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Cosmological constant in spinfoam cosmology Eugenio Bianchi,1,∗ Thomas Krajewski,1,2,† Carlo Rovelli,1,‡ and Francesca Vidotto1,3,4,§ 1Centre de Physique Th´eorique de Luminy¶ , Case 907, F-13288 Marseille, EU; 2Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique, Universit´e Paris XI CNRS UMR 8627, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France; 3Dipartimento di Fisica Nucleare e Teorica, Universit`a degli Studi di Pavia, 4 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pavia, via A. Bassi 6, I-27100 Pavia, EU. (Dated: January 24, 2011) Weconsiderasimplemodificationoftheamplitudedefiningthedynamicsofloopquantumgravity, correspondingtotheintroductionofthecosmologicalconstant,andpossiblyrelatedtotheSL(2,C) q extensionofthetheoryrecentlyconsideredbyFairbairn-MeusburgerandHan. Weshowthatinthe context of spinfoam cosmology, this modification yields the de Sitter cosmological solution. I. INTRODUCTION definitions of the vertex should agree in this limit. 1 1 The cosmological-constant term in the Einstein equa- 0 II. COSMOLOGICAL TERM IN THE FULL 2 tionsisanintegralpartofthetheorythatappearstoday SPINFOAM AMPLITUDE to best describe Nature [1–3]. Incorporating this term n intothecovariantdynamicsofloopquantumgravity(see a Quantum-gravitytransitionamplitudescanbewritten J [4, 5] and references therein) is important in order to get arealistictheoryandalsotocontrolinfrareddivergences. in a number of equivalent forms [4, 5, 12]. Let us write 0 the partition function in the spin-network basis as 2 Butitisalsoimportantforformalreasons. Inparticular, one of the elements of evidence that the covariant the- ] ory has the correct semiclassical limit, is its application ZC = (2j+1) Av(jf,ve). (1) c q to cosmology [6]. So far this has been studied only in j(cid:88)f,ve(cid:89)f (cid:89)v - the absence of matter, but without matter and without r cosmological constant, the only cosmological solution is Here is a fixed two-complex, the sum is over a spin g C j associated to each of its faces and an intertwiner v [ flatspace. Recoveringflatspaceisinteresting,butisstill f e weak evidence for the full classical limit. associated to each of its edges e. The vertex amplitude 1 A (j ,v ) is a function of the spins and intertwiners ad- Here we consider a simple way of including the cos- v f e v jacent to the vertex v. It is convenient to choose a basis 9 mological constant into the spinfoam vertex. We show ofintertwinersthatdiagonalizesthevolume,andweindi- 4 thatincosmologythisyieldsthedeSittersolutionofthe cate with v the corresponding quantum number, which 0 Einstein equations. e we take to be the eigenvalue (for simplicity of notation 4 . Themodificationofthevertexthatweconsiderismo- we disregard the eventual degeneracy). We consider the 1 tivatedbysimpleheuristic,basedontheformofthecos- following modification of the sum (1), 0 mological constant term in the Hamiltonian constraint. 1 1 In two recent papers, Fairbairn and Meusburger [7] and, ZC = (2j+1) eiλve Av(jf,ve). (2) independently,Han[8],havedefinedamodificationofthe v: spinfoam amplitude defining the dynamics of loop quan- j(cid:88)f,ve(cid:89)f (cid:89)e (cid:89)v Xi tum gravity, by replacing SL(2,C) with its quantum de- whereλisrelatedtothecosmologicalconstant. Therela- formation,developedin[9]. Itisreasonabletoexpectthis tionbetweenλandthestandardcosmologicalconstantΛ r a modification to define quantum general relativity with a is given below, together with a more precise justification cosmological constant [10, 11]. Since the asymptotical for the form of the term added. analysis of the q-deformed vertex is not yet done, we Theheuristicforthisdefinitionisthefollowing. Inthe cannot directly compare it with the the vertex we write canonical theory, the cosmological constant appears as here. Still, we argue below that if the q-deformed vertex an additive term to the gravitational Hamiltonian con- behaves as expected in the large distance limit, the two straint,whichmultiplesthe3-volumeelement. Whende- rivingapathintegralformulationofquantumtheory`ala Feynmanbyinsertingresolutionsofunityintotheevolu- tion operator, a potential term appears simply as a mul- ¶Unit´e de recherche (UMR 6207) du CNRS et des Universit´es de tiplicative exponential, because the potential is diagonal Provence (Aix-Marseille I), de la M´editerran´ee (Aix-Marseille II) in the position basis. The cosmological constant term is etduSud(Toulon-Var);affili´e`alaFRUMAM(FR2291). diagonalinthespin-intertwinerbasis. Itisthereforepos- sible to insert the cosmological constant “potential” as a ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] multiplicative term along the spinfoam evolution, that is †Electronicaddress: [email protected] ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] in between 4-cells, which is to say on 3-cells. The cou- §Electronicaddress: [email protected] pling is therefore very simple, and consists in weighting 2 edgeamplitudeswithanexponentialtermwhichdepends Tobeginwith,weanalyzeW(z)directly. Noticefirstof on the volume and the cosmological constant. allthatthesumoverj isagaussiansum,whichispeaked Alternatively, the q-deformed version of the theory on the maximum of the real value of the exponent. This studied in [7, 8] is expected to lead to a modification of is theamplitudethatcorrespondstotheadditionofthecos- Im(z) mological term. In the large-j regime, the conventional j j = . (7) vertex amplitude converges to the Regge action of the ∼ o 4t(cid:126) 4-cell dual to the vertex, and the q-deformed amplitude Then, notice that W(z) is periodic in c. In the sum, we should converges to the Regge action of the 4-cell plus expecttheoscillatingphasestosuppressthesum,except a cosmological term. This is given by the cosmological when the imaginary part of the exponent vanishes. This constant multiplying the four-volume of the 4-cell. But happens for the boundary geometry is in the time gauge, where the Shift function vanishes and the Lapse function is equal Re(z)+λvoj21 =0. (8) to unity, and in this gauge the 4-volume is equal to the 3-volume. The time gauge is also the common choice but since we are near the maxima, we can use (7) to in the cosmological formalism. Hence we obtain again a obtain modification of the vertex amplitude of the form (2). Re(z)=−λvojo12 =−λ√v4ot(cid:126)Im(z)12. (9) III. COSMOLOGICAL MODEL Squaring the above equation we obtain the Friedmann equation Let us apply the amplitude (2) to spinfoam cosmol- ogy, following [6], to which we refer for the notation and a˙ 2 Λ = , (10) the rest of the derivation. By sandwiching the cosmo- a 3 logical term eiλve between coherent states, we obtain its (cid:18) (cid:19) contribution to the holomorphic form of the action. We whereΛ λ2. Theproportionalityconstantcanbecom- ∼ areinterestedinthehomogeneousandisotropiccoherent puted using the explicit value of the volume of a tetra- (cid:114) (cid:114) statesonthechosengraph,thathereisa“dipole” . hedron and the values given in [6], and reads For these states, the cosmological term is just a function of the spin 2λ G(cid:126) 2 Λ= , (11) eiλve =eiλvoj3/2 (3) (cid:18)3√3 3√2(cid:19) that has correctly the dimensions of an inverse area. wherev isthevolumeofaregulartetrahedronwithfaces o Equation (10) is the Friedmann equation in the pres- having unit area. Therefore the effect of the cosmolog- ence of a cosmological constant Λ, which is solved by ical constant is to modify the amplitude for a homoge- de Sitter spacetime. We discuss later on the reason for neousisotropicstatedeterminedbythecomplexnumber the quadratic relation between Λ and λ. z, where Re(z) γa˙, Im(z) a2, and a is the scale ∼ ∼ Thevalidityofthedrasticapproximationsmadeinthis factor, analysis can be confirmed by a numerical analysis of the amplitude (6). For this, we need first to normalize the W(z)= dg P (H ,G) (4) t (cid:96) wavefunction. Thenormalizationoftheholomorphicco- (cid:90)SO(4) l=(cid:89)1,4 herentstateshasbeencomputedin[13],andreads(there is a missing 1/2 factor in [13]) by replacing the expression of P (H ,g) given by the t l equation after eq.(32) in [6] by Pt(H(cid:96),G) = (2j+1)e−2t(cid:126)j(j+1)−izj−iλvoj32 N(p):=(2πt)−23e−2t e−(p/t2)2 sinph/(cid:0)2p2(cid:1) (12) (cid:88)j Plotting the modulus square on the normalized ampli- Tr P Y†D(j+,j−)(G)Y . (5) tude in the complex z plane (cid:96) × (cid:104) (cid:105) A(z)= W(z)/N(z), (13) Following the same steps as in [6], this gives the un- | | normalized amplitude as we see that it is sharply peaked on a line. The plot W(z) = (2j+1)No e−2t(cid:126)j(j+1)−izj−iλvoj32 (6) of this amplitude in the coordinates Re(z) ∼ γa˙ and j3 Im(z) aisgiveninFig.1: itclearlyshowsthelinear j ∼ (cid:88) relation between a˙ and a which is characteristic of de (cid:112) wherez =αc+iβp,beingαandβ constantsthatcanbe Sitter cosmology. determinated. The resulting amplitude can be studied Furthermore,letusalsoderivetheclassicallimitusing with different techniques, all giving the same result. the technique that was used in [6], to confirm the overall 3 the Hamilton function of the cosmological theory with cosmological constant. This can be done evaluating the Einstein-Hilbert action with Hawking boundary term, S = (R 2Λ)√g + K√h, (19) − (cid:90) (cid:90)tf−ti 3 on a homogeneous and isotropic metric with scale factor a(t).reWallyheΛnV3th∼eΛsac3a,lbeuftarcattohrerstahteisvfialeusetohfethFerHieadmmiltaonnnequa- tionfu(n1c0t)io,ntohveerbtuhelkintteerrvmalcionvetrhedebayctthioenvervtaexn.isLheetsusand the computetheHamiltonfunctionofthecosmologicalthe- boundary term reduces to orywithcosmologicalconstant. Theactionreads SS== 2dt(aΛ˙2a(a+3Λa3a)3), (19) (20) FIG. 1: Numerical analysis of the transition amplitude (5). ￿3(cid:114)3 f3− i The only free parameter is λv , here is set equal to .3. The onasolution,usingtheFriedmanrelation o where a and a are the initial and final scale factors. computation has been done truncating the sum over j up to i f a maximum value jmax = 200. This choice is compatible to TherSe=for2eΛthedtac3o=nt2rΛibutdiot(n o3fa˙at2h)e=c2osmΛoal3ogi2calΛtae(3r2m0) to maximal scale factor plotted. the Hami3lt￿on functi3on￿, an￿dΛhence t3o￿th3efv−er3t￿ex3, iis pro- portional to √Λa3, and not to Λa3. This modification where ai and af are the initial and final scale factors. alsoTahcecreofuornetsthefocrontthriebuctoiornreocftthcehcaonsmgeoloogficdalimteremnstioon from coherence. The sum over j is still peaked on a value j . the ftoheurH-avmolilutomnefutnecrtmion,inantdheheanccetitoont.he vertex, is pro- FIG. 1: Numerical analysis of the transition amplit0ude (5). Expanding arounTcodhmepjou0ntlaygtiifovrneeeshpaasrbaemeentedroniseλtvruo,nchaetriengistsheetseuqmuaolvteor.j3.upThtoecleTarhpaloesfrortsoiaoemcnccaooltnuhtndoets√qafuΛobreaos3tvt,heieaonntcdhorranreetogctttathrcohdisaΛsnasgt3iehg.neoTfsmhdiigisumnmsetnoosdfbioifieλnc-adftrteeoiotrmnemrm. iInteids iλvojam32amxaimxiamilλusvmcaolvjeao32flauc+etojrm3paixloλ=tvteo2d0j.0o12.δTjh.ischoiceisco(m1p4a)tibletoby tthheeThfkoeiunrs-devcooolnufdmsqeoulteuesrttmiiooninnretbhgeaeirnadcsgtitochnoe.nsisgindeorfeλd-t.erEmx.pItanisding or ∼ 2 contcrlaeacrtifnrogmstohleutaiboonvesthhaavtethdisiffsiegrnemntusstigbnesd.etAernminaemdplitude thatbcyotnhteakininsdbooftsholuptoiosnsibbeiilnigticeosncsiadnerbede.oEbxtpaainndeindgsoimr plyby Thefirsttermiscaonheirrerneclee.vTanhetpsuhmasoev.erTjhisessteilclopneadkeadmoonuanvtasluej0s.umcmonintrgactthinegtswolouttioenrsmhsa,veinditffhereenstamsigensm. Aannnaemrpilnituwdehichthe to a shift Expandingaroundj0 gives thatcontainsbothpossibilitiescanbeobtainedsimplyby quansutummminggrtahveittwyotveerrmtse,xinwthietshaomuetmcaonsnmeroinlowghiiccahlthceonstant z →z+iλv32oλj32vo∼joi12λ.vojo32 +32iλvojo12δj. (15) (14iI)sndtheqieesudtas,hnuetimufsmuwmoegfroraftevwptiwtloyaoctvteeeerrrttmmehxseswwewiixtthihptohooupntpoeopcnsopitstimoeasotlilitomoegfeicttoahirlmieecneoλtna-ostttrieaoirnenmtn.taintio(2n). Indeed,ifwereplacetheexponentialoftheλ-termin(2) Thefirsttermisanirrelevantphase. Thesecondamountws ith a cosine, we obtain a time symmetric amplitude, with a cosine, we obtain a time symmetric amplitude, We therefore rectoovaershtifhte result of [6] up to this shift. In whowsehomseomdoudluulsusisisggiivveennbbyyFiFguirgeu2r,ew2e,shwoewsshthoewtswothe two particular, theamplitudederivedin[63]satis1fiesaHamil- branbcrhanecshoesfotfhtehessoolluuttiioonnooffthtehFeriFedrmiemdamnaenqunateioqnu.ation. tonian constraint equation thazt→inzt+he2λcvlaojsos2i.cal limit re- (15) duces to Wethereforerecovertheresultof[6]uptothisshift. In particular,theamplitudederivedin[6]satisfiesaHamil- tonianzc2o+nstzra2in=te0q.uationthatintheclassic(a1l6li)mitre- ducesto With the cosmological constant, this becomes z2+z2=0. (16) (z+ 3λWvitjh12t)h2e+cos(mzo+log3icλalvcojn12st)a2nt=,th0i.sbecomes(17) o o o o 2 2 Using z =αc+iβp(z→αzγ+a˙ +32λivβojao122),2+th(izs→givze+s32λvojo12)2=0. (17) ∼ Usingz=αc+iβp αγa˙+iβa2,thisgives i4a2 (αγa˙ + 32i4λav2o(jα∼oγ12a)˙+=320λ,vojo12)=0, (18) (18) but in our model the volume of the universe (that is a but in our model the volume of the universe (that is a FIG.2: Numericalanalysisofthetransitionamplitudewith 3-sphere) is twic3e-stphheerev)oilsutmwieceotfhethvoelurmegeuolfatrheteretgrualharedtertoranhedronFIG.th2e:coNsiunemreerpilcacailnganthaelyexspisonoefnttiahl.e transition amplitude with namelya3 ∼2vonmjaoa23mn.enlTyeqhau3ear∼teiof2onvrofejoor32w.theTeohdeberteSafoiitrnteewargeuanobiivnteartisnheae(g1Fa0ir)n.iethde-Friedt-he cosine replacing the exponential. mann equation for the de Sitter universe (10). There are two questions that we must address before There are twocoqnucleusdtiinogn.sTthheatfirwsteismtuhsetraeadsdonreosfstbheefosurreprising IV. CONCLUSIONSANDSUMMARY concluding. ThqeuafidrrastticidseptehnedenrceeasoofnΛ ofrfomthλe: sifutrhperitseirnmgadded quadratic depenidne(n2c)eisojfusΛt tfhreomcosmλ:oloifgictahletetremrminathdedheadmiinltonian, IInVs.ummCaOry,NwCeLhaUveSIoObtaNinSedAtwNoDresSulUts.MFMirsAt,RweY (2)isjustthecowsmhyoilsoigticmaullttipelrimedbiny√thΛeihnsatmeadiltoofnΛi?anT,hweahnysweris have given a definition of a simple modification of the thatthetermthatmustappearintheamplitudeisnot loopgravityvertexamplitude,whichaddsacosmological is it multiplied by √Λ instead of Λ? The answer is that In summary, we have obtained two results. First, we the term that must appear in the amplitude is not really have given a definition of a simple modification of the ΛV Λa3,butratherthevalueoftheHamiltonfunction loopgravityvertexamplitude,whichaddsacosmological 3 ∼ over the interval covered by the vertex. Let us compute constant to the theory. Second, we have applied this 4 modifiedamplitudetocosmologyandshownthatitleads amplitude defined in [7, 8]. Second, to include the in- to the de Sitter spacetime in the large distance limit, trinsic curvature term, which is present because we have where the effect of the curvature can be neglected. assumed a compact slicing; this can be done following This is a new element of evidence supporting the con- [14], where a pentagonal triangulation of space is used, jecture that the loop-gravity amplitude does indeed de- more appropriate than the dipole one introduced in [15]. fine atheory whose classicallimit is generalrelativity. It Third, toconnectthisformalismtootheranalysesofthe is a stronger result than the analogous result in [6] be- cosmological constant in loop quantum cosmology, such causethereonlyflatspace-timewasrecovered,whilehere as [16–19]. Finally, to relate the way the cosmological anon-trivialsolutionoftheEinsteinequationsisderived constantappearsherewiththewayitishasbeenargued from full quantum gravity. to appear in the spinfoam expansion of canonical loop A major advantage with respect to the analogous cal- cosmology [20–24]. culation in [6] is that the large distance approximation is now fully justified, as the regime where the curvature Acknolegements TheworkofE.B.issupportedby term k/a2 is negligible with respect to the cosmological a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship within the 7th term Λ/3 – as in the universe in which we live. European Community Framework Programme. We leave several problems open. First, to study the precise relation between (2) and the q-deformed vertex [1] O. Lahav and A. R. Liddle, “Review article for The [14] E. Magliaro, A. Marciano, and C. Perini, “Coherent Review of Particle Physics 2010 (the “Particle Data states for FLRW space-times,” arXiv:1011.5676. Book”),” arXiv:1002.3488. 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