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CONVERSATIO! IN 20 LESSONS Cortina Method Books Perwott mi 20 Lussovs Srawist iW 20 Leesan Gaxous 20 Lessons Trausan px 20 Lessons Arewsoeas’ ENOLISH 2% 20 Lassona Moosew Gutanx se 20 Lesaoxe Russian iy 20 Lessons Irons 20 Leccones Faanofs in 20 accross works mnt 20 Lacie, ‘Convensamional. Buaaitisk: Powrucusee Convansenonat. Jararese Srasosn Conveneanonat, Gee Spann 1 Spanien Frangus ex Peangats Entei iv ENGUSK Davrscn sue Devract, Trantaxo me Prauiaso CONVERSATIONAL CH IN 20 LESSONS ILLUSTRATED ‘Intended for selva ond for use schools ‘Wima Sing Sum hee Ponactaton R. DIEZ DELA CORTINA sd Roy DOUGLAS W. ALDEN An Oui! Bolt HENRY HOLY AND COMPANY New York Gorrie © 1984, 1962, 1977 by Gone Uesrongimeranoul Ie. All Rights Reserved ‘hic matr fly precede th tof he “Tntenal Cyr Consenton ti wcateaty Proistede ptm ication ans fens {ihasoes, ching seme eed Ho IeoPay OF By ecolay oer con creda, emt ‘Serie! ram, Ver lope oe foenem wowed yaw Cataloging Toformation (Coven Method Feench in 20 Leas ota and fr wien ond foc ae ia schol wih anew tem of hotels promenesi oe ‘Sle the mode esa oct Foes, by Me Das dels Conca on ter by ogee Alen New Yk MD. Cvs Ge SBR {. Frenoh anguape—Grottes. 2 Prec [anna ‘Gomction tg Brave Poke Tie Rebicns ih ainbas ss990 Sun o527-0ns-7 nardbaond) ISBN O15 011-8 (penta) li caieions 99765432 oms.35 How @ Knowledge of French Can Help You ‘There ere many ressons why forwordooking Americans should went to know French at this time, French is erly th erautional language.” No matter where ‘you go in the worlé—-son eam cuaveree with cultured people if ‘you speak Fronch, French is the yniveredl language of transla- oa at the United, Nations. It is the only sure means of com munication ia Earope, the Orient and Africa, It is the recog ‘zed medium of diplomatic imercoura. It isthe mark uf social polish... the language of etiquete in all counties, Becquse it bas hom the “ssoond language” of cultured people for 20 long a time—French haa found its way into many parts ‘of our ovn language, Ovr Lerature and polite conversation is often spriakled with Preach expreasions. Frcaeh dishes wre on the menus of mast of our fie reslauranis, Freseh is atv it portant part of the vocabulaty in the world of fashion, art, science, theatre, opera, ele. No trip abvosd would he complete without cotae time spent fn the most sisted of foreign counsries .. « France. And when you visit Franca, you will fed your knowledge of the native ongoe a source of unceding satisfaction and eleucure. You will fe abla to booome more ‘alizate with the Freueh people. You ‘Will bo welcomed as u eullured friend—not merely & tourist. 5 6 _THE CORTINA METHOD. ‘You will he invited inte French homes. Taesd of finding your Lip a dull procession of mommentvisiing—yon will have mony thrilling experiences to relate when you return howe, ‘And you will End that your knowledge of French eaves you rmonoy when you deel with tradespenple, hetelkeepers, Gcket- sellers, and 50 on. ‘nd eventhough you may mat be plaoniog a tip ebroad at this ine, you mover bnew ben you will hase the opportuni. Bul egal from reveling tere are many other way in which srkocwletge of Fron ean add to pour hsppiuest. You oan die tn « sharing renmoren ant order from the elobocle ‘mons without the tighten tiation. Then suppose you have test forthe opera Pals, Faust, Menon, ot Louise? All thse beautiful operas (whether you see them or hear them on radio, Iclevision, or tecorngs) Beoome tien as enjoyable. And a hom, in your cary cha, you oan reed French tewspopers and furating Prison ragerines, Dt you eon enjoy tc easels of Foonch Treratero Hoge, Nolet de Manpecsat, Baline, Sie. the original Frond, witha sauce, humor and deep, omen understanding. Discover these Hierry treworan for yourself and have sh real fan af Iearaing Hench aw you dal 1s 1882, The Cortina Academy of Languages was founded in the United States hy Count Contina, Resides engaging profomors for all the modern Ianguages (French, Spanish, Geraion, Italian, Portuguese and English) Count Cortina himaclf gave language insiaction for many years. From this actual teaching experience, Professor Cortina do- veloped a neve simplified method that bocaree sn instant success. Tr bas never been surpassed since. Far the past 95 years the imine Ben cnn find sd iroved Fm tbe ‘Agacdemy’s long experience in teaching languages, and in terms of the clanging needs of the present-day language student. Tt ia pow kaowa all over the world ae Tae Conrina Bltwop. Because of the sucess and the demand for the Cortina ime suction from students who could not allead classes, The ‘Academy was foreed to publish Corti lassona ia book form. Well over ino million Cortina books ava been sold, and they are 2 clear testimonial to the ease with which students have learned 2 now langusge through Tae Coativa Murnon, Many thousands of students have learned a new language by this method at home, i their epare Une. Many others have used Tau: Coxrtta Marion in yehools and colleges throughout ‘he United States and South Americu. 7 8. THE CORTINA METHOD ‘You may ask: “What is the secret of Ten Corina Mercan's success? How is it different from other ways to leern a ane jguage?” Ono of the msin reavons is thatthe lessons are devoted tg intenecly interesting and every-day topics which enomarage the shudent to learn, The lessons hegin with subjects that w9 all tused 6 children when we learned our native tongue, For ize stance, zight from the start, the flew Ietsons teach you the sama words shat a child frst speaks: Bforker, father, brother, sister, as well as every-day words relating to meals, drinks, efothing, Footwear and 40 09. Not only are those words essily put lo wie st onces not enky are they mzuch more interesting than tke noual spats sondnig wore wens aed ola bt riko a deeply primeval chord in all of us, This a color and excitement and aroused in the aludenl a desire to iesra the Language. Fechres of Htc Hew Edition "The Ealitors have included two now features ia this edition ‘which wil aloo he Found of groat help tothe studeats| Fine, the forat ofthe lestoms hes been ciged to allo fet Monta wh be eo folate The deawigs hve ben sccagsd to ght tle wajec ter of th leo and ne wl gay ld oo trod in metrsing the fosgn werd hvugh the grphlo ‘eprewotation, Scvond,acompleioBzranence Casacin bea ben eppenied at eb cf Web tot bi de any ew any jar of spon be wis a be efron ia is sudo Ths ‘ersiy grammar fe thee iit in he fate, Jesgon by lesson, for the etudent’s convenience. Langaagp ic habit. We ave constantly expressing thoughts and iden in apacrh, from habit, without peying any particular attem- tion tothe words, phrases or idioms we use, When we say “How do you do,” “Pre had a wonderfad trip” “AB right, tots go." ‘we do eo spontaneously. We are merely repeating a speech pattern that ve have eed 20 many tunes before it hns heeome Automatic, or, a habit. Repetition, therefore, ia:the basia of Tanguage learning, and ao it is exteemely iraportant that the odent acquire 2 correct proaunciation ut the very beginning Bo that he learns the right speach habits. For Ms prpon Tus Cornea Memon previa a Cxide to rie ana recone a nia saprbacernaed Fee ere eh ae ct nauk denial Fghak Balin lara oma aed sks Woe settee ese daa ete ee agua a Lowes Ratha beck apse gad scat ae texted eee Cla te a gad neo beala ip veal ete fede sled, apd hal cose ay eee ae ee ee cei ens aay terra Troa ula Ws peony Sl auger a Mee eee AE nt et oudeeiy er eles mesciar ee Soy Sila adie meta pitas cies psn ron Wa ie fests manner Cosine Carpe hess etl Ro Pele ent oP houksToe esate ond eos Cee ee a Di culate Team ct oewicnechtcest moe eee ome aa a care eae ns eek ae oe eh ty an Co ee ee eit See a sera Tage fron The nr aang tt edt Teron esa ees Se a erate) Oho acean mecca lemons 9 10. THE CORTINA METHOD ‘ach vor! or eantene in even the phooeti epllng eo thatthe student {Si pone Han coeeals, oti Net soa hee Eons lanai of toe Fos to ‘when the student oan toad the lencon elood witout reference Welter {he enoncnaaTion oF muusiatot ealias ‘Thy epics] arrugenent of eolumniring the Texn, rnowcwezamox sd sataral tee Sudzt toot ns i om vs This ie dane by mceelycovetag he TRASUATION wth prs EC Re oct tbe kx iat ho Frheh nord an setonets er, ‘tnd in fever y soveing the Pench tox a wancating oud the Eat words ito French Be eanet Le srphosaed two etonaly det the student should reed the Freach sha. Spook ous learly ad don be erbaresatd fy too spud of yoor ov ye Tat w flan lake part fp te unrarantion wil you, Coto @ French resterant—or pnd You dodo enki Jut 20 loog ae hele you to Keep speaking Freak. "The geal axpauatins ia the PooTe7s8 are of yee Su por tare tothe udeer aud clove atection sould be uid to then, They oy ot tha idiomatic dibealice and ore very bell Herta tbe pve line Gurmaton of to leagong> fo aor we Fes frore clarte gatanatcel exgsoston of any paviclar Teco te adeat eon refer lo (he eroeselarnce tbo’ (20 pegp 190) ICN receder te Comal Referees Grammar Ix conclusion thro iano beter yao Jarno langage than the sway ccc lve by spotting te ws Onno Mera ie bac The principle nl fw wodibeatins to adjust ia pred mabe foi alt dud, The et worde « dud eam ave those neva 1 ‘Sty Bis iostoee trots and dosien What tee Wome ft Monk? Soar, fear, sctatog te ext ard den, end after that ‘Tnowthing to wen? aud protect the bode After ther wists are said rom iW gery eon x teary ond Syste patanaecoveting cere omgrinble sober, Dut Ma My ‘uote aust be estsGed Gr. Top Cort soos bagly exactly this ‘way, mother, fatboy extules, slong, Tocurear, es, Wik @ Ute Upplcrtion Fou Will have a lt of for leaening Heonch ths way and int a tagion Wi et ve is npr Sond eggs at yor comment

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