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Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 4 - Solutions to the Problems in Chemical Engineering from Volume 1 PDF

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Preview Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 4 - Solutions to the Problems in Chemical Engineering from Volume 1

Coulson & Richardson's CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Solutions to the Problems in Chemical Engineering Volume 1 BY J. R. BACKHURST and J. H. HARKER University of Newcastle upon Tyne With J. F. RICHARDSON University of Wales Swansea 1 E I N E M A N N OXFORD AUCKLAND BOSTON JOHANNESBURG MELBOURNE NEW DELHI Butterworth-Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 225 Wildwood Avenue, Wobum, MA 01801-2041 A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd -@A member of the Reed Elsevier PIC group First published 2001 Transferred to digital printing 2004 0 J. F. Richardson, J. R. Backhurst and J. H. Harker 2001 All rights resewed. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road. London, England WlP 9HE. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN 0 7506 4950 X Typeset by Laser Words, Madras, India Preface Each of the volumes of the Chemical Engineering Series includes numerical examples to illustrate the application of the theory presented in the text. In addition, at the end of each volume, there is a selection of problems which the reader is invited to solve in order to consolidate his (or her) understanding of the principles and to gain a better appreciation of the order of magnitude of the quantities involved. Many readers who do not have ready access to assistance have expressed the desire for solutions manuals to be available. This book, which is a successor to the old Volume 4, is an attempt to satisfy this demand as far as the problems in Volume 1 are concerned. It should be appreciated that most engineering problems do not have unique solutions, and they can also often be solved using a variety of different approaches. If therefore the reader arrives at a different answer from that in the book, it does not necessarily mean that it is wrong. This edition of the solutions manual relates to the sixth edition of Volume 1 and incor- porates many new problems. There may therefore be some mismatch with earlier editions and, as the volumes are being continually revised, they can easily get out-of-step with each other. None of the authors claims to be infallible, and it is inevitable that errors will occur from time to time. These will become apparent to readers who use the book. We have been very grateful in the past to those who have pointed out mistakes which have then been corrected in later editions. It is hoped that the present generation of readers will prove to be equally helpful! J. F. R. Contents Preface iv 1. Units and dimensions 1 2. Flow of fluids -e nergy and momentum relationships 16 3. Flow in pipes and channels 19 4. Flow of compressible fluids 60 5. Flow of multiphase mixtures 74 6. Flow and pressure measurement 77 7. Liquid mixing 103 8. Pumping of fluids 109 9. Heat transfer 125 10. Mass transfer 217 1 1. The boundary layer 285 12. Momentum, heat and mass transfer 298 13. Humidification and water cooling 318 SECTION 1 Units and Dimensions PROBLEM 1.1 98% sulphuric acid of viscosity 0.025 N s/m2 and density 1840 kg/m3 is pumped at 685 cm3/s through a 25 mm line. Calculate the value of the Reynolds number. Solution Cross-sectional area of line = (n/4)0.025* = 0.00049 m2. Mean velocity of acid, u = (685 x 10-6)/0.00049 = 1.398 d s . :. Reynolds number, Re = dup/p = (0.025 x 1.398 x 1840)/0.025 = -2572 PROBLEM 1.2 Compare the costs of electricity at 1 p per kWh and gas at 15 p per therm. Solution Each cost is calculated in p/MJ. 1 kWh = 1 kW x 1 h = (loo0 J/s)(3600 s) = 3,600,000 J or 3.6 MJ 1 therm = 105.5 MJ :. cost of electricity = 1 p/3.6 MJ or (1/3.6) = 0.28 p/MJ cost of gas = 15 p/105.5 MJ or (15/105.5) = 0.14 p/MJ PROBLEM 1.3 A boiler plant raises 5.2 kg/s of steam at 1825 kN/m2 pressure, using coal of calorific value 27.2 MJkg. If the boiler efficiency is 75%, how much coal is consumed per day? If the steam is used to generate electricity, what is the power generation in kilowatts assuming a 20% conversion efficiency of the turbines and generators? 1 2 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING VOLUME 1 SOLUTIONS Solution From the steam tables, in Appendix A2, Volume 1, total enthalpy of steam at 1825 kN/m2 = 2798 Hkg. .. enthalpy of steam = (5.2 x 2798) = 14,550 kW Neglecting the enthalpy of the feed water, this must be derived from the coal. With an efficiency of 75% the heat provided by the coal = (14,550 x 100)/75 = 19,400 kW. For a calorific value of 27,200 kJkg, rate of coal consumption = (19,400/27,200) = 0.713 kg/s or: (0.713 x 3600 x 24)/1000 = 61.6 Mg/day 20% of the enthalpy in the steam is converted to power or: (14,550 x 20)/100 = 2910 kW or 2.91 MW say -3 MW PROBLEM 1.4 The power required by an agitator in a tank is a function of the following four variables: (a) diameter of impeller, (b) number of rotations of the impeller per unit time, (c) viscosity of liquid, (d) density of liquid. From a dimensional analysis, obtain a relation between the power and the four variables. The power consumption is found, experimentally, to be proportional to the square of the speed of rotation. By what factor would the power be expected to increase if the impeller diameter were doubled? Solution If the power P = 4(DNpp),t hen a typical form of the function is P = kDnNbpCpd,w here k is a constant. The dimensions of each parameter in terms of M, L, and T are: power, P = ML2/T3, density, p = M/L3, diameter, D = L, viscosity, p = M/LT, and speed of rotation, N = T-' Equating dimensions: M: I=c+d L: 2=a-3c-d T:-3=-b-d Solving in terms of d : a = (5 - 2d), b = (3 - d), c = (1 - d) or: PI@ N3p = k( D2N p l ~ ) - ~ that is: Np = k Rem UNITS AND DIMENSIONS 3 Thus the power number is a function of the Reynolds number to the power m. In fact Np is also a function of the Froude number, DN2/g. The previous equation may be written as: P/DSN3p= k(D2Np/p)"' Experimentally: P cx N2 + From the equation, P cx NmN3,t hat is m 3 = 2 and m = -1 Thus for the same fluid, that is the same viscosity and density: (P~/PI)(D:N:/D~=N (D~):N l/D;N2)-' or: (P2/P1)= (N;Di)/(N:Di) In this case, NI = N2 and D2 = 201. .. (P2/Pl)= 8D:/D: = A similar solution may be obtained using the Recurring Set method as follows: P = 4W, N, P, p), f (P. D, N, P,p ) = 0 Using M, L and T as fundamentals, there are five variables and three fundamentals and therefore by Buckingham's 17 theorem, there will be two dimensionless groups. Choosing D, N and p as the recurring set, dimensionally: ] [ D r L L = D N = T-' Thus: T ~ N - I p E ML-3 M G pL3 = pD3 P First group, XI, is P(ML2T-3)-1= P(pD3D2N3)-' E - pDSN3 Second group, 7r2, is p(ML-'T-I)-l = p(pD3D-lN)-' E -P pD2N Thus: Although there is little to be gained by using this method for simple problems, there is considerable advantage when a large number of groups is involved. PROBLEM 1.5 It is found experimentally that the terminal settling velocity uo of a spherical particle in a fluid is a function of the following quantities: particle diameter, d; buoyant weight of particle (weight of particlc - weight of displaced fluid), W;fl uid density, p, and fluid viscosity, p. Obtain a relationship for uo using dimensional analysis. Stokes established, from theoretical considerations, that for small particles which settle at very low velocities, the settling velocity is independent of the density of the fluid 4 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING VOLUME 1 SOLUTIONS except in so far as this affects the buoyancy. Show that the settling velocity musr then be inversely proportional to the viscosity of the fluid. Solution If: uo = kdaWbpcpd, then working in dimensions of M, L and T: (L/T) = k(L"( ML/T2)b( M/L3)' Equating dimensions: M: O = b + ~ + d L: 1 =a+b-3c-d T: -1 =-2b-d Solving in terms of b: a=-l,c=(b-l), andd=(l -2b) .. uo = k( l/d)( Wb)(pb/p)(p/p2bw)h ere k is a constant, or: uo = k(P/dP)(WP/LL2)b Rearranging: (dUOP/P) = k(WP/P2)b where (Wp/p2)i s a function of a form of the Reynolds number. For uo to be independent of p, b must equal unity and uo = kW/dp Thus, for constant diameter and hence buoyant weight, the settling velocity is inversely proportional to the fluid viscosity. PROBLEM 1.6 A drop of liquid spreads over a horizontal surface. What are the factors which will influence: (a) the rate at which the liquid spreads, and (b) the final shape of the drop? Obtain dimensionless groups involving the physical variables in the two cases. Solution (a) The rate at which a drop spreads, say R m/s, will be influenced by: viscosity of the liquid, p; volume of the drop, V expressed in terms of d, the drop diameter; density of the liquid, p; acceleration due to gravity, g and possibly, surface tension of the liquid, UNITS AND DIMENSIONS 5 a. In this event: R = f(p, d, p, g, a). The dimensions of each variable are: R = L/T, p = M/LT, d = L, p = M/L3, g = L/T2, and a = M/T2. There are 6 variables and 3 fundamentals and hence (6 - 3) = 3 dimensionless groups. Taking as the recurring set, d, p and g, then: d = L, L = d p = M/L3 :. M = pL3 = pd3 g = L/T2 :. T2 = L/g = d/g and T = d0.5/g0.5 Thus, dimensionless group 1: RT/L = Rdo.5/dgo.5= R/(dg)o.5 dimensionless group 2: pLT/M = ,~d(dO.~)/(g'.~p=d ~~)/ (gO.~pd'.~) dimensionless group 3: oT2/M = ad/(gpd3) = a/(gpd2) or: (b) The final shape of the drop as indicated by its diameter, d, may be obtained by using the argument in (a) and putting R = 0. An alternative approach is to assume the final shape of the drop, that is the final diameter attained when the force due to surface tension is equal to that attributable to gravitational force. The variables involved here will be: volume of the drop, V; density of the liquid, p; acceleration due to gravity, g, and the surface tension of the liquid, a. In this case: d = f(V, p, g, a). The dimensions of each variable are: d = L, V = L3, p = M/L3, g = L/T2, a = M/T2. There are 5 variables and 3 fundamentals and hence (5 - 3) = 2 dimensionless groups. Taking, as before, d, p and g as the recurring set, then: d L, L=d E p M/L3 :. M = pL3 = pd3 g E L/T2 :. T2 = L/g = d/g and T = d0.5/g0.5 Dimensionless group 1: V/L3 = V/d3 Dimensionless group 2: oT2/M = ad/(gpd3) = a/(gpd2) (z) and hence: (d3/V) = f nPd2 PROBLEM 1.7 Liquid is flowing at a volumetric flowrate of Q per unit width down a vertical surface. Obtain from dimensional analysis the form of the relationship between flowrate and film thickness. If the flow is streamline, show that the volumetric flowrate is directly propor- tional to the density of the liquid. 6 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING VOLUME 1 SOLUTIONS Solution The flowrate, Q, will be a function of the fluid density, p, and viscosity, p, the film thickness, d, and the acceleration due to gravity, g, or: Q = f (p, g, p, d), or: Q = Kpagbp'dd where K is a constant. The dimensions of each variable are: Q = L2/T, p = M/L3, g = L/T2, p = M/LT and d = L. Equating dimensions: M: O=a+c L: 2=-3a+b-~+d T: -1 =-2b-c from which, c = 1 - 2b,a = -c = 2b- 1, and d = 2+ 3a - b+c = 2 + 6b - 3 - b + 1 - 2b = 3b .. Q=K(P 26-1 g6 p1 -26 d 36 ) QP or: - = K ( ~ ~ g d ~and/ Qp a~ ) ~ LL For streamline flow, Q a p-' and: -1 = 1 - 2b and b = 1 .. QP/P = K(p2gd3/p2)Q, = K(pgd3/p) and: Q is directly proportional to the density, p PROBLEM 1.8 Obtain, by dimensional analysis, a functional relationship for the heat transfer coefficient for forced convection at the inner wall of an annulus through which a cooling liquid is flowing. Solution Taking the heat transfer coefficient, h, as a function of the fluid velocity, density, viscosity, specific heat and thermal conductivity, u, p, p, C, and k, respectively, and of the inside and outside diameters of the annulus, di and do respectively, then: h = f(u, di, do, P, ~9 Cp, k) The dimensions of each variable are: h = H/L2T0, u = L/T, di = L, do = L, p = M/L3, p = M/LT, C, = H/M8, k = H/LTB. There are 8 variables and 5 fundamental dimen- sions and hence there will be (8 - 5) = 3 groups. H and 8 always appear however as

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