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^MH OVER 100,000 \M~ COPIES SOLD! 1 Specific techniques for tapping the cosmic power within you to improve every aspect of your life! THE Power Cosmic within YOU JOSEPH MURPHY, d.d., d.r.s, pld., lld. Fellow of the Andhra Research University, India Parker Publishing Company Inc.,West Nyack, N. Y PSYCHICEYE BOOKSTORE MOUMAi.NJVlEW.CA Also bytheAuthor: Power of Your Subconscious Mind Miracle of Mind Dynamics The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power Your Infinite Power to Be Rich 20 19 18 17 16 RWD CLASSIC PBK io 9 8 7 © 1968, by PARKER PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC West Nyack, N. Y. allrights reserved. no part of this bookmaybe reproduced inany form orbyanymeans, withoutpermission inwritingfromthepublisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 68-11914 ISBN D-13-17^1EA-1 RUD CLASSICS PBK Thisbook isareferenceworkbasedonresearchby the author. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those ofor endorsed by the publisher. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA B&~P What This Book Can Do You For Whateveryou desire inlife youmayhave, forthere is a Cosmic Power within YOU which can bring all your dreams to fruition. This Cosmic Power is the greatest force in all the world. You can begin to use this Power now for healing your body, and for prosperity in your business or professional world. This Cosmic Power will guide and direct you, attract to you the right com- panions or partner, bring out your hidden talents, and help you prosper in countless ways. It is the same Power and Principle by which inventions, securities, automobiles, airplanes, or real estate are created and successfully sold. Many books have been written about the powers of the mind, but in this book you are told explicitly how to use this Power to transform your whole life how to think and image constructively y and successfully, how to enter into the life more abundant, and how to achieve peace, satisfaction, and serenity in this changing world. You have unlimited creative possibilities, and every chapter of this book teaches you how to tap this Cosmic Power in order to get the most satisfying results for a richer, fuller, and more crea- tive life. As you learn in this book the simple processes and techniques for contacting the Cosmic Power and begin to apply vii Vlii WHAT THIS BOOK CAN DO FOR YOU this wonder-working Power in your life, you will move onward, upward, and Godward. I have taught thousands of people all over the world how to use this Cosmic Power to draw love into their lives, and bring harmony where discord is, peace where pain is, joy where sad- ness is, health where sickness is, wealth where poverty is. You Can Experience an Exciting Adventure You and I are about to explore and plumb the storehouse of wisdom, power, and all the treasures of the Cosmic Power within us. Youwilllearnhow to use this Cosmic Power inyour daily life, in yourpersonal relationships, in the healing of marital problems or discord in your home or office, and in all other phases of your life. You willlearn how to contact and touse this miracle-working Powerto bringcountless blessings intoyour life andinto the lives of others. You Will Learn from the Experiences of Other People In this book you will read about men and women in science, art, business, and industry who have used this Cosmic Power. They tell you exactly how they used It to bring about health, happiness, and success, as well as the realization of their hearts* greatest desires. Some have given me express permission to use their letters, including their names and addresses; in other cases, I have used fictitious initials to guard the identity of the writers. Follow the techniques outlined step by step, and, like all those described in the book, you, too, will get results beyond your fondest dreams. The Purpose of This Book Thisbookis clearlydesigned torevealtoyouina simple, down- to-earth manner and in everyday language how to lead a richer, fuller, and more glorious life. All you have to do is to use the WHAT THIS BOOK CAN DO FOR YOU IX Cosmic Power within you, which is always available, waiting for you to call upon It Cease looking outside. Look inside yourself and make the magic contact, for as you change your attitude and mind, you change your world. Within this book you will find the key to successful and triumphant living as you want to live it Thetechniques andprogramspresented inthisbookwillenable you to use the mental and spiritual laws on which I have been writing and lecturing for the past thirty years. The methods and processes presented in the pages of this book have already helped thousands of people to experience guidance, health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind. You are exactly whatyou think all day long. Consequently you are the artificer ofyour own future. As you change your thought- life or pattern, you change your destiny. The study and applica- tion of the great Cosmic truths outlined in each chapter will re- sult in the most fruitful, rewarding, and richest experiences you have ever had. Begin now to command your life pattern and go forward to achievement, accomplishment, and victory, and experience the life more abundant—right here and right nowl Contents HOW TO KEEP IN TUNE WITH THE 1. COSMICPOWER — How a paralyzed arm was healed Your infinite reser- — voir of power Constant renewal and refreshment al- — ways available You are never out of touch with — Cosmic Guidance How to tune in for a safe journey —-How a college student tuned in for passing examina- — — tions How a long-lost brother was found How a — widow healed her grief How a businessman tunes in — — to Cosmic Power The ideal way to tune in Sum- mary HOW YOUR COSMIC SUBCONSCIOUS CAN 2. GUIDE YOU 14 — Your subconscious can guide you without error The — source of Gandhi's tremendous spiritual power How — a diplomat's wife increased her graciousness Hidden — talents found through Infinite Int—elligence The right way to practice Divine Guidance Solving an "impos- — —sible" situation Become the master of—every situation Getting ahead using Cosmic Truths Use the Cos- — micPower andwin outstandingvictories Learn to be — — yourself Thinking m—akes it so How to gain faith yielding real benefits How faith in the God-Presence — overcame failures How to become friendly, happy, — joyous andfree Summary CONTENTS Xii HOW TO BECOME AWARE OF YOUR 3. COSMICPOWER 25 — The powers within Self-esteem gained through Cos- — mic awareness Shyness and timidity overcome by — using the Cosmic Power The true meaning of self- — — love Learn to love y—ourself Self-condemnation an—d annoyance overcome Practicing the Golden Rule — Look at the small end How to get a higher estimate — of yourself Health improved with new self-appraisal — — Formula for business success Summary HOW THE COSMIC POWER CAN 4. SOLVE PROBLEMS 38 — Ninetypercent ofproblems arehumanly created The — right way to solve problems How changed thinking — healed ulcers and high blood pressure How the Cos- — mic Power effected a promotion How a mothers — mental movie worked wonders A healing of person- — ality for business success How you can develop a — marvel—ous personality How a secretarypracticed em—- pathy How a silence between sisters was broken His applicationofthe Golden Rule resultedin awonder- — —ful promotion You are needed regard—less of your age Saying "yes" to life in Cosmic Truth H—ow you can triumph over depression and all obstacles Summary 5. HOWTOUSETHE COSMICHEALINGPOWER . 50 — Howacrippledhandwas healed How Cosmic Power — healed a diseased kidney and a broken bone The — Cosmic Healing Power and how you can use i—t How the Cosmic Power healed a tailor's—blindness Twen- tieth-Century miracles of healing How the Cosmic — Power resolved a writer's manuscript problem How a schoolteacher healed her ulcers and achieved promo-

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