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Cosmic magnetic fields and dark energy in extended 1 electromagnetism 1 0 2 JoseBeltra´nJime´nez†,‡ andAntonioL.Maroto† n †DepartamentodeF´ısicaTeo´rica,UniversidadComplutensedeMadrid,28040,Madrid,Spain a J ‡InstitutedePhysiqueThe´orique,Universite´deGene`ve,24quaiE.Ansermet,1211Gene`ve4, 0 Switzerland 1 E-mail:[email protected], [email protected] ] O Abstract. Wediscussanextendedversionofelectromagnetisminwhichtheusualgaugefixingtermis C promotedintoaphysicalcontributionthatintroducesanewscalarstateinthetheory.Thisnewstatecanbe generatedfromvacuumquantumfluctuationsduringaninflationaryeraand,onsuper-Hubblescales,gives . h risetoaneffectivecosmologicalconstant. Thevalueofsuchacosmologicalconstantcoincideswiththe p oneinferredfromobservationsaslongasinflationtookplaceattheelectroweakscale. Ontheotherhand, - thenewstatealsogeneratesaneffectiveelectricchargedensityonsub-Hubblescalesthatproducesboth o r vorticityandmagneticfieldswithcoherentlengthsaslargeasthepresentHubblehorizon. t s a [ 1. Introduction 1 Out of the four known fundamental interactions in nature, two of them are particularly interesting in v 3 cosmological contextsduetotheirlongrangeaction, namely: gravityandelectromagnetism. Infact,the 6 behaviour of these two interactions at large scales is far from clear. On the gravitational sector we find 7 the intriguing problem of the cosmic acceleration. Although acosmological constant provides a simple 1 . andaccurate description ofit,fromatheoretical pointofviewitwouldbeevenmoredesirabletohavea 1 fundamental explanation forthetinyvalueofsuchaconstant. Inthissense, severalmodifications ofthe 0 1 gravitational interaction oncosmological scaleshavebeenproposed intheliterature[1]. Concerningthe 1 electromagnetic sector, the unknown origin of the m Gmagnetic fields observed in galaxies and clusters : v [2] and, more remarkably, the very recent claim of detection of extra galactic magnetic fields [3] still i lacksofasatisfactory explanation. X In this work we will consider the potential role of a modified electromagnetic theory in the dark r a energy problem [5, 6, 8] and how this modified electromagnetism can generate magnetic fields at large scales. Thus, we shall explore the interesting possibility of finding a link between dark energy and the originofcosmicmagneticfield. 2. Extendedelectromagnetism withouttheLorenzcondition In the covariant quantization of the electromagnetic field, the starting point is the modified Maxwell actionincluding agaugefixingterm,that,inacurvedspacetime, reads: 1 x S= d4x√ g Fmn Fmn + ((cid:209) m Am )2+Jm Am )2 (1) Z − (cid:20)−4 2 (cid:21) whichleadstothemodifiedMaxwellequations: (cid:209) n Fmn +x (cid:209) m ((cid:209) n An )=Jm . (2) Takingthedivergence ofthisequation, weobtain: (cid:3)((cid:209) n An )=0 (3) The quantization in the Gupta-Bleuler formalism and in Minkowski spacetime proceeds as follows [4]: OneworkswiththefourpolarizationsofAm andthenimposestheweakLorenzconditiononthephysical states f so that (¶ m Am )(+) f = 0 to get rid of the unphysical polarizations. With this condition, | i | i the expected value of any physical observable only depends on the the transverse degrees of freedom, becausethetemporalandlongitudinal polarizations contribute withoppositesignsand,sincetheLorenz condition imposes that there must be the same number of temporal and longitudinal photons in any physical state, they cancel each other. However, in an expanding universe, we see from (3) that (cid:209) n An can be excited from vacuum quantum fluctuations because it behaves as a massless scalar field and, therefore, the Lorenzcondition isviolated. Thereason for such aviolation isthat theexpansion excites a different number of temporal and longitudinal photons so the aforementioned cancellation does not occuranymore[5,6]. In order to avoid the difficulties found when quantizing in the covariant formalism in an expanding universe, let us explore the possibility that the fundamental theory of electromagnetism is given by the modifiedaction(1),whereweallowthe(cid:209) m Am fieldtopropagate. Thistheorystillhastheresidualgauge symmetryAm Am +¶ m q provided (cid:3)q =0. Thus,having removedoneconstraint, thetheory contains → oneadditional degreeoffreedom andthegeneral solutionforthemodifiedequations canbewrittenas: Am =Am(1)+Am(2)+Am(s)+¶ m q (4) where Am(i) with i=1,2 are the two transverse modes of the massless photon, Am(s) is the new scalar state, which is the mode that would have been eliminated if we had imposed the Lorenz condition and, finally, ¶ m q is a purely residual gauge mode, which can be eliminated by means of a residual gauge transformation in the asymptotically free regions, in a completely analogous way to the elimination of theA componentintheCoulombquantization. ThefactthatMaxwell’selectromagnetism couldcontain 0 anadditionalscalarmodedecoupledfromelectromagneticcurrents,butwithnon-vanishinggravitational interactions, wasalready noticedinadifferentcontextin[7]. The evolution of the new mode is given by (3), so that on super-Hubble scales, (cid:209) m A(s)m =const. | k | which,asshownin[5],impliesthatthefieldcontributesasacosmologicalconstantin(1). Noticethat,as seenin(3),thenewscalar modeisamassless freefieldand itispossible tocalculate thecorresponding ipnowaeqrusapsie-cdteruSmittgeernienrflaatetidondaurryinpghiansfleactihoanr,acPt(cid:209)eAri(zke)d=by4paks3l|o(cid:209) wm-Arokl(ls)pma|r2a.mInettehrees:uper-Hubblelimit,weget P(cid:209) A(k)= 196Hpk402(cid:18)kk (cid:19)−4e (5) 0 whereH istheHubbleparameterwhenthek modeleftthehorizon [5]. Noticethatthisresultimplies k0 0 thatr (H )4. Themeasured valueofthecosmological constant thenrequires H 10 3 eV,which A∼ k0 k0 ∼ − correspondstoaninflationaryscaleM 1TeV.Thusweseethatthecosmologicalconstantscalecanbe I ∼ naturally explained intermsofphysics attheelectroweak scale. Thisisoneofthemostrelevant aspects of the present model in which, unlike existing dark energy theories based on scalar fields, dark energy canbegenerated withoutincluding anypotential termordimensional constant. Since the field amplitude of the scalar state remains frozen on super-Hubble scales, there is no modification of Maxwell’s equation on those scales. However, as the amplitude starts decaying once the mode enters the horizon in the radiation or matter eras, the x -term in (2) generates an effective currentwhichcanproducemagneticfieldsoncosmological scales, aswewillshowinthefollowing. By passing, we notice that, in Minkowski spacetime, the theory (1) is completely equivalent to standard QED because, although non-gauge invariant, the corresponding effective action is equivalent to the standard BRST invariant effective action of QED [6]. This prevents from potential unobserved effects in accelerators because both theories lead to the same phenomenology in flat spacetime, being distinguishable onlyincurvedbackgrounds. On the other hand, despite the fact that the homogeneous evolution in the present case is the same as in L CDM, the effective cosmological constant generated by the new scalar state fluctuates so that the evolution of metric perturbations could be different. We have calculated the evolution of metric, matter density and electromagnetic perturbations [8]. The propagation speeds of scalar, vector and tensor perturbations are found to be real and equal to the speed of light, so that the theory isclassically stable. Moreover, the three physical states carry positive energy so it is also quantum-mechanically stable. Ontheotherhand,itispossibletoseethatallthepost-Newtonianparameters[9]agreewiththose ofGeneral Relativity, i.e. the theory iscompatible withallthe local gravity constraints for anyvalue of the homogeneous background electromagnetic field at the same level of accuracy as General Relativity [5, 10]. Concerning the evolution of scalar perturbations, wefind that the only relevant deviations with respect to L CDM appear on large scales k H and that they depend on the primordial spectrum of 0 ∼ electromagnetic fluctuations. However, the effects on the CMB temperature and matter power spectra arecompatible withobservations exceptforverylargeprimordial fluctuations [8]. 3. Generationofcosmicmagneticfields It is interesting to note that the x -term can be seen, at the equations of motion level, as a conserved cwuhrircehn,taaccctoinrgdinags atos(o3u)r,cseatoisffitehsetuhseucaolnMsearxvwateiollnfieeqluda.tiToons(cid:209) emeJt(cid:209)mhiAs,=w0eacnadnwwerictean−exxp(cid:209) rmes(s(cid:209) (n2A)na)s:≡J(cid:209)m ·A · (cid:209) n Fmn =Jm (6) T with JTm =Jm +J(cid:209)m A and (cid:209) m JTm =0. Physically, this means that, while the new scalar mode can only be excited gravitati·onally, once it is produced it will generally behave as a source of electromagnetic fields. Therefore, the modified theory is described by ordinary Maxwell equations with an additional m ”external” current. Foran observer with four-velocity u moving withthe cosmic plasma, it ispossible todecomposetheFaradaytensorinitselectricandmagneticpartsas: Fmn =2E[m un ]+emn√rs g Br us ,where Em =Fmn un and Bm =e mnrs /(2√g)Frs un . Due to the infinite conductivity of the plasma, Ohm’s law Jm um un Jn =s Fmn un impliesEm =0. Therefore, inthatcasetheonlycontribution wouldcomefrom − the magnetic part. Thus, from Maxwell’s equations, weget, for comoving observers in aFLRWmetric (seealso[11]): w~ ~B=r 0 (7) g · where~v=d~x/dh istheconformaltimefluidvelocity,~w =~(cid:209) ~visthefluidvorticity,r g0= x¶ 0((cid:209) m Am ) × − istheeffectivecharge density todaywhosepowerspectrum canbeobtained from(5)(see[12]formore details), and the~B components scale as Bi (cid:181) 1/a as can be easily obtained from e mnrs Frs ;n =0 to the lowestorder in ~v. Thus, thepresence ofthe non-vanishing cosmic effective charge density necessarily | | creates both magnetic field and vorticity. Due to the presence of the effective current, we find that vorticity growsas w~ (cid:181) a,fromradiation erauntilpresent. | | Using (7), it is possible to translate the existing upper limits on vorticity coming from CMB anisotropies [11]into lowerlimitsontheamplitude ofthemagnetic fieldsgenerated bythismechanism [12]. In Fig. 1 we show the corresponding limits on the magnetic field at galactic and Hubble horizon scales for different spectral indices of magnetic field (n) and vorticity (m). We see that this mechanism allows to generate relatively strong magnetic fields on scales as large as the Hubble horizon and act as seeds for a galactic dynamo or even play the role of primordial fields and account for observations just byamplification duetothecollapse anddifferential rotation oftheprotogalactic cloud. 10-11 Λ = 0.1 h-1 Mpc 10-9 Λ = 3000 h-1Mpc 10-13 10-11 HLBGΛ 10-15 HLBGΛ 10-13 10-15 10-17 10-17 10-19 -4 -2 0 2 10-19 -4 -2 0 2 n n Figure 1. Lower limits on the magnetic fields generated on galactic scales (left panel) and Hubble horizonscales (rightpanel)intermsofthemagneticspectral indexnfordifferentvalues ofthevorticity spectralindexm. Dot-dashed blueform=0,dashedgreenform 3andfullredform 5. ≃− ≃− 4. Discussion Wehave discussed and extended electromagnetic theory in whichwedonot need to impose the Lorenz condition. In order to quantise the theory we introduce an additional scalar state which can be excited by gravitational fields. Indeed, fluctuations of such a state during an inflationary era at the electroweak scale generates an effective cosmological constant on super-Hubble scales with the correct value. This theoryisfreeformbothclassicalandquantuminstabilities andisconsistentwithalllocalgravitytestsat thesamelevelasGeneralRelativity, CMBandlargescalestructureobservations. Ontheotherhand,the sub-Hubblemodesofthenewstategeneratedduringinflationactsasaneffectiveelectromagneticcurrent soitcanproduce cosmological magneticfieldsallthewaytotheHubblehorizon(butnotbeyond). This allows to establish an important link between the problems of dark energy and cosmic magnetic fields. Infact,alsonon-minimalcouplings havebeenconsidered in[13]whereapotentialrelationship between angularmomentumandmagneticfieldshasbeenexplored. Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by MICINN (Spain) project numbers FIS 2008- 01323 and FPA 2008-00592, CAM/UCM 910309, MEC grant BES-2006-12059 and MICINN Consolider-Ingenio MULTIDARK CSD2009-00064. J.B. also wishes to thank support from the NorwegianCouncilundertheYGGDRASILprojectno195761/V11. References [1] S.M.Carroll,V.Duvvuri,M.TroddenandM.S.Turner,Phys.Rev.D70,043528(2004);G.R.Dvali,G.Gabadadzeand M.Porrati,Phys.Lett.B485,208(2000). 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