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Cost Analysis of Light Water Reactor Power Plants PDF

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Preview Cost Analysis of Light Water Reactor Power Plants

COST ANALYSIS OF LIGHT WATER REACTOR POWER PLANTS PREPARED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY WILLIAM E. MOOZ R-2304-DOE JUNE 1978 —_— Rand— bok crerrd tre ‘The work upon which this publicalion is based was povineme pursuit to Cinlract Noy EX-?6:0-01-2937 with the Depurtment of Bnengy. Reports of The Run Corporation do noc neceatwily reflect the opinions or policies of the sponsors of Rand resoareh Rost aialyeda af sagt epter caactos sever sre eStats Sees sand Gorzataeloe, Publidhed by The Rand Corporation COST ANALYSIS OF LIGHT WATER REACTOR POWER PLANTS PREPARED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY WILLIAM E. MOOZ R-2304-DOE JUNE 1978 | Rand are ‘PRERACE Folicy decision= renarding energy eupply ragatre knowledge abet che coats of various fome of supply. This observetion applies not only to existing form, tut also to future mppty techmutagien, This report discusges a atatisrical anclysie of data on light sater reactor (3) power plants. The remuite should be useful im two distinctly ddsferenc ways. Piret, ney provide innighes inca shat has happened with respect to the tige that 49 requived co obtain a construction permit,” construe! fou times, aml coxty of IWR plants, infaemt fom Ut may be used in estinating the coats of incomplete or aa yet uelatle plants. Susond, they provide s useful analogy for whet might happen with new technologies under consideration, In particular, che Ciadinge SILI respece co the LWE east Learning curve, the effect of plant size ou anit coats, and tumoral cose increases may be Sinilar ep what es be expected im any ne energy techarlogy ax complex aa the LVR. Im addition, the arudy produced a tool fer usc in ontiuering, Light woter reactor power plont capital costs. Goats eetimared in this way ave probably auperior, for analyrieal purposse, to cost exttoaLen made by other means, because’ they take into accom! trends wut ducluded the otler wethole, this, the tool should help energy polley planners to evaluate the cost implications of various altersstives tmolving the TAR, and to assess the efZect of the tiatag of these policies on coste, hare other tetimalogies are tavolved, ouch af coal Liguetace tion of other relatively new energy processes, assumptions regarding the cupital casts of sliese Lechpologiee ean be weighted against tha Lk experience. The study remilte ehould be useful to ucility planets ay vel. Experience hay denonstreted that WR power plant cost estimates are Frequeotly low by a substantial anount. The study helps to explain sty this ie the case. The estimating methodelogy that is developed "The elapeed time vetueen the appltestion fer a construction per- de and ehe deoumce of a construction permit (elao referred to at Licensing cine) eo ere abould final BALL for their new LAR fv presented. yo ULILEttes a better idea of wnat to expec? when the sinus aid etudy ix a atatZeciaal analysis of che capital coscs of Light water reactor (IWR) cloctriea: power plants. Tus objective 18 twofold: to deteruine what factors are staltatically related £0 capite) woaze and to produce # neliadulogy fer estimating these costs, oat previous xtndies of LUE capital costs have been base: on engineering cont eaLizates, which, beomuse they were made ac a single point de tine, failed to recognize, explicitly, poverful trends iv TR cost. Only owe gravious etudy yas Frond ta use eenmmenede tech nigues, and although it was dupaded by luck of data, tt included the Edzet quantitative vecogrition of these trends. ‘Te analyadn in the present study 1s baged on the time and cost data Unit ave aveklable on U.S, miclesr power plants. Gut of 3 total of about (il operating plaate, useful capital-cost dats wre available on only 39 plants. In addition, comstructiou-time data were available fon about 65 plants, and data on completed construct fon perait apeli- cottons were available for shout 182 pleace. The cost A 2 were first eyatematically edlusted co const dudlavs. Then mibcivariate cegresstes apalyece were performed by using independent variables consisting of vartous physical aud Toca tional cheracterivties of the plaats. The dependent variablex mmolyaed were the tine requited to obtain a coutruction persit, the construction cine, and ihe cxpital cost. Anslysis of Lie tire required to obtain « construction permit shevad chat 1: increased steadily at the rate of about 5 months per year for avplicatians mada between 1966 and 1971. The data sre onty poflially complete thereafter, bot s visual exen/nacion of the plotted Anforsation sugkeste that che sdeuation change! after 1970 or 1971, and that perhaps 2 chird of the applicetivaa wade between 1977 and 1877 Look 30 moeths or less to proven. Testa were mde to determine whether plant locat‘on, the euparience of the erchitect-eugineer, and simflar factors affected the length of time required to obtain the permit. None were found to be significant. Construction time vss found to be increasing at a rate ul about 4 months per year, after controil iy fur che other plant, ‘characterderie! Tuere aw a strong correlation between construction tion ant plant size, wich each il Mie increase fa size recuiving about 4 months additions time. Alaa, daring the 1966-2971 persed, the uae of auclear steam supply systems (HSS) manufactured by Babeor'~ Wilcox dncreavad the average eousteucLion time by bout 13 moxthe Variant tone Le conssruction time smmg the other NSSS manufsetuzers were not significant. Clear statistical support was found for the hypothests chat greater experience on the part of the archicest= engineer leads to shorter construction times, after correceicr is male for other varlables. Tae slope of che dmplicd learning mmrve 16 auch tat doubling the nanber of plants boflt by an architect-engincer ro~ duces construction tine to eboot 92 percent of what it was originally- This effact opesates Independently of the temporal construcston-tine tnerease noted above. Sone of the indenendent variables chat vere found to be relaced to both constrection permit application time and construction time were also found to be related to capital costs, lut others were not. Tor exanple, capita costs were found to be related to the plant size, the experiance of the architect-engineer, and the calender date, But whereas the duclusion of a dumy variable for dabcock-Wiloox bad shows vo of 43 moths in wonattuetion Eine, the same dumy variable proved co lack efgnificance in the cost regressions. This finding impling ehsi ven though dulays ware encountered, they did not signifi- cantly alter the final cost of the power plant. Sinilarly, vhen a term ‘wea included in the regression analyses that represented the varigeion in construction tive that war unenpisined by the other independent vartabiee {a che equation, this tem wax slsu found to lack eignificance for plon: casi. ue conslueten that can be hypothesize Frow the lack of siyalTismee of these two terms is that when delays occur (ouch es wich the JW HSSS), or when other vartatfons in construction tine happen chet are unrelated tu che independent variables in the equation, the architect-engineer auccessfully acts te wininize their effects om Final plone costes weit Ap aplaept was alee made to include in the cose regressona & term for the tims requived to obtain # conscruction permit. ae with tthe construction Lime, vere wets collinearity problemn, and the cern Uh wact dncluded represented the portion of rhta éfme that vag un- explained oy the other variables im the equation, Thia term vas found eo Jack atgaifdeance, implying that excent av alveady reprecenced by the ocher dndenendent variables, the wnoont of time required to oheain 2 eonstruction permit dean aot significancly affect rapital costs Plant capital ccete (ie constant doliars) increased over the period examines at the rate of abut $140 per We per year when cor~ rected for the effect of oth variables. Other factors affecting costs wore az follove! 0 Plante buile dn EPC Region I (Northraslorm U.8.) coat asout $130 per We more chan thowe iT! etsewbere. nh Finets with enoling towers ext about $90 per kWe more than ochers. > A atrong comc-learning effect, analogens to the construction time learning effect, reduced plant costs to sLightly over 90 percent for each doubling of che musber of plants buile by a giver architect-snpinesr. > Plant adze was a determinant of unit capital cases, an fecronge in sizeof L Mie reduced caste about 80.22 por kivey over the'range of plant sizes fo the. date base, tros about 450 ale to aboLt 1156 the. Tho statistical eigaitsance of the offort was not eo strong ax the other effects discussed above. Factors that did nar have tntincical xignitteance with regard ¢0 costs {after contvolling for ocher varfablea} vere the NSSS asmulacturer, the colocation ot plants, construction tine, che time required to obtain the conscruccion permit, and public financing. The repression equecion Ja useful in projecting WK power plant soste because ft represents the body of all know experience ag of this tine. Tt ram Lins he wad 10 form base-case estinetes agafast whtch och eatimates can be tested. The temporal cvsfiteteac of write SUE per lve per year domtmites the equation, even though the Learn= sag curve ciminiates tte ely. ecause of this cocfffient, the projected cuts of 18Rs on whlch constenetion beping In 1950 are ‘of che order of $2000 per Wie in 1976 dollars. Waether or not these costs will sctua: obtain depends on whether the tompotal increases are ndtigared. There vas no evidence of euch mitigation in the data used. ‘The results of chie work are useful, in + qualitative sense, for askeaning the capiti costs of new trehnolngtae. Questions abut the slope of an assumed 1 arnitg entve, and changes in walt caste aes result of ineveased plat eize, have not boon alécessed heretofore with any statieticel evidence from the Lik exzerience. Knowledge of che values obtadued from che daca examined ir this sludy say provide shazper judgnents for aralyate of other sechewlugies for generating eietrfedty, Simflerly, the quest ive af ceuporal cost increases zust be at least ratxed with regard to other eechmolngtes. Since the present analyeis has not auccecded in ddentsfying statistically the rensons tor the nowertul cost trend, 4¢ offers no definitive basis for derermining whether eimilar trends will veces ta nev technstoytes: The experiance of the LAR indicates, sowever, that such trends cst Gominite rants, wil that st would be a mistake to agaore the po: bility that they will be present.

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