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Cosmic Explosions: On the 10th Anniversary of SN1993J (IAU Colloquium 192) PDF

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springer proceedings in physics 99 springer proceedings in physics 75 ComputerSimulationStudies 87 Proceedings inCondensed-MatterPhysicsV ofthe25thInternationalConference Editors:D.P.Landau,K.K.Mon, onthePhysicsofSemiconductors andH.-B.Schu¨ttler Editors:N.MiuraandT.Ando 76 ComputerSimulationStudies 88 StarburstGalaxies inCondensed-MatterPhysicsVI NearandFar Editors:D.P.Landau,K.K.Mon, Editors:L.TacconiandD.Lutz andH.-B.Schu¨ttler 89 ComputerSimulationStudies 77 QuantumOpticsVI inCondensed-MatterPhysicsXIV Editors:D.F.WallsandJ.D.Harvey Editors:D.P.Landau,S.P.Lewis, andH.-B.Schu¨ttler 78 ComputerSimulationStudies inCondensed-MatterPhysicsVII 90 ComputerSimulationStudies Editors:D.P.Landau,K.K.Mon, inCondensed-MatterPhysicsXV andH.-B.Schu¨ttler Editors:D.P.Landau,S.P.Lewis, andH.-B.Schu¨ttler 79 NonlinearDynamics andPatternFormation 91 TheDenseInterstellarMedium inSemiconductorsandDevices inGalaxies Editor:F.-J.Niedernostheide Editors:S.Pfalzner,C.Kramer, C.Straubmeier,andA.Heithausen 80 ComputerSimulationStudies inCondensed-MatterPhysicsVIII 92 BeyondtheStandardModel2003 Editors:D.P.Landau,K.K.Mon, Editor:H.V.Klapdor-Kleingrothaus andH.-B.Schu¨ttler 93 ISSMGE 81 MaterialsandMeasurements ExperimentalStudies inMolecularElectronics Editor:T.Schanz Editors:K.KajimuraandS.Kuroda 94 ISSMGE 82 ComputerSimulationStudies NumericalandTheoreticalApproaches inCondensed-MatterPhysicsIX Editor:T.Schanz Editors:D.P.Landau,K.K.Mon, 95 ComputerSimulationStudies andH.-B.Schu¨ttler inCondensed-MatterPhysicsXVI 83 ComputerSimulationStudies Editors:D.P.Landau,S.P.Lewis, inCondensed-MatterPhysicsX andH.-B.Schu¨ttler Editors:D.P.Landau,K.K.Mon, 96 ElectromagneticsinaComplexWorld andH.-B.Schu¨ttler Editors:I.M.Pinto,V.Galdi, 84 ComputerSimulationStudies andL.B.Felsen inCondensed-MatterPhysicsXI 97 Fields,NetworksandComputations Editors:D.P.LandauandH.-B.Schu¨ttler AModernViewofElectrodynamics 85 ComputerSimulationStudies Editor:P.Russer inCondensed-MatterPhysicsXII 98 ParticlePhysicsandtheUniverse Editors:D.P.Landau,S.P.Lewis, Proceedingsofthe9thAdriaticMeeting, andH.-B.Schu¨ttler Sept.2003,Dubrovnik 86 ComputerSimulationStudies Editors:J.Trampetic´andJ.Wess inCondensed-MatterPhysicsXIII 99 CosmicExplosions Editors:D.P.Landau,S.P.Lewis, Onthe10thAnniversaryofSN1993J andH.-B.Schu¨ttler (IAUColloquium192) Editors:J.M.MarcaideandK.W.Weiler Homepage:springeronline.com Volumes46–74arelistedattheendofthebook. J. M. Marcaide K. W. Weiler (Eds.) Cosmic Explosions On the 10th Anniversary of SN1993J (IAU Colloquium 192) With199Figuresand15colorplates 123 ProfessorJuan-Mar´ıaMarcaide Dr.KurtW.Weiler UniversidaddeValencia NavalResearchLaboratory,Code7213 Depto.AstronomiayAstrofisica Washington,DC20375-5320 CalleDr.Moliner50 USA 46100Burjassot Spain ISSN0930-8989 ISBN3-540-23039-4SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2004111216 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationor partsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,in itscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliableto prosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springeronline.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2005 PrintedinGermany Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsand regulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesettingbytheauthors/editors Coverconcept:eStudioCalamarSteinen Coverproduction:design&productionGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper 62/3141/ts 543210 Preface SupernovaeareamongthemostenergeticphenomenaintheUniverseandre- lated to almost all aspects of modern astrophysics including starburst galax- ies, cosmic ray acceleration, neutron star and black hole formation, nucle- osynthesis and ISM chemical enrichment, energy input to the ISM, cosmic distance scale determination, dark energy related cosmological acceleration, gamma-ray bursts,extra-solar systemneutrinoburstdetection, gravity wave generation, and many more. Additionally, the past 15 years have been par- ticularly productive with many new results and new understanding due in particular to the closest SN in 400 years in SN 1987A in the Large Mag- ellanic Cloud, and the unusually bright and close SN 1993J and SN 1994I in the nearby galaxies M81 and M51, respectively. In addition, the discov- ery of the γ-ray burst GRB 980425 and its related supernova SN 1998bw, and the confirmation of GRB 030329/SN 2003dh, tied the study of SNe and GRBsinextricablytogether.Withthemanydevelopmentssincethelastma- jor supernova meeting in La Serena, Chile in 1997, we felt that it was an appropriate time to bring together experts and students interested in the subject for a meeting where SN and GRB properties and interrelationships could be discussed. The tenth anniversary of SN 1993J provided such an op- portunityand,appropriately,themeetingwasheldinSpainwhereSN1993J wasdiscoveredontheearlymorningof28March1993byaSpanishamateur astronomer, Francisco Garc´ıa. The conference covered all aspects of supernova and GRB research: the- oretical aspects like nucleosynthesis and explosion mechanisms, progenitor stars,pulsarandSNRformation,interactionwiththecircumstellarmedium, andparticleaccelerationmechanisms,aswellasobservationalaspectsinclud- ing radio, IR, optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray studies. Cosmology and Dark Energy were also extensively discussed. The conference consisted of 17 re- views, 17 invited talks, 58 contributed papers and 50 posters. Wider public interest in astrophysics in general and supernovae in particular was shown by the large attendance at the excellent open lectures given by the renown scientist,lecturer,andauthorSirMartinReesfromCambridge,UK,byFran- cisco Garc´ıa from Lugo, Spain, and by the world’s most successful amateur supernova hunter, Rev. Robert Evans from Hazelbrook, New South Wales, Australia. VI Preface In order to preserve and more widely disseminate the information pre- sented at the meeting, we have prepared thepresentvolumeand accompany- ingCD-ROM.TheCDadditionallyincludesposterdescriptionsandmeeting photographs not printed here. Such a valuable meeting would not have been possible without the sup- port of many people and institutions. There is no way that we can list all the people who contributed to making the meeting a success, but we would particularly like to thank M. Toharia, Director of the Museo de las Ciencias Pr´ıncipe Felipe, Prof. F. Toma´s, Rector of the Universitat de Valencia, and Prof. J. Quesada, Head of the Oficina de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa de la Gen- eralitat Valenciana. Very special thanks are also due to the members of the Local Organizing Committee and, in particular, to its co-chairman Dr. J. C. Guirado and to the staff of the Museo de las Ciencias. Theconferencecouldnothavetakenplacewithoutthefinancialandtech- nical support of many Valencian, Spanish, European, American, and inter- national agencies and institutions: Ciudad de las Artes y de las Ciencias de Valencia, Universitat de Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana, Ayuntamiento de Valencia, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa, Consejo Superior de Investiga- cionesCient´ıficas,SociedadEspan˜oladeAstronom´ıa,EuropeanCommission, InternationalAstronomicalUnion,InternationalUnionofRadioScience,Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation, American Astronomical Society, and the Naval Research Laboratory all con- tributed to its success. We would also like to thank Viajes Iberia Congresos for the efficient con- ference organization and Springer for the continuous support and patience with the editors of these proceedings. KWW wishes to thank the Office of Naval Research for the 6.1 funding supporting his research. Fig. 1. Photographs (courtesy of Brian P. Schmidt) of the galaxy M81 with SN1993J readily apparent (left), the area of the SN before explosion (right, top), and the area with SN1993J near maximum brightness (right, bottom). Valencia – Washington, J.M. Marcaide August 2004 K.W. Weiler Contents Part I Supernovae: Individual A Decade of Radio and X-ray Observations of SN 1993J Schuyler D. Van Dyk, Kurt W. Weiler, Richard A. Sramek, Nino Panagia, Christopher Stockdale, Christina Lacey, Marcos Montes, Michael Rupen.................................................. 3 Imaging of SN 1993J A. Alberdi, J.M. Marcaide........................................ 13 Nine Years of VLBI Imaging of Supernova 1993J M. F. Bietenholz, N. Bartel, M. P. Rupen, A. J. Beasley, D. A. Graham, Altunin, V. I., T. Venturi, G. Umana, W. H. Cannon, J. E. Conway........................................................ 23 On the SN 1993J Radio Shell Structure J.M. Marcaide, I. Mart´ı-Vidal, E. Ros, A. Alberdi, J.C. Guirado, L. Lara, M.A. P´erez-Torres, K.W. Weiler.......................... 29 Optical, Ultraviolet, and Infrared Observations of SN 1993J Alexei V. Filippenko, Thomas Matheson ........................... 37 Simulated Radio Images and Light Curves of SN 1993J Vikram V. Dwarkadas, Amy J. Mioduszewski, Lewis T. Ball.......... 47 X-ray Observations of SN 1993J H.-U. Zimmermann ............................................. 53 Modeling the Radio and X-ray Emission of SN 1993J and SN 2002ap Claes Fransson and Claes-Ingvar Bjo¨rnsson ........................ 59 Detection of the Binary Companion to the Progenitor of SN 1993J S.J. Smartt, J.R. Maund, R.P. Kudritzki, P. Podsiadlowski, G. Gilmore 71 X Contents Supernova 1987A: The Birth of a Supernova Remnant Richard McCray ................................................ 77 SN 1987A at Radio Wavelengths L. Staveley-Smith, R.N. Manchester, B.M. Gaensler, M.J. Kesteven, A.K. Tzioumis, N.S. Bizunok, V.C. Wheaton....................... 89 High-Resolution Radio Imaging of Young Supernovae: SN 1979C, SN 1986J, and SN 2001gd M.A. P´erez-Torres, J.M. Marcaide, A. Alberdi, E. Ros, J.C. Guirado, L. Lara, F. Mantovani, C.J. Stockdale, K.W. Weiler, P.J. Diamond, S.D. Van Dyk, P. Lundqvist, N. Panagia, I.I. Shapiro, R. Sramek .... 97 VLBI Observations of SN 1979C and SN 1986J N. Bartel, M.F. Bietenholz ....................................... 105 SN 1994W: Evidence of Explosive Mass Ejection a Few Years Before Explosion Nikolai N. Chugai, Robert J. Cumming, Sergei I. Blinnikov, Peter Lundqvist, Alexei V. Filippenko, Aaron J. Barth, Angela Bragaglia, Douglas C. Leonard, Thomas Matheson, Jesper Sollerman ........... 111 A Most Energetic Type Ic Supernova: SN 2003L Alicia M. Soderberg ............................................. 117 Radio Monitoring of Supernova 2001ig: The First Year Stuart D. Ryder, Elaine Sadler, Ravi Subrahmanyan, Kurt W. Weiler, Nino Panagia, Christopher Stockdale .............................. 123 Synthetic Spectra of the Type Ia SN 2002bo M. Stehle, P.A. Mazzali.......................................... 129 Part II Supernovae: Observations Radio Supernovae Richard A. Sramek, Kurt W. Weiler, Nino Panagia ................. 137 Low Frequency Radio and X-ray Properties of Core-Collapse Supernovae A. Ray, P. Chandra, F. Sutaria, S. Bhatnagar...................... 145 Supernova Spectra Massimo Turatto................................................ 151 Optical Spectroscopy of Type Ia Supernovae Thomas Matheson .............................................. 161

The proceedings of the conference Supernovae 2003 (IAU colloquium 192) provides an extensive state-of-the-art survey of all theoretical and observational aspects of supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, as well as their impact on cosmology. This volume offers everyone working in this field an authoritati
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