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?+5‘a i C ‘renun- A CLASSLESS society where people run things co-operatively, without bosses? Anice idea, buthow could ithappen? Argentina today shows how a revolution could start. Neighbour- _ hood assemblies, workers‘ occupations, the piqueteros unemployed movement creating serni-liberatedzones...... This couldbe thebegin- ning of“ordinary people” - instead ofbusinessmen and politicians - 1 taking all the importantdecisions in society. Neighbourhood assemblies in Buenos Aires are organising vital seryices like child care. Assemblies are linking up with workersinstruggle. Workersaretakingoverandrunningtheir workplaces. Piqueterosareoperatinghundredsofself-managed projectsand challengingstate powerinsomeareas. Different grass-roots movements are coming together in struggle and in the Piquetero National Assemblies, where questionsofrevolution,takingpowerandtheendofexploitation arediscussed. -2---_—__uj__:"j On 3 Feb. the “Centario” neighbourhood co-ordination aflirmed thatthepeopleshouldgovernthroughthepopularassemblies. _—2-_::-__!"-_--- Most suchmovements are eithercrushed, orfizzleout. But while revolution cannot be created merely by proclaiming its necessity, incertainsituations the fire ofrevoltcancatchhold and spread, involvingevermorepeople inevermore areas. Ifworkersandresidentscometogethertojointlydecidewhat workneedsdone,whoistodoit,andhow-andifthishappens inenoughplacesinvolvingenoughpeople-thentheoldpower ofthe employers and the state could be challenged. This situationof"dualpower" couldculminateinthenewpowerof UPAGAINSTTHE WALL Captured policeare heldatmachetepointby peoples‘ownself-organisationwrestingcontrolawayfromthe peasantsfrom San SalvadorAtencodefying stateplansto build Mexico rulingclass. City’s new airport on their land (Chinconcuac, 25 April). On 1 Aug. President Fox announced the withdrawal of the compulsory purchase Of course the ruling class won’t give up power peacefully. ordersandtheabandoningoftheairportplansforAtenco. Ifconfirmed People will need to seize and defend all society’s resources - thiswill beagreatvictoryforcommunitysolidarityanddirectaction. A workplaces, land, transport etc.. ALL must take power, not longstruggleculminatedinJulywithavirtualinsurrectioninAtencoand new“left-wing”rulers. Revolutioncan’tsucceedinonecountry 3 other towns, with the peasants capturing and holding prisoner 19 alone - but Argentina today is an inspiration for people governmentofficials. everywheretotake actionthemselves. Tf-IE'Y44LL II/ILIST C;C)! ECONOMIC CRISIS and Aires 200 open local assemblies The unemployed workers for6months. Cacerolazos,where government austerity measures meetweekly,andalsosend2man- movement,thepiqueteros,block- demonstratorsbangpotsandpans, haveplungedmanyinArgentina dated delegatesto aweekly coor- ade motorways to demand - and attacks on banks and the looting dinatingassembly. oftenwin-jobs, food, education, ofsupermarkets, arewidespread. intodesperatepoverty. 30%are Assemblies organise many and health care. Over 60% are “They all must go” - all unemployed. activities - demos, solidaritywith women. Centred around neigh- politicians, multinationals, the The International Monetary workers, neighbourhood banks, a bourhoods,alldecisionsaremade banks,the IMF-announced 1000 Fund are demanding draconian first aid clinic, community atassemblies. delegates at the 2nd National cuts and sackings to repay £132 vegetable gardens, news-sheets, The piqueteros have created Piqueteros’ Assembly of billiondebt. street parties, skilled workers quasi-liberatedzones-inGeneral Unemployed and Employed Butfrom Dec. 2001 throughto reconnecting electricity, gas and Mosconi, theyrun 300+projects, Workers on 22/23 June. They today, mass resistance rocks the water to people cut off for non- egbakeries,organicgardens,clin- declared for an active general system. Asuccessfulantigovern- payment. a successful struggle to ics, andwaterpurification. strike to open the road to a new ment mobilisation saw people winasubsidisednursery/canteen Workers are striking and occu- popular rebellion, so that the blockading main roads country- and jobs for local unemployed. pying workplaces, eg the Perfrl people andworkerswill govern. wide on 26/27 June, despite 2 Committees work on areas like andTurbiomines. TheZanonce- www.argentina.indymedia.org demonstratorsbeingshotdead. health. "Here,nooneisincharge, ramicsfactoryinNeuquehasbeen Que Se Vayan Todos: Argentina’s Neighbourhood assemblies we are going to take turns,” said operating under workers control Popular Rebellion : pamphlet from have mushroomed. In Buenos an assembly member. [email protected] TUCRC,26AlbanySt.,Edinburgh partialwalkouts. ‘phoneinsick EH1 www.bakkari-adoui.fsnet.co.uk days". etc. Itwill bethe firsteverco ""/at’ MCRESISTING ordinated. internationa-l,workerled occupations. andBoliviawherethe mobilisationbythel\/lcDsworkforce. social movement inCochabamba is ON October 16th2002,asmall October 16thwaschosenbecause fightingtoabolishparliamentand proportionofthe 1.5 millionpeople sincethemid 1980s ithasbeen createapopularassembly. employedbyMcDonaldsaroundthe Worldanti-l\/lcDonaldsday. SAVE BAKKARI worldwilltakeourfirsttentative Info: lrttp://'rnwr'.org.uk.='action.htm stepstowardsabetterworld. WILDCAT! BAKKARIAdouifledtoScotlandin 1*“ 1998infearofhislifeinTanzania. Hundredsofl\/1cDonaldsworkers, 2,000postalworkerstookunofficial ma concentratedintheUK.butalso NowtheHomeOfficearetryingto strikeaction inGlasgowon 14/15 acrosscontinentalEurope,Russia, REVOLT! deporthimbackthere. Bakkari August. Thedispute,startinginthe facesahearinginGlasgowon 19 NorthAmericaandAustralasia,will Springburnsortingcentreand SOCIALrevoltisalsoeruptingin September. Solidarityisneeded takedirectactionagainstour spreadingto8deliveryoffices, S.Americanstates likeParaguay. urgently. Petitionsand infofrom employers. Notnecessarily strikes. concernedthecompulsoryredeploy- Uruguay, Brazil.with many land BakkariAdouiCampaignc/o butdefinitely sabotage,go-slows, mentofworkers. workplacesituationsorcommunity HOW WE struggles, with an elementofwit a desirableingredient. PRODUCE Cl Emailshouldallowmorepartici- pation from outside the CI is producedin a collective way. Glasgow>Edinburgh corridor, and This means that meetings are con- hopefully cut out non-essential vened,interspersedwithemailcom- meetings;muchasweloveeachoth- THECOUNTERINFORMATION collective is evaluatingthe future munication, to decide on articles, er's fabulous company. Most ofus ofthe Counter Information news-sheet. Our commitment to people commission them from within the believe ourselves "overstretched"; collectivelytakingcontrol oftheirownlives andtransformingsociety smallgroupofpeoplewhomakeup bycommitmentsandotherpassions thecollective,andothersympathetic [too numerous/boring to mention: remains as strong as ever. We are however considering how - and contacts. Articles aren't usually delete as applicable]. It was there- whether - at this time Counter Information news-sheet can play a signed, as in a magazine because fore instructive. especially those positive part in this struggle. We invite our readers to participate in they are aresult, intheory at least, without childminding responsibili- this process by sending us yourviews andby attending the meetings ofcollective agreement. ties, to compare notes with people we are organising. We also invite people inbroad agreement with us We collectively agreehowmany whocome fromorhave spenttime tobecomeinvolvedinproducinganddistributingCounterInformation words we can fit into a folded A3 in other cultures, where mere sur- -thisis essential ifthenews-sheet istocontinue. sheetandplanappropriatewordes- vivalisnotguaranteedbythesmoth- timates for each of the commis- eringfacadeofWelfarism. THE OPTIONS 2) CI reorientates to a mainly sioned articles. We also include at After 17years,thelastonebeing Scotland-based content and distri- leastonecolumnofShorts.InWorld a "sabbatical", CI needs more par- bution, whilemaintainingsomein- to Win format this is a snapshot of ticipation: to write stories long & WHYDO weproduce CounterIn- ternational coverage. This would formation? summarised news which indicates short,totranslate&assistwithmail Toshowthatresistancetoexploi- liannvdolbvaeseddisrceuvsosliuntgiownaitrhieos.thTehreScaoimt- positive efforts throughout the requests/exchanges. To be of use tation and oppression is occurring world.Ideallywecormnissionfirst- alongside faq and info web-pages nowalloverthe world. wsiogunlidficbaenttoimhapvaecatminaitjioarlldyisatrtoleaansdt hisamndwreopuolrdtatretircmlesa-swEhxicchlzJisoiuvmesal-; aasndSmchonreewfrseq&ueRnetsniestwasn-cseh,eeittsneseudchs Toencourage inthe4largestScottishcities. - morepeopletogetinvolvedin whichconveythevibesofwhathap- to rediscoverthe vitality ofpeople challengingoppression. 3) CI stops publication. We penedaswellasthefacts. Wehave connected to the anti-capitalist wouldthendevoteourtime andre- the odd editorial; we simply don't movementwritinginthefirsthand, - peopletorelynotonpoliticians orleaders, buton self-organisation sourcestootherprojects. comeoutwithenoughregularityto and thinking creatively, to ensure and-pdeiroepclteatcotisoene.resistance aspart WbaeTckhweaorneudlmdoarpyeinawiloleynllvboaenluoetthheyeorfuuotrputrfieoeendos-.f a[hvoopideftuhellynneoedt!]f.oWrethleikseet"oseinrmcluondse", lpoanrgti-ctiepramtiocnominmaitsteodciaanldreevnojoluytaiobnle. ofdailylife,involvingthedevelop- as of late, subjective accounts of -.3 mentof positivevaluessuchasco- aCoduiffneterernIcnefotromwahtioatn.weItdwo.ill make —.- |I : -r ’ ;.__-.l.\--q.--44'1 operationandmutualaid Tocontinueweneedmorepeo- - people involved in different pleactivelyinvolvedinproducing, forms ofresistance to link up, and and distributing Counter Infor- seetheiractivityaspartofthebattle mation - Without this we will be forrevolutionary change, to create forcedtostoppublication. Ifyou a world without relationships of want to be involved in any way dominationandsubmission. pleaseletusknow. We arenowreassessing whether MEET US! ornotpublishingCounterInforma- tionisaneffectivewayofusdoing COUNTER INFORMATION is this. holdingmeetingstodiscussthefu- *Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh/Edin.Claimants c/o 17 W. Wehaveidentified3possibilities. tureofthenews-sheet. Theseare MontgomeryPl.,EdinburghEH7 SHA0131-557-6242 Opentues 1-4pm 1) Counter Information contin- opentoallbroadlysympatheticto (incl.Claimants advice) & sun 2-6pm [email protected] uesasanews-sheetwithaScottish/ CIandwhoareinterestedinpos- www.autonomous.org.uk Also c/o ACE : Edin. Anarchist I-Vorkers British/Internationalmixofcover- siblybeinginvolvedintheproject Group,andWomen'sGroupforwomen interestedinanarchaferfiinism age, with distribution throughout insomeway. Detailsofthemeet- * IWW Scotland see footp4 * Glasgow monthly @ discussionforum Britainandoverseas. ings in Edinburgh and Glasgow lastwedofmonth: info<[email protected]>*AnarchistFed. Howeverwe donothavethere- canbeobtainedbycontactingus. : AP Alba, PO Box 248, Aberdeen AB25 IIE *Ind_vmedia Scotland sources to come out very regularly Therewillalsobemeetingsatthe discussion grp. <imc-scotland-discussion [email protected]> andbeuptodatewithnews. And BigBletherGatheringatTalamh, *FaslanePeaceCamp01436820901 in any case other news-sheets and Lanarkshire, scheduled for Sun- Regularnews: *EarthFirst! ActionUpdate/theLoombreaker,Dept29, websitesaredoingthis. Thusrather 22a Beswick St. Manchester M4 7HS. 0161 226 6814.. than concentrating on specific ac- day8thSeptember,andhopefully [email protected]/efau*Resistance-pub- attheAnarchistBookfairinLon- tions and “hard news”, we would lished by AnarchistFederation, c/o 84b Whitechapel High St. London. El coverongoingstruggle,howpeople don,on 19October. 7QX. 07946214590www.afed.org.uk anarchistfederation@'bigfoot.com areorganisingandgointotheargu- HOW TO GET Cl SchNEWS. PO Box 2600. Brighton BN2 OEF 01273-685913 mentsaboutWHYcertainstruggles [email protected] www.schnews.org.uk *viWflv.ainfos.ca are important. For example the TO SIGN up to get CI electroni- ’*‘ www.indymedia.org.uk Storms Brewing article on climate cally, please visit our Website at *5thMayGroup.POB2474.London.N8(Turkish/Kurdish@'si*56aInfoshop. changeinCI56. Wewouldinclude http://counterinfo.org.uk 56Crarnpton St..LondonSE17.56a@safetycatorg. xvvrw.safetycatorgffioaOpen personal accounts of daily resist- Inthefuturewewillmailoutbulk Thur2-8pm.Fri3-7pm BlackFlag.BMHurricane.LondonWC] 3XX(@' mag) ance,whicharenotnecessarilydra- copiesofCIforpeopletodistrib- matic“news”likeastrikeorriot. ute. Atpresentwedonotknowif [email protected] * bristle. box 25. 82 Colston St.. Bristol BS1 5BB Whilestillhaving"shorts",other wecancontinuetomailsinglecop- (mag) >1‘ ClassWar. POBox467.LondonE8 3QX * Direct Action.POBox 29. articles would be fewer, but more ies, though we will do all we can SWPDO.ManchesterM155H\V(SolidarityFedmag)(alsoEducation8;Commu- in depth. We would aim to make tomailCItoprisoners. Ifitisim- nication Workers Networks) *eroding empire. c/o 56a ilnfoshop. thelayoutmorespacious. Wewant possible for you to receive CI by www.eroding.org.uk(freeLondonradeventslisting)*Haringe_vSolidarityGroup. to be accessible to people new to email and Wish to request an in- [email protected]’1‘IndustrialWorkersofthe revolutionary ideas. dividualcopy pleasewriteto us. World.POBox-1-11-1.PooeDorsetBH153Y1. [email protected]*KateSharpley _ , , _ Library,BMHurricane. LondonWCl 3XX McDonaldsWorkersResistancel CounterInformationisproduced byanindependentcollectivebased Mcquw Wm€MWR PO BOX 38,8 GlasoowG41 WU<mfO@mmOra uk> incentralScotland includingGlasgow withasectioninLondon. We ’ ’ liitp://niwnorg.uk Nat.CoalitionAntiDeportationCampaigns. l10Hzrmpsiead aim to assist in the struggle against all injustice, oppression and ex- Rd.. Birmingham B20 2QS 0121 554 6947_ *5‘ l\'L‘.\-1 Advice Centre ploitation. Writeforcopiestodistribute. Sendusnews. Contactusif www.miiiei'sadvice.co.uk *Reclaim the Streets. PO Box 9656. London ;\’-i-HY. youwouldliketogetinvolved-essentialifwearetocontinue. Cheques 0207281 -1621. [email protected]"g_ WWW.1'€Cltt1l1'1Il‘lCS1l‘€€1S.I1€"t *S.HertsSol.Fed PO etctoCounterInformation. Box493. St.Albans.ALl 5TW Distros: "‘ BM Active. LondonVVCIN3XX AK POBox 12766.EdinburghEH89YE.Spaceforcesustoprunethislist.pleasewrite forreinstatement/1isting.ThankstoAnarchistGraphics. * THE AGITATOR - group addresses world-wide atHaringey Solidar- 0131 557 6242 (ask for CI) http://counterinfo.org.uk ityGroup’s sitehttp://hsg.cupboard.org ci@counterinf llk(oldemailswith" "etcaddressesdonotwork) THE RACIST state clamp- THE FENCES ARE down on refugees is meeting resistance world-wide. DC) I/I/IV! Many asylum seekers were and are on hungerstriketofight against the awful conditions in Two ofthe escaped refugees, fromalloverEuropeandbeyond, the asylum seekers detention young boys, applied for asylum protestedagainsttheSchengen- centres and fortheir denied hu- at the British embassy in Aus- Information System and the Eu- man rights. tralla.Theywere handed overto ropean Institutions. Also three In Bern, Switzerland 300 peo- the Australian home office the campswithdifferentthemestook ple managed to free an impris- same day, who put them back place in Germany, one on gen- oned Kurdish refugee under intothe closedWoomeradeten- der, one on self-organisation of coverofaconcertoutsidethejail. tion centre. A second mass refugees,andoneonrepression. In Woomera in Australia, at break-out happened at Refugee solidarity tours are Easter 2002, fences were torn Woomera in the summer, when happening In Australia, and in downandabout50 refugeeses- The Twin Tower's human protesters tore down the fences autumninGermany.Theself-or- caped Intofreedomfromthede- disasterof11thSeptember,2001 tention centre when protesters with a car. ganisation of “Sans Papiers” - has been used by Bush & his initiated a noborder camp and Manyofthe refugeesareflee- people without documents - is minions to herald a crusade demotosupporttheisolated, in- ing from wartorn countries such especially strong in France and as Iraq and Afghanistan. the Southern European states. against Muslim carcerated refugees, among This year's international Somechurchesareprotecting fundamentalism. them kidsofall ages.Around 10 nobordercamp in Strasbourg, refugees from deportations. TheWarmongeringxenopho- refugees evaded recapture. organised by grassroots groups Gypsies, under threat of depor- biaislikelytobeextendedfrom tationset upaprotestcampand Afghanistan to Iraq. Instead of went on hungerstrike in front of thelinkagewithAlQaeda&the the German parliament. Vouch- Taliban there is the menacing ers get exchanged for money, tone: "needforregimechange". the“DeportationcIass”campaign If there is any link between setupthefirstonlinedemonstra- Saddam& BinLaden, and with tion. Airlinesand othercorpora- Noriega and others previously, tionsprofitingfromdetentionand it is theirprevious involvement deportation are targeted. Also in C.I.A. globalpolitics. anonymous voluntary medical Contingency plans in the aid is set up for refugees, who U.S.A.havebeenmadetointern areexcludedoften notonlyfrom anti-Iraqwarprotestors.IfBlair health, butfrom anyothersocial slavishly follows Bush, will services. muslim activists in the U.K. be No Borderswww.no/borders.co.uk interned in a new "Maze"; like theAmericanJapaneseweredur- photo- Tearingdown thefenceat ingWW2 ? Woomeradetentioncentre ZIONIST ZEAL understandably rally round him also become redefined as India overtheLarge Corporations has The hiatus after the ending of as areactiontotheBush/Sharon identified the insurgency as Al- persisted despite the swamping the Cold War was finally over. strategy. Qaedalinked,puttingpressureon ofdissent by puerile patriotism. ThemediaimagesofexcitedPal- Onebriefencouragingexcep- the embattled rulers ofPakistan Human dramas such as the res- estinianchildreninGazaandthe tion was the march in Gaza on todistanceitselforfacemilitary cueofAmericanminers on28th West Bank, welcoming the Al 6th July, of workers against the consequences. July, become distorted in flag Qaedaterrorismwasseizedupon Israeli occupation, their lack of The economic fallout from wavingillustrationsofTheGreat by Ariel Sharon's Zionist coali- work and the corruption of the September llth has been more AmericanDream. tiontofurtherescalate the occu- Arafat Government. But against profoundthanthepolitica1/mili- This "Dream" is a nightmare pation. Successive acts of bull- the backdrop ofreprisal and op- tary adventurism ofBush & his fortheplanetweliveonwithpro- dozinghousesandshantytowns, pression such voices are allies. The inflated stock ex- found environmental changes ofselectiveassassinationofPal- marginalised. A similar fate has change bubble in Wall St. has linkedtothevaluesofunbridled estinianfiguresofresistance,and befallentheanti-militaristforces been well and truly punctured. consumption & pollution. It is a denyingworkopportunitieshave in Israel, the U.S.A andWestern Furthermore, the ideology of nightmare for the dispossessed led to ever more desperate sui- Europe. Some Palestinian capitalism has been discredited and exploited. Yet desperate re- cidebombings.This"propaganda spokespersons have urged withthesuccessivedisclosuresof action based on new illusions ofthe deed" carried out by indi- Hamasandotherorganisationsto "creativeaccounting"practicesin suits Globalised capitalism. The viduals attachedto both muslim desistfromtheterrortacticofin- Enron&otherpillarsoftheprofit world as we know it will not go fundamentalist and traditional discriminatebombblastslargely motive. The mood ofinsecurity, away without widespread reali- Palestineliberationorganisations targeting working class Israelis. giving rise to cynicism & anger sation thattheagendaoftherul- has led to the indiscriminate However,theaimoftheSharon's ers isredundant. death ofIsraeli citizens in mar- Govemmentistoperpetuatethis Protesters Stand Up to _Poli_s ketplaces andbuses. callouscycleofreprisal &make This cycle suits the political an alternative to Arafat unlikely On 7 Aug 2001 Sheriff Officers supported by over 250 Polis aimsofSharon'sZionistGovern- in the short term. were confronted by hundreds of local people when they evicted the occupation of Govanhill Pool, Glasgow [CI 56] ment. At every opportunity, the THE BUBBLE BURSTS The Govanhill Pool Campaign has been such a threat to acts are linkeddirectlytoYasser Theexploitationof9/11 tosuit theCoPsandthestatethatactivists,someasVoun9as13Vrs Arafat, whilst the infrastructure the aims of militarism has in- old, arebeing broughttocourton trumped upcharges Pro of the Palestinian authority has volvedputtingpressureonStates testers recentlymarched onthe Police HOtodemandthatall been severely weakened by Is- such as Yemen to uncover Al- charges be dropped. www.saveourpooI.co.uk raeli military action. Instead of Qaedaforces,amovethatcanbe- www.mwasafu.f9.co.uk Arafat being exposed for the comeaself-fulfillirigprophecyas Resi‘dents I‘n Penilee, Glasgow,occupiedthe PenileeYouth fraudster & demagogue that he resentment against Bush solidi- Wingin MaylJunetoresistitsclosure Nowtheyhaveformed is, the Palestinians by andlarge, fies.ThecrisisoverKashmirhas La loc_al co_mmu_nity_actioin_group_to continuetheirstruggles. "A SHADOW of death is beingraised in the heart of our land, ofour mother, of our forest. A cloud ofsol- diers, paramilitaries. plans andprojectsiscomingonce again to threaten us, to rob usofourdreamandtoevict our indigenous cornrnuni- \.\,; \-. ties.... Butwearenotgoing REBEL BEAT HUNDREDSOFpoorindigenous relocationofourcommun1- ... peopledrovethepoliceoutthe ties,wearegoingtodefend v - | .~.%--'.--1. publicmarketareainSanCristobal them with everything we . g '_' 5~., . delasCasas,Chiapas,Mexicoon7 have in our hands..” : so .»,.-<--_.-.'r.:-_.--4-:'.:.<_'.-..'..'-.,-,-'.:__‘':v:-.'"-“".'"'. . I-'7-‘.""“-:- ”ki*"“‘1'_''ii.i»»‘ /l jMoyafruclhly. cMaertne,dwoofmffeonoda,ncdlocthheilds,ren declares the Zapatista au- furnitureandmorefromransacked tonomous municipality of -r bigshops. Therevoltflaredafter policearrestedstreetsellersof Ricardo Flores Magon, m piratedmusic. http:// speaking from Montes www.counterinfo.org.uk/extra/ Azules, deep in the mexicol.htm Lacandonajungle,Chiapas. IntheZapatistavillageofNuevoGuadalupeTepeyac TAKING OVER Communities in Resistance PEASANTORGANISATIONS in Guatemalaareseizingland. With 2%ofthepopulationowning75% ll0Zapatistavillages and set- government official or private knowledge. The idea is to pro- ofthefarmland,thepeasantsare tlementsarethreatenedwithevic- takingdirectactiontoobtainthe business canset foot. mote life-longgood healthrather tion. The Mexican government landtheyneedtolive. citesconservationconcernsinthe TheZapatistacommunities are thanfill illpeople withdrugs. Thepeasantsandindigenouseo- BiosphereReserve. Therealrea- under heavy attack. Poverty Women have got organised. ordinationCONICreported 19land grows as coffee prices plummet. “Menusedtotellwomentheyhad occupationsunderwayinearlyJuly sonistheeconomicandstrategic Fox’s pro-business PAN govern- no rights. Now we know that we -andpromisedmore,plushighway interests oftransnational corpo- ment refuse to ratify the San all haverights.” blockades, ifthegovernmentdid rcaatniongsovaendrntmheenUtsSA- athned MPelaxin- Andres Accords, which would The Zapatista slogan is noMtaecatntowshoillevethteheUlnainteddpProebalseamnt.s PueblaPanamaaimsto“develop” mean indigenous legal control of “mandarobediciendo”,togovem CommitteeCUCdenouncedthe southern Mexico and Central their autonomous lands. Instead by obeying. “Our goal is..to be murderon25Juneof2oftheir America, exploiting natural re- theypassed aphony “indigenous autonomous ofstate and federal membersfromthecommunityLos sourceslikebiodiversityanddriv- rights” law. The Zapatistas con- government.Alldecisionshereare Cerritos,Morales,Izabal. Theyare ing peasants offtheir land into demnthis-allnegotiationsareoff. made at the General Assembly involvedinafiercestruggleover sweatshops. The conflict in Despitepolice, armyand para- whereeverymanandwomanover landwithestateownerMargaritade MontesAzules ispartofthe low military harassment and attacks, l6votes.” Argudo,aUScitizenwhothey intensity warfare waged against divide and rule government SEEDS OFRESISTANCE pdeanraorunnilcitearfioerseamndplboeyiinnggresponsible projects,bribery,arrests,newmili- theZapatistaindigenouspeople. One Zapatista community is forthemurders. , AUTONOMY tary/commercialroads,thousands Oventik,wheretheMotherSeeds Moreinternationalobserversare ofrefugees..... theZapatistacom- in Resistance project was neededtogivesolidaritytothis Throughout eastern Chiapas munities in resistance fight on, launchedon lstJanuary. Mexico courageousstruggle. these indigenous people are de- defending their community con- isthreatenedbygeneticallymodi- CUC <[email protected]> veloping theirownself-managed trolledlandandmaize fields. fredmaize. WOMEN WIN communities, independent from Many Zapatista communities "Wemustsavetheseedswhich 2,000WOMENwereinvolvedin the state. Following the 1994 have expelled the government growinourcommunitiesbecause occupyingaChevronTexacooil Zapatista uprising the people teachers, to instead create their a new type of seed known as terminalinNigeriaforoveraweek seized large areas ofland from own education. Indigenous cul- transgenetic is arriving and this inJuly. Theydemanded-andwon big landowners. tureandlanguagesarepromoted. seed could destroy the plants -cojonbsstriunctthioenteorfmscinhoaollas,nwdathteerand Localyouths,“educationpromot- Nowthereare38ZapatistaAu- which our ancestors created over electricitysystemsfortheirpoverty- tonomous Municipalities, over ers”, leamtobeteachers. thousandsofyears,”explainedu- struckcommunities. 1000 villages and small towns, Healthpromotersstudycourses cation promoters from Oventik’s DON'T MOAN - thecellsofthelivingrevolution. like herbal medicine. then return autonomous secondary school. ORGANISE In many Zapatista villages no totheircommunitiestosharetheir “Studentswill..discussandwrite aboutmanytopicswithouroldest THEWOBBLIES areback. The IWW-IndustrialWorkersofthe and best farmers in our own lan- World- isaunionofunions. guage, Tzotzil.” Militantindustrialunions,thatis.as ZAPATISTASAs the low intensity war against the Zapatista The project will collect and opposedtothetake-your-duesand communities intensities, the number of Zapatista prisoners store com seeds. and laterbeans. run reformisttradeunions. And squash,chileandmedicinalplants. unlikethebureaucrat-runTU’s,the has increased from 9 to 24. The prisoners are organised in Theyaimtoidentifyuniqueseeds IWWismember-controlledfrom “The Voice of Cerro Hueco” to continue their struggle for grown inhundredsofMayacorn- thegrassrootsup. autonomywithin prison walls. Formedin I905 theIWWhasa LaVozdeCerroHueco,AvDiegoDuguelay36c,BarrioElCerrillo, munities throughoutChiapas. centurylonghistoryoforganising San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico TheZapatistasarekeenlyaware workersaroundtheglobe intohard- <[email protected]> Prisonersnamesetcin that they are part of an interna- fightingno-nonsenseunionsinboth “Update2002” atwww.chiapasnews.ukgateway.net tional struggle. A worker in a theworkplaceandthecommunity- Zapatista autonomous hospital theideal antidotetoglobalisation. URUGUAYPrisoners in Uruguay - including anarchist ac- urges people to resist wherever Andasfaithintradeunionism tivists - desperately need international solidarity. theylive I“Anystrugglethatwins slumps. theIWW isgrowingfast. In March hundreds of inmates rebelled against appalling anywhere in the world is like a The IWW isthe UnionforAll. Stufftheboss. Join the Wobblies. conditions. Theytookoverand largely destroyed Montevi- breath ofoxygen forus." Edinburgh IWWc»"o l7W de0’s inaptly named ‘Liberty’ jail. Now the authorities are Zapatistasolidarity-Chiapaslink,c/"lo MontgomeryPlaceEH7 Sl-IA exacting revenge, torturing and beating prisoners - 3 have 82 Colston St.. Bristol BS1 SBB [email protected] died, reportedly murdered by guards. http://vvvwv.chiapaslink.ukgateway.net ClydesideIWW chiapaslink@,;yahoo.com <iw'[email protected]> <[email protected]> http://www.muchachos.cjb.net *NeverAgain a World Without Us - www.iwwelydeside.org.ukplussee (Intofrom CNA,apdo.5deGetafe, 28901 Madrid, Spain) T.Ortiz,EPICA2001 * BlackFlagno CONTACTp2. 221:BMHurricane.LondonWC1N3XX

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