Journal of Physiology(2002), 541.1, pp.319–331 DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2002.016857 © The Physiological Society 2002 Cortical sensory suppression during arousal is due to the activity-dependent depression of thalamocortical synapses Manuel A. Castro-Alamancos and Elizabeth Oldford Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4 The thalamus serves as a gate that regulates the flow of sensory inputs to the neocortex, and this gate is controlled by neuromodulators from the brainstem reticular formation that are released during arousal. Here we show in rats that sensory-evoked responses were suppressed in the neocortex by activating the brainstem reticular formation and during natural arousal. Sensory suppression occurred at the thalamocortical connection and was a consequence of the activity-dependent depression of thalamocortical synapses caused by increased thalamocortical tonic firing during arousal. Thalamocortical suppression may serve as a mechanism to focus sensory inputs to their appropriate representations in neocortex, which is helpful for the spatial processing of sensory information. (Resubmitted 12 January 2002; accepted 13 February 2002) Corresponding author M. A. Castro-Alamancos: Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Room WB210, Montreal Neurological Institute, 3801 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4. Email: [email protected] The thalamus serves as a gate that regulates the flow of VPM neurons send thalamocortical fibres to clusters of sensory inputs to the neocortex, and this gate is controlled neurons located in layer IV (called ‘barrels’), and these by neuromodulators from the brainstem reticular formation fibres also leave collaterals in upper layer VI (Jensen & that are released during arousal (Steriade et al.1969, 1997; Killackey, 1987). Each barrel correlates on a one-to-one basis Singer, 1977; Sherman & Koch, 1986; Castro-Alamancos, with the whiskers (Woolsey & Van der Loos, 1970). Despite 2002a,b). Among others, cholinergic and noradrenergic the anatomically modular and topographic arrangement, fibres project to the thalamus (Hallanger et al.1990; Simpson the system displays extensive spatial and temporal et al.1997). Neurons from these neuromodulatory systems integration. For instance, neurons in a given barrel column discharge vigorously during behavioural arousal (Buzsaki yield the strongest response to a single principal whisker et al.1988; Aston-Jones et al.1991), and the transmitters but also weaker responses to several surrounding whiskers they release depolarize thalamocortical neurons and (Simons, 1978, 1985; Chapin, 1986; Armstrong-James & enhance their firing rates (McCormick, 1992). Thus, during Fox, 1987; Moore & Nelson, 1998; Ghazanfar et al.2000; aroused states of the brain, thalamocortical neurons display Petersen & Diamond, 2000). Inhibition in the neocortex significantly enhanced spontaneous firing rates. Synapses has been implicated in the spatial contrast of principalvs. are sensitive to activity and, in particular, thalamocortical adjacent whiskers (Simons, 1995). Also, the temporal synapses display robust depression when stimulated at properties of neural responses in the barrel cortex have been high rates (Castro-Alamancos, 1997; Gil et al.1997). These shown to modulate the size of the whisker representations properties suggest that differences in the tonic firing rates (Sheth et al. 1998; Moore et al. 1999). In the rodent of thalamocortical neurons between quiescent and aroused somatosensory system, receptive field and representation states can change the gain of thalamocortical synapses and mapping have been carried out mainly in anaesthetized significantly affect the mode of sensory transmission at the preparations where the level of arousal is similar to slow- thalamocortical connection. wave sleep. However, during waking receptive fields and pathways can change their properties at all levels of the A useful model sensory system to investigate these issues is sensory axis from the brainstem to the neocortex (Chapin the rodent facial vibrissae (‘whisker’) system. Rats use their & Woodward, 1981, 1982; Shin & Chapin, 1989, 1990; whiskers to locate and identify objects (Guic-Robles et al. Nicolelis et al.1993; Fanselow & Nicolelis, 1999). 1989; Carvell & Simons, 1990; Brecht et al.1997), and the tactile skills of their whiskers are in some ways comparable The present study investigates how the primary thalamo- to primates using their fingertips (Carvell & Simons, 1990; cortical pathway changes during aroused states. We show Simons, 1995). The ventroposterior medial thalamus that sensory responses evoked in the barrel cortex by (VPM) receives sensory information about the whiskers whisker stimulation are suppressed during aroused states. from the trigeminal nucleus via lemniscal fibres (Chiaia et Sensory suppression in the barrel cortex is mainly a al. 1991; Williams et al. 1994; Diamond, 1995). In turn, consequence of the activity-dependent depression of 320 M. A. Castro-Alamancos and E. Oldford J. Physiol.541.1 thalamocortical synapses caused by increased thalamo- Sensory stimulation cortical tonic firing in VPM neurons during arousal. The sensory stimulation consisted of deflecting large caudal Thalamocortical suppression during aroused states of the whiskers (one to four), which reliably discharged (>80% of trials at 0.1Hz) the neurons recorded in VPM and barrel neocortex brain may serve as a mechanism to focus sensory inputs to with short latencies (3–7ms in VPM and 5–12ms in neocortex). their appropriate representations (barrels) in neocortex, The selected whiskers were inserted into a glass micropipette which is helpful for the spatial processing of sensory (1mm diameter) that was glued to the membrane of a miniature information. speaker. Application of a 1ms square current pulse to the speaker deflected the micropipette and the whiskers inside ~400mm. METHODS Whisker stimulation was applied between 0.5 and 10s after the reticular formation (RF) stimulation. Surgical procedures Current source–density analysis Adult Sprague-Dawley rats (300g) were anaesthetized with A 16-channel linear silicon probe (CNCT, University of urethane (1.5gkg_1 I.P.) and placed in a stereotaxic frame. Michigan, USA) was inserted into the barrel cortex perpendicular Lidocaine (2%) was injected at incision sites and at points of to the pial surface. This required insertion of the silicon probe at a contact of the skin with the frame. A unilateral craniotomy 45deg angle (in the coronal plane) at 5.5–6mm lateral from the extended over a large area of the parietal cortex. Small incisions midline. Field potential recordings were obtained simultaneously were made in the dura as necessary and the cortical surface was from the 16 sites on the probe and from a VPM electrode that covered with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) containing (mM): served to monitor multiunit activity. Band-pass filter settings were NaCl 126; KCl 3; NaHPO 1.25; NaHCO 26; MgSO.7HO 1.3; 2 4 3 4 2 selected for field potential (1 Hz to 3kHz) or for multiunit dextrose 10; CaCl.2HO 2.5. Body temperature was automatically 2 2 recordings (300Hz to 3kHz). A current source–density analysis maintained constant with a heating pad. The level of anaesthesia (CSD) was derived from the 16-channel cortical recordings, as was monitored with field recordings and limb-withdrawal reflexes previously described (Castro-Alamancos, 2000). and kept constant at about stage III/3 using supplemental doses of urethane (Friedberg et al.1999). At the end of the experiments the Chronic recordings animals were killed with an overdose of sodium pentobarbitone Adult Sprague-Dawley rats (300g) were anaesthetized with sodium (I.P.). The Animal Care Committee of McGill University, Canada, pentobarbitone (50mgkg_1I.P.) and placed in a stereotaxic frame. approved protocols for all experiments. Lidocaine (2%) was injected at incision sites and at points of contact of the skin with the frame. Recording electrodes were Electrophysiological procedures placed in the barrel cortex and stimulating electrodes were placed Extracellular recordings were performed using electrodes in the thalamic radiation. An insulated stainless-steel bipolar (5–10MV) filled with ACSF; single units and field potentials were recording electrode was placed in the whisker pad to record EMG recorded simultaneously via the same electrodes located in the signals. All electrodes and connectors were held in place using VPM thalamus and the primary somatosensory neocortex (barrel mini-screws and dental cement. During recovery from surgery the cortex). When field potentials were recorded alone the electrode animals were given Buprinorphine (0.02mgkg_1 S.C.). Animals was placed at 800–1000mm from the surface. Field potential were allowed 5_7days before testing and were recorded for polarity is displayed as negative down. Coordinates (in mm, from several days up to a maximum of 15days after surgery. During bregma and the dura; Paxinos & Watson, 1982) for the VPM recovery after surgery, animals were closely monitored for any thalamus recording electrode were anterior–posterior=_3.5, sign of distress or complications arising from the procedure. lateral=3, depth=5–6. Coordinates (mm) for stimulating the Electrophysiological recordings were performed as in anaesthetized laterodorsal tegmentum (brainstem reticular formation; 100Hz, animals, but JFET-operational amplifiers were attached to the 1s) were posterior=9, lateral=0.7, depth=5–6. The thalamic recording electrodes at the animal’s head connector. During the radiation was stimulated at approximately the following coordinates recording sessions the animal was placed in an open field (mm): posterior=3, lateral=4, depth=5. The medial lemniscus containing photobeams that detected movements performed by was stimulated at approximately the following coordinates the animal. The field potential activity in the neocortex and the (mm): posterior=5.5, lateral=1.5, depth=7.5. Electrical stimuli motor activity detected with photobeams allowed us to differentiate consisted of 200ms pulses of<200mA and were evoked using a periods of active exploration from periods of slow-wave sleep. For concentric stimulating electrode. the population analysis, peak amplitudes of 20 randomly selected Microdialysis thalamic radiation-evoked responses were measured per animal To apply drugs into the neocortex during recordings a (n=10) and per condition (active vs. sleep). At the end of the microdialysis probe (250mm diameter, 2mm long) was placed in experiments the animals were killed with an overdose of sodium the neocortex 0.5–1mm medial from the recording electrode, as pentobarbitone. previously described (Castro-Alamancos, 2000). ACSF was continuously infused through the probe at 2–4mlmin_1. Drugs RESULTS were prepared fresh, and protected from light and from oxidation (40mM ascorbic acid in the ACSF) as required. Scopolamine, Thalamocortical suppression during activation hexamethodide, phentolamine and propanolol were applied at Single-unit recordings were obtained simultaneously from 1–5mMeach, and CGP35348 (Novartis) was applied at 10mMin thalamocortical neurons of the VPM and from neurons in ACSF . To apply TTX (2mMin ACSF) into the VPM thalamus a layers III–IV of the primary somatosensory barrel neocortex microdialysis probe (250mm diameter, 2mm long) was inserted (Fig.1) of urethane-anaesthetized rats. Application of a train at the following coordinates (mm): posterior=3, lateral=2–3, depth=4–6. of electrical stimulation (100Hz, 1s) to the brainstem J. Physiol.541.1 Thalamocortical suppression 321 Figure1. Activation induced by RF stimulation produces sensory suppression in neocortex A, field potential (FP) and single-unit recordings obtained in the barrel cortex through the same electrode, and a simultaneously recorded single unit in the VPM thalamus of a urethane-anaesthetized rat. RF stimulation was delivered for 1s (100Hz) and produced a robust activating effect consisting of low amplitude irregular activity in the cortical field potential, reduced firing in the cortical unit and enhanced firing in the VPM unit. B, raw traces and binned sum data from 14 trials of sensory responses evoked by whisker stimulation before (Control) and after RF stimulation. The cortical field and unit responses are suppressed by RF stimulation, while the thalamic unit response is enhanced. C, cortical single-unit recording obtained in the same experiment shown in Aand B. In contrast to cortical unit1 shown in Aand B, cortical unit2 responds to RF stimulation by increasing its firing rate. However, like cortical unit1 this unit also suppresses its response to whisker stimulation. Cortical unit2 was recorded after cortical unit1 in the same penetration; the thalamic unit was the same for both cases. 322 M. A. Castro-Alamancos and E. Oldford J. Physiol.541.1 reticular formation (RF stimulation) produced a strong Thus, the probability of firing to whisker stimulation for effect typical of aroused states (Fig. 1A) called activation, these short latency neurons was 88% during control which is characterized by an electrographic sign of low conditions and 40% during activation induced by RF amplitude fast activity (Moruzzi & Magoun, 1949). At the stimulation (48±3% reduction; P<0.0001, ttest; n=12 single-neuron level, during activation the firing rate of all units). The 48% reduction of very short latency cells is VPM thalamocortical neurons recorded increased (n=55 significantly less than the 63% reduction observed for the of 55; 100%), while the firing rate of the neocortical whole population of cells that includes cells with longer neurons recorded either decreased (n=49 of 65; 75%) or latencies. In summary, during activation induced by RF increased (n=16 of 65; 25%). VPM neurons increased stimulation the sensory response recorded in the barrel their tonic firing after RF stimulation to 33±4Hz cortex is suppressed, while the sensory response recorded (mean±S.D.) for several seconds. in the VPM thalamus is not suppressed. In urethane-anaesthetized rats, whisker displacements using Suppression occurs at the thalamocortical a mechanical stimulator produced successive sensory connection responses in the VPM and barrel cortex (Fig. 1B). Single The barrel cortex is a complex structure that receives units in VPM and in layer IV of barrel cortex responded afferents from the VPM thalamus in both layers IV and VI, with short latency (3–7 and 5–12ms, respectively) and from where activity is distributed to other layers. To test high fidelity (>80% probability of firing at short latency) which parts of this thalamocortical network are being to whisker stimulation delivered at low frequencies (0.1Hz). suppressed by the RF stimulation we used a linear silicon When brain activation was induced by RF stimulation, the probe containing 16 recording sites at 100mm intervals to probability of firing to whisker stimulation at short latency record voltage throughout the layers of neocortex (Fig.2A) (3–7ms) in the VPM increased from 82 to 100% (18±3% and derive a CSD in response to whisker stimulation increase; P<0.0001, Student’s t test; n=55units). In (Bragin et al.2000; Castro-Alamancos, 2000). The current contrast, in the barrel cortex the probability of firing to flow in the barrel cortex revealed by the CSD (Fig. 2B) whisker stimulation at short latency (5–12ms) decreased showed that the sensory-evoked response corresponded to from 82 to 19% (Figs 1B and 3A) (63±7% reduction; short latency current sinks in upper layer VI and layer IV, P<0.0001, ttest; n=65units). Cortical single units that which spread horizontally within those layers and enhanced or reduced their spontaneous firing in response vertically to layer III. Application of RF stimulation to RF stimulation both showed a suppressed sensory- strongly depressed the sensory response in the barrel evoked response during activation. Thus, cortical neurons cortex, but not the sensory response in the VPM (Fig.2B). that enhanced their tonic firing as a consequence of RF Current flow in the neocortex was depressed beginning stimulation depressed their response to whisker stimulation with the earliest (monosynaptic) sinks in layers VI and IV. (Fig. 1C). The decrease in responsiveness to whisker As a consequence, the spread of activity within these layers stimulation during activation was also reflected in the and to layer III was also strongly suppressed. On average suppression of the sensory-evoked field potential response the peak amplitude of the short latency current sinks in recorded in the cortex (57±8% reduction in amplitude; layers IV and VI and the longer latency sink in layer III P<0.0001, t test; n=15; Figs 1B and 3B). The field were significantly depressed by 51.6±7, 59.8±7 and potential response was recorded via the same electrode as 54.7±8%, respectively (n=3 experiments; P<0.0001, t the single units and reflects the subthreshold synaptic test; Fig.3C). We also found that the response evoked in activity of a population of neurons surrounding the the barrel cortex by stimulating thalamocortical fibres in electrode. It is noteworthy that the single-unit responses the thalamic radiation was suppressed by RF stimulation evoked by whisker stimulation showed on average a (Figs 2C and 3B; see below). In contrast, the response stronger suppression than the field potential responses evoked in VPM by stimulating the primary sensory fibres (Fig. 3A and B). This was a consequence of the fact that in the medial lemniscus was not suppressed by RF some neurons such as the one in Fig. 1B almost entirely stimulation. The thalamic response evoked by medial stopped responding to the sensory stimulus. It is likely that lemniscus stimulation has been characterized previously some of these neurons still produced a subthreshold (Mishima, 1992). It consists of a very short latency and fast response but we would not have been able to detect these component (arrow in Fig.2C) that is blocked by glutamate responses using unit recordings. Other neurons may receptor antagonists (not shown) followed by a slower and simply not respond at all after RF stimulation because they longer latency component (asterisk in Fig.2C) which is the are only driven polysynaptically by the thalamic input and recurrent corticothalamic response, as demonstrated by thus are entirely dependent on the firing of other cortical inactivating the neocortex (Mishima, 1992). RF stimulation neurons, which may have been suppressed. This seems to did not significantly affect the initial fast response (Figs2C be the case because cortical neurons responding with very and 3B; n=5 experiments; the peak amplitude of the medial short latency (5–8ms) to whisker stimulation showed less lemniscus-evoked response was 1.1±0.08mV before and suppression than the whole population of cortical neurons. 1.19±0.1mV after RF stimulation; not significant, ttest), J. Physiol.541.1 Thalamocortical suppression 323 Figure2. Sensory suppression during activation occurs at the thalamocortical connection A, schematic representation of the location of the 16-channel silicon probe placed at a 45deg angle in the barrel cortex, which was used to record field potential responses through the layers of barrel neocortex. Also note a single recording electrode placed in the VPM thalamus and a microdialysis probe located adjacent to the recording electrode. The microdialysis probe was used to infuse TTX into the VPM as described in Fig.5. B, current source–density analysis (CSD) of the sensory response evoked in the barrel cortex by whisker stimulation before (Control) and after RF stimulation. The sink (red) and source (blue) distribution reveals that the short latency responses in layers VI and IV are strongly depressed by RF stimulation. Also shown below is multiunit activity from the VPM thalamus and a field potential recording from one of the cortical sites (900mm in depth). The multiunit traces are the average of five sensory responses. Notice the depression of the cortical response, but not of the thalamic response, after RF stimulation. The field potentials used to derive the CSD are shown at the bottom. The scale range for the CSD is+3.5 to_3.5mVmm_2. C, overlaid field potential responses showing the effect of RF stimulation (red traces) on cortical responses evoked by whisker stimulation (left), cortical responses evoked by thalamic radiation stimulation (middle) and on VPM responses evoked by medial lemniscus stimulation (right). The lemniscal response has two components, marked by an arrow and an asterisk (see text for details). The responses are the average of ten traces. 324 M. A. Castro-Alamancos and E. Oldford J. Physiol.541.1 but always abolished the long latency corticothalamic electrodes in the barrel cortex and thalamic radiation, response that followed. Taken together, the results respectively. The animals were placed in an open field indicate that sensory suppression is occurring at the (43cmw43cm) and motor activity was monitored using interface between the thalamus and the neocortex, at the photobeams and an EMG electrode in the whisker pad. thalamocortical connection. We found that indeed during behaviourally activated states the thalamocortical response evoked by stimulating Thalamocortical suppression occurs during the thalamic radiation was suppressed. Figure 4 shows behavioural arousal recordings from a rat during two distinct behavioural The experiments presented thus far were performed in states: sleep and waking. During slow-wave sleep, as anaesthetized animals, and activation was induced indicated by the enhanced fast Fourier transform (FFT) artificially by RF stimulation. Although RF stimulation power of the spontaneous cortical activity at low frequencies triggers wakefulness in sleeping animals (Lucas, 1975) (<2Hz; Fig.4A), the thalamocortical-evoked response was and mimics many of the features of the aroused brain at its greatest level. As the animal awoke, the thalamo- (Moruzzi & Magoun, 1949), the question remains whether cortical-evoked response was strongly reduced, and was suppression of the thalamocortical input actually occurs in maintained at this reduced level during the vigourously behaving animals during activated states. To test this active period of exploration that followed. During waking directly we chronically implantedrecording and stimulating the FFT power showed an enhancement at 4–5Hz (Fig.4A). This is probably theta activity picked up by volume conduction from the cortical electrode because the FFT analysis of the spontaneous activity did not distinguish between negative and positive components. Sensory suppression occurred when waking occurred spontaneously or was triggered in a sleeping rat by the investigator. Based on recordings from several behaving animals (n=10), the amplitude of the field potential thalamocortical response evoked by VPM stimulation was suppressed on average by 42±7% (P<0.0001, t test; n=10) between slow-wave sleep and active exploration. In conclusion, similar to the events that occur after RF stimulation, during behaviourally activated states the thalamocortical response is suppressed and therefore RF stimulation as used in the present study mimics this aspect of natural arousal. Mechanisms of thalamocortical suppression How does thalamocortical sensory suppression induced by RF stimulation occur? Thalamocortical synapses are sensitive to activity and display pronounced activity- dependent depression at frequencies above 1Hz (Castro- Alamancos, 1997; Gil et al. 1997). Since RF stimulation produces a strong activating effect in thalamocortical neurons, which increases their firing rate, we reasoned that increased thalamocortical activity caused by RF stimulation Figure3. Population data showing the percentage could be depressing thalamocortical synapses and changes induced by RF stimulation of VPM and cortex reducing the efficacy of the thalamocortical connection. If responses RF stimulation is depressing thalamocortical synapses by A, percentage changes induced by RF stimulation of VPM and increasing thalamocortical activity, then blocking thalamo- cortex single-unit firing probability to whisker stimulation at short cortical activity by inactivating the VPM thalamus should latency intervals (3–7ms for VPM and 5–12ms for cortex). n=55 eliminate the suppressive effect of RF stimulation. VPM and 65 units per group, respectively. *P<0.0001, ttest. B,percentage changes induced by RF stimulation of field potential inactivation was produced with the sodium channel responses evoked in cortex by whisker stimulation blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX), and was confirmed when (WkråCortex) or thalamic radiation stimulation (TRåCortex) whisker-evoked responses were completely absent in the and of responses evoked in VPM by medial lemniscus stimulation neocortex (Fig.5A). To test the effect of RF stimulation on (MLåVPM). n=15, 6 and 5 experiments per group, respectively. the thalamocortical pathway before and after thalamic *P<0.0001, ttest. C, percentage changes induced by RF stimulation of current sink amplitudes evoked by whisker inactivation we stimulated the thalamic radiation. When stimulation in layer IV, layer VI and layer III. n=3 experiments the thalamus was intact, the response evoked in the barrel per group. *P<0.0001, ttest. cortex by stimulating the thalamic radiation was suppressed J. Physiol.541.1 Thalamocortical suppression 325 by RF stimulation (Fig. 5B). However, when the VPM Thalamocortical synapses depress in response to activity thalamus was inactivated with TTX, RF stimulation no and also in response to application of certain neuro- longer suppressed the thalamic radiation-evoked response modulators in vitro(Gil et al.1997; Hsieh et al.2000) and (Fig.5B). This indicates that sensory suppression induced by in vivo (Oldford et al. 2000). To distinguish between the RF stimulation is a consequence of increased thalamo- two possibilities, an activity-dependent depression of cortical firing in VPM. This experiment was performed thalamocortical synapses or a neuromodulator-mediated several times (n=6 rats) with similar results. On average the depression of thalamocortical synapses, we tested whether suppression of the thalamic radiation response was 55±7% TTX application in the VPM thalamus was affecting the before (P<0.0001, ttest; n=6) and 6±4% after (P>0.1, cortical activating effects of RF stimulation. This was ttest; n=6) TTX application, i.e. there was a 90% block of accomplished by comparing the power spectrums of the effect of RF stimulation with thalamic inactivation. cortical activity in the presence and absence of thalamic Figure4. Natural arousal produces thalamocortical suppression A, fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the spontaneous field potential activity recorded from the barrel cortex of a freely behaving rat. Blue indicates low power and red indicates high power for the frequency on the y-axis. B,top: amplitude of the thalamocortical response evoked in the barrel cortex by stimulating the thalamic radiation every 10s (open circles). The running averages of three successive responses are shown by filled circles. Middle, amplitude of the electromyographic activity (EMG; arbitrary units) recorded from the whisker pad with subcutaneous electrodes. Bottom, locomotor activity (arbitrary units) recorded by photobeam detectors in the cage. The x-axis time scale corresponds to all graphs. The animal is sleeping for the initial 11min (i.e. lying down in the cage with eyes closed) and the amplitude of the thalamocortical response is large. After 11min, the rat wakes up and moves actively about the cage for the remainder of the experiment, and the thalamocortical response is suppressed. C, traces correspond to a thalamocortical response evoked during slow-wave sleep and during the active exploratory state that follows. Each trace shown is 32.5ms. The arrows mark the onset of the electrical stimulus to the thalamic radiation. 326 M. A. Castro-Alamancos and E. Oldford J. Physiol.541.1 TTX (Fig. 5A). The results revealed that the activating synapses in the barrel neocortex, we applied simultaneously effects of RF stimulation in the barrel cortex were not cholinergic (scopolamine and hexamethodide), nor- significantly different before and during thalamic TTX adrenergic (phentolamine and propanolol) and GABA B application (n=6; ttest for the power between 0.5–15Hz, (CGP35348) receptor antagonists via a microdialysis P>0.1). This would be expected if the activating effect of probe in the barrel neocortex. Application of this drug RF stimulation in neocortex was mainly mediated by the combination in the cortex via microdialysis (Fig. 6) basal forebrain (Jones, 1993). Since the modulation of significantly enhanced the amplitude of the whisker- cortical neurons caused by RF stimulation was still present evoked response and made the response broader (1.4± during VPM inactivation with TTX, we reasoned that 0.2mV beforevs. 2±0.3mV after the drug combination; RF stimulation is not depressing the thalamocortical n=3 rats; P<0.0001, ttest). However, application of this connection by releasing neuromodulator(s) in the cortex. drug combination did not block the sensory suppression Thus, sensory suppression and cortical activation induced induced by RF stimulation (Fig. 6; n=3, suppression by by RF stimulation are independent processes. Conversely, RF was 59±6% before and 75±5% after the drug we propose that increased thalamocortical activity during combination). activated states produces the depression of thalamo- cortical synapses and consequently suppresses sensory- DISCUSSION evoked responses in the neocortex. If this is the case, The principal conclusion of the present study is that activity in thalamocortical synapses should be able to during aroused states the transmission efficacy of the mimic the effect of RF stimulation. Indeed, similar to the thalamocortical connection is reduced leading to the effects of RF stimulation, repetitive stimulation at 10Hz suppression of sensory responses in the neocortex. This is a using sensory or thalamic radiation stimulation robustly consequence of the activity-dependent depression of suppressed thalamocortical responses (Castro-Alamancos thalamocortical synapses caused by increased tonic firing & Connors, 1996) to a similar extent as RF stimulation of thalamic neurons. Importantly, this finding obtained (Fig. 5C). To further test the potential for a cholinergic, initially using brainstem RF stimulation was validated in noradrenergic or GABAergic modulation of thalamocortical Figure5. Sensory suppression induced by RF stimulation is abolished by thalamic inactivation A, cortical field potential responses to whisker stimulation (left traces) and to stimulation of the thalamic radiation (right traces). The arrows mark the onset of the whisker stimulus (left) and the thalamic radiation electrical stimulus (right). The numbers on the traces mark the locations on the plot below. Infusion of TTX into the VPM thalamus abolishes the cortical response to whisker stimulation, but not the cortical response to thalamic radiation stimulation. Also shown (right) is a power-spectrum of the field potential activity recorded in the cortex before (Control) and after RF stimulation (RF stim) when the thalamus was intact (continuous line) or inactivated with TTX (dashed line). Thalamic inactivation does not significantly affect the cortical activating effect of RF stimulation. B,field potential responses to thalamic radiation stimulation are suppressed by RF stimulation when the thalamus is intact, but not when it is inactivated with TTX. C, the thalamocortical response evoked by stimulating the thalamic radiation is suppressed by activity. Repetitive stimulation of the thalamic radiation at 10Hz sharply depresses the thalamocortical response (left), and this effect is equivalent to RF stimulation in an intact thalamus (right). The asterisk marks the small and long latency response presumed to be due to intracortical collaterals of corticothalamic cells (see Discussion for details). J. Physiol.541.1 Thalamocortical suppression 327 behaving animals. This indicates that the RF stimulation cortical pathway because this is what we found to be used in the present study mimics the cortical sensory modified by RF stimulation. Accordingly, our behavioural suppression that occurs during natural aroused states. experiments monitored only the thalamocortical sensory pathway and not the sensory pathways to the thalamus or As a sensory input travels upward from the periphery it is brainstem. It is likely that additional modulatory systems, not depressed by RF stimulation until it reaches the which are activated during arousal or movement, produce neocortex. In fact, at the level of the thalamus, sensory further effects at the thalamic and brainstem levels. It responses are enhanced by RF stimulation (Steriade et al. seems also clear that the modulations that occur during the 1969; Singer, 1977; Castro-Alamancos, 2002a,b). CSD waking state may be different depending on what the revealed that the earliest current sinks in the thalamo- animal is actually doing (Chapin & Woodward, 1981; cortical recipient layers (IV and VI) of neocortex are Fanselow & Nicolelis, 1999). Although this was not explored suppressed by RF stimulation. The activity flow revealed in detail in the present study, there are indications in Fig.4 by the CSD closely agrees with morphological studies, that this is the case because the amount of thalamocortical which have shown that thalamocortical fibres from VPM suppression varied during arousal. The present study project to layers IV–III leaving collaterals in layer VI of the barrel neocortex (Bernardo & Woolsey, 1987; Jensen & Killackey, 1987), and with electrophysiological studies that mapped the laminar spread of whisker-evoked activity within the neocortex using single-unit recordings (Armstrong-James, 1995; Simons, 1995) and field potentials (Di et al. 1990). The CSDs are also similar to those obtained in primary somatosensory cortex using electrical stimulation of the ventroposterior lateral thalamus (VPL) (Castro-Alamancos & Connors, 1996; Kandel & Buzsaki, 1997). Since the thalamic output is enhanced and the earliest current sinks in the thalamocortical recipient layers (IV and VI) are suppressed, this indicates that sensory suppression occurs at the thalamocortical connection. This conclusion is supported by the observation that cortical cells which enhanced or reduced their tonic firing to RF stimulation both displayed a reduced sensory response during arousal, indicating that a change in cortical cell excitability cannot explain the suppression of sensory responses. Taken together the results indicate that cortical sensory suppression during arousal occurs at thalamocortical synapses. Previous work has shown that sensory responses are reduced in the neocortex, thalamus and also brainstem sensory nuclei during behaviourally aroused states and movement in rodents, monkeys and humans (Chapin & Figure6. Blocking cholinergic, noradrenergic and GABA Woodward, 1981; Nelson, 1984; Cohen & Starr, 1987; Shin B receptors in the neocortex does not abolish sensory & Chapin, 1989, 1990; Fanselow & Nicolelis, 1999). These suppression induced by RF stimulation investigators have proposed that a central modulatory A, field potential responses evoked in the neocortex by whisker process must account for sensory suppression since it stimulation. Under control conditions RF stimulation suppresses occurs away from the periphery and in the absence of the evoked response (upper traces). Simultaneous application of actual motor activity. The present study shows that one scopolamine, hexamethodide, phentolamine, propanolol and CGP35348 enhances the whisker-evoked response, but under these mechanism which contributes to the suppression observed conditions RF stimulation also suppresses the sensory-evoked at the cortical level is the significantly increased thalamo- response (lower traces). Traces are the average of five responses cortical unit firing during arousal, which leads to activity- from a representative experiment. B, population data from three dependent depression of thalamocortical synapses. experiments in which the drugs mentioned in Awere applied. The However, it is important to note that other factors that are average for each experiment was calculated from 10–15 control not recruited by the RF stimulation used in the present traces and RF traces. RF significantly suppresses whisker-evoked responses during control conditions and after application of the study may also contribute to the changes previously drug combination (*P<0.0001, ttest). Also, application of the detected at the level of the thalamus and brainstem sensory drugs significantly enhances the evoked response as compared to nuclei. The present study focused only on the thalamo- control (**P<0.0001, ttest). 328 M. A. Castro-Alamancos and E. Oldford J. Physiol.541.1 emphasizes that during active behavioural states, such as thalamus is recurrently stimulated by corticothalamic exploration, thalamocortical suppression is prevalent and synapses. However, this is not a problem because under these that RF stimulation simulates this effect in anaesthetized same experimental conditions corticothalamic responses animals. to low frequency stimulation are very small and only corticothalamic stimulation above 5Hz produces a strong The present study proposes that increased thalamocortical thalamic response due to facilitation (Castro-Alamancos unit firing produces activity-dependent depression of & Calcagnotto, 2001). Moreover, the lack of involvement thalamocortical synapses, which leads to sensory of the corticothalamic connection in the cortical responses suppression of neocortical responses. This conclusion is evoked by thalamic radiation stimulation is demonstrated based on several findings. First, thalamocortical synapses by the fact that the amplitude of the cortical responses depress with activity (Castro-Alamancos, 1997), and to single stimuli of the thalamic radiation was not neuronal tonic firing increases in thalamocortical neurons significantly different before and after application of TTX during arousal. After RF stimulation the firing rate of in VPM (Fig. 5). (2) The other consequence of the all thalamocortical neurons increased to ~33Hz. This antidromic activation of layer VI corticothalamic neurons discharge rate is characteristic of VPM neurons in awake is that the cortex is recurrently stimulated via intracortical behaving rats (Nicolelis et al.1993; Fanselow & Nicolelis, collaterals from these neurons that reach the upper layers 1999). The analogous response of all VPM neurons to (Zhang & Deschenes, 1997). Interestingly, these intracortical RF stimulation was expected because thalamocortical collaterals behave much the same way as corticothalamic neurons represent a homogeneous population in their synapses, producing strong facilitation (Stratford et al. response to neuromodulators (McCormick & Prince, 1996) and long latency responses because these small 1987; McCormick, 1992). In addition, the differential effect diameter fibres conduct much more slowly than the larger of RF stimulation on the firing of neocortical neurons was thalamocortical fibres (Ferster & Lindstrom, 1985; Swadlow, also expected because in vitrostudies have shown distinct 1989). Consequently, we expected to observe a long latency actions of neuromodulators depending on the cortical response that could be attributed to these intracortical neuronal type (McCormick & Prince, 1985; McCormick, fibres when we stimulated at high frequencies. Indeed, as 1992; Xiang et al.1998). shown in Fig. 5C (asterisk), what we found was a very Second, blocking the firing of thalamocortical neurons in small, long latency response that followed the initial the VPM with TTX is sufficient to eliminate the thalamo- thalamocortical response. The amplitude of this facilitated cortical sensory suppression induced by RF stimulation by response to repetitive stimulation was about 5–10% of the about 90%. A possible interpretation of this result is that it amplitude of the response we measured to single stimuli, resulted from the block by TTX of the cortical activation and it was expected to be even smaller to single stimuli mediated by the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus because of the absence of facilitation. Thus, this leads to the (Steriade et al. 1997) (e.g. by spread of TTX to the intra- conclusion that an intracortical component originating laminar nuclei). However, this is unlikely for two reasons. from axon collaterals of corticothalamic cells would not be (1) We found that cortical activation induced by RF present in the single stimuli responses we measured or it stimulation is not different when the VPM thalamus is would be very small (<5% of the response) and have a blocked with TTX. Thus, the cortical modulation induced long latency. Therefore, the response we measure in the by RF stimulation is still present during application of cortex using single stimuli of the thalamic radiation is TTX in VPM, although the thalamocortical suppression mostly (>90%), if not entirely, due to stimulation of induced by RF stimulation is blocked. (2) It is unlikely that thalamocortical fibres. the intralaminar nuclei were affected by the TTX because Finally, neuromodulators that may be released in the the distance between the microdialysis probe and the neocortex by RF stimulation are known to affect intralaminar nuclei is the same as that between the probe thalamocortical synapses when applied in vivo(Oldford et and the thalamic radiation. If TTX was spreading this al. 2000) and in vitro (Gil et al. 1997; Hsieh et al. 2000). distance the thalamic radiation-evoked responses should However, we found that cholinergic, noradrenergic and have been affected, which was not the case. Another GABA receptor antagonists applied together in the important consideration with this experiment is that due B neocortex did not reduce sensory suppression induced by to the need to inactivate VPM using TTX we had to use RF stimulation (in fact, they slightly enhanced the electrical stimulation of the thalamic radiation to stimulate suppression), which demonstrates that these major neuro- thalamocortical fibres. However, electrical stimulation of transmitter systems do not contribute to thalamocortical the thalamic radiation also evokes corticothalamic responses sensory suppression induced by RF stimulation. (Castro-Alamancos & Calcagnotto, 2001), which means that layer VI corticothalamic neurons are being antidromically Taken together, the results of the present study lead to the activated. There are two consequences of this. (1) The conclusion that increased thalamocortical activity in the