* COUNTRL ve y, fa = § EE >) Was AS ! Kas TA Ral TRUER — EN \\ ig FRE Sy SS RANA. Bo Issue #09 Spring 2016, y ACL ' { Sfafer fooa2. Unified Spat Spring bevel. Long onderear seat Is pes ors andi becoming combi jist chlo ose Ti acl wing this Puke tenn waning bef te testo ogpen get yer res ice oe 1 nos! hal sss Spring far mie has lt aye ong. When ae yore epi alvaye Ica time io cnet out of rp winter de, cer tet war el Bak 0 the ra en he | aly topped beg ab Oop the amet fey speng amo! eats act igcangs forme lal woul bears be when oa oe, or gt foo at new exaing wae, bu ys change Lae spengT BB tops chang I sored fom Sto to ‘BCsand Tne the pil would ary ater thal “Tis yar the ehige doen feel a das i sarting upmy own serve treks, sniping tobecore ara bath tig dente bl Tun sll the save lace, Wit ite babe snd soit ofte ame st: Aad Tigettocn Tin la Bao secant sath, de part or ha deol bee the ty ny 60 Tm ue ok es he hang ving rina Despii ack of angen mies joes so mach slyly oa The Grind We ave ten sein new steno bsckpatces fm our ators, pnt by The Onhnmse era, We ate ako now aig plang cd cmeepaacd and drm by Yan, sich ace frcking sang, A tn merch Bs best sling ely wl has tallor yr oo or he rel Uae The Grid actly Going fins, Au tht mene 3 lot nore Ube jo for headaches The extra By inency wt ace paling i om use (wel the mune we tein by vung to cw prin) ea te re ally ale ria tele idre nani wage int rete SPRING 2015 coRouaTons02 (Grind mavens ee thnks allot oun comrade ee Enlai 3 Bk io pang 20 pe ise. fe, se met goo nny sbwrsios Uoe {nao ae tase ap wl be ned Tox mat ise. a hn deat mea yl ex dace ify wane he ea Locomia read hep hea parti oephornenniet stil goagen, Wevpgrade the prize to soca Ses 119 of Te rin lhe ay ca get your ann ses (Gt and 2 well at plo, sickens,» deck Yan plying ade aw ti sg ont hosing). So ls ee ws you can sore Sp mh, Retnauber, i yon dot have @ CC {Bit poo en abaps we apse ou tt have to yi rou sow you love te Gro Anyys Welbon one aber nine this i Tinuly one of our fetal found tase ter a be top trae my se opinion ‘ier aor bas wh ws “igoly made rt year pring fe that ‘ver luppene Weal have asl of ew 10 le rlipingbarbod Mooring fy ‘ised garden beds to prospering fr ul ad {stolsot mone Seas is tac eit Screaming S02 Wall tllng boat ow tuoitins Fierghe naan and poly vapeur bart {us bl Juda als abo Root Bap it isedion of Ra Fareed Monreal shout Demoonngy 4 myst pseaty The Fi. Garbage Can Dan ths about DUT agnmens. weg sree to rok {rap sags ostream nS san Bea Motors, BAP" And we have pow sane abou: ries by Jai Lace {a angled up ade ‘alo mano give ang whup andar oe Jenna and her new bby sm Ode YOU ca Teatabouther sary taeda bith ry on page 9. Thi yeu the chaage doc fe a cae ting pony ow servi re ba BF sl in spying tobecnca Pram ba jg dens et Tn sl nthe ime plas wh rau bbe a ce of Uc ue al Ad a raglan puts bh repped pee sien’ sig cist nod kp “natFon Gust Serpe ‘pine by he Oubone in a be gree taal DIY ev ya renee lg oming A ech bcc oe The Good aay el a seer ISSUE #9 ‘SuBseAIrTiONS Soca al De did pT SPRING 2016 ae a ui BE money we are piling in on merch (os well Wealso want to glve «big whoop and hole for ciRcuLaTON 008 ‘erog BY sotdg 1 Jou a her bay son On Faw ps) seas that we ate lly able ead bout her cary jing peter ait aie ary siecle peed NATRIARCHS OF THE oR Gieiten Homguideves: be ‘Anpye dtp moet yon ga i ie Shauna Lynn Ras Pete intog te do slice the mpasine soppel Sue, Fn anne pal ane n-conSPIRTORS eto at Te ee lon sll Fee, lan, Cod Lawn, Tadd tues: she Te Yana, ary resin, Lane tor gal S650 64~ sao sea ‘ls of Casa in dhe USA: 98 (14 feces THERE'S ATLL PME TO ENTER YOUR EPC PILTURE INTO THE COUNTRY GRIND'S FHOTO CONTEST. ‘Dutede af Cand ad the USA: 8326812 = S058) To cri Gind sverione ‘We il cap 3 tm en fl selling Wiis Be-VeG 2 promoling sbi (atin ine wb DIE“ fain puakeies You dar ane be gal, Sou ont ewes hae oe ps Coens nic dserer (Rabe notre Hercule Ihe sil grees We jateal rotate AT CRED: ove Har Sean Se EE top aon) Das contact earn ibd Wily, HC Vor 3 ‘conan ‘onecounteygeindet peal bp dvelner bakes ome chuningrindeet Subscriptions (Shot Sabeergtions zccsmtrygrnd st Subse :eoecee sults cicoueteygrindna ‘And i eve sone ekg, of couse we ae 2 icchook page a facebook comicounteygeind SUBMSSIONS Wie ate ato sekngsabsions or ‘ue ius, We ould owe ed your a ‘els, citric sto, Boke sd pie rl exelent ‘a ratel punk and oles our guislnds need them tion our eset {nine outer cane og Becton) Ge oes Pee incde sate Wurst: $n(61 G2 s0KH) Untaide oF aad in he SA: 89188 4 ura $a0 S12 +688) {Gina (S688 a ‘Outide of Carla ade Uae 12 AVERTING Viel ects rom ed ola ng promoting st fat i ine wh 19 Dek ties, ew dent Bt Fe beat erent abe pk feed arc the nd pcan Weare blots doa ited wrens of space fe tesde Contact peter = 1s popes TFL pope RS sen Wea slo capt sees 25, 5,735.08 6S iret wide lipanPReigh. Contact Ascaea eRe We ex eling pect lp een The (Gon aia We Bye tts, bakparch ‘pling cals and aes steer cigs aphasia et oa be cy seg X Anope shutup ad ety get thi ed the agate sopped.—fauePn sre yon we THERE'S ATLL TIME TO ENTER YOUR EPIC PICTURE INTO. THE COUNTRY GRINDS PHOTO CONTEST. The Detaila Sgnd us @ pio of you doin, ‘thing epic as ‘flax waite wearing @ Country Grind shirt. iasues 3-10 of The Grind as fail af patches, atiaxara, ris, anda tehirt, Submit to punxieloouatrygrind.nct oF post it oa Rinvour Baceksok page, Deadline for subaissiona is Jane let. Hiner will be anasuaces in issue 10, Che ie wv L Ww Ce oe fear Sha ener otal eri do Men bine effin reve eile ele of eee eee eee teat le Ti Jethro mcg iret tbe ay wl flldown Baton ar piso nook pepe il ep ae eg eee eee te eas Recipe pees aaron c/ pesreremnpeicnn eieiel ees ‘Wha thy alae ae wal tat ses tia gee veee eral Toe eek Ue ean Hine eee sensation Thigiresoorage pels Ilo these lls ana what opts te nog lew yoo 1 you ave the mes herman ores neaf thse stent et ey eMC tia me st jo Sy od ot rg geo he nant of tou tite lebrnal caesar Tg reget hg bigest oa te cal precting eu celena degli Ee wal qszrs hasta Thiviaueweate going dhe lnothencdy world of bing acetal vapour pe pani: (ne you live in a ely reall ey desert, Vin anaes ating o pt ne Mya elie et ole ft papa find fe ging Uo gel net Form the side fro cag ernie we ale Soler Dee sales ald gd ad 8 or more ora een eater aad Seam sn waler vapour. When water els Talend o art vets ee Poet fem occur such a6 mon, ew. dap fra rt ules erp beep water ofthe walls hough varied means: ing the wooden ele of the groond, pais Ing root overhangs dashing aud does and windows, ad lyering siding to phys ‘ally divert water ae all means of prevent fing ran or snow from entering the walls tha (Be, or mos people eating i Sida rena the nwt soe Te edaccesible msn pling «rt cnesgmigbeadTmgingi inate ‘Sa bl we ess sc, rored wall itm ve odes a jv water vapour from the inside ofthe hous. ‘One of the wor dos that modein con stricto his come up with le the atempt to conto water through the use of plastics and.cther noa-permeatle aera. the fgulvalent of wearing old rabber rain gear ‘at makes you so mwsuty and damp you. stato woncer iF you might aswell be not simte son liv in, foe a of Raotcn saeee an tee Trees ener oie ths wl mean using a tad in order a gat Tou fsa tho sno bres then, be __stick-framing Fou are probably used to acc- _ APY #70 snsulation between thean, bet be ‘ion nto yr wall avy te deal ih mon, Price wie itil sini clogs Taner tinal ess to work wih ad aes your akin and heat rel thy but it inhetler han ies in that moe ol i and easier lo al ler Reval, deals wth noire belle apd can be sed I pour pertwsbla wal tens He we exploring here, reas really hie and fs te Fedesring eae compare wh sty of the ther eplions Jan dvi ete ‘Once the inlined the walle soll ead an ai barrier ‘hie just ean Sipe criti ite rch dd Ge etek poate seine a ‘over the inside ofthe framing My peered rethod a the momen le something Called ey heating his ea thik roe per that come in ells ke tar paper Staple in the stade and Lape he Sars sth tock tape and ty motu tear He fing an ai barr prevents draughts and stops arm inside ar moving inf he wall Sod bringing lols of weiter vapor wih -Byen thoigh the wall materiale can handle ojo, we sll want to minimive i The rll is thea ready tobe covered with wood! Pancliog or drywall er ah. and plas Asunilermethod works really welln sags ‘the cong boars st ontop ofthe sling’ jot, The Boards weil be fat 0 i ell {svtcrollonthe dry sbcthing paper tet! son and dump bunch oclinloseon tp. Incas of emergooces, but ws about ober snecesary suppl vehen yule away fom Ione oF met uedenly Jove? Why wen you eve bet? Thi ea Bea toh cox ‘Copct ge. opel when the more boi terousprepprs tle about nuclear war and apoclypuc situations, Dent weery about those scenatos,thechance ot thm happen Ing et alone any fe being round fr are pretty soll. Consider a ea lie xan pe the stumer of 1992 Tae 7 years le 2d tral dered duping 30,000 gallons Fluid benzene Into the Nesnad Rit, 1 tured nto a aostous oud and dried across my huxetowan of Duluth (MN) and heighbosing Superior (WD, causing $000 people tobe evicted fou the Tein Por, ‘We pack haga and wet to my grandpa ‘ents house ina diferent paet of sw and The when tha area was evacuated we went tothe funy cabin is Cloquet. Atthe tine ‘pas encilng asked what weld the ab jpreascroculed and my alles id weld Fd motel somenier. 1 seeely hoped se gel to ease Fa |i bach, ih any to se haw hi wat 4h stanton frst of people Ie lao feted as pogrnt reminder of why Thee Shap packed ready to grab a 2 moments tee Orerstutone that ug Oat a, {WOR schandy for nce ores and hoe fires, ods, trmadaee, winter snowstorms thas stand yo in 9 vehi a damage your hore in 2014 record snow in or Hopetllythatlgel oy some idegs on dit-garca collapsed many root, inchading hows Jaga er sow fs cating th walls Bea soul caso wo ginger oes PL yal oye; (ld methods of plastic vapour bagi gre "ulcly becoming oxida nore and one pple teal crap a 4 Re. Wilk abit af understanding of balling de ue aad ater lag you ea coo up Trop atound tha dot cost ay ove and srk iy heehee LAY iy aie Ung sible ute of fern alae pple a an sand our bar), earthquakes, acts of ter esis, «family eis, feral, or medial ‘mergeacy thet ‘akos you toa bigot aay fiom ome, a broken vice that strads you someplace ingontenent, he it got General Supple Tene commonly found in. bug-ou- bogs Include tod, wae, Hest ald, Haslighs, _ Se ent Syereee a ET EeE ‘Wacr has three states ~ sold, liquid and fu oF more commonly cls water and Seam or wator vapour Whea water ets tnt aval ar oof stays there, problems fan oecur such as mould, muldey. damp And tot Bauder arcopt to keep water out ofthe walls through fried means: sing the wooden walls ff the ground, provide tng roof ovethangs. Mashing around doers ain windows, nd lgerng siding to pysi- folly divert water areal meane of prevent- ing rn or sow hon entering the wal Tings gel aecee when trying to contol rae apr fromthe inside of the hows. (One ofthe worst Meas tha wndern con- stein as come up sth sth atempt te contol wer dmngh the wie of plastics and riher na ptreable inact the fegialet of wearing ul aber aim gear ‘hor rakes a a0 sen and Duyp Jo stat fo sunler ya mig well be nat ‘wearing vin gear Ifyou ae la th "framing mae probably ed to te ing rolls f clear 6 mi plaic heing ape lo the nde of he fave ter the inal thos goes helena hese. he reson Chi prices came abou! i Decne designap hog a jo pp aerproa [ror teeter the leo fhe etn he waler pint ou tft Ahr Thi fatale erin eo sys Bt i stars il when yu then stple let nthe sheet dl hoa of yl sereys chron ct hoes forletica t Int nd parsing antag heh the ile comers hecnose Healy sonoying and gets inthe way of instaling, ‘dy Al ot these Roe ad ped wba ‘ods up happening is water pour pmcreds to ener the wall and once it reaches tem peratute it condenses into quid water and Js nowhere good ogo. 168 docs warm wp and evaporate it condenses inside the wall ‘gl Beeuse Is rapped behind the pas te Coamence the courtdoen to disatet, “Trappe water srs to z0t wooden famce anndsauses the moulé problems mentioned fare: The paper on the depwall provides ¢ Precinct ip tephra tr ‘Harm-reduction practices can be applied to waconstruton. {highly encourage people Iolo ino tee wal syns and ce whet spins ae moat appable Yo you Ifyou ve the tng energy a eyourecs cowie gene ig Hoge tht poi wl Be cal prod seg getinatti anount ef. Nr Henan ing eg ele ck + ser Ao snd sa cing ou eae ya Gh ath telson has had a ek ier aa tes na Sn ‘ven thinigh the wall materials can handle rite, we stl a Lo ini The tall then ready to be covered ih wood peneling or drywall or Talk and plvier Tired wt atch Mala eng naked ead Ee ers eer iMdcclingberSat om spat Neel. doe Ot sss ft ag Ow fog jen he Bows ilo a fly OB tnd rt fp re salentones a gee cebu ion mate peers , DieniodSonpotnchtettngenoy tana and ou rae de porinele Ah eat pmAl eee Hegtslatabs isco deg ight: pi cll miy ree mag ho I Ae i Gok sheaf mad ot tan), eepa, eo ek theme er ost people Feng Wd acta of plane vopsor Rarer e ror, «al citer or mvc ee rormeenters ero ceas oo gt al tual bridgiag, wnt les lee tena conducts energy throng the wal at a fistr rate) Most codes now cal fo 24 Spacing on ous sacs not 1g which is what ‘otf older bilder il Be weed doing. Tes stds means ee thermal riding se ‘wo, Js money. Thy and stick your ra tera loo iss trety over the stds to sraxinize sven and minimize csr pic raf blocking hate ey rom yong ‘ulaion ad ake iad money inst Awther way of i ere i ingle es 2 plate 2 ade ag fre to the ele pad oui Atel weaving teste REG A ‘thet option ko nl hyp frees aye 2s pap ie Sore ee them Aavthing sou co to fe a | ‘icy becoming crnditd™: mere and erergeney that tks you to a Bg city away Shore poop tealzehow crappy avid frm home, 3 beoken vehicle that stands With abi ogndertending of igi you suneplace Lnousenset, the List goes ence so aera thinking ye eatcomie up ‘nay aroun that dot gst anyone ed honky beter ; General Soppies Tai goin fish wit ae wes on one ty indete buleinggcetets, tae nee of ers command in, buy-out base ‘sous aulpiteaFtton phate pa main, nchade food, war it sd, asl Tropa (ade tobe ebmived ith ion reco, GPS, balerin, machete stating {kilo a typeo! alt wie wide pad varied oy iter, bad wate gear eles clothes JHilory including te asa odaddtiveto Bankes or seeing hgh compas, maps {peal ro delicency. Voe'ean probably Eod cash, erergenty contacts, paper and weling Cin you aging ou in ulead ise "fools for notes emergency while, godket ‘a Cheapsused onli Iisa pecnish ives or mo tose paper. hand a pode Iya i yer ands up sien, soe, dieting wipes, parser Seca figuid Ul can be acd Yo sta sewing tvs. de tape. aed Lp. When INhod. Theor: pywer you ald othe oht- puting together 9 consider your weal fn the darker the oat. Hs best apis, octen ikey vents, and ww for your vithabipbnusorapunp sprayeranc turns nly) spctor ods (ch at medica the wood s greeny cola Tact aston). Charging cords oc changing devices rather pepoimaagentstmeow ad works contig bts o lat powered) for bewton igh onboard ea also be wud phones ae aso a god ideo, Your goal sto stainfencree whic wl lun brows. cover asi aseds of fod, wate, sanitation ‘he ithe the concrete eases aes, shotrcothing of ome sot, het beableto bute wilfae fet esposed omen 1 alendtinjus, repair the things youre re oily susyand fect waytndguelhe Ing on, nasgas and eommanicate Make “ay grey of conere@s rae unig Ula of those tags and brainstorm what "vay fom. er the cheapest simplest you cause 408 kat wnt yore pig 0 at Pegi es in sv tet 24 our Bag fed estes Pd hm at woe stile conn Your 24 Hour abou be you base al pack, think of haa your “Get Home” bag, den Netch cl capa teen emeahdlnem oes? tothe inside of the fre after the inl tion goes been the side Ue en thi practice came sbout i Bocas designate *honght tat iFyou put wp a waterprookes pour impermeable barier onthe inside of ‘he hones, then water vapour cou nt pes ‘through Tiss eazonablecncu in theo- yy but starts to fall wha you the spe oles the se, dil housande ody screws through cutbois oct ut Jet and plug ab start slicing rough 4 al the side corners Dscaute i eal soon and gts Inthe way of Installing Ayo ll these holes ad up ad wha ‘upping i water apr proceeds {eee the wall sid once aches len perce condones in uid waler and dite gd ogo. Tl doe waren ‘urd Gadgets cadens ude the wall gue Beane trapped being the pas HE Gatrhens the ander 0 Beate: Trappe wale stars 16 rot wooden Frames anudemuss he maul problems I mentioned trier ‘he paper on the drywall provides 8 fed merfice fr mo 4 lve on snd ma Up: nee you haven heard, mol ike ‘hits realy bad or yr espiatory system, ‘One pec of jargon that is good to under sand fthediernce between en ir barice and a vapour barrie. An air baer part ‘fa wall or cling system that is designed to sop aie movers Ai moving tou 2 wal cans draoght, los of eat, end 2a facts inthe amount of water vapou be fang cated into tho wll. Avapone batt Js par of aval stom that spelbclly tics to stop vapour entering tho wall Inthe ese of 6 mil plastic shctng that's commonly ‘alle vapoue bovtc, es also a al bas ie, but an se barker doce ot havs to be pour barir Ii ade wal of a a tonal that is vapour permeable. Building odes ust cll fora als buries which Isvhy people who dat knowthediirenee siecal p and dow that you setae {0 bull Hous wldout fhe plate baie, farally sepport your roof, Be canécions of ‘he fc that wvod isnot # god ta aoe sna design the iyi to gs aeite wood (6 possible bridigg fog Theyasidgio the side of the building. (hs sale er taal bridging. whore a Ks Sagulatge aay teri congue energy through the Wal at 4 faster tate) Mot codes now cal fo 2 Spacingeon your studs not 16" which is what ‘let of olde slr wil be used to doing ss tude mane ee thermal Biden, lst syood, les money, Try and tack pour ral ters and Hoos ose direst over tests to maximize avengeédnd mibinize eurapies- ts of Mocking fh lake aay tom you jo Sulton and tak pe and enya Amt myo alg hel g parece pe. epi fad al ome pach apres ve freartleepipcor ne SE ie ony ya ole fen ted bac: te ee ee ae see) reo ori famed walls mypefereed ns tio x blown incl. Is made fom e led newspapers. an 3 sma contd insulation vate to fibreglass bats, this pat Sito the frame using a machine that breaks vp the bales and Blows tnt ofa tbe The sv ries am exes step of aml 2 fce-thrcngh mest Unaly you can borzone the blower anche fr tive when you bapa ‘bunch cellulose, The dense the neler ss nstaled the bere out itcan be hard to sce wat yore doing to mike sure all the itis are propecy Bled. probably bas the est environmental napact 0 ay on mew lsiabion. Other options or inscla: ton inlnds bats wade fromm cot of woo Walch will be expensiva and mineral wool {commonty sold as Rora) sich s made ‘Hoa rocks ane waste ante Sey on ore eta Atlaedeir Dene aae | louie) ic atype of alt with wideand varied history fcladingsuse as food additive to tueatiron decency. gu can proba find ‘nim your acme’ sappy i blk and ite ‘tally gheap md sed cm was Itisagrcensh (pprdtf you add ite water and setup {on create a Liquid that can be asod to stain ‘wood. Temreppnder you dt the sols ‘ton. the darker fe stan Tt bet applic ‘with big brash pump sprape nd suas ‘the wood a rcenishrey colour acts ara sweater proofing get coho and works beston pup: cut boards can alo be used te ata erate wih wl a ov er the concret thease takes, buat ade fle exposed a sungh. te _aealy sey an ecm way ding the Rl rey of concretur of us are running, ‘aay Toms ype the cheapest splat and eal tinggi youre qua gt. 45 estwach Yves i Sint leet Sgt Ricken ed hin a wwe Kriealegoe Rat Farm Guide Wit the aster of Food Storage doe tine lo tal ig Onl Hage? IF you mised previous men you ca alc pal ing laa care ‘What Are You Prepering For? IF yo ea the Bod Storage ection you's sleeady familar wh having food on hans ben arr nay ial aL: amp aoe ne 4s lige. bad weather gear extra clothes, blankets or sleeping bags compass, maps, cask, emergency contacts pape and writing tools for notes, emergency his, pocket, leives or multools, eet paper hand sn sizer, soap, disintecong wipes, paracord, Seong bts su, duct ape and tarp. When Putting together a it consider your weath 6 locaton, kly evens, and You (oF your familys) spociics needs (such as medica ‘Bone. Changing cords or charging dices (Containing bartcnes or solar powered for Phone ar als a good dca, Your goal Ever asi neds offeod, wats, sanitasen, ‘ulerilotung of tive ort hes, beable ts ‘Mend to nurs, ep the hing ou ne Ing on, navigate, and connnuniate. Make Tite ofthese ngs and raistony what youcanwe, Hour Hag ‘nur 24 ur hg hon ors dally ck, hin of hia your “Get Hone” ha This nha you keep ot your person and Ing 10 wer, scl wherever yu Die conten cya ilta pe peti ihecogh bres ol Wei ack ce ep ta Hk sacs or ration bars, wale, redced viepalldcoteraivaanitiake: in cane ya need ake fe eh, bai Fret dpi, anything yo ero 2 dally ba ll 8 the binge yo Hcy Soni ee bt won bn igre with fo Ae an asta aly cary ani Ils even thongh years any am kere bas met cleared vp my breathing ise, cee she attack mn anprepared old Kil me. Aside foe brine suf och a¢ swster of medications) i helps t stmt ying bag as 9a ou cat and take note ‘tic yot need a yon rm its soatons, ‘One thing tet aly threw my game oth a=