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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–17(2013) Printed31January2013 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Cosmic ray acceleration and escape from supernova remnants ⋆ A. R. Bell , K.M. Schure, B. Reville and G. Giacinti 3 Clarendon Laboratory, Universityof Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK 1 0 2 n a J ABSTRACT 0 3 Galacticcosmicray(CR)accelerationtothekneeinthespectrumatafewPeVisonly possible if the magnetic field ahead of a supernova remnant (SNR) shock is strongly ] amplifiedbyCRescapingtheSNR.Amodelformulatedintermsoftheelectriccharge E carriedbyescapingCRpredictsthe maximumCRenergyandtheenergyspectrumof H CR released into the surrounding medium. We find that historical SNR such as Cas . A, Tycho and Kepler may be expanding too slowly to accelerate CR to the knee at h the present time. p - Key words: cosmicrays,accelerationofparticles,shockwaves,magneticfield,ISM: o supernova remnants r t s a [ 1 1 INTRODUCTION forBohm diffusion(Stageetal 2006, Uchiyamaet al2007). v Furthermoreif themean free pathwere much larger than a Duringdiffusiveshockacceleration(DSA)cosmicrays(CR) 4 LarmorradiusaccelerationbySNRtothekneeintheGalac- 6 gain energy by repeatedly passing back and forth between ticCRspectrumwouldbeverydifficult.ThemaximumCR 2 theupstreamanddownstreamplasmas(Krymskii1977,Ax- energyisdeterminedbytheconditionthatt cannotex- 7 ford et al 1977, Bell 1978, Blandford & Ostriker 1978). CR accel ceedtheaget ofanSNR(Lagage&Cesarsky1983a,b). . diffuseaheadoftheshocktoformaprecursorwithanexpo- SNR 1 Assuming D = cr , the maximum CR energy T in eV nentialscaleheightD /u whereu istheshockvelocityand u g max 0 u s s is given by T = 0.03B u2t PeV where B is the 3 DuistheCRdiffusioncoefficientupstreamoftheshock.The upstream magmnaextic field inµmGic7ro1G00a0uss, u is theµshGock ve- 1 averagedwell-timespentupstreamoftheshockbetweensuc- locity in units of 10,000 km s−1 and t 7 is the SNR age v: cessive shock crossings is 4Du/cus for relativistic particles in 1000’s of years. For a typical young S10N00R expandinginto (Bell2012).This,alongwiththecorrespondingdownstream i theinterstellarmediumwithoutmagneticfieldamplification X dwell-time,determinestherateatwhichCRareaccelerated. B =3, u =0.5 and t =0.4, giving T =0.01PeV Lagage&Cesarsky(1983a,b)showedthatthetimetakenfor µG 7 1000 max r whichfallsafactorof 100shortofthatrequiredtoexplain a CRaccelerationistaccel =4Du/u2s+4Dd/u2dwhereDdisthe the Galactic CR spect∼rum. SNR in the Sedov phase do not downstream diffusion coefficient and u is the downstream d fare better.Their shock velocities decrease in proportion to fluid velocity in the shock rest frame. Since u = u /4 for d s time−3/5 andradius−3/2,solittlebenefitaccruesfromtheir a strong shock it might appear that thedownstream dwell- larger age and radius. This posed a serious problem for dif- time determines the acceleration rate, but we can expect fusive shock acceleration as an explanation of the Galactic D D partly because the magnetic field is increased by d ≪ u spectrumuntilitwasshownthataplasmainstabilitydriven compression by the shock, partly because the compressed by streaming CR in the upstream precursor could amplify downstream magnetic field is more closely perpendicularto themagneticfieldaheadoftheshockandfacilitaterapidac- the shock normal, and partly because thedownstream field celeration tohigherenergies (Lucek &Bell 2000, Bell 2004, is disturbed and more irregular after passing through the 2005). shock.If thedownstream and upstream dwell-times are the samet =8D /u2.Afurthercommonassumptionisthat accel u s The phenomenon of magnetic field amplification pro- Bohm diffusion applies: D = cr or D = cr /3 where r u g u g g vides a mechanism by which the CR energy can be raised is the CR Larmor radius. This assumes a diffusion model significantly beyond 0.01PeV, but there remains the ques- in which CR are scattered by irregularities in the magnetic tion of why the fields are amplified to the observed magni- fieldsuchthatthescatteringmeanfreepathisoftheorderof tude,upto100’sµGinthehistoricalSNR(Vink&Laming theCRLarmorradius.Thereissomeobservationalevidence 2003,Berezhkoetal2003,V¨olketal2005),andwhyCRare accelerated toafewPeVratherthan0.1or10PeV.Wetry ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] to answer these questions by examining the self-consistent (cid:13)c 2013RAS 2 A.R. Bell, K.M. Schure, B. Reville and G. Giacinti interactionbetweenstreamingCR,behavingkinetically,and Falle1986,Drury&Downes2012,Malkov&Diamond2009, theupstream plasma behavingmagnetohydrodynamically. Rogachevskii et al 2012, Schure & Bell 2011) tend to have IthasbeenknownformanyyearsthattheescapeofCR longer growth times but turbulent amplification may in- upstreamoftheshockisanimportantpartoftheoverallac- creasethegrowthrate(Bykovetal2011).Anextendeddis- celerationprocessasdiscussedbelowinthefinalparagraphs cussion of instabilities driven by cosmic ray streaming can of section 3. We find that the combined CR-MHD system befound in Schureet al (2012). organises itself to allow a suitable number of CR to escape From the Lagage & Cesarsky (1983a,b) limit as de- upstream.The CR drivemagnetic field amplification which scribed in section 1 it is clear that proton acceleration to in turn regulates the number of escaping CR. If a smaller a few PeV is only possible if the magnetic field is strongly numberof CR escaped, the magnetic field would beinsuffi- amplified above its characteristic interstellar value of a few cientlyamplifiedtoconfineandacceleratetheCR.Ifalarger µG. The following argument places an upper limit on the number of CR escaped, the magnetic field would grow too maximumenergyofaCRthatcanbestronglyscatteredby rapidlytoallowtheirescape.Henceaself-regulatingsystem amagneticfieldgrowingonthescaleofaCRLarmorradius. isset upthatdeterminesthenumberand maximumenergy Thebackgroundthermalplasmaishighlymagnetisedonthe of escaping CR. scale of a PeV CR Larmor radius. Consequently the mag- The paper is organised as follows. Sections 2 and 3 neticfieldis‘frozenin’tothethermalplasma.Magneticfield present approximate calculations showing how a limit on amplificationoccursastheplasmamovesandstretchesfield the CR energy is placed by the need for CR to drive mag- lines. Assuming the perturbed magnetic field does not far netic field amplification by escaping upstream. Sections 4 exceedtheinitialfield,thej Bforcedisplacesaplasma CR to7describeVlasov-Fokker-Planck(VFP)simulations that elementamaximumdistances× (j Bt2)/2ρintimet max CR ∼ support theargumentsof sections 2 and 3. Sections 8to 11 whereB is theinitial seed field.For thestretched magnetic apply the results to supernova remnants and the Galactic field to strongly scatter CR as required for Bohm diffusion cosmic rayspectrum.Readersunfamiliar with VFPsimula- the displacement must grow to the order of a CR Larmor tions may wish to read sections 1 to 3 and 8 to 11 before radius, that is s T/cB where T is the CR energy in max ∼ returningtothecomputationalvalidationandillustrationin eV.TheCRcurrentdensityj carriesanenergyfluxj T CR CR sections 4 to 7. in theupstream plasma rest frame which cannot far exceed the energy flux ρu3/2 carried by the upstream plasma into s the shock, where ρ is the upstream mass density. We de- fine a CR acceleration efficiency η such that j T = ηρu3. 2 CONDITIONS FOR STRONG MAGNETIC CR s We then have two equations: s =(j Bt2)/2ρ T/cB FIELD AMPLIFICATION max CR ∼ and j = ηρu3/T. When combined, they yield a CR en- CR s Wreseonaasnsutmhyebtrhidat(NmRaHgn)eitnisctafibeilldityisdegsecnreibraetdedbybByeltlh(e20n0o4n)-. teorgTy T∼∼1.5((ηηcuu373s))11//22BBµtG.tT10h0i0sPeexVprweshseiorenufo7risTthiseesqhuoicvkalevnet- This is one of a class of plasma instabilities driven by CR locity in units of 10,000km s−1, BµG is the seed magnetic streaming. In its simplest form, CR have a Larmor radius fieldinµGfromwhichamplificationbegins,andt1000 isthe much greater than the wavelength of spiral perturbations time in 1000’s of years. Characteristically for young SNR, in a zeroth order uniform magnetic field. Because of their u7 = 0.5, t1000 = 0.4, η = 0.03 (see Appendix A) and large Larmor radius the streaming CR, carrying an elec- BµG = 3 where the magnetic field of a few µG represents tric current density j , are essentially undeflected by the the seed field from which the instability grows. With these CR perturbedfield butthej Bforce actstowards thecen- estimates, T 0.1PeV, which is an order of magnitudeless CR× ∼ tre of thespiral. A corresponding reactive force acts on the than the energy of the knee. This estimate is independent backgroundplasmatoexpandthespiral.Thisstretchesand of anydetailed instability theoryexcept for theassumption increases the magnitude of the perturbed magnetic field, thatmagneticfieldamplificationtakesplacethroughplasma thereby increasing the jCR × B force in a positive feed- motionsgenerated bythejCR×B force actingon thescale back loop that drives the instability. NRH appears to be ofaCR Larmorradius.Ithighlightsthedifficultyofampli- the most rapidly growing instability driven by CR stream- fying magnetic field by orders of magnitude on the scale of ing on a relevant scalelength. Other instabilities that have the Larmor radius of a PeV proton and the need for an in- attracted significant attention are the resonant Alfven in- stabilitythatcanprovidenon-lineargrowthofthemagnetic stability(Kulsrud&Pearce1969,Wentzel1974) thatgrows field. withspatialwavelengthsspatiallyresonantwiththeCRLar- The NRH instability offers a way round this diffi- mor radius and the Weibel instability (Weibel 1959) that culty by initially growing very rapidly on a scale much less grows quickly on the spatial scale of an electron or pro- than the CR Larmor radius. Since the small-scale mag- ton collisionless skin depth, c/ω = 5.3(n /cm−3)−1/2km, netic field grows unstably the j B force grows expo- pe e CR × c/ω = m /m c/ω .TheWeibelinstabilityisimportant nentially in time. The scale-size increases to the CR Lar- pi p e pe for interactions engaging thermal or mildly suprathermal mor radius during non-linear growth. The NRH growth p electronsandions,andmaybeeffectiveforCRacceleration rate is γ = (kj B /ρ)1/2 where B is the zeroth or- CR 0 0 to low energies, but it grows on a scale too small to scat- der magnetic field and k is the wavenumber on which ter PeV ions which have a Larmor radius of 109c/ω . the instability grows. The maximum NRH growth rate is pe ∼ The Alfven instability grows on the desired spatial scale γ = 0.5j (µ /ρ)1/2 which occurs at a wavenumber max CR 0 butgrowslessquicklythantheNRHinstabilityintheSNR k =0.5µ j /B .γ is(k r )1/2 timeslargerthan max 0 CR 0 max max g shock environment. Instabilities that grow on scales larger the NRH growth rate for kr = 1, thus allowing the mag- g than the CR Larmor radius (Bykov et al 2011, Drury & netic field and the j B force to increase rapidly. The CR × (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 Cosmic ray acceleration and escape from supernova remnants 3 NRH and Alfven growth rates are similar at kr = 1 (see is carried by the highest energy CR being accelerated. The g AppendixEandBell 2004).Usingtheabovenomenclature, Larmor radius of a PeV proton in the interstellar medium k r =ηu3/cv2 = 2 104η u3n B−2 where v is the is comparable with the radius of the historical SNR and max g s A × 0.03 7 e µG A Alfven speed, η = 0.03η and n is the electron density its scattering mean free path is very much greater than the 0.03 e in cm−3. For a discussion of the value of η see Appendix SNR radius. These escaping CR pass into the interstellar A and Bell (2004). The growth time of the fastest growing medium with low probability of further encounter with the mode is then γm−1ax = 50η0.03−1n−e1/2u−73TPeV years where SNRshock.StronglyscatteredCRatlowerenergiesarecon- T istheenergyinPeVoftheCRdrivingtheinstability. finedbytheshockandareadvectedawaydownstreamafter PeV γ−1 = 400 years for η = 1, n = 1, u = 0.5 which acceleration. max 0.03 e 7 implies that even the NRH instability struggles to amplify Suppose that the CR distribution follows a p−4 power the magnetic field sufficiently to accelerate CR to PeV en- law upto amomentum pmax, thenin steady statetheelec- ergies in the historical SNR. For growth by many e-folding trical current of CR escaping in a small band of energies theNRHinstabilitymustbedrivenbyCRwithenergiesless abovetheenergy eTmax =cpmax is than 1PeV. j =eu πp3 f (p ) (2) Asremarkedabove,thefastest growing modegrows on CR s max 0 max ascalekm−1ax whereasefficientCRscatteringrequiresfluctu- wheref0 istheisotropic part of theCR distribution inmo- ationsinthemagneticfieldonascaler .Theaboveanalysis mentum space at the shock. Equation (2) is derived from g showed that k r = 2 104η u3n B−2. The instabil- equation(11a)belowbyintegratinginspaceacrosstheshock max g × 0.03 7 e µG ity initially grows on a scale too small to effectively scatter and deriving the rate at which CR reach the momentum PeVCR.Twofactorssavethesituation.Firstly,asthemag- pmax. The derivation can befound in AppendixB. In com- netic field grows from a few µG to a few hundred µG the parison the CR pressure at the shock, where the CR distri- CR Larmor radius decreases by thecorresponding factor of bution extends down to p = mc and m is the proton mass 100. Secondly,thecharacteristic scalelength of the struc- is ∼ tured magnetic field increases during non-linear growth of 4π p P = cp4 f (p )ln max (3) the instability. Figure 1 is drawn from figures 3 and 4 of CR 3 max 0 max mc Bell (2004). The graph of energy densities shows how the (cid:16) (cid:17) giving magnitude of the magnetic field grows to many times its sleenedgthvagluroewisndaurtiinmgeth∼is1t0iγmm−e1axa.sTshhoewcnhabryacttheerisgtriecys-sccaalele- jCR =0.05uTsmPaCxR (4) images.Bythetimet=10thescalelengthhasgrowntothe where we have assumed ln(p /mc) = 14 for a CR dis- max sizeofthecomputationalboxfromitsinitiallymuchsmaller tribution extending from 1GeV to 1PeV. The condition for scale. Both k and rg decrease by a large factor by the time magnetic field amplification that jCRdt = 10 ρ/µ0 can C10Rγm−c1auxr.reTnhtesosiimtuwlaatsioimnproepssriobdleucteoddienmfiognusrtera1tehsatdroangfixCeRd berearranged to give a valuefor TRmax: p sficgautrteerpinrogvibdyesthsteromnaggenveitdiecnficeelfdorarftaepridti=nit1ia0lγgm−r1aoxw,tbhuotftthhee Tmax =0.005PρCuR2s ρu3strµρ0 (5) fastest growing modes into large scale magnetic structures which is equivalent to able to scatter CR on thescale of a Larmor radius. P T =8 n1/2u3t CRPeV (6) max e 7 1000 ρu2 s For characteristic values (u = 0.5, n = 1, t = 0.4, 3 CR ESCAPE UPSTREAM OF THE SHOCK 7 e P /ρu2 = 0.3) T 100TeV. As expected from the CR s max ∼ The previous section does not provide an estimate of the above discussion, this falls short of the few PeV required magnitude of the amplified magnetic field, but it does de- to explain Galactic CR. This will be discussed further in fineconditionsunderwhichstrongmagneticfieldamplifica- section 8. tionoccurs.CRaccelerationtoPeVenergiesrequiresstrong Zirakashvilietal(2008a,b)developedarelatedanalytic magneticfieldamplificationwhichfixesthenumberofinsta- modeloftheexcitationoftheNRHinstabilityandCRcon- bilitye-foldingstotherange5-10.ThisinturnfixestheCR finement upstream of the shock. They derived an estimate current.Fromfigure1wetaketheconditionforstrongmag- for the maximum CR energy with a similar dependency on netic field amplification in a particular volume of upstream n1/2u3t in the numerator of their equation (19) but with e plasmatobethat γmaxdt 5inthetimebeforetheshock an additional denominator that depends on the magnitude ∼ overtakes it. Since γ = 0.5j µ /ρ, the condition for oftheamplifiedmagneticfield.Theiranalysisoperatesat a R max CR 0 field amplification is moredetailedlevelthanourssincetheyconsiderthegrowth p in amplitude of the amplified magnetic field over a range Q = j dt=10 ρ/µ (1) of scales and small angle CR scattering by small scale field. CR CR 0 Z However, the dominant physics is similar in their analysis p whereQ isthetotalelectricchargeofCRpassingthrough and ours, and their estimate of the CR energy (equation CR unit surface area upstream of the shock before the shock (19)) is similar to that in ourequation (6). arrives. (It makes no difference whether the CR passing Notethatthemagneticfielddoesnotenterintothees- through the plasma have high or low energies. It is only timation of the maximum energy CR in equation (6). The the number of CR escaping upstream that counts.) Since magnetic field is assumed to grow to whatever magnitude only the highest energy CR escape, the areal charge Q and spatial scale required to confine CR at energies less CR (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 4 A.R. Bell, K.M. Schure, B. Reville and G. Giacinti Figure 1. Plots of the magnitude of a magnetic field driven by CR streaming into the page (2D slices of a 3D simulation). The field growsfromnoiseonasmallspatialscaleatt=0.Byt=10thespatialscalehasgrowntothesizeofthecomputationalbox.Thegraph showshowthemeanmagnetic, kineticandthermalenergydensitiesincreasewithtime.Thisfigureiscomposedfromfigures3and4of Bell(2004)wherefurtherdetailscanbefound.Theunitsoftimearesuchthatγmax=1.26. than T . This assumption is justified on the basis that theshockstructureisincludedsincetherelativisticCRpres- max themagnitudeofthefieldincreasesbyasubstantialnumer- sure increases the density jump at the shock resulting in ical factor in time γ−1 even in the non-linear regime and a spectrum flatter than T−2 at high CR energy. However, max that this is accompanied by rapid growth in characteristic the conditions for a steady state solution do not present a spatialscale.Forexample,themagneticfieldanditsspatial compellingargumentforafreeescapeboundarysincetime- scale are very much larger in figure 1 when γ dt 8 dependent solutions offer an acceptable option. Indeed the max ≈ than when γ dt 5 even though the time is different Lagage & Cesarsky limit on CR energy is based on the as- max ≈ R by a factor of only 1.6. Allowing the field to grow for just sumptionthatthemaximumCRenergyincreaseswithtime. R a little longer gives a much larger magnetic field and spa- ThecaseforCRescapewasstrengthenedbytherecognition tial scale. Consequently the primary parameter is not the thatmagneticfieldamplificationisessentialsincetherewill magnitude of the magnetic field but the charge carried by always bea distance upstream at which amplification is in- escaping CR. operativeandCRmustescape.Similarly,theremustalways Itisclearthatmagneticfieldamplificationisonlypossi- beanupperlimittothespatialscaletowhichfieldisampli- bleifapopulationofhighenergyCRescapeupstreamofthe fied and a corresponding limit, through the Larmor radius, shock. A magnetic field capable of stopping their escape is on the momentum to which CR can be accelerated. This onlyproducedafterthearealchargeQ hasescaped.Thus ledtotheimposition of afreeescapeboundaryeitheratan CR CR escape upstream of the shock is an essential aspect of imposed distance upstream of the shock (eg Caprioli et al diffusive shock acceleration when magnetic field amplifica- 2010b,Ohiraetal2010)oratanimposedCRmomentum(eg tionisoperational. IfachargeQ hasnotpassedthrough Ellison & Bykov 2011). Whether the free escape boundary CR aparticularpointupstreamoftheshockthenCRcannotbe is imposed in momentum or configuration space, the mo- confinedat that distance from theshock. mentumatwhichCRescapedependsonthemagneticfield. Previous authors have also concluded that CR escape Someauthors(egPtuskinetal2010)assumethatthefieldis upstream is inevitable, but generally for different reasons. amplified until themagnetic energy density reaches a given One possibility is that CR escape through filamentary cav- fraction of ρu2s. The fractional magnetic energy density can ities in the magnetic field (Reville & Bell 2012, 2013) but bechosentomatchobservation(Ptuskinetal2010,V¨olket usuallyitisassumedthatCRescapeatafreeescapebound- al2005). Alternativelythefield canbechosentomatch the ary in position or momentum. Free escape boundaries were saturation value estimated by Bell (2004). Others (Caprioli introduced at an early stage in the development of shock etal2010a,Drury2011)chooseamathematicalformforthe acceleration theory (Ellison et al 1981). It was appreciated amplifiedmagneticfieldthatallowsformultiplepossibilites. thatsteadystatemodelswereimpossiblewithoutCRescape Ptsukin & Zirakashvili (2003) and Caprioli et al (2009a,b, (Ellison & Eichler, 1984, Berezhko & Ellison 1999, Malkov 2010b)includemagneticfieldgenerationduetotheresonant etal2000).ThestandardT−2 testparticleenergyspectrum instability as it develops ahead of the shock. Vladimirov et atstrongshocksdivergesifintegratedtoinfiniteenergy.The al (2006) include magnetic field generation in response to divergence is even stronger if non-linear CR feedback onto gradientsintheCRpressure.Ellison et al(2012) choosean (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 Cosmic ray acceleration and escape from supernova remnants 5 amplified magnetic field suitable for SNR expansion into a of theCR to theMHD timescale to a minimum while stay- circumstellar wind. ingclosetotherangeofconceivableSNRexpansionspeeds. In contrast to the above, CR escape in our model is Our greatest approximations are made in the momentum determined by the escaping CR electric charge rather than space representation of the CR distribution function since the magnetic field generated in the upstream plasma, al- this is the aspect of the calculation in which thenumberof thoughmagneticfieldamplificationisimplicitlyrequiredby dimensions can be reduced. ourmodel.Revilleetal(2009)alsousedtheescapingfluxto The Vlasov-Fokker-Planck (VFP) equation (equation calculategrowthratesinanefforttomotivatearealisticfree- 8) is important in the physics of laser-produced plasmas escape boundary location in their steady-state non-linear whereitissolved infinitedifferenceform tomodelelectron model. Their discussion on self-regulation of CR precursors transport. The successful use of VFP simulation to model howeverdid not extendto themaximum CR energy. electron transport in laser-produced plasmas stretchesback more than 30 years (Bell et al, 1981) so it is natural to ap- plythetechniquestoCRwhichobeythesameequation.The distribution function f(r,p,t) of charged particles (cosmic 4 A NUMERICAL MODEL rays or energetic electrons) is usually represented in spher- We now set out to test the above conclusions as far as ical co-ordinates (p,θ,φ) in momentum space. A common we are able with a numerical model that includes the representation of the distribution function is as a sum of self-consistent interaction of CR modelled kinetically with spherical harmonics: a background plasma modelled magnetohydrodynamically. Standard MHD equations describe the background plasma f(r,p,t)= flm(r,p,t)Pl|m|(cosθ)eimφ except that a −jCR ×B force is added to the momentum Xl,m equation: l=0, m= l,l f−m =(fm)∗ (9) ∞ − l l du 1 ρdt =−∇P − µ0B×(∇×B)−jCR×B (7) whahremreonfilcm.(fr,mp(,rt,)p,ist)tihsefucnocetffiiocnieonfttfiomre,thpeos(itl,imon)asnpdhemriacga-l l asdescribedinLucek&Bell(2000)andBell(2004).TheCR nitudeofmomentump.Thesphericalharmonicsdecribethe distributionfunctionf(r,p,t)atposition randmomentum angularstructureonshellsofconstantmagnitudeofmomen- pisdefinedinthelocalfluidrestframeandevolvesaccord- tum.Reviewsof theVFPtechnique,orpaperscontaininga ing totheVlasov-Fokker-Planck(VFP) equation significant review element, are Bell et al (2006), Tzoufras et al (2011) and Thomas et al (2012). For information on df ∂f ∂u ∂f ∂f dt =−vi∂ri +pi∂rij ∂pj −ǫijkeviBj∂pk +C(f) (8) trehaedaeprpislicreafteirornedoftoVRFePvitlleech&niBqeulels(2t0o13C)Rwahciccheleinracltuiodnestahne where C(f) is an optional collision term included to repre- appendix setting out the full VFP equations for a spheri- sent scattering by magnetic fluctuations on a small scale. cal harmonic expansion. Bell, Schure & Reville (2012) also The electric field is zero in the local fluid rest frame. applyVFPtechniquestoCRacceleration.Theuseofanex- Quadratic terms in the local fluid velocity u are neglected pansionintensors(usedhere)asanalternativetospherical on the assumption that u c. The CR current j , re- harmonics is discussed by Schure& Bell (2012). CR ≪ quired for insertion into the MHD momentum equation, is VFPsimulationwasusedbyBelletal(2011)forthecal- calculated by integration over f in momentum space. The culation of CR acceleration by oblique shocks. They found magnetic field in theCR kineticequation is taken from the that an expansion to 15th harmonic could be needed for MHD calculation. oblique shocks because of the abrupt change in magnetic As in Lucek & Bell (2000) and Bell (2004) three spa- field direction at the shock, but that only a few harmon- tial dimensions are needed to represent the turbulence ad- ics are needed for quasi-parallel shocks. Here we reduce equately. Since our aim is to investigate the mutual inter- thecomputationalsizeoftheproblembymodellingparallel actionsofmagneticfieldamplification,CRacceleration and shocks in which the zeroth order magnetic field is parallel CR escape upstream of the shock we need to model the to the shock normal. There are good reasons to suppose complete system including the shock and the complete CR that the first few terms in the expansion capture the es- precursor. Because we model the detailed interaction be- sential physics. Firstly, as shown by Bell (2004) the NRH tween the CR and the distorted magnetic field we need to instability is driven by the CR current density j . Higher CR resolvetheCRLarmorradiusinconfigurationspaceandthe order anisotropies do not directly contribute to the insta- rotation of CR trajectories in momentum space. As a con- bility. Secondly, the CR precursor scaleheight is c/u times s sequence the numerical model should be 6-dimensional in the CR scattering mean free path in standard DSA theory. momentum-configuration space with spatial scales extend- DSAtheoryisbasedonthediffusiveapproximationinwhich ing from the CR Larmor radius of the lowest energy CR only the first order anisotropy is needed and only the first to theprecursor scaleheight of thehighest energy CR. This two terms (isotropy and drift anisotropy) in the harmonic would be impossible without extraordinary computational expansion are retained. In diffusion theory the higher or- resourcessoourstrategyistodesignacomputationalmodel der anisotropies are damped by scattering. Hence it might thatincludesalltheimportantprocessesataminimallevel. be supposed that only the first two terms are needed and We retain the three dimensions in configuration space but an adequate representation of the CR distribution func- limittherangeofCRmomentumtoafactorof10sothatwe tion might be f(r,p,t) = f0(r,p,t) + f0(r,p,t)cosθ + 0 1 donothavetoresolvetheLarmorradiusofverylowenergy f1(r,p,t)sinθeiφ .This‘f +f ’expansionallowsfreeCR ℜ{ 1 } 0 1 CR. We choose a shock velocity u = c/5 to keep the ratio propagation along magnetic field lines but restricts trans- s (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 6 A.R. Bell, K.M. Schure, B. Reville and G. Giacinti port across the magnetic field because the direction of the The notation is simplified by introducing the vector g i anisotropic drift term is rotated by the field. However, this relatedtoshearandvorticity( f )inCRmotiontorep- 1 ∇× expansionomitsanessentialfeatureofCRtransport.Itdoes resenttheoff-diagonalcomponentsofthestresstensor.The notallowCRtogyrateastheytravelalongamagneticfield on-diagonal components of f (i = j) are approximately ij line. The f +f expansion allows CR to propagate along accounted for by multiplying the c∂f /∂r term in equa- 0 1 0 i − fieldlinesandseparatelyitallowsCRtogyratearoundfield tion(11b) by9/5 toallow forthestresstensorcontribution lines,butitdoesnotallowCRtodobothatthesametime. to compressional waves and to allow freely streaming CR Spiral trajectories require the inclusion of the off-diagonal to propagate at 3/5c instead of 1/3c, as shown in Ap- components of the stress tensor f . Without the stress ten- pendix D. The equations to be solved (their derivation is 2 p p sor, CR cannot resonantly interact in space with magnetic given in AppendixC) are then perturbations on the scale of a Larmor radius. Clearly this ∂f ∂(f u ) c∂f ∂u 1 ∂(p3f ) would rule out the Alfven instability, and more surprising 0 + 0 i = i + i 0 it also rules out the NRH instability. The role of the stress ∂t ∂ri −3∂ri ∂ri 3p2 ∂p tensorisdiscussedbySchureetal(2011)inwhichthelinear ∂f ∂(f u ) 9 ∂f 1 ∂g ceB NRH dispersion relation is derived with the perturbed CR i + i j = c 0 cǫ k ǫ jf distribution expressed as a tensor expansion. We proceed ∂t ∂rj −5 ∂ri − 5 ijk∂rj − ijk p k on the basis that theCR distribution function may be ade- quatelyrepresentedbyanisotropicpart(0thorderinus/c) ∂gi + ∂(giuj) =cǫ ∂fk ν g (12) plus a drift component (1st order in us/c) plus a term rep- ∂t ∂rj ijk∂rj − B i resenting thestress tensor (2nd order in us/c). This second Equivalently,expressed in vectornotation, orderexpansionismoreeasily representedintheequivalent tensor notation instead of spherical harmonics: ∂∂ft0 +∇.(uf0)=−3c∇.f1+ ∇3p.u2 ∂(p∂3pf0) p p p f(r,p,t)=f (r,p,t)+f (r,p,t) i +f (r,p,t) i j (10) 0 i p ij p2 ∂f 9c c wherethetraceoffij iszerobecauseitisalreadyaccounted ∂t1 +∇.(uf1)=− 5 ∇f0− 5∇×g1−Ω×f1 for in the isotropic term f . Following Johnston (1960) the 0 reducedVlasovequationfortheCRdistributionfunctionis ∂g 1 + .(ug )=c f ν g (13) then: ∂t ∇ 1 ∇× 1− B 1 ∂f ∂(f u ) c∂f ∂u 1 ∂(p3f ) where Ω = ecB/p is the vector CR Larmor frequency and 0 + 0 i = i + i 0 (11a) ∂t ∂ri −3∂ri ∂ri 3p2 ∂p we take νB = ecB/p. The presence of the curls of f1 and g facilitates thepropagation of transversemodesin f and 1 1 ∂∂fti + ∂(∂friujj) =−c∂∂fr0i − 25c∂∂frijj −ǫijkcepBjfk (11b) gC1Rapsrnoepeadgeadtifoonrhatelaicnalamngolteiotnotahloenwgamveavgencettoirckfi.eldlinesor Theterminationoftheharmonicexpansionatthestress tensor makes the computation tractable with available re- ∂f ∂(f u ) c ∂f ∂f c ∂f ∂tij + ∂irjkk =−2(cid:18)∂rji + ∂rji(cid:19)+ 3δij∂rkk spoaunrscieosn.pArpovpiednedsiacensaDdeqanudateEreshporewsetnhtaattiothneotfrtuhneceastseednteixa-l physicsof CR propagation and CR-driveninstability. ceB k (ǫ f +ǫ f ) (11c) − p kil lj kjl li wherequadraticordertermsinthevelocityuhavebeenne- 5 THE SIMULATION glectedandwehaveomittedtermsinvolving∂f/∂ptimesa gradient of u apart from the term in equation (11a) for the A full 3D simulation with realistic parameters is not possi- evolution of f . This amounts to the neglect of second or- ble because of the large ratio of the largest distances (the 0 derFermiaccelerationandaccelerationresultingfromshear CR precursor scaleheight and the CR free escape distance) to the smallest distance (the shortest wavelength on which motionsinthebackgroundhydrodynamics.Inourproblem, theseprocessesaresmallincomparisonwithaccelerationat the NRH instability grows). The correspondingly large ra- theshock. tio of the largest timescale (the SNR expansion time) to theshortesttimescale(theshortestNRHgrowthtime)simi- We have chosen to terminate the set of equations at equation(11c)bysettingf tozero.Additionally,wesoften larlymakessubstantialdemandsoncomputerresources.The ijk computational constraintsare discussed in AppendixF. the termination of the tensor expansion by replacing the We artificially increase the magnetic field and stretch magneticrotationinequation(11c)byadampingtermwith a damping rate equal to the magnetic gyration frequency. otherparameters in a favourable direction, choosing: The logic of this approximation is that random rotation of n =0.1cm−3 u =60,000km s−1 e s the stress tensor anisotropy leads to its damping. A similar assumption underlies Bohm diffusion which replaces rota- B =47µG v =3 105m s−1 T =100TeV (14) tionoffi byadampingrate,therebyterminatingthetensor 0 A × inject expansionatf whereasweterminateitatf .Ourapprox- where T is the energy at which CR are injected at the i ij inject imation makesintuitivesense, and we support it in Appen- shock. The zeroth order magnetic field is aligned along the dicesDandEbyexaminingitseffectonpropagatingmodes shocknormal.Theinstabilityisseededbyimposingrandom and on the NRHinstability. fluctuationsonthemagneticfieldwithameanmagnitudeof (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 Cosmic ray acceleration and escape from supernova remnants 7 9µG.CRareinjectedattheshockintothelowestmomentum simulation to initialise the upstream background plasma at bin (width ∆p) according to therule rest relative to thecomputational grid. The more usual ap- proachofinitiatingthesimulationbysettingthebackground ∂f 4πp2∆p cp ∂t0 =−constant×∇.u min(ρ0u2,U) (15) plasmainmotiontowardsareflectiveboundarywouldexac- erbate the effect of numerical diffusion on small structures where ρ0 is the density upstream of the shock and u is the duringadvection.Instead,adensepiston isinitialised mov- local background fluid velocity relative to the initially sta- ingleftwardfromtherightboundary,pushingashockbefore tionaryupstreamplasma.U isthelocalthermalenergyden- it into thestationary backgroundplasma. sity.Thisprescriptionisdesignedtoinjectasuitableenergy density of CR at the shock, dependent on the choice of the constant,whilstavoidinganegativevalueofU duetoexces- sive transfer of energy to CR from cold plasma at the foot oftheshock.TheresultingCRcurrentdensityaheadofthe shock is displayed in panel (e) of figures 2 and 3. The peak CR current density in the population freely escaping ahead of theshock in figure2 is 6 SIMULATION RESULTS IN 3D j =1.1 10−14Ampm−2 (16) Results from the 3D simulation are presented in figures 2 CR × and 3 at t=4.1 107sec and t=6.2 107sec respectively. This current densitycorresponds to η=0.026, giving Note that the ho×rizontal spatial scale×s, in the direction of γ−1 =2.3 106sec cγ−1 =7 1014m (17) the shock normal, are artificially compressed by a factor max × max × of 24. The actual aspect ratio of the computational box is k−1 =7 1011m r =7 1013m 177:1. The plot of the background plasma density in panel max × g × (a)showsthepositionofthedenseplasmapistonpropagat- ing leftwards and pushing the shock ahead of it. The high r k =100 M =200 (18) g max A pressureregion in panel(b)isduetoplasma heatingat the We use a spatial grid with ∆x = ∆y = ∆z = 1.4 1012m. shock. The CR pressure is plotted in panel (c). The maxi- × Tencellsinmomentumcoveranenergyrangefrom 100TeV mumCR pressure occursat theshock. Panel(c) of figure2 to1PeVwithlogarithmicspacing.Thereare32cellsineach shows the CR population dividing into a population freely of x and y with periodic boundary conditions. In contrast propagating ahead of the shock and a population confined 5676 cells are used in z with reflective boundaryconditions by magnetic field (panel (d)) near the shock. CR confined for the MHD part of the code and for CR at the right neartheshockcontinuetobeaccelerated.Thebandedstruc- hand boundary. CR reaching the left hand boundary are ture in the CR pressure ahead of the shock in panel (c) is disposed of on theassumption that theyescape freely. Cor- exaggeratedbythecolourcoding.Itrepresentsonlyavaria- respondingly,thecomputationalboxextends7.9 1015mby tionofafewpercentintheCRpressureandprobablyarises 4.5 1013mby4.5 1013m.Thebox-sizeinxan×dy iscom- from a small oscillation in the injection rate at the shock. × × parable with the initial CR Larmor radius, but the Larmor Also, the horizontal spatial compression of figure 2 distorts radiuscontractssignificantly asthemagnetic fieldisampli- theaspect ratio of thebands. fied.Thecell-sizeisπ−1 timesthewavelengthofthefastest TheescapingCRareanessentialaspectoftheprocessof growing mode, which is barely sufficient to represent the CR confinement by the self-generated magnetic field. They initialgrowthoftheinstability,butthecharacteristicscale- excite the instability and carry the escaping areal charge length of the instability increases rapidly as its amplitude QCR = jCRdt identified in equation (1) as necessary for grows. These parameters are only marginally sufficient to substantial field amplification. In figure 2 the escaping CR R representthephysics,butforexampleahalvingofthecom- are only just reaching the left hand of the grid where the putational cell-size would increase the computational cost integral jCRdtissmallandfieldamplificationisnegligible. by a factor of 16. The simulation in figure 3 was run for In contrast, immediately in front of the shock in figure 2 R 6.2 107sec = 2yr using 128 processors for 75 hours on jCRdthasreachedthecriticalvalueneededforstrongfield × the SCARF-LEXICON cluster at the UK Rutherford Ap- amplification causing theonset of CR confinement. R pleton Laboratory. The MHD part of the code is the same By the time of figure 3 most of the escaping popula- as that used by Lucek & Bell (2000) and Bell (2004). The tionhaspassedthroughthefreeescapeboundaryattheleft VFPpartofthecodethatmodelstheCRusesasecond or- hand end of the grid. By thistime a large magnetic field in derRunge-Kuttaschemeinconfigurationspace,adonor-cell the upstream plasma has switched off CR escape creating schemeinmagnitudeofmomentum,andtheBorisalgorithm an expanseof low CR densitybetween theconfinedand es- for rotation in momentum due to magnetic field as used in caping CR populations. Panel (d) shows that the magnetic particle-in-cell codes (Birdsall & Langdon 1985). The VFP field is amplified by an order of magnitude by the escaping equations are formulated in tensor notation rather than in CR over alarge distance ahead of theshock. sphericalharmonics,butthetwoformulationsaresimilarfor The separation of CR into escaping and confined pop- the low order expansion used here, and their numerical so- ulationsmatchesexpectationsfromtheargumentinsection lution isinformed byexperiencewith theKALOSspherical 3. The CR charge per unit shock area in the escaping pop- harmoniccode(Belletal,2006) whereRunge-Kuttaadvec- ulation is 1 10−7 Coulomb m−2 in figure 2 in good tion is found toberobust, sufficientlyaccurate, and a good agreement∼with×the estimate of 1.3 10−7 Coulomb m−2 × fit to the form of the equations. Numerical diffusion due fromequation(1).Panels(e)infigures2and3plottheCR tolimited spatialresolution isameliorated bydesigningthe currentdensity ahead of theshock. (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 8 A.R. Bell, K.M. Schure, B. Reville and G. Giacinti Figure2. 2Dslicesofa3Dsimulationwithpeakvaluesinbrackets:electrondensity(9.7cm−3),pressure(340nPa),CRpressure(2.3nPa), magnitudeofthemagneticfieldperpendiculartotheshocknormal(610µG),CRcurrentparalleltotheshocknormal(1.1×10−14Am−2). t=4.12×107sec(1.3years).Thedimensionsofthecomputational boxare7.9×1015mby4.5×1013m.Thehorizontalspatialscale,in thedirectionoftheshocknormal,isartificiallycompressedbyafactorof24. Figure3. 2Dslicesofa3Dsimulationwithpeakvaluesinbrackets:electrondensity(6.9cm−3),pressure(320nPa),CRpressure(1.9nPa), magnitudeofthemagneticfieldperpendiculartotheshocknormal(590µG),CRcurrentparalleltotheshocknormal(4.2×10−15Am−2). t=6.18×107sec(2.0years).Thedimensionsofthecomputational boxare7.9×1015mby4.5×1013m.Thehorizontalspatialscale,in thedirectionoftheshocknormal,isartificiallycompressedbyafactorof24. (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 Cosmic ray acceleration and escape from supernova remnants 9 Figure4. 2Dsimulations.Plotsoff0p3atCRenergies100,167,278and464TeVattimesbetween4.1×107sec(toprow)&16×107sec (bottom row),withcomputational boxlengthsLproportionaltotbetween 7.9×1015m&3.2×1016mchosensuchthattheCRtravel thelengthoftheboxduringthesimulationtime.Thewidthofthecomputational boxis4.5×1013mineachplot.Theverticalaxesare indimensionlessunitswithpeakvaluesgivenagainsttheaxis. 7 SIMULATION RESULTS IN 2D subsequent rows of figure 4 the spatial dimensions normal to the shock are expanded by factors of 2, 3 and 4 such Figure 4 follows the calculations of figures 2 and 3 to later thatCRtravelthelengthofthegridintherespectivetimes times with thesame parametersbut in 2D instead of 3D to (t=8.2 107, 1.2 108 & 1.6 108sec). reduce the demand on computer resources. The top row of × × × plots in figure 4 is the 2D equivalent of the 3D results in In 3D at t = 4.1 107sec the dip in the CR density × figure 2 at t = 4.1 107sec. The dimensions of the spatial separating the escaping and confined CR has only recently × grid are thesame in figure2and thetop row of figure4. In formedasseeninfigure2(c).Atthesametimein2D(figure (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 10 A.R. Bell, K.M. Schure, B. Reville and G. Giacinti 4 top row) the separation between the confined and escap- R,CR are confinedif ingpopulations is relatively more developed.Otherwise the resultsaresimilarin2Dand3D.Thereasonfortheslightly R ηρ(r)u2s(r) r2dr=10R2 ρ(R) (19) earlier development of CR confinement in figure 4 is that Z0 T(r) s µ0 magnetic structures can expand more freely in 2D. In 2D, Differentiating this equation with respect to R and assum- magnetic structures expand in the ignored dimension with- ing a power law dependence of density on radius, ρ(R) = out running into stationary or counterpropagating plasma. ρ (R/R )−m, 0 0 Nonlineardevelopmentin 2D istherefore less inhibitedand themagneticfieldgrowsmorerapidly.Themagneticfieldin T(R)= η√µ0 u2R√ρ (20) 2D reaches a steady value similar to that found in the 3D 5(4 m) s − calculation.Theeventuallimitonthemagnitudeofthemag- Defining u = u /10,000km s−1, R = R/parsec, η = 7 s pc 0.03 netic field may be set by magnetic tension which operates η/0.03, n =ρ/2 10−21kg cm−3 (such that n is approxi- e e equally in 2D and 3D. mately theelectro×n densityin cm−3),andtakingm=0for Comparison of the CR distributions at different times expansion intoa uniform medium, in figure4shows thatat early times(t=4.1 107sec) only the low energy CR are confined. At t = 8.2× 107sec CR T =230 η0.03n1e/2u27Rpc TeV (21) × areconfinedat100and167TeVwithconfinementbeginning ASNRwith u =0.6, n =1andR =1.7, representative 7 e pc to occur at 278TeV and no evidence of the development of of Cas A, would then accelerate CR to 140TeV. A SNR two separate populations in the few CR reaching 464TeV. with u = 0.5, n = 0.1 and R = 10,∼representative of 7 e pc By t = 1.2 108sec a larger number of CR have reached SN1006, would accelerate CR to 180TeV. These energies 464TeV with×a local minimum in CR density f0p3 evident areafactorof10lower thanthee∼nergyoftheknee.Abbasi at all energies up to 464TeV in front of the shock. By t = et al (2012) place the knee at 4-5PeV, although data from 1.2 108sec CR at 100 and 167 TeV are strongly confined otherexperimentsindicatea lower energy andtheturnover × withashortprecursorscaleheightaheadoftheshock,which in the spectrum is not well defined as shown in their figure is unsurprisingsince theLarmor radiusof a 100TeV proton 15. ina700µG magneticfield is5 1012m.By t=1.6 108sec Our model places a considerable question mark over × × CR are confined at all energies upto 464TeV. the ability of the well-known historical SNR to accelerate At all four times in figure 4 the CR spectrum is much CR to the knee. Acceleration by SNR such as Cas A and steeper than the steady-state test particle spectrum (f0 SN1006fails toreach thekneein ouranalysisbecausetheir ∝ p−4)becauseof CRloss intothedownstream plasma. Mag- expansion is already significantly decelerated. Zirakashvili netic field amplification takes place ahead of the shock and &Ptuskin(2008a) also reach theconclusion (theirTable2) the downstream field only becomes large when the shock that the historical SNR do not accelerate CR beyond 100- overtakes the field amplified in the upstream. Hence at 200TeV,butnotethattheirparameterη differsfromour esc early times CR escape downstream. This causes a reduc- parameter η by a factor of two (η =2η). esc tion in thenumberof CR accelerated to high energy at the InitialexpansionvelocitiesofveryyoungSNRcanreach shock, thereby steepening the spectrum. Downstream con- 30,000 km s−1 (Manchester et al 2002) or possibly higher finement at the shock improves at later times as shown by for some typesof SN (Chevalier& Fransson 2006). Accord- the downstream gradients in f0 at t = 1.2 108sec and ing to equation (21) expansion into a density of 1 cm−3 at × t= 1.6 108sec. However, unphysical numerical relaxation 30,000 km s−1 for 16 years to a shock radius of 0.5 parsec × of the spatially compressed downstream magnetic field due accelerates CR to 1PeV. Moreover, the energy processed tolimitedspatialresolutionmaybeplayingapartinallow- throughtheshocki∼scomparabletothatforexpansionto1.5 ing CR to escape downstream. parsec at 6,000 km s−1, therebycontributinga comparable There is slight evidence of pulsed acceleration as seen CR energy content to the Galactic energy budget. A com- in the three separate peaks in the 278TeV CR density at plementaryperspectiveonthesameproblemisobtainedby t = 1.2 108sec and t = 1.6 108sec but overall the CR expressing the maximum CR energy in terms of the mass × × profiles develop in an orderly manner. M =4πρR3/3sweptupbytheshockandthecharacteristic energy of the blast wave E =Mu2/2. If M is the mass in s ⊙ unitsofasolarmassandE istheenergyinunitsof1044J, 44 themaximum CR energy is T =0.5η n1/6E M−2/3 PeV (22) 0.03 e 44 ⊙ 8 APPLICATION TO SNR which indicates that a typical SNR should be able to ac- Our simulations support the model developed in section 3. celerate CR to 1PeV and that the maximum CR energy ∼ According to our model CR are confined and accelerated if is greater for the same energy E given to a smaller mass the electrical charge of CR escaping upstream of the shock M.ThemaximumCRenergyisnearlyindependentofden- reachesQ =10 ρ/µ Coulomb m−2.Wenowapplythis sity n because a shock expands to a larger radius in a low CR 0 e tosphericalSNRshocks.TheCRcurrentdensityataradius densitymedium before deceleration (Hillas 2006). p Risj =ηρu3r2/R2T duetoCRacceleratedtoenergyeT Intheself-similarSedovphase,E isconstant,M ispro- CR s when the shock radius was r. Sinceonly thehighest energy portiontoR3andhenceT R−2.ThemaximumCRenergy ∝ CR escape upstream we assume that the CR reaching the decreases with radius during the Sedov phase until mag- radius R are monoenergetic with energy eT. T evolves as netic field amplification ceases, at which point our analysis theshockexpands.WhentheSNRshockreachestheradius intermsofthechargecarriedbyescapingCRisinapplicable. (cid:13)c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17

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