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CosmicPeVNeutrinosandtheSourcesofUltrahighEnergyProtons Matthew D. Kistler,1,2 Todor Stanev,3 and Hasan Yu¨ksel4 1LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratoryandDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA94720 2Einstein Fellow 3BartolResearchInstitute,DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofDelaware,Newark,DE19716 4Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87544 (Dated:January8,2013) TheIceCubeexperimentrecentlyannouncedthefirstdetectionofmulti-PeVneutrinos,whichcannoteasily beexplainedbyatmosphericorcosmogenicfluxes.Weexaminewhethertheseneutrinosoriginatefromthesame sourcesasultrahigh-energycosmicrays. Wefindthatproducingtherequisiteneutrinofluxthroughphotopion production in the source leads to a proton flux at the level of cosmic-ray data at ∼1018eV in a constrained scenario where neutrinos only arise from π+ decays. In more general cases the proton yield is much lower, 3 requiringadominantclassofacceleratorthatallowscosmicraystoescapewithoutsignificantlosses. 1 0 PACSnumbers:98.70.-f,98.70.Rz,98.70.Sa,95.85.Ry 2 n Introduction.—High-energyastrophysicalneutrinoshave baticlossesiftheycannotbepromptlyescaped. a J much to tell us about the most extreme environments in the Ifthisistobeachievedthroughphotohadronicinteractions Universe; however, finding them is a difficult endeavor [1– producing neutrons that later decay to protons outside the 8 3]. Colossaldetectorsarerequired,suchasIceCube[4],that source, then there must be an accompanying flux of pionic ] canobservethetracksofmuonsproducedincharged-current neutrinos(forthisreason,IceCubelimitsdisfavorgamma-ray E ν /ν¯ scattering or showers (cascades) induced by various bursts[27–30]). WeusetheneutrinofluximpliedbytheIce- H µ µ channels(aswediscusslater). Therecentobservationoftwo Cubeevents(foranassumedsourcespectrum,evolutionwith . h PeV-energyshowereventsbyIceCubemayrepresentthedis- redshift, flavorratios, andneutrinooscillations)tonormalize p covery of such neutrinos [5], as atmospheric PeV neutrino theoutgoingprotonspectrumtodeterminewhetherthisisthe - fluxes are low [6, 7]. The most likely astrophysical mecha- mechanismoperatinginultrahigh-energysources. o r nism is photopion production by protons on a photon back- Neutrinos and IceCube.— We begin by constructing a st ground,pγ→Nπ,leadingtoneutrinosviapiondecays. source neutrino spectrum that results in fluxes at Earth that a Anexampleofthisprocessisthesuppressionofultrahigh- yield shower rates that peak at the IceCube energy range us- [ energycosmic-ray(UHECR)protonfluxesat>∼1019.5eVdue ingasmoothly-brokenpowerlaw(withE inGeV)as 1 to the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the GZK ef- dN (cid:104) (cid:105)1/η v fect[8,9]. ThemeasuredUHECRspectrumdisplaysadown- =f (E/E )αη+(E/E )βη , (1) 03 turnnearthisenergy[10–13]. However,the>∼1018eVneutri- dE 0 b b 7 nos resulting fromthe decays of pions produced[14–17] are 10(cid:45)7 1 tooenergetictoexplaintheIceCubeevents,whilethefluxof IC(cid:45)40E(cid:45)2limit 01. lowTehre-ecnoesrmgyicneinuftrrainreods/ofrpotmicadlebcaacyksgorfonuenudtraolnloswisstfooorspmhoaltlo.- (cid:45)1r(cid:68)10(cid:45)8 Total ΝeΝΤΝΜ s 3 production by lower-energy protons in propagation, leading 1 1 tolower-energyneutrinos[18–20]. However,Fermimeasure- (cid:45)s10(cid:45)9 : 2 v ments of gamma-ray absorption in blazar spectra now indi- (cid:45)m Xi pcahtoetoaplroowdulecveewloitfhth<∼e1<∼01170eeVVpdriofftuosnesptohoytoienlsd[∼211]0n1e5eedVedptio- eVc 105 106 E(cid:64)1G0e7V(cid:68) 108 109 r G a ofinciicenntesuytnricnhorso.trMonorleoosvseesr,iunntlheesssumbasgenqeuteicntficealdscsaldeeasdttoossuupf-- E(cid:64)10(cid:45)8 Total Νe ΝΜΝΤ pthreesrseqguaimremdalervaeyls,thaaPtreeVspneecutstrtihneoiflsuoxtrocpaincngoatmbempar-oradyucbeadcka-t dNd(cid:144)10(cid:45)9 Νe ΝΜΝΤ 2 ground[22]. Thissuggeststhat,iftheneutrinofluxiscosmic, E itlikelyarisesfromwithinsomeclassofsources. 10(cid:45)10 105 106 107 108 109 Our goal isto determine whether the IceCubePeV neutri- E (cid:64)GeV(cid:68) Ν nos share a common origin with UHECRs in the ∼1018eV range where the composition is inferred to be light [23–25]. FIG.1:Totalneutrinofluxes(normalizedtoyieldtwo>∼1PeVshow- The UHECR protons observed at Earth must have been able ersinIceCube)inourmodelsbasedonπ+-only(whichhasnoν¯;top toretainsufficientenergyuponleavingtheiraccelerationsites panel)andπ±µ±(bottompanel)decays,separatedafteroscillations [26].However,themagneticfieldsrequiredtocontainthepar- into: νe, ν¯e (solid), νµ, ν¯µ (dotted), andντ, ν¯τ(dashed). TheIce- Cube40-stringE−2fluxlimit[31]isalsoindicated. ticlesduringtheaccelerationprocesscanleadtosevereadia- 2 where the slopes are α and β, with η=−1 to give a smooth 10 breakatE . WeobtaintheneutrinofluxesatEarth,ϕ (E ), b ν ν byintegratingthesespectrauptoz =8as max c (cid:90) zmax dN dE(cid:48) W(z) 1 ϕ (E )= ν ν dz, (2) ν ν 4π dE(cid:48) dE dz/dt 0 ν ν Total ΝΤ wheredz/dt=H (1+z)[Ω (1+z)3+Ω ]1/2(withΩ = 0 m Λ m (cid:68) 0.3,ΩΛ=0.7,andH0=70km/s/Mpc)anddEν(cid:48)/dEν=(1+ (cid:45)1 0.1 Νe z) accounts for redshift. We set the evolution in the rate of yr neutrinoproduction,W(z)=1,whichconservativelybounds (cid:45)3m Νx therequiredneutrinoemissivity,anddiscussalternativeslater. k Motivatedbythemodelin[32]foranE−2acceleratedpro- (cid:64) ton spectrum, we first use a neutrino spectrum with α=−1, dE 105 106 107 108 (cid:144) β=−2, andphotopionopacity∼1forE =107. Weassign N E (cid:64)GeV(cid:68) b d em the initial flavor ratios resulting from equal numbers of π+ E and π−, as in sources with hard photon backgrounds. Neu- 1 trinos result from π/µ decays, π+→µ+νµ, µ+→e+ν¯µνe Total andπ−→µ−ν¯ ,µ−→e−ν ν¯ ,givingν :ν :ν =1:2:0and µ µ e e µ τ Ν e ν¯ :ν¯ :ν¯ =1:2:0. We account for neutrino oscillations using e µ τ 0.1 mixingparametersfrom[33].ThelowerpanelofFig.1shows Νx Νe theshapesofthearrivingfluxes,brokendownbyflavor. We also consider the extreme in which only π+ are pro- Νx ΝΤ ΝΤ duced, as with near-threshold photoproduction due to a soft Νe(cid:174)Τ background. Muons experience higher synchrotron losses 105 106 107 108 than pions in the strong magnetic fields within the accelera- E (cid:64)GeV(cid:68) em tionregionofsources[34,35]. Weusethistoobtainamodel withnoν¯componentbyassumingthatmuonsareproduced, FIG.2: NeutrinoeventspectrainIceCubeusingtheshowerenergy, but cool and decay only to low-energy neutrinos. The initial Eem,fromthefluxesinthetopandbottompanelsofFig.1. Shown flavor ratios are approximated as those from the π+ decay, are: νe,ν¯e,ντ,andν¯τ chargedcurrent;allflavor(νX,ν¯X)neutral current; and ν¯ e channels yielding e and hadrons (included in ν¯ ν :ν :ν =0:1:0 and ν¯ :ν¯ :ν¯ =0:0:0. Here, we take pion e e e µ τ e µ τ line)andτ.Normalizationsarebasedontwototal>PeVevents. coolingtoresultinabreakatE =107,sothatβ=−3,asin b the upper panel of Fig. 1. In both cases, we neglect the ν¯ e fluxfromneutrondecay,whichcarriesmuchlessenergyand showerofenergy(cid:104)y(cid:105)E . Weaddthesetogethertogetatotal ν peaksatenergieslowerbyabouttwoordersofmagnitude. effectivevisibleenergyperinteractionasE =(cid:104)1−y(cid:105)E + em,e ν Rates of shower-like events in IceCube are principally de- f (cid:104)y(cid:105)E =q E ,withq ≈0.95(andsimilarlyforν¯ ). had ν e ν e e termined by the normalized neutrino fluxes, effective vol- The Glashow resonance, ν¯ e→W−→X, is important e ume, andcrosssectionsforneutrino-nucleon, σνN andσν¯N, near Eν¯e≈6.3PeV. W channels yielding quarks are purely and antineutrino-electron, σν¯e, scattering. We use the total hadronic (qG,q≈0.9). The e/τ channels result in a neutrino deep-inelasticscatteringcrosssectionsfrom[36]forcharged- carryingawaymostoftheenergy((cid:104)y(cid:105)≈0.25[37]). current(CC)andneutral-current(NC)scattering,andtheav- TauneutrinoCCevents(ν N→τX)typicallyhaveprop- τ erage inelasticity, (cid:104)y(Eν)(cid:105), from [37], approximating (cid:104)y(cid:105)= erties intermediate between CC νe and NC events. One dif- 0.25at>∼PeVenergies. ferenceisthatatauatPeVenergieswilltravel∼50mbefore The visible energy of the shower depends upon the inter- decaying[39],with∼80%ofdecays[33]involvingchannels action channel. For NC events (νN→νX), σNC is identi- thatresultinashower,althoughwithanescapingντ carrying cal for all flavors, and (cid:104)y(cid:105) determines the fraction of energy awayenergy. Decaystoelectronsresultinanelectromagnetic imparted to a quark in the nucleon. The resulting hadronic cascade with an outgoing ν . Other decays involve multiple e showerresultsinlesslightthananequivalent-energyelectro- mesons,whichresultinahadronicshower.Assumingallsuch magneticshowerbyafactorthatisafunctionofenergy[38] decays to give hadronic-like cascades, including the initial that we assume to be fhad (cid:39) 0.9. Thus, working in terms cascade and assuming the two bangs to be indistinguishable of the electromagnetic-equivalent shower energy Eem (as in fornowgivesEem,τ=qτEν,withqτ≈0.9. Fig.2),withqNC≈0.23,wehave The spectrum of events for each channel can be given in termsoftheelectromagnetic-equivalentenergyas[40,41] E =f (cid:104)y(cid:105)E =q E . (3) em,NC had ν NC ν dN For CC ν events (ν N→eX), we assume that the elec- sh =2πN ρT V σ(E )ϕ (E )/q, (4) e e dE A eff ν ν ν trondepositsitsentireenergy,E =(cid:104)1−y(cid:105)E ,intoanelec- em e ν tromagneticshower. Thereisalsoanaccompanyinghadronic whereN ρisthemolardensityofice.Using2πsr,duetothe A 3 attenuationofupgoingPeVneutrinos,andV T ≈1km3 yr eff roughlymatchesthePeVIceCubeexposure[5]. 1025 HiRes(cid:45)II We integrate the total νN, ν¯N, and ν¯ e (with the elec- TelescopeArray e trondensitylowerby10/18)showeryieldsabove1PeV,and 1(cid:68) Auger (cid:45) equate to two events (assuming that all showers above this sr limit would be counted). For the π±µ± flavor ratio model, (cid:45)1 wethusobtainthenormalizationfordN /dE usingEq.(1) s as f ≈4.9×10−49GeV−1cm−3s−1,νgivinνg the total flux (cid:45)2 1024 0,πµ m curve in Fig. 1. Our estimates using the dσ/dy distributions 2 in [37] agree at the ∼10% level. The lower panel of Fig. 2 V e showstheresultingshowerspectruminthedetector. (cid:64) alsEox[a4m2,in4i3n]g),twheeinmopteorthtaantcν¯eeeofscthaetteGrilnagshroewsulrtessionnathnecepe(askees (cid:144)NdE1023 (cid:244)(cid:244) at∼1.5PeVand∼6PeV,althoughtheexactdσ/dy signifi- d (cid:244)(cid:244) 3 cantlybroadenstheformer.SincetheW widthtohadronsisa E (cid:244)(cid:244) factorof∼3largerthantothesumofe/τ,6PeVshowersare themostlikelyandaccountfor<∼1ofthepredictedevents. In our ν¯-less scenario where only π+ are produced and 1022 1017 1018 1019 1020 muons cool to low energy prior to decaying, resonant ν¯ e e E (cid:64)eV(cid:68) events do not occur. Using the flavor ratios from the π+ de- cayaloneandstartingagainfromEq.(1)resultsintheshower FIG.3: Theultrahigh-energycosmic-rayspectrum. Shownarethe signals in the upper panel of Fig. 2. To obtain two >1 PeV proton fluxes associated with our π±µ± (dashed) and π+ (solid) eventsrequiresf =1.4×10−48GeV−1cm−3s−1. 0,π neutrinoflavormodels, withnormalizationsobtainedfromtheIce- MuonneutrinoCCscatterings(ν N →µX)alsoproduce µ Cube neutrino observations, with 68% confidence bands based on ahadronicshower;however,adefiningcharacteristicofsuch twoevents. ThesearecomparedtoHiRes-II[10], Auger[12], and events is the resulting muon. Using the normalized neutrino TelescopeArray[13]data. spectra, andaccountingforthe∼ 20%oftaudecaysthatre- sultinamuon,wefindtheexpectednumberof>PeVmuons withcontainedverticestobe∼1inbothcases,inaccordwith TofindtheexpectedprotonfluxesatEarthfromthesespec- alackofIceCubemuoneventsinthisrangethusfar. tra,threetypesofenergylossmustbeaccountedforinpropa- The cosmic-ray spectrum.— A long-standing hope is to gation. AtenergieswherephotopionproductionontheCMB determinetheUHECRsourcesandascertaintheacceleration occurs (>∼1019.5eV), pγ → Nπ is the dominant loss chan- mechanism. By making a few simplifying assumptions, we nel [45]. For Ep >∼ 1018 eV, and below the CMB photo- relateourneutrinospectratoaprotonfluxwithanormaliza- pionthreshold,resonantpairproductiononbackgroundpho- tionthatisfixedbytheIceCubedata. tons,pγ →pe+e−,dominates[46]. Thisprocesshasalarge We assume for the π±µ± flavor ratio model that one neu- crosssection,althougheachinteractionremovesonlyasmall tron with E ∼20E is produced corresponding toeach π± amountofenergy.Finally,thereisanenergy-independentadi- n ν pair. Sincesixtotalneutrinosresultfromtheπ±µ±decays, abaticlossterm. These can be combined via characteristic loss times [47] dN 1 dN EndE = 6EνdE (5) asτT−1(Ep,z)=τπ−1(Ep,z)+τp−a1ir(Ep,z)+τa−1(z),giving n ν anenergylossrateofdlnE /dt=τ−1(E ,z). Wecanthus p T p with neutron decay giving a source proton spectrum in the relate the injection energy at redshift z, E(cid:48) = E(cid:48)(E ,z), to p p p formofEq.(1)withα=−1, β=−3, andEb≈108.3 dueto thedetectedenergy,Ep,with neutroninteractionsinthesource[32]asassumedabove. In- tegratingover1015<Ep<1021eV,wefindanemissivity 1 dEp = 1 1 . (8) E dz τ (E ,z)dz/dt E ∼3.8+5.0×1044ergMpc−3yr−1, (6) p T p p,πµ −2.5 with uncertainties corresponding to the 68% Poisson confi- TheconstraintsimposedbythisrelationcanbeseeninFig.3 denceranges[44]fortwodetectedIceCubeevents. Introduc- ofRef.[48]. UsingthesameW(z)asabove,wecalculatethe ingacutoffbelow1021eVscarcelyaffectstheseenergetics. spectrumofthearrivingprotonfluxas Theprotonfluxassociatedwiththeπ+ scenarioistakento c (cid:90) zmax dN ∂E(cid:48) W(z) havethesamespectralshape. However, (i)wemustaccount ϕ (E )= p p dz, (9) p p 4π dE(cid:48) ∂E dz/dt for f ≈3f ; (ii) f normalizes a flux from a single 0 p p 0,π 0,πµ 0,π neutrinospecies,ratherthanthesumofsix,sothattheproton with∂E(cid:48)(E,z)/∂E calculatednumericallyfromEq.(8). fluxmustbelargerbyanadditionalfactorofsix,thusgiving p p InFig.3,wepresenttheexpectedcosmic-rayprotonspectra E ∼6.7+8.8×1045ergMpc−3yr−1. (7) that result from normalizing our neutrino spectra to IceCube p,π −4.3 4 viaEqs.(6)&(7). Wenotethatresidingneartheupperedges Alteringthecutoffsorslopesusedwouldnotgreatlychange ofthebandswouldcausetensionwithalackofobservedPeV thesebasicpoints.Moreover,iftheeventsturnouttobeanun- muonevents.Wehavealsochecked,usingCRPropa[49],that likely fluctuation of background, the lower inferred neutrino thecosmogenicgamma-rayfluxesaresafelybelowtheFermi flux would strengthen the conclusion that photopion interac- isotropicbackground[50]andassociatedconstraints[51–55]. tionsarenotinvolvedinfreeingcosmic-rayprotonsfromtheir Discussion and conclusions.— If cosmic rays in the sources. Ifnot,improveddatamaybetterinformusofanas- 1018eVrangearetrulyextragalacticprotons,thesteepnessof pect of the extreme universe that is not evident from studies theUHECRspectrumimpliesthattheircosmicenergydensity ofcosmicraysalone. ismuchlargerthanatthehighestmeasuredenergies. Iftheir We thank Carsten Rott for many detector discussions and escapes from acceleration regions were facilitated by photo- theauthorsofCRPropaformakingtheircodeavailable.MDK production of neutrons, then there must also be a substantial acknowledges support provided by NASA through the Ein- fluxofneutrinosfrompiondecays. Thesimplifiedmodelthat stein Fellowship Program, grant PF0-110074, TS by DOE wehave usedcaptures thegeneralflavor ofthe neutrinoflux Grant DE-FG02-91ER40626, and HY by the LANL LDRD neededtoexplaintheIceCubePeVeventsasabasisforcom- program and during a visit to Berkeley by US DOE contract parisonwithcosmic-rayprotons. de-sc00046548. In Fig. 3, we see that the cosmic-ray spectrum resulting from our neutrino flux with π+ flavor ratios is quite close to measurementsinthe1018eVrange. At>∼1019eV,theorigin [1] T. K. Gaisser, F. Halzen and T. Stanev, Phys. 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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.