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Cosa V: An Intermittent Town, Excavations 1991-1997 (Supplements to the Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome) PDF

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Preview Cosa V: An Intermittent Town, Excavations 1991-1997 (Supplements to the Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome)

Cosa V: An IntermitteTnotw n Memoirosf t heA mericaAn cademyin Rome SupplementarVyo lumeI I Cosa V: AnI ntermitteTnotw n, Excavation1s9 91-1997 ElizabethF entress with JohnB odelT, . V.B uttreSyt,e fanCoa maianFi,e rnandCaa variL, auraC erri, EnricoC irelliS,e rgioF ontanaE,l isabettGal iozzoK, atherinGer uspieErl,i sa GusbertMi, ichellHe obartV, alentinLao liniF, rancescLau nghettAi,le x MoseleyS,i lviaN eruccAi, damR abinowitAzl,e ssiRa ovellRi,a bunT aylorC,. J. SimpsonV,e rav onF alkenhausen PUBLISHED FOR THE AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME by TheU niversiotfyM ichigaPnr ess AnnA rborM, ichigan 2003 Copyright(C by the Universityo f Michigan2 004 All rightsr eserved Published in the United States of Americab y The Universityo f MichiganP ress Manufacturedi n the United States of America ePrinted on acid-freep aper 2007 2006 2005 2004 4 3 2 1 No part of thisp ublicationm ayb e reproduced,s tored in a retrievals ystem,o r transmittedin anyf ormo r by any means,e lectronic,m echanical,o r otherwise,w ithout the writtenp ermissiono f the publisher. A CIP catalogr ecorfdo rt hisb ooki s availablfe romt heB ritishLi brary. Libraryof C ongresCsa taloging-in-PublicaDtaitoan Fentress,E lizabeth Cosa V: an intermittentto wn,e xcavations1 991-1997 / Elizabeth Fentress withJ ohn Bodel ... [et al.]. p. cm. - (Memoirso f the AmericanA cademyi n Rome. Supplementaryv olume; 2) Includes bibliographicalr eferencesa nd index. ISBN 0-472-11363-1( cloth: alk. paper) 1. Cosa (Extinctc ity) 2. Excavations (Archaeology)-Italy. 3. Italy-Antiquities,R oman. I. Title: Cosa 5. II. Bodel, JohnP ., 1957- III. Title. IV. Series. DG70.C63F46 2004 937_.5-dc2l 2003055996 To thed iggers CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix INTRODUCTION 1 ElizabethF entress PART I: THE SITE BETWEEN ITS FOUNDATION AND THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY 1 Cosa in theR epublica ndE arlyE mpire 13 ElizabethF entresws ithJ ohnB odel,A damR abinowitza,n dR abunT aylor 2 Settlemenbte tweent heT hirda ndt heF ifthC enturieAs. D. 63 ElizabethF entress 3 The Sixth-CentuSreyt tlement 72 ElizabethF entresws ithK atherinGe ruspiearn d Verav onF alkenhausen 4 The EarlyM edievalS ettlement 92 ElizabethF entresws ithK atherinGe ruspier 5 AnsedoniaT: he Settlemenotf t heT welftthh roughth eF ourteentChe nturies 120 MichelleH obart 6 ConclusionsA: n IntermitteSnett tlement 138 ElizabethF entress PART II: THE STRATIGRAPHY ElizabethF entresasn dA damR abinowitz Thiss ectiona ppearso n theW orldW ideW eb at http://wwx.press.umich.edu/webhome/cosa/. PART III: THE DECORATION OF THE HOUSE OF DIANA The WallP aintingasn dt heD ecorativeP avements 145 StefanoC amaianiF, ernandCa avariE, lisabettGa liozzo, ValentinLao lini,F rancescLau nghettazni dS ilviaN erucci Sculpturaen dF urniture 191 RabunT aylor Terracottas 214 ElizabethF entress viii CONTENTS PART IV: THE FINDS Terracottafsr omT empleE in TrenchF orumV I 217 RabunT aylor RomanM inorO bjects,1 990-1997 223 C. J.S impson Late Romana nd MedievalM inorO bjects,1 948-1997 242 C.J .S impson The Greeka ndR omanC oins 250 T V Buttrey The MedievalC oins 260 AlessiaR ovelli Inscriptionasn d Graffiti 266 ElizabethF entresasn dA lexM oseley La Ceramicad ellaC asa di Diana e dellaF orumC istern 269 LauraC erriS, ergioF ontanaa,n dE lisa Gusberti The MedievalP ottery 320 EnricoC irellai ndM ichelleH obart The HumanS keletaRl emains 353 KatherinGe ruspier BIBLIOGRAPHY 363 INDEX TO PEOPLE AND DIVINITIES 393 INDEX TO PLACES AND THINGS 395 ILLUSTRATIONS Figures INTRODUCTION 1 Farms,c ities,a nd sanctuariesi n the thirdc entury: data fromt he Albegna ValleyS urvey. 2 2 Cosa: town plan. 4 3 Cosa: excavations1 990-1997. 5 PART I 4 The House of Diana: excavateds tructures(f oldout). 5 The House of Diana in the Republicanp eriod. 15 6 Perspectivev iew fromt he fauces. 16 7 Axonometricr econstructionof the garden. 17 8 Reconstructiono f the builders'l ayout. 18 9 The forum:r econstructionca . 180 B.C. 22 10 Reconstructiono f the plan of the colony. 24 11 The plan of the northeastq uarter. 27 12 Plan ofT empleE on theE asternH eight. 28 13 Domuso n theA rx. 31 14 The insulaer esettleidn theA ugustanp eriod. 33 15 The House of Diana in the Augustanp eriod. 35 16 Axonometricr econstructionof the tricliniuman d gardeni n the Augustanp eriod. 37 17 Axonometricr econstructionof room C as an Augusteum. 38 18 The House of Diana, A.D. 20-40. 39 19 The House of Diana, A.D. 50-60. 40 20 Axonometricr econstructionof the gardenw itht he shrinet o Diana. 41 21 Section of the house, A.D. 50-60. 42 22 Axonometricr econstructionof the house, A.D. 50-60. 42 23 Area occupied in the thirdc enturyA .D. 64 24 The forumi n the thirdc entury. 65 25 AfricanR ed Slip ware, percentageo f totals upplyp er decade, comparedt o thatr ecoveredi n the Albegna Valleya nd the western Mediterraneanm ean. 70 26 Reconstructiono f the buildingso n the Arx in the mid-sixthc entury. 73 27 The forumi n the sixthc entury. 76 x ILLUSTRATIONS 28 Reconstructiono f the buildingso n the forumb asilica in the sixthc entury. 77 29 Cosa in the sixthc entury. 79 30 Settlementin the Albegna Valley,6 00-1000. 93 31 The firstp hase of the cemeterys outheasto f Temple B. 101 32 The second phase of the cemeterys,h owingb urial cut by ditch. 102 33 The thirdp hase of the cemetery. 103 34 Grave orientations. 104 35 The churcho n the Arx. 107 36 Reconstructionv iew of the hut in P5, withr elatedb uildingsa nd, to the rear,t he EasternH eight. 110 37 Sunken-flooredan d timberb uildingso n the EasternH eight. 111 38 Earthworksa round the EasternH eight. 114 39 The towera nd relateds tructures. 121 40 Axonometricd rawingso f the cistern. 123 41 Axonometricr econstructionof the towera nd its precinct. 125 42 Graffitain d paintingso n the innerw alls of the cistern. 127 43 Reconstructiond rawingo f the trebuchet. 129 44 Settlementin the Albegna Valleyc a. 1300. 142 PARTI I (all PartI I figurefs ounda t http://www.press.umich.edu/webhome/cosa/) 45 Trencheso n the Arx. 46 Arx I, traceso f the Republicanh ouse. 47 Arx II, top plan. 48 IV G, plan. 49 Trencheso n the EasternH eight. 50 EH, the trebuchetp latformp, lan and section. 51 EH I, plan and elevation. 52 EH I, cistern,s ectiona nd plan. 53 EH II, plans, beforea nd aftert he constructiono f the outerw all of the castle. 54 EH II, sections,a nd the elevationo f the outerw all of the castle. 55 EH III, plan and section. 56 EH IV, plan and section. 57 EHV,plan. 58 X C, plan and section. 59 Trenchesi n the forum. 60 Forum II and III, the ditches,p ostern,a nd defensivew alls. 61 Forum II and III, sections. 62 Forum II, the timbers tructureo verlyingt he ditches. 63 Forum V, firstp hase of the Republicang arden. 64 Forum V, second phase of the Republicang arden. 65 Forum V, the gardena ftert he Augustanr econstruction. 66 ForumV , theh orrea. 67 Forum V, the gardenp lots,d itch,a nd sunken-floorebdu ildings. 68 Forum VI, the Roman walls. 69 Forum VI, the horrea. 70 Forum VI, the laterh orrea. ILLUSTRATIONS xi 71 Buildingos n theb asilica. 72 The breado vens,p lan,s ectiona,n d elevation. 73 The churcho n theb asilica. 74 IX D NorthR, epublicanw allsc utb yt hec onstructioonf t heb asilica. 75 IX D Northt, hird-centuwryal ls. 76 IX D Northt, her oada ndt hec emetery. 77 IX D Northt, hec ollapseo ft heb asilicao r churchw all. 78 J4,p lana nd section. 79 K5,p lana nd section. 80 L4, plana nd section. 81 M3, plana nd section. 82 M6, plana nd section. 83 N4, plana nd section. 84 N5, plana nd section. 85 N7, plana nd section. 86 04, plana nd section. 87 04.5,p lans,e levationo fw all3 , and section. 88 P4.5, plana nd section. 89 P5, plansa nd sectionw, iths ectionso fp ostholes. 90 P8,p lansa nd section. 91 Q5, plana nd section. 92 R6, plana nd section. 93 R7, plana nd section. PARTI II 94 RoomC , mosaicp avement. 148 95 RoomC , preparationm, osaicp avement. 149 96 RoomC , detaila nd analysios fm osaicp avement. 149 97 RoomC , reconstructweda llp laster. 151 98 RoomC , thed esigno ft her earw all,r econstructed. 153 99 RoomH , preservefdr agmenotfs t hes ocle,r econstructedde sign. 163 100 RoomJ ,m osaicp avement. 164 101 RoomJ ,d etailsa nd analysios fm osaicp avement. 165 102 RoomK , mosaicp avement. 168 103 RoomK , detailsa nd analysios fm osaicp avement. 169 104 RoomQ , reconstructweda llp laster. 173 105 RoomQ , suggestedp ositiono ft her econstructfedr agments. 176 106 The gardenp, aintedp lastero n then ortheaswt all. 179 107 The gardenr, econstructioofnt hed ecorationof t hea edicula. 182 108 The compositioonf t hep lasters amples. 188 PARTI V 109 Objectsf orp ersonaal dornmenlto,o mw eighta,n d spindlew horl. 225 110 Articleass sociatedw itht extilesc,l othingf,i shinga,n dw riting. 229 111 Mattock. 233

Since excavation began in 1948, the site of Cosa has become one of our most important sources on Roman colonization, urbanism, and daily life. These excavations illuminate every phase of the site's history, from the Republican and early imperial period, to a medieval castle destroyed in the 14th cen
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