Correlated Electronic Properties of Some Graphene Nanoribbons: A DMRG Study V. M. L. Durga Prasad Goli,1,∗ Suryoday Prodhan,1,† Sumit Mazumdar,2,3,‡ and S. Ramasesha1,§ 1Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, India. 2Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA. 3College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA. (Dated: July 19, 2016) The significant electron-electron interactions that characterize the π-electrons of graphene nanoribbons(GNRs)necessitategoingbeyondone-electrontight-bindingdescription. Existingthe- ories of electron-electron interactions in GNRs take into account one electron-one hole interactions accurately but miss higher order effects. We report highly accurate density matrix renormaliza- tion group (DMRG) calculations of the ground state electronic structure, the relative energies of thelowest one-photonversustwo-photon excitationsand thechargegaps inthreenarrowgraphene nanoribbons(GNRs)withinthecorrelated Pariser-Parr-Pople modelforπ-conjugatedsystems. We haveemployed thesymmetrized DMRGmethod toinvestigatethezigzag nanoribbon 3-ZGNRand 6 two armchair nanoribbons 6-AGNR and 5-AGNR, respectively. We predict bulk magnetization of 1 the ground state of 3-ZGNR, and a large spin gap in 6-AGNR in their respective thermodynamic 0 limits. Nonzero charge gaps and semiconducting behavior, with moderate tolarge exciting binding 2 energiesarefoundforallthreenanoribbons,incontradiction tothepredictionoftight-bindingthe- l ory. Thelowest two-photon gap in 3-ZGNR vanishes in thethermodynamiclimit, while this gap is u smaller than the one-photon gap in 5-AGNR. However, in 6-AGNR the one-photon gap is smaller J than thetwo-photon gap and it is predicted to befluorescent. 8 1 I. INTRODUCTION (a) (b) ] l e - Carbonhascometotheforeinthelastfewdecadesfor r t many exciting electronic and magnetic properties with s the discovery of buckyball in the eighties to carbon nan- X . X t otubesintheninetiestographeneandgraphenenanorib- a m bons in the last decade1–3. In all these systems, we can assume thatthe carbonatomis in sp2 hybridizationand - d hence, these systems belong to the class of π-conjugated n carbon systems. In recent years, graphene nanoribbons o (GNRs) have attracted considerable attention because (c) c X of their exotic electronic properties and plausible ap- [ plications in nanoelectronics4–8. GNRs with different FIG.1. Molecular structuresof(a)zigzag 3-ZGNR,(b)arm- 2 widths can be made using various techniques like me- chair 6-AGNR and (c) armchair 5-AGNR. The unit cell for v chanicalcutting ofexfoliatedgraphenesorbypatterning each nanoribbon is indicated by thesquare brackets. 8 epitaxially grown graphenes9–14. GNRs are quasi one- 9 dimensional forms of graphene, which exhibit exciting 3 2 electronic properties because of the confinement of elec- are metallic and others are semiconducting17. 0 tronsinlowdimension4,15–18. Theseelectronicproperties The quasi one-dimensional character of the GNRs . alsodependcruciallyonthegeometryoftheedgesofthe 1 leadstoconfinementandenhancedelectronrepulsionbe- ribbons. TheGNRsareclassifiedintotwotypesbasedon 0 tween the π-electrons. Thus extended screening lengths 6 the edge structures, namely, zigzag and armchair GNRs and long range electron-electron interactions are ex- 1 (ZGNRsandAGNRsrespectively). Withintheone-band pected in the semiconducting GNRs, and even in the : tight-bindingtheory,ZGNRsarepredictedtobemetallic v metallic GNRs which are better described as zero gap withzerobandgap,while AGNRs canbe eithersemicon- i semiconductors16,17. Electron-electron interactions in X ducting or metallic, depending upon their width15–17,19; GNRs and single-walled carbon nanotubes have been r AGNRswith3p+2(withintegerp)dimerbondsbetween a considered in the past within the time-dependent den- nearest neighbor carbon atoms across the ribbon width sityfunctionalapproach20–22 aswellasthe GWapproxi- mation accompanied by Bethe-Salpeter corrections23–25. These approaches take into account one electron-one hole (1e-1h) interactions, are equivalent to the sin- ∗ Electronicmail:[email protected];VMLDPGandSP gle configuration interaction approximation of quantum havecontributed equallytothiswork. † Electronicmail: [email protected] chemistry26–28, and have successfully predicted the ex- ‡ Electronicmail: [email protected] citonic character of the lowest optical absorption in the § Electronicmail: [email protected] semiconductors. Our goal here, however, is to probe the 2 consequencesofthestrongfour-fermiontwoelectron-two the presence ofthese edge states inthe quantumHallef- hole (2e-2h) interactions. As in previous work26–28, we fectingraphenehavealsobeenstudiedwithinlocalized39 probe the consequences of realistic electron-electron in- and continuum pictures40. Wakabayashi et al. stud- teractions on the optical and charge gaps in three nar- ied electronic and magnetic properties of GNRs in the row GNRs, the ZGNR with three carbon-carbon bonds presence of a magnetic field in the tight-binding approx- across its width (3-ZGNR) and AGNRs with 6 and 5 imationand proposedthat zigzagnanoribbonswill show carbon-carbon bonds across their widths (6-AGNR and diamagneticbehaviorathightemperatureandparamag- 5-AGNR), respectively (see Fig. 1). Beyond this, how- netic behavior at low temperature41. Louie et al. have ever,wealsoprobetheirgroundstatemagneticcharacter also showed that the edge-magnetic nature of ZGNRs and the spin gap. We further determine the relative en- can induce half-metallicity in the presence of a trans- ergyorderingsofthelowestone-versustwo-photonstates verseelectric fieldacrossthe ribbonwidth, resulting ina in all three nanoribbons. In the past, the experimental spin current42. The edge magnetism in zigzag nanorib- demonstration that the lowest two-photon state occurs bonshasalsobeenstudiedusingthemean-fieldHubbard below the optical one-photon state in linear polyenes29, modelbyJungandcoworkers43, employingthe quantum in contradiction to the predictions of tight-binding and MonteCarlotechniquebyGoloretal.44andbyrenormal- Hartree-Fock theories29, provided the most convincing izationtechniquebyHikiharaetal.45 andexperimentally demonstrationofthestrongelectroncorrelationsinthese atroomtemperaturebyMagdaandcoworkers46. Instead systems. Morerecently,similarexperimentalresultshave of the presence of ferromagnetically aligned spins at the also been obtained from nonlinear optical measurements edges, all the above studies predicted a singlet ground of graphene nanofragments30. Accurate computational state in ZGNR in the absence of an external field; how- investigationof the relative energy orderingsof one- and ever, a few density functional studies predicted a ferro- two-photon states also requires going beyond existing magnetic ground state in ZGNR on doping47. Dutta et techniques. Finally, we compute nearest neighbor bond al. havestudiedlow-energypropertiesofbothzigzagand orders(nearestneighborcharge-transfers)toexaminethe armchair GNRs within the Hubbard model using quan- tendency to structural distortions. tum many-body configuration interaction method and predictedthatthegroundstateofzigzagGNRsisahigh- Forconjugatedcarbonsystems,thePariser-Parr-Pople spinstate whileforarmchairGNRs the groundstateis a (PPP) model, which assumes σ−π separability and in- corporates long-range electron-electron repulsions31, is singlet48. Spindensitycalculationsattheedgesofzigzag nanoribbonsshowthepresenceofbothupanddownspin known to reproduce ground and excited state properties very well32–35. It has also been demonstrated that the atagivenedgeinsteadofpredominanceofaspecificspin aspredictedby tight-bindinganddensityfunctionalthe- symmetrized DMRG method can provide highly accu- ories. Thisstudyindicatesthatthepicturecanbesignif- rate descriptions of ground and low-lying excited states withinthePPPmodel36,37. Wereportheresymmetrized icantly different in the presence of long-range electronic correlation. DMRG calculations on the three GNRs of Fig. 1. We briefly mention here existing related works about Therearealsoextensivestudiesofelectronicproperties edge-magnetism in zigzag nanoribbons which was spec- such as band gaps and quasiparticle energies in GNRs. ulated quite early in the literature and has been stud- Ezawa has studied bandgaps in a range of nanoribbons ied rather extensively. Fujita et al. have studied both in the Hu¨ckel picture and predicted the width depen- armchairandzigzaggrapheneribbonswithtight-binding dence of the bandgaps in these systems17. He has also approximation and reported the presence of a flat band found that incorporationof edge effects by changing the and localized edge states near the Fermi level for zigzag transfer term or site energies of the edge sites has little nanoribbons, resulting in high density of states near the effectonthebandstructure. BreyandFertigstudiedthe Fermi level15. In armchair nanoribbons, these almost electronic structure of zigzag and armchair nanoribbons flat bands (which are a consequence of the topology of using the massless Dirac equation and their results are the π-conjugation) are absent. In the correlatedpicture, in agreement with the tight-binding results, except for these almost flat bands result in magnetic states whose narrow nanoribbons19. They proposed that the contin- spins are arrangedferromagneticallyatthe edges15. Op- uum analysis of graphene can quantitatively predict the posite edges of the ribbon will have opposite alignment properties of these nanoribbons. Louie et al. have com- of spins making the ribbon non-magnetic in the thermo- puted the band gaps for zigzag and armchair GNRs by dynamic limit. Evenin a generalnanoribbonwhichcan- employing the first-principles approach within the local not be classified as either perfectly armchairor perfectly (spin) density approximation49 and GW approximation zigzag, a few sequentially placed zigzag sites can result with many-body Green’s function technique25 and pro- inasignificantdensityofstatesatthe Fermilevelresult- posed analytical expressions for band gaps as a function ingedgeferromagnetism16. Sasakiandcoworkersstudied of GNR widths. They argued all GNRs to be semicon- graphene in the continuous model using the Weyl equa- ducting, contradicting earlier tight-binding predictions. tionwithaspecialgaugefieldresultingfromthelocalde- Recently,spinandchargegapsofthearmchairpolyacene formationinthe π-backboneand confirmedthe presence have been studied within the PPP model50. It has been of localized states at zigzag edges38. Consequences of shown that the ground state of armchair polyacene is a 3 singletandthesystemisaninsulatorinthegroundstate. employed with finite size scaling. The quantum Monte This paper is organized as follows. In section II, we Carlo approach is also not suitable since we have long- introducethemodelHamiltonianandbrieflydescribethe rangeinteractionsinthemodel. Forsemiconductingnar- DMRG scheme which we have employed in our study. row nanoribbons, the DMRG method is the method of In section III, we present and discuss our results for the choiceasthearealawofentanglemententropyholdsand threeGNRs. Inthefinalsection,wepresentacomparison for the same DMRG cut-off similar accuracy is retained of these three GNRs and summarize our results. independent of the length of the nanoribbons54,55. In the case of metallic nanoribbons, gapless low-lying ex- citations are present and the area law of entanglement II. THEORETICAL MODEL, THE DMRG entropy will not hold. This leads to increasing errors SCHEME FOR GNRS AND SYMMETRY with increasing system sizes in the DMRG method if we SUBSPACES employafixedcut-offinthenumberofblockstates(M ) l for all system sizes. However,for finite systems in corre- A. PPP Hamiltonian and parameters latedmodels,thereisalwaysafinitegapintheexcitation spectrum andby keeping a largenumber ofblock states, The PPP Hamiltonian is written as, we can deduce correct excitation energies. While our calculationsdonotreproduceallbehaviorsofmetals, we believethattheparticularpropertiesweareinvestigating 1 H = t (a† a +a† a )+ U n (n −1) can be obtained from extrapolations of these excitation ij iσ jσ jσ iσ 2 i i i energies. It has also been shown that for models with <i,j>,σ i X X diagonal interactions in the real space such as the PPP + Vij(ni−1)(nj −1) model,theentanglemententropyissimilartothoseinthe i>j Hubbardandthe Heisenbergmodelsinone-dimension56. X (1) Taken together, the above justify the use of the DMRG approachfor PPP calculations of GNRs. where < i,j > are the bonded pair of atoms and t is ij the corresponding hopping or transfer integral, a† (a ) The DMRG method, discovered by White in 1992 di- iσ iσ vides a system block into two sub-blocks54,55,58,59, gen- is the creation (annihilation) operator at site i with spin erally referred to as the left sub-block (L) and the right σ and n is the number operator. U is the Hubbard on- i sub-block(R),whilethewavefunctionofthetotalsystem site repulsion and V are the intersite electron-electron ij blockisdescribedinthedirectproductspaceofthesetwo repulsionbetweencarbonatomsiandj. V areobtained ij from the Ohno parametrization51, sub-block basis states. In the DMRG method, the Fock spacesofthetwosub-blocksareapproximatedandithas beenfoundthatthebestapproximationsofthesub-block 2 −21 Fockspacescanbeobtainedbyretainingasmallnumber 14.397 V =14.397 +r2 (2) of reduced density matrix eigenvectors corresponding to ij U ij "(cid:18) i (cid:19) # the highest reduced density matrix eigenvalues. The re- duced density matrix of a chosen sub-block is obtained whichisarrivedatbyinterpolatingbetweenUatrij =0 by treating the other block as an environmentblock and and e2/rij for rij → ∞. In Eq. 2 the distances are in ˚A tracing the density over the states of the environment whiletheenergiesareineV52. Wehavetakenthenearest block. Thereduceddensitymatrixforasub-blockofsize neighbor distance between the carbon atoms as 1.42 ˚A l, so obtained, is diagonalized and M eigenvectors with l and we fixed parameters tij = −2.40 eV and U = 11.26 thehighestreduceddensitymatrixeigenvaluesarestored eV as in many of the previous studies involving carbon- as column vectors of a M d ×M matrix where M l−1 σ l l−1 basedconjugatedsystems34,36,37; the Uvalue chosen53 is is the number of density matrix eigenstates retained at thesumoftheionizationenergyandthe electronaffinity the l−1-thiterationandd isthe dimensionofthe Fock σ of carbon and gives the energy change in the process space of the new site added to the sub-block at the l-th CC →C+C−. iteration. TheHamiltonianofthesub-blocksisrenormal- ized using this M d ×M matrix and the matrices of l−1 σ l siteoperatorsarealsotransformedtothis new basis. All B. The DMRG scheme terms in the PPP Hamiltonian including the long-range correlationtermscanbe expressedusingtheserenormal- We are interested in the properties of the three GNRs izedsiteoperatorsandthematrixelementsofthesystem of Fig. 1 in the thermodynamic limit, which is reached Hamiltonian can be obtained by taking appropriate di- fromfinitesizescaling. ExactstudiesofthemodelHamil- rectproducts. ThenextstepintheDMRGalgorithmin- tonian are confined, at best, to about 18 carbon sites volves expanding the system block by adding a few sites and hence cannot be employed for extrapolation to the (usuallytwo)totheprevioussystemblock. TheHamilto- thermodynamic limit. Restricted configuration interac- nian matrix is constructed in the direct product basis of tion approaches are not size consistent and cannot be the retained block states of the two sub-blocks and Fock 4 3 3 3 3 4’ 1 5’ 1 6 5’ 1 2’ 1 2’ 1 2’ (a) 4’ 4’ 2 4 2’ 2 4 2’ 2 1’ 2 1’ 2 1’ 3’ 4 3’ 5 1’ 5 6’ 1’ 3’ 3’ 3 8’ 3 1 6 5’ 1 6 5’ 2 4 7 7’ 4’ 2’ 2 4 7 7’ 4’ 2’ 5 6’ 1’ 5 6’ 1’ 8 3’ 3’ (b) 1 3 6 8’ 5’ 1 3 6 9 5’ 1 3 6 9 5’ 1 3 6 9 5’ 2 4 7 7’ 4’ 2’ 2 4 7 7’ 4’ 2’ 2 4 7 10 4’ 2’ 2 4 7 10 4’ 2’ 5 6’ 1’ 5 6’ 1’ 5 6’ 1’ 5 11 1’ 8 3’ 8 3’ 8 3’ 8 3’ 14’ 8’ 3 9 3 9 3 9 1 11’ 5’ 1 6 12 1 6 12 1 6 12 2 13’ 10’ 7’ 4’ 2’ 2 4 7 10 13 2’ 2 4 7 10 13 2’ 2 4 7 10 4’ 2’ 12’ 6’ 1’ 5 11 1’ 5 11 1’ 5 11 1’ 9’ 3’ 8 14 8 3’ 8 3’ 3 8’ 3 8’ 3 8’ 3 8’ 1 11’ 5’ 1 11’ 5’ 1 11’ 5’ 1 6 5’ 2 13’ 10’ 7’ 4’ 2’ 2 4 10’ 7’ 4’ 2’ 2 4 10’ 7’ 4’ 2’ 2 4 10’ 7’ 4’ 2’ 12’ 6’ 1’ 12’ 6’ 1’ 5 6’ 1’ 5 6’ 1’ 9’ 3’ 9’ 3’ 9’ 3’ 9’ 3’ 3 8’ 3 8’ 1 6 5’ 1 6 5’ 4 7’ 2’ 2 4 7 7’ 4’ 2’ 2 7 4’ 5 6’ 1’ 5 6’ 1’ 8 3’ 9’ 3’ FIG. 2. (a) Construction of 3-ZGNR of 16 sites in the infinite DMRG method starting from a small system (4 sites). The number of bonds between the new and the old sites at the intermediate system sizes are kept close to that in the final system for higher accuracy. At every step of the algorithm two new sites are added, one to the left sub-block (L) and other to the right sub-block (R). The sites in Laredenoted byunprimednumberswhilethoseinRaredenoted byprimednumbers. Thenewlyaddedsitesareshownbyfilledsquare ((cid:4))whileoldsitesaredenoted byfilledcircles(•). Solidlinesarebonds withinasub-block. Thebrokenlinesdenote thebondsbetween • and (cid:4). Bonds between the two sub-blocks as well as the bond between (cid:4) are denoted by hatched lines. (b) Scheme for sweeping in finiteDMRGmethodfor16-site(2N=16) 3-ZGNR.Inthe forwardsweep, theleftblock sizeincreases fromN−1to2N−2sites asthe right block size decreases from N −1 to 2 sites; in the reverse sweep, the opposite happens. During finite DMRG sweepings, the total systemsizeremainsconstant. Thecorrespondingfiguresfor6-AGNRand5-AGNRareshowninFigs. 1, 2 and 3inthesupplementary material57. 5 TABLEI.ExactversusDMRGgroundstateenergies(ineV) 3.5 3-ZGNR 3.5 3.5 5-AGNR of3-ZGNR,6-AGNRand5-AGNRwithinthenon-interacting model(U=Vij=0). TheDMRGcut-offinthenumberofblock V) 3 V) 3 V) 3 e e e states is 500. E (2.5 E (2.5 6-AGNR E (2.5 ∆ ∆ ∆ System typeand size Ground state energy 2 2 2 Exact calculation DMRGmethod 1.5 (a) 1.5 (c) 1.5 (e) 3-ZGNR and 40 sites -137.841 -137.738 6-AGNRand 40 sites -139.503 -139.312 3.5 3-ZGNR 3.5 3.5 5-AGNR 5-AGNRand 40 sites -137.859 -137.813 V) 3 V) 3 V) 3 e e e E (2.5 E (2.5 6-AGNR E (2.5 ∆ ∆ ∆ 2 2 2 (b) (d) (f) states of the newly added sites. From the Hamiltonian 1.5 1.5 1.5 matrix, desired eigenstates are obtained and the process 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 1 2 3 of constructing the reduced density matrix, truncating Number of unit cells Number of unit cells Number of unit cells the Fock space of the augmented system and expanding thesystembyaddingtwoadditionalsitesandagainsolv- FIG. 3. (Color online) Calculated lowest one-photon (opti- ingforthedesiredeigenstateisrepeateduntilweachieve cal) gaps ((a), (c) and (e)) and lowest two-photon gaps ((b), the targeted system size. The dimension of the Hamil- (d) and (f)) in short 3-ZGNR (left panel), 6-AGNR (middle tonian matrix is independent of the system size as the panel)and5-AGNR(rightpanel),plottedagainstthenumber number of block states retained to span the Fock space of unit cells for different cut-off values of block states (Ml). ofthesub-blocksisfixed,independentofthephysicalsize The symbols denote the following: black open circle– one- photon gap with M =∼ 750; red open square– one-photon of the sub-block. The method described above is known l gap with M =∼ 900; blue open triangle– one-photon gap as the infinite DMRG method. l with M =∼1000. Corresponding filled symbols denote two- l In order to obtain the behavior in the thermodynamic photon gaps. limit using only the infinite DMRG method, we would needtoretainaratherlargenumberofblockstates(M ) l and go to much larger system sizes which is beyond our current computational capability. Instead, we have car- a cut-off in the number of block states Ml = 500. For ried out finite DMRG calculations on systems of moder- the interactingmodels, we expect the DMRG method to ate sizes to obtain energy gaps with high accuracy and bemoreaccurateforthesamecut-offbecauseinteracting relyonfinitesizescalingtoobtainthephysicalproperties systems are less entangled. The method of constructing in the thermodynamic limit. theGNRs inthe infiniteDMRGprocedureaswellasthe method of finite sweeps are shown in Fig. 2 and Figs. The finite DMRG algorithmwas introduced by White 1, 2 and 3 in the Supplementary Material57. to improve the accuracy of finite system calculations. In the infinite DMRG method, the density matrix of a p- site sub block is built from the eigenstates of a 2p site systemblock. Thisleadstoerrorsinthetargetsystemof C. Symmetry subspaces and one versus two-photon excitations 2N sites (N >>p). In order to correct this error, the p- sitedensity matricesareiterativelyconstructedfromthe eigenstates of the 2N site target system block, until con- The GNRs of interest possess C symmetry along the 2 vergence is achieved. This procedure is termed ‘sweep- axisperpendiculartotheplaneofthemolecule,whichwe ing’whereiterativelythesizeofoneofthesub-blocksin- utilize in our computations as well as characterizationof creasesattheexpenseoftheother,whilethetotalsystem eigenstates. Eigenstates are labeled A or B depending blocksizeremainsunchanged. Atthefinalstepofonefull upon whether they are of even or odd parity with re- sweep, sizes of the two sub-blocks become equal and the spect to C operation. The PPP Hamiltonian conserves 2 same as in the infinite DMRG step. The finite DMRG totalspinS,buttotalspinconservationisdifficultwithin procedure for molecular systems is nontrivial but essen- the DMRG scheme with largecut-offin the block states. tial as the energies improve considerably following the We exploitpartialspinsymmetrybyperformingourcal- sweeping. WehaveemployedthefiniteDMRGalgorithm culations for the S =0 sector in whichthe Hamiltonian z with a block state cut-off (M ) of 500 and finite DMRG hasspininversionsymmetry,correspondingtoinvariance l iteration of two sweeps to compare the DMRG method of the Hamiltonian when all spins of the system are re- resultswiththe exactcalculationresultsforallthe three versed. This symmetry bifurcates the S = 0 space into z nanoribbons within the non-interacting model (Table I). asubspacewitheventotalspin,i.e.,S =0,2,4,···(here- The ground state energies compare well with the exact after designated as ‘e’) and another with odd total spin, nearest neighbor tight-binding energies in all cases with S = 1,3,5,··· (designated as ‘o’). Finally, the exactly 6 -15 -31 15 13 15 4 4 4 4 4 4 -15.34 (a) -31.50 (b) -25 -25.71 (c) 14 3 3 12 3 3 14 3 3 -16 -32 -30 111231 ∆−∆2121 12∆−∆32 1101 ∆−∆2121 12∆−∆32 111231 ∆−∆2121 12∆−∆32 E / N--g1178 E / N --g3343 E / N--g4305 ∆Spin gap ()k106978 (a0)0000..110011..22//NN00..3300..44∆00∆..55203 ∆Spin gap ()k69785 (b0)00 0011..22//NN00..44∆∆230 ∆Spin gap ()k106978 000 00..22551100//..NN55∆∆00..37755 11(c0) 5 5 2 4 -45 4 4 3 -19 -35 3 ∆ 3 2 ∆1 2 1 2 ∆1 -50 1 1 1 -20 -36 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1/N 1/N 1/N 1/N 1/N 1/N FIG. 4. Ground state energy in eV per unit cell versus 1/N FIG. 5. (Color online) Spin gaps (see text) in eV versus the for (a) 3-ZGNR, (b) 6-AGNR and (c) 5-AGNR within the inverse of the number of unit cells for (a) 3-ZGNR (b) 6- PPPmodel. HereNisthenumberofunitcellsasdepictedin AGNRand(c)5-AGNRwithinthePPPmodel. Insets: (∆2− Fig. 1. ∆1)[blacksolidtriangleup]and(∆3−∆2)[redsolidtriangle down], also versus theinverseof thenumberof unit cells. half-filled band that we are investigating also exhibits charge-conjugation symmetry (CCS); eigenstates are la- of a single state. The average reduced density matrix beled even or odd (hereafter ‘+’ or ‘-’) depending upon is defined by ρ = ω ρ where ρ are the reduced k k k k the eigenvalue ±1 reached when operated by the CCS density matrices correspondingto eigenstates |kiand ω k operator60,61. The identity, the three symmetry opera- are the weights of tPhe corresponding eigenstates58. We tors and their products form an Abelian group of eight have taken ω = 1/N , where N is the number of low- k k k elements. Hence, the S =0 sector gets subdivided into lyingeigenstatescomputedinthesymmetrysubspace. In z 8 subspaces. whatfollowswedefineallenergygapswithrespecttothe In general, the ground state is even with respect to groundstateenergy(thusthelowestoneandtwo-photon all symmetry operations and lies in the eA+ subspace. gaps are the energy differences between the correspond- Opticalone-photonstatesarereachedbyoneapplication ing eigenstates and the ground state). of the current operator j on the ground state In order to arrive at the desired cut-off in block states M for our calculations, we have calculated the lowest l two-photon gaps and lowest optical gaps with different ˆj =(i/~) tij(a†iσajσ −a†jσaiσ) (3) cut-offs for small systems of 3-ZGNR, 6-AGNR and 5- <iX,j>,σ AGNR(Fig. 3). We note thatMl ≃750is adequatefor comparisons with experiments in all three GNRs. which clearly changes the parity under C symmetry 2 while conserving S . It can also be shown that the ap- z plicationoftheˆj changesCCS60. Two-photonstatesare III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION reached by one application of ˆj on the optical state (or two applications of the operator on the ground state), thus indicating that they also lie in eA+ subspace. In WehaveusedtheunsymmetrizedDMRGtechniqueto calculate the ground state energies of these nanoribbons the S = 1 sector, spin inversion symmetry cannot be z implemented and the lowest S = 1 state is in the B+ within the PPP model (Fig. 4). The excellent linear fit space. Using the symmetrized DMRG method 62 with a of the energies as a function of system size shows that modified algorithm63, all of these symmetries have been the procedure is stable and accurate. exploited in our calculations. In each symmetry subspace, we have calculated a few low-lying energy states of the Hamiltonian using David- A. Spin gaps son’s algorithm for symmetric sparse matrices. At each step of the DMRG algorithm,block states are computed Asmentionedabove,itisdifficulttoexploittotalSin- from the average reduced density matrix obtained from variance in the DMRG scheme. We have therefore com- these eigenstates instead of the reduced density matrix putedthelowestenergystatesinthedifferentS sectors; z 7 3 TABLE II. Different ∆ values in eV calculated for 3-ZGNR V) 2 (a) with5unitcells,fordiffkerentnumberofretainedblockstates. gy (e 01 Thechangein theenergy gapsfor thedifferentcut-offvalues er-1 are not significant. En--23 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Block states cut-off ∆1 ∆2 ∆3 V) 2 (b) 700 0.290 1.608 4.174 gy (e 01 750 0.292 1.610 4.177 r ne-1 800 0.293 1.612 4.180 E-2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 3 V) 2 (c) gy (e 01 the total S are determined from the calculated energy ner--21 E gaps ∆k = E0(Sz = k)−E0(Sz =0), where E0(Sz =k) -30 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 N is the lowestenergy in the Sz =k sector. In the absence cell of an externalmagnetic field, the different z-components of a given total S are degenerate; thus ∆ = 0 implies FIG. 6. A few energy levels near the Fermi level for (a) 3- 1 that the ground state lies in the total spin S = 1 sub- ZGNR(b)6-AGNRand(c)5-AGNRwithinthetight-binding model are plotted as a function of number of unit cells. The space. Thisistrueforarbitrary∆ ,andhenceingeneral p hopping energy considered is 2.40 eV. The symbol index is for ∆ = ∆ =···= ∆ =0 and ∆ >0, the ground 1 2 p p+1 same for all the three panels and are as follows: HOMO en- state has spin S =p. ergylevel(solid circle); HOMO–1energylevel(solid square); We have shown the dependence of the computed en- HOMO–2 energy level (solid triangle up); LUMO energy ergy gaps (∆k) on the DMRG cut-off for a moderate- level (open circle); LUMO+1 energy level (open square) and sized 3-ZGNR system in Table. II. We find that keeping LUMO+2energy level (open triangle up). ∼750 block states is sufficient for getting accurate gaps. AmongallGNRsinthisstudy,theenergygapsaresmall- est in 3-ZGNR; hence, we expect the same cut-off to be adequate for AGNRs also. large. InFig. 5(a)wehaveplottedspingaps∆k asafunction For 5-AGNR, the spin gaps between different Sz sec- oftheinverseofthenumberofunitcells(N)for3-ZGNR. tors and Sz = 0 are shown in Fig. 5(c). The extrap- For N <14, we find ∆1 >0, indicating that the ground olated (∆1) in the thermodynamic limit is 0.15 eV, in- state is a singlet. For N ≥ 14, S = 1 and S = 0 dicating that the ground state is spin singlet. From the z z statesaredegenerate(withintheDMRGaccuracy)which N-dependentbehaviorof∆2and∆3(seeinparticularthe implies that the ground state has S =1. ∆ > 0 in this inset) it is conceivable that the energy spectrum above 2 region, but becomes smaller as N is further increased. ∆1 may be gapless. It appears that S=2 will become the spin of the ground It is instructive to see what is to be expected for the stateforlargerNvalues. Similarly,thegapbetweenSz = spin gaps in the non-interacting limit. The energy lev- 3andSz =0statesalsodecreaseswithincreasingN.The els of the frontier molecular orbitals of the three GNRs inset in Fig. 5(a) shows the behavior of ∆3 −∆2 and areshownin Fig. 6. We see that in 3-ZGNR,the energy ∆2 −∆1, both of which rapidly approach zero at large gapbetweenfrontierorbitalsapproacheszerorapidlyim- N. From these trends in the the spin gaps, we predict plying that switching on exchange interaction will lead that the ground state of this system is ferromagnetic in to a high spin ground state. In 6-AGNR, the gap be- the thermodynamic limit. tween bonding and antibonding frontier orbitals is finite Thespingaps∆ for6-AGNRareshowninFig. 5(b). for all system sizes. Introduction of electron-electron in- k ∆ now exhibits weak size dependence and continues to teractionwillthereforenotchangethespinoftheground 1 benonzeroeveninthethermodynamiclimit. Theextrap- state and the ground state will always be a singlet. In olated ∆ in the thermodynamic limit is 1.43 eV which 5-AGNR, the gap between the bonding and antibonding 1 is actually larger than the non-interacting tight-binding frontierorbitalsprogressivelydecreasesbutremainfinite bandgapof1.19eV.Thisimpliesthatthegroundstateof forlargesystemsizes. Thesmallbandgapimpliesasmall this system is a singlet. Indeed ∆ is largerthan that in spin gap in the interacting picture. 1 polyacenewhichhasaspingapof∼0.5eVinthethermo- In summary, the effects of electron-electron interac- dynamiclimit37. Thespingaps∆ and∆ arealsolarge tions onthe three GNRs we have studied areverydiffer- 2 3 andweaklysize-dependent,asarethedifferencesbetween entandcouldnothavebeenanticipatedfromtheirtight- the spin gaps ∆ −∆ and ∆ −∆ , plotted in the in- binding electronic structures. The ferromagnetic ground 2 1 3 2 set of Fig. 5(b). In general E(S) > E(S′) for S > S′ state in 3-ZGNR is different from the edge-state ferro- here, where E(S) is the lowest energy in the total spin magnetism found earlier in wider ZGNRs15,42,49. More S subspace,andthecorrespondingenergydifferencesare interestingly, while within tight-binding theory 5-ZGNR 8 4 3.5 2.4 S=1 (a) (b) 3.5 2.3 2.2 3.6 3 3 2.1 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 3.4 2.5 2.5 ) S=0 ∆ E (eV1.52 ∆E (eV)3.23 ∆E (eV)2 1.5 1.331 1 2.8 2.717 1 0.5 2.6 0.599 0.5 0 2.450 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 2.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1/N 1/N 1/N FIG. 7. (Color online) Lowest optical and two-photon gaps FIG. 8. (Color online) Lowest one-photon (optical) (△) and in 3-ZGNRversustheinverseofnumberof unitcells. Asthe two-photon((cid:3))gapsin(a)6-AGNRand(b)5-AGNR,versus ground state spin value changes on increasing the numberof the inverse of the number of unit cells. The ground state monomerunits,thelowestopticalgapsandlowesttwo-photon remains in both the cases in S = 0 space. The extrapolated gaps in both S = 0 and S = 1 sectors are plotted. Symbols one-photon and two-photon gaps are also indicated in the represent the following: lowest optical gap in singlet space figures. (△);lowesttwo-photongapinsingletspace((cid:3));lowestoptical gapintripletspace(N);lowesttwo-photongapintripletspace ((cid:4)). Inset: Magnified plot of the lowest optical gaps and its extrapolation in 3-ZGNR systems, 11-16 monomer units. maximumof 8 units of6-AGNR and from1 unit up to 9 unitsof5-AGNR,whichcorrespondtoabout100carbon atoms in the largest systems studied. For extrapolation ofdifferentenergygapsinallthreenanoribbons,wehave ismetallicandishenceexpectedtobewithoutaspingap, consideredthelargestsystemsizes,specifically,fromN = we find a small but nonzero spin gap here, although the 10 to N = 16 for 3-ZGNR, from N = 5 to N = 8 in 6- spectrum of spin excitations above the lowest gap may AGNR and from N =4 to N = 9 in 5-AGNR (N is the be gapless. As we show in section III(C), this system number of unit cells). also has a nonzero exciton binding energy for nonzero In 3-ZGNR, the lowest two-photon state occurs above electron-electron interactions. In 6-AGNR, which is a the lowest optical state for system sizes up to three band semiconductor, both charge and spin gaps are ex- units, but this energy ordering is reversed in larger sys- pected within the tight-binding model. Our calculated tems (Fig. 7) Similar size-dependence has also been resultsindicatethatelectron-electroninteractionsfurther observedinlinearpolyenesandisexpectedfromtheoret- enhance the spin gap here. We discuss these effects fur- ical considerations29. As pointed out above, the ground ther in section section III(B). stateof3-ZGNRchangesbeyondacertainsize. Wehave therefore plotted in Fig. 7 the lowest optical and two- photon gaps for both S =0 and S =1 groundstates. In B. Excited state ordering of one- versus the Fig. 7 inset, the data points are shown on an ex- two-photon states panded scale and appear to be scattered. However, the calculated standarddeviation66 for the linear fit is small As already mentioned in section II(C), the occurrence (0.036 eV). The extrapolated value of the optical gap in of the lowest two-photon states below the lowest op- thethermodynamiclimitisfoundtobe2.25eV,irrespec- tical one-photon states in linear polyenes64,65 was the tive of the ground state spin, which is in contradiction strongest evidence for higher order Coulomb interaction to the prediction of a metallic state for this nanoribbon effects beyond1e-1hinteractions. It is therefore ofinter- within one-electrontheory (see alsosectionI). Note that est to determine the excited state ordering in these nar- for system sizes where the ground state is a triplet, the rowGNRsweareprobing;thisisparticularlysobecause singlet opticalgap increases with system size. This is an should the present systems become available experimen- artifactthatis irrelevantforthe realsystemwithamag- tally,thecorrespondingtwo-photonstatescanbereached netic ground state. As shown in the figure as well as in by a variety of nonlinear spectroscopic techniques, and the inset, the triplet and singlet optical gaps lie on the our theoretical predictions tested. same continuous curve if the data from the artificially We have obtained the low-lying one- and two-photon large singlet gaps are ignored. However, the two-photon excitedstates for allthreeGNRs within the PPPmodel. gapsinbothsingletandtripletspacesextrapolatetozero We have done calculations starting from 2 units up to a in the thermodynamic limit. In linear polyenes,the low- maximum of 16 units of 3-ZGNR, from 2 units up to a esttwo-photonstateisknowntobeaquantum-entangled 9 8 8 8 (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) 1 2 1 3 2 4 7 7 7 3 4 4 5 1 2 3 V)6 V)6 V)6 5 6 7 6 8 7 5 6 7 p (e p (e p (e 8 9 9 10 8 9 a a a g5 g5 g5 11 ge ge ge 10 11 11 12 10 12 har har har 13 13 C4 C4 C4 FIG. 10. Bond indices for the interior bonds of (a) 3-ZGNR, 3 3 3 (b) 6-AGNRand (c) 5-AGNR. 2 2 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1/N 1/N 1/N FIG. 9. Extrapolation of the charge gaps against the inverse cation and anion respectively and E0(N) is the ground ofthenumberofunitcells,for(a)3-ZGNR,(b)6-AGNRand state energy of the neutral system. In the thermody- (c) 5-AGNR,respectively. namic limit, the charge gaps of 3-ZGNR, 6-AGNR and 5-AGNR extrapolate to 3.09 eV, 3.58 eV and 2.46 eV respectively. Interestingly, the exciton binding energy (E ) of the optical state (E ) which is measured as xb 1ph stateoftwotripletswithoverallspinangularmomentum E = E −E is quite small in all the three GNRs xb cg 1ph ofzero. Thezerogaptwo-photonstateinthepresentcase compared to other known organic conjugated systems. is to be anticipated, shouldthe same theoreticaldescrip- Theexcitonbindingenergiesare0.84eVin3-ZGNR,1.13 tion as a triplet-triplet state persist here. eVin6-AGNRand1.13eVin5-AGNR.Hence,thesecon- In6-AGNR,thelowestopticalstatealwaysremainsbe- jugatedsystemscanhaveimportanceinmolecularphoto- lowthe lowesttwo-photonstateforallsystemsizes. The voltaics as the electron-hole pair can be relatively easily extrapolatedone-andtwo-photongapsatthethermody- disassociated. namiclimitarequitedistinct(Fig8a). Theextrapolated value of the optical gap is 2.45 eV while that of the two- photon gap is 2.72 eV. The standard deviations of the D. Bond order linear fits of the optical gaps and the two-photon gaps are 0.032 eV and 0.026 eV respectively. The larger two- We have calculated bond orders for the ground state photongaphereisareflectionofthepredominantlyband and a few low-lying excited states of the largest systems semiconductor character of 6-AGNR, therefore the one- we studied. The bond order (p ) for the < i,j > bond electron contribution to the optical gap must be larger ij in a given state |Ri is defined as (−1) hR|(a† a + thanthemany-electroncontribution. Therelativeenergy 2 σ iσ jσ h.c.)|Ri,andtheirdeviationfromanaveragevalueshows locationsoftheopticalandtwo-photonstatesin6-AGNR P the tendency for the bond to distort. If the bond order suggestthatthesesystemswillbefluorescent. Inthecase is more (less) than the average, we expect the bond to of 5-AGNR, on the other hand, the optical state always shorten (lengthen) at equilibrium geometry. The num- remainsabovethe lowesttwo-photonstate,althoughthe beringofbondsintheinteriorunitsof3-ZGNR,6-AGNR lowest two-photon gap does not vanish in the thermo- and 5-AGNR are shown in Fig. 10. The bond orders dynamic limit (Fig 8b) but saturates at a value of 0.60 towards the ends of the ribbons are normally different eV. The optical gap in 5-AGNR extrapolates to 1.33 eV from the bond orders in the interior because of edge ef- at the thermodynamic limit. An optical gap larger than fects. In Table III, the bond orders of the interior unit the two-photon gap in 5-AGNR is a consequence of the of 3-ZGNR are given. In 3-ZGNR series, we have given formerbeingdominatedbyCoulombasopposedtoband bond orders for two different system sizes; one with 13 contribution. monomerunits,whichhasasingletgroundstateandan- other one with 16 monomer units with a triplet ground state. In both systems, the bond order differences be- C. Charge gap tweenedgebondsinthegroundstatearesmall,implying almost uniform geometry of the edges. The rung bond We have calculated the charge gaps in these nanorib- ordersareslightlysmallerthantheedgebonds,implying bons to explore the conducting nature in the thermody- longerrungbondsthanedgebondsatequilibriumgeom- namic limit, in the presence of long-range interactions etry. The ground state, the optical state and the lowest (Fig. 9). The charge gap of a system with N unit cells, spin state all have similar geometries. The bond orders ∆ (N) is defined as the energy required to create a well in the singlet and triplet two-photon states are similar c separatedelectron-holepairfromthegroundstateofthe awayfrom middle of the ribbon. However,in the middle system: ∆ (N) = E+(N) + E−(N) − 2E0(N), where of the ribbon, the triplet two-photon state has marked c E+(N) and E−(N) are the ground state energies of the single and double bond character in the top and bottom 10 TABLEIII.Bondordersofaninteriorunitof3-ZGNR.Bondordersinsystemswith≤13monomerunitsaregiveninthefirst row while those for systems with >13 monomer unitsare given in thesecond row. State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ground state 0.54 0.56 0.47 0.47 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.47 0.47 0.56 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.47 0.47 0.52 0.53 0.52 0.47 0.47 0.54 0.56 Optical state 0.54 0.57 0.46 0.46 0.54 0.50 0.54 0.46 0.46 0.57 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.46 0.46 0.51 0.54 0.51 0.46 0.46 0.54 0.56 Two-photon state 0.52 0.58 0.48 0.47 0.50 0.54 0.50 0.47 0.48 0.58 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.47 0.47 0.51 0.52 0.51 0.47 0.47 0.56 0.55 Spin state 0.56 0.53 0.47 0.47 0.52 0.53 0.52 0.47 0.47 0.53 0.57 0.54 0.55 0.47 0.47 0.53 0.52 0.53 0.47 0.47 0.55 0.54 TABLE IV.Bond orders of an interior unit of 6-AGNR. State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ground state 0.58 0.59 0.37 0.57 0.56 0.44 0.45 0.51 0.57 0.56 0.58 0.58 0.66 Optical state 0.49 0.50 0.48 0.53 0.50 0.48 0.50 0.51 0.53 0.50 0.49 0.50 0.72 Two-photon state 0.57 0.57 0.38 0.54 0.54 0.47 0.47 0.50 0.55 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.65 Triplet state 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.48 0.48 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.48 0.47 0.48 0.73 TABLE V.Bond orders of an interior unit of 5-AGNR. State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ground state 0.60 0.39 0.60 0.63 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.61 0.39 0.60 0.63 Optical state 0.57 0.42 0.57 0.67 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.57 0.42 0.57 0.67 Two-photon state 0.50 0.48 0.51 0.72 0.52 0.52 0.49 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.48 0.50 0.71 Triplet state 0.52 0.47 0.51 0.72 0.52 0.52 0.50 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.47 0.51 0.72 edge bonds (bonds 1, 2, 10 and 11). the nanoribbon shifts from short-long-short-short mod- ulation to long-long-long-short modulation, while being The bond orders in 6-AGNR systems show somewhat unchanged towards the ends of the nanoribbon. The ex- differentbehavior. Inthegroundstate,bondsonthering tent of distortion in the central region is highest in the andonthe exteriorofthe edge(bond 13)showtendency two-photon and triplet states as compared to the one- to contract, while bond 3 on the edge which is on the photon state. interior shows a tendency to expand. There appears to be aperiod(short-short-short-long)onone edgeandout of phase by two bonds on the opposite edge. In the two- photon state, the bond orders remain almost the same IV. CONCLUSION as those in the ground state. In the one-photon state, there is considerable deviation in the bond orders in the We have studied correlated electronic properties of 3- centralregionofthenanoribbon,buttheeffectdecreases ZGNR,6-AGNRand5-AGNRwithin the PPPHamilto- towardstheends. Howeverinthe tripletstateitappears nian with long range Coulomb interactions. In all three that this distortion is much more pronounced. Thus, casesthe groundstate,as wellasexcited state behaviors theequilibriumgeometriesoftheexcitedstatesarequite are qualitatively different from the predictions of tight- differentfromthatinthegroundstateandwemayexpect binding theory, as summarized below. larger Stokes shifts in the spectra of 6-AGNR compared We find 3-ZGNR to be a magnetic semiconductor to 3-ZGNR. with a Mott-Hubbard optical gap and a substantive The bondordersonthe edgesofthe 5-AGNRaresim- exciton binding energy. The lowest two-photon state ilartothoseinthe 6-AGNR.Exceptforthebondswhich is gapless. The semiconducting behavior of 3-ZGNR have rather large and small bond order values, all other is not entirely unanticipated, as similar Mott-Hubbard bonds have nearly equal bond orders. So the distortion semiconducting behavior was previously predicted from is expectedmore onthe edgesthan inthe interior. In all correlated-electroncalculations67,68 and also experimen- excited states, the interior bonds remain almost unper- tallydemonstrated69innarrowsingle-walledcarbonnan- turbed. The edge bondstructure inthe centralregionof otubes which would be metallic within one-electron the-