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THE COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENTS A SpecotfOr pumi nion EDITEBDY D ONALRD. B URRILL ANCHORB OOKS DOUBLEDA&Y C OMPANY,I NC, GARDECNI TYN,E WY ORK 1967 DoNALD R.B urumi.AsI.s s!}ci,ate PiQfessoofPr h iloso­ pnya tC alifornia StaCotllee gaet LAosn gealnesd holadP sh .frDo.m t hUen iveorfSs oiuthteyrncall � fomHiea.i.sth e airt,b oro fs everal attijnac claesd emic journi:iJ.al sP hlloSO.P,nofy L awa ndP liilosopp.oyf Religion. Books TheA nchor editioni sth e first publiocatifoT nhe Cosmological 'Arguments Anchoi' Books edition:: 1967 Li'braryo fC ongreCasstal ogCaro Number6 7-21703 Copyr©i 1gh'9t6 by;7 Do naldR. Bum11 .Rights All Rese�� Printed ithne V nited o�fAe mse rica F.u:sEditt k1n CONTENTS IntrodbuyDc otniaoRln.d, Bui:rill 1 _pARTL THE COSMOLOGICAARLG UMENT A The ClasViseiwcal 25 L Pla:,Mt ootioann dC hanagsae R ational DemonstraotifGo ond 25. ;2 .Arist.o tleT:oN ee cessE.aursyt -0efnaFce irst Mov.er 35 3.StT.h oasm Aqt•iGmoadDs e:m onstrated ThrouHigsh Effects Sl P.T .G eacClio'msm enotnaA rqyu inas5 7 B.The ClassicalC ritique 83 1.DavHiudm eC'rsi toiftq huCeeos mological �ent 83 2.ImmanKuaenltT :h el mpOSSI"boilitfya CosmoloPgircoafolof Gr od 'Esxi sten9c1e C.TheC ontem_ppRre;ajroyi nder 101 I.PauEld warThdesCo :s moloArgumgiecanlt 101 2.AlvPml antNiecesnsgaary:B e ing 125 3.TerePnecnee lhDuimv::iN neec essity 143 n.nm P.",RT TELEOLOGICAALR GUMENT A The ClassiVciael, v 165 1.WilliPaaml eThye! Attri buteosfD eity fromt hApepea rancoesfN ature 165 2.DaviHdu meC:l eanAtrhgesu'm freo�m Design 171 3.IohSnt u�afriMtla lr:ok fDess i gni nN atur1e77 B.TheC lassCiriticqalu e 185 1.Da'viHdu meP:bi loO'bsj ecttoit ohnes Argumefrnotsm D esign 185" Con.tents vi 2.ImmanuKantel: The ImpoSSioility oft he Pbysiro-ThPeorlooogifca l 199 C.TheC ontemporaRreyj oinder 209 a 1.A. TayloNra:ture andT eleology 209 2.C.J .D ucasseT:h Aer gumenftr o�mgn 233 3.C. BDr.o a_Tde:l eoMleocgyb;a oainsdn:t, Design 241 PART-1Il. A_C: °'"�CLUDINGCO NTEMPOBARY POSTSCRIPT r. A.I.C .Sm.art : ThExistenece ofG od 25S : B.RichTarda ylMoerta:p hysiacsn Gdo d Z79 C..PaTulilli ch: The QouestifGo ond 297 �lecteBdi blio&1'llphy 301 1'.HE COSMOLOGICAARLG UMENTS INTRODUCTION Thea uthoorfts he es siany sath nitsh oalrcoeog ny­ cernewidt ahc ommqoune stiIsot nh:e:r raet ieovnia­l denfcoetrh e ex isotfGode ?n cSeo meth ecis fe lections supptohtreht e tshitasht e irsse u cehv ideonthceer,s deniyt .;w hbeuthtt� h eaffirmy ord enthyip sr emise, thes'e' thepirsotioccfso :n'ti neuveo pktheoil osophical interest for many. Three awdiedllri sctohvthaeetra rgnutmisen this volupmreo vsiudffiecd iientv erogfoe pnicntyio fo ons ­ terro uspibnigl o�doipalhoisg<;oiua ite·lhs , a r·nd elcyes­ ·safroytr h Ien trodttiore etviaiolepnlwh aosfest he controvThereerfsoyrI.e shacllo ncenotrnta wtoe ., aspoecftt hssetruggl e.F m;ti,wt i blewl o rthf owrhile ust oc onsitdheperr essetnattth ee s"oerf a tairo­nal gumenatnssd,ec "o nidmt,a yb eu setfosu elft o rth whaptr esesneteltmyop et hgeen eraarleo afcs r iti­ cism. Buthte a rgumaewnatist aptphrreae iasdaelr by alofnoeiri,t hs e w hom usfitn adleltye rfmohirin me­ sewlhfe ththeery c onfirm re1igict:>ounsv iociiron strengtahgneons ticism. I It is cutsodt iovmiadrey p"rotohfsie"ni tasoti c mimain ad rxf.sterairogruim Theena t sp.r airogrui­ menbtesgi ,nv iitnhtri nsic auptroenmoanimdso esu s 2 Intro.dl!ctio.11 endi,ti sS UJ?powsiettdhh,J e o- gicwaalrltya cnotn�­ clusi"oTnh:e reGfoodre e;,t,l sTt$h.em" o snto te­ worta,p hriyo rfiu .]rsor,fca o msteho,en tolowrggicau.l­ mentB.u1t,bt e e ssthaaytsf ollaorowec cupwiietdn thea p ostefroinpoasrn.,is d p ecifically witthh OtrSa\!­ diti.ocnhaallrya catsce orsmizeodl tJgical. 'J,'he-premoifsa pe oss tearrigourmaier ndete -risv ed, i:iofrto ms elf-eovr:ini tdreinnatss iscu mpbtuito ns ,. :rathefrro mh mnane X,11eria.nedthn,e cc eo;n clusions �ed arjeu dgteotd o nmvr ationfrallyo mt liea,xt­ �µce.. Thesae� e� begiv..pi tohb serveafb­le fec�t4s - attetI:!loesp �tb lµiiesc ha utsheai tn itiates th� To e��ts.th �igro smolfoogicrm:( awlh iicsh tmlyp aradifgmoaarti p co stearri.ogruimt eharne­t s), gumednrtasw a f oil)nec ial)scp o�ft utnhi.veae nrds;e ·th� wiilir eferteqan s ceoetf ge neral lparwosc,ee.d to deJ11onsqatthe� ei sreqGc-eo do.f Iti sS tT,p qmAaqusi o.(;i1.2s2 5�briil7di4n)g,i n fashli:in 5l!S:C� tJJ� etL pbiip�tophheiocloalof gy is Im predecewshsoo rcsr,ed iV1tietfdho rmuloatfion thfeo ubra s.9i ocsm0Jfoogrmi2sc.a H.le design-ates contmgtnd,cye,s ign. thesef ormmso tiocnaus,e , and um-' Theyb � witche rt'a1Jimntf ea catbso"thu et vernsaem,el iy·ts,p ermanecnhcaen,g e. anrdeality, ordaern,dd e rfriovme.t heelseem eenvtisq aep nocse­ terifooGrrodi ' exiss tenLeee..1t. s1 l ooa,kte acihn: deW}. (1Th)e a rgumtlieabnte tgi wnistt hhi en dubitability ofm otioni ss uroenloeyf t hoel d"epsrto ionfr sa"­ tiotnfu:alo loIgtfiy r;sa ptp eina tthste e nbtoho okf l,Foarne xtensivaen alysoifts ho en tql�oggoimc;tseleeo t, AlvinP lantinedg.a,, The OntologicAarlgrd nenf, from $L Augustineto Con(e,npPohriaryl o:;op{he_rN$Y eowr1 k,9- 65), :t·Aqainaas,c-ltuay_gi vesu stl vbeu,met :f ourth "w.di.y1s o t1 i dearlcyo smolo.gk.al lJrnoiiuct,ion 3 Pla'tsLa,wo s. Thaatc couhnotw,� vise erxtr,e mely sjmpfistic.Th e entiarreg umtea.nmotsn t 'hm-oeti on ofa nltrneaodb jeAcntm sa.i moabtje,iec .5st e lf-movfug, whilie, aanoibmjmecaottv e,oes wyw ltemno vebdy all soema nimsaotuerT cheSe.o phPistls�,ti on'tse llectual ih� adverbsaaadris ess,u -melivind_g -thinsgsp rin·frgo m we inanimaante,td h a1Jlllffte ti sthe .in cip�ioejn]tn d of everytehlin3sg Pe l.a rteoj e;SUccthas c oncwtio� arguiinng.s ttehaiatnd a nitmhatiean rgsne e v(elro gi­ calolrcy lutr nologi.cparillotyro) anoibjmeacbttsee,;. cautsh-eie nanimiasat lew adyesp en11dpeo.ann.sp t o n­ taneous ori nmittiesax:na]Iotyue frdoc rem oivtesm ent. It cannmoovtie t se4 Alceto.rdintglbsyeoo,u rofcm eo ­ ticoannb eo fil·yht awth ibcahths e p owoefrm otion withiitn.s elf .cTohnicse asiv.P "ed)m ai't1noodt" 'suol" · -ihsien guJ.eaIr: ethmaetep -µts ptrsi 1ooanr d causes .ii, mo�·eimnae lniltn anei ombajeTchtsa.tt heex tent t ofP lataor'gsrrp1 eiiatn,id ta locnc;,en stita.tbeists h eo­ Jqgiccaasle -fora sth" ess oouulraf"c m e-otiTohne. reIrndoae orft hdei scuisss isodpenen ,nto nstraatt:i ng, 1�tto fris ·o wns atisfacthtiao't�' s1 ioSosulul ' (God Godbse.c)a thuesm ea gni.otnf�d tieo ni nthe uni ­ 01 vernsecees sitaa$ toesuo lfc osm_pircopo rtioSni.cs.Iie. Platm::og'usm ealnstol enidt.Sset lotf e leocloongi­cal siderwalitiiwcbibnbl ,el i nvestini dgautceeo dlll'$6 , wen eenaop turs i::Jie:furtht ec here. Ariswtho.tuoln ed,o ubptreoddlnty�h m eo sitn ­ terethsetionlgo gi� inar Ggruempeehknil tso sophy, accetpliPtels a t,doincitutcmh maotti oisn e vidfeonrc e ·G.oo,. but ben odatQcc ese pttha ed ditidoonctrailn e aSe �P laPtJuieoilr'uss . 4A na:wiment thaWta lKlaeurfm anntl gl;ttl.:iDya ioistai os l!l!;Sed onl hbi4dee n,p remise,ih arestt i mat uaraln ,mdo ti.oini. (bnmeJ glisr-,i.transnya tural). tto:naroial Cri<J.tue.i '1fR,e_ liJflo.n t/. arul Philosophy (NeYwo i;Jtl,! tCb4Sp8te)r, 4 Introduction. thGaotd · motfHoe-cn:o.n ctheadGtesod ithse s orcue fs -ofm otiobnu,Gt o dm usrte mauinnm ovletc d�.ot b-eotherwiIso�i,:- fG odm ov�1h,e u bhae:: omes chanbginegi ng-::Jiceonnceting entc-oanntidn giesn cy logicalliyn compwaitithbi lmem utalb:i:Jilio tyt,h er wcmafm su,t aGboldme i gphosts ibnloyet x i&?sdt,. ino rd,teobr et hseo urcoef al lc llanmguesa,tl ways exist;·.an dt hwabtic a1il waeyxsi:ist sas,tJ eatsotta ht degree,·IIIIIDidah Je. Theirefore,.G odi s-U;n:m.ovedj Mover.'• Tiien ervoef'this argume.nb tegiwnistht\ vsoi me pl f,ild:nal �pltrlences. :F.irsct,h anth�enroeit shi is-ng moreev idSeooennt.�. t hinthgasct h anagtneee vtheer causeo.ft heoirw nc han$lee-athiasst it str ue all of hn:maenx peiAIIi ecnhcaen.in.g teh weo rlds,ot o speiaskd ,e termbiynp ereedde m..gc han6 gEevse- ry. thithpag:ist c h�edi sm ovte�dth acth anbgyae n ­ other�i sm ovaendsd o i sc hanbgyte hdae c tioof n and bya ctioofn a.no B by Buetv enytna]l C, C B, A. onmea s-atc cofunothtre p ri-smoemocfce h anthgate, isorigina�l motion. hoThwiesTuv, em re,t aphy y:sicall pwz1ifnotrh e minitialo vlerell,tS musit,.f i g;. saAy , .is·trti lyp rimbe;e distingµi. shed .from athceBt ,sC , anDq; i catn nbotetb e c onseqoufae nnpycr eia otc,r bumtu sbteth e a,catigveoenfa t ll o thearc wtsli .el l remainiitsnelnngfc ha:eged.1 sl Iotgi cnaellyc areryss fuaAt exisftoj;rfth e.rew �e i,nintialo movetrhn ,e therew oubledn o moticohna natg a�ll,,s , iena llc. 01: prese:acntito inss ubsetqout ehne.t aocfpt riioo ns- r agethnatsta rtheemse lvesn evseerl f-1:bThau·ns ging. BookV1IL 5'M! et.apfrysu:s, :Evena topamrtiiccl es; ftohmtraa tye- 'tample, 6 seem:l changinbegca ustheeµm yc tio,ansself .-oontoainoejecfsd. . matatern edo eci:gya,n bnerselo ft-cltan gi$ocget hei•r ' • ·a�pemm.iceds ep mduentp oadn e tercrobiaooiogeg.

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