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DOE/ER/40762-274 UM-PP#03-035 Counting Rule for Hadronic Light-Cone Wave Functions Xiangdong Ji,1,∗ Jian-Ping Ma,2,† and Feng Yuan1,‡ 1Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA 2Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, 100080, P. R. China (Dated: February 1, 2008) Abstract We introduce a systematic way to write down the Fock components of a hadronic light-cone 3 wave function with n partons and orbital angular momentum projection l . We show that the z 00 wave function amplitude ψn(xi,ki⊥,lzi) has a leading behavior 1/(k⊥2)[n+|lz|+min(n′+|lz′|)]/2−1 when 2 all parton transverse momenta are uniformly large, where n′ and lz′ are the number of partons and n orbital angular momentum projection, respectively, of an amplitude that mixes under renormal- a ization. The result can be used as a constraint in modeling the hadronic light-cone wave functions. J We also derive a generalized counting rule for hard exclusive processes involving parton orbital 7 1 angular momentum and hadron helicity flip. 1 v 1 4 1 1 0 3 0 / h p - p e h : v i X r a ∗Electronic address: [email protected] †Electronic address: [email protected] ‡Electronic address: [email protected] 1 Light-cone wave functions are useful tools to describe physics of hadrons in high-energy scattering. Theyaresnap-shotsofhadronswhenthelatteraremovingwiththespeedoflight (infinite momentum frame). These wave functions can be obtained, in principle, through solving the eigen-equation of the light-cone Hamiltonian using either analytical or numerical methods[1, 2]. TheycanalsobeobtainedfromtheBethe-Salpeteramplitudes byintegrating out the k− components of the parton four-momenta if the latter are known. Their moments in momentum space can be calculated using lattice QCD or the QCD sum-rule methods [3, 4]. In phenomenological approaches, the light-cone wave functions are parametrized to fit experiment data [5, 6, 7, 8]. In Ref. [9], we have proposed a systematic way to enumerate independent amplitudes of a light-cone wave function by writing down the matrix elements of a class of light-cone- correlated quark-gluon operators, in much the same way that has been used to construct independent light-cone distribution amplitudes in which the parton transverse momenta are integrated over [10]. In Ref. [11], we have applied this approach to the nucleon, finding that six amplitudes are needed to describe the three-quark sector of the nucleon wave function. In this paper, we introduce a direct method of constructing the light-cone wave functions in momentum space. By exploiting the relations between light-cone amplitudes and the matrix elements of light-cone-correlated quark-gluon operators, we study how the wave function amplitudes depend on the transverse momenta of partons in the asymptotic limit. We find that a general amplitude ψ (x ,k ,λ ,l ) describing an n-parton state with orbital n i ⊥i i zi angular momentum projection l goes like z ψ (x ,k ,λ ,l ) 1/(k2)[n+|lz|+min(n′+|lz′|)]/2−1 , (1) n i ⊥i i zi → ⊥ in the limit that k k ... k k , where n′ and l′ characterize the 1⊥ ∼ 2⊥ ∼ ∼ n−1⊥ ∼ ⊥ → ∞ z amplitude that mixes under scale evolution. The result explains the scaling behavior of the F (Q2) form factor obtained recently in perturbative QCD [12], and helps to establish more 2 general scaling properties of exclusive scattering amplitudes [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. It also can be used as a constraint in building phenomenological wave functions of hadrons consistent with perturbative QCD. Let us first introduce a systematic method to construct the light-cone Fock wave func- tion of a hadron with helicity Λ. Suppose a Fock component has n partons with creation operators a†, ..., a†, where the partons can either be gluons or quarks and the subscripts 1 n label the partons’ quantum numbers such as spin, flavor, color, momentum, etc. Assume all color, flavor (for quarks) indices have been coupled properly using Clebsch-Gordon co- efficients. The longitudinal momentum fractions of the partons are x (i = 1,2,...,n), i satisfying n x = 1, and the transverse momenta k ,...,k , satisfying n~k = 0. We i=1 i 1⊥ n⊥ i i⊥ will eliminPate~k in favor of the first n 1 transverse momenta. Assume thePorbital angular n⊥ momentum projections of the partons −are l ,...,l , respectively, and let l = n−1l , z1 z(n−1) z i=1 zi then P l +λ = Λ , (2) z where λ = n λ is the total parton helicity. Without loss of generality, we assume l 0; i=1 i z ≥ even then, lPcan have bothsigns. Thus, a general term inthe hadronwave function appears zi as n d[i] (k± )|lz1|(k± )|lz2|...(k± )|lz(n−1)| ψ (x ,k ,λ ,l ) a†a†...a† 0 , (3) Z 1⊥ 2⊥ (n−1)⊥ n i ⊥i i zi 1 2 n| i Y i=1 2 where k± = k k and the +( ) sign applys when l is positive (negative), and d[i] = i ix ± iy − zi dx d2k /(√2x (2π)3) with the overall constraint on x and k implicit. i ⊥i i i ⊥i Theaboveformcanbefurthersimplifiedasfollows. Assumel ispositiveandl negative, zi zj and l > l , we have zi zj | | (k+)lzi(k−)−lzj = (k+)lzi+lzj(k+k−)−lzj i j i i j = (k+)lzi+lzj(k k +iǫαβk k )−lzj i i⊥ · j⊥ iα jβ = (k+)lzi+lzj φ +φ iǫαβk k , (4) i 0 1 iα jβ (cid:0) (cid:1) where α,β = 1,2, φ are polynomials in k2 , k2 , and k k . On the last line of the 0,1 i⊥ j⊥ i⊥ · j⊥ above equation we have used the identity ǫαβǫγδ = δαγδβδ δαδδβγ. If l + l = 0, one zi zj − 6 can use iǫαβk k k+ = k k k+ k k k+ to further reduce the second term in the 1α 2β 1 1⊥ · 1⊥ 2 − 1⊥ · 2⊥ 1 bracket. Following the above procedure, we can eliminate all negative l , a general l > 0 zj z component in the wave function reads n d[i] (k+ )lz1(k+ )lz2...(k+ )lz(n−1) Z 1⊥ 2⊥ (n−1)⊥ Y i=1 n−1 ψ (x ,k ,λ ,l )+ iǫαβk k ψ (x ,k ,λ ,l ) a†a†...a† 0 (5) × n i i i zi iα jβ n(ij) i ⊥i i zi 1 2 n| i X  i<j=1|lzi=lzj=0  where l = l and l 0, and the sums over i and j are restricted to the l = 0 partons. i zi z zi ≥ zi UsinPg the above construction, it is easy to see that the proton state with three valence (i) quarks has six independent scalar amplitudes ψ ,i = 1,...,6 [11]. The wave function uud amplitudes for three quarks plus one gluon will be presented in a separate publication [18]. The mass dimension of ψ can be determined as follows: Assume the nucleon state n is normalized relativistically P P′ = 2E(2π)3δ3(P~′ P~), P has mass dimension 1. h | i − | i − Likewise, the parton creation operator a† has mass dimension 1. Given these, the mass i − dimension of ψ is (n+ l 1). The mass dimension of ψ , however, is (n+ l +1) n z n(ij) z − | |− − | | which can be accounted for by the previous formula with an effective angular momentum projection l +2. z | | To find the asymptotic behavior of an amplitude ψ (x ,k ,l ) in the limit that all trans- n i i zi verse momenta are uniformly large, we consider the matrix element of a corresponding quark-gluon operator between the QCD vaccum and the hadron state 0 φ (ξ )....φ (ξ ) PΛ , (6) h | µ1 1 µn n | i where φ are parton fields such as the “good” (+) components of quark fields or F+α of gluon fields, and µ are Dirac and transverse coordinate indices when appropriate. All spacetime i coordinates ξ are at equal light-cone time, ξ+ = 0. Fourier-transforming with respect to i i all the spatial coordinates (ξ−,ξ ), we find the matrix element in the momentum space, i i⊥ 0 φ (k )....φ (k )φ (0) pΛ ψ (k ,...,k ), here we have just shown n 1 h | µ1 1 µn−1 n−1 µn | i ≡ µ1,...,µn 1 n−1 − parton momenta because of the overall momentum conservation. The matrix element can be written as a sum of terms involving projection operator ΓA (k ) multiplied by scalar µ1...µn ⊥i amplitude ψ (x ,k ,l ): nA i ⊥i zi 0 φ (k )....φ (k )φ (0) pΛ ψ (k ,...,k ) h | µ1 1 µn−1 n−1 µn | i ≡ µ1,...,µn 1 n−1 = ΓA (k )ψ(A)(x ,k ,l ) , (7) µ1...µn ⊥i n i ⊥i zi X A 3 where the projection operator ΓA contains Dirac matrices and is a polynomial of order l in z parton momenta. For example, the two quark matrix element of the pion can be written as [9], 0 d (0)u (x,k ) π+(P) +µ +ν ⊥ h | | i = (γ P) ψ(1)(x,k ,l = 0)+(γ σ−α) P+k ψ(2)(x,k ,l = 1) , (8) 5 νµ ⊥ z 5 νµ ⊥α ⊥ z 6 ud ud where the projection operators are shown manifestly. More examples for the proton matrix elements can be found in Ref. [11]. The matrix element of our interest is, in fact, a Bethe-Salpeter amplitude projected onto the light cone. One can write down formally a Bethe-Salpeter equation which includes mixing contributions from other light-cone matrix elements. In the limit of large transverse momentum k , the Bethe-Salpeter kernels can be calculated in perturbative QCD because ⊥i of asymptotic freedom. In the lowest order, the kernels consist of a minimal number of gluon and quark exchanges linking the active partons. For the lowest Fock components of the pion wave function, one gluon exchange is needed to get a large transverse momentum for both quarks [16]. As we shall see, asymptotic behavior of the wave function amplitudes depends on just the mass dimension of the kernels. Schematically, we have the following equation for the light-cone amplitudes, ψ (k ,...,k ) = ΓA (k )ψA(x ,k ,l ) α1,...,αn 1 n−1 α1...αn ⊥i n i ⊥i zi X A = Z d4q1...d4qn′−1Hα1...,αn,β1,...,βn′(qi,ki)ψβ1,...,βn′(q1,...,qn′−1) (9) n′,βX1,...,βn′ where H are the Bethe-Salpeter kernels multiplied by the parton propagators. α1,...,αn,β1,...,βn′ When the parton transverse momenta are uniformly large, the kernels can be approximated by a sum of perturbative diagrams. The leading contribution to the amplitudes on the left can be obtained by iterating the above equation, assuming the amplitudes under the integration sign contain no hard components. As such, the integrations over q can be ⊥i cut-off at a scale µ where k >> µ >> Λ , and the q dependence in H can be expanded in ⊥ QCD i (A) Taylor series. In order to produce a contribution to ψ (x ,k ,l ), the hard kernels must n i ⊥i zi contain the projection operator ΓA (k ,...,k ). Hence we write α1...αn 1 n−1 Hα1...,αn,β1,...,βn′(qi,ki) = ΓA (k )H (x ,k ,y )ΓB (q ) , (10) X α1...αn ⊥i AB i ⊥i i β1...βn′ ⊥i A,B where ΓB (q ) is again a projection operator and H (x ,k ,y ) are scalar functions of β1...βn′ ⊥i AB i i i the transverse momenta k invariants. Substituting the above into Eq.(9) and integrating ⊥i over q−, i ψ(A)(x ,k ,l ) n i ⊥i zi = XZ dy1...dyn′−1HAB(xi,ki,yi)Z d2q⊥1...d2q⊥(n′−1)ΓBβ1...βn′(q⊥i)ψβ1,...,βn′(yi,qi) B,βi = BX,βi,A′Z dy1...dyn′−1HAB(xi,ki,yi)Z d2q⊥1...d2q⊥(n′−1)ΓBβ1...βn′(q⊥i) ΓA′ (q )ψ(A′)(y ,q ,l′ ) , (11) × β1...βn′ ⊥i n′ i ⊥i zi 4 where the integrations over q are non-zero only when the angular momentum content of ⊥i ΓB and ΓA′ is the same. Now the large momenta k are entirely isolated in H which does ⊥i AB (A) not depend on any soft scale. The asymptotic behavior of ψ (k ) is determined by the n ⊥i mass dimension of H , which can be obtained, in principle, by working through one of the AB simplest perturbative diagrams. Amuch simpler way to proceed isto use light-conepower counting inwhich the longitudi- nal mass dimension, such as P+, can be ignored because of the boost invariance of the above equationalongthez direction. Wejustneedtofocusonthetransverse dimensions. Sincethe mass dimension of the amplitudes is (n+ l 1), that of ΓBΓA′ is 2 l′ , and the integration − | z|− | z| measure2(n′ 1),abalanceofthemassdimensionyields[H ] = (n 1+ l ) (n′ 1+ l′ ). − AB − − | z| − − | z| Therefore, we arrive at the central result of the paper that the leading behavior of the wave function amplitude goes as 1 ψ(A)(x ,k ,l ) , (12) n i ⊥i zi ∼ (k2)[n+|lz|+min(n′+|lz′|)]/2−1 ⊥ which is determined by a mixing amplitude with smallest n′ + l′ . Since the wave function | z| has mass dimension of (n+ l 1), the coefficient of the asymptotic form must have a z m−in(n′+|l′||)−|1− soft mass dimension Λ z . QCD For the quark-antiquark amplitudes of the pion, the leading behavior is determined by self-mixing: ψ(1)(x,k ,l = 0) 1/k2 and ψ(2)(x,k ,l = 1) 1/(k2)2. On the other ud ⊥ z ∼ ⊥ ud ⊥ z ∼ ⊥ hand, for the three-quark amplitudes of the proton [11], we have, ψ(1) (x ,k ) 1/(k2)2, uud i ⊥i ∼ ⊥ ψ(2,3,4,5)(x ,k ) 1/(k2)3, ψ(6) (x ,k ) 1/(k2)4. Here we recall that for ψ(2) , the uud i ⊥i ∼ ⊥ uud i ⊥i ∼ ⊥ uud effective angular momentum projection is leff = 2. Its leading behavior is determined by its z (1) mixing with ψ . uud What are the selection rules for amplitude mixings? First of all, because of angular momentum conservation, wave function amplitudes belonging to different hadron helicity states do not mix. Second, because of the vector coupling in QCD, the quark helicity in a (2) (1) hard process does not change. Therefore, the pion amplitude ψ does not mix with ψ ud¯ ud¯ because the total quark helicity differs. An example of the nontrivial amplitude mixing is between the pion’s two-quark-one-gluon and two-quark amplitudes. If one calculates the asymptotic pion form factor using the wave function amplitudes directly, the three-parton component does contribute at the leading order. If, however, the form factor is calcualted using a factorization approach in which the amplitudes are only used at a soft-scale Λ , QCD the three parton compoent contributes as a higher twist. As an example, we apply the amplitude counting rule to hard exclusive processes in which the leading light-cone wave functions of participating hadrons dominate. One can, of course, use the light-cone wave functions to calculate directly hard scattering amplitudes and cross sections, finding the asymptotic behavior of these physics observables. Using the expression derived for F (Q2) in Ref. [11] and the asymptotic behavior of ψ(1) 1/k4 and 2 uud ∼ ⊥ ψ(3,4) 1/k6, we easily derive the result found in Ref. [12]: uud ∼ ⊥ F (Q2) 1/(Q2)3 F (Q2)/Q2 , (13) 2 1 ∼ ∼ (3,4) in asymptotic limit. On the other hand, the proton amplitudes ψ obtained from Melosh uud (1) rotation are suppressed by only one power of k relative to ψ , and are inconsistent with ⊥ uud perturbative QCD in the large k limit [19]. It seems, however, that the Melosh-rotated ⊥ 5 (3,4) ψ amplitudes with a harder k -dependence are phenomenologically interesting to model uud ⊥ F (Q2)/F (Q2) 1/Q behavior at an intermediate Q2 [7, 20, 21, 22]. 2 1 ∼ A simpler way to find a generalized counting rule for hard exclusive processes [13, 14] is to count the soft mass dimensions in scattering amplitudes; the scaling in hard kinematic variables is then determined by dimensional balance. For example, the wave function ampli- tude ψ (x ,k ,l ) when used in a factorization formula contains a soft scale factor Λn+|lz|−1. n i i zi QCD Therefore a scattering amplitude involving H = 1,...,N hadrons with the light-cone am- plitudes ψ (x ,k ,l ) contains a soft mass factor Λ H(nH+|lzH|−1). In the hadronic process nH i i zi PQCD A+B C+D+..., the fixed-angle scattering cross section calculated using the amplitudes → ψ (x ,k ,l ) goes like n i i zi ∆σ s−1− H(nH+|lzH|−1) , (14) ∼ P where H sums over allhadrons involved. Forl = 0 andminimal n, this isjust the counting zH rule of Brodsky-Farrar [13] and Matveev-Muradian-Tavkhelidze [14]. The derivation here emphasizes that the traditional counting rule applies only to hadron helicity conserving processes [17]. The generalized counting rule here applies to any hard process proceeded through any wave function amplitudes. In particular, it reproduces the result of Chernyak and Zhitnitsky for form factors where partonorbital angular momentum was first considered [15]. As an application, we consider pp elastic scattering. Three helicity conservation ampli- tudes are known to go like M(++ ++) M(+ + ) M( + + ) 1/s4 → ∼ − → − ∼ − → − ∼ [17]. Our counting rule provides the scaling behavior of the helicity flipping amplitudes M(++ + ) 1/s9/2 and M( ++) 1/s5. → − ∼ −− → ∼ We end the paper with a few cautionary notes. First, we have ignored the Lanshoff type of contributions in hadron-hadron scattering [23]. Second, in an actual calculation of a scattering amplitude, there are integrations over partons’ light-cone fractions x . These i integrations may be divergent at the endpoints x = 0,1 depending upon the choices of the i light-cone wave functions. The QCD factorization and the naive power counting break down there [24, 25]. 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