In the Belly of the Beast (The strike)”..brought us close together. We’re all one now, whichisgood. Wehavetosticktogether....lwouldnevercross liii (thepicketline).”Ken Strong, 48. COUN 27picketswerearrestedon23rdSeptemberin PortHuron, near Detroit, astheyslowedthedistribution of USA Today. Thepaper, owned bytheGannettCorp., islinked byownership tothe 15 month strike at DetroitNews. Gannett is also linked bya lNll'0l{t\lA'l‘ltil\‘ JointOperatingagreementtotheKnight-RidderownedDetroit Free Press, also worked by scab labour in a Wapping style dispute involving printworkers andjournalists. Chanting “Solidarity forever", the pickets were forcibly removedby riotpoliceusing ‘pressurepoint’detentionbehindears, No.47 Nov/Dec 1996 Jan1997 Free/donation and under the jawbone. A striker, Kevin Forrest, had his head smashed into a kerb by unprovoked police. 2,000workers&theirfamilieshaveresistedalong-plannedaction byGannettandKnight-Fiiddertodestroyunionnegotiatedconditions. Asustained boycottcampaign has ledtoa60%dropin revenuefor thescabpapers. InSouth Florida,there isasolidarityboycottofthe MiamiHerald, owned by Knight-Fiidder. US Corporations are now usingthe RlCO law, devised totake THE Job Seekers Allowance cuts benefits and increases the on oranised crime, todestro workers oranisation. harassmentoftheunemployed. Byforcingpeopleintolowpaid jobsandcheaplabourschemestheJSAundermineseveryone’s wages andconditions. It’s partofanalloutTorygovernment it attack on welfare,publicservicesand workers’rights. Claimants’ groups in the A repeat offence brings final :€=-.-:- Britain-wide Groundswell writtenwarningsfromEdinburgh iviav-.r.—i.;i-.a_\ir,' network took action on 31 July Claimants. STRIKE 2! E691.-$p3ix"ii-i.-*11‘LC againsttheirregionalJobSeekers A 3rd anti claimant crime by Allowance Implementation thesameindividualmeansphotos Managers (JIMs). Claimants ofthemandtheirmanagerwillbe occupied benefit office staff flyposted. Andaclaimantsdemo entrances in Edinburgh and in will confront the culprits in their Salford,Manchester. offices. STRIKE 3 —ANDOUT! Londonclaimants -cunningly COUNTER POWER disguisedinsuits-penetratedtheir 3 STRIKES canbepartofthe JIMs’ sixth floor irmer sanctum. process of building claimants Nottingham JIM Dennis Taylor counter-power. was shocked to see his photo As Edinburgh Claimants flypostedroundthecity. write : “If anyone gets their TheintroductionoftheJSAon benefit cut, all their mates 7 October saw “Groundswell” should demand to see the Homeless squatters partially burythemselves as they claimants groups organising manager and refuse to leave opposetheir eviction in Quito, Ecuador in July. PhotoAFP 1 opposition. 300 demonstrators until the person gets their shut down all 3 Brighton Job benefit back. If any official WHAT DOESTHEJOB SEEKERSALLOWANCEMEAN? Centres. When protestors issuesJobSeekersDirectionsto - Increased harassment into cheap labour schemes and crap jobs occupiedthefrst officemoststaff force unemployed people onto through“Active Signing” walked out. Then the other 2 JobClub,TrainingforWorkor -BenefitstaffcanissueJobSeekersDirectivestoforcetheunemployed offices wereboltedshut. whatever,thenoccupytheoffice ontocourses,“training”,andcheaplabourschemes Demos beseiged benefit andinsisttheofficialwithdraws - 100% benefitcutsfornotcomplyingwithregulations offices in Edinburgh, Newcastle the Direction.” -ContributoryJSAonlylasts6months,andisreducedforunder25’s on Tyne, and Manchester area. Ifthishappensthenthebalance -Massive redundanciesforbenefitofficeworkers More actions blazed defiance in offorceswillstarttochange. The AT THE DOLE FACE SOLIDARITY Londonandelsewhere. benefit officials will be more Benefit office workers in several Postal workers joined the 18 June 3 STRIKES scaredofusthanweareofthem. areas havestruckagainstJSApilot and 7 October anti JSA demos in To beat the JSA we need “Together we can make the schemes and compulsory transfers Edinburgh. A joint postiesf continuing resistance. Job Seekers Allowance to JSA work. However these claimantsDon'tscabontheposties “GroundswelP’ RESIS unworkable.” posiItnivseteaacdtiontshewerCePnSotAbuiUltnoino.n laenadfleLtowtahsiapnubslisWheodrkbeyrEsdiLnibausrognh claimants groups in This is a step on leadershiphavelaunchedaseriesof Committee. Edinburgh, Leeds, __ the path to bigger *Thegovernmenthaveannounced national l and 2 day strikes to Nottingham, and changes. “We see theextensionofProjectWork-the demand security screens in Manchester area are c l a l m a n t s ’ pilotcompulsoryworkfarescheme- Unemployment Benefit Offices. to5morecities. pursuing apolicy of3 resistanceaspartof Thisisareactionarydemandwhich Contacts-Groundswell,cioClaimants STRIKES against awiderstrugglefor worsens conditions for claimants Action,EOCA,PrincesSt.,OxfordOX4 bullying benefit staff. fu n d a me n t al and does nothing to oppose the IHU. Tel01865723750foryourlocal Thisishowitworksin change, to create a threatened massredundancies. The contact. North West Anti JSA co- ordinatinggroupc/0AntiJSAGroup, Edinburgh: fair society where aimmustbetostoptheJSAitself. De L99, 1 NewtonSt.,ManchesterM1 ofhSartaasffsinfogucnldaimguanilttys fll0-LL trheesourcesplawnoeutl’ds LEFT BEHIND &IHQJVu.stEicde,inSbtuJrgohhnCs,laPimrinacnetss,Sct/.o,PEedaince- or cutting their WORtKS belongtoallandbe ‘NewLabour‘refusetopledgetoaxe burgh EH2.Subversion 19witharticle theJSA,andthemselvesplantoforce on 3 Strikes - Subversion, Derpaflfl, 1 benefits receive a -s“"‘ used for peoples under 25‘s to work for benefits. NewtonSt.,ManchesterMl 1 . warningletter-asdoes in 23% needs." (Edinburgh ‘MilitantLabour’revealthemselvesto DISCONNECT,dissidentbenefitoffice their manager. Anni Claimants) be more Labour than militant by workerspaper,fromLondonvsJSA,PO STRIKE ll opposing3Strikes(Militant27.9.96). Box3140,LondonE175l_.J. ' —Iii ,,-,_ no to DEPORTATIONS whomareonhungerstrike.Later thesameevening,20,000march O1-Id Aftercenturiesofplundering its country and abroad. throughthecitydemandingtheir Nloroccan lock out ex-colonial properties and ex- 18th May:2,500marchthrough release.The14thAugsawmore 300workersataCasablanca ploiting its citizens and its land, London in supportof a Kurdish demosinParis,Lyon,Bordeaux yeastplantstrikingforbetter conditionshavebeenlockedout Braitain'sbare-facedcheekand activist facing deportation to and Dijon and the eventual re- sinceMarch.Thecompany,owned racism knows no bounds, even Germany. leaseofallprisoners.Thechurch bythePrimeMinister,hasusedthe within its own borders. 17th May: D Wing, Rochester was later reoocupied. policetoattackaworkersdemon- Like all nation states, scape- Prison, England; 69 asylum -July: 100sofchildrenin Forest strationinRabatonApril 17th., hospitalising18workers.Solidarity goatsforthe country’s ills must seekersprotestatbeing locked GateCommunityschoolin New- actionshaveIncludedastrikeof be placed at somebody'sdoor. up in jail. Riot police brutally ham, London,tooktothestreets 200yeastworkersatElJadida. And as usual it's the illegal im- break up protest. with banners reading ‘Wewnat Seoul brothers migrants to blame. No matter 15th June: 200 people demon- hertostay‘and‘Nodeportations‘ Carworkers,ina420,000militant union,joinedsubwayworkers how long they’ve stayed here, strate outside Winson Green in support of school mate resistinglayoffsinlateJune, orwhoorwhattheyarerunning Prison, Birminghamon Interna- NatashaMatambelefacing de- againstintimidationbytheSouth away from, they must be sent tional Refugee Day. The prison portationto Angola. KoreanState. NotshoppingatMacey’s! backtofacejail,torture, murder is used as a detention and de- -Anti-deportationdemoon 16th Policeprotecting12KuKlux orpoveny. portation centre. Nov 1996 at 12 noon in Moss Klanmembersfrom600anti- Demonstartionsagainststate- 13th Aug: French police evict Side, Manchester. fascistsinAnnArbor,Michigan, sponsored deportations have 300occupiersfromSt.Bernard’s USAinJune,usedpeppergas (mace)againstshoppers& been happening all around the Church in North Paris, 10 of ecutoradmittedtheyweren'tinthe cityonthenightoftheriotsbuthad demonstratorsalike. Crossroads atKentish While the statemachinery gives a distributed ‘subversive propa- TheKingsCrossWomen’sCentre, freereigntobigbusinessacrossthe ganda’ thenhad ‘others dothe ac- evictedlastspring,isreopeningas globe, the clampdown on resist- tual work’. Letters I faxes in sup- CrossroadsWomen’sCentreat anceintensifies.InItaly,following portoftheFNB3;StephaneGugy, 230aKentishTownRoad,London dawnraids inNov95,manyanar- ChanyPiloteandStephaneRoyto NW5. Tel01714822496,fax0171 chistsarefacingabsurdchargesof QuebecJusticeMinister: Paul Be- 2094761. ‘subversive association’, robbery, nesses. Meanwhile aradio station gin, 1200routede l’Eglise, 9ieme Rainbow in Rostov possessionofexplosives andeven inNetherlandswasfacingECpres- etage, Ste-Foy, PQ, Canada, GIV ON10AugusttheRainbow ‘participationinhomocide’,butthe sureforaRadiostationgivingthe 4M1;tel:418-643-4210;fax:418- Keepers-ananarchistecological movementisfightingbackandde- Radikal paper airtime to express- 646-0027. movement-startedacampto fying attempts by the state and Autonomeviews. Info:Autonome In Britain. alleged editors of opposetheconstructionofthe media to divide them into ‘good’ /lntifa (M), c/o Buchladen, Rote Green Anarchist magazine have Rostovnuclearplantnear and ‘bad’ anarchists. Info: Germi- Strass 10, 37073 Gottingen, Ger- beenchargedbythepoliceAnimal Volgodonsk,Southern Russia. On nal,ViaMazzini11,34121,Trieste, many;,/ Rights National Index ofinciting 22Augustpeopleinmilitary Italy. Gruppen/aam. the i994IsleofWightarsonwave, clothingattackedthecamp,beat TheAutonomeAnti-facistmove- Afterpolice raids on June 24 in eventhoughtheyonlywroteabout peopleupandIssueddeaththreats. mentin Germany was also facing QuebecCity,Canada,membersof itaftertheevent. Accordingtothe Striking against Cuts severestaterepression. Thetrialof the ‘Demanarchie’ magazine col- law, writing material generally “DaysofActlon”inOntariohave 17Gottingenantifas,chargedwith lectiveandFoodNotBombswere sympathetictoanimalliberationis mobilisedworkerstoprotest membershipofacriminal organi- arrested. The raids followed riots acrime. against jobcutsandtheslashingof sation,wasdroppeddespitetheef- in the city in which the National Donations (not cheques) to BCM workbenefitallowancesbythe fortsoftheStatetopressurisewit- Assemblywas attacked.Thepros- 1715,London, WCIN 3XX. ConservativeOntarioProvincial Government.30,000marchedin " 1 Londonon llth.December1995, 3 followedby 120,000 on24th. l'l'l FebruaryinHamilton,40,000in Kitchener-WaterlooinApril,& > 12,000inPcterboroughinJune. _ Ort“ A G’Day n Oz ‘-QII.,, 4'4 VALE OFTEARS August20sawunprecedented scenesinAustraliawhentheParlia- 5 YOUNG women, 3 of them thingmorethananyother,andthat teenagers,havecommittedsuicide is support from people on the mentHouseinCanberrrawas attackedby100soffuriousdemon- inScotland'sonlyall-womanprison KENNY CARTER outside. WRITE to - stratorsprotestingagainstthe in the last 16 months. Another 5 INJANUARY1990KennyCarter Newcastle ABC, PO Box ITA, federalgoverment’splansto have attempted suicide. All the was nearing the end of a short Newcastle on Tyne, NE99 ITA - introducelabourreformsandslash “incidents” took place in the sentence for robbery, and was Kenny Carter (AD3434), HMP publicspendingoneducationand prison’sobscenely-namedRomeo anxioustogainfreedomassoonas Belmarsh HB4, Western Way, Aboriginalprojects.Over60police remandblock,mostrecentlyinearly possible as his girlfriend was ill Thamesmead,LondonSE28OEB. wpreorteesintojursresdmaasnhde5d0tharerierswteadyainsto DSeepvtienmebehrawnhgeend26hyeerasreolldf Dtheenrisee. withHcoawnecevre.r, in the same month YVRITING ON THE WALL thelobby. 25,000peoplefrom Victims’ families are demanding one of Kenny’s cell mates Simon Sunderland was sentenced tradeunionsandcommunity anurgentpublicinquiry. committed suicide by hanging to5yearsatSheffieldCrownCourt. groupshadearliermarched New governor Kate Donegon himself. Kenny was set up and His crime? Spraying graffiti. throughthecapital. (who calls the prisoners framed for the murder, being Outrage at this sentence sparked ‘ ‘customers’)thinksthattheproblem sentencedto life imprisonment. off an active solidarity campaign Onlytherichcanaffordtolive’, is ‘external’, meaning that the Hehasbeenmovedfromprison and Simon won his freedom in saidaresidentofKarakafter womenaresuicidalbeforetheyget to prison, denied his possessions October, following an appeal. severaldaysoffierceriotinginthe to theprison,HMPCort.onVale. andbasicrights,beaten andcaged Jordaniantown,50milessouthof CounterInfospoketo2ofthe insolitaryforexcessiveperiods,to FREESATPALRAM thecapital,Amman.350werearre- Vale’sex-‘customers’. Onesaid“I theextentthatheresortedtohunger SATPAL RAM is serving a life stedduringtheriotswhichstarted was remanded for a weekend for strikes to bring attention to his sentence for defending himself on 16Augandsawthedestruction shoplifting. Itwassheerhell.” The appallingtreatment. against a racist attack (see C146). ofseveralshops,7banksandthe other, whoservedayearforfraud, The beatings have left Kenny March to support Satpal - assem- localministryofeducation. says “The screws were caked in with a dislocated knee cap, with ble 12 noon Holyhead School, make-upandIrefusedtocallthem continuousbeatingshefearslosing Holyhead Rd., Handsworth, “Madam”sotheykeptmenakedin his knee cap. Money has been Birmingham Sat 16 Nov.. Free afilthypunishmentcell forweeks raised for an operation butprison SatpalCampaign0121 507 1618. untilIgavein. Iwas suicidal.” authoritiesareblockingit. Kenny GovernorDonegonsays“There hasalwaysrefusedtosubmittothe ¢o"°--°-'?¢:¢-s:’‘?s¢¢-:°‘'{¢-a-:‘§‘'--os':-°-'§-'--'-:'--'1'---':0'-3-¢2‘'¢I"-‘- RaV8 Un' ---".3-..:.-‘?--.:.-'§---:‘.-§.J_':..§.'‘--:.-§‘_K-.:§'---:I-'§--.:H.?I1'?1." arenoeasyanswers.”Wedisagree. bullyingtacticsoftheprisonregime, SendaSAEtogetaSummerfestival Shut the hell-hole down! and in his struggle he needs one resistancereport- alsoon Internet. toxic waste, and past dockers actionagainstthisisbehindtheir blacklistofthe500strikerswho refused to cross the Torside picket line on 28th Sept. ‘95. from London, anda 12yearold banners on cranes, the OSD ll l7 W ‘do Meanwhile, the T&GWU dockersson, NeilFox,whosaid arrested 3 in clashes which After over a year on strike, collectssubsfromthenewscab “friendshipisapreciousgiftthat followed abrutal police assault Liverpool dockers have defied workforce while making life cannot be bought or sold. it is on a Reclaim the Streets ac Merseyside Docks & Harbour difficult for the Dispute worth more than a mountain of activists using a pen knife to Company and ‘their’ T&GWU Committee and their attempts gold”. peelfruit iALiverpoolUnison & leadershipattemptstodefusea to link dockers internationally. Working alongside the MilitantLabour memberKieran struggle that has promoted Bill Morris the T&G General DisputeC0mmittae,Reclaimthe Dunne was badly beaten up in international solidarity. Secretaryissuspectedoftrying Street activists mobilised, the police van where he was As reported in Cl 46, the tostitchupadealwiththeMDHC opened up a squat of a MDHC burnt and tortured by a lighter. policyofthedockersandwomen to offer £30,000 redundancy & building, and organised a rave Laterclashes ledtoanother44 of theWaterfront to reach out despite a police attempt to arrests, mostly of Reclaim the guarantee pension rights while and encourage genuine solid- blacklisting any future in the silence it. At 6.30am thedayof Streetsactivists, but including4 arityhastransformedastruggle docks. He attacked “miltant the Monday mass picket, they dockersstewardswhohadtried against scab labour and protest groups" links with the eluded the cops and climbed to reason with the force of casualisation. Regular pickets dockers and failed to criticise and occupied 3 huge cranes. unreason (OSD). of port users such as ‘Argos’ the OSD police thugs. As one Themainpolicerepressiontook Despite the arrests the cataloguesarespreading,while anarchistpresentsaid thereis place during the mass picket, weekendwasviewed aaboost Montreal dockers in Canada moreintegrityinjustoneofthe with coaches turned back on to morale, drawing attention to climbed cranes protesting colourful pieces of string that motorways & State sanctioned State and official Union against Merseysidedockusers the“rtspeoplewearthaninall CanMar & CAST. On the 30th the burnishedbrass, braidand Sept, Swedish and Danish button buffooneryadorningher dockers mounted a 24 hour majest)/‘s repressives”. And as blockade of main ports in Schnews reports: “Singleissue solidaritywith Liverpool. politics is well and truly dead From 28-30 Sept, this now" as docksanddreadlocks solidarity was displayed with cometogether. 10,000marchingfromLiverpool LiverpoolDockShopStewards city centre to the pier head, Committee. c/o 19 Scorton going past police protected St.,L64AS. 01512073388. McDonalds en route. Amongst 1 Evidenceonthearrests,please the marchers & speakers were 1 . contactKevinFlobinson,docker on0151 207-3388. Reclaimthe D°¢k9l$$UPP°Fl9l°UP$,D9'll0li violence carried out by the complicitywith the MDHC, and printworker, anarchist groups Qperationm Support Unit Streets are at 0171 281 4621. demonstrating how links can ll'tClUdll"lg Tyneside and Leeds, (O_5_D__para-mi|ita,y p0|ice)_ Send largeSAE to POB 37 develop between workers, and militantunionactivistsincluding pQL|CE USE TQRTURE reaching out to environmental Liverpool LS69FZforDockers Hillingdon hospital strikers, with 600 outside picketingi 9,10 etcwebsite printouts. and ‘J0bseeker' (Groundswell) Turkish and Kurdish workers activists. The MDHC want to Direct Action conference, developLiverpoolastheportfor REGLAIM Brighton23rdNov,01273685913. As the McLibel case, in which 2 outcome,supportthecampaignby THE FUTURE! London Greenpeace activists, distributing ‘What°s Wrong with Helen Steel and Dave Morris, are McDonalds?’,theleafletatthecen- being suedby McDonalds forex- tre ofthe McLibel trial. Overone posing the truth about their food andahalfmillionoftheseleaflets, WWeeswtLaolkndthorno,ug1h3tyhoJuurlybound- wahweinldwbhuattshtaatdiobneaerny isntrteeentdpeadrtays atnhdibrusdiness practices, enters its which McDonalds hoppreesds,tohsauvpe- ariesoftime andspace and endedupas a500+crowdroam- destroythem.Andontheother inghither(awayfromthepigs!) Ysueppaorrt-» CD011 - S111 boeuetinnhthaenUdeKd side...po]jceturnto seethousands andthither(wherewewantto ers have since writs ofpeoplerunninguptheM41 go!)through the streetsof rggjsp , the Spotlight were served towards them, thesoundsystem Brighton.Policeconcentratedon on Dave and rpkcfitfafirroomigoeoclaivueemkvedertsirefnrptyotoigholontaahefdtnrreeae.toptchseoraghecodwmtlrnhaiestoei,tdnakeoltialarrieftst,nhahdstsdehgdu.eogtrrUtehriaeflaeMnelfaeerfsdit1irsdhatte1hib.nrruioeadrlptsroithpntyct,eiisktnu,afeoandondtd bpebhspvfueeaauniuolpnobpvtlaadepyiearrn..tlonlaeesdRnAtteoelsmyersdstwwucresulbfeoaanwrgvnnmoitmoegadtmarollfisnfonptdoihhvgrienwleeekstgraahtFdisrog1nouursa0unacteifumnrtamirtrcsonhemeoltnecsonety,secutrehtdsodnhs,rlietoteaesnutsosdr- atwilgtnihrgsraoefasohlrpeTrtmltodhmm‘hIoiwntcbe-ahsslitaeetd-i,owdceMvn.oeiwTmdcboeLhenpeboisarbeisitmeseahiStslnueeutdcnlreotioisasn-aminvluttaheshbdutaeiiinoscotieohanntusrtoaaeerslcrctgeendeevievxinoeeett-r.,tf CeMMMhdtacctcpoDDmS:n/oopp/iCwannoaaanotwilglnliddgwtnssahR.,,cmtWotSswca:ousdorppKkM,rpoleidocdtrwlLrsListg,oiiHdbhNnaeeeteld.llloetowAwarnSngte.ogu/ CRITICAL ACTIONS Liverpooldockers, freeparty eanndviriolln-hmeeanltth,,andiemsatrlucwtieolnfaroe,f ethxe- - activists in Singapore recently *17 AugustBath: Thecity'sthird goersandacknowledges thatwe ploitationofchildren andworkers closedaMcDonaldsrestaurantfor Reclaimthe Streetscloses major shareouroppression. Its a areallcovered. almostaweekbysprayingthewin- trafficroutes andexoticpartying rebellionagainststatecontrolled lasts fivehours. divisionandawayinto ashared TheMcLibelverdictisexpected dowswithpaintandsuper-glueing *3OAugustOxford:Critical andunknown future. in December 1996. Whatever the the locks. Masscycle actionwas followed by astreetpartyof200. *1? AugustBirmingham: 500 peopleheldacarfreefestival. On24Augusttherewas full police mobilisation and80arrests "Too vital to lose" passivity among members and allows the Union’s officials to dominate the course ofthe strikes. Self-organisationandself-initiative can be stifled. Nevertheless, it is PostalworkersintheUKhavebeenholding1and2daystrikes October, to oppose victimisations. possible,asactivistswithinScotland to resist Royal Mail’s oppressive “team-working” plans, Dunferrnline and Edinburgh South No 2 branch have shown, to act designedtocutcostsandimposefasterand harderworkrates. EastDeliveryOfficearefightingfor independently and confront Royal Thepostieswantbetterpay, shorterhours,a 5 day week, and thereinstatementof2sackedposties Mail(andtheUnionrightwing). If protection ofthe 2ndpostaldelivery. and others on suspended dismissal wecanno longertrustourGeneral byconducting2nddeliverystrikes. Secretary and his cohorts, the rank AnEdinburghpostalworkerwrites - Thiswillbeescalatedwhenthetime and file must bring victory by co- During September Royal Mail, clearing the letters. Scab offices isapt.. ordinatedgrass-rootaction. the Tory government, and have had their entrance gates Many branches are now The postal strike has now LabourleaderBlairallchorused chained and padlocked, offering demanding that the issue of becometoovitalto_loseforalltrade that the postal workers should pickets the amusement of seeing dismissed or disciplined strikers unionmembersinallindustries. A holdasecondballotandendthe scumbag managers scaling 12 feet featureinanyfutureagreementwith victory for Royal Mail will be a strikes. gatestogettowork. Royal Mail. Victimised postal victory for the Tories, but, more ThenaFriday/Mondaystrike Country-wide there have been workers will NOT be forgotten. importantlyforthefuture, itwillbe hit the post office like never numerous unofficial walk-outs There will be no sacrificial lambs avictoryforUnionbureaucracyand before. Almost 2 weeks were against victimisation of local just so an agreement can be Tony Blair's New Labour. Very rfreoqmuireisd to properly recMovmer aacstiv.i‘sets;:o.r..b“e;cra.u‘s.e;tsmmanasgezmzetn,t concluded. soon the whole movement must . . b k d k' ' . mobilise. DANGER INITIATIVE The dangerofastrategy ofone Waweagikteedn.d Sn-iklgs were eagerly and Oxford for 3 days in early da strikes i§__£hat it can create a InEdinburgh, fromaninitiative of CWU activists, a “Workers But in late September our Liason Committee" is sharing Communication Workers Union experiencesandprovidingasistance (CWU) leaders ordered a byjointactionstoalltradeunionists suspensionofthestrikes. Wewere orothers in struggle. TheWLC so to be balloted once againjust to far has helped water workers confirmtotheDoubtingThomases - ___..__ . ;..,1¢..;;..;¢.<:..,;.:;_.;r.§;.§;.:;;,:;;.r-;,:.f resisting local re-organisation, the that our resolve remained firm. unemployed fighting new job 3,2, < That was the story for public seekingrules, aNigeriancampaign consumption. ffsf,* againstShellOil andaclosureofa CORRUPTION localmentalhealthhostel. Thetruthofthemattersmacks Increasinglyit’sbecomingmore more of intrigue, corruption and and more clear that we all face a betrayal. Union boss Johnson common problem - capitalism and the drive forprofits beforepeoples insisted the strikes stop, stating thatintheUnionletterinforming welfare. The longer we have been RoyalMail oftheJulyballotresult fighting Royal Mail in defence of ourjobs and conditions, the more thenumberofspoiltballotpapers we‘ve come to understand that the had been tippexed out! This, establishedtradeunionorganisation claimed Johnson, laid the Union ASthecampaign againstwater charges in Ireland enters its not only handicaps us in our fight open to legal action and 3rd year, non-payment continuesto be very high, over 70% butactuallyactsagainstus. Nowis bankruptcy, and so a new ballot in south Dublin. (InfoWorkersSolidarity, POBox 1528, Dublin 8) thetimefornotjustpostal workers was essential. to endeavourtore-organise butfor Swearing the CWU National GET INVOLVED ! us all. Executive to secrecy, Johnson ~ Scottishanarchist contacts: Justice/Cothrom fortnightly news-sheet, and also Edinburgh & Lothians Workers threatened to bring in Executive Glasgow AnarchistsGlasgowSolidarityCentre,3RoyalExchangeSquare,Glas- Liason Committee, c/o CWU, 15 membersfromBritishTelecomto gow G1 3PA, Tel: 0141 226 5066; DundeeAnarchists01382 814922; TheAu- Brunswick St., Edinburgh. SF-CWN, tonomousCentreofEdinburgh/EdinburghClaimants,c/oPeace&Justice,St. over-rule thepostalexecutive. Johns, PrincesSt., Edinburgh (mailonly) -ActiveDistro, BMActive, London POBox29,S'WPDO,ManchesterM15 5HW-writeforgoodleafletondispute. Significantly this all occurred WCIN 3XX ~ AK Distribution, PO Box 12766, Edinburgh, EH8 9YE when the strike was entering an ~AnarchistBlackCross,c/o121RailtonRd.,LondonSE24(prisonersolidarity) DAM BUSTERS -AnarchistCommunistFederation,84bWhitechapelHigh t,LondonEl 7QX increased offensive, and when -Angry People,POBox 108,St. Peters,NSW2044Australia - BadAttitude, “New”Labourdesirecalminthe 121RailtonRoad,London,SE24Tel0171-9789057 ~ClassWar:POBox1021, THE ITOIZ dam project in class war to ensure election EdinburghEH89PW:POBox772,BristolBS99IEL -CollectiveActionNotes, Navarra, Spain, has been victory. (Johnson is a Labour POBox22962,Balto.,MD21203,USA -Contraflow,56aInfoshop,56Crampton resistedbythelocalpeoplefor executivememberandBlairite.) St.,LondonSE17;fax:0171-326-0353;email:[email protected](ex- over 10 years. Activists held cellentnews-sheet) -DS4A,Box8,82ColstonSt.,Bristol(distro) -Education Motions of no confidence in WorkerNetwork,Sol.Fed.-IWA,EWN,cloPOBox1681,London,N87LE(new back the forces of General Secretary Johnson and paper out) - E. AngliaAnarchist Network, PO Box 87, Ipswich IP4 4_JQ environmental destruction by callsfornation-wideescalsationof - Federation Anarchiste, 145 Rue Amelot, 75011 Pans, France - Frontllne sawing through six steel Collective and Organise both at: PO Box 505, Belfast BT11 9EE, Ireland the strikes have been passsed - HaringeySolidarityGroup, Box2474,LondonN8.0181 8029804 -Indus- cables essential to the unanimously atmassmeetingsof trialWorkersoftheWorld,75HumberstoneGate,LeicesterLE1 IWB -Kate construction ofthe dam.This CWU Scotland No 2 branch Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London WC1 3XX - Kommunist Krantl, has stopped all work for at (Edinburgh,LothiansandFife). MajdoorLibrary,AutopinJhuggi,Faridabad-121001,India -LondonGreenpeace, 5CaledonianRd.,LondonN1 -NorwichSolidarityCentre/SolidarityFed.:PO least six months and caused FLYING HIGH Box73.NorwichNR3 IQD -SchNEWS,POBox2600,BrightonBN22DX;tell damageestimated atbetween ThroughoutFifeandtheBorders fax:01273-685913 (weeklynews-sheet) - SheffieldAnarchistGroup, PO Box flying pickets have defied the anti 446, Sheffield S1 INY rSolidarity Fed - IWA, POBox 493,St.Albans, AL1 £4.5m and £8m. picketing laws to bring home this ST_W -So_uth_ BristolAn_archists,POBox1076,Bristol,BS99IWF -Torpedo, All8activistswerearrested dispute’s importanceto thesmaller Milan DJ“"°'M- V°1‘k°g 12/10 11300 Smederevo, Serbia-Yugoslavia. and brutally beaten by site more isolated Delivery Offices. security and police. After Royal Mail's private police video- months in prison, they have tapedflyingpicketstoidentifythem. beenreleasedonbailawaiting Once again CWU Union HQ co- trial. 25,000 marched in lruna operated with Royal Mail and toshowsupportandsolidarity orderedthatthesecondarypicketing actions have taken place all stop. Picketsignoredthis. Pillarboxlockshavebeensuper- ? over Spain. Info .' Zizana, glued to frustrate scab managers l apdo.400, 26080Logrono, Spain.