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Correspondence Respectig the Affairs of Siam PDF

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Preview Correspondence Respectig the Affairs of Siam

SUM. No. 1 (1894). CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE AFFAIES SIAM OF Presented to both Houses of Parliament hy Command of Her Majesty. August 1894. LONDON: FEINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, PRINTEBS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTT. Andtobepurchased, eitherdirectlyorthroughanyBookstiler, from EYEE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Flei-.t SrBEET,' SO. and 32, Abingdon Street,Westuinstbr, S.W.; oi JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow; or HODGES, FIGGIS,and Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublik. [0.-7395.] Price 2s. M. . .., TABLE OP CONTENTS. No. Name. Date. Mr. Gould July 10, 1887 Nov, 6, To Earl of Lytton . Apr. 3, 1889 -4 Mr. Gould . 9, 6 )> )) •• •> May 4, 6 To India Office July 7 India Office 8 To M. Waddington . Captain Jones 10 » » 11 To Captain Jones felegraphic 12 Captain Jones 14 To iMr. Egerton ,. [ ;lo India Office 16 ToMarquisofDufferin .17 To India Office 18 India Office 19 Captain Jones •20 To MarquisofDufferin HI 22 To M. Waddington . TABLE OP CONTENTS. UI No. . ...., . . .... . It TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. Name, Date. Subject. Page 52* To MarquisofDufferin May 12, 1893 Communicatious with Siamese Government. French Charge d'Affaireshas been informed ofadvice given to Siamese Representative . -30 53 To Baron d'Estour- 12, Spheres of influence in neighbourhood of Me- nelles kong. Reply as to conversations between Lord Salisbury and M. Waddington See No. 49 30 54 To Admiralty , 12, Protection of German subjects in Siam. Re- quests that orders may be given to naval oflBcers for 31 55 To Captain Jones 13, Siameseattack on French positions at Khong. Mr. Verney says Siamese Government were not the instigators 31 56 Consul Tremlett Apr. 14, Occupation of Khone. Transmits newspaper estract . 31 57 Marquis ofDufferin . May 15, Transmits article from "Temps," apparently inspired,respectingquestionsbetweenFrance and Siam 32 58 Telegraphic 16, Fighting on Mekong. Capture of Captain Thoreux. French advancing 34 59 To Count Hatzfeldt . 16, Gwman subjects in Siam. Naval ofi&cers have been instructed to protect 34 60 Baron d'Estournelles . 16, Spheres of influence in neighbourhood of Upper Mekong. Acknowledges note of 12th instant . . - . 34 61 Marquis ofDufferin . 18, Transmits paragraph from '' Temps'' respect ing recent events in Siam 35 62 Borneo Company 20, News from Bangkok. French blockade ex- pected. British gun-boat wanted 35 63 Marquis ofDufferin . Telegraphic 23, Telegram from M.Lanessan. Stung Treng and Khone. Capture of Captain Thoreux. Siamese posts evacuated 36 64 To Borneo Company. 25, Steps for protection of British subjects at Bangkok. No reason to suppose that French will blockade 36 65 Commander-in-chief, Telegraphic 26, French fleet sailed from Hong Kong south- China, to Admiralty wards 36 66 Captain Jones Telegraphic 28, Laos States. French Minister proposes that France and Siam shouldjointly protect 37 67 Apr. 26, Dispatch of Her Jlajesty's ship "Swift" to Bangkok 37 68 Marquis ofDufferin . May 28, Transmits telegram from M. de Lanessan. ReliefofKhone 37 69 To Captain Jones 31, Her Majesty's ship "Swift" Ap^p^roves No. 67 .. .. .. 38 70 Telegraphic June 4, To urge Siamese Government-to avoid breach ofrelations, and to liberateCaptain Thoreux S8 71 Consul Tremlett May 6, French operations on Mekong. Transmits newspaper extract 38 72 To Captain Jones Telegraphic June 5, French fleet has left Hong Kongforthesouth. To endeavour to restrain Siamese from bringing matters to a crisis 39 73 Captain Jones Telegraphic 5, Seizure of Captain Thoreux. Siamese Go- vernment consider it wasjustifiable 39 74 Marquis ofDufferin 6. French operations on Mekong. Transmits official telegram 40 75 Captain Jones Telegraphic 7, DifSculties of Siamese Government. They do not lack moderation 40 76 Consul Tremlett May 12, Fighting on Siamese frontier 40 77 Marquis ofDufferin June 15, Transmits extract from "Siecie" respecting events in Siam 41 78 Telegraphic 17, Murder of M. Grosgurin. Official telegram aV published 41 79 Telegraphic 17, French fleet reported to be instructed to sail to 80 Telegraphic 17, FreBnacnhgkfloeket.froAmbSoaviegonrep.ort denied, officially.* 42 Her Majesty's Government will be informed ofany further action 42 81 Telegraphic 19, Island of Samit occupied 13th instant 42 82 Captain Jones Telegraphic 19, Murder of M. Grosgurin. Siamese are willing to give satisfaction ifstory is confirmed 42 83 Telegraphic 19, French claims. Siamese will not separate these from other questions in dispute . 42 TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. TABLE OF CONTENTS. VU No. . ..... ... .. ... ... VIU TABLE OP CONTENTS. No. Name. Date. Subject. Page ]86 Captain Jonea Telegraphic July 24, 1893 French Minister has hauled down his flag. 85 187 M. de Bille 24. Thanks for protection ofDanish subjects .. 85 188 Petition from Mer- 24, Dangers ofsituation to British interests 86 chants &c. 189 Captain Jones Telegraphic 25i M. Pavie leaves this afternoon. Blockade will probably be declared at once 190 ToMarquisofDufferin 25, Interview with M. d'Estournelles respecting the blockade. Inquiries addressed to him . 191 Borneo Company 26, When must steamers now loading leave Bangkok? . . . 192 Marquisof DuflFerin . 25, Pointed out to M. Develle that he had never "formally announced" that England would not intervene in the dispute 193 26, Mr. Phipps informed at Foreign Office that ships having loaded previous to declaration ofblockade would be given time to depart 164 26, Interview with M. Develle. He says the ultimatum cannot now be modified. Pro- posal to constitute a buffer territory on left bank of Mekong . . 195 Leeds Chamber of 26, Resolution passed stating they trust Her Commerce •Majesty's Government will endeavour to mitigate evils ofpresent position 196 To MarquisofDufferin Telegraphic 27, Can he announce that French Government are ready to constitute buffer State1 . 197 Marquis ofDufferin . Telegraphic 27, Terms in which Agreement with France as to constitution of buffer State should be announced 198 ToMarquisofDufferin Telegraphic 27, Buffer State. Exchange ofnotes desirable . 199 Marquis of Dufferin . Telegraphic 27, Learns that blockade will commence on 31st . 200 To Captain Jones Telegraphic 27, Lord Dufferin states blockade will begin on 31st 201 To Admiralty (also to 27, Lord Dufferin telegraphs blockade will begin India Office, Colonial on 31st Office, and Board of Trade) 202 Captain Jones Telegraphic 27, May Her Majesty's ships protect Portuguese subjects? 203 Telegraphic 27, FrenchCommanderhasannouncedthatblockade commenced on 26th 204 To Mquisof Dufferin Telegraphic 27, CaptaiuJonesreportsthatblockadewas declared on 26th Instant. To ask M. Develle for explanations . 205 Admiralty . . 27, Blockade declartd from 28th Julv 206 To MarquisofDufferin Telegraphic 27, Senior Naval Officertelegraphsblockade began 28t.h 207 To Captain Jones Telegiaphic 27, Best course for Siam is to accept French terms unconditionally SOS To Admiralty 27, Wants Her Majesty'sships instructjedtoprotect Portuguese subjects 2C9 To Straits Settlements 27, Question in Siam engaging serious attention of Association Her Majesty's Government 210 Messrs. Samuel 26, Ask to .be protected from loss which the blockade would entail on them 21i Marquis of Dufferin . 27, Further interview with M, Develle respecting buffer State, Battambang, and Angkor, and other questions 212 Messrs. Wallace 27, Will Her Majesty's Government recognize the Brothers blockade? , 213 Coioniar Office 28, Sir I/. Smith telegraphs for instructionsinview of blockade 214 Marquis of Dufferin . Telegraphic 28, Will address note to M. Develle, asking for explanations as to the blockade . 215 Telegraphic 28, French Foreign Office say true date of com- mencement of blockade is 31st 216 Telegraphic 28, Her Majesty's Government muvt consider the blockade to constitute a stale of belligerency 217 CaptRin Jones Telegraphic 28, Siamese Government accept ultimatum 218 ToMarquisofDufferin 28, Her Majesty's Government have recommended Siam to accept French ultimatum. They firmly adhere to necessity ofneutral territory between British and French pos-sessions 219 Marquis ofDufferin., 28, Discrepancy in dates of blockade given by M. Develle and Captain Jones. Note to M. Develle .. TABLE Of CONTENTS. IX No. .. ....•, . ... ......, ...... TABLE OP CONTENDS. No. Name. Date. Subject. Page 260 To Borneo Company. Aug. 2, 1893 Blockade will not be put in force . . Ii4 26] »» jf • 2, Question of compensation will receive con- sideration 114 -26-2 Marquis of Dufferin . Telegraphic 3, French Government explain delay in raising blockade . . . 115 •263 Captain Jones Telegraphic 3, No news ofblockade being raised . . 115 2Cti Barond'EstourneJles. •• 4, Announces termination ofblockade, and occu- pation ofChantaboon .. 115 265 Admiralty. 4, Blockade raised 3rd August 116 266 Captain Jones Telegraphic 4, Admiral notified that blockade was raised 3rd August at noon 116 267 To Colonial Office . 4, Representations of Singapore Chamber of Commerce will be borne in mind . 116 268 Marquis ofDufferin . 4, Note from M. Develle respecting discrepancy of dates as to blockade and as to question of international law involved 116 269 ToMarquisofDufferin 5, Remarks respecting M. Develle's statement that he hadassured M.AVaddingtonthatHer Majesty's Government would not intervene.. 118 270 ToBarond'Estournelles 5, Acknowledges No. 264 119 271 Captain Jones Telegraphic 6, Settlgpient ratified. M. Pavie asks for salute. 119 272 Marquis of Dufferin 5. N Neutral zone. Better to postpone negotiations. 119 273 Captain Jones Telegraphic 11, French will hold fort but not town of Chanta- boon . . . . 119 274 Telegraphic 13, Siamese refuse to withdraw their troops from Cambodian frontier . . . 120 275 Telegraphic 15, Siamese deny that Grosgurin was murdered in cold blood 120 276 Mr. Phipps 15. M. Develle's assurances respecting Cambodian forces 120 277 To Captain Jones Telegraphic 18, Cambodiantroopstobewithdrawn fromfrontier 120 278 Captain Jones Telegraphic 20, Audienceof M. de Vilers. Assurance given as to his instructions .. 121 279 July 17, CircumstancesofforcingentranceofMenam by French gun-boats. Transmits extract from "BangkokTimes." Printed correspondence respecting 121 280 20, Military situation east of Mekong. Report of Siamese Commissioner. Posts occupied by Frenchand Siamese respectively 127 281 Admiralty ,, 17, Report from Commander of''Pallas. " 128 282 To Captain Jones Telegraphic 21, Are there any foreign gun-boats at Bangkok ? Is "Linnet" siill there ? 130 283 Captain Jones Telegraphic 21, M. de Vilers' audience. He refuses all inter- ventionofforeign advisers .. ^ 130 284 Telegraphic 21, Occupation of Chantaboon 130 285 Telegraphic 2-2, " Linnet" left on 17th . . 131 286 To Captain Jones Telegraphic 22, Is any other gun-boat expected to replace "Linnet"? .. 131 287 Captain Jones Telegraphic 23, Negotiations proceeding smoothly. "Linnet" not expected to be replaced 131 288 To Admiralty 23, Want ship stationed at Bangkok 131 u8f) Captain Jones Telegraphic 24, Termsofproposed Treaty. Theyareinexcess ofultimatum .. 131 290 Admiralty >. 24, Gun-boatto be sent to replace "Linnet" 132 2;n Captain Jones Telejfraphic 25, Change of attitude of French Plenipotentiary 132 2!t2 To Captain Jones Telegraphic 25, "Linnet" will be replaced 132 •293 Admiralty .. 25, " Swift" orderedto Bangkok 132 294 Captain Jones 25, Transmits correspondence between M. Pavie and Siamese Government respecting non- acceptance ofultimatum and his withdrawal from Bangkok 133 295 Consul Trenilett 30, Confirms telegram of the 25th July. Trans- mits copies of telegrams respecting French operations in interior 136 296 Admiralty , Aug. 25, Report of Captain of "Pallas" respecting hostilities between French and Siamese 138 297 Messrs. V/alla 29, Dangers to British interests in Siam 141 Brothers 298 Manchester Chamber 29, Dangers^fpresentsituation to Britishinterests 141 of Commerce 299 Mr. Phipps 29, Report from captain of "J. B. Say" as to 300 Straits Settlements 80, DanengterrasncteooBfriFtriesnhcihntgeurnes-tbsoats to Menam , 114415 Association 301 To Straits Settlements 31, Acknowledges No. 300 .. 146 Association

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