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Preview Correlated Band Structure of a Transition Metal Oxide ZnO Obtained from a Many-Body Wave Function Theory

Correlated Band Structure of a Transition Metal Oxide ZnO Obtained from a Many-Body Wave Function Theory Masayuki Ochi1,2, Ryotaro Arita2, and Shinji Tsuneyuki3,4 1Department of Physics, Osaka University, Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan 2RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 3Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan and 4Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, Japan (Dated: January 13, 2017) Obtaining accurate band structures of correlated solids has been one of the most important and 7 challenging problems in first-principles electronic structure calculation. There have been promis- 1 0 ing recent active developments of wave function theory for condensed matter, but its application 2 to band-structure calculation remains computationally expensive. In this Letter, we report the first application of the bi-orthogonal transcorrelated (BiTC) method: self-consistent, free from ad- n justableparameters, andsystematically improvablemany-bodywavefunction theory,tosolid-state a calculations with d electrons: wurtzite ZnO. We find that the BiTC band structure better repro- J ducestheexperimentalvalues of thegaps between thebandswith different characters than several 2 otherconventionalmethods. Thisstudypavesthewayforreliablefirst-principlescalculationsofthe 1 properties of strongly correlated materials. ] l PACSnumbers: 71.10.-w,71.15.-m,71.20.-b e - r t To reveal fertile and nontrivial physics in condensed called post-Hartree-Fock (post-HF) methods, have also s . matter, first-principles electronic-structure calculation beenappliedtocondensedmatterinrecentyears[15–19]. t a has established itself as an indispensable tool in recent However,their targetsarein mostcaseslimited to solids m studies. For this purpose, density functional theory with small unit cells, owing to their expensive computa- - (DFT) [1, 2] has played a leading role and has been ap- tional cost. In addition, the correlated band structure, d pliedtovariousmaterials;however,thelimitationsofthis which is quite useful in various kinds of theoreticalanal- n theoreticalframeworkhavecometolight. Oneofthema- yses, is not easily obtained in many WFTs. For exam- o c jor problems is an inaccurate description of strong elec- ple,calculationofthebandstructureintheframeworkof [ tron correlations, e.g., in transition metal oxides. The VMCorDMCrequiresalargenumberofsingle-pointcal- GW method [3–5] is a promising way to ameliorate the culationsofthe excitedstates,whichis a cleardifference 2 v inaccuracy of the band structures and has been applied from a mean-field-like approach such as DFT, whereby 2 to several solids, including d-electron systems. However, the whole band structure is obtained at once. 1 becausetheGW methodisoftenappliedwithoutsatisfy- From this viewpoint, the transcorrelated (TC) 4 ingself-consistency,anontrivialdependenceontheinitial method [20–23] is a fascinating WFT that can be ap- 2 0 DFTcalculationsisintroduced. Ithasalsobeenreported plied to solids with reliable accuracyandmoderate com- . thattheGW methodsometimesexhibitsseveredifficulty putational cost [24–29]. The TC method adopts the so- 1 in obtaining convergedresults [6], owing to its perturba- called Jastrow ansatz, which is based on a promising 0 7 tive nature. Another possible choice is to construct ef- strategy often adopted in several WFTs such as QMC 1 fective models from DFT that include correlation terms methods to describe strong electron correlations; i.e., v: such as Hubbard U and to solve the models using elab- theelectron-electrondistanceisincludedintomany-body i orated methodologies [7] such as dynamical mean-field wavefunctions. Explicitlycorrelatedelectronic-structure X theory [8–10]. However, the exact correspondence be- theory [30] in quantum chemistry also adopts this strat- r tweentheeffectivemodelsandthefirst-principlesHamil- egy. Infact,the Gutzwiller- andJastrow-correlationfac- a tonian is a nontrivial problem. torshaveoftenbeenusedtodescribestrongelectroncor- Recently, wave function theory (WFT), which had relation, including the Mott physics in systems such as been mainly applied to molecular systems and es- the Hubbard model [31–34]. It is also important to note tablished itself as the gold standard in theoretical that, unlike several WFTs, the whole band structure is chemistry [11], has become a promising alternative to obtained at once by solving a one-body self-consistent- DFT for accurate descriptions of electron correlation in field (SCF) equation in the TC method, as described solids [12]. Among the most powerful frameworks in later in this Letter. Moreover, the TC method is de- WFT are first-principles quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) terministic, i.e., free fromthe statisticalerror,unlike the methods [13, 14], such as the variational Monte Carlo QMC methods. Accurate calculations for the Hubbard (VMC), diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC), auxiliary-field model[35,36]andmolecularsystems[37–39]werealsore- quantumMonteCarlo(AFQMC),andfull-configuration- portedusingtheTCmethodorothertheoriesthathavea interaction (FCI) QMC methods. Other kinds of WFT, closerelationshipwiththeTCmethod. However,insofar 2 assolid-statecalculationsareconcerned,the TCmethod respectively. As is evident, the HF method can be re- hassofarbeenappliedonlytoweaklycorrelatedsystems. garded as the TC method with u=0. Owing to this ef- In this Letter, we present the first application of the fectiveone-bodypicture,itispossibletotreatthemany- TC method to the band-structure calculation of a d- body correlation with moderate computational cost. In electron system: wurtzite ZnO. 3d transition metal ox- addition,onecanobtainthe bandstructureofthequasi- ides have posed theoretical challenges for first-principles particles by using the real part of the eigenvalues of the band-structurecalculations,asitiswellknownthatpop- ǫ matrix on the right-hand side of Eq. (2). One of the ular approximations such as the local-density approxi- authorsprovedinpriorwork[23]thatsuchauseoftheǫ mation (LDA) fail to provide their band structures ac- matrix as quasiparticleenergies is consistentwith Koop- curately, as we shall see later. We find that the TC mans’theorem. Wenotethatonecansystematicallyim- method with the bi-orthogonal formulation (the BiTC prove the accuracy of the TC method by utilizing quan- method) [29, 40] successfully reproduces the experimen- tum chemical methodologies such as the coupled-cluster tal band structure of ZnO. We also clarify how the Jas- and configuration interaction methods to go beyond a trowfactorimprovesthefirst-principlesdescriptionofthe single Slater determinant (e.g. Refs. [22, 29, 40]). correlated electronic states through comparison of the Here, the Jastrow function, u(x,x′), is set to the fol- band structures and electron densities among the BiTC lowing simple form without adjustable parameters: [13, and other methods. 24, 42, 43] ThecentralconceptoftheTCmethodistomakeuseof tnhiaensiwmiitlhartihtyetJraasntsrfoowrmfaacttioonr oFf=theexmpa(ny-bodyu(Hxa,mxil)t)o,- u(x,x′)= r Ar′ (1−exp(−|r−r′|/Cσ,σ′)), (5) − i,j i j | − | P Ψ=EΨ Φ=EΦ ( =F−1 F), (1) TC TC whereA= V/(4πN)(N is the numberofvalence elec- H ⇔H H H where the correlated wave function is represented as trons in thepsimulation cell, V is the volume of the sim- Ψ=FΦand TC iscalledtheTCHamiltonian. Here, x ulation cell) and Cσ,σ′ = √2A (spin parallel: σ = σ′), denotes a pairHof space and spin coordinates: x=(r,σ). √A (spin antiparallel: σ = σ′). The long-range asymp- 6 By adopting the so-called Slater-Jastrow ansatz, Φ be- totic form of this function describes the screening effect comesaSlaterdeterminantconsistingofone-electronor- of the electron-electron Coulomb interaction [44]. The bitals, φ(x): Φ =det[φ (x )], and Eq. (1) yields an SCF short-rangebehavioroftheexactJastrowfunctionshould i j equation for one-electronorbitals that experience the ef- obey the cusp condition [45–47]. The Jastrow ansatz fective interaction described with the TC Hamiltonian: adopted here works well for state-of-the-artQMC meth- ods[13,14]. AlthoughourchoiceoftheJastrowfunction 1 2+v (x ) φ (x ) is rather simple, we shall see that, nevertheless, it works (cid:18)−2∇1 ext 1 (cid:19) i 1 well not only for weakly correlated systems [24, 25] but N + dx φ∗(x )v (x ,x )det φi(x1)φi(x2) also for the 3d-electron system. Of course, it is possible Xj=1Z 2 j 2 2body 1 2 (cid:20)φj(x1)φj(x2)(cid:21) tuosiinmgparocvoemaplqicuaatleitdyJoafstthroewmfaancyto-br,odbyutwwaeveafduonpctteidonthbiys 1 N N simple trial wave function to realize moderate computa- ∗ ∗ dx dx φ (x )φ (x )v (x ,x ,x ) − 2 Z 2 3 j 2 k 3 3body 1 2 3 tional cost. Xj=1Xk=1 In this study [49], we adopted the BiTC method [29, φi(x1)φi(x2)φi(x3) N 40], in which the left one-electron orbitals, χ(x) in the ×detφj(x1)φj(x2)φj(x3)= ǫijφj(x1), (2) left Slater determinant X = det[χi(xj)], replace the φk(x1)φk(x2)φk(x3) Xj=1 bra orbitals in the SCF equation (2), while the ket or-   bitals remain φ(x). Becausethe TC Hamiltonian is non- where v (x ), v (x ,x ), and v (x ,x ,x ) are ext 1 2body 1 2 3body 1 2 3 Hermitian, φ(x) and χ(x) become different. We do not the external potential including the nucleus-electron in- showthebandstructurecalculatedusingtheTCmethod teraction [41] and the two- and three-body effective in- without the bi-orthogonalextension here, because of the teractions in the TC Hamiltonian, defined as large imaginary part of the eigenvalues [57]. 2 1 1 Figure 1 presents the band structures of ZnO calcu- v (x ,x ) + [ 2u(x ,x ) 2body 1 2 ≡ r r 2 ∇i 1 2 lated with the LDA, all-electron G0W0 starting from | 1− 2| Xi=1 LDAusingtheLAPW[58]method,BiTC,andHFmeth- ( u(x ,x ))2+2 u(x ,x ) ], (3) i 1 2 i 1 2 i ods. The characteristic energy values in these band − ∇ ∇ ·∇ and structures, as evaluated at the Γ point, are listed in Table I. Table I also lists calculated values with vari- v (x ,x ,x ) u(x ,x ) u(x ,x ) 3body 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 ous other methods. By focusing on the gaps between ≡∇ ·∇ + u(x ,x ) u(x ,x )+ u(x ,x ) u(x ,x ), the bands with different characters as listed in Table I, 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 ∇ ·∇ ∇ ·∇ (4) the BiTC band structure exhibits better accuracy than 3 Bandgap[Error] O-2pbottom[Error] Zn-3daveraged Zn-3dbottom DFT LDA 0.7 [−2.7] − − − −5.8 HSE03a 2.1 [−1.3] −4.9 [+0.4] − −6.5 GW G0W0(LDA)b 2.4 [−1.0] −5.2 [+0.1] − −6.5 G0W0(HSE03) 3.2a,3.46c [−0.2,+0.06] − − −6.21c −7.2a G0W0 (GGA+U)c 2.94 [−0.46] −5.6 [−0.3] −6.33 −7.1 (U−J =6eV) G0W0+Vd (GGA+U)c 3.30 [−0.1] −5.5 [−0.2] −7.45 −8.0 (U−J =6eV,Vd=1.5eV) QSGWd 3.87 [+0.47] −5.3 [±0] − −7.2 scGW (RPA)e 3.8 [+0.4] − − −6.4 − scGW (e-h)e 3.2 [−0.2] − − −6.7 − WFT AFQMCf 3.26(16) [−0.14] − − − − DMCg 3.8(2) [+0.4] − − − − BiTC 3.1 [−0.3] −5.1 [+0.2] −9.1 −9.7 HF 11.4 [+8.0] −5.7 [−0.4] −9.3 −9.9 Expt. 3.4h −5.3h,−5.2(3)i −7.5c,−7.5(2)j,−8.5(4)k, − −8.6(2)k,−8.81(15)i TABLE I: Some characteristic values in the band structures of ZnO, as calculated by several methods [74]. The bottoms of theZn-3d and O-2p bandsare evaluated at theΓ point where thevalence-band top is set to zero for each method. The errors betweenthecalculatedandexperimentalvaluesshowninRef.[62]arepresentedinparentheses. ForLDA,theO-2pbottomand Zn-3d-averagedlevelsarenotpresentedherebecauseoftheoverlapamongtheO-2pandZn-3dbands. ForG0W0 (HSE03),the Zn-3d bottom position was read from thedensity of states presented in Ref. [64]. All values are in eV. a Ref. [64]. b Ref. [60]. c Ref. [63]. d Ref. [65]. e Ref. [66]. f Ref. [67]. g Ref. [68]. h Ref. [62]. i Ref. [69]. j Ref. [70]. k Ref. [71]. consistentGW methodssuchastheQSGW method[59]. It is noteworthy that both the GW and BiTC methods yield such successful results despite being based on con- ceptually differentformulations. Itis importantthatthe BiTC method is basedonthe self-consistentformulation andthusisindependentofDFTcalculations,whereasthe G0W0 method strongly depends upon the unperturbed DFTcalculations,asseeninTableI.Weshouldalsonote that, while some methods employ parameters U and V , d which are difficult to determine in the ab initio way, the BiTC method does not use such parameters. Consistencyofthe calculatedbandgapsamongWFTs that use similar trial wave functions (AFQMC, DMC, and BiTC) is also remarkable. We again stress that the wholebandstructureisnoteasilyobtainedinQMCsim- ulationsandrequiresmanysingle-pointexcited-statecal- culations. Wecanseethatthebandstructurescalculated with the BiTC and HF methods are very similar, except FIG. 1: Calculated band structures using the LDA (solid lines), all-electron G0W0 [60] (green circles), BiTC (solid forthebandgap. Therefore,themainroleoftheJastrow factor used in this study on the band structure seems line), DMC [68] (orange circles), and HF (solid line) meth- ods. Experimental data taken from Ref. [61] are shown with to be improvement of the size of the band gap through black dots in the middle figure. Blue broken lines show the the screening effect of the electron–electron interaction, other experimental data for the positions of the conduction- which is described with the long-ranged asymptotic be- band minimum, the O-2p bottom [62], and the Zn-3d peak havior of the Jastrow factor. To obtain a more accurate position [69], which might correspond to the averaged posi- bandstructure,e.g.,withrespecttothe depthofthe Zn- tion of theZn-3d bands. The valence-bandmaximum energy 3d bands, more elaborated Jastrow factors, as used in is set to zero. QMCstudies [13,14], willbe necessary. Becausethe Zn- 3d bands are almost flat, a key point might be accurate description of the atomic states, which is an important many other conventional methods, including the G0W0 issue for future investigation. method starting fromLDA, and accuracycomparableto For the GW method, it was pointed out that the that for the most accurate varieties of the GW scheme, shallow Zn-d bands can strengthen the p-d hybridiza- i.e.,theG0W0 methodstartingfromHSE03andtheself- tion, and thus can result in underestimation of the band 4 solelywithone-bodydegreesoffreedom. Thisisacharac- teristic advantage of the Slater-Jastrow-type wave func- tionforthedescriptionoflocalizedelectronicstates,such as in strongly correlated systems. It is noteworthy that the atomic calculations of the TC method also exhibit a similar tendency for localization [23]. Finally, we mention the computational effort required for the BiTC calculation. Computation takes place on time scales given by (N2N2N logN ), where N , N , and N are thOe nukmbberspwof k-ppowints, occupiekd b pw bands, and plane waves, respectively [76]. This is the same order as that for the HF or hybrid DFT calcula- tions with a prefactor about 20 to 40 [77]. The BiTC calculation involves neither the frequency index nor the FIG.2: Calculatedelectrondensitiesonthebluelineshownin convergence with respect to the number of conduction the crystal structure are presented for the LDA, BiTC, and bands, unlike some perturbative methodologies such as HF methods with solid black, broken blue, and broken red the GW method. As can be seen from the fact that lines, respectively. The crystal structure was depicted using theVESTA software [75]. the hybrid DFT calculations have now been applied to various periodic systems, the computational cost of the BiTC method is reasonable for solid-state calculations. OneremainingobstacleforwideapplicationoftheBiTC gap [63, 66]. A similar situation might also be realized methodisthatweusethenorm-conservingpseudopoten- in the BiTC band structure,whereas the Zn-dbands are tialwithaveryhighcutoffenergytohandlethesemicore rather deep [72] and so the band gap can be overesti- states at present. However, this problem is not inherent mated. However, the BiTC band gap is also affected by to the BiTC method and can be overcome in principle the A parameter in the Jastrow factor, as mentioned in by the development of a pseudopotential formalism such the above comparison between the BiTC and HF band as the PAW method [78, 79] adaptedto the TC method, structures. Because the A parameter used in this study whichisanimportantfutureissue[80]. Wealsonotethat was determined by RPA analysis of the uniform elec- the deformationof the electrondensity nearatomic sites tron gas,it can cause overscreeningin the insulator [26], shown in Fig. 2 also implies the importance of careful thereby decreasing the band gap. One possibility is that treatment for the core states. This can also be a com- thesetwofactorsarecanceledhere,butmoredetailedin- mon problem for QMC calculations using the Jastrow vestigationonothermaterialsisalsoanimportantfuture correlationfactor. issue [73]. Toconclude,weapplythe bi-orthogonalversionofthe Figure2presentstheelectrondensitiescalculatedwith TC method to wurtzite ZnO and find that it well re- theLDA,HF,andBiTCmethodsonthelineshowninthe produces the experimental band structure. Our study crystal structure. The electron density obtained by the encourages further investigation of other strongly corre- BiTC method is defined as n(r) = Re[ N χ∗(r)φ (r)], lated materials using the BiTC method. i=1 i i where the condition dr n(r) = NPis satisfied due A part of the calculations was performed using su- to the bi-orthonormalRization condition χi φj = δij. percomputers at the Supercomputer Center, Institute of h | i We can see that the electron densities of these meth- SolidStatePhysics,TheUniversityofTokyo. Thisstudy ods are almost the same. However, a slight increase of was supported by Grant-in-Aid for young scientists (B) the electron density at the atomic sites is observed for (No. 15K17724) from the Japan Society for the Promo- the BiTC method compared with the others. 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If we can make the cutoff energy an order of magnitude lower, which is a usual demand for other methods, by development of efficient core treatment, this cost will be reduced also byan order of magnitude. 7 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL CONVERGENCE WITH RESPECT TO THE NUMBER OF k-POINTS We haveperformedband-structurecalculationsusing a 2 2 2 k-mesh(32 atomsin the unit cell) for the HFand BiTC methods to confirm the convergence with respect to×the×number of k-points. For the BiTC calculations, the bandgapandtherelativeenergyoftheZn-d-bandbottomtothevalence-bandtopare2.92and 9.73eV,respectively, for a 2 2 2 k-mesh, whereas they are 3.09 and 9.68 eV, respectively, for a 3 3 3 k-m−esh (108 atoms in the × × − × × unit cell). For the HF calculations, the corresponding values are 11.53 and 10.07 eV, respectively, for a 2 2 2 k-mesh, whereasthey are 11.42and 9.90eV,respectively,for a 3 3 3k-mesh. The difference betweenthe×val×ues calculated using the two k-meshes is−less than 0.2 eV for all of thes×e va×lues. In our previous study on the TC method [25], we saw that the calculated band gap E (N ) with N k-points gap k k obeys an approximate relation: E (N ) E (N = )+C/N , (6) gap k gap k k ≃ ∞ where C is a constant. Using this approximate relation for the band energies, the residual finite-size error in our calculations using a 3 3 3 k-mesh is estimated to be less than 0.1 eV. Therefore,we can say that the convergence with respect to the nu×mbe×r of k-points is sufficiently achieved. Although it is possible that the approximate relation that is used above does not hold for this case [68], we can expect that the convergence will be sufficient for our discussion because the finite-size erroris expected to be significantly reduced in a 3 3 3 k-mesh from its value for × × a 2 2 2 one. × × IMAGINARY PART OF THE TC EIGENVALUES WITHOUT THE BI-ORTHOGONAL FORMULATION We do not show the band structure calculated using the TC method without the bi-orthogonal extension in the main text. This is because we found that the imaginary part of the eigenvalues of the Zn-3d bands obtained by solving the one-body SCF equation became as large as 0.1 eV in the TC method, which is more than 1,000 times larger than that in the BiTC method. Because the non-Hermiticity in the (Bi)TC formulation originates from the similarity-transformation, the presumed equivalency between the TC solution and the true many-body eigenstate is suggested to break when the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues become too large. The difference between the band structuresobtainedwiththeTCandBiTCmethodswassmallforweaklycorrelatedsystemsexceptLiFthatisrather localized-electron system [29]. ELECTRON-DENSITY DIFFERENCES AMONG THE LDA, HF, AND BITC METHODS The differences in the electron densities calculated with the LDA, HF, and BiTC methods are shown in Fig. S1. In Fig. S1, we can verify the tendencies explained in the main text, i.e., that the BiTC electron density tends to be localizedneartheatomicsites. Inaddition,wecanseeanincreaseoftheBiTCelectrondensityalongtheZn-Obonds near the oxygen atoms. 8 FIG. 1: The differences between the HF and LDA electron densities and between the BiTC and LDA electron densities are presented in panels (b) and (c), respectively. The electron densities on the plane shown in panel (a) are depicted here.

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