94o74rCn..a44ep03yi;; ta$DCl1 $au,71ys2m0to60im.o.28n 01 ;E;MGGnateeerrrrsamphldr ai sn$Re 1 sAT5 m0hL.oe0Lmr0Ci-,; This Notice is directed to any per- This Notice is directed to any per- #62-18-16-200-280.008-008 4th day of November, 2011. Waldschmidt & Werner can Insurance $1,338.52; Holistic son with substantial property interest son with substantial property interest Brief Legal Description: 008- All persons who have claims Attorneys for Estate Therapy Services $2,077.00;Hoosier or other person who may be con- or other person who may be con- 00052-00 Lot 9 Block 592 against this estate, whether or not 644 12th Street Business Machines $112.28; Huber cerned for the following described cerned for the following described Full Legal Description: “Lot No. 9 now due, must file the claim in the Tell City, IN 47586 Goffinet & Hagedorn $4,022.14; real property.The Petitioner, Andy L. real property.The Petitioner, Andy L. described as follows:Fronting 48 feet office of the Clerk of this court within Telephone:(812) 547-7066 Ippoliti Law Office LLC $586.89;JW Sommer, has filed a Verified Petition Sommer, has filed a Verified Petition on St. Louis Avenue and running three (3) months from the date of the Aug.23, 30 Marriott Hotel $182.00; Kimberly for Issuance of Tax Deeds on August back between parallel lines, 140 feet for Issuance of Tax Deeds on August Myers $291.27; Legal Directories 22, 2012.The action is pending in the to an alley and being part of Out Lot 22, 2012.The action is pending in the Publishing Co Inc. $71.95; Lincoln Perry Circuit Court, Courthouse, 592 of School Lot No. 1 and for a Legal 4648 the Court stated above. Perry Circuit Court, Courthouse, Hills Development Corp 853.37; 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN more particular description of this lot STATE OF INDIANA You must answer this complaint in Mackenzi Payne $114.15;Paperless in Cause No. 62C01-1108-MI-393. 47586 in Cause No.62C01-1108-MI- reference is had to a plat recorded in COUNTY OF PERRY writing within (30) days after the last Business Solutions $200.00; Perry Any person owning or having an inter- 393.Any person owning or having an Deed Record 24 at page 575 in the IN THE PERRY CIRCUIT COURT publication of this notice, and in case Co Employee Benefit Trust $1,684.75; est in the tract or real property may interest in the tract or real property Recorder's Office of Perry County, CAUSE NO.62C01-1206-DR-302 you fail to do so, judgment may be Popai $25.00; PSC $27.30; Richard file a written objection and request for may file a written objection and Indiana, and on this plat said lot is IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF MELIN- entered against you for the relief Myers $75.00;Robinson.Wilkinson & hearing on the Petition with the Court request for hearing on the Petition designated as Lot No.9, which plat DA M.ADAMSON, Wife/Petitioner demanded in the Complaint.The last Pulley LLP $2,164.40; Roger Smith not later than thirty (30) days after the with the Court not later than thirty as so recorded is made a part of the AND publication of this notice will be made $50.00; So Hills Counseling Center date the Petition is filed.If a written (30) days after the date the Petition is description and situated in the City of GREGORY D. ADAMSON, Hus- on September 6, 2012. Inc. $743.00; Staples Business filed.If a written petition is timely filed Cannelton” and more commonly band/Respondent petition is timely filed and no objec- If you have a claim for relief against Advantage $183.06;Tell City Electric and no objection is filed, the Court known as 644 St.Louis Avenue, Can- THE STATE OF INDIANA TO tion is filed, the Court shall enter an the Petitioner arising from the same Department $548.00; Traci Fischer shall enter an Order directing the nelton, IN 47520. RESPONDENT, Gregory D. Adam- Order directing the Perry County transaction or occurrence, you must $43.56; W Chris Wagner $144.63; Perry County Auditor to issue a Tax The Petitioner is represented by son, and all other persons or entities Auditor to issue a Tax Deed for the assert it in your written answer. Waldschmidt & Werner $318.50;Wal- Deed for the real property to the Peti- Walter R. Hagedorn II, Attorney at claiming any interest in the Petition real property to the Petitioner. The Dated this 20th day of August, ter R Hagedorn II $5,250.00; West tioner. The below described real Law, 1044 12th Street, Tell City, IN for Dissolution of Marriage filed by below described real property was property was originally sold by the 47586, Telephone No. (812) 547- Petitioner, Melinda M.Adamson: 2012. Payment Center $1,189.50; AT&T originally sold by the Treasurer of Treasurer of Perry County, Indiana, 2367 and Facsimile No. (812) 547- An affidavit has been filed in the Mark R.Ramsey, #6327-62 $121.52, PSC$27.45 Perry County, Indiana, on September on September 8, 2011.The subject 2357. above-entitled cause of action stating Ramsey Law Office Connie A.Berger, 8, 2011.The subject property and Tax property and Tax Sale Certificate was Dated this 23rd day of August, that a diligent search has been made Attorney for Petitioners Perry County Auditor Sale Certificate was subsequently Aug.30 subsequently sold and assigned by 2012. for you and that you cannot be found, 712 Jefferson Street sold and assigned by the Perry Coun- the Perry County Commissioners to Walter R.Hagedorn II, Attorney for THEREFORE you are hereby noti- Tell City, IN47586 ty Commissioners to and purchased and purchased by assignee/purchas- Petitioner, Andy L.Sommer fied:that you have been summoned Telephone:(812) 547-6455 by assignee/purchaser, Andy L.Som- er, Andy L.Sommer, from the original Aug.30 by the above named “Petitioner” in Aug.23, 20, Sept.6 Legal 4659 mer, from the original purchaser, CIRCUIT COURT ALLOWANCES Perry County Commissioners, on Legal 4654 Notice is hereby given that the fol- April 5, 2012. The time period for NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Legal 4668 Tax Sale Certificate was subse- lowing claims against Perry County redemption has expired.The tracts or Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Oil Township, Perry County, STATE OF INDIANA quently sold and assigned by the have been filed by the Circuit Court real property were not redeemed Indiana that the proper officers of Oil Township at 4:00 p.m.on September 20, COUNTY OF PERRY Perry County Commissioners to and for allowance.Claims are now on file from the tax sale before the expiration 2012 at Trustee’s Office will conduct a public hearing on the year 2013 bud- IN THE PERRY CIRCUIT COURT purchased by assignees/purchasers, in the office of the County Auditor and of the period of redemption. get.Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a bud- CAUSE NO.62C01-1108-MI-393 William James and Penny James, scheduled for payment on 9-5-12. The real property is described as get, tax rate or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers IN RE THE PETITION OF from the Perry County Commission- American Screening Corp follows: of Oil Township within seven days after the hearing.The objecting petition WILLIAM JAMES and PENNY ers, on April 5, 2012.The time period $1,567.75; Amy R. Smith $556.66; Key Number/Parcel #/Property ID must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate or tax levy that taxpayers JAMES FOR ISSUANCE OF TAX for redemption has expired.The tract Bryce J.Hammack $150.00;CMIInc. #62-18-09-400-455.010-008 object to.If a petition is filed, Oil Township shall adopt with its budget a find- DEEDS or real property were not redeemed $144.34; Daymion Marsh $125.00; Brief Legal Description:008-00109- ing concerning the objections filed and testimony presented.Following the NOTICE OF PETITION FOR from the tax sale before the expira- Dell Marketing L.P.$997.60;GECap- 00 SE 29’Lot 10 Block D. aforementioned hearing, the Oil Township will meet at at 4:00 p.m.on Octo- ISSUANCE OF TAX DEEDS tion of the period of redemption. ital $100.81; Hagedorn Law Office Full Legal Description:“The South- ber 4, 2012 at Trustee’s Office to adopt the following budget. This Notice is directed to any per- The real property is described as $3321.02; Holistic Therapy Services easterly 29 feet of Lot Number Ten Net Assessed Valuation:$28,613,000;Estimated Max Levy $6,221. son with substantial property interest follows: $938.00;Huber Goffinet & Hagedorn (10) in Block D in the City of Cannel- BUDGET ESTIMATES AND TAX LEVIES or other person who may be con- Key Number/Parcel #/Property ID $4,023.68;Innovative Technical Solu- ton, fronting 29 feet on Hutchinson Max.Est.of cerned for the following described #62-13-33-200-283.027-006 tions $97.00;Ippoliti Law Office LLC S14W17tTar75elh 2teHee0tr ”u. atPRcneh.dtiin tHmisoaoongnreee rSd ctooirsremn e mrte,I IopC, nraeAlynst netkoennrlotnteowednyn , abIaNsyt EsBtuimdgateet (eifxnueacnmn.dadpsp rtl ap etfoiverso iaebemldess Le(vinCEyc oxAlcluupedmpseesndai v3ilnse) TaCxu rLreevnyt rJaDaea ceVamteielo deprnissrf io iesapdo nep ndPre t eynPA.tdieTtuiinnohgngneuy siPf notJe rat t2hIimts3eiose ,un Psae,e2 nsrh0rrca1,ye Wv2 Ceo.i iflrfl TiciTalheuamdeixt 03640-B3-56.r10i-e333f-4 0.A000 L P5SeTAgtr SaiBpltL r4iKp0D ’K1xe5K2s’2xc01ri’0pP0ti’ToI nnS: PWT0 N03W64-- $W$M$126ae220rr75.tn0y..e100 r00;H ;;PaJM$aua1mgpa4heci5eker l.eeeL0n sl0ozs;$yi 2dPB2 L$a5ue2ys.e30nin 80ee.; 6Cs$1sNh5; Ae6KSs8Dato.rnC6leuu0Pn-;t Law, 1044 12th Street, Tell City, IN maximum levy Court, Courthouse, 2219 Payne Legal Description: “Strip 40’x220’ tions $200.00; Perry Co Employee 47586, Telephone No.(812) 547-2367 limitations) Street, Tell City, IN 47586 in Cause PT SW NW 34-6-3;Strip 15’x100’IN Benefit Trust $1,684.75;PSC$27.30; and Facsimile No.(812) 547-2357. Township Funds No.62C01-1108-MI-393.Any person PT 34-6-3; PT BLKKK” and more Richard Myers $150.00; Robinson, Dated this 23rd day of August, General $9,770 $6,500 $0 $5,925 owning or having an interest in the commonly known as Roadway to Wilkinson & Pulley LLP $1,050.40; 2012. Township Assistance$3,300 $0 $0 $0 tract or real property may file a writ- Hess Trailer Court, Tell City (Cannel- Sandra Schiele, ICADC, LPCC, MSW Walter R.Hagedorn II, Attorney for TOTAL $13,070 $6,500 $0 $5,925 ten objection and request for hearing ton), Indiana. $70.00; Shur-Way Pro Towing Petitioner, Andy L.Sommer Aug.30, Sept.6 on the Petition with the Court not The Petitioners are represented by $329.85;So Hills Counseling Center Aug.30 later than thirty (30) days after the Walter R. Hagedorn II, Attorney at Inc. $774.00; Staples Business Legal 4666 date the Petition is filed.If a written Law, 1044 12th Street, Tell City, IN Advantage $243.21;Tell City Electric Legal 4630 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS petition is timely filed and no objec- 47586, Telephone No. (812) 547- Department $548.00; Traci Fischer TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Tobin Township, Perry County, tion is filed, the Court shall enter an 2367 and Facsimile No.(812) 547- $139.81; W Chris Wagner $48.43; DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND Indiana that the proper officers of Tobin Township at 6:00 p.m.on September Order directing the Perry County 2357. Walmart Community $52.61;Walter R ALL INTERESTED PARTIES 24, 2012 at Trustee’s Office will conduct a public hearing on the year 2013 Auditor to issue a Tax Deed for the Dated this 23rd day of August, Hagedorn II $5,250.00; West Pay- NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE budget.Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a real property to the Petitionesr.The 2012. ment Center $872.75;AT&T $122.35, By virtue of a certified copy of a budget, tax rate or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper offi- below described real property was Walter R.Hagedorn II, Attorney PSC$25.11 decree to me directed from the Clerk cers of Tobin Township within seven days after the hearing.The objection peti- originally sold by the Treasurer of for Petitioners, William James and Connie A.Berger, of Circuit Court of Perry County, Indi- tion must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate or tax levy that tax- Perry County, Indiana, on September Penny James Perry County Auditor ana, in Cause No.62C01-1111-MF- payers object to.If a petition is filed, Tobin Township shall adopt with its bud- 8, 2011. The subject property and Aug.30 Aug.30 00566 wherein Wells Fargo Bank, get a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented.Follow- N.A.was Plaintiff, and Dickie Baize; ing the aforementioned hearing, the Tobin Township will meet at 6:00 p.m.on Debbie Baize;The Secretary of Hous- October 8, 2012 at Trustee’s Office to adopt the following budget. ing and Urban Development;State of Net Assessed Valuation:$31,456,000;Estimated Max Levy $8,589. Indiana; were Defendants, requiring Max.Est.of 807 12th St., Tell City, IN me to make the sum as provided for Budget funds to be Excessive Current Office Phone: 812-547-3814 in said Decree with interest and cost, Estimate raise (inc. Levy Appeals Tax Iwill expose at public sale to the high- appeals (inc.in Col.3) Levy D ENNIS G RAVES , Principal Broker - 719-3830 est bidder, on the 11th day of Oct. and levies 2012, at the hour of 10 a.m. or as exempt from B RENDA G RAVES , Sales Associate - 719-8490 soon thereafter as is possible, at 119 maximum levy H EIDI D IXON , Sales Associate - 719-3584 Sfe.e7 sthim Sptle., oCfa tnhnee wltohno,l eI Nb o4d7y5 o2f0 ,R tehael Fund Name limitations) C INDY B ROWN , Sales Associate - 608-1048 Estate in Perry County, Indiana. General $12,696 $9,000 $0 $8,178 www.DixonsAuctions.com A part of land situated 19 1/2 rods Township Assistance$2,000 $0 $0 $0 East of the Southwest Corner of the Fire $3,200 $4,000 $0 $3,368 Northeast Quarter of the Southeast TOTAL $17,896 $13,000 $0 $11,546 Quarter and running North 20 rods, Aug.30, Sept.6 thence East 16 rods thence South 20 rods, thence West 16 rods to the FOR SALE BY OWNER! place of beginning, and lying in Sec- tion Thirty-three (33), Township Four (4) South, Range One (1) West in Perry County, Indiana, containing Two (2) acres, more or less. More commonly known as:15860 Leopold Road, Mount Pleasant, IN 47520-9601 R EADY T O 1645 12th St., Tell City 607 Congress Ave., Cannelton 11379 St. Rd. 62, St. Croix anTdo gperothfietsr wthitehr ereonf,t ss,a iisds useasle, inwcilol mbee M OVE I N ! Br Nicikc eR 3an bcdhr mw./ b1a.5s ebmatehn t. Pr 1ic beadt hto o Sne hllu! g3e b ldortm. . N PicRe IhCoEm Re EoDn U6 CacErDes. made without relief from valuation or 8875 North Ridge Road MLS#192202 $ 89,900 MLS#189068 $ 64,900 MLS#190365 $ 148,000 appraisement laws. (Behind Greenwood Cemetery) Lee Chestnut Fenced in yard - 1 acre lot Sheriff of Perry County Plaintiff Attorney 2 bathrooms; 3 bedrooms Attorney No.9989074 Master Bath has shower and Unterberg & Associates, P.C. garden tub; Appliances stay - 8050 Cleveland Place new washer & dryer Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 736-5579 Very Efficient - VERY PRIVATE!! Aug.16, 23, 30 $79,500 6076 Sugar Maple Rd. 704 St. Louis Ave. CLASSIFIEDS Cannelton Cannelton 1029 13th St., Tell City Call Jeannie Toothman Totally remodeled on 4 acres! 2 bdrm., 1 bath OWNER WANTS OFFER!! SELL at 812-547-4416 MLS#192029 $ 118,500 MLS#192927 $ 58,900 MLS#192499 Go to www.DixonsAuctions.com to see many more properties available ARNOLD & ASSOCIATES 631 Main St. Tell City, IN Office: 547-6433 View Website For More Pictures! www.c21arnold.com EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Charolette Arnold 8 12-719-2210 Cheryl Arnold 8 12-686-1433 C C Chhheeeccckkk ooouuuttt ooouuurrr wwweeebbbsssiiittteee Linda Hagan 8 12-719-1750 Phyllis LaGrange 8 12-719-4221 Phil Fortwendel 812-619-6044 Gary Hay 812-719-2973 w w wwwwwww...hhhooolllllliiinnndddeeennnrrreee...cccooommm Have A Safe and Enjoyable Labor Day Weekend negotiable! 1143 9th St. Red to bdrm home, barn started for restoration $59,900.00 #111 as home, garage, outbldgs, garden. NICE 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME WITH A with a workshop and plenty of space for storage. 1766 W. 4 BDRM SUPER HOME! Corner lot, Right on Little Blue River, adjoins LARGE LIVING AREA! Home features a neat kitchen State Road 66 $249,500.00 #185604 brick exterior, 2+ car garage off alley. Sycamore Springs Recreation area. with dining area, a newer shingled roof, furnance, air REDUCED! VERY NEAT 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Privacy fence, full finished bsmt with Lots of interesting possibilities. Near conditioner and water heater. This home is in a private RANCH HOME! Home features include large living room, lg family rom, office & utility rm. English in Crawford Co. 1450 S. setting with lots of shade trees, a large deck, 2 car garage and oak cabinets in kitchen, all appliances stay, full basement with Beautiful kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, lots of Denbo Rd., English $200,000.00 #225 detached storage building. 21388 Apricot Road, Bristow walkout, replacement windows, attached 1 car garage, plus storage! Check it out! 201 11th St. BUILDING SITES, ACREAGE & CABINS $99,500.00 #193616 carports to nice outbuildings for storage. This home is in great $179,500.00 #115 REDUCED! TASTEFULLY DECORATED 1 1/2 shape. 835 Hwy 545, Troy $79,900.00 #187609 CUTE 2 BDRM! Features new 2 BR, 2 BATH A-FRAME CABIN. STORY 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME! This home has 1 1/2 STORY BRICK CAPE COD ON 2.2 ACRES! windows & doors, kitchen, bath. Full Open kit-liv room with loft bdrm. Lots had many updates and in move in condition. Other features This is a one of a kind 4 bedroom, 2 bath, formal living room bsmt, 1 car carport attached & storage of windows, furn & a/c! Lg wrap- include full basement, detached 24x24 garage with loft, 1/2 with fireplace with marble face and dining room great room, bldg in back. Super nice covered front around deck. 9 wooded ac with bath makes a great getaway for entertaining! Fenced yard! study or den. Also has full basement with large rec. room with porch. 1632 12th St. $74,900.00 #120 seasonal view of Ohio River! Located 1311 9th Street $79,900.00 #187684 fireplace, private office and lots of storage and 2 car garage. NEWLY REMODELED 3 BDRM IN near Tobinsport-check this out! New REDUCED! 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH BRICK HOME This is a very unique home with 3000 square feet. 648 N. 7th GREAT CONDITION! Home Cut Rd., Tobinsport $97,500.00 I N DOWNTOWN AREA. Updates to this quality built Street, Cannelton $175,000.00 #189803 features 3 bdrms, lg remodeled kit w/ $97,500.00 #304 home includes; new roof, replacement windows, furnace. GREAT LOCATION FOR THIS 3 BEDROOM, 2 newer cabinets & all stainless steel app, 40 SUPER PRIVATE WOODED Nice large living room with gas fireplace and hard wood BATH RANCH LOCATED ON 2.05 ACRES AT THE separate liv rm & den or TV room in ACRES! Just miles from Tell City off floors. Full unfinished basement. 143 11th Street EDGE OF TOWN! Home features include a large living rear of home. Lots of crown molding, Brushy Fork Rd. Contact us for $120,000.00 #183171 room with fireplace, nice kitchen with lots of cabinets and 3 fenced yard & det 24x24 garage too! directions and map! $1,700.00/acre REDUCED! ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH pantries, very nice laundry area. Home could be used as split Take a look at this remodeled home! #308 BRICK HOME! Situated on a corner lot, this home features living quarter. Also has nice rear covered porch, part 1512 Franklin St. Red to $45,000.00 AMISH BUILT LOG CABIN a family room with fireplace, living room, kitchen, dining, basement, detached garage 22x30 and workshop 10x52. #131 LOCATED ON 5.89 AC ON OIL laundry and 2 car garage. 705 33rd Street Tell City Don’t miss out on this home! 9650 Sweetwater Road, Tell 2 BDRM MODERN INTERIOR ON CREEK! Very quaint furnished log $115,000.00 #188201 City $157,000.00 #188112 CORNER LOT! Features newer cabin approx. 6 yrs old. Loft area, full 4 BEDROOM, 2 1/2 BATH ON 4.2 ACRES AT THE 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH BRICK RANCH ON 4 1/2 TELL CITY HOMES everything inside, huge bathroom, bath, covered front porch for relaxing & EDGE OF TOWN! Home has 2300 sq. ft. finished plus full ACRES OVERLOOKING POND, JUST MINUTES granite countertops, with open kit/ enjoying Mother Nature! Oil Creek runs unfinished basement for additional space. Features include, FROM TOWN! Home is great condition and has large open 2 STORY ALUM SIDED HOME! living room concept, dining rm or through the property for fishing/boating living room with stone fireplace, family room, large kitchen/ floor plan with fireplace on main floor. Features include Features big rooms, nice kitchen, small sunroom, 1 car det. garage. 902 10th enjoyment. Just minutes away from dining. 10066 Brushy Fork Road, Tell City $135,000.00 coveredpatio in rear in wooded setting. Also has a large utility shed, 3 bdrms, 1600 sq. ft. for St. Red to $87,500.00 #158 Ohio River Boat Ramp & Hoosier Nat’l #190887 unfinished walkout basement with bath, attached 2 car cheap price! 1027 15th St. $49,500.00 RURAL HOMES Forest. Very nice recreational property! REDUCED! BEAUTIFUL OHIO RIVER VIEW! This 3 garage. City water & sewer. 6142 Shiloh Road, Tell City #106 Call for directions & details. Just off awesome bedroom, 2 bath home located at the edge of town $275,000.00 #193366 VERY NICE 2 BDRM -1 1/2 bath EDGE OF TOWN HOME ON 1 Ulyses Rd., Magnet $50,000.00 #323 overlooking the Ohio River features include a formal dining REDUCED! LARGE 2 BEDROOM RANCH ON 4 with full unfinished bsmt and 2 car AC! 2,100 sq. ft. ranch on paved road LG BLDG SITE IN TELL CITY room with fireplace, living room with lots of windows to ACRES! Home has a large open kitchen/dining and living carport! Replacement windows & fairly with 3 bdrms, 2 baths, lg family rm, big WITH ALL UTILITIES AVAIL- take in the beautiful views of the river, master bedroom also room all very tastefully decorated. Home also has a deck and new roof! All appliances stay, furniture covered front porch. This home is only ABLE! Property consists of 5 full & 2 has the great views. Walk out to a large deck and patio. Also large 30x40 3 bay detached garage and great garden area. 12 yrs old and located close to town. partial lots. Adjoins Roy Fenn Park, 621 MAIN ST., TELL CITY has a basement with family room . A detached 3-car garage 14205 Leopold Road, Leopold $119,500.00 #192575 6075 St. Rd. 237, Cannelton Reduced plenty of space. Call for details. 812-547-3441 to $124,500.00 #212 Property fronts Pestalozzi St. between Talk To Any Of Our Agents About 100% Financing. * Income Restrictions Apply. RUSTIC HIDEAWAY ON 40 AC! 3 14th & 15th Streets. $30,000.00 #338 10A ●●The Perry County News ●●August 30,2012 Legal 4625 Legal 4637 Legal 4665 Legal 4667 Street, Cannelton, IN 47520 the fee SUMMONS-SERVICE PERRY COUNTY NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN simple of the whole body of Real BY PUBLICATION SHERIFF`S OFFICE Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Middlefork Watershed Conser- DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND Estate in Perry County, Indiana. STATE OF INDIANA TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN vancy District, Perry County, Indiana, that the proper officers of Middlefork ALL INTERESTED PARTIES The following described real estate COUNTY OF PERRY DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND Watershed Conservancy District at 7:30 p.m. on September 13, 2012 at Old SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE in Perry County, Indiana in the State IN THE PERRY CIRCUIT COURT 1 ALL INTERESTED PARTIES National Bank, Tell City will conduct a public hearing on the year 2013 budget. By virtue of a certified copy of a of Indiana, to wit: CAUSE NO.62C01-1206-MF-338 By virtue of a certified copy of a Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax decree to me directed from the Clerk Lot Number 25 in Block 158 in the FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPA- decree to me directed from the Clerk rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Mid- of Perry Circuit Court of Perry County, City of Tell City. NY, Plaintiff, of Superior/Circuit Court of Perry dlefork Watershed Conservancy District within seven days after the hearing. Indiana, in Cause No. 62C01-1111- Commonly known address: 311 vs. County, Indiana, in Cause No.: The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or MF-00525 wherein PNC Bank, 14th Street, Tell City, IN 47586 UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, 62C01-1201-MF-2 wherein EverBank tax levy that taxpayers object to.If a petition is filed, Middlefork Watershed National Association was Plaintiff, Together with rents, issues, income LEGATEES, WIVES, WIDOWS, SUC- was Plaintiff, and Zachary Poehlein Conservancy District shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the and Donald R.Humphrey, Melody S. and profits thereof, said sale will be CESSORS, EXECUTORS, ADMINIS- was Defendant requiring me to make objections filed and testimony presented.Following the aforementioned hear- Bowman, First Franklin Financial, a made without relief from valuation or TRATORS, PERSONAL REPRE- the sum as provided for in said ing, the Middlefork Watershed Conservancy District will meet at 7:30 p.m. on division of National City Bank of Indi- appraisement laws. SENTATIVES, GUARDIANS, Decree with interest and cost, I will ana and Fifth Third Bank, Indiana Lee Chestnut, TRUSTEES, RECEIVERS, October 2, 2012 at Old National Bank, Tell City to adopt the following budget. expose at public sale to the highest (Southern) nka Fifth Third Bank were Sheriff of Perry County UNKNOWN GRANTEES AND Net Assessed Valuation:$64,571,000;Estimated Max Levy $0. bidder, at the hour of 10:00AM on Defendants requiring me to make the Stephanie A.Reinhart (25071-06) LESSESS OF JOHN D.LEWIS, NOW Max.Est.of October 11, 2012 or as soon there- sum as provided for in said Decree Manley Deas Kochalski LLC DECEASED, Defendant. Budget funds to be Excessive Current after as possible, at the Perry County with interest and cost, I will expose at P.O.Box 441039 NOTICE OF SUIT Estimate raised Levy Appeals Tax Levy Sheriff's Department. 119 S. 7th, public sale to the highest bidder on Indianapolis, IN 46244 The State of Indiana to the Defen- (inc.appeals (included in Cannelton, IN 47520, the fee simple the 11th day of Oct., 2012, at the hour Telephone:614-222-4921 dant above named, and any other and levies Column 3) of the whole body of Real Estate in of 10:00 a.m., or as soon as there- Attorneys for Plaintiff person who may be concerned. exempt from Perry County, Indiana: after as is possible, at 119 South 7th Aug.30, Sept.6, 13 You are notified that you have been maximum levy A part of Lot No.315 in the City of sued in the Court above named. limitations) Cannelton and better described as The nature of the suit against you Fund Name folBloewgsin:ning at an iron pin set at the Legal 4S62U9MMONS-SERVICE alolswoin sgp encaifmiceadlly Ddeirfeecntedda nttos thweh ofosel- is:Complaint for Foreclosure of Real General $32,510.00 $25,000.00 $0 $22,790.00 Northwest corner of a lot formerly BY PUBLICATION whereabouts are unknown to me: Estate particularly described as fol- TOTAL $32,510.00 $25,000.00 $0 $22,790.00 owned by Josephine Miller; thence STATE OF INDIANA William J.Huff lows: Aug.30, Sept.6 South 00 degrees 42 minutes 28 sec- COUNTY OF PERRY In addition to the above named Part of the Northwest Quarter of the onds West 160.82 feet along the West IN THE PERRY CIRCUIT COURT 1 Defendants being served by this Southeast Quarter of Section 26, line of said Miller tract through an iron CAUSE NO.62C01-1206-MF-00343 Summons, there may be other Township 4 South, Range 2 West, Legal 4649 pin set 18.5 feet off the corner;thence FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPA- Defendants who have an interest in beginning about 13 1/2 rods east of NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS West 68.83 feet to an iron pin set; NY, Plaintiff, this lawsuit. the southwest corner of said North- Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Troy Civil Town, Perry County, thence North 01 degrees 15 minutes vs. If you have a claim for relief against west Quarter of the Southeast Quar- Indiana that the proper officers of Troy Civil Town at 6:00 p.m.on September 00 seconds East 86.83 feet to an iron WILLIAM J.HUFF Defendant. the Plaintiff arising from the same ter and running east 29 rods;thence 12, 2012 at Troy Town Hall will conduct a public hearing on the year 2013 bud- pin set;thence North 18 degrees 39 NOTICE OF SUIT transaction or occurrence, you must due north 9 rods to a certain ditch; get.Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a bud- minutes 15 seconds East 25.18 feet The State of Indiana to the Defen- assert it in your writting answer. thence following said ditch in a west- get, tax rate or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers tt3peoha2in es snttshe cceeceot o rN3ncno9doer.srr5n t ohW9ef r 0efa e0s oelt o fdt4 t e 9Eafog. a6rrsmec0toe efnoser cfel y0rtt e9 hott oewem anNinndeo urdirirtv toebhensy-; dpainnaera enrtus tt hosrnee no a toibwfCifoeh ovdtoehu t ermh t naasatayu my bitob oeueavd egh,c aaoaivnnnnecasd etm b areyneneoedynud. o:siTtuYshhoe euedar wb(dteahrYiyfetoois nru egs a am,f ttmbheuyerse ty t 2hoab9eunet sihoTnw rgh dey irarodw yut hirNto heaofi n tCttiS ocoretemhnp ieortp.ytf,ly, a So2in(n0u3t 1i0oti)n2)r, wptbahoe aesigrnnoditncul ynedt hi undswegoira ,ue nrt cdohftlori yotl1 lhno9d w iorariefonb cdtgohts iuoed tn ti ots 3c tcha0tho r enrtriuo ntanpdginlns aip incnotegogi n oi1nat;f omoianbffgou jTe rsrectco motyi dnt eoeCcn.neitIvtrifioi nflay niTn eptoghdew e tthni htpei eowra norio tviihnbsisigj neif,oi clstentheidsoev ,n oeTTsfnrr oo tfhdyyile aeCC ydbiis vvu aiialldn TTfgdtooee wwrtt ,enn ttsh awsteixhm i lhalr oaelmln taaeeyrd einopotgr rpa e.ttta sT w6xeh: inet0lhet 0e voi dtypbs. .j tmebhFcua.otdoitlnl gontgaew Oxtpi pnaceagt tofyi itnbteiohderens-r Fred Egger;thence East with Seventh Complaint on Note and for Foreclo- and if you fail to do so, a judgment will 1/2 acres more or less, 10, 2012 at Troy Town Hall to adopt the following budget. Street 61.00 feet to the point of begin- sure of Mortgage on the following entered against you for what the subject to all easements, variances, Net Assessed Valuation:$5,042,000; Estimated Max Levy:$21,301. ning and containing 0.24 acre, more described real estate: Plaintiff has demanded. mineral interests, encroachments, BUDGET ESTIMATES AND TAX LEVIES orP leAsRsC.EL NO: ty,R Inedaila Ensat.aLteo tl o2c4a itne dB lionc Pke 1rr5y8 Cino uthne- Doyle Legal Corporation, P.C. amnodr eo tchoemr minotenrlye stksn oowf nr eacos rd1, 16a0nd6 Budget Mfuanxd.sE tsot. boef Excessive Current 621816200232006008 City of Tell City, Indiana. ATTEST: East Bandon Road, Branchville IN Estimate raised (inc. Levy Appeals Tax More commonly known as 618 7th And Commonly known as:315 14th Clerk of the Perry Circuit Court I 47514. appeals (inc.in Col.3) Levy Street, Cannelton, IN 47520 Street, Tell City, IN 47586-1828 S.Brent Potter (10900-49) This summons by publication is and levies Together with rents, issues, income This Summons by Publication is Doyle Legal Corporation, P.C. specifically directed to the following exempt from and profits thereof, said sale will be specifically directed to the following 41 E.Washington St., Suite 400 named defendant(s) whereabouts are maximum levy made without relief from valuation or named Defendants whose where- Indianapolis, IN 46204 unknown: limitations) appraisement laws. This Notice shall abouts are known to me: Telephone (317) 264-5000 Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Lega- Fund Name also represent service of Notice of NA Facsimile (317) 264-6500 tees, Wives, Widows, Successors, General $89,120 $22,000 $0 $20,285 Sale of the above-described real This Summons by Publication is Aug.16, 23, 30 Executors, Administrators, Personal Local Road estate upon the owners, pursuant to Representatives, Guardians, Trust- & Street $3,000 $0 $0 $0 requirements of I.C.32-8-16-1. ees, Receivers, Unknown Grantees Motor Vehicle Lee Chestnut and Lessees of John D.Lewis, now Highway $37,111 $0 $0 $0 Sheriff of Perry County Legal 4651 deceased Ecomomic Dev. Jason Eugene Duhn NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS In addition to the above named Income Tax Credit $5,000 $0 $0 $0 Attorney for Plaintiff Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Perry County Public Library, Perry defendant being served by this sum- TOTAL $134,231 $22,000 $0 $20,285 Morris/Hardwick/Schneider, LLC County, Indiana that the proper officers of Perry County Public Library at 5:30 mons there may be other defendants Aug.30, Sept.6 Attorney’Law Firm p.m.on September 5, 2012 at Perry County Public Library, Tell City will conduct who have an interest in this law suit. 410-284-9600/866-503-4930 a public hearing on the year 2012.Following this meeting, any ten or more tax- If you have a claim for relief against Contact Telephone Number payers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection peti- the plaintiff arising from the same ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE AUCTION NOTICE tion with the proper officers of Perry County Public Library within seven days transaction or occurrence, you must Morris/Hardwick/Schneider, LLC is a after the hearing.The objection petition must identify the provisions of the bud- assert it in your written answer. You dcoelblet cct oalle cdteobr.t, Tahnisd isa nayn inaftotermmaptti otno gCeotu, ntatyx Prautbel,i co rL itbarxa rlye vsyh athlla ta dtaoxppt awyeitrhs iotsb jebcutd gtoe.t Ifa af inpdeitnitgio nc oisn cfeilerndi,n gP etrhrey mbyu syto aun oswr eyro uthre a Cttoormnpelya, inwt itinh inw rtihtinirgty, 41 Acres - One Tract Mostly Wooded Property obtained will be used for that pur- objections filed and testimony presented.Following the aforementioned hear- (30) days after the Third Notice of Sells To Highest Bidder - No Reserve pose. ing, the Perry County Public Library will meet at 5:30 p.m.on October 3, 2012 Suit, and if you fail to do so a judg- Aug.16, 23, 30 at Perry County Public Library, Tell City to adopt the following budget: ment will be entered against you for Online Only Bidding Ends tues., Sept. 4 at 7 p.m. Net Assessed Valuation:$454,589,000;Estimated Max Levy:$652,506. what the plaintiff has demanded. By:Gregory A.Purvis, Atty.No. Address: 500 W. Spring St., Marengo, IN Legal 4663 BUDGET ESTIMATE 5848-49 STATE OF INDIANA Max.Est.of COUNTY OF PERRY Budget funds to be Excessive Current Benjamin I.Terhune, Atty.No. (Approx. one mile south of Marengo or 8 miles north of I-64) 25883-49 IN THE PERRY CIRCUIT COURT Estimate raised Levy Appeals Tax Levy ATTEST: CAUSE NO.62C01-1108-MI-393 (inc.appeals (included in Clerk of the Perry Circuit Court I IN RE THE PETITION OF ANDY L. and levies Column 3) Spangler, Jennings & Dougherty, SOMMER FOR ISSUANCE OF TAX exempt from P.C. DEEDS maximum levy 8425 Keystone Crossing, Suite 114 NOTICE OF PETITION FOR limitations) Indianapolis, IN46240 ISSUANCE OF TAX DEEDS Fund Name Telephone:(317) 571-7690 This Notice is directed to any per- General $870,700 $750,000 $0 $0 Facsimile:(317) 571-7686 son with substantial property interest or other person who may be con- TOTAL $870,700 $750,000 $0 $0 Atttorneys for Plaintff cerned for the following described Aug.23, 30 Aug.16, 23, 30 real property.The Petitioner, Andy L. Sommer, has filed a Verified Petition for Issuance of Tax Deeds on August ESTATE AUCTION PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: 22, 2012.The action is pending in the All real estate advertising Perry Circuit Court, Courthouse, Saturday, September 8 • 10am 2219 Payne Street, Tell City, IN 47586 in this newspaper is subject to in Cause No. 62C01-1108-MI-393. the Fair Housing Act which Any person owning or having an inter- 818 7th St., Cannelton, IN makes it illegal to advertise est in the tract or real property may REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS “any preference, limitation or file a written objection and request for hearing on the Petition with the Court 2 bedroom, possible 3, 1 bath & enclosed porch, unfinished discrimination based on race, not later than thirty (30) days after the upstairs & cellar. Detached garage w/storage. Great home or color, religion, sex, handicap, date the Petition is filed.If a written rental property. Contents will also be sold. Come See! familial status or national petition is timely filed and no objec- Terms: 10% down day of sale w/balance within 45 days. origin, or an intention, to tion is filed, the Court shall enter an Real estate to be sold w/reasonable reserve. make any such preference, Order directing the Perry County Auditor to issue a Tax Deed for the CALL 547-5405 OR 548-0315 FOR SHOWING. limitation or discrimination.” real property to the Petitioner. The Hawhee’s Auction Service Familial status includes child- REAL ESTATE INFO: Includes 41.55 acres, mostly wooded below described real property was ren under the age of 18 living originally sold by the Treasurer of with parents or legal custod- acreage with some tillable acreage. Also includes a 1927 two- Perry County, Indiana, on September CANNELTON, INDIANA story 1724 sf home that is in need of MAJOR repairs. Great 8, 2011.The subject property and Tax Auctioneers: Frank Hawhee, AU09000063 • Telephone: 812-547-5405 ians, pregnant women and location just minutes off of I-64. Great recreation or hunting Sale Certificate was subsequently Tracey Coyle, AU19500124 • 812-449-5072 people securing custody of property! Very secluded and private! Sells regardless of price, NO sold and assigned by the Perry Coun- children under 18. RESERVE! ty Commissioners to and purchased This newspaper will not TAXES: $441/installment by assignee/purchaser, Andy L.Som- mer, from the original purchaser, B & A knowingly accept any adver- INSPECTION: Mon August 27 5-6pm or by appointment, call Perry County Commissioners, on tising for real estate which is 812.738.9476 April 5, 2012. The time period for in violation of the law. Our DIRECTIONS: From I-64 exit #92 (SR 66-Carefree), north on SR redemption has expired.The tracts or readers are hereby informed 66 8.8 miles, left on Morton St 0.1 miles, then left on Spring St real property were not redeemed CONSTRUCTION that all dwellings advertised in 0.2 miles to site. From Marengo, south on SR 66 0.9 miles, right from the tax sale before the expiration on Morton St 0.1 miles, then left on Spring St 0.2 miles to site. of the period of redemption. AND this newspaper are available NOTE: Visit http://www.beckortauctions.com The real property is described as DESIGN on an equal opportunity basis. follows: To complain of discrimination Key Number/Parcel #/Property ID TIME FOR A NEW ROOF? call HUD toll-free telephone #62-18-09-400-478.002-008 number for the hearing Brian Beckort Brief Legal Description:008-00573- 00 75’x50’PT SE 9-7-3 We install: impaired is 1-800-927-9275. AU19800105 Full Legal Description:“Part of the Standing Seam Ag Metal Paul Beckort South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 7 South, Decra Steel Shingles Asphalt Shingles AU01031983 Range 3 West, in the City of Cannel- ton, described as follows:Beginning We manufacture our own Standing Seam Panel! at a point 457 1/2 feet from the North- east corner of Washington and Richardson Street;thence in an East- CALL FOR A 812-683-4600 ABSOLUTE AUCTION erly direction 50 feet along the line of FREE QUOTE the property now owned by James P. Seals and Otis Applegate to a stake; thence 10 feet, more or less, to the www.banda-construction.com Saturday, Sept. 8 • 10 a.m. Chester Bego Line; thence at right angles 400 feet, more or less, in a Southwesterly direction to a large Locust Tree and the line dividing the Former Tell City Junior High School property of Chester Bego and St. BUSINESS LIQUIDATION Michael’s Church property;thence in Building, 3500 Mozart Street, Tell City, IN a Westerly direction 32 feet, more or AUCTION less; thence at right angles in a Northerly direction a distance of 40 feet, more or less, along the line of the James Seals property to the stake. Commencing at a point 382 1/2 feet Tuesday Evening from the Northeast corner of Wash- ington and Richardson Streets of the City of Cannelton;thence with line of Sept. 4 • 5 p.m. County improved highway 75 feet; thence at right angles 50 feet to a stake;thence at right angles 75 feet to a stone;thence at right angles 48 feet 330 Main St., Tell City to the place of beginning and being the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 7 South, Range 3 West, in Liquidation of Eco-Friends the City of Cannelton”and more com- ALSO TO BE SOLD monly known as 3575 Cannelton Consignment Store Heights, Cannelton, IN 47520. Commercial Stainless Steel Kitchen Appliances; Sets of Bleachers; The Petitioner is represented by Huge Amount of Desks - Chairs & Etc; Computers; Library Shelving Walter R. Hagedorn II, Attorney at We Are Finding Lots Of Interesting Items As We Law, 1044 12th Street, Tell City, IN & Books & Etc... 47586, Telephone No.(812) 547-2367 Start To Arrange The Sale Including - Glassware Go online to see lots of pictures and more details. and Facsimile No.(812) 547-2357. – Collectibles – Furniture - Jewelry Dated this 23rd day of August, 2012. And Much More ! Walter R.Hagedorn II, Attorney for Petitioner, Andy L.Sommer Aug.30 Scott Dixon AU0900065 Heidi Dixon AU19900086 CLASSIFIEDS Call 812-547-3721 Scott Dixon AU0900065 Call 812-547-3721(cid:129) www.DixonsAuctions.com SELL Heidi Dixon AU 19900086 www.DixonsAuctions.com

Kleeman Masonry awarded bid; structure could be ready for Messages of condolence may be left .. Greg Gibson, listing quarter- back Seth . 18:23.5; Brook Smith, 44th in 18:33; and Hailey Carman was 47th in 24:12, Addie.
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