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PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 96(1), 1994. pp. 8-10 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO "A CATALOG OF NEARCTIC CHIRONOMIDAE" D. R. Oliver and M. E. Dillon Centre for Land & Biological Research Resources, Research Branch, Agriculture Can- ada, C.E.F.. Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0C6, Canada. Abstract.—A catalog ofNearctic Chirononiidae. published in 1990, contained entries for 205 genera and 1051 species. Synonyms and taxa overlooked in 1990, and corrections are presented here. Only references not cited in the Catalog are given. The number of valid genera and species are now 206 and 1065, respectively. Key Words: Chironomidae, Catalog, Nearctic. synonyms, omitted taxa This paper gives corrections and addi- p. 8. Change ALOTANYPUS venusta to tions for A Catalog of Nearctic Chiro- venustus. nomidae' (Oliver et al.) published in 1990. p. 10. Change NATARSIA baltimoreus to Overlooked taxa, missed synonymies, and baltimorea. corrections involving agreement of gender p. 12. Under the genus HELOPELOPIA forgeneric and specific names are included, add the followingentry to synonymy but distributions have not been up-dated. ofcornuticaudata: Conchapelopiagi- The Catalog contained entries for 205 ge- gas Beck & Beck, 1966: 347.-Fla. nericand 1051 speciesnamesofChironom- p. 12. Under the genus KRENOPELO- idae recorded from the Nearctic region be- PIA add the following species entry fore Dec. 31, 1989. It now contains entries after narda: nigropunctata. Not NE. for 206 generic and 1065 species names. Tanypus mgropunctatiis Staeger, Onlyreferencesnot given in the Catalogare 1839: 589.-Denmark, presented in Literature Cited. p. 13. Under the genus PENTANEURA We are grateful to our colleague Brough- add the following species entry after ton Caldwell for pointing out some errors inconspicua: indecisca. N.Y.; NT. andomissions to us, and to Drs. J. H. Epler, Tanypus indecisiisV^'xWhion. 1896: L. LeSage, and J. R. Vockeroth for review- 276.-West Indies, ingthe manuscript. Dr. C. W. Sabrosky has p. 13. Under the genus RHEOPELOPIA kindly advised us on the agreement ofgen- add the following species entry after der for some generic and specific names. acra: ornata. Not NE. Tanypus ornatus Meigen, 1838: Corrections and .Additions 14.—Belgium, p. 7. Under the genus BOREOCHLUS p. 14. Change DJALMABATISTA pul- addthe followingentrytosynonymy cher to pulchra. of persimilis: Boreochlus longisetus p. 15. Under the genus PROCLADIUS Brundin, 1966: 306.-Wash. (HOLOTANYPUS) add the follow- ing species entry after barbatulus: choreus. Not NE. lis'hAinvgaiCleanbtlree.thOrtotuagwha.thKeICaAna0dS9i.anCGanoavdear.nmentPub- 2T3a.n—ypNuost csthaotreedu.s Meigen, 1804: VOLUME NUMBER 96, 1 p. 15. Under the genus PROCLADIUS p. 37. Under the genus SMITTIA add the (PSILOTANYPUS) add the follow- following synonym: ing species entry after riparius: ru- Phaenocladius Kieffer in Thiene- fovittalus. Not NE. mann, 1921: 845. Type-species, Tanypus rufovittatus Wulp, 1874: Camptocladius foliatus Kieffer 143.—The Netherlands, (orig. des.). p. 19. Under the genus PROTANYPUS P- 39. Under the genus TVETENIA add add the following species entry after the following entry to synonymy of hamiltoni: morio. N.W.T.; PA. duodenaria: Tanypus //7ono Zetterstedt, 1838: Eukiefferiella saanensis Wiilker, 817.—Sweden, 1959: 50.-Finland. p. 27. Under the genus HETEROTRIS- P- 40. Under Nomina dubia in Orthocla- SOCLADIUSaddthefollowingspe- diinae add the following entry after ciesentryaftercooki: griiushawi. Not Orthocladius sordens: NE. Phaenocladius borealis Kieffer, Metriocnemus grimshawi Ed- 1922b:19.—Novaya Zemlya. wards, 1929: 313.-Great Britain. P- 42. Under the genus CHIRONOMUS p. 28. Add the following genus entry after (CHIRONOMUS) add the follow- KRENOSMITTIA: ingspeciesentryafterplumosus: pra- Genus LAPPOSMITTIA Thiene- sinus. Idaho, Minn., N.Y.; PA. Chironomus prasinus Meigen, mann 1804: 12.-Europe. Lapposmittia Thienemann in Ed- wards, Kriiger & Thienemann, p. 43. Under nomina dubia in Chironomus for Chironomus redcunschange date 1939: 263. Type-species, Smiltia of Walker reference from 1956b to parvibarba Edwards (orig. des.). 1856b. cTohirsdedgenfurso,m btuhte nNoearscpteicciesb,yiCsofrfe-- p. 43. Change CLADOPELMA amachae- p. 35. UmnadnerandtheFergreinnugstonPS(1E9C84T)R.OCLA- p. 44. rCuhsantogeamCacLhAaeDrOumP.ELMA spectabi- DIUS (PSECTROCLADIUS) add lis to speCctLabAiDleO.PELMA p. 44. Change viridula to the following species entry after lim- viridulum. batellus: octomaculatus. Colo.; PA. p. 45. Change DEMEIJEREA abruptus to Pseclrocladius octomaculatus Wiil- abrupta. — ker, 1956: 15. Europe, p. 45. Change DEMEIJEREA obreptus to p. 36. Under the genus PSEUDOSMIT- obrepta. TIA add the following species entry p. 49. ChangePARACHIRONOMUSchae- before digitata: conjuncta. Ont.; PA. taolus to chaetoalus. Spaniotoma conjuncta Edwards, p. 49. Under the genus PARACHIRON- 1929: 365.-England, OMUS, pectinatellae was originally p. 36. Change PSEUDOSMITTIA forci- described as a Tendipes (Cryptochi- patus to forcipata. ronomus) not Cryptochironomus. p. 37. Under the genus PSEUDOSMIT- p. 49. Under the genus PARACHIRON- TIA add the following species entry OMUSaddthefollowingspeciesen- after forcipatus: gracilis. Wyo.; PA. try after varus: vitiosus. Man.: PA. Camptocladius gracilis Goetghe- Chironomus vitiosus Goetghe- buer, 1913: 164.-Belgium, buer, 1921: 160.-Belgium. p. 37. Change "RHEOCRICOTPUS" to p. 50. Under the genus PARACLADO- RHEOCRICOTOPUS. PELMA add the following species 10 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON entry afterwinnelli: Nomina dubium Stempellina leptocelloides Webb, probably in Paracladopelma: 1969: 94.-Ont. Cryptochironomus roll! Chernov- p. 58. Under the genus TANYTARSUS skij 1949: 54 (as "rolli Kirpi- add the following species entry after chenko).—Not stated, fimbriatus: glabrescens. 111.; PA. p. 50. Change PARALAUTERBORNIEL- Tanytarsus glabrescens Edwards, LA nigrohalterale to nigrohalteralis. 1929: 416.-England, teralis. p. 58. Under the genus TANYTARSUS p. 51. Change POLYPEDILUM (POLY- add the following species entry after PEDILUM) calopterus to calopte- glabrescens: gregarius. Probably not rum. NE. p. 52. Under the genus POLYPEDILUM Tanytarsus gregarius Kieffer, (POLYPEDILUM) add the follow- 1909: 50.-Germany, ing species entry after pedatum: pe- p. 59. Under the genus TANYTARSUS destre. B.C. s. toGreg. &Colo., N.J., add the following species entry after N.Y.; PA. recens: recurvatus. Man., N.C., S.C.; Chironomus pedestris Meigen, PA. 1830: 246.-Not given, Tanytarsus recurvatus Brundin, p. 52. Under the genus ROBACKIA add 1947: 75.-Sweden. the following species entry after de- p. 68. InsertarcticafterNearcticinthetitle meijerei: pilicauda. Mich.; PA. ofthe reference Oliver, D. R. & M. Robackiapilicauda Sather, 1977b: E. Dillon (1988). 129.—Yugoslavia, p. 77. In INDEX change page number for p. 53. Under the genus STENOCHIRON- basalts(Staeger), Cricotopus. from 23 OMUS (PETALOPHOLEUS) add to 24. the followingspeciesentryafterduc- Literature Cited tus:fascipennis. Not NE. Chironomus fascipennis Zetter- Chemovski, .A. A. 1949. Opredelitel lichinok ko- stedt, 1838: 813.-Sweden, marovsemeislvaTendipedidae. (Identificationof p. 56. Under the genus MICROPSEC- larvaeofthemidgefamilyTendipedidae).Izvestia TRA add the following entry to syn- CoffAmakna,deWm.iyPa. aNnadukL.SCS.SRFe3m1n:gl1-o1n8.6. 1984. Chiro- onymy ofjunci: nomidae. pp. 551-652. In Merritt. R. W. and K. Chironomus gmundensis Egger, W.Cummins,eds..Anintroductiontotheaquatic 1863: 1109.-Austria, insects of North America, second edition. Ken- p. 57. Underthegenus PARATANYTAR- dall/Hunt PublishingCo.. Dubuque. Iowa. SUS add the following species entry Edwards,F.W..F.Kriiger.andA.Thienemann. 1939. Lapposmittiaparxibarban. sp.Chironomidenaus after grimmii: inopertus. Wis.; PA. Lappland,V.Zoologischer.Anzeiger 127: 259-264. Chironomus inopertus Walker, Egger, J. 1863. Dipterologische Beitrage. Verhand- 1856a: 164.-England, lungen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschafl in p. 57. Underthegenus PARATANYTAR- Wien 13: 1101-1110. SUS add the following species entry Goetghebuer. M. 1913. Description de Chironom- ides nouveaux recoltes en Belgique. Annales de aftertenuis: tolucensis. N. Mex.; NT. Biologic Lacustre 6: 148-172. Paratanytarsus tolucensis Reiss. Oliver. D. R., M. E. Dillon,and P. S.Cranston. 1990. 1972: 62.-Mexico. A catalog of Nearctic Chironomidae. Research p. 58. Move the following species entry Branch. AgricultureCanada. Publication 1857/B. 89 pp. from Stempellina to Stempellinella: leptocelloides. Alta., Ont.

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