) Memoirsofthe MuseumofVictoria57(1): 71-72 (1998) CORRECTIONS TO THE LIST OF COLLEMBOLA SPECIES RECORDED FROM TOOHEY FOREST, QUEENSLAND Penelope Greenslade1 and Denis Rodgers2 'CSIRO, Entomology,GPOBox 1700, Canberra,ACT 2601, Australia ([email protected] 'DivisionofEnvironmental Sciences, GriffithUniversity,Nathan,Qld411 1, Australia ([email protected]) Greenslade, P. andRodgers, D., 1998. Correctionstothe list ofCollembolaspecies recorded fromToohey forest, Queensland. MemoirsoftheMuseumofVictoria57:71-72. The namesofseven ofthe species listed by D. Rodgers (1997,Memoirs oftheMuseum of Victoria56: 287-293)are corrected. Introduction Isotomidae Recently Rodgers (1997) published data on the Isotomiellaprussianae Deharveng and Oliveira, collembolan fauna of a eucalypt woodland site, 1990 (not Olivera as in Rodgers, 1997). Paren- Toohey Forest, in southeastern Queensland. We theses around the authors' names as in Rodgers now make some correctionstothe speciesnames (1997) are not required. and generic assignments listed in his paper in order to increase its value and to avoid possible Entomobryidae future biogeographical errors. In particular, one ofthegenerarecordedinthepaperdoesnotoccur Homidia sp. on mainland Australia, and another three do not Specimens recorded as Homidia sp. are now occur in southeastern Queensland norin forested identified as belonging to the genus Ento- habitats. Consequently it is important to correct mobrya. Species of Entomobrya are known these anomalous records inthe literature. The list to be common in southeastern Queensland. ofcorrections is given below. Presently the genus Homidia is known to occur only in South-East Asia, Hawaii and possibly Hypogastruridae also North America. Homidia cingula Borner, Mesogastrura sp. 1906 which was described from Java, has Specimens recorded asMesogastrura sp. arenow b(Pe.en Gfroeuennsdladoen, ChurnipsutbmlaissheI.d, Inrdeicaonrd)Ocebaunt identified asXenylla thibaudi thibaudi Massoud, has never been recorded from the Australian 1965. This species has been recorded from rain- mainland. forest and grassy forested sites in southeast Queensland (Gama and Greenslade, 1981). A Willowsia sp. single record ofan introduced species ofMeso- gastrura, M. lybica (Caroli, 1914), is currently Specimens recorded as Willowsia sp. are now the only known occurrence ofthis genus in Aus- identified asAcanthocyrtus lineatus Womersley, tralia. It was found in the Jenolan Caves, New 1934. Until now this species was only known South Wales(P. Greenslade, unpublishedrecord). from the type collection labelled asfrom "decay- ing leaves, Brisbane" (Womersley, 1934). Two Neanuridae syntypes exist in the South Australian Museum collection (Greenslade, 1994). This species was Cephalachomtes sp. the only one of 25 listed by Rodgers which Cephalachorutes sp. (not Cephalachomtes as in showed a statistically significant association Rodgers, 1997), is a new genus record for with a single plant species, Themeda triandra. Australia. This genus was recently described Acanthocyrtus species are generally associated from Thailand(Bedos and Deharveng, 1991) and with woody plants and fallen timber in the several undescribed species are known from warmerpartsofAustralia.Acanthocyrtuslineatus eucalypt forest leaf litter in southern Australia has appendages and a body that are unusually (P. Greenslade, unpublished data). elongated for the genus. 71 72 P. GREENSLADE AND D. RODGERS Sminthuridae Acknowlegements Jeannenotia sp. We would like to thank B. Halliday, L. Mound and D. Rentz forsuggesting improvements to the The eight specimens recorded asJeannenotia sp. can not now be located. Only one species in the text. genus, J. stachi (Jeannenot, 1955), is known in References thisgenus in Australia (Greenslade, 1994). It was probably introducedfrom Europeandisrestricted Bedos, A. and Deharveng, L., 1991. Cephalachorutes to crop-lands and improved pastures (Ireson, gen. n., a new genus of tropical Neanuridae 1993). It is likely that the misidentified speci- (Collembola). Tidshrift voor entomologie 134: 145-153. mens belonged to one of the following genera, Oliveira, E. and Deharveng, L., 1990. Isotomiella Sphaeridia, Sminthurinus or Sminthurides, (Collembola, Isotomidae) d'Amazonie les because these genera have a superficial similarity especes du groupe minor. Bulletin du Mu:seum toJeannenotia andwould be expectedtooccurin nationald'Histoirenaturelle, Paris 12: 75-93. Toohey Forest. Gama, M.M. da and Greenslade, P., 1981. Relation- ships between the distribution and phytogeny of Sminthurus sp. Xenylla (Collembola, Hypogastruridae) species in Australia and New Zealand. Revue d' ecologie et Specimens recorded as Sminthurus sp. are now debiologiedusol IS: 269-284. identified as belonging to the genus Smin- Greenslade, P., 1994. Collembola. Pp. 19-138 in thurinus. Only one species of Sminthurus, Houston, W.W.K. (ed.) Zoological Catalogue of S. viridis (Linnaeus, 1758), is currently known Australia. Volume 22. Protura, Collembola, from Australia. Itisrestrictedtosouthern,nonarid Diplura. CSIRO: Melbourne. regions being found on crop-plants and on exotic Ireson, J.E., 1993. Activity and pest status ofsurface- grasses in improved pastures and elsewhere active Collembola in Tasmanian field crops and pastures.JournaloftheAustralian Entomological (Ireson, 1993). The genus Sminthurinus is repre- Society32: 155-167. sented by numerous native and some introduced Massoud, Z., 1965. Les Collemboles Poduromorphes species in the more humid regions ofAustralia. de Nouvelle-Guinee. Annates de la Societe TooheyForest,whichwasthe subjectofRodgers' EntomologiedeFrance (n.s.) 1: 373-391. Rodgers, D., 1997. Soil collembolan (Insecta: Collem- original paper, is a remnant patch of woodland bola) assemblage structure in relation to under- isolated in an urban environment. It has never storeyplantspeciesandsoilmoistureonaeucalypt been cultivated and weed invasion is minimal. woodlandsite.MemoirsoftheMuseumofVictoria Forthese reasons it hasalreadybeen identifiedas 56: 287-293. ofhigh conservation significance through its list- Womersley, H., 1934. A preliminary account of the ing as part ofthe National Estate. An extensive Collembola-Arthropleona of Australia. Part II surveyofitscollembolanfaunawill becarriedout Superfamily Entomobryoidea. Transactions ofthe in the future in ordertodocumentits composition RoyalSocietyofSouthAustralia 58: 86-138. morecompletelyandtodetectrareandpotentially endangered species.