Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–28(0000) Printed10January2012 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Cosmological implications from the full shape of the large-scale power spectrum of the SDSS DR7 luminous red galaxies Francesco Montesano1,2∗, Ariel G. S´anchez2 and Stefanie Phleps2 1Universita¨tssternwarte Mu¨nchen, Scheinerstrasse 1, 81679 Mu¨nchen, Germany 2Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstrasse, 85748 Garching, Germany 2 1 0 2 Accepted xxx.Receivedxxx;inoriginalformxxx n a J ABSTRACT 9 We obtain cosmological constraints from a measurement of the spherically aver- ] agedpowerspectrumofthedistributionofabout90000luminousredgalaxies(LRGs) O across 7646 deg2 in the Northern Galactic Cap from the seventh data release of the C Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The errors and mode correlations are estimated thanks to . the 160 LasDamas mock catalogues, created in order to simulate the same galaxies h and to have the same selection as the data. We apply a model, that can accurately p describe the full shape of the power spectrum with the use of a small number of free - o parameters. Using the LRG power spectrum, in combination with the latest mea- r surement of the temperature and polarisation anisotropy in the cosmic microwave t s background (CMB), the luminosity-distance relation from the largest available type a 1a supernovae (SNIa) dataset and a precise determination of the local Hubble pa- [ rameter,we obtaincosmologicalconstraintsfor five differentparameterspaces.When 3 all the four experiments are combined, the flat ΛCDM model is characterised by v ΩM = 0.259+−00..001165, Ωb = 0.045±0.001, ns = 0.963±0.011, σ8 = 0.802±0.021 and 7 H0 = 71.2±1.4kms−1Mpc−1. When we consider curvature as a free parameter, we 09 do not detect deviations from flatness: Ωk =(1.6±5.4)×10−3, when only CMB and the LRG power spectrum are used; the inclusion of the other two experiments do not 4 improvesubstantiallythis result.We also testfor possible deviationsfromthe cosmo- . 7 logical constant paradigm. Considering the dark energy equation of state parameter 110 wtoDbEeaflsattim, weDinEd=ep−en0d.9e8n1t,+−w00..e0088m34eoatshuerrewwisDe.EW=h−en1.d0e2s5c+−ri00b..00i66n65g,iwfDthEetgheroomugehtryaissimaspsluemliend- : earfunction ofthe scale factor,our results do not evidence any time evolution.In the v next few years new experiments will allow to measure the clustering of galaxies with i X a precision much higher than achievable today. Models like the one used here will be a valuable tool in order to achieve the full potentials of the observations and obtain r a unbiased constraints on the cosmological parameters. Key words: large-scale structure of Universe – cosmology: theory – cosmology: observations – cosmologicalparameters 1 INTRODUCTION Universe is undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion driven by a new exotic component, dubbed dark energy, The last decade was characterised by a dramatic change in whoseenergy densityisabout70% ofthetotal(Riess et al. our vision of the Universe and by an impressive increase 1998;Perlmutter et al.1999).Thishasbeenthenconfirmed in size and quality of available datasets. At the end of the by other observations, such as the cosmic microwave back- twentiethcentury,theanalysisoftheluminosity-distancere- ground(CMB,e.g.,Hinshaw et al.2003;Spergel et al.2003, lation in the Type 1a supernovae (SNIa) showed that the 2007;Komatsu et al.2009,2011),thelargescalestructureof theUniverse(LSS;e.g.Efstathiou et al.2002;Percival et al. 2002; Tegmark et al. 2004; S´anchezet al. 2006, 2009; ∗E-mail:[email protected] (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 F. Montesano et al. Percival et al.2010;Reid et al.2010;Blake et al.2011)and (Crocce & Scoccimarro 2008; S´anchez, Baugh & Angulo the number density of galaxy clusters as function of their 2008; Smith,Scoccimarro & Sheth 2008). The full shape of mass (e.g. Vikhlinin et al 2009). Different combinations of thepower spectrum and of thecorrelation function, as well these probes have been used in the past years to constrain as the BAOs alone, have been used, alone and in combina- thedarkenergyequationofstateparameterw withabout tionwithotherindependentdatasets,toconstraincosmolog- DE a5-10%error.Theanalysispresentedhereaimsatconstrain- ical parameters (e.g., Percival et al. 2007; S´anchez& Cole ingcosmological parametersandshedlightonthenatureof 2008; Cabr´e & Gaztan˜aga 2009a; Gaztan˜aga, Cabr´e & Hui dark energy. 2009; S´anchezet al. 2009; Kazin et al. 2010; Percival et al. Many present day and future galaxy redshift surveys, 2010;Reid et al.2010;Blake et al.2011;Tinkeret al.2011). like the Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS, In order to obtain unbiased constraints from the infor- Schlegel, White& Eisenstein 2009; Eisenstein et al. 2011), mationencodedinthelargescalestructureoftheUniverse, the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response Sys- non linear distortions, bias and redshift space distortions tem (Pan-STARRS, Kaiser et al. 2002), the Dark Energy need to be accounted for. Perturbation theory (PT, see Survey (DES, Abbottet al. 2005), the Hobby Eberly Tele- Bernardeau et al.2002,forareview)cansuccessfullymodel scopeDark Energy Experiment(HETDEX,Hill et al2004) the shape of the power spectrum and of the correlation and thespace based Euclid mission (Laureijs 2009),arede- function at redshifts larger than z = 1 or at large scales signed to constrain the properties of dark energy, usually when including at least third order terms in the density parametrised by its density, the present day value of w fluctuations(Jeong & Komatsu2006,2009).Inthepastfew DE and its possible time evolution, with unprecedented preci- years many groups have proposed different improvements sion.Thiswillhelptoreducethenumberofpossiblemodels over perturbation theory (e.g., Crocce & Scoccimarro of dark energy that has been proposed in the last decade, 2006a,b; McDonald 2007; Matarrese & Pietroni that are either based on a time varying field (for a review 2007; Bernardeau, Crocce & Scoccimarro 2008; see, e.g., Peebles & Ratra 2003), or on modifications of the Matarrese & Pietroni 2008; Matsubara 2008a,b; equationofgeneralrelativity(modifiedgravity,forareview Pietroni 2008; Taruya& Hiramatsu 2008; see, e.g., Tsujikawa 2010). Smith,Hern´andez-Monteagudo & Seljak 2009; In this work we concentrate on the distribution of Taruyaet al. 2009; Elia et al. 2010). While some of galaxies on large scales as a means to constrain the his- this approaches, like for instance Matsubara (2008b) and tory and composition of the Universe, analysing it sta- Taruya, Nishimichi & Saito (2010), can account for bias tistically through the power spectrum, the Fourier trans- and redshift space distortions, most of them describe form of the two point correlation function. The shape only the clustering of dark matter in real space. For this of the galaxy power spectrum and correlation function reason phenomenological approaches based on a given contains information about the composition of the Uni- flavour of PT have been put forward in order to model the verse and the non-linear evolution of clustering, bias dark matter halo and galaxy distributions in real and in (e.g. McDonald 2006; Matsubara 2008b; Jeong & Komatsu redshift space(e.g., McDonald 2006;Crocce & Scoccimarro 2009)andredshift spacedistortions (e.g.Scoccimarro 2004; 2008; S´anchez,Baugh & Angulo 2008; Jeong & Komatsu Cabr´e & Gaztan˜aga 2009a,b; Jennings, Baugh & Pascoli 2009; Montesano, S´anchez& Phleps 2010, the latter will 2011; Reid & White 2011). Biasing is due to the fact that be thereafter referred to as M10). The model proposed the objects that we observe do not trace perfectly the un- by M10 is inspired by renormalised perturbation theory derlying dark matter distribution and redshift space dis- (RPTCrocce & Scoccimarro 2006a,b) andcan describe the tortions are introduced when inferring the distance of a full shape of the mildly non-linear the dark matter and galaxy from the measured redshift, which is a sum of a halo-power spectrum from numerical N-body simulation cosmological component and a Doppler shift due to the and allows to obtain unbiased constraints on the dark peculiar motion of the emitter. The two-point statistics energy equation of state parameter. contain also a feature, called baryonic acoustic oscillations In this analysis we apply the model developed and (BAO),thathasbeenadvocatedasapowerfultooltoprobe testedinM10tothepowerspectrummeasuredfromthelu- the curvature of the Universe and that has been inten- minousredgalaxies(LRGs),releasedpubliclyintheseventh sively studied over the past years. BAOs are the relic sig- data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR7). nature in the matter distribution of the acoustic oscilla- Combining this measurement with the latest results from tions in the baryon-photon plasma in the hot young Uni- CMB,SNIaandtheprecisedeterminationofthelocalHub- verse. The BAOs show up in the correlation function as bleconstant,H ,weobtaincosmological constraintsforfive 0 a quasi gaussian bump at scales r 100 110h−1Mpc different parameter spaces. The LRG sample and the mock ≈ − (Matsubara 2004) and as a sequence of damped quasi- catalogues used to estimate the covariance matrix of the harmonic oscillations at wave-numbers 0.01hMpc−1 < data are presented in Section 2. The power spectra and co- k < 0.4hMpc−1 in the power spectrum (Sugiyama 1995; variance matrix computed from thereal and mock datasets Eisenstein & Hu1998,1999).BAOsintheCMBwherepre- are shown in Section 3. The CMB and SNIa datasets and dicted by Peebles & Yu (1970) and Sunyaev& Zeldovich theH measurement aredescribed in Section4.Section 5.1 0 (1970) and first detected in the galaxy distribution by gives a short description of the model that we apply to the Cole et al. (2005) and Eisenstein et al. (2005). The BAO LRG power spectrum. In Sections 5.2 and 5.3 we illustrate scale, as measured from the CMB, depends only on the theparameterspacesthatweexploreinouranalysisandthe plasma physics prior to recombination, which allows in techniqueusedtoperformthefits.InSection5.4wetestour principle to use it as a standard ruler. Non linear evolu- model against the mean power spectrum of the mock cata- tion damps and shifts by few percent the acoustic peaks loguesandoftheLRG,inordertodeterminewhetheritcan (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28 Power spectrum of the SDSS DR7 LRGs: cosmological implications 3 Table 1. Cosmological parameters and specifications of the LasDamas-Orianasimulations matterdensity Ωm 0.25 cosmologicalconstant density ΩΛ 0.75 baryonicdensity Ωb 0.04 Hubbleparameter[kms−1Mpc−1] H 70 amplitudeofdensityfluctuations σ8 0.8 scalarspectralindex ns 1.0 numberofparticles Np 12803 boxsize[h−1Mpc] V 2400 particlemass[1010M⊙] Mp 45.73 softeninglength[h−1kpc] ǫ 53 thesamplenumberdensityasfunctionofredshift.Together with theLRGs catalogue, we use a random one with about fifty times more objects, designed to reproduce the geom- etry and completeness of the galaxy sample and to have a radial number density proportional to the dot-dashed line in Figure 1. Figure 1. Spline fit to the redshift distribution of the LRGs (dot-dashedline)andtheoriginalandmodifiedn(z)ofthemock catalogues (dashedandsolidlines,respectively) 2.2 The mock catalogues describe accurately the full shape of the two-point statistic In order to test our analysis technique and to estimate the when a complex geometry is used. Our main results, the covariance matrix associated to the LRG power spectrum, cosmological constraints for the five parameter spaces, are we use the LasDamas mock catalogues (McBride et al., in discussed in Section 6 and then compared with some of the prep.).Themockshavebeenconstructed from asuiteof40 mostrecentworksonthetopicinSection7.Finallywesum- largedarkmatterN-bodysimulations,dubbedOriana,that marise ourresults and draw our conclusions in Section 8. reproduce a part of a universe characterised by a geometri- cally flat cosmology dominated by a cosmological constant and cold dark matter (ΛCDM). The cosmological parame- 2 THE GALAXY SAMPLE AND THE MOCK ters and specifications of the simulations are listed in Ta- CATALOGUES. ble 1. From each simulation a halo catalogue is extracted using a Friend-of-Friend algorithm (FoF, Davis et al. 1985) In this section we describe the galaxy sample (Section 2.1) withlinkinglength0.2timesthemeaninter-particlesepara- and the mock catalogues (Section 2.2) that we use in this tion.InordertomatchtheLRGclusteringsignal,thehaloes work. have then been populated with mock galaxies using a halo occupation distribution (HOD, Berlind & Weinberg 2002) 2.1 The luminous red galaxy sample from the 7th within the halo model approach (HM, see Cooray & Sheth data release of SDSS 2002,forareview).TheHODparametershavebeenchosen in order to reproduce the galaxy number density and the Datarelease7(DR7,Abazajian et al.2009)isthelastdata projected correlation function of the observed SDSS DR7 release of the second phase of SDSS, know as SDSS-II. samples. From each simulation two (four) mock catalogues From the 929,555 galaxies, whose spectra have been mea- ofthefullSDSSDR7volume(NorthernGalacticCaponly) sured,weusethesubsampleofluminousredgalaxies(LRGs, havebeen extracted. These mock catalogues, together with Eisenstein et al. 2001) presented in Kazin et al. (2010) and the mocks from two smaller companions of Oriana and the publiclyavailable1.Thecatalogue contains89,791 LRGs,in corresponding randoms, are publicly available 2. the redshift range 0.16 < z < 0.44 (z¯ = 0.314), from the In this work we use the 160 mock catalogues of the large contiguous area of 7646deg2 in theNorthern Galactic LRGs in the Northern Galactic Cap region. We modify the Cap. The full survey also includes three equatorial stripes, mocksandthecorrespondingrandomcatalogue,whichhave thatwedonotconsider.Thiscausesaloss oflessthan10% theradial numberdensity shown by thedashed line in Fig- ingalaxynumberandvolume,buttheresultinggeometryis ure1,inordertoreproducetheoneoftheLRG:theresult- simpler.Furthermore,theuseoftheNorthernGalacticCap ingn(z) isindicated bythesolid line.Themock catalogues only allows us to obtain a more accurate estimate of the contain on average 91137 galaxies. statistical errors than for the full survey (see Section 2.2). Thedot-dashedlineinFigure1showsasmoothsplinefitto 1 2 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28 4 F. Montesano et al. 3 THE POWER SPECTRA Fromthedatasetandthemockcataloguesjustdescribedwe 5 compute the power spectra and the covariance matrix that 10 are used in the rest of the analysis. They are presented in this section. 3] ) h / c p M ( [ 3.1 The LRG power spectrum k) ( P To compute the power spectrum and the window function P (k) we need to convert the angular positions and redshifts of LRG P (k) the galaxies and of the random points into comoving coor- lin 4 10 P (k) dinates.Thisisdonefirstinferringradialdistancesfromthe model measured redshifts and then converting the spherical coor- 0.10 dinatesintocartesianones.Todothefirststepweassumeas k [h/Mpc] fiducialthecosmology of theLasDamas simulations, shown in Table 1. We compute the power spectrum, as well as the Figure2.LRGspowerspectrum(bluedotsconnectedwithsolid survey window function, using the estimator introduced line)andcorresponding1-σ errorbarsfromthemockcatalogues by Feldman, Kaiser & Peacock (1994, thereafter FKP). (shaded area). The green dashed and the red solid lines show, respectively,thelinearandmodelpowerspectracomputedusing Percival, Verde& Peacock(2004,thereafterPVP)proposed the mean value of the cosmological parameters of the ΛCDM amodificationoftheFKPapproachtotakeintoaccountthe cosmologyshowinthelastcolumnofTable3. relative biases between populations with different luminosi- ties. In Appendix B1 we show that, thanksto the fact that theLRGsampleisalmost volumelimitedandcomposedby (FFT) usingthepubliclyavailable software fftw3 (Fastest a relatively homogeneous class of galaxies, the shape of the Fourier Transform in theWest, Frigo & Johnson 2005). We power spectra recovered with the two methods are in ex- correct each Fourier mode by dividing it by W(k cellent agreement at linear and mildly non-linear scales. In 2kNn)2,whereW(k)istheFouriertransformofPTnSC| ,kN =− AppendixAwesummarisethemostimportantequationsof π(N1/|3/L)istheNyquistwavenumberandnisa3Dinteger both estimators. vector.FinallywesphericallyaveragetheFouriermodesand At first we correct the galaxy catalogue for the loss of subtract the shot noise (equation A5a). objects due to fibre collisions (Zehaviet al. 2002; Masjedi The window function is evaluated similarly. We assign 2006). The SDSS spectrographs are fed by optical fibres the objects of the random catalogue to four cubic grids plugged on plates, which forces the fibres to be separated with N = 10243 cells and sides L = 2200, 4400, 8800 by at least 55”. It is then impossible, in a single expo- and17600 h−1MpcandcomputethefieldG¯(x)ofequation sure, to obtain spectra of galaxies nearer than this angu- (A6a). We use the four grids with different dimensions in lar distance. The problem is partially alleviated by mul- ordertobeabletocomputethewindowfunctionuptovery tiple exposures, but it is not possible to observe all the largescales. Foreach box,weperform theFFT,correct the objects in crowded regions. Assuming that in a given re- Fouriermodes,sphericalaverageandsubtracttheshotnoise gion of the n galaxies that satisfy the selection criteria we (equationA7a).ForeachwindowfunctionG2(k),wediscard can measure only m 6 n redshifts due to fibre collision allthemodeswithwave-numberk>0.65k and,whentwo N and assuming that the missed galaxies have the same red- ormorewindowfunctionsoverlap,weconsideronlytheone shift distribution of the observed ones, we assign to the computedinthelarger volume.Thischoice ismotivatedby latter a weight w = n/m. This ensures that the sum of i the fact that, for a given band in wavenumber, the larger the weights in a given region of the sky is equal to the volumewindow functionhasbeen computedaveragingover number of selected galaxies n. Secondly to each LRG and a larger number of modes than the ones from smaller vol- random object at position x, where the number density is umes. Finally we merge the four window functions in order n(x), we associate a weight w(x) = (1+p n(x))−1, with w to obtain a single curve. p = 40000h−3Mpc3. This value has been chosen in order w According to equation (A4), the observed power spec- to minimise the variance of the measured power spectrum trum P (k) just described is a convolution of the “true” in the range 0.02hMpc−1 6k 60.2hMpc−1. In Appendix o power spectrum P (k) with thewindow function. This con- t B1weshowtheresultsoftheteststoanalysetheimpact of volution is computationally time consuming, in particular differentchoicesofp andcorrections,namelyfibrecollision w whenithastobeperformedrepetitively.Thereforewetrans- and completeness, on therecovered power spectrum. form this convolution intoa matrix multiplication: To compute the power spectrum we assign the LRGs and the random objects, weighted as described before, to a P (k )= W(k ,k )P (k ) CG2(k ). (1) o i i j t j i cubicgrid with N =10243 cells andside L=2200h−1Mpc Xn − using triangular shaped cloud (TSC) as mass assignment scheme (MAS). For each cell, we compute the F(x) field of equation(A1a).WethenperformthefastFouriertransform 3 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28 Power spectrum of the SDSS DR7 LRGs: cosmological implications 5 8.0 a) a) 5 10 7.5 ] 7.0 3 ) h / ) c k 6.5 p (w M n ( P [ k)/ 6.0 k) P( P( 5.5 P (k) mock P (k) 5.0 4 lin P (k) 10 P (k) LRG model P (k) 4.5 lin 0.10 P (k) model k [h/Mpc] b) 0.20 b) 6.5 0.15 k)j k) k,i (nw 6.0 ( P W 0.10 )/ k ( P 5.5 0.05 5.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 k [h/Mpc] k [h/Mpc] Figure3.Panela):powerspectraofFigure2dividedbyalinear Figure 4.Panela):meanpowerspectrum (bluedotsconnected powerspectrumwithoutBAOs(Eisenstein&Hu1998).Panelb): bysolidline)with1-σvariance(blueshadedarea)fromthemock rows of the window matrix corresponding to the k-bands of the catalogues. The linearand model power spectra, convolved with measuredLRGpower spectrum.Forclarityonlyoneeverythird thewindowfunction,areshownwithgreendashedandredsolid rowisshown. lines, respectively. Panel b): same power spectra divided by a linearpowerspectrumwithoutBAOs(Eisenstein&Hu1998). W(k ,k ) = a k2 1 dcos(θ)G2(k k ) is the window thesamecolourandlinecoding,butdividedbyasmoothlin- i j j j −1 | i − j| matrixnormalisedRsuchthat jW(ki,kj)=1∀i.Thecoef- earpowerspectrumwithoutBAOs(Eisenstein & Hu1998). ficients aj corresponding to tPhewavenumber kj are derived Panel b) of Figure 3 shows one every third row of the using the Gauss-Legendre decomposition. The second term window matrix W(k ,k ). Because of the relatively simple i j in the right hand side arises from the integral constraint anduniformgeometryofthesampleused,thewindowfunc- (Percival et al. 2007) where C is a constant determined by tion has its maximum at k=0hMpc−1 and decreases very requiring that P (0)=0. steeply.Thistranslatesintotheverysharppeaksatk k o j i ∼ The LRG power spectrum is shown in Figure 2 with in the window matrix rows, as shown in thefigure. blue dots connected by a solid line. We also show the lin- ear(greendashedline)andthemodel(redsolidline)power spectracomputedfrom thebestfitparametersobtainedas- 3.2 The mock power spectra and covariance sumingaflatΛCDMcosmology(seesection6.1formorede- matrix tails). Both of the power spectra have been convolved with thewindowfunction asinequation(1)andtheiramplitude We compute the power spectra from the 160 realisations has been boosted in order to match the observed one. The and the window function as we do for the LRG sample in blueshadedarearepresentthevariancefromthemockcata- the previous section. We then compute the mean P¯(k), the logues.Panela)ofFigure3showsthesamequantities,with standarddeviation and thecovariance matrix C,whose ele- (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28 6 F. Montesano et al. of the power spectrum and others present strong degenera- 0.20 1.0 cies.Usingtheinformationcomingfromindependentexperi- ments, like the cosmic microwave background (Section 4.1) 0.8 andthetype1asupernovae(Section4.2),orpriorknowledge c]0.15 n of some of the parameters, like the local Hubble parameter p 0.6 o M ti (Section 4.3), it is possible to greatly improve the accuracy a h/0.10 0.4 el of theanalysis. k [ orr 0.2 C 4.1 Cosmic microwave background 0.05 0.0 Accurate measurements of the CMB temperature and po- larisation anisotropies provide a powerful tool to constrain 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 cosmological parameters. In this work we use the observa- k [h/Mpc] tions from fivedifferent instruments. The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Figure 5. Correlation matrix computed from the LasDamas satellite produced full sky maps of the CMB with a res- mockcatalogues. olution of 0.2◦. We make use of the temperature angu- lar power spectrum in the multipole range 2 6 l 6 1000 mentsare definedby: and the temperature-E polarisation cross power spectrum in the range 2 6 l 6 450 from the 7th year data re- 1 Nreal lease (WMAP7, Jarosik et al. 2010; Komatsu et al. 2011; C = (P(k ) P¯(k ))(P(k ) P¯(k )), mn N 1 l m − m l n − n Larson et al. 2011). real− Xl=1 We also use measurements of higher multipoles from (2) other four experiments which observe the CMB tempera- whereP(k )correspondstothemeasurementofthepower l m ture anisotropy on small patches of the sky with a much spectrum at the m-thk-bin in thel-th realisation. higher resolution. In order to avoid complex correlations, Panel a) of Figure 4 shows the mean power spectrum we use these experiments only for multipoles that do not and its variance(bluedotswith solid line and shaded area) overlap with the WMAP measurements. We use the mea- obtained from the mock catalogues. The green dashed and surementsof thetemperature angularpower spectrum i) in the red solid lines show the linear and the best fit model 14 bandpowers in the range 910 6 l 6 1850 from the Ar- powerspectra(seeSection5.4.1formoredetails) convolved cminuteCosmology Bolometer Array (ACBAR, Kuo et al. with thewindow function of themocks and rescaled by the 2007;Reichardt et al.2009),ii)in6bandpowersintherange bias. Panel b) of Figure 4 shows the same power spectra of 8556l 61700 from the Cosmic Background Imager (CBI, panel a) divided by a power spectrum without oscillations for latest results see Sieverset al. 2009), iii) in 7 bandpow- P (k). nw ers in the range 925 6 l 6 1400 from the 2003 flight of The correlation matrix of themock catalogues, defined the Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Ra- as C /√C C , is shown in Figure 5. The mode cor- mn mm nn diation and Geophysics (BOOMERanG Jones et al. 2006; relation caused by the convolution with the window func- MacTavish et al.2006;Montroy et al.2006;Piacentini et al. tion is visible in particular near the diagonal. Non linear 2006)andiv)in11bandpowersintherange974<l<1864 modecouplingispresentatsmallscalesanditsstrengthin- from thefinal datarelease of QUESTat DASI(QUAD,for creaseswithincreasingk.Althoughthecorrelationbecomes importantfork>0.2hMpc−1,itisnotnegligiblealreadyat latest results see Brown et al. 2009). We also use E and B k 0.1hMpc−1. Recently Samushia, Percival & Raccanelli polarisation (EE and BB) and thecross temperature-E po- ≈ larisation (TE) angular power spectra measurements from (2011) showed that different methods of constructing the the latter three experiment. i) CBI: EE in 7 bandpowers random catalogues can affect the estimated covariance ma- in the range 860 6 l 6 1800, BB in 5 bandpowers in the trix. range 0 6 l 6 5000 and TE in 8 bandpowers in the range The version of the mocks available when writing this 860 6 l 6 1800; ii) BOOMERanG: EE and BB in 3 band- article does not contain information about the luminosity powersintherange600<l<1000andTEin6bandpowers of thegalaxies, completeness and fibrecollision. Wecannot in the range 4506l 6950; iii) QUAD: EE, BB and TE in therefore test the impact of different estimators and cor- 17 bandpowers in therange 488<l<1864. rections on the errors. However we analyse the impact of different p on the power spectra and errors as measured w from the mocks: theresults are reported in AppendixB2. 4.2 Type 1a supernovae Type 1a supernovae (SNIa) provided the first evidences of an accelerating Universeand theneed ofa newexoticcom- 4 ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENTS ponent, called dark energy, to explain it (Riess et al. 1998; Later in this article we use the measurement of the LRG Perlmutteret al. 1999). From the light curve, i.e. the lumi- power spectrum described in the previous section to con- nosity variation as function of time, of a SNIa it is pos- straincosmologicalparameters.Inordertoobtaintightcon- sible to measure the absolute luminosity, from which the straints it is not possible to use this measurements alone, distance to each object is inferred, probing in this way sincesomeparametershaveaweakdependenceontheshape the distance-redshift relation. The first step is performed (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28 Power spectrum of the SDSS DR7 LRGs: cosmological implications 7 thanks to models which encode intrinsic variations due to rameterspacesexploredinSection6andthemethodusedto thephysics of theSNIa, theeffects from galactic and inter- extractcosmologicalinformation.Finally,wetestthemodel galactic medium and selection effects in different ways. Be- against theLasDamas andtheLRGpowerspectra(Section causeofthis,modelsproducedifferentresults,whichimpact 5.4). theaccuracyatwhichcosmological parameterscanbemea- suredandcanintroducesystematiceffects(e.g.Hicken et al. 5.1 The model 2009;Kessler et al. 2009). SNIa data have been collected by many surveys de- M10introducedamodelforthefullshapeofthepowerspec- signed according to different strategies and carried out us- trum inspired by renormalized perturbation theory (RPT, ing a large variety of telescopes. Each of them observes a Crocce & Scoccimarro 2006a,b) and analogous to the one relativelysmall numberofevents,typicallylessthanahun- forthecorrelation functionofCrocce & Scoccimarro(2008) dred. In order to increase the number of objects, recently and S´anchez, Baugh & Angulo (2008). In this model they collections of SNIa from different surveys have been cre- parametrize the non-linear power spectrum as ated. In this work we use one of such samples, the Union2 (Amanullah et al. 2010). It consists of 557 SN drawn from P(k,z)=b2 e−(k/k⋆)2PL(k,z)+AMCP1loop(k,z) , (3) (cid:16) (cid:17) 17 datasets in the redshift range 0.0156z 61.4 and is the wherethelinearbiasb,thedampingscaleoftheBAOoscil- largest available supernovae sample to date. It extends and lationsk andamplitudeofthemodecouplingcontribution improves the Union (Kowalski et al. 2008) and the Consti- ⋆ A are free parameters. P (k,z) is thelinear power spec- tution (Hicken et al. 2009) datasets: all the light curves of MC L trum and the selected SNIa have been fitted with salt2 (Guy et al. 1 2007)andanimprovedanalysis ofsystematics ispresented. P (k)= d3qF (k q,q)2P (k q)P (q) (4) Amanullah et al. (2010) showed that the inclusion of sys- 1loop 4π3 Z | 2 − | L | − | L tematic errors when fitting cosmological parameters, using is the lowest order term arising from the coupling of two onlySNIaorincombinationwithindependentprobes(BAO, initial modes. The exponential damping and P (k) are 1loop CMB and H0), increases the associated errors leaving the theapproximations of the non-linearpropagator and of the best fit valuealmost unchanged. In Sections 6.1 and 6.3 we mode coupling power spectrum described by RPT. will further comment on the impact of systematics and of The model of equation (3) has been successfully tested light curvefitters. in M10 against a suite of very large, median resolu- tion N-body numerical simulations, called L-BASICC II (Anguloet al. 2008; S´anchez, Baugh & Angulo 2008). M10 4.3 Hubble parameter computed power spectra for the dark matter distribution TheSupernovaeand H0for theEquation of StateProgram and several halo samples, selected according to their mass, bothinrealandredshiftspaceatz=0,0.5and1.Theyhave (SHOES,Riess et al. 2009) aimsat thedirectmeasurement of the Hubble parameter at present epoch H to better shown that in all cases equation (3) describes accurately than 5% accuracy. The SHOES team identifie0d 6 nearby thesepowerspectrafork.0.15hMpc−1 andthatitallows to obtain unbiased constraints on cosmological parameters. spectroscopically typicalSNIa,that havebeen observedbe- foremaximumluminosity,thatresideingalaxiescontaining Cepheids and that are subjects to low reddening. Thanks 5.2 Parameter spaces to 260 Cepheids observed with the Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on the Hubble Inthedescription ofthedatasets presented in Sections 2-4, Space Telescope (HST) in the 6 host galaxies and in the a strong assumption was implicitly made: the Universe is, “maser galaxy” NGC 4258, the authors could calibrate di- at large scales, statistically homogeneous and isotropic and rectly the peak luminosity of the SNIa. Combining these 6 that density and velocity fluctuations around their mean objects with 240 SNIa at redshift z < 0.1, they measure values are small. In the following, we further assume that theHubbleparameter to be H =74.2 3.6kms−1Mpc−1. the fluctuations set by the initial conditions were adia- 0 ± Theerrorincludesbothstatisticalandsystematicuncertain- batic, gaussian and almost scale invariant and that theydo ties. In this work we use this result as a prior knowledge of not present tensor modes. The WMAP7 data, both alone H0, under the assumption that the associated likelihood is and in combination with BAO, H0 and SNIa, confirm that agaussian withthemeanandstandarddeviationmeasured those assumptions are correct at the 95% confidence level by theSHOESteam. (Komatsu et al. 2011; Larson et al. 2011). RecentlyMoresco et al.(2010)measured,usingspectral Within this framework we analyse five different cos- properties of early-type galaxies, the Hubble parameter to mological models, explored using five combinations of be H0 = 72.6 2.9kms−1Mpc−1 at 68% confidence level. experiments: CMB, CMB+PLRG(k), CMB+PLRG(k)+H0, ± While finishing this work, Riess et al (2011) refined their CMB+PLRG(k)+SNIaand CMB+PLRG(k)+H0+SNIa. analysis obtaining H =73.8 2.4kms−1Mpc−1. The“concordance”ΛCDMmodelisthesimplestmodel 0 ± able to successfully describe a large variety of cosmological datasets. It describes a geometrically flat (Ω = 0) uni- k verse with a cosmological constant Λ, whose equation of 5 METHODOLOGY state parameter w = 1 is constant in space and time, DE − Inthissectionwedescribethemodelforthefullshapeofthe and pressureless cold dark matter (CDM) as main compo- powerspectrumthatweusethroughouttherestofthisarti- nents. This cosmology can be characterised by six parame- cle(Section5.1).InSections5.2and5.3,wepresentthepa- ters:thebaryonand darkmatter densityiesω =Ω h2 and b b (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28 8 F. Montesano et al. ωDM =ΩDMh2, the scalar spectral index ns and the ampli- Table2.Priorrangesfortheprimarycosmologicalandthemodel tudeAs oftheprimordialfluctuations,theopticaldeptτ to parameters thelastscatteringsurface,assuminginstantaneousreionisa- tion, and the ratio between the horizon scale at decoupling Parameter lowerlimit upperlimit andtheangulardiameterdistancetothecorrespondingred- shift Θ: ωb=Ωbh2 0.005 0.1 ωDM=ΩDMh2 0.01 0.99 θΛCDM =(ωb,ωDM,ns,As,τ,Θ;b,k⋆,AMC,ASZ). (5) Ωk -0.3 0.3 wDE (w0) -2 0 The four parameters after the semicolon are related to the wa -2 2 modelling of the matter power spectrum (b, k⋆ and AMC ns 0.5 1.5 from equation 3) and of the CMB angular power spec- log(1010As) 2.7 4 trum (A , amplitude of the contribution to the CMB at τ 0.01 0.8 SZ large l from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect). These parame- 100Θ 0.5 10 ters are marginalised over when showing the cosmological k⋆ 0.01 0.35 constraints in thesection 6. AMC 0 5 If we then drop one or both assumptions on geometry ASZ 0 2 and on the value of the dark energy equation of state, we obtain three cosmologies characterised by the following pa- rameter spaces: 1996; Christensen & Meyer 2000) as implemented in variable curvature,w = 1: the free software cosmomc4 (Cosmological MonteCarlo, DE • − Lewis & Bridle 2002). The CMB and linear matter power θkΛCDM =(ωb,ωDM,Ωk,ns,As,τ,Θ;b,k⋆,AMC,ASZ); (6) spectra are computed with a modified version of camb (Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave Background, zero curvature,w =const: DE • Lewis, Challinor & Lasenby 2000) that allows to consider θwCDM =(ωb,ωDM,wDE,ns,As,τ,Θ;b,k⋆,AMC,ASZ); (7) time varying wDE 5(Fang, Hu & Lewis 2008). For each choice of parameter space and probes we run eight in- variable curvature,w =const: • DE dependent chains. Their execution is stopped when the θ =(ω ,ω ,Ω ,w ,n ,A ,τ,Θ;b,k ,A ,A ). Gelman & Rubin(1992) criterion R<1.02 issatisfied. The kwCDM b DM k DE s s ⋆ MC SZ (8) MCMC requires some prior knowledge of the parameter space that is explored. We assume for all the primary Aslastcase,weconsideraflatUniverseinwhichw (a) DE parameters (equations 5-8 and 10) flat priors in the ranges evolves with time. We adopt the parametrisation proposed listed in Table 2. The model parameter b is analytically by Chevallier & Polarski (2001) and Linder(2003): marginalised over an infinite flat prior (equation F2 in w (a)=w +w (1 a). (9) Lewis & Bridle 2002). DE 0 a − All likelihoods used to compare the results from the Although not physically motivated, it can describe accu- cosmologicalprobesdescribedinsections2.1,4.1,4.2and4.3 ratelyabigvarietyofequationsofstatederivedfromscalar withthecorrespondingmodelsareassumedtobeGaussian. fields with the use of only two parameters: its value today, In thecase of theLRGs power spectrum, this is w ,anditsfirstderivativewithrespecttoa,w .Theresult- 0 a ing parameter space is: exp 1χ2(θ) , (12) L∝ (cid:18)−2 (cid:19) θ =(ω ,ω ,w ,w ,n ,A ,τ,Θ;b,k ,A ,A ). waCDM b DM 0 a s s ⋆ MC SZ (10) where Other cosmological quantities can be derived from the χ2(θ)=(d t(θ))TC−1(d t(θ)) (13) ones just listed. Inparticular we are interested in: − − θ =(Ω ,Ω ,H,t ,σ ,z ). (11) is the standard χ2, in which d is an array containing the der DE M 0 8 re bandpowerP(k),t(θ)containsthemodelcomputedforthe The density of dark energy, ΩDE, is obtained from a com- set of parameters θ and then convolved with the window bination of Ωk, ωM = ωb + ωDM and Θ. From there, functionandCisthecovariancematrixofthemeasurement the total matter density ΩM = 1 Ωk ΩDE, the Hub- presented in section 3.2. − − ble parameter h = ωM/ΩM and the age of the uni- In section 2.1 we assume a fiducial cosmology in order verse t0 = 01da/(aHp(a)) are derived. The present day toconvertredshiftsandangles tophysicalcoordinates. Dif- rms of lineaRr density fluctuation in a sphere of radius ferent choices of these parameters result in modifications of 8h−1Mpc, σ8, is computed from As. From τ, H, Ωb and themeasuredLRGpowerspectrum.Theidealcasewouldbe ΩDM itispossibletoestimatetheredshiftofreionisationzre torecompute, for each step of theMCMC chain, thepower (Tegmark, Silk & Blanchard 1994). spectrum and the window function according to the given cosmology, but this is not computationally feasible. Under the assumption that the survey covers a wide solid angle, 5.3 Practical issues Toconstrainthesetsofcosmological andmodelparameters just described, we use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo 4 technique (MCMC, Gilks, Richardson & Spiegelhalter 5 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28 Power spectrum of the SDSS DR7 LRGs: cosmological implications 9 it is possible toincorporate thesedistortions in thecorrela- tionfunctionwhencomputedusingdifferentcosmologiesby pc] 0.30 rescaling the distance scale by the factor (Eisenstein et al. M 0.26 / 2005): h [ 0.22 Dmodel(z ) ⋆ α= V m , (14) k 0.18 Dfid(z ) V m 1.2 wheretheeffectivedistanceD (z )tothemeanredshiftof V m C 1.0 thesample zm is, M A 0.8 cz 1/3 D (z)= D2(z ) m , (15) 0.6 V (cid:20) A m H(z )(cid:21) m withD (z )thecomovingangulardiameterdistance.Since 1.04 A m thepower spectrum is the Fourier transform of thecorrela- 1.02 tion function, this holds also for the former. Thus, at each α1.00 0.98 stepofthechainwemultiplythewave-numberofthemodel powerbyαand itsamplitudeby1/α3 in ordertorescale it 0.96 to thefiducial cosmology. 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 k [h/Mpc] max 5.4 Testing the model Figure 6. One-dimensional marginalised constraints on the pa- In the first part of this section we extend the analysis of rameters k⋆, AMC and α as function of the maximum value of M10 and fit our model against the mock catalogues in or- ki (kmax)usedtofitthemodelofequation(3)totheLasDamas dertotest wetheritprovidesanaccuratedescription ofthe mean power spectrum. The mean values and the standard devi- measured power spectrum and unbiased constraints of the ation are indicated, respectively, by circles connected with solid dark energy equation of state parameter also when a com- lines and shaded areas. The maximum value of k at which the plex geometry is involved. We also test the stability of the modeliscomputedbeforetheconvolutionwiththewindowfunc- cosmological parameters in the wCDM case as the maxi- tionisk=0.2hMpc−1. mum k included in the analysis varies, when CMB and the P (k) are combined. LRG the range of the measured power spectrum that we fit. As k increases, more modes are included in the fit and the 5.4.1 Mock catalogues max errors decrease. The constraints on α are compatible with InthissectionwefollowM10andassumealltheparameters unity for all the k considered. Considering that the vol- max fixed,exceptforwDE.Underthisassumption,equation(14) umeof thesimulations usedin M10 is muchlarger that the links univocally variations of the dark energy equation of onesampled by theLRGs and consequently that theerrors states to stretches α of the model power spectrum. There- in the former case are smaller than in the latter, we decide foreweconsiderthelatterasaafreeparameter(Huff et al. tofurtherconsiderscales0.02hMpc−1 6k60.15hMpc−1. 2007). The constraints on k and A exhibit, respectively, a ⋆ MC Using a MCMC approach, we explore the parameter monotonic increase and decrease. As explained in M10, the space defined by θ=(k⋆, b, AMC, α). We chose priors with approximate mode coupling power in equation (3) is about a constant probability within the following ranges: 30% larger than theexact value at k 0.15 0.2hMpc−1: ≈ − • 0hMpc−1<k⋆ <0.35hMpc−1, tchreisasfeorinceosrdAeMrCtotmoadienctraeinastehetosh∼ap0e.7of−th0e.6reasnudltink⋆gptoowiner- 06A <10, • MC spectrum unvaried. 0.56α<1.5. • Figure 7 shows the two-dimensional marginalised con- The bias b is marginalised analytically over an infinite flat straintsin thek αplaneas obtained from themock cat- ⋆ prior as described in section 5.3. alogues for k =−0.15hMpc−1. The inner dark and outer max Figure 6 shows the one-dimensional marginalised con- lightshadedareasrepresentregionswhosevolumesare68% straintsontheparametersk ,A andαvaryingthemaxi- and 95% of the total likelihood. This representation of the ⋆ MC mumvalueofthewavenumberk ofthemeasuredpower two-dimensionalconstraintswillbeusedthroughallsection max spectrum used to perform the fit; we keep the minimum k 6. The independence of α from k⋆ or AMC makes the con- fixed to 0.02hMpc−1. The blue circles connected by solid straints on the former robust. The latter two parameters, lines and the shaded areas correspond to the mean and the instead,arestronglydegenerate,asitispossibletodescribe standard deviation of these parameters. For every k the accuratelytheoverallshapeofthepowerspectrumcompen- max model is evaluated for k 60.2hMpc−1 and then convolved satinganincrease(decrease)ofk⋆withadecrease(increase) with the window function. Since each row of W(k ,k ) is of A . i j MC sharply peaked at k k , the main contribution to P (k ) The model power spectrum indicated by a solid line in j i o i ∼ comes from modes near k : therefore the constraints shown the two panes of Figures 4 has been computed using the i inFigure6dependweaklyontheexactwavenumberrange best fit values of the parameters as obtained in this section in whichthemodelis computed,as longas itis larger than for k = 0.15hMpc−1: k = 0.26hMpc−1, A = 0.61. max ⋆ MC (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28 10 F. Montesano et al. b 2.28 ω 0 0 2.24 1.05 1 2.20 0.118 M0.114 D α1.00 ω 0.110 0.106 −0.9 E 0.95 wD−1.0 −1.1 0.74 0.20 0.25 0.30 E D k [h/Mpc] Ω 0.70 ⋆ 0.66 Figure7.Two-dimensionalmarginalisedconstraintsinthek⋆−α plane obtained applying the model of equation (3) to the Las- Damas mean power spectrum. The results are show for kmax = 0.32 0.15hMpc−1.Theinnerdarkandouterlightareasrepresentthe ΩM 0.28 68%and95%confidence level,respectively. 0.24 0.74 0.70 8 σ The bias has been computed maximising the likelihood of 0.66 equation (12) with all the otherparameters fixed. 0.62 0.72 h 0.68 5.4.2 The Luminous red galaxy sample 0.64 After testing the robustness of our model at mildly non- k [h/Mpc] linear scales, we test here the dependence of the cosmolog- max ical parameters upon k . We use the wCDM cosmology max defined in equation (7) and the combination of the LRG Figure 8. One-dimensional marginalised constraints of the power spectrum and CMB measurements. Figure 8 shows wCDMparameterspaceontheparametersωb,ωDM,wDE,ΩDE, theone-dimensionalmarginalisedconstraintsontheparam- ΩM, σ8 and h as function of the maximum value of k (kmax) etersωb,ωDM,wDE,ΩDE,ΩM,σ8 andhasfunctionofkmax. asobtainedwhencombiningtheLRGspowerspectrumwiththe The circles connected by solid lines and the shaded areas CMBdata.Circlesconnected bysolidlineandshadedareasare, showthemeanandthestandarddeviationasobtainedfrom respectively, the mean and the 68% confidence level. The model the MCMC. The model is computed for k < 0.2hMpc−1 is computed for k < 0.2hMpc−1 and then convolved with the and then convolved with the window function; as before, windowfunction. themeasuredparametersaremostlyinsensitivetothislimit. Although some parameters are more stable with respect to 6 RESULTS: THE COSMOLOGICAL changes of k than others, thereare nosignificant trends max PARAMETERS or deviations. The error-bars of the parameters decrease as k increases:weinterpretthisasasignofnewinformation Inthis section we present theconstraints on thecosmologi- max coming from these scales. calparametersobtainedfromthefivecosmologicalscenarios We also test the impact of using CMB measurements introduced in section 5.2. fromWMAPonly.Weobtainthesameconstraints,butwith errors larger by 5-10%, due to the loss of information at 6.1 The concordance cosmology small angular scales, i.e. large multipoles l. Appendix B3 describes how the results just described depend upon p The flat ΛCDM cosmology, parametrized by the first six w and w. Amore extensiveanalysis of thewCDM cosmology quantitiesof equation (5),is theminimal model able to de- i is presented in section 6.3. scribedatacoming from manyindependentprobes.Table3 (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,1–28