The 2008 Cost Engineering Journal INDEX OF ARTICLES 2; Feb., pg. 39; March, pg. 38; April, p Conterence, Jan., pg. +6. 41; May, pg. 42; June, pg. 40; July, pg. Phe 2009 Spring Symposium, Feb. \ug., pg. 21; Sept., pg. +1; Oct., pg. 27-March 1, 2009, The Southern Nov., pg. 20: and Dec . pg: LE. California Section and South Central Meridan Systems: June, pg. 5. Section, Dec., pg. 39. MOCA Systems, Nov., pg. 27; and Phe 2009 Western Winter Workshop, Bey erst Dec., pg. +0. March 13-15, 2009, San Francisco Navigant Consulting: June, pg. +2. Section, Dec., |» g. +] ADVERTISERS PMAC onsultants: Jan., pg. +4; Feb., June page 33. Professional pg. 29; March, pg. 17; April, pg. +2; May, Cost Engineering Journal Promotion Service Directory, Jan., pg: 3° ): Feb.- July, pg. +1; June, pg. 8; July, pg. +1; Aug., pg. Advertise in the Cost Engineering > pg. 35; \ug., pg. 39; Sept., pg. 37; and 13; Sept., pg. 19; Oct., pg > 5; Nov., pg.7 jOolu rnal, Sept., pg. 3 ; and Oct.-Dec., pg. Oct.-Dec., pg. 35 and Dec., pg. 16. 35 Alpha Corporation: March, pg. - PMI College of _ Performance June, pg. 34; and Oct., pg. 73°3 ; Management: Jan., pg., 37; Feb., pg. 25; Network Publications Promotion ARES Corporation: Jan. pg. 13, and March, pg. 42; April, pg. 32; Mav, pg. 34; “Feel Like you are Missing Out?” Jan., back cover, Feb.-Dec., back cover; — Jan., p 17; Feb., pg. 7: March, pg. 39 Bechtel Corporation: Jan., pg. 35; ; April, pg. 33; May, pg. +0; June, “Network Media Partners Announces Keb.-April, pg. 34; Mav, pg. 15; June, pg. g. 39; July, pg ., pg. 37; Sept., pg. Strategic Rebranding,” Sept., pg. 20. 25; July, pg. 2; Aug., pg. + 2; Sept., pg. 21; Sg g. +]; and Dec., Oct., pg. 18; Nov., pg. 6; and Dec., pg. 42. go. 38. Professional Services Directory Brinderson: July, pg. 9; \ug., pg. 6; Primavera Systems, Inc.: Jan.-Dec., ACM., Inc., Jan., pg. Feb.-July, Sept., pg. 7; Oct., pg. 25; Nov., pg. +1; and inside cover. pg. 35; Aug., pg. 39; Sept., pg. 37; and Dec., pg. 40. Prokst_ Construction Management Oct.-Dec , pg. 35 CPM C ee sroup: Keb., pg. + Software, Oct.-Dec., pg. e. Conquest_Consulting Group, Jan., ; March,p ; April, pg. 16; May, pg. 7 Project Time & Cost, Inc.: May, pg. pg. 39; Feb-Julv, pg. 35; Aug., pg. 39; June, pg : i He pg. 7; Aug., pg. +; Sept., 5; June, pg. 41. Sept., pg. 37; and Oct.-Dec., pg. 35. pg. +; Oct., pg. |7 : Nov., pg. 20; and Dec., Ron Winter Consulting: Jan., pg. 17; Questant, LLC, Sept., pg. 37; and pg. 16. Keb., pg 13; March, ng. 8; April, pg. 4: Oct.-Dec., pg. 35. Deltek: March-Dec., inside back May, pg. 23; June-July, pg. +; Aug., pg. 6; T& M| C oncepts, jan, pg. 39: Feb.- cover. Sept., pg. +; Oct., Ps: 10;- Nov. » PB: +; and July, pg.3 ; and Aug., pg. 39. EOS Group Inc.: June, pg. 21; and Dec., pg. 13. pg Nov., pg. 19. 19. ARTICLES PUBLISHED Faithful + Gould: Jan. pg., +; April, Skire, Inc.: Jan., pg. 19; Feb., pg. 2+ 3; pg. 2; June, pgs. 2 and 34; Sept., pg. 2; March, pg. 29; April, pg. +1; Mav, pg. 41: CERTIFICATION Oct., pg. 10; and Dec., pg. 14. June, pg. 6; July, pg. 7; Aug., pg. 10; Sept., FLUOR Corporation: Jan., pg. 12 pg. 8; Oct., pg. 34; Nov., pg. 2' )- and Dec., CERTIFICATION ARTICLES Feb., pg. 21; and March, pg. 27 pg. 34. (BY AUTHOR) George Washington University: Jan. SNC-LAVALIN: Jan., pg. 2. ¢ Bonhomme-Delprato, Danielle pg. 19; Feb., pg. 23; no pg. 29; , April ‘Turner & ‘Ik »wnsend Energy: Keb., CCE. Pricing Cumulative Impacts of May, pg. +2; June, pg. ); July, pg. 32; pg. 2; April, pg. 17; June, pg. 10; Sept., pg. Differing Site Conditions and Design \ug., pg. 37; Sept., pg. 31; Oct., pg. 34; 9; Oct., pg. 11; Nov., pg. 4. Changes in Construction; March, pgs. 5 Nov., pg. 29; and Dec., pg. np University of Texas at Dallas: Jan., |2 -16. pg. 33; Hard Dollar Corporat. ion: March,> Keb.. ygy. - and March. pg: 33. Chilcott, Alan |... CCE, Earned Value pg. 2; April, pg. 5; Mav, pg . 2; June, pg. 13; URS: ce pg. 9. \lanagement Implementation in an \ug., pg. 2; and Sept., pg. 5. Wink stimantatoorr: keb., pg. 39: \pril, pg. \gency Capital Improvement Innovative ‘Turnaround Controls: 16; June, pg. 34; and Oct., pg. aS Program. Dec., pgs. 17-20 Jan., pg. 44; Feb., pg. 13; March, pg. 27; Mever, Werner, CCE, The Effect of 5 \pril, pg. +1; and May, pg. 232. COOPERATIVE ADVERTISING Earned Value on the Present Worth of LCO Group: Jan., pg. 33; Feb., pg. Stevens Institute of ‘Technology: a Project Nov., pgs. 8-15. 32; and March, pg. 33. May, pg. 9; Nov., pg. 34; and Dec., pg. 33 Owens, julie. kK... CEC PSP. sf LINK Project Services, Dec., pg. 29. The AACE International Australian Implementing EVM in an R&D McDonough Bolyard Peck: Jan., pg. Section and Australian Cost Engineering Knvironment: From Infancy to Society \sian Pacific Project Controls \dolescence. Oct., pgs. 12-17. Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. | JANUARY 2009 Shekaran, _Kazhakakaran, CCE, CaCo, ao, VDaann t‘olonngg,, sShhoouu UOOiinngg WWaanngg, Lozon, Jim, P.Eng. and Dr. George Construction Cost Study of Abu and Robert ‘Tiong. Management of Jergeas, P.Eng., The Use and Impact Dhabi and Dubai Bridges and Road Uncertainties and Consequential of Value Improving Practices and Best Works; April, pgs. 10-16. Costs for Construction Projects in Practices; June, pgs. 26-32. ‘Tuite, Patricia iS. 2CCE. A China. Aug., pgs. 26-37. Lyasko, Svetlana, Daily Specific As- Multidisciplinary Approach _ to Cernauskas, Dr. Deborah and Dr. Built in As-Planned vs. As-Built Pollution Control Property ‘Tax Andrew __ Kumiega, __ Quantifying Schedule Analysis; March, pgs. 18-27. Exemptions for New Power Plants; Project Management Delay Cost Mehta, Pradip M., CCK PSP, Sept., pgs. 12-19. Through Simulation Modeling; May, I'ffective Implementation of a Project Waddle, ‘Todd W., CCC, The pgs. 16-23. Control System; Jan., pgs. 34-37. Contractor's Role in Building Cost Chilmeran Ahmed H., PSP. A Melamed, Dan, CCC; Bryan Skokan Reduction After Design (Bringing a Construction Management System for PE; Matthew Zenkowich; and Dan Project into Budget); Feb., pgs. 14-21. the Sprinter Project—A Case Study. Kocher. Estimating Uncertainty for a Nov., pgs. 21-27. Life-Cycle — Cost Vianagement CERTIFICATION ARTICLES Curran, Kevin M. and Michael W. Program. Nov., pgs. 30-34. (BY TITLE) Curran. Handling the Truth in Risk Mukherjee, Nabarupa _and___Dr. A__Multidisciplinary Approach _to Management. Oct., pgs. 19-24. Prasanta Kumar Dey, Decision Pollution Control Property Tax Support System for Spare Parts Exemptions for New Power Plants; Warehousing; May, pgs. 24-34. Cost (ees Patricia G., ‘Tuite, , CCE; Sept., pgs. | BO0)S GeOS e 0 B be Dear center Odusami, Koleola ‘I, and Henry N. PST TT 12-19. Onukwube; Factors Affecting the Construction Cost Study of Abu i ee Accuracy of a Pre-Tender Cost Dhabi and Dubai Bridges and Road lstimate in Nigeria; Sept., pgs. 32-35. Works, Kazhakakaran Shekaran, Saroop, Shian and Dr. Dehiren CCE; April, pgs. 10-16. Allopi, The Cost Planning Model—A Earned Value Vlanagement Search for Optimal Design Solutions, Implementation in an Agency Capital July, pgs. 14-18. Improvement Program. Alan _ J. Kvensmo, Jan and Dr. Jan ‘Terje Smith, Dr. Peter Vincent. ‘The Chilcott, CCE, Dec., pgs. 17-20. Karlsen, Looking for the Source— International Cost kingineering Implementing EVM_ in an RGD Where Do Crash Costs Come From? Council and the Global Demand for Environment: From Infancy to July, pgs. 20-23. Cost Engineers. July, pgs. 26-32. Adolescence. Julie K., Owens, CCC Fleming, Quentin W. and Joel M. Sundaram, Venkataramani, CCE, PSP. Oct., pgs. 12-17. Koppelman, PE, Performance Based Kssentials of Design Phase Cost Pricing Cumulative Impacts _ of Payments (PBPs) If it Walks, Talks and Management and Budget Control; Differing Site Conditions and Design Quacks like EVM...1t Must be EVM; Keb., pgs. 24-28. Changes _in Construction, Danielle June, pgs. 22-24. ‘louran, Dr. Ali, PE. Owner's Risk Vs. Bonhomme-Delprato, CCE; March, Gransberg, Dr. Douglas D., PE CCK: Control in Transit Projects, Dec., pgs. pgs. 12-16. and _ Erin J. Kelley, Quantifying 30-33. The Contractor's Role in Building Uncertainty of Construction Material Zhang, Yingchun, David A. Novick, No Ey Sie ee ee re erential Cost Reduction After Design (Bringing Price Volatility Using Monte Carlo; PE, Dr. Ahmad Hadavi, PE. and Dr. a_Project Into Budget), ‘lodd W. June, pgs. 14-15. Raymond J. Krizek, PE, Whole Life Waddle, CCC; Feb. pgs. 14-21. Hassanein, Dr. Amr A.G. and Bahaee Cycle Cost for Chicago Type Bascule The _E ffect _of Karned Value _on_the N.L. Khalil, Building Egypt 1 - A Bridges; April, pgs. 28-32. Present Worth of a Project. Werner General Indicator Cost Index for the Zgikael, Dr. Ofer; Dr. Ginger Levin Meyer, CCE, Nov., pgs. 8-18. 'gyptian Construction Industry; April, and Dr. Parviz F. Rad, PE CCE; ‘Top pgs. 18-26. Management Support—The Project TECHNICAL Ibbs, Dr. William and Long _D. Hriendly Organization; Sept., pgs. 22- Nguyen, Analysis of Delay Damages 30). TECHNICAL ARTICLES for Site Overhead; March, pgs. 30-33. (BY AUTHOR) Ibbs, Dr. William, and Gerald ‘TECHNICAL ARTICLES (BY TITLE) Adams, Dr_Francis K., Construction MckEniry, CFCC PSP, Evaluating the A_Construction Management System Contract Risk Management: A Study Cumulative Impact of Changes on or_the Sprinter Project—A Case of Practices in the United Kingdom; Labor Productivity—an Evolving Study. Ahmed H. Chilmeran, PSP. Jan., pgs. 22-33. Discussion, Dec., pgs. 23-29. Nov., pgs. 21-27. Alshibani, Adel. = Tracking and Lamboglia I lisabetta Pauolo Analysis of Delay Damages for Site Control of Earthmoving Operations Gaudenzi, and Herve Joumier. Non- Overhead, Dr. William Ibbs and Long 5 Using Spatial Technologies. Oct., pgs. Linear and Multivariate Regressions D. Nguyen; March pages 30-33. 26-33. for Space Engineering Parametric Cost Building Egypt 1 - A General Models. Aug., pgs. 14-21. Indicator Cost Index for the Egyptian Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. 1 JANUARY 2009 Construction Industry, Dr. Amr A.G. PE; June, pgs. 22-24. DC Traffic Improvement Project Wins Hassanein and Bahaee N.L. Khalil; Quantifying _ Project Vianag‘ ement US Engineering Award. Woodrow April, pgs. 18-26. Delay Cost ‘Through Simulation Wilson Bridge Project Named 2008 Construction Contract Risk Vlodeling, Dr. Deborah Cernauskas Outstanding Civil i-ngineering Management: A Study of Practices in and Dr. Andrew Kumiega; May, pgs. Achievement. July, pgs. 8-9 the United wKTi LnEPg SdE SoOLmLL,S Dr. Francis K. 16-23. GireenN,aa Ri ‘eal revor, \leeting the Rising \dams; Jan., pgs. a22 -3>3 . Quantifying Uncertainty of Energy Demands of a Greener Future, Daily Specific As-Built in As-Planned Construction Material Price Volatility Dec., pgs. 15-16. vs. _As-Built Schedule Analysis, Using Monte Carlo, Dr. Douglas D. Guld, Michael, Do You Provide Svetlana Lyasko; March, pgs. 18-27. Gransberg, PE. CCE, and Erin J. World-Class Service?; March, pgs. 10- Decision Support System for Spare Kelly; June, pgs. 14-15. 11. Parts Warehousing, Nabarupa The Cost Planning Model—A Search asmin, Guerline, Is Your Past Mukherjee and Dr. Prasanta Kumar for Optimal Design Solutions, Shian Holding You Back? How to Move Dey; May, pgs. 24-34. Saroop and Dr. Dehiren Allopi, July, Forward to Find Success; Feb. pgs. 12- I ffective Implementation of a Project pgs. 14-18. 13. Control System, Pradip M. Mehta Jones, Charles E., A Sense of Urgeney: CCE PSP; Jan., pgs. 34-37. Jan., pgs. 20-21. Essentials of Design Phase Cost Moore, Ronnie, The Good, the Bad, Management and Budget Control, e:r s Or wv an the Ugly: E-mail Communication: Venkataramani Sundaram COE: Engineering Drneath esate \pril, pgs. 8-9. Feb., pgs. 24-28. ie: Mooroer,e Ronnie, \ hy Leaders Fail: Estimating Uncertainty _for_a_Life- When the Best Strategies Can't Get It Cycle Cost Management Program. Done. Nov., pgs. 3-4 Dan Melamed, CCC; Bryan Skokan, PE; Matthew Zenkowich; and Dan EXECUTIVE ARTICLES (BY TITLE) Kocher. Nov., pgs. 30-34. \ Sense of Urgency, Charles E. Jones; Mvaluating the Cumulative Impact of Jan. pgs. 20-21. Changes on Labor Productivity —an The International Cost Engineering Do You Provide World-Class Service?: Evolving Discussion, Dr. William Council and the Global Demand for March, pgs. 10-11. Ibbs, and Gerald McKEniry, CFCC Cost Engineers. Dr. Peter Vincent Is Your Past Holding You Back? How PSP, Dec., pgs. 23-29. Smith. July, pgs. 26-32. to Move Forward to Find Success. Factors Affecting the Accuracy of a Pre- [he Use _and Impact of Value Feb., pgs. 12-13. ‘Tender Cost Estimate in Nigeria; Improving Practices and Best \leeting the Rising Energy Demands Koleola ‘I. Odusami, and Henry N. Practices, Jim Lozon, P.Eng. and Dr. of a Greener Future, ‘lrevor Green, Onukwube; Sept., pgs. 32-35. George Jergeas, P.E:ing.; June, pgs. 26- Dec., pgs. 15-16. Handling the ‘Truth in_ _ Risk 73 5 The Good, the Bad, the Ugly: I-mail Vlanagement. Kevin M. Curran and Top Management _ Support—'The Communication; April, pgs. 8-9 Michael W. Curran. Oct., pgs. 19-24. Project Friendly Organization; Dr. What in the World is ICEC? Ginette Looking for the Source—Where Do Ofer Zqikael, Dr. Ginger Levin, and B. Basak, P.Eng.; June, pgs. 11-12. Crash Costs Come From? Jan Dr. Parviz F. Rad, PE: CCE; Sept., Why | eaders Kail: When_the_ Best E-vensmo and Dr. Jan ‘Terje Karlsen, pgsr. £747-.s9 2U). Strategies Can't Get It Done. Ronnie July, pgs. 20-23. Tracakndi Conntgro l of Earthmoving \loore, Nov.. pgs 3-4. Management of Uncertainties and Operations Using Spatial Consequential Costs for Construction lechnologies. Adel Alshibani. Oct., FEATURE AND SPECIAL FEATURE Projects in China. Dan ‘long Cao, pgs. 26-33. ARTICLES Shou Oing Wang, and Robert ‘Tiong. Whole Life Cycle Cost for Chicago \ug., pgs. 26-37. Bridge lype __Bascule __ Bridges, WITH AUTHORS Non-Linear and \Vlultivariate Yingchun Zhang, David A. Novick, Goldsmith, Dr. Barton. Difficult Regressionfso r Space Engineering PE, Dr. Ahmad Hadavi, PE, and Dr. Conversations, Sept., pg. 20. ParamCeosttr Moidecls . Elisabetta Raymond J. Krizek, PE; April, pgs. 28- GoldsmDir.t Bahrt,on . Dealing With Lamboglia, Pauolo Gaudenzi, and 75 7 Fear in the Workplace, Dec., pgs. 2}- Herve Joumier. Aug., pgs. 14-21. 75> Owner’s Risk Vs. Control in ‘Transit OTHER PUBLISHED ARTICLES Rubin, Joseph, PSP, Productivity and Projects, Dr. Ali ‘Touran, PE, Dec., i:fficiency Within the Construction EXECUTIVE ARTICLES pgs. 30-33. Industry. Nov., pg. 7 (BY AUTHOR) Performance Based Payments (PBPs) It Sampson Brent, Five Tips for Basak, Ginnette, B.. P-Eng, What in if Walks, Talks, and Quacks Like Catching (and Correcting | rrors in the World is ICEC?; June, pgs. 11-12. MVM...It Must Be EVM, Quentin Your Business Writing; Feb., pgs. 22- Buhrman, Joan and Karen \lbers, W. Fleming and Joel M. Koppelman, 7,7 American Society of Civil Engineers, TOT ES A EE TE LEE AT TEE ee EET E A SL TE GA NS TT TT SS Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. 1] JANUARY 2009 Thieman, LeAnn, How to Overcome AACE INTERNATIONAL New Recommended Practices are the 10 Biggest Mistakes in Decision Available, Sept., pg. 41. Making; March, pgs. 28-29. AACE INTERNATIONAL'S CONSTI- Newest AACE International Woodward, Charles P. "Chuck," PE TUTION & BYLAWS Professional Practice Guide Available; CCE, Children's Author and CH2M May, pgs. 10-14. Jan. pg. 37. Hill Office Raise $15,000 for Autism ANNUAL MEETING PROMOTION Online Membership Directory Research; June, pgs. 20-21. e Are Your Papers in Order?; Jan., pg. Available to Association Members; 17; and Feb., pg. 9. Feb. pg. 4. WITHOUT AUTHORS Call for Papers for the 2009 AACE Survey Results Listed Online; Feb., pg. e =6First Cost Engineering Symposium International Annual Meeting, July, 2] and Members Meet Conducted in the pg. 32. Website Changes Noted; May, pg. 42. Middle East, July, pgs. 24-25. Future Annual \leeting Dates Announced; Feb., pg. 39; March, pg. ARTICLE REPRINTS AND GENERAL ARTICLES 42; and July, pg. 18. PERMISSIONS e ASPE Elects First Woman President: Happy Holidays, Dec., pg. 38. Jan., pg. +7; and Feb.-Dec., pg. 43. June page 40. It's Easy Being Green at \ACE Girls Are Ready for Engineering if International’s 53 Annual Meeting, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Engineers are Ready to Share; Dec., pg. 34. CONTACT LIST February page 21. January - December, page 1. NASA “Inspire” Interns Work to eos engineering Become Future Explorers and BOOKS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW Innovators. Aug., pg. 11. Feb., pg. 32; March, pg. 17; April, pg. pet de Cal Poly’s Society of Women kta A4i eir 7; Aug., pg. 25; Sept., pg.>o : 31; and Oct., Engineers Reclaims Title as Best in the +]. Nation, Dec., pg. 20. Book Reviews Solicited, Feb., pg. 2 Joseph W. Wallwork Joins Strategy, and March, pg. 42. LLC; March, pg. 38. Registration Is Now Open; Jan., pg. BOOKSTORE NEWS 49; Feb., pg. +5; March, pg. 7; and I'xtra copies of AACE; International’s SPECIAL FOCUS ARTICLES April, pg. 27. 50th Anniversary 1956-2006, 50 Years of e Calhoon, Joe, The Key to Higher The 2008 Annual Meeting By the Service and Dedication, are now Performance, Get On the Same Page. Numbers, Oct., pg. 10. Available, Jan., pgg. 39; July, pg. 35; Aug., Nov., pgs. 28-29. The 2008 Keynote and International pg. 39; Sept., pg. 37; and Oct., pg. 35. Francis, Clive D.. CCC, SGK Luncheon Speakers Announced: New Recommended Practices are “Online” Learning Product to Launch March, pg. 4; and April, pg. 42; Available, Aug., pg. +. in 2009, Dec., pg.34, Order Your EVP and PSP Forte, Jay. Incremental Changes, ANNUAL MEETING FOLLOW-UP Certification Study Guides at the AACE as Exponential Results: Making the e 2008 Annual Meeting Section International Bookstore. Nov., p g. 35; and Right Small Changes Can Inspire Awards, Sept., pgs. 39-41. Dec., pg. 35. Passionate Performance. July, pgs. +0- e =2008 Annual Meeting Awards, Oct., 41. pgs. 6-10. BOOKSTORE UPDATE Goldsmith, Dr. Barton. Passionate February-March, pgs. +0-+1; July, pgs. Leadership. July, pg. 13. AACE INTERNATIONAL 33-34; and Sept., pg. 36. Houlihan Ann. It’s a Woman's PROMOTIONS World: How Women Can Thrive in ° 3 © You're Free; Jan., pg. +5; Feb., pg. BULLETIN Any Industry. Aug., pgs. 8-9. 5; March, pg. 5; and July, pg. 5. Jan., pgs. 40-44; Feb., pgs. 36-37; Siswick, — Nicole and Kathryn ( tome See Us in Las Vegas, Nov., pg. March, pgs. 36-37; April, pgs. 36-40; May, Hathaway. Coalition Develops pgs. 36-40: June, pgs. 36-39: July, pgs. 36. National Campaign to Reposition Free TCM Framework Download 39: \ug., pgs. 40-41: Sept., pg. 38: Oct.. Engineering as a Creative, Exciting, Available, Jan., pg. 39. Pgs. 36-40; Nov., pgs. 36-40; and Dec., and Rewarding Field for Women. Important News From Primavera, pgs. 36-38. \ug., pgs. 7-8 Nov., pg. 19. Sullivan, Ed. Construction Report: Keep Us Posted, Nov., pg. 41. CALENDAR OF EVENTS December Construction Unchanged New AACE) International Forums Jan., pg. +8; and Feb.-Dec., pg. +4. from Prior Month; Annual Debut; May, pg. 8. Construction Start ‘Total for 2007 New Executive Director Appointed by CALL FOR PAPERS Slides 11 Percent; Keb. pgs. 30-31. AACE International, Nov., pg. +. Sept., pg. 30. New and Updated PPGs Available; Feb., pg. 11; and March, pg. 33; Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. | JANUARY 2009 CALL FOR SEMINAR PROPOSALS August— AACE, International’s FROM THE COVER Aug., pg. 9; and Sept., pg. 19. \cademic Council, Peter W. Keynote Speaker Sylvester C. Myers, Griesmver, Education Board \pril, pg. 34; CERTIFICATION Member. Aug., pg. 10. Revitalizing a New York September—‘The 2008 Competitive Landmark, Sarah S. Berman, Feb., pg CERTIFICATION EXAM Scholarship \wards, Peter W. SCHEDULE Griesmver, Education Board HEADQUARTERS CONTACT LIST Certified Estimating Professional Member, Sept., pg. 8. Jan. - Dec., pg. 1. = (CEP) Beta Examination Set; Feb.,p g. 23; ee, \pril, pg. 7; Sept., pg. 7; and Oct., pg. 5. ELECTION HOW TO SUBMIT SECTION NEWS The 2009-2010 Slate of Candidates, Jan., pg. 44; Feb., pg. 37; March, pg. CERTIFICATION CORNER Dec., pgs. +11. 38; April-May, pg. +0; June-July, pg. 39; January—Dysert, Larry R., CCC, It's Time to Vote, 2008-2009 Board of \ug.-Sept., pg. +1; Oct. Nov., pg. 40; and Certified Estimating Professional (CEP Directors Election; Feb., pg. 38; and Dec.., pg. 38 Exam Set for March; Jan., pgs. 18-19. March, pg. 17 August—larn Certification Credits The 2008-2009 AACE. International HOW TO SUBMIT A TECHNICAL from Home, Steve Farris, Certification Election Results Announced; April, pg. 7 MANUSCRIPT FOR PEER REVIEW Board Chairman. Aug., pg. 11. AND POSSIBLE JOURNAL PUBLI- December—The Top 11 lips on CATION Writing a Certification Paper (and Getting CPoset e eo eEnagi neering Feb.,p ghc.eo 2 3; and March, pg. 29. a Passing Grade), Dec., pgs. 12-13. IN MEMORIAM: CLARIFICATION/CORRECTION Bakewell, Robert D., July, pg. +0; and \uthors Names Added, Sept., pg. Sept., pgs. 10-11. Wrong Name Published, Nov., pg. 41. Douglas, Fred R.; April, pg. 41. Dunfield, Brian D.; June, p g. 33, and COMMITTEES July, pgs. 10-12 BIM Building Information Hamm, Edward D.; Feb., pg. 38. Vlodeling) Committee Report, Building Kelly, Commander Frank J., Jr.; April, Information Modeling (BIM) Committee EDUCATION AND ENDOWMENT pg. +1. Update. Jettrey Borowicz, CCC PSP, FUND Mac Kay, Igor V. Oct., pg. 41 March, pg. 6. \ACE International Scholarship Fund Contribution Coupon; Jan., pg. 16. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS COST ENGINEERING JOURNAL he AACE, International Education Jan., pg. 39; Feb.-July, pg. 35; \ug., e Practical Articles Sought for Cost Endowment Fund; Jan., pg. 21. pgg. 39; Sept., |y g. 37; and Oct.-Dec., pg Engineering journal, July, pg. 35; The AACE, International Education 35 Sept., pg. 37; Oct. pg. 35; Nov., pg. Endowment Fund Explained; March, pg. 35; and Dec., pg. 42; April, pg. 32; and May, pg. 23. INDEX OF ARTICLES e Suggestions for Improvement, Oct., The 2007 Cost Engineering Journal pg. +. FOR THE BOOKSHELF Index of Articles; Jan., pgs. 6-12 February: Humphreys, Dr. Kenneth EDITORIAL CALENDAR K., PE CCE, a review — of: LEGAL BRIEF The 2008 Editorial Calendar, Feb. Richardson!™ International March: McKeeman, Michael ‘T. and pg. 7; March, pg. 27; and April, pg. 33. Construction Factor Manual; Feb. Kurt Rossetti, CCE, Professional Liability: pg. 29. Designer Sues Subcontractor Under a EDUCATION March: Humphreys, Dr. Kenneth K., Breach of Warranty Claim; March page 8. PE CCE, Various Publications, In July: Kurt Rossetti, CCE, and EDUCATION BOARD NEWS Print and Online: including: Michael TI. MeKeeman, Cost-Plus-ee January—AACE International Would RLB International Construction Government Contracts Not \lways a Like to Thank the 2007 Contributors Cost Commentary “Slam Dunk,” July, pgs. 6-7. to the AACE) Education Fund; Jan., Means Cost Works 2008 pgs. 14-16. RS Means Labor Rates for the MEMBERSHIP Kebruary—Globalization - 2008 and Construction Industry, 35th Annual Is Your \ACI International Forward, Dr. Sean ‘I’. Regan, CCE; Edition, March pg. 39. \lembership Up to Date? March, pg. 37. Feb., pg. 10. July: Hamilton, Mllen C., CCE...a April—An K:ducation board review of, Global Project 2008 MONTHLY THEMES Conversation with Charla Miller, Dr. Management Handbook, by David January - Academic/E-ducation John O. Evans, HI, PSP; April, pgs. 5- L.. Cleland and Roland Gareis, July, February Building Information 9 pg. 19. \lodeling Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. 1] JANUARY 2009 March - Claims © Dispute Resolution August - Attendees gather at the 2008 May: Kraus, William E. "Bill," PE April - Cost Estimating © Analysis AACE International Southern CCE, Management Issues and_ the May - Management Issues (i.e., focus California Section’s Spring New Strategic Plan; May, pgs. 3-4. on facilities management/materials Symposium. June: Kraus, William E. "Bill," PE management) September - ‘The 2008-2009 AACE CCE, You Cannot Afford Not ‘To Be June - Annual Meeting Issue International Board of Directors and Involved; June, pgs. 3-4. July - Government Public Works other scenes from the 52nd AACE; June: Warhoe, Stephen P., PE CCE August - High Tech Research (focus on International Annual Meeting at CFCC, Our Mission: Providing Value the aerospace industry) ‘loronto, Canada. to Our Members; June, pgs. 7-8. September - Annual Meeting Follow- October - ‘The 2008 Annual Meeting July: Warhoe, Stephen P., PE CCE Up award honorees. Award of Merit CFCC. Putting “International” in October - Planning © Scheduling recipients John K. Hollmann, PE AACE International. July, pgs. 3-4. November - Project Cost Control (i.e., CCE CEP and Frank Addeman are August: Warhoe, Stephen P., PE focus on the transportation industry) also shown. See pages 6-10 for addi- CCE CFCC, Industry Standards and December - Value Improving tional information. AACE: International, Aug., pgs. 3-4. Practices September: Warhoe, Stephen P., PE CCE CFCC, Being a Leader in Cost Gres (esi ON THE COVER iD raregrn eem ane Dnrearee nite Engineering, Sept., pgs. 3-4. i January - With this issue, the Cost October: Warhoe, Stephen P., PE Engineering journal turns 50 years iS aad = CCE CFCC, The Value of old. It started as a quarterly in Networking, Oct., pgs. 3-4. November 1958; became a bi-month- November: No “President's Message” ly in 1970; and finally a monthly on was published. September 1, 1980. December: Warhoe, Stephen P., PE February - A New York landmark, the CCE CFCC, “Tis the Season for General Theological Seminary was November - Photos of the Sprinter Change. Dec., pgs. 3-4. founded in 1817. It is now undergo- project in California. See page 21 for ing dormitory renovation, repair and the related technical article. ‘The PROFESSIONAL SERVICES replacement of its infrastructure, as project converted 22 miles of existing DIRECTORY well as an electric service upgrade. freight rail into a passenger rail sys- Jan., pg 39; Feb.-July, pg. 35; Aug., March - 2008 Annual Meeting tem. 39; Sept., pg. 37; and Oct.-Dec., pg. 35. Keynote Speaker Dr. David Foot is December - ‘The Marathon Oil featured, as well as some general pho- Refinery in Garyville, Louisiana, fea- SCHOLARSHIPS tos from the prior Annual Meeting. tured in the Executive Article of this AACE, International Would Like to See page + for additional information issue of Cost Engineering journal, Thank the 2007 Contributors to the on our Annual Meeting speakers. page 15. AACE, Education Fund; Jan., pgs. 14-16. April - Images of AACE \ACE International Scholarship International's San Francisco and ORGANIZATION CHART Fund Contribution Coupon; Jan. pg. 16. Southern California Sections hosting July, pg. +2; Aug., pg. 38; and Sept.- the 47th annual Western Winter Nov.., pg. 42; SECTION NEWS Workshop, March 13-16, at Annual May Seminar; April, pg 32. Monterey, CA. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE \sia Pacific Project Controls May - AACE; International Member | January: Kraus, William E. "Bill," PE Conference; Jan., pg. +6; and Feb., pg. 42. Sylvester Myers was the keynote CCE, Why Membership in AACE CyberSection Now at AACE speaker at an April NAACP banquet International is an Overwhelming International Website, Oct., pg. 2+. in Morgantown. See page 34 for addi- Value for Everyone, Not Just Those Sections, Make Sure to Contact tional information. Starting Their Careers; Jan. pgs.3-4. AACE, International Headquarters, Jan., June - Scenes of ‘Toronto, Ontario, February: Kraus, William E. "Bill," pg. 37; and Feb., pg. 37. Canada, site of the 52nd Annual PE, CCE, What Role is there for Sections Need to Update Contact Meeting of AACE International and AACE. International to Play in the Information; Feb., pg. 28. the 6th World Congress of ICEC on Area of Building Information The 2008 Western Winter Workshop; cost engineering, project manage- Modeling (BIM)?; Feb. pgs. 3-4. Jan., pg. 5; Feb., pg. 10; and March, pg. 9. ment, and quantity surveying. March: Kraus, William E. "Bill," PE: The 52nd AACE; International July - The Woodrow Wilson Bridge in CCE, Kraus Addresses CDR as a Annual Meeting Section Awards, Sept., Washington, DC replaced nearly 12 Career Option, the Strategic Plan, and pgs. 39-41. percent of the Capital Beltway HQ Operations; March, pgs. 3-4. (Interstate 495/95) resolving one of April: Kraus, William E. "Bill," PE TABLE OF CONTENTS the worst bottlenecks on the east CCE, Cost Estimating and Analysis; Jan. - Dec., pg. 1. coast. See pages 8-9. April, pgs. 3-4. Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. 1 JANUARY 2009 TECHNICAL | =, Renewing Your AACE International TECHNICAL BOARD NOTES Membership Dues Online Distance Learning Pickett, ‘Todd, Certified Estimating If you forgot to pay your dues, you Opportunities Professional (CEP) - References and can do sO on Our secure website: Resources; Feb., pgs. 8-9. | https:/ Tools/Logi SSAecA Cee s WOMEN IN PROJECT CONTROLS Bae sal : . ; A large -rcentage > > >T- Outstanding Woman _ in_ Project in hegeapmene wale Paar nee": peo a ship remains on a calendar year renew- Controls; April, pg. 6. are al and all those dues expired on | SPOTLIGHT ON WOMEN IN 12/31/08. | WehCam uiS PROJECT CONTROLS If you have changed your address, phone number or e-mail address in the | February—Authored by Valerie Venters, CCE. Spotlight featuring, Dr. | Past year, please update it once you| | have logged into your profile, so we can | Anamaria Popescu, PE; Feb., pgs. 6-7. | April— Authored by Alexia Nalewaik provide membership services to you | CCE MRICS. and Valerie Venters, | Without interruption. The AACE | CCC, ' Spotligsho,t f« eaturing< , Julie Owen > || Internati: onal database i‘ s automated, so || Regiaia stration“ is now open ff or Steven1s CDCSRC SeP hsS P: A5p ril, pgs. 6-7>> > | i‘ t automatic‘a lly stops creati: ng mail° | ae > of ‘T’ echnologyo Gr.a duate » CeCretrti ficate — haiE e.Pe eAanet icend retyo Valesi, c. Veotins labels fC or membef rs whose dues have } an ena ster se pero grams! CCE ma Spotlight featuring,g , Patricia expired. : Cherefore, it ias e important to || \ACE International is partnering with | Faltesek: Mav, pg. 6. | renew . prior to youi r expiration da’ te. | | Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, | August — Authored by Valerie | If you have forgotten Or misplaced | | N_]J. ' and is pleased to offer its members a | Venters, : CCGEE , 6S potligg ht featuringg your login information, please contact || || 10% discount off tuition for relevant Stevens | Paulette R. Rutlen. CPE. CEP. Aug., | AACE, Aieeatineal Headquarters for | WebCampus courses Notify Stevens Institute | pgs. 5-6. | assistance of vou membership and vour interest in the 10% member discount when vou sign up for September— Authored by Dr Dr. \namaria Popescu, PE, Spotlight fe a- Phone: +1.800.858.2678/ | | ae os a aa ge ieee ee eee | TsK . Molly, CCE, +1.304.229966: 844 | pletiofo nth e course, 10% of the tuition cost turing, Katherine A Sheath a 3 will be rebated to vou Email: [email protected] Sept., pg. 6. With over 120 instructor-led courses, the | WebpCrograam ofmfersp vouu a consveni ent | and flexible wavy to earn anv of 17 Masters Degrees or 38 Graduate Certificates com- | | 7 pletely online. Offering maximum flexibility | j Cf. www.Pro- jec- ctControlsStattcS inn g4. c- omnr |a foer professionals, vou can aeac cess vour || WebCampus courses from home or while Dir; ect source for your most i “Crit ith” ‘“ Resource. | traveling, is any time, dav or night. Online | courses offer vou the perfect balance of con- | venience and academic rigor, as they cover | the same material and are conducted by the | same facultv as Stevens conventional courses Over 7,500 qualified | Detailed course and program descriptions, as | well as admission information can be Project Controls Professionals. | obtained at: Students do not have to be accepted into a program in order to take graduate classes at | Stevens. It is possible to take up to three (3 | classes as a non-matriculating student while | If you are growing your team or looking for your next challenge, Call us today. vour application is under review. For more on | | this and if vou have any further questions, | Toll Free — (877)-807-8400 please do not hesitate to contact the | WebCampus Division at: [email protected] | or at PCS is a division of The FootBridge Companies, LLC 1-800-496-4935. tchoatminia = ee|eSn e een Bate we Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. 1 JANUARY 2009